Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Why American Zionists Fear Annapolis

Judging by the reaction of some North American commentators with regard to what transpired at Annapolis earlier this week, we are in for a year of vitriol against the very concept of peace in the Middle East. The usual suspects who write in publications ranging from the two-bit rags to the prestigious came out in force to denounce with all the eloquence or the shrill they can muster the idea of normalcy returning to that part of the World.

The interesting part is that the commentators in the Middle East, including most Israelis, were in favor of what is hoped will be achieved during the coming year of negotiations between the two sides. Only a few extremists on both sides of the divide out there rejected the idea completely thus echoing the sounds that emanated from the usual suspects here.

Upon a closer look at those usual suspects, we find them to be the Zionist lobbyists and their lackeys who pretend to come from every faith but whose true religion is to submit to the one who has a deep pocket and carries a big stick. To understand the implication of all this and to anticipate what can happen over the coming year, we need to understand what went on in North America over the past generation or two.

Only a few decades ago the Jewish population in North America and by extension the Jewish lobby had no more clout than any other population of comparable size or any lobby with an axe to grind. Today, however, the Jewish population and the lobby have accumulated so much power that they almost exclusively steer the most important institutions on the Continent as if they operated them with their own personnel. And this begs the question: How were they able to accomplish this much this fast?

If there is one word that can answer the question, the word will have to be capital. However, we must keep in mind that there are different forms of capital. Three of these in particular are relevant to this discussion and they are the following: political capital, financial capital and a capital which goes under the name goodwill. Understanding how the Jewish lobby was able to accumulate and then dispense of these capitals will help us understand how the lobby was able to propel itself to such a level of dominance.

There is the honorable way to accumulate capital and there is the dishonorable way to doing it. Also, there is an honorable way to dispense the capital and there is the dishonorable way to doing it. The honorable ways to doing anything are spelled out everywhere because they are the moral imperatives that everyone preaches and there is no shortage of that. As for the dishonorable ways to doing things, they are a little complicated to discuss and to understand. This is because games are played to hide the rough edges of those ways and of course, the games are played in secret whenever possible.

To accumulate political capital the dishonorable way is to play people against each other. This is the game that the weak have played since the stone age of Biblical times when they faced more powerful rivals. Unable to go against someone by themselves, the weak played dirty pool to drive a wedge between the other parties. The trick they employed was to frame one party, to then produce fake proof of culpability and then incite the aggrieved party to attack.

Of all those who played this game, the Hebrews mastered it so well, they played it repeatedly and they played it flawlessly. Each time, they were able to get parties to fight each other to the point where the parties became so weak, they were considered as good as dead.

And when you get this far, the old rule applies. The rule says that: if you manage to get everybody killed, you become king. Thus, like the ancient Hebrews, he who plays the dishonorable game of turning people against each other and scores a few victories is crowned king. He takes the spoils of a war he did not fight and wastes no time preparing the field for sparking the next war.

The spoils that the king takes is the political capital which used to be diffused among everyone else. The king ads the capital to a chest of monopolies which keeps on growing after every adventure of the kind.

When played in modern times, the game looks much the same as in the old days. The result, however, can be as stark as the difference between the spear of ancient times and the destructive power of modern weaponry. An example of this is what happened in Iraq. Here the Jewish lobby faked the evidence about weapons of mass destruction and incited America to launch a war against the Arabs and against Islam.

Because the invasion of Iraq went well in the first few days, the Jewish lobbyists amassed so much political capital, they could have told the folks in Washington to emasculate themselves in public so as to breed like rabbits, and the folks in Washington would have fallen over each other to reach for the knife.

Well, things did not happen exactly this way but they came close. What actually happened was that on advice from the Jewish lobby, the folks in Washington ordered the "debaathification" of Iraq which was a long held dream of Israel. This act alone was sufficient to emasculate the American military in Iraq and to make it impossible for the most powerful army in history to carry out an operation that should have taken it a few weeks to complete.

The end result has been the calamitous devastation that was heaped on both sides in the war. This was to be expected but the surprise was the fact that the Jewish lobby did not get away with it. When no weapons of mass destruction were found, enough good people mustered the courage to reject the Zionist claim that they were against the Iraq war from the beginning and that responsibility should fall on someone else’s shoulder.

The stand taken by those good people made it impossible for the Lobby to play the second part of the game. This is where the king was supposed to have started the process of dispensing the spoils of war. He would have promised to be good to those who would out-Zionist the Zionists and proved they were friendly to Israel. Instead, the contrary happened in that the lobby began to loose the political capital it was beginning to accumulate at the start of the war.

So much for political capital, now to the financial capital. You accumulate this capital the dishonorable way by playing what has come to be known as the salami method. This game is played somewhat differently in different sectors of the economy but one example that is stark enough to shed light on the method is the way that the game is played in the credit sector.

What you do here is that you encourage all sorts of shaky enterprises to set up an operation of sort. These enterprises issue commercial papers against which you lend them money. To hide the shakiness of the enterprises, you stuff those commercial papers into one envelope as you would when making a salami. You then issue bonds or securities against this salami, each of them being a slice of the whole salami.

You sell those slices to unsuspecting customers who are already sold on the idea that they cannot go wrong because they are buying into a diversified portfolio. But what they ignore is that while diversified, the portfolio is far from being sound because every ingredient in the salami is as rotten as the next.

The result has been a disaster that struck America at least twice in the past twenty years. Something went wrong with schemes of this kind in the Nineteen Eighties and again in 2007. America as a nation lost hundreds of billions of dollars each time, so did several dozen enterprises and thousands of individuals who saw their dreams, careers and future crushed in one short instant. All the while, those who played the salami game stuffed their wallets with riches beyond imagination, riches they launder through Israeli banks.

Then came the time to dispense those riches the dishonorable way. Some of the money was returned to the Unites States where the Zionist lobby used it to pay back the US Congress for making the feat possible and to purchase the Congress anew so as to maintain the system viable for future operations.

And now the part about goodwill which is the simplest one to describe and to comprehend. Having won the game on the political and financial stages, you accumulate goodwill without having to do anything. This is because you will have gained the reputation that you win every time you get into something.

People flock to you and offer their services the moment you mention that you desire something because people seek to be on the side of the winner. And you never run out of foot soldiers who will be eager to march to your tune wherever you lead them.

To be dishonorable in the way that you dispense your goodwill largess, you set up a system of smoke and mirrors so as to keep moving the illusion that events are following each other when in fact you are doing no more than peddling and recycling stone age ideas wrapped in a modern day envelope. It’s not old wine in a new bottle but vinegar in a Champagne bottle.

Thus, if the Annapolis process manages to bring peace to the Middle East, Israel will be integrated into the fabric of the region and the Zionist lobby along with its lackeys will be out of business. Therefore, it is to be expected that the Zionists will attempt to disrupt the process with savage fury the more it becomes apparent that progress is being made towards a final and durable settlement.

Those who emasculated America before will try to do so again. They did not get away with it completely the last time and they are hungry for a big victory now. They are especially adept at buying the US Congress and getting it to do the dumb things, and they will use the Congress again to do dumber things still aimed at disrupting Annapolis.

We should be on the look out for those attempts, should analyze them, discuss them and unmask them whenever we can.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Alan Dershowitz Is Confused Again

In an Article published by FrontPage Magazine, Alan Dershowitz calls Norman Finklestein sexist because the latter said that someone he knew might have called a certain woman a whore. The quarrel between these two gentlemen is really not my concern. But what concerns me is the low level of comprehension that Dershowitz brings to the World scene and the analytical disabilities that power his midget intellect because the repercussions here are enormous given the breadth of activities that Dershowitz has engaged in on the international stage.

What makes the scene all the more alarming is that the man depends on his affiliation with a prestigious university like Harvard to pull off feats that belong to the gutter, not the realm of academe or world affairs.

Let us look at what this character has done now. The term whore as used in the context of this discussion means a prostitute. Finklestein used the term figuratively and gave a definition of what he meant. Dershowitz himself quoted that definition and here it is: "Because she's an Eichmann-like bureaucrat currying favor with the powerful while blandly following orders."

To say that only women are capable of prostituting themselves is to be sexist. That’s what Alan Deshowitz did, not Norman Finklestein. In fact, Finklestein wrote about Eichmann who was a male, and thus proved beyond any doubt that he believes both sexes are capable of committing the act of prostitution.

By contrast, the moment that Dershowitz read the word whore, he automatically associated it with women. He accused Finklestein of being what he is himself and thus proved that in addition to being sexist, he lacks the brainpower to realize what he is revealing about himself every time he insults someone.

In fact, the World is full of male and female whores according to the definition given by Finklestein. Dershowitz ought to know this because many of both sexes prostituted themselves to him when he was thought to be powerful. But then Finklestein deflating him by pointing out that the king was naked and people ceased to curry favor with him as a result. It is not difficult to imagine that Dershowitz then cursed one or two of them in the secrecy of his own mind.

When it comes to intellectual rigor, Dershowitz is a nobody and he shows it every time he reaches for his pen. Maybe this is why he is teaching Law at Harvard but this is something that the University will have to explain. As an intellectual midget though, Dershowitz cannot distinguish between a metaphor that is used figuratively and a language that is used at face value. If this deficiency does not prevent him from teaching at Harvard, it should prevent the rest of us from taking him seriously when he opines on World affairs.

This reality comes to the fore when Deshowitz says that Israel has the right to do to the Palestinians what Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and other monsters have done to their victims. This is real stuff because oppressing and killing the innocent is happening everyday in Palestine where people are dying partly because of the influence that Dershowitz had over the Congress and the American Administration who took his words at face value.

And yet Dershowitz complains about Finklestein speculating that a dead woman might have wanted to tell someone she is a whore to her face and then throttle her. Dershowitz laments the violence that is implied in this statement and thus demonstrates that he has no sense of proportion. And so I ask: Does this man have the mental capacity to tell whether a horizontal bar is above his bellybutton or below it? If he cannot, why is he still teaching to future barristers at Harvard? Will Dershowitz now appreciate this metaphor and recognize a figurative speech for what it is?

If I were still an active teacher and not a retired one, and if a student had given me a piece of writing in the caliber of the Dershowitz article, I would have tried to get inside the head of the student to search for the source of his confusion and thus put my finger on the deficiency that is reducing his analytic capability.

In the case of Dershowitz, I see that the man may have been thrown off by the following passage in the Finklestein writing: "Were [she] still around, I am quite sure - I mean this literally - she would have … as she did with the Nazi guards … called [her] a whore to her face and then throttled her." It could well be that the four words "I mean this literally" were the ones that confused Dershowitz.

As a teacher I would tell student Dershowitz that author Finklestein could only speculate what a woman who is now dead would have done based on what he saw her do before. Finklestein did not say, let alone threaten to commit a violent act, he only speculated what someone might have done. The words "I mean this literally" do not refer to Norman Finklestein doing something, they refer to the fact that the woman did so literally when she confronted the Nazis who were responsible for the Holocaust she was made to endure.

Dershowitz goes beyond proving that he is intellectually weak and proves that he is intellectually dishonest as well. He does this when he adds the following to the mix: This sounds very similar to the threat made by [a] Finkelstein admirer … when he threatened to come to Cambridge and perpetrate violence on me.

First of all, we don’t know what that so-called admirer said to threaten violence because Dershowitz has not quoted his words. But this does not matter now as it has been vitiated by the fact that Dershowitz used the incident to reinforce the idea that Finklestein made a threat which he did not.

Apparently in the miniature intellect of the Harvard Law Professor, two falsehoods make a truth. This is where the thing blew in his face and the face of the Harvard Administration. There is no doubt something stinks out there and everyone is nauseated except the Harvard folks who have gotten used to the foul smell if not have learned to enjoy it.

What we are left with is a man who has proven to be intellectually weak and dishonest at the same time. This makes Dershowitz just another dinosaur relic fossilized in the Harvard Jurassic Park of Academic Lawlessness and we must now cease to expect the institution to do the right thing. Instead, there are two possibilities out of which good may yet come.

First, good people will soon meet at Annapolis to repair the damage that Dershowitz and others like him have heaped on the World as they sat in the ivory towers of once great institutions. May the people at Annapolis look at the Dershowitz sort of gutter material that brought the Middle East to the present sorry state and say to themselves and to each other: "Never again will we listen to the emotionally unbalanced and the mentally challenged who emulate by the power of their fantasies the crimes that the ogres of the past have heaped on mankind in their own era."

Second, despite the fact that Dershowitz has made it his business to belittle the pain of the woman mentioned by Norman Finklestein, the latter never harbored enough vengeance in his heart to want to lay a finger on Dershowitz. This, despite the fact that the woman in question was none other than Norman’s own mother. This is what separates the mouthy idiots of Harvard from the quiet grace of those who suffer in silence then devote time and energy to alleviate the suffering of their fellow human beings.

Still, we must hope that if anything, Dershowitz is afraid of his own shadow because his conscience is beginning to wake up to the horror that he has perpetuated on the Palestinian people and those who feel their pain.

Here, there is a ray of hope that the consciousness of Dershowitz will do what Harvard has not done. Maybe now, like John Newton says, the man will be touched by the sweet sound of grace, will remove his wretched self from the World of academe, realize he was once lost but now is found, was blind and now he sees. And then go on from there to alleviate some of the suffering he has heaped on the many for such a long time.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Those Demons Play For Keeps

Between the planning for something and the implementation of the thing there can be a gap so wide that only the Zionist dream to control the world is big enough to get in there and fill it. This is the backdrop against which a real life drama is now gripping the "Anglosphere." This last word is a product of the Christopher Hitchens imagination now taken up and discussed by thinkers in the caliber of Walter Russell Mead.

My article does not pick up the thread of that debate. Rather, I try to describe over the next few paragraphs how the Zionist demons are playing a new game which they hope will help them secure a tight control over the English speaking societies. I try to show that when the game is played, the Zionists hope to have the tools by which to control the Anglo societies with a tightness greater than what Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin put together ever had over their own societies.

In practical terms, the Zionists expect to have the power to determine who is competent, who is scholarly, who is fit to do one thing or another and so on. We can expect that the next thing they will want is to entrench into law who can work in certain professions and who cannot. After that, they will want to be in a situation where they will have sole authority to license who can speak on what subject. Next thing they will want is the power to decree who has the right to work and to earn a living and who must be left out to die of starvation.

The Zionists are, in fact, doing all of this right now to one degree or another but they are doing it in a subtle way and by operating under the radar, so to speak. What they seek to accomplish beyond that is to legitimize the process, institutionalize it and give it the force of law. They are playing for keeps and they are not relenting one iota because in the end, they will want everyone to talk like John Hagee and to act like Pat Robertson. In their view, to realize their vision is worth sacrificing the lives and careers of all the suckers in the Anglo World who will let them operate freely and help them realize their dream.

Pastor John Hagee, as he calls himself, wants us to believe he is still a Christian even though he does not open his mouth but to say that every Jew alive today is a God onto himself whom we must worship as if he were Jesus Christ in flesh and in blood. Given that there are 14 million Jews in the world and just about 14 million families in the United States who adhere to the Christian Fundamentalist faith, Hagee has a God for everyone of those families. Imagine an interactive God in every family they can wake up to every morning, praise Him, pray to Him, bring Him breakfast in bed, kiss His feet, scrub His back and so on.

Hagee says he derives knowledge as to what is good for humanity from the Scripture which he ascertains describes a series of Kingdoms each being represented by a different metal or a part of an animal body or something like that. I must apologize for being unable to give more details about Hagee’s understanding of the Universe and of Heaven because the moment this clown starts to describe the thing, I crack up laughing and I stop listening to his words. Check him out yourself; you will at least get a good laugh.

As for Pat Robertson, A TV channel in Buffalo, New York used to carry his show every morning when a friend called me one day some three or four years ago to say I should take a look at this guy. I looked for a few days in a row and marveled at the double standard that is practiced by those who regulate these things. Here was a guy telling the audience he had the power to prevent the approaching storm from causing damage to the East Coast of the United States which he would do if people donated generously to his show.

Well, there used to be a Jamaican woman and a French Canadian woman who made a living reading cards and telling fortune on television. They were yanked off the air because someone thought they committed fraud by making false representations and false promises to people who were in despair and who looked for a straw to latch on to.

But what about that guy Robertson, does he not do worse than that? If the two women were yanked off the air, justice demands that Pat Robertson be stripped naked and have his bum rapped on the air before being tossed out kicking and screaming. He should be out of there not only because he commits fraud every time he opens his mouth but because he is fraud itself.

While the aforementioned may not be reason enough to jail Pat Robertson, the following is. The authorities should look at his inciting the people to commit fraud. I remember him saying something about the law of reciprocity whereby God will do to you what you do to Pat Robertson. That is, he promised that if people donated to his show, God will repay them handsomely.

But that’s not all, the human faced talking bipedal fraud went further and incited those who receive welfare money, those who receive student assistance money or any kind of assistance from a government at any level to send him part or all of the money they receive, promising that God will pay them back several times what they send him.

But the law of the land says to use assistance money for a purpose other than why it was given is to defraud the public purse. This may not send you to jail because intent must still be proven but to incite defrauding the public purse is a crime that is punishable by a jail term because the intent to commit a felony is clearly demonstrated here. Therefore, in doing what he did, Pat Robertson committed a demonstrable criminal act and he should be sent to jail.

And there is more, folks. One of those mornings Oliver North appeared on the show. He had written a novel and Robertson brought up the subject. In the novel it is mentioned that Israel has nuclear bombs mounted on missiles. Upon learning that Israel may actually have such a weapon, Robertson lit up like a nuclear bomb himself. And he expressed the wish to see a couple of those sent to detonate over Cairo, a city of 12 million people including 2 million Christians. Would Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin have done this?

This man Pat Robertson ran for the Presidency of the United States of America, he now heads a religious ministry rich enough to have its own television network and he pretends to have influence over 50 million Americans, a flock large enough to make a sizeable nation. He expresses on television his wish to "nuke" Cairo and what happens?

Well, what happens is that officials of the American government, pundits and journalists come out of hiding and express concern about an 8 year old Arab girl who "danced in the street" upon learning that her brothers and sisters attacked with their bare hands the people who blew up her mother and her father to smithereens with a laser guided missile launched from a helicopter. Look how nasty those little Arab girls are and look how sweet Pat Robertson is. Why can they not gather up all those nasty little girls into their nasty little Madrassas and teach them to be sweet like Pat Robertson!

Who says there is no justice in this World! In fact, you need not wait to die and go to Heaven to see justice done, just leave it to the great Western Liberal Democracies and watch justice descend on humanity like a force of goodness promising to wipe out everything evil and redeem us all, Christians and non Christians.

Now, when we get past this crap, we realize that if we let the Zionists have it their way, Hagee and Robertson will be the models by which everyone in the Anglo World (or Anglosphere) will be judged and licensed to speak or not to speak, to earn a living or be left to die of starvation.

We know this is not farfetched because we see the proof when we look at the Congress and the Administration. In the first case they vote 98% to 100% in favor of everything that the Jewish lobby wants. In the second case, the Administration is always prepared to break the hearts of a million Americans to inject a little joy in the hearts of a handful of Israelis. When you see this you know that America is in a worse shape than Rome was when Caesar gave his horse the right to vote. And that’s not what Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin ever dreamt of doing.

The trouble with the Anglo culture is that it is a pushover for someone who would sweet talk it into surrender. The Zionists are good at charming those they plan to sucker into submission and when this is achieved, the charm ends. You must then watch out for what comes next because the Zionists consider the charm offensive an investment they expect to see pay off. In other words, there is no free lunch. Today they charm you, tomorrow you hand over your soul and everything that goes with it. Just look at Hagee and Robertson and see what they have been reduced to. Worse, look at the Congress and the Administration and see what they have been reduced to. Worse still, look at America and see what it has been reduced to.

The point to keep in mind is that if you have not learned how to generate streams of cash for Israel by the time you are called upon to pay back what the Zionists will estimate you owe them, they will turn you into a John Hagee or a Pat Robertson. And this is something you will not be proud to include in your resume when the time comes to meet your Maker. You will not be proud for many reasons, one of them being that the Big Guy up there has different ideas about who is a God and who is not.

What this shows is that once a society submits to a Zionist demand, it opens the door for the never ending stream of demands that will keep on coming. To see how this works in practice look at how the Israeli Zionists are digging in the graves of the Holocaust dead looking for more payments from Germany half a century after they signed an agreement never to come back for more. They are now asking for another half a billion dollars and the expectation is that they will be back for more and more, again and again for ever and ever.

The stories of Hagee and Robertson show that a shortcut to damnation is the surrender to the Zionist evil at least once. You will be charmed into making a first step then sucked into handing over everything you own, everything that you are and everything that you can be. All this because the Zionists don’t play for fun but play for keeps.

But there is a piece of good news in all of this and here it is. The more the Zionists play the game the more their subtleties disappear and the more the game is shown for what it is. Even someone as submissive as the Anglo-Saxons will be inclined to reject this whole enterprise and go for something more seemly than genuflect to a Zionist master. Hopefully someday.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

They Are Not Ten Feet Tall

Trained professional soldiers go on a tour of duty for a few months and return with mental illnesses that require treatment. And this is said to be understandable given that war is hell. But the civilians whose families, homes neighborhoods, country and way of life are obliterated before their eyes are expected to stand tall and not be shaken by what happens to them according to the pundits who pontificate on subjects they ought to be careful about.

Time and again we hear of soldiers who come home from the front a changed person. The change can be slight or it can be a complete reversal of personality. They are affected as individuals and this in turn affects their family life and the way they interact with society. Some can function without treatment, others need treatment before they can reintegrate into society and a few descend into a personal hell that sometimes leads to homicide or suicide.

Now pretend for a moment that the civilians who are expected to stand ten feet tall are really not that tall but are made of the same DNA stock as the soldiers who experience those difficulties. Now imagine these people as they see their families, homes, neighborhoods, country and way of life being obliterated before their eyes and you will accept the notion that they may not behave like gentlemen or nice ladies all the time. And neither will you be shocked to learn that a few of them will want to inflict damage on the foreign soldiers who brought the horrendous calamity to them.

Most of the time a soldier from the invading army will develop difficulties after seeing a buddy of his being killed. If the buddy is killed by a civilian, the soldier will want to exact revenge by punishing the population that his army has invaded. By the same token, when a civilian of the invaded country sees a member of his family being killed by a foreign soldier, he will want to exact revenge by punishing the soldiers of the foreign army.

When the soldiers do what they do, they call that a military operation and it is how things are described in the communiqué that is issued. Sometimes, however, the reality is different from what is put into the communiqué because the operation would have more to do with a personal quest for revenge than it is a military necessity.

In fact, in some cases the soldiers throw a party after committing a gruesome act of revenge as when the Americans raped a 14 year old Iraqi girl and murdered her family before setting the house in which they lived on fire. This was without a doubt the display of a strange sort of behavior but it was treated as if totally understandable by the reporters and the pundits who took up the issue. At least in one instance, the age of the girl was made fun of when a female reporter snickered that the girl was probably more like 25.

Yet, these same reporters and pundits find it hard to understand why an eight year old or a ten year old girl who saw her family blown up by a laser guided missile would want to "dance in the street" upon learning that her people have inflicted damage on the soldiers of the invading army. The pundits point to such behavior and say: look how violent these people are. Do you not feel gratified that our soldiers are over there keeping them in check?

The troubling part about this performance is not the apparent double standard which would imply a run of the mill kind of hypocrisy on the part of the pundits. No, the world is used to that. The troubling part is that the pundits are sincere in expressing what they feel. Look at it closely and be horrified because this says something very serious about us.

What the performance says is that the pundits expect an eight year old Palestinian girl or a ten year old Iraqi girl to have more class, more humanity, more backbone and more culture than the American army, the Israeli army or the political and cultural establishments that pitted the society from which the soldiers came against the society from which the girls came. That performance says a great deal more about the pundits and about us who listen to them than it says about the Arab girls or their culture. We should be horrified about what it says.

We often admit to ourselves that our young grow up in an environment that is so demeaning to them, they develop a diminished sense of self worth. However, most of the time people cannot describe what this means, how it is manifested or why it is a bad thing in the first place. Well, the preceding example is one that answers all three questions with enough clarity to chill the bones in our bodies. It is that we left it to the dubious among us to define us, and they do so by telling us we must hate and fear someone else because we are so inadequate.

In fact, the problem is not just how we treat each other at home or how we treat the foreigners when we invade their countries. The problem goes deeper than that, it goes to the root of the culture we have developed in the recent past and have shielded from criticism by attacking the integrity of those who blow the whistle when they see something alarming.

On the one hand we think of our culture as being the result of divine revelation; on the other we fear that it may be inferior to someone else’s. The result has been the creation of a refrain that our kids never cease to hear as they grow up. It goes like this: You are useless but look how much better off than the Arabs and the Muslims you are thanks to what I do for you. And by the way look how perfect the Jews and the Israelis are but don’t try to be like them because their portrayal is propaganda hogwash, not the real thing.

The reality, however, is that kids almost never feel worthless because someone tells them they are worthless. In fact, if you keep telling a kid that he or she is worthless, the chances are the kid will develop the backbone to improve themselves so as to prove you wrong. What really makes a kid develop a sense of worthlessness is their subtle treatment as a worthless being.

A kid will over time develop a perception of himself or herself by comparing the way that he or she is treated relative to someone else. For example, a parent or a teacher who treats everybody harshly does less damage than a parent or a teacher who treats everyone nicely but treats some kids more nicely than others. Favoritism damages the kids that are left out more than a harsh treatment that is equally applied.

In fact, this observation is so universal, it is found in the adult population as well. People of all ages get furious when they are treated less well than someone else even as they accept a harsh treatment that is equally applied. In recognition of this fact, the Human Right laws address the issue of equality among the people more extensively than they do the treatment of the society as a whole.

Knowing this, we can tell that to fix some of the ills in our society, we must stop playing the game of favoritism. This, however, is going to be a difficult thing to do in a culture where democracy has been so distorted, it is impossible to curry favor with one group without doing it at the expense of another. Democracy has many drawbacks but this fact alone is the Achilles’ heel. Yet, if we do not find a way to improve our performance, we shall be taken out of the game and everyone else will look ten feet tall relative to us.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Behold A Cosmic Anti-Semitic Conspiracy

Finally it has been established once and for all during the first week of November 2007 that there is an anti-Semitic conspiracy operating on a scale so large it can only be classified as a cosmic conspiracy. Just look at the evidence and marvel at the way that the Universe is unfolding because, in effect, the Universe is unfolding as it should to quote the famous Desiderata.

Here is what happened. It was around one and the same week that David Horowitz wrote an article to decry: "The End of the University As We Know It" and something remarkable happened almost simultaneously. The remarkable thing is that they caught on tape a Jewish student at George Washington University in the act of drawing swastikas on the door of her own dormitory.

Well, let me tell you something dear reader, anyone with half a brain must conclude that this cannot be a mere coincidence and must, therefore, see it as a conspiracy of cosmic proportion designed to give Jews a bad name and to throw into doubt many of their pet accusations.

Swastikas on her door was something that the girl had complained about to which the security people at the University responded by installing a hidden camera to nail the culprit and haul the mischievous man to justice. But the camera never blinks like says Dan Rather, and that thing caught the Jewish girl doing it to herself instead of catching some wild eyed neo-Nazi doing it to her. And so now, like says David Horowitz, it is going to be the end of the university as we know it if not the end of the Universe itself, Desiderata notwithstanding.

Yeah the end of the university as we know it, but what is it exactly that we know about the university? Did we ever suspect that Jews were doing it to themselves? And why would the Jews do something bad to themselves then frame someone else for the crime? Should we now revisit the notion that Jews may have brought down the Twin Towers in New York on 9/11 to frame the Arabs? That’s not what Rudy Giuliani says, or is it?

And what about the anthrax crime, did they catch someone yet? People died by that criminal act; is this why it was swept under the carpet? Would it have been swept under the carpet had the culprit been an Arab as the frame was meant to show?

I shall let Giuliani, the prosecutor, deal with those questions and discuss instead something I know a thing or two about. I finished writing a manuscript for a book more than eight months ago and sent it out to be considered for publication. The reaction has been what it has been for 40 years, no dice because everyone is knuckling under the Jewish blackmail.

But I am used to that because it happened to me dozens of times over the past 40 years, and so I shift the discussion to something else. There is one paragraph in the book where I describe what happened at a Montreal university in the early to mid 1990s. Here is that passage:

"I also heard from several sources that Jews were counseling each other on how to deal with the Palestinian students who write and distribute leaflets that promote the Palestinian causes. The sources say that Jewish students tell each other they must not sit and talk with the Palestinian students but should get busy filling the washroom walls with graffiti in a manner that suggests the authors of the graffiti are the same who write the pro-Palestinian leaflets. In this way, those who write the leaflets will be suspected of writing the graffiti and will be embarrassed. Hopefully, they will stop writing and distributing the leaflets and the Jewish camp wins."

Although the book was not published, the manuscript was circulated widely and many people were made aware of its content. As a result, I received several communications from people who wanted me to know that dirty trick washroom graffiti done to frame innocent people has been going on in several universities in Quebec and Ontario for a long time.

This information was useful to me because one tool in the kit that I employ to do intelligence work is the study of events that seem to duplicate themselves in several places. If all or most of the duplications bear the same "signature," I conclude that they have the same origin. In the case of the university washroom graffiti, I could not escape the conclusion that the signature was that of the Zionist lobby where the technique was developed to stab free speech in the back and stab democracy in the heart.

But this is not all there is to the story because when you look at what happened next with regard to the girl at George Washington University, you realize how elaborate and how advanced such a plan can be. So let us look at what the girl said when she was confronted with the evidence: "I wasn't looking to create this … insanity … I wasn't looking to become a media darling. I was just looking for acknowledgment from [the] University that someone drew a swastika on [my] door."

No one had accused the girl of trying to become a media darling. All they did was confront her with the evidence and asked her to explain. But the girl was coached beforehand as to how she should react in the event that she got caught. The coaching would have gone something like this: "Make it look like you wanted media attention by denying you wanted media attention even if no one asks what you were trying to accomplish."

In other words, they asked the girl to be the scapegoat by playing the role of the foolish little thing who did something on her own to satisfy some girlish need. This is how they hoped to confuse the public and hide the Zionist design to accomplish their demonic objectives. In the meantime, foolishness on the part of the girl being a smaller offence than conspiracy, the reaction will have to be mitigated.

This idea together with appeals for clemency from several sources which the Zionists will organize for the girl will net her a light punishment if not outright forgiveness. This scenario will also protect the Zionist organization that planned the whole thing and set it to do more of the same, and get away with it all over again.

Still, we must ask: what media attention? As well as being a student at the university, the girl worked as a reporter for the local newspaper and she had all the attention she could ever want. Being the story was not going to make her a media darling because another reporter would have to handle the story and take the credit for breaking it. And that’s what happened ultimately except that it happened in a way that exposed the Zionist conspiracy as well as the cosmic one.

And so, we now have a clear view of the inner workings of the most evil of lobbies as it labors to destroy the last pillar of American power, the universities and colleges of the nation. The plot is so elaborate it has more than one godfather. There is Alan Dershowitz who goes after the professors. David Horowitz whose job is to turn the institutions of learning into museums of washroom graffiti. And Norman Podhoretz who delights in turning the think tanks of America into the septic tanks of the World.

There is only one way left to stop the destruction of America by those charlatans. Place them all in one category and call it Basket of the Usual Suspects (BUS). Every time something shity happens on campus, grab the BUS and throw it in jail until someone comes forward and tells the complete story as to how it was done. Do this a few times, and the stinkos will eventually stop stinking. We shall then breathe the fresh air of academic freedom and free speech like we used to in the good old days before Zionism came along and messed the thing up for everyone.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

When Misery Seeks Company

New expressions like "ticking time bomb" and old ideas like "simulated drowning" or "water-boarding" have crept into the modern lexicon. People are asking if this is the natural evolution of a language and the natural unfolding of history or if something artificial was injected into the way they are asked to think and the way they are forced to live their lives.

Some people are still looking for answers but some have concluded that because misery seeks company, misery has targeted a fertile ground in which to search for a suitable company. The ground is right here in North America where most of the changes are first introduced then made to radiate to the rest of the World by the various means of communication.

The people who reached the conclusion did so upon the discovery that a group of activists were behind those changes. So they asked: Who are these activists anyway? Are they Canadians and Americans who happen to adhere to the Jewish religion? Or Zionists whose mission is to mobilize the North American Continent and to put it in the service of a foreign country called Israel? These two questions were asked on this Continent but there is no doubt that similar ones were asked in other places around the world as well.

People were baffled as to why the questions should be asked in the first place and they spoke of their confusion at what they saw happen here in relation to what happened in the Middle East. They were detecting what looked like an action-reaction sort of phenomenon unfolding under their noses and they wanted an explanation.

People also wondered if the Jewish Lobby and the Zionist Lobby were one and the same. Eventually they surmised that a multi-headed lobby of some kind must be working on behalf of Israel on two fronts. On the political front they saw the lobby dominate the corridors of power in the legislatures of the nation while on the media front they saw the lobby spread its Zionist colors in the television studios and the editorial rooms of the print publications.

What puzzled the people at first was the manner in which the supporters of Israel manipulated the media. The people read the editorials that accused the Arabs of bringing the Middle East wars to Canada but what the people witnessed was a continuous and relentless typhoon of propaganda that accentuated the positives about Israel and masked the negatives about her. Concurrent to that, they saw a continuous and relentless typhoon of propaganda that did the exact opposite in relation to the Arabs and the Muslims.

Moreover, the people were told openly through everyday discussions conducted in the media that they must hate the Arabs and fear the Muslims with every word that was spoken and every sentence that was written on the Middle East. Not only that but this sort of calls went out even when the discussion was entirely about something else. What happened in these instances more often than not was that the commentators would fly off on a tangent and drag the name of an Arab country out of nowhere to deliver a below the belt cowardly kick then return to the original topic again.

This sort of thing happened time after time throughout the decades without someone being there to counter the falsehoods that were frothed out the Zionist mouths or someone being there to point out that another disgrace of the Zionist kind has just been committed on American radio or Canadian television. All the while, the Arab journalists were banned from the media, be they private media or publicly funded ones on orders from the Israel-Zionist lobby.

On another front, when people attended a political gathering they saw the candidates who ran for office being badgered incessantly and forcefully by supporters of Israel who asked for nothing but that the candidate be good to Israel if he or she is elected. In effect then, the activists acted as if they believed Canada and the United States were the political and cultural provinces of Israel put on Earth for one purpose only, to serve the interests of that foreign country.

Those who probed into the phenomenon a little deeper discovered that the supporters of Israel did not adhere to the Jewish religion as much as they followed an ideological agenda which had more to do with Israel being a political and economic entity in which they invested their own money rather than a sanctuary for those who sought to live a Jewish life in peace and serenity which was the fraudulent claim that led to the founding of the state of Israel in the first place.

And then the people made the big discovery. They discovered that despite the fantasy that was whipped up after the sneak attack of 1967 which brought fame to Israel and the promise that time was on her side, the country had been slipping into misery ever since. Her supporters realized they had to do something to pull her out of that misery but there was only one way to do it and that was to find company for the Jewish state. This will be company that may have to be sacrificed at some point so that Israel keep her supremacist standing in the Middle East.

What raised eyebrows and still does to this day is the way that the Zionists do their thing in North America. It has become obvious to those who study their methods that the Zionists watch Israel operate in the Middle East then duplicate her ways here. The result is clearly seen in that the Zionists have unleashed a cold war against the Arabs and the Muslims on this Continent to mirror the hot wars that Israel has unleashed against her neighbors.

When this spectacle is coupled with the scene of candidates being badgered until they promise to be good to Israel, the perception is reinforced that the Zionists believe the inhabitants of this Continent are considered incidental to a scheme created in the imagination of the Zionists, a scheme that hit a snag on the road to implementation.

In fact, that snag was encountered a long time ago but did not become apparent until much later. It all started in the middle of the Twentieth Century when Israel bit more than she could chew at a time when the Arabs looked like a helpless and easy prey.

That was a time when every move that the Arabs made to improve their condition was countered by the former colonial powers with a swift and punishing adventure as when Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal and was invaded by Britain and France who brought Israel along in 1956 to show her how to do things.

Israel did her thing in 1967 and this was the last time she succeeded in anything military because it was the bite that broke her jaw. And this was the snag that started the process of demolishing the Zionist dream of an Israel extending from the Nile to the Euphrates.

And despite the massive help that Israel received from the United States over forty years following that fatal bite, the Jewish state found herself in a situation where to survive as a supremacist state, she must keep destroying what the Arabs and the Muslims did to rebuild their economies and develop their societies.

This turned out to be a job that nobody could do alone. And so, the Israeli saying: "Give us the tools and we’ll do the job," meaning give us the weapons and we’ll do the killing was replaced with: "Come fight them here or you will have to fight them at home," meaning come and join the killing spree because we cannot kill enough of them alone. America said yes and this is how misery found the perfect sucker to keep it company.

This being a plan for the Middle East, the Zionists unleashed one to match it here and run parallel with it. They invented something they called Islamofascism then launched a holy war to fight the citizens of Arab and Muslim heritage on this Continent. This war is now ongoing and its purpose is to tie together the two opposite and least compatible of religions, Judaism and Christianity.

The idea of the Zionists is to get the Christian majority to join the Jewish minority and together descend into the misery they call a "Clash of Civilizations" which would pit them against Islam. But the reality is that the Arab Civilization is the foundation upon which Western Civilization was built. Also Islam is the continuation of Christianity both of which emphasize altruism and both of which are the natural antidotes to the selfish and quarrelsome teachings of Judaism.

They are the antidotes because the peace of the New Testament replaces the blood and gore of the Old Testament, while submission to God as taught in the Koran replaces the quarrels with God that pepper the Old Testament.

This is where things stand now and here is what I predict for the future. The World will someday speak of an Islamo-Christian civilization that identified the Original Sin as being the claim by one group of people to have been chosen by God to stand above everyone else. This being the sin that spawned all other sins and all the miseries that plagued humanity from the beginning of time, doing away with it did away with all the ills in one fell swoop.

And from that day on, the idea of a supremacist state existing anywhere was legislated out of existence everywhere on Earth while any movement that would work toward that ideology was outlawed. Zionism was buried alongside Nazism and the supremacist regime in Israel was dismantled for ever. This was the miracle that mankind had dreamt about for millennia, the miracle that Islamo-Christianity has turned into reality. Salvation was finally delivered to the human race as promised.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

They Ate His Lunch And Ours Too

So they say they paid Maher Arar ten and a half million dollars for what he went through as a result of what officials in our federal government did to him and what they failed to do on his behalf. Don’t believe it say some sources which are incensed by the fact that the true figure is closer to the one million dollar mark than it is to ten million.

Maher Arar is the Syrian born software engineer who was detained by the Americans while on a stopover at a United States airport. He was accused of terrorism and sent to Syria where he was kept for ten months based on information relayed to the Syrians by Canada and the United States. In time, the man’s innocence was established and he was released and returned to Canada.

Those who are incensed that Arar received a million dollars are not incensed because he received too little or because he received too much for that matter, they are incensed at the double standard that this case has shown is being practiced in total darkness inside the system of justice in this country.

These sources have in mind a group of victims in the Maritime Provinces on whom the Canadian government allowed the American military to conduct experiments with Agent Orange, a poisonous chemical that was used in Vietnam to defoliate the jungles there. The victims suffered permanent injuries and many have died either as a direct result of their injuries or because of complications that were aggravated by the injuries.

Apparently what happened on the legal front with regard to the Maritime victims is that after decades of negotiations, the Government of Canada agreed to compensate each victim with something like 20,000 dollars which would include the interest accumulated on the money for all those years. This comes to 2% what Maher Arar received for ten months of captivity and no permanent physical injury to show for it.

To understand why Canadians are hit in the face with bizarre distortions of this magnitude whenever an issue of compensation is raised, we must be exposed to one important fact about the workings of the legal system in this country.

There is no provision in Canadian Law allowing the Plaintiff or the Defendant to be present at the discussions before or during the trial between the presiding judge and the opposing lawyers. The result is that the conduct and the outcome of the trial are scripted in advance by the three parties then formalized in a mock trial that deviates little or none at all from the script.

This adherence to the script becomes all the more important if there is to be a jury in front of which the judge will not allow the minutest of surprises by one of the lawyers. It is understood by all that the jury is there to rubberstamp the scripted trial not to be in charge of dispensing justice. And if someone violates this "collegial" approach, they can kiss their career goodbye because they will be tripped and hounded off the bar one way or another.

But why this double standard between the Arar case and the Maritime victims? The reason, say the sources, is that the bad guys were made to be the Syrians whom it was repeatedly claimed were responsible for torturing Mr. Arar even though the man himself never described anything that amounted to a fraction of the torture that took place at Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib, for example.

But more important than that is the fact that the good guys were made to be those who handled the Arar case at the political level here in Canada. These were members of the Canadian Jewish Congress who were eager to use Arar as an excuse to give Syria a bad name, something that would benefit Israel whose idea of fun and games is to bomb Syrian targets in the Middle East and badmouth that country in North America.

The story up to here is asinine enough but wait till you hear the rest of it. According to the same sources, the lawyers and the help they employed to represent Mr. Arar received more than nine million dollars out of the ten and a half million awarded by the Canadian government in this file. This is hitting three birds with one stone. They get the big bucks, Syria gets the bad name and Israel gets an excuse to bomb Syria again and have fun.

And the people at the legal level are affiliated one way or the other with those who took up the case at the political level. In other words, the sources say, we have here a politico-legalistic protection racket that makes a big case out of small nothings to siphon off millions of taxpayer dollars from the Canadian Government and share it among themselves. In other words, they ate Maher Arar’s lunch and they ate ours to, the taxpayers of this country. And they will undoubtedly use this precedent to repeat the stunt and fleece the public some more.

Those who speak for the Maritime victims say never mind Saddam Hussein using chemicals against his own people, look at the Canadian habit of letting the American Military conduct experiments on our people. This includes the 1957 atomic radiation experiments in Nevada, the LSD experiments, the Cruise Missile experiments, the Agent Orange experiments and God knows what else remains hidden and may surface sometime in the future.

And each time, the victims of those experiments are ignored by the government for decades even when the Americans compensate their own people for the same experiment. This happens, say the sources, because the cases are not taken up by the Jews. Not necessarily Jewish lawyers, they hasten to add, this would not make much of a difference. What they mean is that there is no angle in the story which can be exploited to serve a Jewish or Israeli cause. That is, there are no Arabs to be implicated in the scandal and made to look bad whether or not the Arabs deserve to be so treated in the first place.

Consequently, the sources have a suggestion to make to the Government of Canada. They ask that every Canadian who has been the victim of an experiment conducted by the American Military be given a million dollars like Maher Arar. The Government of Canada can then go ahead and hand ten million dollars to the Canadian Jewish Congress for every case so treated if this is what turns them on in Ottawa.

But wait a minute folks, we are the taxpayers of Canada and we should have a say in this matter because it is our money they are dolling out. We have two simple questions to ask: Why is it that when ordinary people are involved, the thing drags for decades and the amounts discussed are in the peanut league but when the Jewish causes are involved, the amounts balloon into the millions of dollars? And why is it that the time frame during which all works out shortens from decades to a few months?

Until we are given honest answers, we remind the Parliament of Canada that it exists at all to look at this sort of matters because these matters go to the heart of governance. Parliament has the power to roll back anything that is outrageously unfair and the Parliament of Canada is now on notice that it shall remain in dereliction of its duties until it acts decisively in this case and fixes the outrage.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Matti Baranovski Saved Palestinian Lives

The British publication, The Observer ran an article the other day by Conal Urquhart under the title: Israel shaken by troops' tales of brutality against Palestinians. It is a collection of horror stories admitted to by the soldiers who perpetrated the brutal acts in the 1990’s and compiled by Nufar Yishai-Karin, a clinical psychologist at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Reading the Observer’s article I was reminded of a brutal act that took place eight years ago right here in Canada.

His name was Matti Baranovski and he was 15 years old when in the year 1999, a number of young men who were a little older than himself swarmed and kicked him to death in the city of Toronto then stole his money and his cigarettes.

The police rounded up a number of suspects, among them a soldier in the Israeli army with dual Canadian and Israeli citizenship. Before the court procedure had started, almost everyone I spoke with in my capacity as a journalist expected to see all the suspects sent to jail except the Israeli soldier because everyone agreed no judge in Canada would dare convict an Israeli soldier of a serious offence.

This was 1999 and the incidents compiled by the Israeli psychologist had taken place at about the same time thousands of miles away. Here is the description of one such incident.

"The soldiers described how the violence was encouraged by some commanders. One soldier recalled: After two months ... we do a first patrol with him … there is … a little boy of four playing in the sand … the officer … grabbed the boy… he broke his hand here at the wrist, broke his leg here and started to stomp on his stomach, three times, and left. We are all there, jaws dropping, looking at him in shock ... The next day I go out with him on another patrol, and the soldiers are already starting to do the same thing."

As the Matti Baranovski trial went on in Toronto and tidbits started to come out of the courtroom, a few people began to believe that the evidence was so overwhelming the judge will be forced to give the Israeli at least a symbolic jail sentence if not send him to jail for a long time. Based on what they heard, the people thought the soldier was a cold blooded killer and, pointing to the fact that he was the oldest of the gang, they thought he must have been the leader of the gang and the instigator of the crime.

Then came the day of judgment and every suspect in the gang was found guilty and sent to jail except the Israeli soldier who was found not guilty and was set free. The mother of the dead boy who is herself Jewish said she did not expect to see justice done in this country because an Israeli soldier would never be found guilty of a serious crime here.

The Israeli soldier was no saint according to two other Canadian judges. A high school dropout, he had gone to jail twice before, convicted of assault using a weapon. However, these were short sentences for offences that were light compared to what he was charged with in the Baranovski case and they came before he had become a soldier in the Israeli army. Had the judge found him guilty in the Baranovski case, the sentence would have been much more severe than the two weeks he received in each of the previous convictions.

Another thing that baffled observers was that this man was not yet a Canadian citizen when he developed a criminal record. According to Canadian law, therefore, he should have been deported to Israel a long time ago but was not. Had he been deported, Matti Baranovski would be alive today. And being a good and smart student, Matti would be 23 years old now and probably pursuing a master’s degree at some university. But the Israeli soldier was not deported when he should have for reasons that no immigration official was able to explain and Matti Baranovski died as a result.

Canada is notorious for sending innocent people to jail because when in doubt, judges prefer to err on the side of conviction and they would throw someone in jail on the flimsiest of excuses. Thus when people see that someone is set free as in the case of the Israeli soldier despite the overwhelming evidence in favor of conviction, they smell something fishy.

When they get past their timidity and start to speak out, the people admit they believe there are two systems of justice in this country, one for the Jews and one for the rest of us. But when you remind them that the natives feel they are treated worse than the white folks by the courts, the people amend their observation and say there are three systems of justice in this country, one for the Jews, one for the rest of us and one for the Natives. So I ask: how many tiers of justice do we want in this country? Is this what multiculturalism was meant to represent?

The fact that this unhealthy sentiment is harbored by people even among Jews, one being the mother of Matti Baranovski, is an indication that once a group of people represented by a lobby reaches a level considered to be preferential, cynicism sets in and affects our trust in the system of justice itself.

Because this is a serious development with far reaching consequences, we must conclude that Zionism run amuck is a condition that will no longer be tolerated in our society. And our leaders should muster the courage to come out and denounce it publicly with the same force that they denounced anti-Semitism in the past. It is asinine to stand in the legislature and denounce a bunch of kids for vandalizing a headstone at a cemetery then reward someone for sending an innocent kid to that same cemetery the next day.

Just consider this, even after all that happened, the Israeli soldier was allowed to stay in Canada where he pursued his education at taxpayers’ expense, something that was denied to Matti Baranovski. There is indeed something fishy here not only with the system of justice but with immigration too.

A Jewish friend of mine who never forgave God for being so unjust as to let the Holocaust happen had this to say: I feel the pain in my heart for Matti and for his parents but I console myself with the thought that Matti may have died so that the Israeli soldier be denied the chance to return to his unit in Israel and kill Palestinians. In this sense, Matti may have been the first Jewish martyr to die a horrible death so as to save young Palestinian lives. Not an ideal situation but a thought that makes my pain a little more bearable.

Good for my friend. But I am still not convinced that justice should be this convoluted. In the case of the Israeli soldier, Canadian justice was prostituted because of the disproportionate weight that the Zionist lobby has in this country and this must come to an end. No ifs or buts.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Israel Can And Should Be Singled Out

While the Zionists work relentlessly to single out nations that ought to be divested from, companies that ought to be boycotted and individuals that ought to be blacklisted, they fight on legal grounds the idea that Israel can be singled out for anything punitive. They fight so that the dark side of Israel’s activities be hidden from the public as the Jewish state continues to savagely oppress the people of Palestine. There is here some hypocrisy and also the need for a critical look at the issues involved.

An example of this came up when under pressure from the Zionist Lobby, the University and College Union (UCU) in Britain rejected the call for the academic boycott of Israel on the ground that the proposed boycott is discriminatory because it singles out Israel. Then the Union went further and said that to discuss the ban may itself constitute an illegal act according to a legal opinion handed down by some authority.

Let us leave out the issue of hypocrisy at this time because it is futile to discuss the mental state of a group of people who believe they were chosen by God to receive everything they wish for – no questions asked – solely upon the expression of their wish.

Focusing on the issue of fairness from the legal angle, we must distinguish between two things. There is the making of the law and there is the application of the law. We do not make laws that single out someone because of race, color of skin and such considerations because this would be discriminatory and beyond the pale of civilized conduct. There is no need for further elaboration here.

But when it comes to the application of the law, this is another matter. I begin with an example to illustrate the point. The police catch one of two criminals who may or may not have committed a crime together, this last part is beside the point. The main point is that the police will prosecute the criminal they caught and not wait until they catch the criminal who got away on the ground that it would be discriminatory and unfair to prosecute the one they caught.

Consequently to say, as did the UCU that Israel should be immune from prosecution in the court of public opinion because this would single her out is to turn the logic upside down even if we assume there were accomplices to what Israel has done. More than that, to refrain from discussing the issue is to single out Israel as being above everyone else which would amount to taking a stand that goes beyond the pale of civilized conduct.

And then to go on and say that this is a legal opinion expressed by someone in a position to know British law is to cast a shadow on the laws of that country. It is to say that the system in Britain is not a system of laws or one of men but is the system of a supremacist race residing in Israel, which system is being imposed on Britain. This says that it is illegal to violate the premise of the new system, illegal to question it and illegal to discuss it especially among those who are affected by it.

Well, well, look at that ! This stuff is right out of the new Bible which is adhered to by the Christian Zionists in the American South. Witness Pastor John Hagee as he rewrites the laws of Britain in the same way that he and his cohorts rewrote the Christian Bible to give it a more Zionist flavor.

Wow, who would have thought this can happen in Britain! Listen people, there is only one way to deal with this outrage. It is fittingly a well known American way and it goes like this: NUTS. That opinion is not worth the toilet paper it is written on. The right thing to do is to flush the idea down the nearest hole and go from there.

But where to go from here? Well, you begin by making those points clear to the members on whose behalf the UCU says it is speaking. You get as many of the members as you can to ignore the edict, especially that it sounds too much like a Hagee edict. You call for a gathering which you hold in a very public fashion and you discuss what the Union leadership has banned.

At the same time as you do that, you work to replace those at the Union who were responsible for the decision. And then, to make sure that such thing never happens again, you investigate to determine if someone received a bribe. If yes, you throw the book of criminal code at them and make sure they get their just reward. Otherwise have their mental state checked and if found to have been contaminated by the Hageeist cult, publicize their plight so that the public know to whose drumbeat these characters are marching.

This said, I now begin to debate what the Union says may be illegal to do in Britain. Of course I have the advantage of being neither a member of the Union nor a resident of Britain. However, you may consider this to be beside the point given what I have to say.

I begin with two of my long held convictions which are that collective punishment is unjust and that it is wiser to reach out to the good individuals in the camp you seek to change than to punish the good individuals along with the bad ones in that camp.

I have no doubt in my mind that there are professors in the colleges and the universities of Israel who are sympathetic to the cause of the Palestinian people and who would be prepared to help the good cause. I also believe there are professors who may be sitting on the fence now but who could be swayed to come to the side of the Palestinians.

To punish these two groups with a general boycott of the colleges and the universities would be counterproductive. A better way would be to invite everyone into the tent and seek out the individuals in each group who would be willing to work for the good cause. Enlist these individuals to help you in what you want to achieve and, at the minimum do not antagonize those who will not come to your side right away. You never know what their circumstances are and you never know what tomorrow will bring; people do change with time.

By all means boycott those individuals who are rabid anti-Palestine if that is your wish although I would have preferred to debate these people and beat them at their own game. But do not place every Israeli professor on the same list because to do so will give them all a collective cause to fight for, one that seeks to defeat the boycott. You will force the good, the bad and the worst among these people to develop a common bond that is not there now. This will not only work to defeat your plan but will work against the further development of a peace movement in Israel which is badly needed at this time.

In any case, I look forward to seeing the expression of other points of view. The debate being at an early stage, I am certain there is more to the issues than what is now obvious. I shall be eager to learn from what someone else has to say as the debate progresses. And like it happens all the time, I may want to alter my stand after I have been exposed to the other views. This is how democracy works. It is our system. It is the body of laws we never knowingly violate.

And it is under this very system that those who advocate the boycott of Israel have every right to do so. And it is under this very system that those who oppose the idea of the boycott of Israel have the right to do so. Neither camp is breaking any law at this point.

But what is dictatorial and therefore criminal under the constitution of every free nation is to call illegal the right to engage in activities that are protected by the constitution. The UCU is standing on very shaky grounds on this point and must be taken to task, especially that the UCU has coercive powers over the members. This is a serious matter and should be dealt with firmly.