Thursday, August 20, 2015

Sick Fantasy built on mights and coulds

For many decades if not centuries, the human race has accepted a theory – based on the observed facts – that the Jews are the group most responsible for the wars that have plagued mankind since the beginning of time. This was the view in the Anglophile world as well till the Jews fashioned the concept of 'political correctness' and pumped it into the culture.

For a time after that, people who mentioned that reality were treated like the anti-Semites who were bent on defaming the Jews, and who sought to spark a holocaust that will exterminate them once and for all. This situation lasted till the time when the Jews took control of the Anglophile media, made it propagate the Jewish message and nothing else. And so, it came to pass that the Jews who used to destroy the people that knew they were the ones who started the wars – were now the people who bragged about their exploits at making America go to war in furtherance of the Jewish/Israeli agenda.

And they announced triumphantly to the world that they will get America to attack Iran because – like their leader, Benjamin Netanyahu put it – they “know how to do these things.” But the idea provoked the American people so much that they let out a roar letting their leaders known they were tired of the wars that sapped their country's finances dry, killed thousands of its young people and incapacitated tens of thousands more. And the roar was heard in Washington, upon which President Obama said he will work for peace instead. And so he did.

When this happened, and the Jews saw that they will not be able to get America involved in another Middle Eastern war, they started doing the very Jewish thing of telling the world they were the ones who stood for peace all along while Barack Obama stood for war. Not only that, but they went on to say that he chose to pursue a policy that will lead to war.

And this is the idea that Joshua Muravchik is propounding in the article that came under the title: “Obama's Nuclear Deal is the Most Likely Path to War,” published on August 19, 2015 in the Weekly Standard. It is a marvelous example of a piece of writing that stands on legs of 'coulds' and 'mights' where a collection of 'this could happen' and 'that might result' lead the author to construct a most unlikely scenario, presenting it as a real possibility – as real as the sick fantasy that’s in his head.

He starts with a question that contains the things which horrify the American people, most notably having boots on the ground in a foreign land, engaged in a murderous war. Thus, Muravchik puts the question in this form: “How might the United States end up in a boots-on-the-ground shooting war with Iran?” He goes on to expand on a theory that is made of 4 'mights' and 6 'coulds' to ultimately argue in favor of the on-its-head-view that considers war to be peace, and peace to be war.

Here are the four mights: (1) “Iran, which claims Bahrain as its own territory, might take action;” (2) “Tehran might stir up Kuwait's sometimes restive Shiite minority;” (3) “Israel might be confronted with its largest war since 1967;” and (4) “mounting Middle Eastern violence might embolden Vladimir Putin to new steps toward his goal.”

And here are the six coulds: (1) “What scenarios could lead to that?” (2) “There are numerous imaginable flashpoints at which this could intensify;” (3) “Iran's Yemeni allies, tutored by Hezbollah, could strike on Saudi territory;” (4) “Bahrain's restive Shiite majority could rise;” (5) “money and volunteers could bring these fanatics new conquests;” and (6) “Any of these scenarios could draw the United States into just the kind of briar patch that President Obama says he wants to avoid.”

Having constructed the fantasy of a diseased mind based on ten mights and coulds, Joshua Muravchik goes on to tell that: “He [Obama] mocks his critics as warmongers, but it is his ill-conceived policy that is most likely to get us into a war.”

And there is a lesson to learn in all of this, my friend. It is that when reading something written by a Jew, the moment you encounter a might or a could, you get away from the thing because all that the writer is trying to do is ejaculate into your head, your heart and your soul a diseased shot of his Jewish moral syphilis.

Get out of there, and run away from it as fast as you would from hell itself.