Sunday, June 13, 2021

Oiling the perpetual Misery Machine

 Something happened 54 years ago that so defies description, the only way I can communicate a sense of what went on, is to set up a strange display that could serve as the opening scene of a weird feature film.


Imagine a large town square demarcated all around by two-floor buildings. It is filled with people enjoying a sunny and beautiful day out, when all of a sudden hundreds of gunmen appear on the rooftops of the surrounding buildings, and shoot to kill the people below. Helicopters then fill the sky and rain down what appears to be hundred-dollar bills. The gunmen scramble in a mad dash to come down and collect the money amid the bodies of those they killed.


This is how it felt to be an Arab here in North America on the day in 1967 when Israel mounted a Pearl Harbor style sneak attack on its neighbors, way out there in the Middle East. Whether it was the radio stations, the television stations or the print publications, they all had wall to wall coverage of the Middle East. And they had the event discussed, deciphered and explained by never-heard of instant experts who told their audiences how evil the Arabs were and how saintly the Jews were. And believe you me, each word they uttered penetrated our bodies like bullets coming out a high-powered rifle.


Whether you spoke to these people or to their colleagues on the telephone, or you visited them in their offices and boardrooms, you found them intoxicated with the belief that the day of judgment was unfolding at that moment, and that it will not be long before the devoted servants of the Jews will be identified by the messiah, and given a special place in the new kingdom he came to establish. And so, they all became instant devotees of the Jews hoping to fool the messiah into giving them a plum position in the kingdom he came to build.


There was nothing that we, the Arabs could do to stop this madness. But we knew instinctively that when we cannot resolve a bad situation, we must hunker down and be patient because time has a way to rectify things. We were confident it will do us justice after the madmen had their run and exhausted themselves playing out their demented fantasy.


This, in fact, is what happened eventually. The thing, however, is that it took a little longer than we expected. The delay happened because the Jews turned out to be no ordinary charlatans. They had under their belt, centuries of experience playing the demonic game, and they knew how to delay the implementation of a resolution. But when all was said and done, time had the last word as it always does. And his word sounded simple and sweet like this: It is time to give justice to the Arabs.


There are many ways to measure the depth of that justice, one being to measure the level of distress afflicting the charlatans that riddled our bodies with bullets of insult when we were deprived of the means to defend ourselves. The sound of their current distress (whether real or fake) being in the inverse proportion to our relief, we read with surprise and amazement the distressed articles they write. One came under the title: “The Biden administration’s half-hearted fight against antisemitism,” written by Melissa Langsam Braunstein, and published on June 11, 2021 in The Washington Examiner.


Whereas we did nothing and waited for time to give us the justice we deserved, look how Melissa Braunstein is articulating the Jewish position:


“Consider that when Germany’s antisemitism commissioner announced that he couldn’t recommend Jews always wear a kippah, a German newspaper printed a cut-out kippah that non-Jews could wear in solidarity with Germany’s Jews. In that spirit, Biden could have announced he would wear a kippah for a week and encouraged other Americans to do likewise”.


Either this woman, Melissa Braunstein is dumb like a dodo bird and doesn’t know what she is leading to, or maybe she does, but is so hungry to see Biden proclaim the supremacy of Jews, she wants him to throw gasoline on the fire, thus risk starting a serious anti-Jewish flareup in America. But that would not be so bad either in her deranged view because it would give the Jews a way to collect compensation for a few more generations, this time from Uncle Sam.


Do you see it now, my friend? Being officially proclaimed supreme above all the others, and being paid for it, what dream can be more Jewish than this? But is it worth a pogrom or another holocaust? Apparently, Melissa Braunstein would say, yes to that.


Now, to be fair, we must countenance the possibility that none of that is true, but that the convergence of what is essentially random events, has created a false narrative. That is, we must ask the question: Has the serendipitous convergence made the events look like they are connected when they may not be? To find the answer, we look deeper into the Melissa Braunstein article in search of indications pointing one way or the other. And this is what we find:


“Biden passed the baton to his attorney general. His written statement explains that the Department of Justice will be deploying all of the tools at its disposal to combat hate crimes. Attorney General Merrick Garland had actually delineated those tools a day earlier, in an update of his March directive to improve bureaucratic efficiency for all hate crimes. That is to say, Garland’s isn’t a targeted response to antisemitic hate crimes. The words ‘Jews’ and ‘antisemitism’ never appear in Garland’s memo at all”.


That’s the answer to the question. The Jews are not interested in combating hate crimes. What they want, is to see the Biden administration officially declare the supremacy of Jews, and impose them on the rest of society even if this will perpetuate hatred for the Jews.