Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Between the nitpickings and the warts-and-all

 If you believe that something is so perfect, it must not be reproduced into an image that suffers from the slightest imprecise stroke of the brush, or cannot be verbally described with the slightest slur of the speech, you develop the habit of looking into every reproduction and every description of the thing, and nitpick whatever you believe does not express the highest form of perfection.


But what happens if someone that’s looking at what you’re doing, discovers there is something weird about your perceptive abilities? What if he discovers that your eyes have been re-engineered to make them see, not what’s there, but see what fits a preconceived false narrative? To correct the distortions, you’ve been injecting into the subject, he describes the thing the way it really is, warts and all.


Believe it or not, this happened to what may be described as the Judeo-Satanic distortion machine of the modern era. In real life, the founders’ machine named it, “Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis.” It has different chapters throughout the United States, one being the Israel Office whose director, Tamar Sternthal wrote an article under the title: “Israel, Palestinians, journalists and the truth,” published on June 25, 2021 in the New York Daily News.


What prompted Stenthal to write his article is that a multitude of American journalists got sick of the Jewish propaganda machine continually distorting the truth when discussing Middle Eastern affairs. They wrote an open letter to all other journalists, asking them to reconsider the uncritical manner with which they represent the events happening in that region of the world. They pleaded with their colleagues to be more balanced in their treatment of reality, thus be more accurate in their reporting.


Instead of tackling the content of the letter and start a serious debate, Tamar Sternthal did what Jews always do, which is to run to a higher authority and ask them to kneecap the signatories of the letter. But given that journalism is recognized as being the topmost arbiter of all occurrences, and the most powerful influencer of all events, where do you find an authority that’s higher than journalism? Well, if you’re a Jew, you invent a higher authority, you appoint someone to it, and you ask them to kneecap those who fail to see things the Jewish way. That, in fact, is what Sternthal did. The following is a condensed version of the passages in which he made the usual Jewish request:


“The Columbia Journalism Review’s (CJR) mission is to be the intellectual leader in the world of journalism. It shapes the ideas that make media leaders and journalists smarter about their work. It is regarded as the profession’s elite academic institution. CJR aims to represent the very best of journalism. One would therefore expect the journal to issue a forthright, absolute rebuke of a published open letter, ‘From journalists to journalists: Why reporting on Palestine has to change’”.


Having done this, Tamar Sternthal did another thing that Jews do habitually. He told his readers why Jews and/or Israel should be given special consideration. When making such requests, the Jews normally cite two reasons: One is that Israel is the ooonly democracy in the Middle East. The other reason is that Israel is the ooonly Jewish state in the world. This time, however, Sternthal skipped the democracy part because he is aware that people get disgusted hearing the Jews speak those words. It is that a consensus is forming around the idea that Israel is an insult to democracy, and it has been the main reason why the American democracy was dragged into the Judeo-Trumpian sewer.


Here, in condensed form, is the explanation that Tamar Sternthal has given as to why Israel should be treated preferentially for being a Jewish entity that’s pretending to be a state:


“The Code of Ethics urges caution and precision. The media, in contrast, embrace toxic language that demonizes the world’s only Jewish state, even as Jews on the street and Jewish institutions across America are under attack at alarming levels. The letter [points out that] apartheid, persecution, and ethnic supremacy, are increasingly gaining international recognition, and we, as journalists, need to examine whether our coverage reflects that reality”.


In other words, Tamar Sternthal says that the American media must pity Israel and the Jews, and must stand with them because they are attacked in America. He contends that such attacks are happening, simply because Israel — with the consent and encouragement of Jews almost everywhere — is known to practice apartheid, persecution, and ethnic supremacy in occupied Palestine. So what! Israelis are not the first to engage in such practices, and get away with it … and they will not be the last, the author of this infamy seems to say.


What Sternthal is trying to do here, having mustered as much subtlety as he could, is impress upon the journalists of America the need to whitewash Israel’s practice of apartheid, persecution, and ethnic supremacy, so that Jews in America will live in peace, and not be attacked ever again by disgusted ordinary citizens. It follows from this, that the journalists are asked to view the Israeli practices, not as abhorrent criminal behavior that must change or be prosecuted, but a welcome attempt to rid humanity of its inferior races.


If this is not taking a page out of the Josef Mengele playbook, ask the Evangelicals what they think it is. They are, after all, the ones so convinced of the supremacy of Jews, they do all that’s in their power to uproot the Palestinians and throw them out of Palestine so that the Jews can get in their places and start the process of exerting dominion over the planet and the human species as ordained by the Almighty.