Tuesday, July 5, 2011

American Congress Of Submissive Traitors

For a long time the world has looked at the relationship between America and Israel and has wanted to separate the behavior of the two but no more. Despite the fact that time after time America the giant has responded like a masochist so much in love with his sadistic little master that he can never say no to him, the world has wanted to exculpate America from the doings of Israel but things are changing now. In fact, it is with increasing concern that the world is beginning to acknowledge America's responsibility in the doings of Israel and saying so publicly not just with words but by taking measures to counter America's policies in the region.

When Israel continues to steal Palestinian land on which to build Jewish settlements, the world sees America's financial contribution to the commission of this crime. When Israel torpedoes the peace process each time an agreement comes close to being reached, the world knows that Israel dares to behave in this way because there is no daylight between America and Israel. When Israel goes on a military rampage against civilians everywhere in the region, the world knows that Israel is doing it with American weapons and American military and technical support. And so it goes with all the savage crimes that the Jewish entity commits day in and day out against the unarmed people of Palestine; a behavior that is protected from world censure and condemnation by the American veto at the Security Council of the United Nation.

Of course, those who are interested in this subject probably wonder: Why did the world take this long to note a reality as glaring as this and only now acknowledge its toxic effect on the civilized world? Well, there can only be one reason; it is that Israel's behavior has evolved gradually over a long period of time. Although a few incidents happened along the way that raised eyebrows, no single incident shocked the conscience of the world so much as to get it to rise, stand up to America and warn: Stop this, America or else. But like a tree whose growth is never detected from one day to the other when the tree actually grows taller by the day, the Israeli evil activities grew steadily a little at a time to remain within the boundaries of what is tolerated for at least a while. But as always, there comes a time when the public notices the harmful effects of crime on the civilized world. This is when it questions the setup that allows crime to exist and be tolerated in the first place. And this is what happened to the world at this time with regard to Israel's crimes and America's encouragement of them.

History may or may not forgive humanity for remaining silent during this long a period of time in the face of Israel's criminal activities and America's complicity but it may show some sympathy. The sympathy will probably develop when the historians of the future will realize how convoluted a web of deception the supporters of the Zionist dream have woven around the Israeli and Jewish causes. In fact, this is also the reason why it is difficult to discuss the subject in a concise manner. Made of numerous branching parts that point in every direction, the subject is impossible to put in a nutshell that can be taken to the public and explained with clarity. Consequently, the entire matter stays in he hands of the professionals who milk it for their benefit, and the hands of the academics who may understand it but lack the power to change anything.

Those in the future who will delve in this subject will look for documents that will help them piece together the convoluted puzzle woven by the Jewish organizations that have implemented a few diabolical plans with great skill. One class of documents will be the non-binding resolutions that were passed by either house of the American Congress, and the binding ones that were passed by both houses. In an effort to make the resolutions as potent as possible, the authors have packed into them as much firepower as they could. They did this by stuffing them with the relevant and non-relevant arguments that are usually postulated at the time when the resolutions are authored. One such recent document is Senate Resolution 185 which came under the title: “Resolution Reaffirming the U.S. Commitment to a Negotiated Settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”.

This type of resolutions is normally written in two parts. In their most basic form, they go something like this: (1) Whereas we have observed this and this and that … (2) Therefore we recommend (or direct) this and this and that. Thus, the authors tell the world what they have observed and then direct their executive branch to take certain actions. At other times they only recommend that their own executives or those of a foreign government follow a course of action that they specify. And you can see all this in Senate Resolution 185.

What you also see in this resolution is how its authors have painted the background of the canvas with a fake landscape over which they constructed a body of recommendations that calls for the use of American power to block every avenue that the Palestinians may take to end the occupation. They do this as they keep open only one avenue, that of negotiating with the Israelis. This done, the authors seek to strip naked the possible Palestinian negotiators -- if there is going to be any -- and tie their hands behind their backs before throwing them in the arena against the Israelis that they, as Americans, have armed to the teeth with the deadliest of weapons. You look at this and you recognize it right away as the Judeo-Yiddish expression of balance over which the intelligent and concerned Jews of every race, ethnic background and language now scream: “Stop sending us to the proverbial gas chamber where you have been sending us since the beginning of time.”

Looking at resolution 185, you see that the first “whereas” asserts that lasting peace between Palestine and Israel can only be achieved through direct negotiations between them. Of course, this is idle fantasy because peace has not happened in three generations, and no one in his right mind expects it happen now or ever under the prevailing conditions. This is even more apparent considering that the world has come to realize this has been the excuse that Israel has always used to buy time and steal more Palestinian land. It would have made more sense for the resolution to ask the American executive branch to stop financing and arming Israel until it stops stealing Palestinian land but what is happening is the exact opposite of that. In fact, it is the Congress that always tries to find ways to go over the head of the Executive to give Israel what it seeks.

The second whereas accuses Hamas of being responsible for the death of 500 people, including two dozen United States citizens, and that it was designated a foreign terrorist organization by the American government. What this part ignores is that Israel has killed thousands upon thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians in Palestine and in several neighboring countries – more per capita than Hitler ever did, than Stalin ever did, than Mussolini ever did and that Pol Pot ever did. Moreover, It was Israel that created Hamas for the specific purpose of terrorizing the people of Palestine who were then under the governance of the Fatah organization. But when Hamas turned against the abusive Israelis, the latter ran to America and asked that Hamas be designated a terrorist organization. And guess what America did.

But who were these two dozen so called United States Citizens who were killed by Hamas, anyway? They were people of dual citizenship whose allegiance has been redirected towards Israel and the Zionist causes but chose to maintain American citizenship for propaganda purposes -- exactly the type that is seen in Senate resolution 185. These uninvited characters invaded Palestine bearing American arms and American money for one purpose only; to kill Palestinians and rob them of the properties. When in self-defense, the Palestinians killed them instead; the Israelis ran to the American Congress and cried out gimme, gimme, gimme. And guess what the Congress did.

The third whereas reminds the world and the American Executive that Secretary of State Hilary Clinton bowed once before to similar pressures brought by the Jewish propaganda machine and the Congress, and has agreed to stop funding a Palestinian government that includes Hamas until the latter agrees to follow the previous obligations of the Palestinian Authority. What this passage does not mention is that these obligations were specified in the Oslo agreement together with obligations placed on Israel which shredded them. Foremost among these was the obligation to stop all settlement activities in the occupied territories. In fact, Hamas has implicitly accepted the provisions of this agreement and said it would abide by them on the condition that Israel does the same. But for the American Congress to say this in resolution 185 would be to seek a balance of the gentile and Arab kind; something that offends Jewish sensibilities whose sense of balance is more related to bull fertilizer than to human logic.

With all this psychedelic nonsense painted in the background of the Congressional canvas numbered 185, the resolution specifies four recommendations and actions to be taken. First, it reaffirms the Senate's support for the idea that the Palestinians should have no way out of the murderous Israeli occupation which has lasted for three generations already but to keep talking with the Israelis from here till doomsday if need be. Yet the resolution does not ask for any change to be introduced to the balance of power or even allowed to develop between the Palestinians who have zero clout and the Israelis who have all the clout that America can muster and put at their disposal.

And to be sure that this will be understood by everyone as being sacrosanct like being cast in stone, and to make sure that it will not be violated under any condition, the resolution once again reiterates its opposition to any attempt to establish or to seek recognition of a Palestinian state that Israel does not agree to; something that has already been established will never happen. The Israelis have said it and they still maintain that they have the religious duty to see to it that a Palestinian state is never established. In their view, the day they accept a Palestinian state, they cease to be Jews and might as well convert to another religion.

And so, the resolution calls on the President of the United States to stop everything he does at a moment in time when many Americans are wondering where their next meal will come from -- given that they are governed by a deadlocked Congress of imbeciles who cannot agree on anything which is not in the interest of Israel or the Jewish causes – and devote all his time and energy to serve Israel and the Jewish causes more than they have already been served. And he is to do so not only by mortgaging America's strength and its local assets to spend on Israel and the Jewish causes, but mortgage the goodwill that America has amassed abroad during decades of exemplary conduct and direct the proceeds toward Israel and the Jewish causes. Why don't these people just go and live in Israel? What the hell are they doing to America in America?

Finally, the resolution once again recommends that the President consider punishing the Palestinians by restricting aid from going to the Palestinian Authority if the latter does not cease and desist from seeking ways to come out from under the murderous Jewish occupation without negotiating directly with the Israelis who have made it clear they will not budge from their demand that somebody – be it the Palestinians, a clone of the W. Bush, the Arabs or a Palestinian leader – give them the West bank of the Jordan River which they call Judea and Samaria. Period.

And the Palestinians and the world look the American Congressional traitors in the eye and say to them: Shove it. Just go shove it.