Thursday, July 28, 2011

Muddled Thoughts Of The Ambiguous Mind

If seventy five years ago Joseph Goebbels had known what Irwin Cotler knows today, Hitler would have gained control of the world and we would all be saluting the Swastika. It is that Goebbels had an evil agenda; he thought clearly about it and he expressed himself on the subject with equal clarity. Like him, Cotler has an evil agenda; he may or may not think clearly about it but he definitely expresses himself on the subject in a muddled manner. And yet, despite all this, Goebbels proved to be ineffective in what he tried to accomplish for his boss whereas the Cotler method was able to turn so-called democracies into legislative and executive brothels. And Cotler, together with his cohorts in the English speaking world, were able to put these joints into the service of the Judeo-Zionist agenda. Eat your heart out Goebbels for, you could not deliver political chopped liver to your boss whereas Cotler and his cohorts dine on caviar and champagne everyday as they enjoy the pornographic spectacle of the pimps and the prostitutes, the madams and the gigolos who genuflect to the Star of David.

Let me explain all this. In the introduction to the fraudulent report they call “Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism” published in 2011, you encounter something that is truly astounding. The report itself is nothing more than the personal manifesto of Irwin Cotler where he is listed as an ex-officio along with a few other members who form what is obviously intended to be a committee to impress. In fact, these characters are all there for one reason only, to make the manifesto look like a legitimate report, something that may or may not impress you. And when you read the sickly rambling document, you encounter in it, among other things, this odious sentence: “Let it be clear: Criticism of Israel is not antisemitic, and saying so is wrong. But singling Israel out for selective condemnation and opprobrium – let alone denying its right to exist or seeking its destruction – is discriminatory and hateful, and not saying so is dishonest.” Great show, you say to yourself with a tinge of sarcasm because what comes to your mind is the following:

From Toronto to Ottawa and from New York to the District of Columbia the Jewish organizations have for decades been spitting a verbal substance that is so foul, they managed to stink our good planet several times over. In fact, everywhere people looked, they saw these organizations spit the bitter complaint: “You are singling out Israel; little innocent Israel.” Yet, these same characters also ran around mouthing at the same time and in the same breath the following assertions: “Only Israel has … Only Israel is … Only Israel can … Only Israel, only Israel, only Israel,” to which the world responded with this: “Okay guys, it is only Israel as you say. And yes, it is only Israel that is now colonizing a neighbor. It is only Israel that is annexing stolen lands. It is only Israel that is in violation of countless UN resolutions. It is only Israel that is killing people with napalm bombs. It is only Israel that is killing people with fragmentary bombs. It is only Israel that is poisoning people with phosphorous bombs. It is only Israel that is pinpointing people in their bedrooms and blowing them up with American-made smart bombs.” And the list goes on and on and on. The Jews chose to single out Israel and call it the best of God's creation but the World said: no, no, no, if you're going to single out Israel, call it the worst of God's creation because it is that and nothing else. Otherwise let us point out Israel's shortcomings so that the miserable thing can reform itself, decide to join the civilized world and live like every other nation.

When the world responded in this manner and made it clear that it only wished to treat Israel the same way it treats everyone else, the sky fell in the eyes of some people. As it turned out, bestowing praise on the Jewish entity when deserved and leveling opprobrium against it when necessary was totally unacceptable to them. These were the professional bellyachers of the Israeli-Yiddish coalition who came out of the woodwork not to thank the world for being impartial but to bellyache a new and different refrain. This time they cried their eyes out of their sockets and they burst their entrails out of their bellies as they bellyached the demand that Israel must be singled out for praise even when it proves to be less than mediocre. And they demanded that Israel be lumped with everyone else when it commits a crime that proves to be so horrifying, it sets Israel apart from everyone else.

And when the world asked why adopt this double standard? The prepackaged answer came out to the effect that the Israelis enjoy having on their side a moral force that no one else has. Oh yeah! The world exclaim. What could that moral force be? it asked. It is that the American Congress treats Israel with a preference it accords to no one else, came the response. And the world realized that the word moral as defined here meant to convey the notion that everyone must follow the infamous American congress without asking the appropriate questions. Apparently, this is the only moral force on which the Israelis now stand according to the Judeo-Yiddish coalition which adheres to the Irwin Cotler philosophy. And this is why, according to the coalition, the Jewish organizations can make all those fantastic claims about Israel and feel justified.

But how did Cotler or his likes in America manage to turn what used to be the “greatest deliberative body in history” into the greatest agglomeration of useless bums? The answer is that the Jewish organizations did not succeed on Capitol Hill overnight. They worked at it steadily like building a monument one brick at a time. Not only this but they relied on the experience that their ancestors had gathered in the course of many centuries while doing the same sort of thing in many places all over the world. In fact, Cotler and those like him in the Israeli-Yiddish coalition were handed diabolic plans that told them what to do every step of the way, what muddled trail to pursue and what ambiguous statement to make at each and every occasion. But these were not sure-fire plans that always led to success as the world has witnessed.

In fact, something always went wrong with these plans in the end, and the ordinary innocent Jews were the ones to pay dearly in the aftermath. Still, say the Jewish leaders, all indications are to the effect that something like this will not happen in North America. And why not? you ask. Because these plans proved to work like a charm when the locals trusted Jewish leaders like us, they responded. And they further elaborated with this: All things remained calm and everyone was safe because trust was maintained between the general public and the leaders who were like us. And the expectation is that a similar situation will be maintained in America at perpetuity. And you scratch your head and you ask yourself how many times during the centuries such assurances were given to those who listened to the leaders and ended up in the proverbial gas chamber as the leaders converted to another religion and fled the scene taking with them all the treasures they could carry.

But the nagging question that remains unanswered is this: How did these people construct the instruments that allowed them to have it both ways most of the time and get as far as they did? To answer the question we need to look at the following. The Jewish move into North America began with their organizations stating that the Jews were different from the other peoples because they have different sensitivities and different needs. They argued that in consequence of this, the Jews should be given special consideration and should be treated differently from the other people. To achieve this goal, they asked for and were given the green light to embark on a campaign to “educate” and to “sensitize” the public. And this is something they promised will foster greater understanding between the Jews and everyone else without causing nefarious consequences and without diminishing the rights of anyone. Thus, the rabbis spearheaded a campaign that flooded the North American media with material that portrayed the Jews as trustworthy saints whose only intent was to do what was good for humanity because the Jews suffered so much throughout history, they could not stand to see anyone suffer.

But we know today that the truth has been very different from that. In fact, we know that the truth has been the exact opposite of the assurances that were given and the promises that were made. We have learned the hard way that the Jewish intent was and still is very much tied to the weird sense of balance that powers the Jewish mentality. Simply put, the intent of the Jewish organizations has always been to do to the world what the Jews believe the world has done to them throughout history. Thus, while they sought to win the trust of the people around them with false promises, the Jewish organizations always plotted to punish those same people for the suffering that they imagine their ancestors have endured for no reason but that they were the chosen people. And contrary to the claim that they only wish to spare humanity the horrors that the Jews have suffered, the plan has always been to search for the defenseless and hit them where it hurts the most. In this way, they were able to inflict unimaginable pain and suffering on countless people who did nothing more than stay home and mind their own business.

And this is the place where Palestine finds itself today given that America was manipulated by the Jewish organizations into stripping it of every clout it could have had and every means of self-defense it ever had. Denied by America's maneuvers and by the American veto to possess the clout that would have allowed it to stand up to Israel, and stripped of the means to defend itself, Palestine now stands like the iconic mother who was seen holding a child under one arm, and using the other arm to throw stones at the American-built Israeli tank that came to demolish her house. This was the house that was built by an ancestor of hers, the house that had been in the family for generations, the house she hoped to bequeath to the daughter under her arm who will never again have a decent roof over head, a roof under which to grow up like all the children of the world. Yes, the Israelis look like evil incarnate in this iconic picture but so do the Americans who look like the low life evil imbeciles to which they have been transformed without them realizing what they have become.

Yet, this icon was never allowed to be shown in North America where the truth was suppressed and the big lie was plastered all over the places. The lie won out on this Continent and was absorbed by the public in the absence of any truth hitting the airwaves or hitting the printed pages of the press. And while all this was swirling around it, the public came to believe that every Jew was a saint and that every saint was a Jew. Having accomplished all this, the Jewish organizations began to draw parallels between the Jews as a people and Israel as a nation. Then, slowly and carefully they brought the parallels together till they merged into one and the same line. This made it look like the Jews were Israel and that Israel were the Jews. And the merged entity came to represent the saintly creature that Cotler and his likes want us to believe is God's favorite creation. And this fake fabrication of a pure fantasy is still propagated in the North American media with a determination which makes it so that to criticize Israel is now regarded as a deliberate exercise in antisemitism despite the muddled way that Cotler claims otherwise in his manifesto.

Unable to digest all that was thrown at them and having no other choice, the people of North America went along with it. Being normal people and having normal impulses, they tried to treat Israel as they do every other country. At times they even compared Israel with someone else which is how people usually reason things out in real life. But this was the act that brought the rabbis and their assistants to their feet and caused them to bellyache yet again. They cried out the refrain: “You can't compare.” In fact, they brayed this refrain each and every time in the face of anyone that tried to equate Israel with another country. They objected strenuously at such attempt on the grounds that Israel was different from all the other countries because Jews are different from all the other peoples. And for a time, everywhere you looked you heard them blurt that you can't compare Israel with this country or that country. It was a repetitive and monotonous refrain which they pronounced: “You can't compaaaare, you can't compaaaare, you can't compaaaare.”

If Irwin Cotler and those of his ilk do not want us to single Israel out for the acts it commits, then why do they not want us to compare it with someone else which is something that people normally do in order to put things in perspective? Look again at the quotation from his manifesto and strip it of the noise that hides the ambiguities it harbors. It will sound like this: “Let it be clear: Criticism of Israel is not antisemitic ... But singling Israel out for … condemnation and opprobrium ... is discriminatory and hateful...” No, we say, it is not clear. In fact it is muddled and it is ambiguous. These people have shoved down the throat of George the W (who was supposed to have been President of the United States at some point in time) this kind of intellectual rubbish calling it moral clarity and they convinced him to classify every act of Palestinian resistance as terrorism. This done, Israel launched waves after waves of terrorist attacks on civilians, killing them by the thousands while, in self-defense, the Palestinians only killed a handful of Israeli soldiers. Despite all this and in the name of moral clarity, the Palestinians who defend themselves are still called terrorists, and the Israelis who attack and rob them are still called saints in the books of America. And this is how every muddled Jewish ambiguity has become an American moral clarity.

Yes, the Palestinians are suffering, and people everywhere in the world are angry at America. But the big losers are the American people themselves whose losses are truly incalculable. Look at it this way: The Jewish organizations have managed to paralyze every media activity that may pertain to Israel or to the Jewish people, allowing for publication only what praises the Jews and glorifies Israel. The result has been that a fake portrait of the Jews and of Israel has emerged. Not knowing that another side even exists, three American generations have already been raised believing that the natural thing to do is to worship the Jew. In fact, it is claimed that there is at least 50 million Americans who call themselves Evangelicals. And these people are told by their pastors in the churches and on television to worship the Jew as their God – literally their God. Not since the Stone Age have people been so duped. Horrendous yet so true.

And this is happening despite the part of history which is well known to Jews that says when people discover they have been duped into worshiping false gods, the people turn against the gods and gas or incinerate them. If Cotler and his followers do not want to see this history repeated, they should stop doing what they are doing. They should instead let the Jews live in harmony with their neighbors like everyone else, and they should let Israel develop in harmony with its neighbors like everyone else. Israel or the Jews cannot be singled out for praise, and human nature cannot be condemned for the horrors that Israel alone is capable of inflicting on the defenseless. This may cause Irwin Cotler to become wealthier than he deserves but such will only come at the expense of Jewish and non-Jewish lives. He may not worry about that but the rest of us do.

Throughout history, people came to see the Jews as diabolic because of the activities of their leaders. The people of the world now begin to see Israel as satanic, and the view is spreading. To Israel's neighbors, this artificial concoction is a pain in the ass. To the people of Palestine, it is nothing less than the hell that has descended on them. Look for a reason as to why this picture of the Jews came to be painted and you will not find it in the genetic makeup of the human race contrary to the claims which are constantly being made by Cotler and those like him. Only the Jews and their leaders are the cause of this happening and only they should be held responsible for it now and forever.

If it happens again that someone will seek the final solution, don't blame it on him entirely but blame it on the main contributors who are the Jewish leaders themselves. By nature, humanity is an innocent lot. In fact, we are genetically programmed to preserve the self and preserve the species. The Jewish leaders are evil by virtue of their professional training and they are the guilty ones. The Jewish people who remain silent in the face of all this also bear some responsibility in the matter. To absolve themselves, they should act now and stop their leaders before it is too late.

And we should all say in unison: Enough is enough.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Nothing Kosher With Robert M Or Rupert M

Robert Maxwell who died some twenty years ago wanted the world to believe he was a business tycoon and a media magnate when in reality he could not run a corner store or a small town newspaper let alone a media empire with tentacles reaching into several different industries. On a personal level, he turned out to be a scoundrel of the worst kind but this part of his life is of no concern to us at this time. What is of concern are the relationships that he maintained with the British political setup and with the government of Israel. And the reason why we need to explore these realities is that they show some interesting parallels with what has come to light concerning the affairs of Rupert Murdoch. When considering such realities, what seems not to have been kosher with Robert M during his time seems not to be kosher with Rupert M at this time.

Maxwell died by suicide or by murder in the early Nineteen Nineties. The story we were told was that his naked body was discovered early in the morning after only a few minutes of search. It was said that the body was found floating in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean where the man had fallen off a yacht several hours before. We were asked to believe that he fell off the ship in the middle of the night when no one could see what happened or could notice that the man of the hour had disappeared from a yacht full of admirers and sycophants. This unbelievable information was put out by Israeli and Jewish sources that did not attempt to hide the ambiguities in the story they were telling. In fact, those sources tried to accentuate the ambiguities which is typical of the Judeo-Israeli propaganda machine when it seeks to have it both ways with regard to something. But what could that something be?

What was known during the life of Robert Maxwell and reiterated after his death was that he advised then Prime Minister of Britain, John Major on matters concerning the Eastern Block where Maxwell was born and where he still maintained a personal interest. He was also friends with then leader of the British Labor Party, Neil Kinnock, and was a financial backer of the Party itself. And he was thought to be an agent of MI6, the British equivalent of the CIA and the FBI rolled into one. As it turned out, however, he may also have been a double agent serving Israel and Britain at the same time which may have been the reason for his demise.

What is now certain is that a disgruntled agent of the Israeli spy agency known as the Mossad turned against the agency and threatened that if he did not get the respect he deserved he was going to reveal to the British that Robert Maxwell was an agent of the Mossad. He did not get the respect he sought and so he revealed that it was Maxwell who, five years previous, had told the Israelis about the whereabouts of Mordechai Vanunu. This was the nuclear technician who revealed Israel's work in the nuclear field to the Brits and lived in hiding in England. The man was subsequently kidnapped there and taken to Israel probably with the assistance of Maxwell who knew where he was hiding. And it was shortly after the disgruntled Mossad agent had made the revelation that Maxwell died mysteriously. Was he murdered by the Mossad who knew he was a double agent and were incensed that the Brits now knew? Or was he murdered by MI6 who were surprised to learn he was a double agent? We may never know for sure.

Maxwell's body was taken to Israel where it was buried in a ceremony so elaborate that no Israeli war hero could ever dream to be so honored. Many contemporary and former Mossad people were present at the funeral as were Israeli political leaders of every stripe. And the eulogy was given by none other than then Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir who revealed that Maxwell had done for Israel more than could be revealed at the time. He did not say why Maxwell's deeds needed to remain secret, and so we may have to wait until 30 years have passed before some of the truth will be told officially or allowed to be told unofficially.

Like Robert Maxwell, Rupert Murdoch has used his journalistic pull to forge strong relationships with the British political setup as well as with the police of London and the secret service of the country. It is now apparent that he pursued this approach because his ultimate desire was to serve the causes of world Jewry and the interests of Israel to the fullest extent. And given the globalized nature of the brave new world in which we now live, Murdoch found it possible to go one step further than Maxwell and do in all of the English speaking regions, which include the United States of America, what Maxwell could do only in Britain. One difference separating Murdoch from Maxwell, however, is that Murdoch has so far proved to be a more successful businessman and perhaps even a better journalist than Maxwell -- although he does not come across as a saintly one in this department – while Maxwell proved to be nothing more than a charlatan at managing anything and everything he touched.

While the main preoccupation of Maxwell and the Jewish organizations has been to supply Israel with weapons and money during his era, things have changed so much in two decades that Israel has, in the era of Murdoch, rejected some two dozen of the most advanced warplanes offered to it by America in return for suspending for a few weeks only the building of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. What this says in no unmistakable fashion is that the current preoccupation of the Israelis and the Jewish organizations is to acquire Palestinian lands. And this has also been the main preoccupation of the Murdoch media as can be verified by the flood of articles that had to be challenged and refuted on this website.

What these people want, in effect, is to grab the entire West Bank of the Jordan River if they can or grab as much of it as it will be possible. And what this translates into is that the people of Palestine will have to be demonized and made to look less worthy of the land on which they have lived for thousands of years than say, some American characters who may have converted to Judaism just yesterday not because they had an attachment to a land they didn't know existed until this morning but to get a job at CNN or at Fox News. But who can so demonize the Palestinians and achieve a feat this complicated?

Enter Rupert Murdoch with his vast media empire which is run by characters mistaken for journalists, editors and contributors who have as much shame desecrating the profession as has a dog sitting in the middle of a town square liking its genitals in full view of the unfortunate individuals who happen to walk by not knowing what will hit them in the eye and offend their sensibilities. Without a hint of shame, scruple or professional pride, these characters gather up, borrow and steal every bit of true and false information, every talking point and every fantasy that is put out regarding this subject or any other. They spin what they find like ingredients in a tub and thus brew one potion after another as if to poison a planet full of people who are unaware of the toxic effect that the witch's brew they are consuming could have on them.

And yet, this sort of machination has been going on for some time now without the poison completely defeating the antidote that is the truth which the Palestinians deploy when they can. And this reality has forced the Murdoch machine to invent a new game that can run parallel with the old and help boost it when it falters. The Murdoch machine has, in fact, labored hard to turn the instruments of government in the English speaking world – more specifically Britain and the United Sates -- against the Arab and Muslim communities living in that world. And this gave the machine the unexpected bonus of seeing the me-too Canada join in the disgrace voluntarily and pat itself on the back for being part of something; a situation where Canada, like the ultimate lemming, forever craves to be.

The result has been that innocent people were picked up at random by the British, Canadian and American police and were released right away or imprisoned on trumped up charges. Such horrifying incidents happened not to protect Britain, Canada or the United States but to stage a piece of theater that the Murdoch, Israeli and Jewish characters hoped would mitigate the effect of the Palestinian antidote. In effect, what these people did was to fabricate an artificial truth about the Arabs and the Muslims being dangerous to the English speaking world after which they hoped to associate the Palestinians with their fabrication and draw a diabolic conclusion from it all. In the end, they tried to argue that the new converts to Judaism were more deserving of the land of Palestine than the Palestinians who are Arabs and thus predisposed genetically to be the enemies of those who speak English.

What this amounts to is that a group of people who describe themselves as being of one Jewish religion and falsely call themselves as being of one ethnic background (when they actually came from everywhere on the planet) were able to mobilize the powers of the state to go after several ethnic groups living in the same state as Christian Arabs or Muslim Arabs or living as Muslims of another ethnicity. Well, my friend, as far as I can tell, something like this happened only on two occasions in all of history. It happened in Rwanda and it happened in the former Yugoslavia where the state was mobilized by one ethnic group to try and exterminate another ethnic group. And because Canada will always try to outdo the other nations, the harassment of the Arabs and the Muslims in Canada took on a form uglier than ugly when even during a calamity the Jewish monkey on the Arab and Muslim backs was felt to work relentlessly, harassing them and making them feel unwelcome and of second class citizenship.

What happened, on one occasion, was that representatives of the Canadian government made sure to hop in front of the cameras and loudly beam to the world that the Canadians who were stranded in Lebanon when Israel was savagely bombing that country will be rescued at their own expense – Hear this? At their own expense. To repeat – at their own expense. And this sorry spectacle happened again when no one asked to be rescued at the time that the revolution was unfolding in Egypt, and Canada insisted on rescuing the Canadians there at their own expense. There was one hitch though, these people were not stranded and no one had asked to be rescued. Still, the government of Canada sent several planes hoping to have a hell of a rescue party for the whole world to see, a party that would unfold at the expense of the party-goers, of course. But in the end, all that the Canadian officials under Jewish tutelage managed to do was to give a party to which no one came. And this event turned what is normally tragic about Canada into a tragicomedy. Would it not have been nicer if they had given a war to which no one went!

Luckily, very few people in Canada, in America and elsewhere aside from the idiots of the American Congress listen to the Murdoch characters and all those like them, let alone care about what they say. It is convoluted, cowardly and disgusting but very much a run of the mill Jewish trick tailored to awe the lost and the clueless of the failed state that America is fast becoming under Jewish leadership. And the question is when will the American people rise up and say to their Congress of traitors: Enough is enough. If you want to work for Israel go work in Israel. You cannot be here, elected and paid by us to work for the Israelis, transferring to them what belongs to us and to our children. For generations you have been saying that Israel is our friend. Maybe so but so are the parasitic fleas that live on the blood of my dog. We do not need a friend like Israel anymore than my dog needs the fleas on its body. We must get rid of Israel like I do the fleas off my dog.

Of course, to even begin to do what they did, the Murdoch machine and the Jewish organizations had to develop close relationships with the police in those three countries. They were lucky with the London police and with MI6 in Britain. They were also lucky with the New York detachment of the FBI and a handful of individual officers around the country. As for Canada, it has always been said that the security service in this country has been owned by the Likud Party of Israel and has been operated by the Canadian Jewish Congress since a Jew was made to serve as Solicitor General. And that setup remains true to this day even though many solicitors general came and went. When you add to this that Canada will always imitate someone then try to better them, you can see why the minister of immigration came out in no time at all to condemn a bombing that happened recently in India when it was thought but not proven that Muslim extremists were involved in that act. And yet the minister did not show his face when a worse incident happened in Norway which proved to be the work of a pure bred Norwegian Christian fundamentalist.

And the screwy thing here -- which raised a number of eyebrows -- is that the Canadian minister was made to say something to the effect that we, Canadians, feel the pain of the Indian people because we are so much like India while omitting to say (by failing to show up) the same thing about Norway. To most people, this meant that he believes we are more like India than we are like Norway, a northern country like us and a member of NATO. This is what happens when pea brains are made to say things they do not formulate themselves and do not understand when handed to them by someone evil but far above their league intellectually. Thus, what you see nowadays is the complete coordination between what the police do in the three English speaking countries and what the media propagate on any given day. In addition to that, there is the government of Canada which is thrown into the fray as a bonus and a comic relief.

But will this get the Israelis and the Jewish fantasists what they crave? Time will tell but don't bet the farm on it because the more stupid the trick, the harder it falls. And what the Jewish organizations are coming up with these days are so stupid, the expectation is that even the Canadian minister of immigration will be able to understand them someday – say in a million years or so.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

They Cooked The Goose Of The Golden Egg

The other day the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ran a story on the sharks of the Red Sea. It reminded me of an article I started writing some time ago but left unfinished because a few other matters were developing at a fast rate and I felt compelled to devote my attention to them. I have now completed that article and here it is.

They cooked their goose but this was the goose that used to lay the golden egg for them. Now they are out of a goose and out of eggs -- golden or otherwise. Yes, the Israelis are literally running out of milk to make cheese which is their favorite dish or to make anything else they can eat. And America that used to be their goose of the golden egg has been so impoverished, it can no longer feed its own people let alone feed them. All this happened because they cooked America to a crisp and ate it to the last morsel with the help of an American Congress that is no smarter than a goose or any other bird. Endowed with a collective power of the brain that is too small to measure on any scale, the men and women of the congressional coop quacked their way into infamy while serving Israel for several decades and neglecting their own people. The last that they did in this regard was to send Israel some 200 million dollars under the false pretense of deploying a system of defense that everyone knew was a joke. While the thing never worked because it was never deployed, the money was used to buy food from Israel's neighbors; enough of it to feed Israel for a few weeks and no more. Now the Israelis have no cheese on which to feed and little else for that matter.

So then, what do they do? If they knew of a better way to feed themselves, they would have done it a long time ago. Instead, they spent thousands of years developing the skills they needed to feed on the food they stole from their neighbors. And all they can do in modern times where stealing from the neighbors is becoming an increasingly difficult proposition, is that they con America and try to con the rest of the world. They had little success conning the world but they conned America till they fleeced it clean. And so the captains of the Judeo-Israeli propaganda machine are now using their talent to con their own people the way they conned America. In fact, the Israeli media are repeating to their people the fake stories they have been telling the American people and the rest of the world. They are telling the people of Israel how great their country is and how much its neighbors believe so too.

To give an example of what they used to do to con America and fleece it, let me tell you a few stories. Perhaps modeling themselves after the French philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes who said: “I think therefore I am,” they said to their American audiences: “They talk about us therefore we exist.” In fact, everywhere you looked during the 1967 war and after it, the Judeo-Israeli propaganda machine defined Israel by what it falsely attributed to its neighbors. As far as I can tell, this trend started during the war when an Israeli general took an American reporter to the Syrian border to show her how the war was proceeding. While speaking to her, a fly landed on his nose and he waved it away but the fly had other ideas; it kept coming back to land on his face again and again. Finally, the general threw his hands up in the air and solemnly asserted to the camera that this was a Syrian fly and not an Israeli one. It sounded like he meant to say this was a Syrian secret weapon designed to prevent the Israelis from telling their story to the Americans.

After the so-called six-day war that turned out to be not a war but the first battle in a war that lasted six years, the Israelis began to panic having done something foolish they knew they could not maintain without sustaining heavy losses while the situation suited the neighbors just fine. To stay on their feet and maintain their composure, the Israelis needed massive help from the outside in the form of two sorts of inflow. They needed an inflow of Jewish immigrants into Israel to enlarge their army of occupation and they needed an inflow of money to buy food, weapons and ammunition. First, they looked to the Jews of Russia from where they were able to “collect a few warm bodies” then they turned to the Jews of Ethiopia from where they collected a few more bodies.

As to the money, the Israelis and their cohorts discovered after a period of trial and error that they could get it from the wealthy Jews living abroad and from the American Congress of idiots by creating false situations full of ambiguity. The approach they devised was based on two contradictory arguments that they advanced simultaneously. The first argument was to the effect that Israel was in existential danger therefore the nation needed help in a big way; needed the help right now and will need it for a long time to come. The second argument was to the effect that investing in Israel was a safe bet because the Jewish nation was in no danger at all contrary to the predictions that were made by the speculators who choose to see things differently.

All the while, the Syrians were preparing to launch a counter attack in an effort to take back the Golan Heights, succeeding in effect to regain half of it in 1973. As to the Egyptians, they were engaged in a war of attrition between 1967 and 1973, something that gave the Jewish propaganda machine a reason to solicit more money from the wealthy Jews abroad and more help from the American Congress of you know what. Even then, Israel's losses were so great and the need for help was so urgent that the Judeo-Israeli propaganda machine needed something else to keep it going. To this end, it fabricated false stories about the activities of the Palestinian people it was maintaining under occupation in Gaza and the West bank of the Jordan River. Thus, during the war of attrition and even after the Egyptians had smashed the Bar Lev line and booted the Israelis out of the Sinai, the Israelis and their American cohorts were painting the Palestinians as an evil people that did not deserve to regain the properties that the Jewish throngs had stolen from them and were still doing it.

Indeed, the picture that was painted even before the practice of suicide bombing was imported into the Middle East from Sri Lanka where Israel was arming both sides in the civil war over there, the Jewish propaganda machine was inventing stories about the Palestinians strapping dogs with bombs and training them to go detonate the bombs into crowded Jewish places. Also, during the Gulf war, stories emerged about real seals being trained by the Iranian navy to detonate mines in the Persian Gulf and sink oil tankers. And right after the war during which Saddam Hussein was accused of producing poison gas and other weapons of mass destruction, stories emerged to the effect that the Palestinians were raising pigeons and other birds to carry poisoned gas and drop them on Israeli cities. This sort of stories used to be put out on a regular basis by the Jewish propaganda machine to the point that people in America became so fatigued, they ignore them. And so did the people of Israel who began to wonder what the hell they were doing in the God forsaken place they call Israel, and so they started to emigrate out of there in droves.

Then guess what happened to keep these people in Israel. To reassure them that things were better than they appear, the internal propaganda machine did something close to what can be viewed as reverse psychology but may be called something else; I don't know what. The infamous machine put the shoe on the other foot, so to speak. It said, in effect, that because the neighbors accuse us of doing things we do not do, it proves that we are important in their eyes which makes it that we should also regard ourselves as being important and be proud of that. And what did the machine say the neighbors were accusing Israel of doing? Let me give you an example of what happened not long ago. But to understand the story in depth, we first need to know something about Egypt's geography and demography.

Almost the entire population of Egypt resides along the Nile in 28 provinces, flanked by a desert on the East and a desert on the West. Some provinces were newly created and they now occupy huge areas in the desert while others are old and they are entirely made of one mega-city such as Cairo. The Sinai Peninsula, like the Easter and the Western deserts was maintained in a state of underdevelopment as long as the population of the country did not need to expand into new areas. But when the population began to grow large, new provinces were created everywhere except in the Sinai because Egypt was in a state of war with Israel and the expectation was that Israel was going to attack in there once again. This eventuality became real to the Egyptians after the experience of the tripartite aggression of 1956 during which the old colonial powers of Britain and France brought the Israelis along to show them how to attack Egypt and become a pain in the ass of humanity – as if they needed someone to show them how to be that kind of pain.

After the war of 1973 and the signing of a peace treaty with Israel, the Egyptians started to populate the Sinai with people who left the comfort of the Nile Valley to put roots where only the Bedouins used to roam. But to this day, the Peninsula still remains largely a deserted area. It is made of two provinces, the Northern one whose economy relies on fishing, a little tourism, some agriculture, mining and light industry. And there is the Southern province whose economy relies almost entirely on tourism. Although there are plans to populate the Sinai with millions of people, the entire place does not now boast more than half a million permanent residents with a few transients who go there to work in the tourism industry and return to the Valley after making a nest egg on which to build for a better future. Each province has its own governor -- a title that may sound impressive to you and me -- but the man or woman would be governing like a mayor over a population that does not exceed that of a medium sized town situated in the middle of nowhere.

What happened a few months ago in the Southern Sinai province was that a shark attacked a tourist and killed her. During a telephone talk show that featured the governor/mayor of the province, a worker in the tourism industry that was worried about losing his job asked him if Israel might have had something to do with the incident to hurt the industry that is putting food on his table. Considering the talk that was generated by the Israeli propaganda machine with regard to the use of animals in the conduct of modern warfare, the governor replied that he had no idea what was going on but that he would look into the matter – the typical response of a small time politician ducking a question. But this reply was enough for the Judeo-Israeli propaganda machine to take up the case, spin the incident in the local carousel of fantastic propaganda to impress the people of Israel, and spin it among the echo repeaters of the North American sheepish media characters to impress us here in North America.

We were told that the Egyptians (meaning 80 million of them and their government) believe that Israel had trained sharks to go and kill tourists at the Sinai resort areas in order to “wreck the Egyptian economy”. Well, you do not need to be a Sigmund Freud to know that when someone puts out a lie of this magnitude, he does not simply express a fantasy, he expresses a deep seated desire. And the desire here is to have the clout to wreck or at least threaten to wreck Egypt. The Israelis and their North American cohorts regularly develop this sort of thoughts when they fail to impress the Egyptians with statements like those of the moronic foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman who warns that Israel has the means to blow up the Aswan dam and thus destroy all of Egypt in one fell swoop like the Israelites used to do in the stories of the ancient Hebrew mythology.

But suppose they could do something like this by some unexplained miracle, would they not be killing the other goose that can still lay an egg for them – be it of gold or made of protein? The Israelis may not be suckering the Egyptians the way they have suckered the Americans, but Egypt is where they now buy their food at a cheap price and get their fuel at a dirt cheap price. Take Egypt out of the picture, and Israel will not have the means to feed its people on the droppings of a goose. They will have to beg for that.

These people are raving mad and they need someone to help save them from themselves. Any volunteer out there?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Doing Business In The Global Village

Based on the evidence gathered over the centuries with regard to the way that business and commerce have been conducted, all indications are to the effect that the business cycle is here to stay. And the conclusion we must draw is that we should learn to live with it because the best that we can do is tame it a little but not repeal it altogether. And so, I begin this discussion by accepting that postulate and I try to develop an understanding as to why the business cycle exists at all and how it repeats itself. To do this, I think of the economy as a machine made of two parts. The first part produces and supplies goods ranging from the tomato to the jumbo jet and produces services that range from the haircut to the billion dollar insurance coverage. The second part of the economy is a massive consumer that takes in all these goods and services. It is composed of private citizens going about their daily lives, of the procurement arms that buy goods and services for government agencies, of the purchasing departments that buy for private business and of everyone else that buys goods or services and pays for them with money or barters them against other goods and services.

Having outlined an economy with this simplified sketch, I see it as existing in one of three possible states. First, the economy is shrinking which means it is becoming smaller or (to use the jargon of the trade) it is registering a negative rate of growth. Second, the economy is stagnating which means it is registering a near zero rate of growth. The reason why this would happen is that the production side can sometimes match the demand side and not cause a detectable change in the size of the economy. Third, the economy is registering a steady and positive rate of growth year after year which is a healthy state for it to be in. Unfortunately, however, this is a situation that no country has been able to maintain for an indefinite period. The more likely thing to happen is that the economy registers the kind of positive growth which leads to cycles of booms and busts. There are numerous reasons why this can happen but more often than not, the cycles result from a mismatch created when the supply side of the machine fails to produce what the consuming side demands whereby the economy attempts to restore balance but overshoots in one direction or the other.

More precisely, the mismatch can happen because the economic machine does not produce enough of what the consumer demands or because it produces the sort of goods and services that the user no longer needs or perhaps did not need all along. A situation like this throws the supply-demand equation out of whack and opens a gap between the two parts of the machine. If the phenomenon persists, the gap keeps widening till it undermines the value of the currency underlying the economy. The price of goods and services begins to inflate and reaches a level called a bubble which then bursts and threatens to collapse the entire economy. The authorities in charge intervene and try to bring the economy to a landing. Their aim will be to soft-land it which means make it register normal growth again. But it often happens that the economy will land into a recession meaning that it will register a rate of growth that is below normal or worse, it will crash land and register a rate of growth that is negative and that is large. In either case, the economy will take a breather for a period of time after that and restart the cycle only to go through it all over again.

To understand why the economy goes out of whack in the first place at the macro level, we need to look at the small parts that make up the producing side of the machine as well as the small parts that make up the consuming side. These would be the parts that undergo changes at the micro level which are so small they can barely be detected or not at all. Their cumulative effect, however, is sufficient to cause a big change at the level of the overall economy. What are these parts? Well, the parts that make up the producing side of the machine are things like ideas, concepts, scientific discoveries and technological developments. They do not stand still because new ones appear all the time and replace the old. As for the parts that make up the consuming side, they are things like taste, fads, styles, preferences and so on. They change because they respond (but not always) to the changes that occur at the producing side given that the consumers are affected by the appeal that is generated when new products hit the shelves. And they change because the demography of the users keeps changing given that human beings grow old and cede their places to the younger generation.

So then, what we have in a modern economy are two sides of an equation whose parts are made of variables that constantly change. The variables cannot be controlled for any length of time because they transform into something else faster than a response can be formulated to address them. For this reason, the supply side of the economy fails at times to adequately respond to the changing needs of the consumer. The consequence is that the supply-demand equation goes out of whack and causes the familiar economic cycle. However, we must keep in mind that change in itself is not a bad thing because it is the product of an innovative spirit that keeps renewing the economy by incorporating into it new ideas we consider to be an improvement on the old until proven otherwise.

But where the real trouble begins is when the volatility in the economy becomes so large that it causes a swing in the economy which may range from the creation of a small bubble that quickly dissipates to causing a crash that lingers long enough to become a prolonged slump in the economy. This is the dreaded event that sends the rate of unemployment to levels that test the social safety net put in place to help people transition into a new economy. And this is the time when the quality of the net becomes the indicator that tells how advanced a given economy is and how well it has performed lately.

The nations of the world have, in fact, gone through a few of these cycles during the past decades, and several approaches were employed to mitigate the problems that crept up, especially those of unemployment. These approaches met with various degrees of success but they now seem to have become obsolete in the face of a global economy that does not respond to them the way it used to. The challenge, therefore, is to understand why this is so and to find ways to respond to a situation that has materialized when doing business in the global village became the norm. To this end, the first thing we do is notice that we have a problem of a sort we never encountered before. It is one that has become starkly visible after the near financial meltdown of 2008. It is the phenomenon of big business in the developed economies hoarding cash instead of using it to hire people, reduce unemployment and help the economy grow. Why is this happening?

To answer this question we need to understand what approaches were used in the past to solve the problem of a slumping economy. I begin with the story of the economist John Maynard Keynes who lived at a time when cycles of boom and bust were frequent. This was a time of great technological innovations, a time when transportation vehicles of all sorts and household products of every description were regularly invented and put on the market. The consumers rushed to buy these products and they quickly depleted their savings as well as the ability to obtain new credit. This caused a sudden reduction in demand and resulted in the considerable slowing down of the economy. Keynes responded by having the government supplant the consumer to create demand in the economy. This was done by launching public works such as updating the infrastructure of the country. The approach worked but, like everything else, the theory behind it was not without drawbacks. To begin with, the infrastructure of a country may not always need updating. Also, there is the fact that when you spend on the infrastructure, you inject money into the economy without producing the sort of goods and services that the consumers usually buy. Thus, you create a situation where more money is chasing the same amount of goods and services, an effect that creates inflation down the road and sets the economy for a period of boom which, if unchecked, can turn into a bubble.

Nevertheless, the Keynesian approach reigned supreme as a practical economic remedy for a number of decades when something happened to challenge all that. The approach was transformed into a political ideology by people who attacked it on political grounds while advocating an economic approach that was better suited to their vision. They called the Keynesian solution a remedy of the Left that does not work, and they proposed an approach of the Right that they promised will work. To make their point and to give it the aura of respectability, they adopted the economist Milton Friedman as their patron saint whose theory of economics is based on the principle that when people are free to choose they make the best choices, and this leads to good things happening to the economy. This idea was interpreted to mean that everyone should be allowed to do what they want. And the “laissez-faire” approach became the mantra of the Right.

While the bickering between the Left and the Right started on economic grounds, it quickly degenerated into a battle among political ideologues. The Keynesian theory was described as a leftist conspiracy to make the government intervene more massively in the economy by favoring the demand side of the equation and by kissing up to the labor unions. This was countered with the charge that the laissez-faire approach was a rightist conspiracy designed to get the government out of the economy by favoring the supply side of the equation and kissing up to big business that seeks to abolish all business taxes. Whether this charge is true or false, the approach of the Right also has its drawbacks because there comes a time when business is flush with money and needs no preferential treatment while the government may need money and cannot afford to lower the taxes or reduce service to the public.

The conclusion we must draw from all this is that neither side has the perfect solution to a slumping economy. In theory, a good solution would be to have unlimited amounts of money and new ideas at your finger tips such that you can come up with new products and new services at the snap of your fingers. You will need to constantly create the products and the services that will please the consumer, and you will need to produce them at an ever cheaper price which means you will need to constantly raise the productivity of the workers. This done, you will have to pay the workers higher and higher wages because they are, after all, the consumers who will buy all those goods and services. Can this be done? No. This is a fantasy cited here only to show what an ideal – but impossible to attain -- solution would look like.

However, the truth is that at this moment in time patented ideas and more ideas waiting to be patented exist by the tens of thousands and they beg to be used. Moreover, there is the reality that big corporations in the advanced economies are flush with hoarded money which they are not investing in old ideas or new ideas. It is as if these corporations have gone on strike at a time when they have it within their power to alleviate the current slump, something they can do by using the money in their vaults to develop those ideas and turn them into new products and new services. But the corporations are not doing it and the question is: Why not?

The reality is that since everything was politicized, big business has wanted to play ball by participating in the political game and playing it the business way which is oriented toward the principle of competition more than the principle of compromise. However, the trouble has always been that people in business are a cautious lot who would not activate plan A unless they had plan B safely tucked in their drawer. Thus, aside from doling out monetary contributions to the political class, the people in business did little else to participate in the political game until the globalization of the world economies happened and new opportunities opened up to them. They got into the arena, and the way they played the game was to play one jurisdiction against the other. They got the jurisdictions to compete at giving them better tax breaks and more favorable regulatory regimes. This is how they succeeded at making good things happen for their business and for the shareholders.

One thing they did effectively was to shift their investment strategy from the mature economies to the emerging ones. The strategy worked so well that they were able to make their balance sheets look good by relying almost exclusively on the growth generated in the emerging economies. And this happened at a time when the mature economies were in a slump and going nowhere. In the meantime, the big multinationals began to demand concessions from the governments of the mature economies as they sat pretty on their cash and waited for the right response to be whispered in their ear. This is where things stand now; and the one thing we can be certain about is that the way this standoff will be resolved will set the tone for the relationship that will exist in the future between the governments and the big businesses not just in the mature economies but everywhere on the planet.

So then, what to do? The short answer is that all governments must develop the means by which to break the investment strikes which are now in effect and those that big business will want to initiate in the future. To do this, the central bank and the treasury in every country should be allowed to work together and they should be given the right to deny the first tier of big business access to the bank's window. Moreover, the central bank and the treasury should be allowed to engage “scab” businesses of the second tier level. They will nurture and ready these businesses to supplant the first tier if and when the latter go on strike. In effect, these businesses will be told that if they strike they will be locked out. The political Left will not mind seeing a policy like this in place because it will check the power of big business. And the political Right will not mind it because according to the theory of Friedman, the policy will encourage more competition. And both sides will love it even more because it will mean no more bailouts.

The way to start the ball rolling is to put the squeeze on the big financial institutions that must never be allowed to attain the size of “too big to fail” anyway. Then there are the manufacturing industries that receive massive contracts from the defense department and from the various scientific programs, some of which are subsidized to the hilt. And you can go through the list of companies and implement this policy at lower and lower tiers until everyone that runs a business understands they cannot hold the gun to the head of the nation and demand concessions they have not earned the old fashioned way.

This is the way that governments will have to do business in the global village from here on if they want to maintain some level of influence over their respective jurisdictions. And this suggests that some sort of agreement will have to be forged among all governments to the effect that they will not allow the multinationals to play one country against the other and so usurp their economic powers. As I see it, this is the way that governments will be able to prevent business from blackmailing big and small nations into submission.

P.S. I normally take a vacation in July but will not this year. I am scheduled to undergo a cataract operation in a few weeks. I shall remain in touch whenever I can till the day of the operation. I don't know how long it will take me to recuperate after that.

Monday, July 11, 2011

From Apartheid Israel To Apartheid Canada

An inquiry panel calling itself “Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism” has recommended that Canada turn itself into an apartheid state not too different from the apartheid state of Israel. The panel made itself look like it comprises some two dozen members but there is only one member who could have written this report and that is Irwin Cotler who is not even a full member of the panel in the official sense but an ex-officio. Cotler is a lawyer and a member of the Canadian Parliament representing a riding in Montreal. To give you an idea what other Montreal lawyers think of him, let me tell you this story. When I lived in that city, I knew the well liked and well respected prominent lawyer, Ralph Cohen who knew Cotler. One day during a conversation, Cohen said that he would not shake hands with Irwin. I asked him why and he replied: “I only have 5 fingers in each hand”.

When you read the report you immediately see that Irwin Cotler wants to put Canada on the slippery slope of ethnic cleansing itself in several suicidal steps. First, he wants to close the doors of immigration to people from the Arab and Muslim countries while opening them very wide to Jews, especially those who may wish to leave a country like Venezuela. The second thing he wants to do is deport anyone who, after being questioned as to his or her thinking, will refuse to express their undying love for Israel, for Zionism and for all the Jewish causes. The third thing that Cotler wants to do is turn all schools in Canada into Jewish Madrassas where the Judeo-Yiddish gospel of the Holocaust will be taught to Canadian children starting at a very early age whether or not their parents will approve. And when all this is done, Cotler wants Canada to do politically what America has failed to accomplish militarily; and that is to go on a crusade around the world and try to force-feed his raving lunacy to a reluctant humanity. Call it Pax Canadiana a la Cotlerama. Sick, utterly disgusting but true.

Let me tell you, my friend, this is serious stuff. And now let me tell you why it is so. It is serious because for two decades now I have been receiving reports about a joint effort combining Israeli agents and influential Jewish Canadians to turn the ministry of foreign affairs into a Judeo-Israeli colony in practice. The stories that were handed to me covered the horror spectrum from one end to the other. At one end you had fake tours undertaken by Canadian ministers of the crown and prominent Jewish Canadians supposedly to go to one or two Arab countries plus Israel to promote Canadian interests. But in actual fact, these people went to the Middle East for one purpose only; to receive the latest instructions as to what to do upon their return to Canada to advance the issues that were of interest to Israel and the Jewish organizations. As to the Arab countries, they were included in the tour only as a cover to mitigate any suspicion that observers of the Middle East scene may develop.

At the other end of the horror spectrum you had agents from the Israeli embassies and consulates in the countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe before and after the fall of the Berlin wall, luring Canadian embassy officials in those countries and getting them involved in compromising situations whereby they would make a record of the incidents and blackmail them. The Canadians would then be told that when they return to Canada, they will be expected to join the effort to ethnic cleanse the foreign ministry of its “Arabist” elements or they will be destroyed professionally and financially.

I had all this information but I did not want to speak or write about the subject for two decades or more because I had nothing that would constitute proof, nothing that could be shown to damage Canada and nothing that would be construed as motivation powerful enough to compel prominent Jews to engage in activities that had this level of risk. I had nothing that is, until the Cotler report came out. And what I see here is a compilation of trivial matters spread over some 80 pages that would not raise a single eyebrow from among a million observers if you took out the word Jew and replaced it with say, Black or Muslim or Native or Arab. And yet, Irwin Cotler wants to remedy a nonexistent problem with the use of the proverbial nuclear option. My mistake all these years was to assume that what motivates the likes of Cotler and his fellow co-panelists were the things that would motivate normal human beings. But it is now clear to me that these are not normal human beings; they are whatever else they are.

Another matter that is striking about the Cotler mentality as shown in this report is the extreme to which his sense of balance has been deformed. For a long time now, the world has known that the Jewish sense of balance was skewed in their favor by the fact that they always thought they were a chosen people. The world has also noted the collective punishment which Israel inflicts on the Palestinian people in the belief that all Palestinians should be made responsible for what each individual does. And what we see in the Cotler report is something that codifies this mentality in such extreme fashion that, to understand it is to have an explanation as to how and why the Jews have brought hatred onto themselves throughout history and everywhere they went around this fair planet.

What is being advanced in the disreputable Cotler report is an idea that goes something like this: When it comes to non-Jews, the principle that should apply is that individual failings should mean collective failings in the sense that because there was one Hitler, each and every non-Jew must be viewed and treated like a Hitler. And this is true while the individual accomplishments of non-Jews should only mean that; the accomplishments of one individual. On the other hand, when it comes to Jews, individual failings should mean just that; the failings of a single individual. And this would be true while the individual accomplishments of Jews will mean the collective accomplishments of all Jews in the sense that because there was one Jewish Einstein, each and every Jew must be viewed and treated like an Einstein. The net result of this mentality dominating the English speaking world has been that a picture is painted of a world populated by billions of non-Jewish Hitlers, all trying to gas and to incinerate a handful of Jewish Einsteins.

Now imagine Canada accepting the Cotler recommendations and implementing them. Do you think Canada will change the world as suggested in the report? Of course not. America took several decades, spent trillions of dollars and caused millions of people to die horribly, including thousands of its own people trying to do what Cotler wants Canada to do but failing miserably. And in the end what happened was not that the Jews succeeded at using America to control the world but they succeeded at controlling America only. And if you want to know how damaging this has been to America, look what happens in the so-called greatest deliberative body in the world where they deliberately knife each other to paralyze the business of a nation that is going bankrupt.

And all this is happening while the representatives of the people are prostituting themselves like sick dogs to throw themselves at and to kiss the boots of their Jewish masters. If you can imagine suspending the rescue operation on a sinking Titanic to get into the ritual of kissing the boots of a Jew on board, you will imagine what it must have been like for the US Senate to suspend the deliberations regarding the raising of the debt ceiling to pass a non-binding resolution that urged the President himself to get on his knees and kiss that Jewish boot. This is more than pathetic in a political sense; it is pornographic in a social sense. And guess who is engaged in these acts of pornography more than anyone else. You guessed it; they are the pious evangelicals who carry a book of prayer in one hand and a box of sex paraphernalia in the other.

And this pattern is one that has played itself in one form or another since the beginning of time and throughout history. Ever since the biblical stories of Joseph in Egypt and Esther in Persia were told about Jews infiltrating the highest levels of the governing apparatus of nations, the Jews have been doing it or attempting to do it over and over again. And each time, the ordinary people of those nations have managed to unmask the Jewish infiltrators and show them to be the treacherous agents who worked to destroy the nation from the inside. And each time the response of the ordinary people has been to gather the Jews and to throw them in the proverbial gas chamber or incinerator.

To tell how he felt and to cry out his agony, a Jew I had the privilege of knowing used to say this: “The guys at the top of the Jewish food chain have made the gas chamber the natural habitat of Jews, and they want us to go home every once in a while. I am tired of this and I dream of the day when we, the Jews of the world will liberate ourselves from the grip of our killers, those among us who rise to lead our affairs but lead us to death and destruction.” This man must have had Irwin Cotler in mind.

I shall have more to say about the Cotler report in the weeks and months ahead.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Behold A Dirty Trick In The Making

Imagine you are in your early to mid twenties walking somewhere indoor or in the great outdoors. Unexpectedly and without warning a massive object appears out of nowhere. It comes flying in your direction at high speed and hits you in the face with a force you never thought existed. No, this is not what happened to me in a physical sense but it is what happened in a moral sense. I have been trying since that time to understand the phenomenon and have been trying to make sense of it. After more than 40 years, I feel I know enough about the subject to speak on it with some authority.

So you ask: What could this thing have been? And the answer is that it is a concept so strange and so alien to our intuitive understanding of human interaction, it leaves you dizzy and confused for many, many years. This thing is a trick; it is a dirty trick; it is a damned dirty trick. Expressed in simple terms, it goes something like this: We play the game of life. As long as you are winning, the round does not end but as soon as I win, the round ends here. We record it as a win for me and we start another round. This way you never officially score a win while I win all the rounds one after the other, and we record them as such in the successive chapters. If by some fluke, a win is recorded under your name, we stop everything we do and work on rescinding that decision. Yes, this would be a one sided way to play the game of life but like it or not, this is how things ought to be and this is how they shall be from now on.

How did I get caught in something like this? It is a long story so bear with me, my friend. When I came to Canada I first lived a number of uneventful years. Then a war happened in the Middle East in the year 1967 which I did not worry too much about for maybe a year or so. During this time, however, things were gradually changing on the North American continent. They first began to change in the media and then spread to every walk of life including the university campuses. As it happened, I started to attend a university at about that time; one that was full of Jewish students nicknamed the Jewish bastion. What you could not miss being on that campus were the events that honored Israel and the Jewish culture. This was not bad in itself but things started to get nasty when to honor Israel and the Jews meant to denigrate the Arabs, and there were plenty of denigrations happening on that campus. My reaction – a decision arrived at intuitively -- was to write a letter to the editor of the Toronto Star which they published in 1968 under the title: “Don't listen to propaganda, Egypt is a civilized country”.

That letter sealed my fate. What happened as a result of its publication was the moral equivalent of being hit in the face by an object like I mentioned earlier. As today, the concept behind the force was so evil I had no choice but to equate it with the Holocaust. But after the passage of time, on a quiet day and out of the blue came a powerful light and burst like an explosion in my mind's eye. It was that I had suddenly understood this was not a force to remedy the wrongs committed during the Holocaust as some people were claiming but that it was the force of the very concept that led to the Holocaust.

That concept was still there, was still gathering momentum and was still laboring to organize and lead to something like another pogrom or a holocaust yet again. This evil concept -- this manner of playing the game of life so openly in a one sided manner -- was the reason why human beings have rejected the cultures that claimed to adhere to the Jewish religion but were, in fact, artificial constructs put together by charlatan groups claiming to be authentic Jews. These were the groups that later came to be known as the Jewish organizations. They each pretended to represent a different interest but they worked to secure one and the same interest, their own. And they did so regardless as to what they may cost someone else, including the people they said they were protecting, the Jews.

The analogy was quickly formed in my mind about life being a never ending story written in chapters. Indeed, I see each chapters as being made of an evolving narrative that has a beginning and a middle while the ending is represented by a frozen snapshot describing in brief the preceding narrative and framing the moral it yields. And what I see the Jewish organizations try to do with regard to this analogy is to get into every chapter and be designated as the dominant player in it. They want to let every chapter run till they score a win at which point they will want to take credit, end the chapter here and freeze it never to be rescinded. But if by some fluke someone else wins, and it is decided that he or she should get the credit, they would want to rescind the chapter and start anew because they never want to appear as having lost or let someone else appear as having won.

Since the beginning of time and everywhere on planet Earth, normal human beings have sensed that there was something wrong with a setup such as this and have expressed the resentment they felt toward the people who set it up and benefited from it. Most of the time, these people were the Jews who organized themselves in such a way as to accomplish unspeakable feats. Yes, there were occasions when other peoples tried to do likewise but they all failed in no time at all because they lacked the experience that the Jews had accumulated playing similar games throughout the centuries.

As to the Jewish organizations, they have managed on most occasions to stay around long enough to generate resentment among the general public, a happening they adroitly canalized and directed against the entire Jewish community, something that has always scored maximum dramatic effect. And this is where the organizations complained while calling the phenomenon anti-Semitism but then went on to feed on it like manna from the sky, or as they put it: “Enjoy the treasure trove.” And they used these troves like fodder to fuel the dirty games they played, games they kept pushing ever further into the realm of the absurd. The result has been that explosions in the form of pogroms and holocausts happened every once in a while through the centuries which is what is building up here in Canada at this time.

The foolish culprits who are risking a potential explosion in this country are 22 members of the Canadian Parliament and Senate who formed: “The Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Anti-Semitism”. They say they studied the subject upon which they issued a report on what they think they have discovered. I did not read the report because it is not yet available to the public but a few of the members spoke to the media and this was enough to convince me that what we have here is more of the same; more of what has been sending Jews to the proverbial gas chambers and the proverbial incinerators if not the actual ones -- even if some members of the coalition still do not understand in what diabolic scheme they were made to participate.

Because I was forced by this type of activities to spend my adult life studying that phenomenon, I feel compelled to speak up now and before the Jewish organizations have succeeded at using the report to send more Jews to their deaths whether they do it deliberately or inadvertently, consciously or by sheer stupidity. Given that the current activities are carried out by characters trying to maximize their gains, I recognize them as the same kind I met on previous occasions, and I can report with a clear conscience that it will not bother them one iota if a holocaust resulted from their activities. And this is the reason why I feel good knowing that I did all I can to save the life of even one human being.

Clearly, the attempt here is to once again use Canada as the soft underbelly of the Continent where the Jewish organizations wish to start something and take it to United States then take it from there to Britain and Australia. Their target this time are the universities which they had on their side in the old days but lost to the rigorous competition of the open marketplace of ideas when their ideas proved to be worth even less than the hot air they were blowing from an orifice that is neither a mouth nor a nostril. They lost the professors and they lost the students who were old enough, mature enough and learned enough to differentiate between the fresh air of a truth that was staring them in the face and the stink that the Jewish propaganda machine was producing without respite like a Sisyphean model of the perpetual motion machine.

And as always, the pattern they used this time was to begin a war by employing the maneuver known as the organized campaign of whisper. When they lost this battle, they wished to have the authorities intervene and fight their war on their side. Of course, in the case of this latest attempt, the members of the coalition do not believe that the government can win a matchmaking operation. After all, how can the government convince a bunch of professors and college students that Israel is the little sweetheart they should learn to love again when the Jewish organizations themselves have failed to accomplish this feat? But the members of the coalition – now acting on behalf of the Jewish organizations -- are calling on the government to intervene because somebody has something else in mind. What could that be?

Knowing that they cannot win a war game where the playing field is leveled, the Jewish organizations have switched to plan B which is to shift the emphasis from reality to perception. To this end, they are working to close this chapter of the narrative not by ceding the ball and the playing field to the competition and walking away from it all looking like the defeated party but by making things look like a win for them. In fact, they are trying to make the government authorities appear to have designated the Jews once again as a special group deserving of a special kind of attention.

If this happens, it will be a move they can take to the rest of the world and present as an act that symbolizes and reinforces the choice made by God to call the Jews his favorite children. In the final analysis they may not be able to shut up the professors or the students but having a government gestapo work for them under their rules will raise their profile in such a way as to make people hate the favoritism they see. And where there is hate there is the dirty water in which the Jewish organizations love to fish. Again, it will be time to sing the refrain of Jewish victimhood which goes like this:

I am hated by the world so gimme, gimme, gimme.
A million here, a million there so send me, send me, send me.

All of which leads me to assert the following: Let those who signed this report know they have been tainted beyond repair by the fact that they recommended the training of the police and recommended sending them to the universities to work as thought police. These members of the coalition are today and they will forever remain pariahs comparable to those who recommended the formation of the Nazi Gestapo. The label that designates them as pariahs is seared in their foreheads, and the resulting scar will always be there to attest to their failure as morally responsible specimen of the human race.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Here We Go Again

A Middle Eastern proverb says that those whom God intends to destroy He first renders them mad. A newer version of the saying adds to it that if God intends to totally obliterate that someone, He renders them raving lunatics. Well, my friend, now that the Israelis have killed the goose that used to lay the golden egg for them and now that they see famine loom on the horizon, they are going loony. And this can only mean that they are anticipating their own total obliteration. What is noteworthy about all this is that they did not need someone to push them over the cliff; they did it to themselves this time as they always have in the past.

Look at this title and guess what it's about: “The Economic Case for Supporting Israel”. If you haven't guessed it yet, look at this subtitle: “America needs the Jewish state's technology and innovation as much as it needs us.” You probably guessed by now that it must be an article published in the Wall Street Journal; another one of those Rupert Murdoch publications. And the answer is: Yup, that's what it is. In fact, the article was written by George Gilder and published on July 5, 2011 in that increasingly infamous newspaper.

In a typically Judeo-Yiddish manner, Gilder starts the article by telling you this: Come closer and let me whisper a great Jewish wisdom in your ear. I know something that is hard for you and for others to believe but I want you to be as enlightened as me. I know what America's enemies understand -- and not just that; I know that they understand it deeply and intuitively. They understand that no US goals or resources in the Middle East are remotely as important as Israel. Did you get this fully and completely? Remember that the operative word here is r-e-m-o-t-e-l-y; no US goals or resources are remotely – get it remotely -- as important as Israel. Then George Gilder asks in despair: Why don't we understand (if only superficially) what our enemies already understand so deeply and so intuitively?

Now that he has enlightened you, he wants to tell you a few more things. He says this: “Israel cruised through the recent global slump with scarcely a down quarter and no deficit or stimulus package.” Wow! Look at this; the man is being honest for a change. The trouble is that he doesn't know why or how he is being honest. But if he has kids in the family like we do in ours, he would know why Israel has cruised through the slump. It is that deficits and stimulus packages are specific to an economy. Israel has no economy; therefore it could not have a deficit or a stimulus package. Like kids here and there and everywhere, Israel lives on allowances given to it voluntarily by the Jews who run businesses elsewhere in the world and by the taxpayers of America who are saddled with an archaic system of governance that allows their Congress to starve them in order to fatten the Israelis. There are 5 million Jews in Israel and 45 million poor people on food stamps in America. The country is keeping nine of its own people in poverty for every Jew it pampers in Israel by sending them money, jet fuel and weapons to kill Palestinians and steal their properties.

On another front, by listing the scientific and technological advances that Israel is supposed to have made but never actually did make except in the world of fantasy, George Gilder does something that is repetitive and tiresome. For me to respond to each entry he blabbers will be like getting into a fart contest with a skunk; and I have no wish to do this. Instead, I shall discuss what the Jewish organizations are trying to accomplish with the Gilder article. So, let me pick up on the issue of water and agriculture about which Gilder makes a big deal.

The record shows that Palestine was known as the land of milk and honey in ancient times and that it was part of the fertile crescent together with the Nile valley and the Tigris and Euphrates ever since. When the Jewish illegal immigrants infiltrated Palestine by stealth carrying bombs and guns they brought with them for the purpose of killing Palestinians and stealing their properties, they took possession of the best productive fields in the world. However, being mostly textile workers, jewelers, cantors and musicians, they didn't know a hole in the ground from a hole in their anatomy. Thus, they did not work the land but sat on it for a long time. To eat, they did what the Hebrew tribes were doing in ancient times; they raided their neighbors and stole food from them. As reported by Walter Cronkite in one of his famous broadcasts, the Israelis were thrilled as late as the Nineteen Sixties by the fact that when they used to raid the Egyptian border outposts, they found: “Enough food to feed Israel for a whole year.” Which they stole, of course, and took back to Israel. A four thousand year old bad habit that never died.

Stealing food from their neighbors has been a method of survival for these people for thousands of years but the method has increasingly become more difficult to practice since the middle of the last century. What the Israelis still find easy to do, however, is steal water from the unarmed Palestinians who are under their military occupation and are banned by America from having weapons of any kind to defend themselves at a time when the Israelis are kept armed to the teeth and well supplies with ammunition by that same America. So how does Israel pay America back for this service? Well, George Gilder has the answer. He says that Israel is teaching America all there is to know about securing water. Well, hello there; let no Canadian hear this. If stealing water from your neighbors is what America has learned from the Israelis, I have news for the Americans: Try to come steal our water here in Canada and see what will happen.

Back to the Israelis. These characters tried to learn farming over many decades but failed miserably. When they could no longer raid their neighbors to steal food, they made peace with the Palestinians that were allowed to remain on the land. And to this day, these Palestinians are the only true farmers that Israel has. Take them away and even America will lack the means to feed Israel for an extended period of time. In the meantime, pretenders regularly go to settle in Israel from places known as the concrete jungles of New York, Toronto, London, Paris and Moscow. Not knowing the difference between a water hose and their urinary track, they buy books with titles like “How to Plant Flowers” and they start to plant flowers for export. Since they do not know how to do the work themselves, they do not even hire their countrymen but hire migrant workers from abroad whom they pay with America's generous grants sent to them courtesy of the US Congress of idiots. But now that America is going bankrupt, the Israeli pretenders are not paying their workers the back wages they owe them. Instead, they are kicking them out of Israel penniless and out of luck.

As for the scientific and technological achievements that Gilder says Israel has made, let me tell you a few stories related to this subject. There was a time when tar sands bearing crude oil became the focus of attention in Morocco and Jordan. The Israelis approached the two Arab governments and whispered in the ear of their officials something to this effect: Boy, have we got a project in the order of the Brooklyn Bridge to sell to you, and we promise you will not have to jump off the project in despair. No, it is not another bridge we have for you but hear this carefully; we have a secret formula that will turn your tar sands into gushing oil, something that will make you richer than Saudi Arabia, Kuwait or anyone who has conventional oil and makes money hand over fist. Trust us, we're Jews and we do not lie.

The Canadian and American corporations and their engineers who were developing the tar sand technology for the Canadian deposits got wind of the Israeli attempts. They took a closer look at what these people boasted was their secret formula and recognized it as the processes they had developed themselves in Alberta and Saskatchewan. They immediately warned that they will take legal action against anyone that participates in the theft of their intellectual property, including the would be victims if they did not kick the Israeli asses and booted these characters out of the country pronto. And the two Arab governments did just that. Shortly thereafter, the internet became widespread, and every time that the Israelis approached someone with a new Brooklyn bridge to sell to them, the people checked on the internet and found that the intellectual property was stolen. And they kicked Jewish asses and they booted them out of the country.

Everyone did so except the American and British governments, that is. What happened in these two cases was that young men writing theses for their Master and PhD degrees speculated as to how Saddam Hussein might be building nuclear bombs and other weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The Israelis and their cohorts in America and Britain stole these works and presented them as discoveries made by reliable sources that could not be identified. They insisted that the work was proof positive that Saddam had the bomb and that he had other WMD. Based on this false evidence the two countries started a war that did as much damage to them as Britain suffered by the ill-fated attack it launched on the Suez Canal on a previous occasion; as much damage as America suffered by the ill-fated adventure it undertook in Vietnam.

And there was the time when the Israelis looked at the work that was carried out in the Arab countries in solar power and windmills. They rubbed their hands thinking to themselves that maybe they could sell a Brooklyn bridge to these people. They went to the Egyptians and told them they had a super secret formula that made their solar cells work better than any cell anywhere in the world and that they wanted to participate in the projects already undertaken by the Egyptians in the field of solar energy. However, knowing that the Israelis could not produce a solar cell that would function any better than the dead brain cells which animate these characters, the Egyptians kicked their asses and booted them out of the country.

And guess what the folks with the dead brain cells did to lick their wounds and nurse their wounded pride. They went to the American network CNBC and invited a crew to go to Israel and do a show about the Israeli “pioneering” advances made in the field of alternative energy. I did not see the show myself but those who saw it tell me that nothing was shown or discussed in the solar or wind conversion. All they had was a pool where bacteria were cultivated to produce flammable gases which they said could someday be used as fuel. What was not said was that the bacteria project was an old idea deemed useless by serious researchers and abandoned a long time ago everywhere in the world. The reason why the Israelis still have it and why they put it on display is because it is the only thing they have in the field of alternative energy. As it turned out, that whole sickly presentation was nothing more than a quack show about a quack project to produce flammable bacteria farts in a pathetic nation of quacks.

The fact of the matter is that if you are going to do research in any field, you must begin by building a viable industry in that field. And to have a viable industrial sector, you must begin with heavy industries such as smelters, foundries and furnaces that produce steel, aluminum, copper and other metals. You then build factories to produce items in the various industries where your scientists, engineers, technicians and workers will gain experience. This is where their ideas will be generated and their insights will come to the fore; all of which will spur further research and development by them and by their collaborators. The setup will enable the team to design new products and new processes which will be recognized as useful innovations. You do all this if you are a real nation with a real economy which Israel is not. What you cannot do is search the internet or steal the work of someone else; and yet these are the only two things which the Israelis can do. The Americans may be fooled by them and buy their Brooklyn bridge, the British may be fooled and buy their Brooklyn bridge and the two may even go to war as a result of the Jewish quack presentations but no one else in the world will be so stupid as to be fooled by them. And this should mean something.

But why did George Gilder bother to make this presentation at all? He did it to use as background through which to tell the Americans what they are doing wrong and what they should be doing instead. What is wrong, he says, is that US policy in the Middle East is crippled by America's preoccupation with Palestinian grievances and their claim for the right to have a state of their own in the West Bank and Gaza. And the way to right this wrong, he adds, is for the Americans to know that without the heroic work in agriculture undertaken by the Jewish textile workers, jewelers, cantors and musicians who forced their way into Palestine, the Palestinian farmers could not have supported one-tenth the number of Palestinians now living on it. What he means to say is that having stolen 72% of Palestine already, the Jews have the right to steal another 18% to bring the figure to 90%. If this boggles your mind as it would any sane person, just remember what was said once before. It was said that there is the old math, the new math, the fuzzy math and now the Jewish math which is based on Jewish logic. If only the Americans learned this logic and this math, says George Gilder, they would not be so crippled. Hell, they may not even need the help that the Israelis are giving them out of the goodness their hearts.

And so he recommends that America recognize the fact that Israel is too small as it is. And contrary to what the world may think, it has an economy; and not only does it have an economy but has a booming economy. Thus, Israel needs every acre it now controls in the West bank where it exercises an autocratic form of rule which is how the thing should remain because Israel's survival depends on it. And above all, says he, Israel needs America's unwavering commitment. This means there should be no daylight between the two – what Israel wants must become what America wants. But because things are never a one-way street, America must face reality and admit that it has been suicidal as of late and that to get out of its defense and economic inferiority where it pushed itself, it will have to depend on Israel's help in these two areas where Israel has a clear superiority over America and everyone else. Failure to do this, says Gilder, will doom not only America but its allies too. There you are. It is as complicated as that yet as simple to understand as this.

What are we to make of this? To answer the question, it is useful to remember that sometime in the Nineteen Sixties, the late Senator Jacob Javits warned that if Israel dies, America too will die. No one asked him to explain the why or the how of the thing. In fact, we did not need to know the answer then because the Jewish organizations have now answered the how part of the question. They did so by showing how they can bring a superpower that was at the apogee of its greatness to the status of a failed state in a little more than 40 years. And what George Gilder wants to do is to answer the why part of the question. To this end, he is demanding that the cycle be repeated to give those same organizations the time to finish off America. When this happens, they will all be able to turn their attention to Asia where they will do what they have been doing for thousands of years; live off someone new like a rejuvenated parasite.

And the American Congress of incorrigible traitors may just give them what they want.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

American Congress Of Submissive Traitors

For a long time the world has looked at the relationship between America and Israel and has wanted to separate the behavior of the two but no more. Despite the fact that time after time America the giant has responded like a masochist so much in love with his sadistic little master that he can never say no to him, the world has wanted to exculpate America from the doings of Israel but things are changing now. In fact, it is with increasing concern that the world is beginning to acknowledge America's responsibility in the doings of Israel and saying so publicly not just with words but by taking measures to counter America's policies in the region.

When Israel continues to steal Palestinian land on which to build Jewish settlements, the world sees America's financial contribution to the commission of this crime. When Israel torpedoes the peace process each time an agreement comes close to being reached, the world knows that Israel dares to behave in this way because there is no daylight between America and Israel. When Israel goes on a military rampage against civilians everywhere in the region, the world knows that Israel is doing it with American weapons and American military and technical support. And so it goes with all the savage crimes that the Jewish entity commits day in and day out against the unarmed people of Palestine; a behavior that is protected from world censure and condemnation by the American veto at the Security Council of the United Nation.

Of course, those who are interested in this subject probably wonder: Why did the world take this long to note a reality as glaring as this and only now acknowledge its toxic effect on the civilized world? Well, there can only be one reason; it is that Israel's behavior has evolved gradually over a long period of time. Although a few incidents happened along the way that raised eyebrows, no single incident shocked the conscience of the world so much as to get it to rise, stand up to America and warn: Stop this, America or else. But like a tree whose growth is never detected from one day to the other when the tree actually grows taller by the day, the Israeli evil activities grew steadily a little at a time to remain within the boundaries of what is tolerated for at least a while. But as always, there comes a time when the public notices the harmful effects of crime on the civilized world. This is when it questions the setup that allows crime to exist and be tolerated in the first place. And this is what happened to the world at this time with regard to Israel's crimes and America's encouragement of them.

History may or may not forgive humanity for remaining silent during this long a period of time in the face of Israel's criminal activities and America's complicity but it may show some sympathy. The sympathy will probably develop when the historians of the future will realize how convoluted a web of deception the supporters of the Zionist dream have woven around the Israeli and Jewish causes. In fact, this is also the reason why it is difficult to discuss the subject in a concise manner. Made of numerous branching parts that point in every direction, the subject is impossible to put in a nutshell that can be taken to the public and explained with clarity. Consequently, the entire matter stays in he hands of the professionals who milk it for their benefit, and the hands of the academics who may understand it but lack the power to change anything.

Those in the future who will delve in this subject will look for documents that will help them piece together the convoluted puzzle woven by the Jewish organizations that have implemented a few diabolical plans with great skill. One class of documents will be the non-binding resolutions that were passed by either house of the American Congress, and the binding ones that were passed by both houses. In an effort to make the resolutions as potent as possible, the authors have packed into them as much firepower as they could. They did this by stuffing them with the relevant and non-relevant arguments that are usually postulated at the time when the resolutions are authored. One such recent document is Senate Resolution 185 which came under the title: “Resolution Reaffirming the U.S. Commitment to a Negotiated Settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”.

This type of resolutions is normally written in two parts. In their most basic form, they go something like this: (1) Whereas we have observed this and this and that … (2) Therefore we recommend (or direct) this and this and that. Thus, the authors tell the world what they have observed and then direct their executive branch to take certain actions. At other times they only recommend that their own executives or those of a foreign government follow a course of action that they specify. And you can see all this in Senate Resolution 185.

What you also see in this resolution is how its authors have painted the background of the canvas with a fake landscape over which they constructed a body of recommendations that calls for the use of American power to block every avenue that the Palestinians may take to end the occupation. They do this as they keep open only one avenue, that of negotiating with the Israelis. This done, the authors seek to strip naked the possible Palestinian negotiators -- if there is going to be any -- and tie their hands behind their backs before throwing them in the arena against the Israelis that they, as Americans, have armed to the teeth with the deadliest of weapons. You look at this and you recognize it right away as the Judeo-Yiddish expression of balance over which the intelligent and concerned Jews of every race, ethnic background and language now scream: “Stop sending us to the proverbial gas chamber where you have been sending us since the beginning of time.”

Looking at resolution 185, you see that the first “whereas” asserts that lasting peace between Palestine and Israel can only be achieved through direct negotiations between them. Of course, this is idle fantasy because peace has not happened in three generations, and no one in his right mind expects it happen now or ever under the prevailing conditions. This is even more apparent considering that the world has come to realize this has been the excuse that Israel has always used to buy time and steal more Palestinian land. It would have made more sense for the resolution to ask the American executive branch to stop financing and arming Israel until it stops stealing Palestinian land but what is happening is the exact opposite of that. In fact, it is the Congress that always tries to find ways to go over the head of the Executive to give Israel what it seeks.

The second whereas accuses Hamas of being responsible for the death of 500 people, including two dozen United States citizens, and that it was designated a foreign terrorist organization by the American government. What this part ignores is that Israel has killed thousands upon thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians in Palestine and in several neighboring countries – more per capita than Hitler ever did, than Stalin ever did, than Mussolini ever did and that Pol Pot ever did. Moreover, It was Israel that created Hamas for the specific purpose of terrorizing the people of Palestine who were then under the governance of the Fatah organization. But when Hamas turned against the abusive Israelis, the latter ran to America and asked that Hamas be designated a terrorist organization. And guess what America did.

But who were these two dozen so called United States Citizens who were killed by Hamas, anyway? They were people of dual citizenship whose allegiance has been redirected towards Israel and the Zionist causes but chose to maintain American citizenship for propaganda purposes -- exactly the type that is seen in Senate resolution 185. These uninvited characters invaded Palestine bearing American arms and American money for one purpose only; to kill Palestinians and rob them of the properties. When in self-defense, the Palestinians killed them instead; the Israelis ran to the American Congress and cried out gimme, gimme, gimme. And guess what the Congress did.

The third whereas reminds the world and the American Executive that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton bowed once before to similar pressures brought by the Jewish propaganda machine and the Congress, and has agreed to stop funding a Palestinian government that includes Hamas until the latter agrees to follow the previous obligations of the Palestinian Authority. What this passage does not mention is that these obligations were specified in the Oslo agreement together with obligations placed on Israel which shredded them. Foremost among these was the obligation to stop all settlement activities in the occupied territories. In fact, Hamas has implicitly accepted the provisions of this agreement and said it would abide by them on the condition that Israel does the same. But for the American Congress to say this in resolution 185 would be to seek a balance of the gentile and Arab kind; something that offends Jewish sensibilities whose sense of balance is more related to bull fertilizer than to human logic.

With all this psychedelic nonsense painted in the background of the Congressional canvas numbered 185, the resolution specifies four recommendations and actions to be taken. First, it reaffirms the Senate's support for the idea that the Palestinians should have no way out of the murderous Israeli occupation which has lasted for three generations already but to keep talking with the Israelis from here till doomsday if need be. Yet the resolution does not ask for any change to be introduced to the balance of power or even allowed to develop between the Palestinians who have zero clout and the Israelis who have all the clout that America can muster and put at their disposal.

And to be sure that this will be understood by everyone as being sacrosanct like being cast in stone, and to make sure that it will not be violated under any condition, the resolution once again reiterates its opposition to any attempt to establish or to seek recognition of a Palestinian state that Israel does not agree to; something that has already been established will never happen. The Israelis have said it and they still maintain that they have the religious duty to see to it that a Palestinian state is never established. In their view, the day they accept a Palestinian state, they cease to be Jews and might as well convert to another religion.

And so, the resolution calls on the President of the United States to stop everything he does at a moment in time when many Americans are wondering where their next meal will come from -- given that they are governed by a deadlocked Congress of imbeciles who cannot agree on anything which is not in the interest of Israel or the Jewish causes – and devote all his time and energy to serve Israel and the Jewish causes more than they have already been served. And he is to do so not only by mortgaging America's strength and its local assets to spend on Israel and the Jewish causes, but mortgage the goodwill that America has amassed abroad during decades of exemplary conduct and direct the proceeds toward Israel and the Jewish causes. Why don't these people just go and live in Israel? What the hell are they doing to America in America?

Finally, the resolution once again recommends that the President consider punishing the Palestinians by restricting aid from going to the Palestinian Authority if the latter does not cease and desist from seeking ways to come out from under the murderous Jewish occupation without negotiating directly with the Israelis who have made it clear they will not budge from their demand that somebody – be it the Palestinians, a clone of the W. Bush, the Arabs or a Palestinian leader – give them the West bank of the Jordan River which they call Judea and Samaria. Period.

And the Palestinians and the world look the American Congressional traitors in the eye and say to them: Shove it. Just go shove it.