Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Rebuilding America better than ever before

 You cannot stand in front of an empty parcel of land, blink your eyes like a genie and see the house of your dream rise on the land. If you really want that house, you’ll have to build it brick by brick, wall by wall and fixture by fixture.


If you develop the imagination and you summon the courage to do all that, you’ll have built the house that will give you decades of comfortable living. But because everything decays, the house will eventually require repairs once in a while. And there will come a time when you’ll need to implement a major refurbishing of the house.


This analogy is so universal, it applies almost everywhere in life. It is true for when you learn to read and write, and grow up to be a writer. It is true for when you build a business from scratch. It is true of any institution that wants to expand and serve a larger community. And it is true of any country that sees the need to undergo a renaissance.


We live at a time when every country on Planet Earth, is undergoing some kind of transformation. This includes the United States of America whose case is complicated by the fact that it is subjected to a bevy of forces that prove to be incoherent and contradictory. They prove incoherent when it comes to moving America in a clear direction. And they prove contradictory because they often work at cross-purposes to each other while trying to achieve the same goals.


You get a glimpse of that when you study the article that came under the title: “All the president’s enemies,” and the subtitle: “Mitch McConnell is no Vladimir Putin, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei or Xi Jinping.” It was written by Clifford D. May, and published on January 18, 2022 in The Washington Times.


Clifford May’s interest has always been foreign policy, and this has not changed one bit. But current circumstances compelled him to start the discussion by mixing foreign and domestic policies. It was a speech by President Biden that compelled him to bring up the domestic part, which he immediately dismissed. Clifford May then concentrated his attention to discussing foreign policy. Here is the pertinent quote from his article that shows what happened as he spoke of Joe Biden:


“He went on to pledge that he would fight ‘all enemies — foreign and, yes, domestic’ — equating elected American lawmakers with ultranationalist Mr. Putin, Mr. Khamenei and Chinese Communist Party Chair Xi”.


Clifford May’s aim is to prevent the President from being distracted by domestic issues, when in his view and that of his colleagues at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD), the only thing that should preoccupy America today and in the future, can only be how to serve Israel’s interests and nothing else. So, here is what Clifford May and his colleagues say must be done:


“As for Iran’s rulers, Mr. Biden should understand by now that attempts to appease, bribe or seduce them will be unavailing. My FDD colleague, Mark Dubowitz, and former Pentagon senior adviser Matthew Kroenig made the case in a Wall Street Journal op-ed last week for a realistic alternative: ‘coercive diplomacy.’ That means ‘putting the military option back on the table, along with a renewed sanctions offensive.’ Without those tools, American diplomats have no leverage”.


The military option, and a sanctions offensive, they say. You must have noticed that this is the proverbial “same old, same old.” Whereas the house of Uncle Sam is crumbling, and badly needs serious repairs or a complete revamping, the Jews want to revive and continue the policies that failed America throughout the decades. Yes those policies failed America, but they proved financially lucrative for Israel, even if they did not add to its security.


Could it be that Clifford May and his Jewish cohorts are not aware of what’s happening, or what needs to be done? Could it be that explaining to them America needs to reverse some of the old policies and why so will make them come around and embrace the change?


No. To do so will be to make a needless effort, and will prove to be a waste of time. The reason is simple. It is that the Jews know some of what’s going on. What they don’t know and don’t want to know is that neglecting to revamp Uncle Sam’s house will hurt them more than anyone. Here is what Clifford May has shown he knows:


“An election year has begun, and Mr. Biden would doubtless prefer not to talk about the fiasco of the Afghanistan surrender and withdrawal, the absence of security on the Mexican border, the highest inflation rate in 40 years, unionized teachers refusing to return to the classroom and confused pandemic policies”.


America has problems, both domestic and foreign. They are interconnected, Biden has identified them, and he set out to fix them. These problems developed during the last half century, which happened to be the time when Jews were in control of America. And they defied getting fixed during all that time.


In fact, fixing America’s problems can only happen when the country is divorced from the Jewish influence that ruined it. Unfortunately, as you’ll see in the closing argument of Clifford May, he is touting the old failed policies as being America’s salvation. Here is that closing argument:


“The president’s highest priority should be to ensure that the US remains more powerful militarily and economically than its adversaries. Many people also expected he’d attempt to reunite a polarized nation. As he begins his second year in office, he’d be wise to consider what he must do — and what he must not do — if he is to have any chance of accomplishing that worthy mission”.


Clearly then, America’s problems can be identified as the Jewish advisers on whom it relies. Get rid of them, and Uncle Sam’s house will instantly get fixed with the blink of a genie’s eyes.