Saturday, June 19, 2021

With no Benjamins or hypnosis, they persuaded

 Melissa Langsam Braunstein is unhappy because upsetting things happened under her nose, and she couldn’t do a thing to slow down or halt the fast-unfolding situation.


In fact, Braunstein is so sad, she wrote an article to explain her thoughts and express her feelings about what has transpired. She did so in an article that came under the title: “What Ilhan Omar’s latest scandal reveals about Democrats,” published on June 15, 2021 in The Washington Examiner.


Braunstein used as baseline the exquisite situation that existed in January of the year 2019, and reviewed the odious changes that took place in the two and half years that have elapsed since. A glorious moment came, she says, when a Florida Democrat penned an op-ed to say she will not march with the upcoming Women’s March because the leaders of that movement repulsed her.


That was the start of a mini avalanche of repudiations that brought joy to Melissa Braunstein’s heart. To explain the situation, she cited, two more examples that made the year 2019 a good year in her view. One example is that of a Democratic Representative from Florida who publicly called out antisemitism from Rep, Ilhan Omar, a Minnesota Democrat that offended the Jews enormously. Not only that, but he also urged the House of Representatives to singularly condemn antisemitism. And there was the case of the New York Democrat who criticized Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a Michigan Democrat for sharing an unsavory political cartoon with others, says Melissa Braunstein.


But then what happened? Well, what happened was that things changed fast, seemingly reversing themselves after the House of Representatives proved unable to condemn Ilhan Omar for making what Braunstein and those like her consider antisemitic remarks. Moreover, Omar won re-election with a crushing majority. Worse, instead of repudiating her, the Speaker of the House endorsed Ilhan Omar and donated to her campaign. In addition, when so-called centrist Democrats criticized their leftist colleagues, they did so without naming names, something that upset Melissa Braunstein no end. She would have liked to see a more pointed criticism attached to specific names.


And then, out of the blue, came the attack on Jewish supremacy, an act considered to be such an existential threat to Jews of the Melisa Braunstein mentality, they would risk a holocaust or two if necessary to stamp it out. What happened was that Israel’s conduct had reached such intolerable levels, almost everyone sane in the world, including some in Israel, saw a striking resemblance between what Israel is actually doing, and what the Jews say Hamas is doing, without offering any proof.


That threat being the comparison which yanks the Jews off the “chosen” pedestal and turns them into ordinary mortals … dabbling in it, put Ilhan Omar in the crosshairs of a horrified Braunstein. She rebuked the caucus of Jewish House Democrats because half of them issued only a mild statement asking Omar to clarify what she said comparing Israel and Hamas, whereas the other half of the Jews said nothing and did nothing. Braunstein accused them all of being terrified to publicly criticize Ilhan Omar.


Melissa Braunstein proceeded to analyze the situation as she sees it, and to criticize those who failed (especially the Jews) to do what was necessary to prevent the situation from deteriorating to the point that it did. What follows is a condensed version of what she said in this regard:


“Where was the rest of the Democratic caucus? Why did the leadership issue a statement pretending that Omar didn’t mean what she said? Democrats won’t be censuring Omar or stripping her committee assignments. They prefer ignoring Omar’s remarks to confrontation, lest they harm their reelection prospects or attract harassment. Twitter mobs form in support of Omar. Her friends on the Hill are vocal in the media and on social media. The reality is that the leftists wield greater power than their numbers imply because mainstream Democrats avoid confrontations. Omar and her allies are the tail that’s wagging the dog. Omar is already fundraising off the incident”.


Those who were interested in the rise of the Jewish influence in America over the last half century or so, will not fail to see the similarities between what Jews, such as Melisa Braunstein, are complaining about today, and what the Arabs had been complaining about over the last 50 years. The difference between the two, is that the Jews were the ones doing it to the Arabs back then whereas now, people representing a cross-section of America including Jews, are the ones doing perfectly legitimate things that alarm Melissa Braunstein and her ilk.


In addition, there is the fact that the reversal in favor of the Arabs happened in months whereas it took the Jews decades of painstaking work to make themselves loved by making the Arabs hated. And there is the reality that the Arabs used neither the money (nicknamed Benjamins) nor the behind closed-door hypnosis of novice politicians, to win the war that the Jews started long ago.


The Arabs won the final battle because they let the natural process of truth and justice take its course at persuading the public of the Arabs’ just cause. It overwhelmed the artificial process which the Jews put into action, proving itself to be ill-conceived and badly executed.