Tuesday, January 25, 2022

They try to have it both ways but lose again

 The Jews know that what they want has never been accepted by humanity, and never will. There lies the problem because what the Jews want is not just fundamental to their core belief, it makes up the very essence of their continued existence as Jews.


If the Jews give up trying to realize what they always wanted, they’ll cease being Jews. Because what they want cannot be separated from who or what they are, they’ll become something else or become nothing if they stop trying to achieve the impossible, knowing that they’ll never get there.


What the Jews want was formulated long ago as a cruel hoax. They were told that God chose them to inherit the Earth and all its content, including the humans who will worship them for being the biological children of God. Having waited thousands of years for this day to come without any sign that it will, the Jews finally accepted the idea that the promise was a big lie.


Compelled to abandon the belief that they were chosen by God to be his children, the Jews searched for a substitute who will play the role of a sugar daddy, and be so sweet to them, his actions will taste like honey from heaven. It took the Jews a while and a number of misses before they discovered an America that’s willing to play the role of big sucker, sweet sugar daddy to the forever demanding Jews.


Now enjoying a solid as well as a persistent support from America, the Jews did something that is so unique to them, it hit humanity like a slap in the face. They turned against the United Nations (UN) that created Israel, for constantly reminding that entity of its obligations. And this wasn’t even the worst part of what happened. What else the Jews of America did in concert with Israel’s propaganda machine, was to mount a cosmic size campaign of demonization against the Palestinians whose country they stole. Because never before did a thief insult his victims, the UN, realized that it had taken into its lap, not a poodle that needs nurturing, but a cannibalistic snake that needs to be defanged.


Needless to say that the Jewish propaganda machine responded by attacking the UN that created it with the same vehemence it had been attacking the Palestinians whose country the Jews stole. A recent example of such attack, came in the form of an article under the title: “What the Rabbi Can Teach the United Nations,” written by Michael Curtis, and published on January 23, 2022 in the American Thinker.


A piece of work that is about 1,200-words long, you’ll see that a little more than half of it is devoted to attacking the UN, while the rest is devoted to angrily telling it, and through it telling the human race, that a single Jew that happens to be a rabbi, towers high above the entire human race.


You might say that the root cause of Michael Curtis’s anger is that the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has established a commission of inquiry to investigate the underlying root causes of the various problems plaguing the occupied Palestinian territory, and report to the General Assembly every year. What draws the ire of Michael Curtis and those of his ilk, are two things. First, the commission will recommend measures to be taken by member states, designed to force Israel to change its ways. Second, no sunset clause will bring the commission to end its inquiry.


Michael Curtis guessed that the commission will discover that the root causes of the ongoing problems in the occupied territory, go back to the actions of the Israeli military, which is the institution in charge of maintaining and administering what is after all, the military occupation of Palestine. And so, Curtis reminds the international community that Israel is censured by the UN for defending itself. To prove his point, he gives the example of the mini-war that erupted between Hamas and Israel in May of 2021.


Totally oblivious of the fact that the most horrific act of terror someone can commit is the occupation of a country, Curtis says that Hamas was the one that terrorized Israel. Without calling it root cause, Curtis says that the conflict started when Israel decided to add insult to injury by evicting a Palestinian family from its home, and taking the property. Hamas launched a few rockets to warn Israel and deter it, which caused Israel to respond so disproportionally that the minor flare-up escalated to become a mini-war.


Having identified the root cause of that mini-war as being the eviction of the Palestinian family from its home, Michael Curtis went on to complain as follows: “Hamas launched rockets and missiles, but the UN is not investigating those actions or their root cause.” The fact that he did the identification but refuses to see it for what it is, means that the Jews do not consider the Palestinians or any non-Jew to be human enough to deserve being protected against a Jew who would come to terrorize him, take his possessions, demonize him, and complain about him for refusing to be pliant or pliable.


But there is in that argument the seeds of what the Jews fear the most. In their usual quest to have it both ways, they said that the property in question belonged to Jews since before 1948. In the war of that time, the Jordanian army evicted its occupants and gave the property to an Arab family, that has lived in it ever since. Now, the Israeli courts have decreed that according to Israeli law, the property should be given back to Jews. Do you know what this means, my friend? It means that according to Israeli law, the Palestinians have the right to return to the properties taken from them during that same war. It is the obligation of the Israeli government to return those properties to Palestinians. Failing this, the international community must apply maximum pressure on Israel till it cries uncle and complies with the wishes of the human race.


Still, despite all of that, Michael Curtis is convinced that the UN, and through it the entire human race, need to be taught a lesson. He says that the UN and all its institutions should honor the rabbi who found himself in the company of a mentally incapacitated individual that was holding a gun he did not use because he did not want to kill anyone. Instead, he wanted to be shot by the police, die a martyr’s death and be sent home to Britain in a body bag.


So then, honor the rabbi for what? Well, honor him for something. You can think up something, can’t you? But if you can’t, ask him, and he’ll have an answer. Rabbis are good at thinking up the big lies and get away with them.