Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Treating the Lie as irrefutable Truth creates a false Paradigm

 How was it possible for a handful of Jews to anesthetize occupants of the American Ivory Tower, take control of the ship of state and run it aground in the uncharted swamp of a paradigm that was nothing more than a dreamed up fantasy?


The Jews did it by creating a paradigm that was fully developed as if a self-sufficient ecosystem, except that the creation was a desire and never an actuality. And yet, it was despite this quackery that the American Ivory Tower was made to cross the threshold from being anesthetized to being hypnotized.


That fake world is now beginning to disintegrate, and the self-appointed Jewish leaders are so worried of what will replace it, they feel compelled to admit that the (American) world was hypnotized for a while, though they do not admit they were the cause. And they shy away from calling a hypnosis a hypnosis, preferring instead to call it a “torpor”.


You can see that in the article which came under the title: “Do another six million Jews have to die before the benign West awaken from its torpor?” It was written by Barry Shaw who is Senior Associate at the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, and was published on January 2, 2022 in The American Thinker.


A question: What happened that shifted the paradigm so much, it came out the realm of Jewish creativity, took on a physical existence, and now threatens the Jews who imagined it? The answer is that two developments happened. One, the American population woke up from its state of hypnosis and kicked its political elites in the groin for betraying their country. Two, a former friend of Israel realized that to be a friend of Israel is like being the friend of a virulent poison pill you will swallow deliberately or by mistake sooner or later. That so-called friend was the Islamic Republic of Iran.


To get a sense of how much the Israelis and their Jewish-American cohorts have been squeezed, we recall the argument they rattled off regarding what constituted a legitimate war and what was considered an act of terrorism. Briefly stated, their argument went as follows: When a Jew flies an American-made F-35 warplane and launches an American-made smart bomb at a Palestinian mother nursing her baby in their home, that’s legitimate war.


As well, the argument went on to say that when a Jewish settler, equipped with an American machinegun fires at a Palestinian kid and kills him, that’s legitimate war. When the friend of the Palestinian youngster, seething with anger and frustration, runs home, grabs a knife, returns and lunges at the settler who killed his friend in cold blood, that’s a Palestinian committing an illegitimate act of terrorism, according to the satanic logic of Jews.


Look now how much reality has mugged these people, so much so, that the Senior Associate at the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies, Barry Shaw, was forced to say the following:


“Wars sometime are fought openly on the battlefield, military force against military force. But often they are fought with local and regional battles, or even covert operations. The current Iran-Israel war is conducted by the latter scenario”.


But how was it that for half a century, the Jews were able to convince the feeble minds of the American political elites, that killing people in cold blood and robbing them of their heritage constituted legitimate Jewish self-defense? And how was it that these dumb-dumbs were made to believe that the Palestinian response of throwing stones at American-made Israeli tanks, and attacking American-made F-35 stealth warplanes with kites and weather balloons by Palestinian youngsters, constituted terrorism?


The Jews were able to do it because first and foremost, they were able to litter the public square with the entrails they blew out of their bellies, crying out antisemitism, antisemitism at the very few courageous souls — such as Senator Charles Harting Percy — who dared to defend the First Amendment of the American Bill of Rights at a time when the Jews were crapping all over it.


When the Jews succeeded at silencing every opposing voice to them, they proceeded to build the false paradigm that was so overwhelming in size and extensiveness, nobody dared to challenge it because to do so would have been like trying to move Mount Everest from Asia to Africa one shovelful at a time. And so, the paradigm of lies became the irrefutable truth that no one tried to refute.


And despite the fact that the advent of the social media made it possible for millions of people to join hands and move mountains they could not budge previously, you see Jews such as Barry Shaw still trying to play the old game of adding more weight to the false paradigm, and use it to impress what he now calls “the benign West” … as can be seen at the end of his article.


This makes it possible to study how the Jews go about building false paradigms. The following is a condensed version of the article’s preamble, showing the method used by Barry Shaw to achieve his goal:


“Israel is engaged in a war against Iran and has been for several years. This is a war against Iran’s goals: to gain regional hegemony, under the threat of a nuclear umbrella, and strike out for global Islamic domination. Anyone who thinks that Iran will stop at the nuclear threshold is delusional. But Israel stands alone in not being deceived. Everything that Israel has done can be construed as battles to coerce a naïve world to deal with Iran with a forceful response. This has not happened. As Israel watches and plans, the world waffles. Do another six million Jews have to die before the benign West awakens from its torpor?”


They never learn. They never quit. And they never live a normal life.