Thursday, January 6, 2022

They devalued America and now lament its fall

 Countries have the habit of pretending they are stronger militarily than they really are. They do it to discourage the neighbors, near and far, from attacking them.


The Jews who convinced themselves they are superior to everyone else in everything they do and everything they refrain from doing, have adopted the belief they are invincible. But having gone through the experience of mass extermination more than once throughout the centuries, they know that the threat is real, and can happen to them again and again … or perhaps happen once more for the last time. For this reason, the Jews have also adopted the belief that they are the most vulnerable group on the planet.


Projecting the two beliefs they have of themselves simultaneously, the Jews often appear to suffer from a split personality disorder. They get away with it, however, because the world has grown accustomed to the idea that the Jews are dangerously incoherent but can be kept at arm’s length if you’re not so unlucky as to be a Palestinian who owns a property in your Palestinian homeland.


While all of that is true, things are in reality even more complicated than they appear to be. That’s because there is a lot more to the story that needs to be told. It is that having come close to extinction several times during the centuries, the Jews have developed the necessary skills by which to stay alive even during the worst of times. Each time that they were crushed almost to elimination, they rebounded and adapted to the new conditions the moment the all-clear signal was sounded.


One of the ways that the Jews used to adapt to new conditions, was to practice division of labor among themselves. They split into the leaders and the rank-and-file. They had the leaders creep into the ruling class of every new society they infiltrated, and use the power of bribe and blackmail to force concessions from them. The concessions were deliberately made visible to show the public that the rulers placed the Jews above their own people. While this was happening, the rank-and-file found it easy to recruit new converts, and add them to their ranks, thus compensate for the loss of those who were leaving the order.


Needless to say that the societies thus treated by their rulers resented what was happening to them and eventually revolted, often making the Jews pay a stiff price for their demonic conduct. For a while, it looked like the Jews were going to be spared that fate in America where the population seemed to be made of docile pushovers. That image proved to be false, however, as the American people, who own more guns than there are of them, are beginning to grumble, threatening a civil war of such ferocity, it promises to make the last one look like a video game for kiddies.


While this is unfolding on the home-front, something else is happening concerning America’s position on the world stage. It is that America’s foreign policy apparatus has been occupied by Jewish operators for several decades. The Jews ran the State Department as if it were their garage. And so, instead of projecting an American face to the world, they have been projecting a Judeo-Israeli face.


The result has been that the world became disillusioned about what America will do next. Even its close allies are slowly distancing themselves from what they see as an old friend that has become a liability. Meanwhile, because the world never stops evolving, it is seeing new powers rise and develop the kind of might that can challenge America’s.


The bet at this time is such that despite the fact America is having the advantage militarily, and perhaps economically too, it will be overrun by one of the challengers or a combination of them. It is believed that this will happen for the simple reason that the challengers will fight a focused battle while pursuing a clear goal, whereas America will fight like someone suffering from the Jewish-induced split personality disorder that causes it to lose the sense of its priorities.


You can see how all of that adds up to project to the world America’s face as that of the pathetic has-been who still relies on the Jewish sewer known as Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) to moan the depth to which America has been pushed by none other than the clowns who run the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Yes, my friend, you can see how all of that adds up when you read the article that came under the title: “US adversaries are becoming South American conquistadors,” written by Clifford D. May who is founder and president of FDD. The article was published on January 4, 2022 in The Washington Times.


Because there are more lamentations in Clifford May’s article than the Wall of Lamentations in occupied Palestine, sees in a year, I must not try to condense that article, thus recommend that you get a box of Kleenex beside you and read the thing in its entirety.