A cannibal is a human or animal that feeds on its own
species. When it comes to human beings, who are a versatile species, calling
someone a cannibal can take a figurative significance because we gave the word
'eating' several meanings. For example, besides the act of chewing on something
and swallowing it, eating has come to mean the acquisition of what belongs to
someone else … whether it is done legitimately or not.
If a group of people stick together to form a cabal and live
like a parasite at the expense of others, it can be thought of as a
cannibalistic group; and its activities as a calamitous culture. In fact, there
is one such group of people, and they call themselves Jews. A nomadic tribe
since antiquity, the Jews never settled in one place long enough to put down
roots and produce what they need to live on. What they did instead, is raid,
rob and murder the tribes that settled down in the Middle East where, in the
course of thousands of years, turned the desert into what came to be known as
the land of Milk and Honey, a constituent of the larger Fertile Crescent.
Eventually, the Jewish tribe was chased out of the area
whereupon it went playing its cannibalistic tricks everywhere else in the
world. Thousands of years later, having re-engineered its pedigree by
interracial marriages; by rape, the kidnapping of children and the adoption of
others, the Jews in Europe came to look like Europeans, those in Africa came to
look like Africans, and those in Asia came to look like Asians. But the one
thing that remained unchanged among them all was the culture of living at the
expense of others – their penchant for cannibalism.
They went to America, which is a melting pot of people from
Europe, Africa and Asia, but instead of melting with the rest and become a part
of the emerging culture, the Jews set themselves apart and started to feed on
the others like the cannibals they never ceased to be. Moreover, having set the
foundation for a base they call Israel from which to manage their worldwide
operations, they abused their welcome to America, and worked to turn the
country into a financial plantation that serves to feed Israel, and serves a
military complex where American soldiers train to fight and die in the wars
that the Jewish cabal keeps instigating.
Not surprisingly, a point was reached where America found
itself so bankrupted, it could no longer feed Israel adequately or protect it
from the defenses that the neighbors have erected around themselves to fend off
the terrorist activities of the Jews, and to protect themselves from a possible
intervention by the Americans who will be forced at some point to come to
Israel's rescue when push comes to shove.
These being uncertain times, the call went out for the cabal
to come together and start putting the pressure on the current American
President who rebuffed the Jews and chose instead to look after the welfare of
the American people rather than waste on Israel the little financial and
military strengths which America still retains even after the calamitous
adventures that a previous President inflicted on the country under Jewish
Members of the cabal responded overwhelmingly to the call
that asked it to come together and put pressure on a President they said was
distracted by his dedication to serve the American people rather than the need
to work on inflating the ego of the Israeli leaders whose stature shrank to
near zero in the eyes of their opponents.
A big honcho at the forefront of the Fifth Column charged
with the task of paralyzing the business of America
while advancing that of Israel
and World Jewry is Chuck Schumer. He did what was expected of him, which is to
reveal that he will continue to paralyze the business of America ; this time by voting against the deal
that the President negotiated with Iran .
Of the hundreds of cabal members that heaped praises on
Schumer, I highlight three articles that caught my eye. Two are editorials that
appeared on August 7, 2015; one of which came under the title: “Schumer stands
tall in opposing Obama's bad Iran
deal,” published in the New York Daily News. The other came under the title:
“The bipartisan Coalition against Obama's Iran Deal,” published in National
Review Online. The third article came under the title: “Schumer follows his
conscience with costly 'nay' vote on Iran deal,” written by John
Podhoretz and published on August 8, 2015 in the New York Post.
The New York Daily News reports that Chuck Schumer – who
stands in total betrayal of the oath to serve America ,
not Israel
or someone else – says that he distrusts the Iranians. This is like Dracula
saying he distrusts the Red Cross being in charge of the blood bank.
The National Review Online reports that “a flash of sense
[occurred] on the U.S.
political stage [when] Chuck Schumer, probably the most important pro-Israel in
America ,
announced that he would vote against the deal.” This is like saying Supreme
Leader Kim Jong-un makes sense when he says he’ll dismantle his country’s
military industrial complex.
As to John Podhoretz, he reports that: “If he [Schumer] had
supported the deal, he would have looked like a hypocrite after saying for
decades that he believed he had been sent to Congress to protect Israel .”