Sunday, June 27, 2021

The evil that inadvertently spawned the good

 There is the saying: “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” Well, let me tell you this is a mouthful because aside from the classic interpretation, which is that revanchism is not a good thing, you can interpret the saying in one of many ways depending on your mood.


For example, someone that believes in the saying: “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” would say, it’s enough for him to take one eye, without having to give up one of his own. Another would say that reciprocating the wrong he did to us should be avoided, but he reserves the right to do it to us once again.


And then, there is the reality of those who can never get it right. It is that they throw more than one false accusation at someone they hate, and in so doing nullify the effectiveness of their message. You can see that in the article which came under the title: “Iran just elected a mass murderer — so naturally Team Biden wants to negotiate,” written by Liel Leibowitz, and published on June 22, 2021 in New York Post.


Already, the title alone contains one attack on Iran that just elected a very bad person, and one attack on Team Biden that is by nature so retarded, it wants to negotiate, says Leibowitz. And when you go down to the first sentence which makes up the first paragraph of the article, you see an attack on the Biden administration too, which Liel Leibowitz accuses of insanity and the commission of folly in lieu of foreign policy. And why is that? Because, says Leibowitz, the Biden administration does not see mass murder committed by Iran on a scale that would equal the mass murder of say, Israel for example.


As if this were not enough to fill you with suspicions about the veracity of an account given by an author who cannot mention an event without twisting it to the maximum extent to reflect badly on the object of his hatred, Liel Leibowitz goes on to say the following about the Biden Team: “…watched as another unfree election in Iran resulted in Ebrahim Raisi taking the reins as president … a regime now governed by a man known for executing thousands — the female ones raped to preemptively keep them from reaching paradise.” Make what you want of that; I have no idea what goes on in the place behind the Barrier of the Final Frontier where no man has gone before and returned to tell his story.


Having asserted that Ebrahim Raisi is taking the reins of government in Iran, Leibowitz went on to complain that the White House is justifying negotiating with Iran by telling, “the same old story,” which is that, “we negotiate or risk a total, all-out regional war.” But then, guess what happened, my friend. What happened is that Liel Leibowitz admitted that so far, he was engaged in idle sophistry to blow off steam while pretending to discuss a grave subject that has real war and peace ramifications.


The truth of the matter, said our esteemed author, is this: “The Iranian election, the Smart Set in Washington insists, changes nothing, largely because it’s the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and not the president, who really pulls the strings,” in Iran. So, there we are, back to square one. Not so, says Leibowitz, because now, we start the same music all other again, except that this time, we aim our fiery insults at the ayatollah instead of Raisi. Here is a taste of that:


“What the Smart Set misses is that Ayatollah Khamenei himself is an intransigent theocrat who will never, ever surrender his regime’s hatred for the West and designs on the region. And given Khamenei’s age and ailing health, the regime is sending an unmistakable signal about its future direction by selecting a hard-liner in Raisi”.


If that’s the case, how should the Biden administration handle the Iran issue, we ask? Good question, says Liel Leibowitz because he has the right answer to this most important question. Here is his answer: Do as Donald Trump did, he explains. And this takes us right back to the moniker at the start of his article. It went like this: “Doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.” Is this guy, Leibowitz insane, or what?


The truth is that the Judeo-Israeli propaganda machine, which includes the mob of Jewish pundits in America, has been attacking the (P5+1) negotiations for several months before the signing of the deal. So did Donald Trump during his election campaign. He followed through after his election by getting out of the deal, and by instituting a maximum pressure campaign against Iran. So we ask: What did that accomplish beside exposing the insanity of those running the Judeo-Israel propaganda machine, the mob of Jewish pundits, the Donald Trump advisors and Liel Leibowitz?


The answer is that nothing was accomplish for America or Israel or World Jewry. The only ones who seem to have gained something from that ill-advised gambol, were the Iranians who were forced by necessity to spawn a great deal of the inventions that turned their country into a formidable science and technology center.


It is too bad that all the inventiveness went into producing war equipment, but now that the Arab countries have heeded the Obama advice, and have accepted to share the Middle East with Iran, the latter’s science and technology can be converted to peaceful uses.


Something good will most likely come out of the evil that was committed by a madman who once occupied the White House.