Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The inverted Pyramid of Jewish Control

Normally, when we imagine a social organization as having the shape of a pyramid; it's because we think of a large mass of people at the base, on which rest layers upon layers that get narrower as we look up to the tip. And that's where we visualize a handful of people, even a single person, reigning over all those below.

In some applications, the Jews are no different from the rest of humanity in that they employ the same approach to organizing their little empires – be they the army, the government bureaucracy, a business enterprise or the like. But they also have something that's unique to them; an approach to organization that may be called the inverted pyramid of control.

That is a social construct which looks like the name implies: a pyramid that is upside-down. Its purpose is to use the tip of the pyramid to put pressure on someone with a force that is equal to the weight of the entire pyramid. If the claim they make – for which they are putting all that pressure – does not get the attention they believe it deserves, they intensify the pressure campaign by bringing in more people to add to the weight.

They do that by adding layers and still more layers to a base that keeps getting larger and weightier as it goes higher. And the Jews go as high as they need to by recruiting more and more people whom they train to speak on their behalf. They get them to add their voices to the pressure campaign they are waging, thus multiply the force of the squeeze at the tip of the inverted pyramid, and manage to take control of the situations they deem vital to their interests.

The Jewish lobby in America, armed with a formidable propaganda machine, has been operating in that fashion for several years as it worked to mobilize the nation by taking control of a Congress that will have a say in the matter of Iran's progress in the nuclear field. So far, the lobby has managed to have America convince the Europeans to impose economic sanctions on Iran. It also managed to have the American administration threaten war if Iran did not take the necessary steps to demonstrate it is not building a nuclear bomb.

The latest layer being added to the pyramid is an effort to recruit the kind of people who are apt to accept that Iran must be treated the way that is depicted in some horror movies. That is, you can imagine a collar that is controlled by a mad scientist, placed around the necks of people. He can, by remote control, inflict the desired dosage of pain to any individual who might disobey him. The Jews want Iran to be so treated, with the pain button placed in their capable hands.

That vision will quickly form in your head as you read the article that comes under the title “How Obama gets it wrong” and the subtitle: “No military option against Iran remains.” It was written by Morton A. Klein who is president of the Zionist Organization of America, and Daniel Mandel who writes about Israel. The article was published on August 16, 2015 in The Washington Times.

The authors say they are saddened because, contrary to the promises made by President Obama and by Secretary of State John Kerry to the effect that “The same options that are available to me today will be available to any U.S. president in the future,” America (read the Jews) will not have that luxury if the Congress accepts the deal in front of it.

Klein and Mandel give seven reasons why this will become the new reality. Explaining those reasons, they make the point that the ability to sabotage by cyberwarfare Iran's installations will be severely curtailed if not eliminated. Also, the ability to conduct precision airstrikes on Iran will be nearly impossible.

As to cyberwarfare, they say: “The agreement requires the Europeans to assist Iran in protecting its nuclear sites and program against sabotage.” As to the military option, they say: “Tehran will have the time to reinforce existing facilities and build new ones that might be impervious to airstrikes … As well; Russia will sell Iran its S-300 anti-aircraft system.”

What this amounts to is a bitter lamentation that the Jews will no longer have the potential to push the button of madness, and inflict pain on Iran through the cyber network or the threat of an airstrike. It's like taking candy from the mouth of a baby. Let them cry.