Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Clifford May’s Final Solution to the Palestine Question

Let’s say a television talk show invites you and your nemesis to come debate the subject which is of interest to both of you, and do it in front of a live audience. You both accept the invitation, you go to the meeting and start debating.


It turns out you are defending what you call the interests of your people, and he is defending what he calls the interests of his people. You have a strategy, and he does not seem to have one. And so, you maneuver the unwrapping of the debate in such a way as to give him ample opportunities to accuse your people of all kinds of evil intentions, and predict that if they are not restrained, they will inflict unspeakable damage unto themselves, his people and the world.


You see from the response of the audience that your nemesis is winning the debate, but you’re not worried because it is your strategy that this should happen till you come near the end of the debate, at which time you aim to reverse the situation. So you get to he end, and this is the moment when you stop talking to your nemesis. You turn to the audience and tell it the following:


You are here because you’re interested in this subject, which means you’ve been following the events over time, and have a good idea what has been happening. And so, I ask you not to put too much credence in what I said or what he said. Instead, believe in what you’ve been seeing happen on the ground, and what you’ve been hearing from him that was meant to confuse. You heard him tell his side of the story. Now I ask you to compare what you know his people are doing to my people on the ground, against what he accuses my people not of doing because they are doing nothing but of intending to do in the future. You’ll find that because his people have the guns, they are slaughtering my people while he accuses my people of intending to do the same to his people. What you, as audience, are asked to resolve is which of two baskets is more credible. In one basket you have what you see, which is his people armed to the teeth, looting and killing my people. In the other basket you have his accusation to the effect that my people wish to harm his people. What do you believe? Is it what you see with your own eyes right now, or what he speculates will happen in the future?


This is when the audience rises to its feet, and gives you a standing ovation.


And that, my friend, is what has been happening with the Jewish propaganda machine. For decades, it has been telling the English speaking audiences not to believe what they see happen in the Middle East with their own eyes, and believe instead what the Jews speculate will happen if they are forced to lift their boots off the necks of Palestinians.


You can see one such performance in the article that came under the title: “The UN’s final solution to the Israel question,” and the subtitle: “Its campaign of demonization and delegitimization escalates.” The article was written by Clifford D. May, and published on January 11, 2022 in The Washington Times.


What prompted Clifford May to write that article, and what is he trying to achieve? Well, what prompted him is a Commission of Inquiry (COI) that the United Nations (which pitied the Jews so much, it gave them a piece of Palestine they promised to turn into a home, and live in peace with their new neighbors) set-up, having discovered that you pity the Jews at the peril of the planet, and give them a finger at the risk of losing your arm to them.


The UN has recognized the mistake it made when it took from the Palestinians and gave to the Jews. Apparently the UN has now decided to get more involved in the effort to give back to the Palestinians what the Jewish phenomenon has gobbled up by the process of expanding metastasis. But because the UN effort will rely on the international laws as written down and agreed to by the nations of the world, it was necessary to begin the journey with the COI, which will identify the legal bases upon which the criminal prosecution of Israel and its military operators will be conducted.


Realizing that they made self-defeating mistakes in trying to demonize and delegitimize the Palestinian people, the Jewish pundits are now walking back on some of their claims in the hope that the COI will retain some of the old UN pity for them, and soften its description of the horrors that Israel has committed when responding to the Hamas kites and weather balloons with savage attacks using American-built F-16s, F-35s, smart bombs and thousands of sorties to drop millions of pounds of ordnance on a territory no bigger than a city, comprising two million Palestinians packed like sardine, and nowhere for them to go.


Calming the members of the COI is what Clifford May is trying to achieve at this point. But he has not lost sight of the reality that Israel is like a neighborhood fire. When the firefighters succeed in preventing it from expanding, the fire dies. By that same logic, recognizing Israel as being an apartheid state makes it so that the West Bank is considered occupied territory. This will arrest the expansion of Israel and cause it to die. It is what Clifford May and those of his ilk think.


This is why he promises in his current article to return to the subject of apartheid again and again. He’ll do so in the hope of killing the Palestinian state before its presence alone will kill the bogus idea of a Jewish state that can coexist peacefully with the human race.