Friday, May 31, 2019

Lose the War, surrender, declare Victory and go

What would you say is the best way to describe how America performed on the world stage since it was defeated in Vietnam?

The description that comes closest to what happened on the ground, might go something like this: (1) Lose the hot war, the war of brinkmanship, the war of words, or a combination thereof. (2) Surrender in one form or another but make it look like it was the opponent that did. (3) Beat your breast in triumph as you proclaim that you scored a decisive victory. (4) Go home with your tail between your legs, while wrapped in the flag, and making sure that it covers your rear end so that no one can see what your tail is doing.

Once again, America is going through that often-repeated cycle, and no one knows this reality better than Clifford D. May. But the puzzling question is this: why does this Israeli-at-heart concern himself with what seems on the surface, to be a purely American subject?

Well, that subject concerns Clifford May because the outcome of the current machinations, will have a profound impact on Israel. The reality is that the machinations involve America's relation with Iran, a nemesis of Israel. These machinations relate to matters that concern Iran's growing military strength, and its advancement in the development of nuclear science and possible applications. This being of utmost importance to the colonial aspiration of Israel as it relates to all its neighbors, not just Iran.

Having one ear and one eye in the White House and having the other ear and the other eye in Netanyahu's office, Clifford May is smelling the whiff of America's upcoming surrender in both nostrils. This is so unsettling to him he was prompted to start working on achieving two seemingly contradictory goals at the same time.

On the one hand, he is trying to reassure the Jewish rank-and-file, that doesn't know what's going on, America is winning the war of words, pitting itself against Iran and those who enable it. On the other hand, he is trying to suggest to America's leaders, who know what's going on, how they can reduce the damaging effect of their defeat.

To that end, Clifford May wrote: “Iran's rulers feel the pain,” which is the title of a column he published on May 28, 2019 in The Washington Times. You see in this piece of work an incoherent medley of the kind that only a Jewish lawyer would patch together in the effort to convince his audience that up was down, and that Iran rather than Israel, was feeling the pain of America's defeat in the war of words. And that, by the way, is the war into which America was pushed by Clifford May's Foundation and other similar Jewish outfits.

Here is what you'll encounter in the four categories that were mentioned above, as you read the article:

First, in the lose the hot war or the war of brinkmanship or the war of words, Clifford May says he has an alternative to what has transpired since America reneged on the nuclear deal. He wants the European partners to renegotiate the same old deal with Iran but pretend it is a new deal. This way America will be able to go back on its rejection of the old deal and accept the new (old) deal without losing face.

Second, in the category of surrendering to reality but making it look like the opponent was the one that did, Clifford May wants his audience to believe that Iran and not America, is the one that's floating the possibility of negotiating over the dispute between the two countries.

Third, with regard to the business of declaring victory while beating his breast and that of his Foundation –– which has been beating the war drums for decades –– here is what Clifford May is falsely reporting: Defenders of the nuclear deal were dead wrong. They are now in a frenzy.

Fourth, when it comes to going home with one's tail between the legs, Clifford May has praised Iran's Zarif for his negotiating skills. He claimed that Zarif outdid John Kerry in previous negotiations. He also expressed the fear that the same Zarif will outdo Mike Pompeo should the two get together and negotiate something. Clifford May says he can only hope, though he is not confident, that when all will have been said and done, Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump will not give away the store.

But then, to protect the principles that power his colonial mentality and that of Israel, Clifford May ended his discussion by honoring the moves that have led to the defeat of America in the war where he and others pushed it. Here, in condensed form, is how Clifford May expressed these thoughts:

“Is it possible for change to come about through a new and improved round of diplomacy? If that happens, it will not be because Iran is enthusiastic about detente. It will be because it was crippled by sanctions, deterred by military might and daunted by the risk of provoking an unpredictable American president”.

Once a warmonger, always a warmonger. Here is the evidence.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

If this is not a Svengali Hypnosis, what is?

When do you decide that funny isn't funny anymore because you reckon that funny has mutated and became exasperating?

Would you stop laughing if you heard a bank robber accuse the bank manager of stealing his money? Would you stop laughing if you heard a mental patient accuse the institution’s psychiatrist where he stays, of being mentally ill? Would you stop laughing if you were to read American editorials absolve the Jews of responsibility while at the same time accuse humanity of spreading Anti-Semitism?

Or would you just scream: “the hell with it,” and allow yourself to crack laughing as you read an editorial that says: “Anti-Semitism, a scourge as old as Judaism, has a thousand fathers. There have long been conspiracy canards about supposed secret and demonic powers of Jews. Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, a Democrat, has suggested that Israel has 'hypnotized' the world”.

In fact, those were the words that the editors of The Washington Times wrote to end the piece they authored under the title: “A reprise of an ancient evil,” which they printed in their publication on May 27, 2019. Their editorial came out one day after the editors of The New York Times had published their own piece under the title: “The Old Scourge of Anti-Semitism Rises Anew in Europe,” and the subtitle: “Jews face threats from extremists on the left and the right. A third of European Jews have considered emigrating”.

These are only two examples of the thousands which are published every year –– written mostly by Jews and printed in Jewish and non-Jewish publications, on the subject of Anti-Semitism. Read as many as you can stomach, and you'll find that not one (this is no exaggeration, not a single one) does as much as allude at the possibility that the Jews contribute as much as one iota, to their own misery. Not one iota.

Nevertheless, the editors of the Washington Times have correctly pointed out that Judaism and anti-Semitism were born at the same time. Do you know who else are born at the same time, my friend? Yes, twins are born at the same time. So there you have it, the editors that know Judaism and anti-Semitism are twins, fail to see that they were sired by the same father. Why this level of ignorance? Because the editors were Svengalied into believing –– they so stated –– that the bastard twins were sired by a thousand fathers, not one of them being a Jew.

And because the editors of America's publications have shown to be this much off the mark, you should not be surprised to learn that they spout nothing but delusional formulations that make no sense and that lead nowhere, every time they venture into discussing the phenomenon of Anti-Semitism.

Here is a sample of what the editors of the New York Times are saying:

“Half the Germans believe it is true that Jews talk too much about what happened during the Holocaust. These are the stereotypes that make anti-Semitism a pernicious form of bigotry, a conspiracy theory in which Jews spread evil in their countries through the control of capital, the media or whatever. As appalling as this should be to Europeans, they should ring a loud alarm for American leaders of conscience. Speak up when you glimpse evidence of anti-Semitism, or risk enabling the spread of this deadly virus”.

That is, the editors of the New York Times, blame the rise of anti-Semitism in Germany on the fact that half the German people discovered that the Jews talk too much about the Holocaust. And that's a disease that spread throughout Europe like a deadly virus, say the learned editors of the New York Times. To solve the problem of the Germans believing that the Jews talk too much about the Holocaust, we must “speak up” whenever we glimpse evidence of anti-Semitism, say the wise editors. Why didn't I think of that? You talk to solve the problem of someone talking too much. What a beautiful solution to an ugly problem!

And here is a sample of what the editors of the Washington Times are saying:

“A German official suggested that Jews refrain from wearing skullcaps in public. Crimes are down in that country but for one exception; attacks on Jews are rising. They were attributed to white nationalists and a growing Muslim population. The trend in Germany is duplicated across Europe. In Britain, the Labor Party has become a hotbed of anti-Semites. Alas, what starts in the old world does not stay there. Attacks on Jews have risen in the US as well. It's difficult to see how to combat this, but it must be done. It begins with sounding the alarm at the evil in our midst”.

It seems that the Washington editors have a more cryptic theory than that of the New York editors. They said that the advent of Muslims into Germany brought with it a lowering of the crime rate in that country. What happened simultaneously, however, was an increase in the number of attacks on Jews, a specialty of the white nationalists since before the advent of the Muslims.

What does it all mean? Well, the Washington editors admit they don't know what it means. But they choose to sound the alarm anyway because they figure there is evil in our midst.

And so, there remains one question to answer: How do you pull someone out of their hypnotic trance?

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Today's fake Promises seed tomorrow's Rancor

Who else but the editors of the Washington Post would be so eager to make the wrong choice, they printed an article that will do the opposite of what it promises?

Without making a critical judgment as to the usefulness of printing Carl Gershman's article without revision, the editors of the Post went ahead and added one more reason for anti-Semitism to increase and be expressed more in-your-face. On May 27, 2019, those editors allowed the printing of: “Ukraine is where the Holocaust began. It should properly memorialize the victims,” without making changes to the text.

What is dreadfully idiotic about this article is that it threw subtlety out the window, and flagrantly made the kind of promises that sent the Jews to their doom throughout the ages. After telling all about Ukraine's current challenges, which include poverty, corruption and a Russian aggression, and after telling all about the difficult history that the Jewish population endured in that country, Gershman turned positive … sort of.

He mentioned what the government of Ukraine might do in recognition of what the Jews suffered in that country during the first half of the twentieth century, but then ended the article with this promise: “If Ukraine can take these steps toward properly memorializing victims of the Holocaust, it will become a stronger and more unified country, and will contribute to the moral renewal of our troubled world.” Note the promises that Gershman made: Ukraine will become stronger. It will become unified. And it will contribute to the moral renewal of a troubled world.

How will that come about, you ask? It will come about, says Gershman, when the government of Ukraine will memorialize the victims of the Holocaust. Well, you don't need to hold a PhD in logic to figure that the flip side of this argument comes down to saying that today, Ukraine is weak and disunited; and today, the world is suffering from moral stagnation because Ukraine has not yet memorialized the Jewish victims of the Holocaust. But the moment that Ukraine does that, the country and the rest of the world will instantly transport, as if by magic, into a universe of eternal bliss. This is so very Jewish! So very flabbergasting!

But it is in keeping with the Jewish habit of promising that if their never-ending demands –– such as being given East Jerusalem, chunks of the West Bank, the Golan, cash to promote interfaith understanding, weapons galore, laws that establish their supremacy, bylaws that strengthen their favorite status, and so on and so forth –– the world will instantly move from being in disarray to being a well ordered nirvana. The difference between what the Jews have been doing up to now, and what Carl Gershman has done, is that he disregarded all manner of subtleties, whereas they used to be a little more subtle than him.

Still, there is no doubt that the Jewish behavior over the decades, contributed to the increase of what their leaders call expressions of anti-Semitism. This being the case, what Gershman has done will undoubtedly add a great deal more to the resentment that will lead to an increase in acts of anti-Semitism. And that will be expressed more forcefully than ever before to match Gershman's forceful assertions.

History being our guide, we cannot ignore the reality that whenever a new chapter was started concerning the relations between humanity and the Jews, things quickly escalated till they reached levels that went beyond comprehension. For this reason, we should expect that if-and-when the government of Ukraine will seriously start to shove Jewish matters down the throat of the population, expressions of anti-Semitism in that country will quickly escalate to reach levels beyond comprehension.

In addition, we must always be aware that the copycat element exists in all human beings. This is how children learn, a quality we retain even in old age. What happens with some young people, however, is that they pick up on the destructive activities of others, and they try to outdo them just to prove they can do better than someone. That's how expressions of anti-Semitism can escalate even without being fed additional fuel. But when someone like Carl Gershman comes along and says the sort of thing he did in the article; he does the equivalent of pushing the acceleration pedal to maximum rancor.

In fact, it is already happening that visions are floating about the day when Holocaust memorials around the world will be turned into sites that teach visitors: “This happens when someone tries to con the world.” This being a reversal of what the memorials were meant to teach, the blame for the turnaround will be directed at the Jewish leaders who clumsily turned the “never again,” into a “yet again”.

In short, instead of bringing moral renewal to the world, Carl Gershman has made a mighty contribution for maintaining the old morality he desperately wants the world to reject. What a miserable failure!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The beloved Protector became the hated Pariah

Every neighborhood loves to be protected from the lawless, be they local thugs or raiders from the outside. Since the beginning of time, people of the neighborhood organized themselves to look out for danger and try to repel it if and when it materialized.

If the neighborhood is so big as to be a country, it will have a military to protect it from malign foreign forces. It will also have local police forces to protect the neighborhoods from local thugs and outside raiders. If despite all this, a neighborhood feels it is not protected well enough by the country's police, it will organize itself into watch groups, and will exercise self-protection. It may even turn itself into a gated community to add an extra layer of defense.

Since defense is such a big concern in our lives, why not devise a system of protection on a global scale? As a matter of fact, the first time that a conflict was so widespread as to merit being called World War One, it became obvious that the planet can face danger not only from being invaded by aliens from outer space, but also from the folly of its human inhabitants. They never cease fighting with weapons that keep getting more lethal with time, killing more people at a time and killing them at a longer distance than ever before.

That is why humanity came together and formed the League of Nations, an organization dedicated to having the nations discuss their differences rather than fight over them. When this global institution failed to do a good job, resulting in a new World War only two decades after the first, the United Nations (UN) was formed to replace it. The idea was that the UN will become the police force that will protect the neighborhoods of the globe from the cross-border predators, and in some extreme cases, protect the communities' weak and defenseless from their own destructive rulers.

The United States of America being the force that prevailed both in the first and second world wars, it was looked up to as the force that could deploy quickly and save a neighborhood from an immediate danger. This would be done while the UN was busy organizing for a more permanent peacekeeping force to take over, and while probing for a political solution that will endure.

The plan worked for a while, but then something happened to America. It was invaded by the perpetually hate-producing and hate-purveying human machine that has been plaguing the planet since the beginning of time. It was a group calling itself Jews. Using bribes, blackmail and dirty tricks, the Jews worked themselves into the strategic positions of America, purging those that opposed their schemes, and replacing them with sycophantic moral prostitutes who would kiss an ass a day for a measly dollar an hour. In a relatively short period of time, America was transformed from being the protector of those who needed protection to a hated pariah even in the eyes of those who were raised never to hate.

In time, many of America's good people became so alarmed by what they saw was happening to their country, they shrugged off the lethargy that had enveloped them, and began to push back against the Jewish schemes that were taking them on a slippery slope to the Jewish cesspool of no return. And so, instead of the schemes being a one-way trip to ruin, they became a struggle that pitted the destructive power of the Jews against the American patriots who labored to save the Republic.

You can get a hint as to how complex that struggle has become when you read the article that came under the title: “Responding to Iran, avoiding another disaster,” written by Abraham Wagner and published on May 23, 2019 in The Washington Times. Here is a condensed version of its pertinent passages:

“Trump has taken heat from the hating Democrats and the media over military deployments. Bolton has been called out as looking for a war with Iran. The critics should think about Iran's sordid history. It has been punctuated by Obama's love affair with Iran, which produced the nuclear deal. The deployment of bombers and other aircraft, as well as a battle group in the Persian Gulf sent a signal to the Iranians. We appreciate the attention Bolton gives to the situation; he is one of us. Iran's Zarif is a shill for those who threaten to destroy Israel. Trump has offered to talk to the Iranians, who refuse any dialogue unless sanctions are lifted. This would be a major error. The Iranians should stop threatening to attack Tel Aviv. An attack on the US or Israel should mean the end of Iran, that cannot be permitted to develop nuclear weapons. The US is serious and will eliminate the program. The Iranians are making a big mistake”.

This shows how the Jews are coming near the end of the cycle they repeated hundreds of times during the thousands of years they roamed the planet searching in vain for a way to make it their own and become masters of everything.

Alas, the lesson of history they never learned was that the cycle always ended with their people paying a heavy price for hanging on to a promise no God ever made to them as a reward they never earned for deeds they never accomplished.

Abraham Wagner ended his discussion with these words: “The Iranians are making a big mistake.” Someone should tell him it is the Jews who are making a big mistake. It is the mistake they made hundreds of times over thousands of years … and they still haven't learned a thing from their own history.

Monday, May 27, 2019

A self-deceptive Denial is strangling America

After duly acknowledging that America is remiss in its interactions with the rest of the world, it is amazing to see how the opinion makers of that country choose to sidestep the glaring truth that screams at them. It is that the Jews were given full authority to run America's foreign policy, and they are making a mess of it.

What happens on a daily basis, is that the opinion making pundits ignore reality and pick irrelevant matters, giving them weight they do not deserve. They do so by talking about banal subjects as if they were key to resolving issues of foreign affairs. The pundits do what they do, fully aware that their arguments are thin, and will be ineffective if the government implemented the recommendations they offer.

But why is it that people of the Robert McFarlane caliber –– a National Security adviser who served in the Ronald Reagan administration –– engage in this kind of self-deception? Well, he and others like him might be motivated by one or more of the following three reasons: At best, they ignore reality for strategic reasons. At worst, they are afraid to confront the truth. Or they are ignorant of what's going on, which if true, should worry the public just the same.

You can make your own judgment by reading Robert McFarlane's article that came under the title: “The new imperialism,” published on May 23, 2019 in The Washington Times. Without once mentioning the Jews or Israel by name, McFarlane explained why in his view, America is falling behind Russia and China in the race to make friends abroad and be at peace with them.

McFarlane used the opening paragraph to state why Russia and China are winning what he calls the second Cold War. Soft Power, he explained, is such “things as the rule of law and freedom for individuals and the marketplace,” qualities that used to be America's. But these qualities were corrupted by Russia and China, said McFarlane, before they were “ironically” adopted by them. He added that the two foreign countries learned to use Soft Power effectively, and went on to outdo America around the globe.

The way that Russia and China corrupted Soft Power, was to rely “on making seductive offers to finance, build, own and operate nuclear power plants … proposals to build ports, highways, pipelines or railroads … military cooperation and weapons sales” to the governments of emerging nations. And before the ink was dry, said McFarlane, the emerging nations found themselves indebted to Russia or China. To pay back what they owed, the debtors gave the creditors “access to their energy and military, and mortgaged their infrastructure. Call it what it is; The New Imperialism”.

This said, McFarlane asked why the US can't compete? To answer the question, he brushed aside the ports, highways, pipelines and railroads, concentrating instead on the nuclear power plants, about which he said this: “Two things stand in the way of our catching up with Russia and China. The first is that international competitions are not carried out on a level playing field. The second is that we need to assure against a country deciding to develop nuclear weapons”.

To elaborate on these assertions, Robert McFarlane engaged in polemics that make you wonder whom he is talking about, and whom he is talking to. Here is a condensed sample of what he said:

“When we're competing against Russia or China, they subsidize their state-owned companies. Authoritarian states do that. We can't. But here is where our version of Soft Power –– underwritten by our commitment to peace in the Middle East is brought to bear. Every nation in the Middle East has known that we operate on the basis of respect for their sovereignty and territorial integrity. That counts for a lot. Our approach is to require that any country that wants our help in developing nuclear power generation must sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Let's be clear: We're entering the Soft Power fight of our lives. Today, Russia and China are in a position to run the table in the Middle East”.

It is obvious that when he said: “Every nation in the Middle East has known that we operate on the basis of respect for their sovereignty and territorial integrity,” McFarlane had stopped talking to an American audience, and was addressing the nations of the Middle East themselves, other than Israel.

What must have escaped Robert McFarlane, however, is that those nations will not appreciate his flagrant insult of them. It is one thing to arm Israel and give it the green light to invade its neighbors. It is another to recognize Israel's annexation of the neighbors’ territories. That's what America has been doing for decades. To call it respect for their territorial integrity, is to do worse than add insult to injury. It is to kick them in the teeth and spit in their faces.

This is not to forget that when Egypt moved to liberate the Sinai, which had been occupied for six years, America intervened militarily on the side of Israel despite being assured that Egypt was not going to cross the border and go into Israel.

These facts on the ground explain why the people of the Middle East, along with the rest of the world, lost confidence in, even respect for an America that lives in denial. It is deceiving itself about the reality that by associating closely with Israel, it is strangling itself in slow motion.

The sordid history of the last few decades, is why the nations of the Middle East are rejecting America's offers and partnering with Russia, China and South Korea to build their nuclear power generation plants.

Eat your heart out, America. And don't forget to invite Israel to the banquet.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

They paint their Lies with the Colors of Truth

It is generally accepted that as individuals, we are one thing but we like to project an image of ourselves that is another thing. Stated differently, there is a variance between the reality and the appearance of who we are. Depending on the person, the variance can be small or can be large.

The same is true of groups of people, be that a small association of individuals or an entity that's striving to be recognized as a nation, or even a full-fledged nation. Whereas it is difficult most of the time, to measure the variance between the reality of an individual and their appearance, it is less difficult to identify and measure the variance between the reality of a pseudo nation and its image, or between the reality of a full-fledged nation and the image it projects of itself.

Let's recall an incident that will help us elucidate an important principle. It was promised that the United States of America was going to unveil a plan for the Middle East peace at the start of 2019. And then it happened that the Israelis said they will have an election in April of that year, and they wanted the unveiling of the American plan to be delayed till after the election so that it does not interfere with it.

America agreed with that idea, and delayed the unveiling of the plan. But guess what happened shortly after that … just a few weeks before the election. America recognized Israel's annexation of Syria's Golan, a move that was described both in America and in Israel as a deliberate ploy to help Netanyahu win the election. And so, the world concluded yet again, that despite the image of perfection America and Israel project of themselves, they proved that their word is worth less than a dog's poop. To be sure, at no time in the history of the planet was the variance between the reality and the image of a nation so huge.

Because you cannot be deceptive by this much at one time and truthful at another time, the world considers you deceptive all the time, and takes measures to guard against your antics. This is how the world has viewed the Jews since the beginning of time, and how it began to see Israel subsequent to the terrorist acts the Jews unleashed on the unarmed Palestinian farmers and the British rulers early in the twentieth century.

However, there remained a paradox to resolve. America was viewed as a near-perfect nation almost throughout the twentieth century for valid reasons, but then the country quickly turned into a pariah. What happened? Well, it did not take much to figure out what happened. It is that America was infiltrated by a Fifth Column of Jews who transformed the superpower's word from a nugget of gold to a dog's poop.

You get a sense of how this could have happened when you read an article that came under the title: “Why Trump's Middle East Initiative Is Doomed To Fail No Matter What He Does,” written by Jonathan S. Tobin and published on May 23, 2019 in The Federalist.

The point that Tobin is making is what the Jews have been making since the Oslo Accord. It is that they want the status quo to remain intact because it is the best way by which the Palestinians are made to flee their homeland and cede it to the Jews. But because the latter profess that Israel is perfect, they want it said that it is the Palestinians who do not want the conflict to be resolved. In fact, Jonathan Tobin is claiming that such is the current Palestinian position with respect to the plan that’s yet to be unveiled. And this is why, speaking in the name of all Jews, he predicts that the plan will fail no matter what Donald Trump does.

Having placed the blame on the Palestinians in advance, Tobin seized on the fact that before the unveiling, there will be an economic workshop in Bahrain during which a vision will be hashed out as to what the Palestinians could look forward to if the plan were adopted and implemented. But citing the pessimistic view of Aaron David Miller––one of those Jews America paid to work for peace but in reality, worked to wreck every chance at achieving it––Jonathan Tobin, described a scheme as to how the Bahraini event can be used to wreck the Trump peace plan before it is unveiled, while pretending to work for peace.

Here is what Tobin did. He built on the Miller view that economics alone will not work because the Palestinians want a political solution as well. The Trump team being aware of this, Tobin worries that the plan will stipulate territorial concessions on the part of Israel. That will be a bad thing to do, says Tobin, because the Palestinians are so evil, he can tell that even if they will accept the Trump peace plan, they will not accept the legitimacy of Israel. And Tobin adds that this will amount to the Palestinians rejecting the Trump deal even if they'll say they accept it. Translation: The Jews must reject the plan and legitimately blame the failure on the Palestinians.

The bottom line, according to Tobin, must be this: You either get the Palestinians to prove they love Israel so madly, they want it to exist for an eternity, or there will be no end to the occupation. And since you cannot prove what lurks in the hearts of millions of people, there should be no end to the occupation. Period.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Going from Accusation to Verdict without a Trial

In civilized cultures, a dispute between two parties leads one to accuse the other of wrong doing. The goal of the accuser is to obtain a verdict that will show his accusation has merit. He could seek redress and compensation for damages he might claim he incurred.

The road that takes the litigants from the accusation to the verdict, is called trial. It is a procedure during which the prosecution presents its case and the defense rebuts it point by point. This is done with each side challenging the other in a complex exchange called cross-examination. Its purpose is to sift through the verbiage and come out with the truth, pure and simple. When this is done, and the truth that cannot be refuted is brought out, a judge or jury pronounces a verdict that all concerned must then accept.

That's how it happens in civilized cultures. It was the way it used to happen in America both in the courtrooms of the nation, as well as the domain of public opinion. It continues to happen this way in the courtrooms of America, and generally speaking, in the court of public opinion as well. But there is an exception to this rule. It is that when it comes to Israeli matters, nothing is debated in the two public places where such matters count the most: The media and the Congress.

This is where Israeli issues go from accusation to verdict, or from proposition to disposition without airing the particulars of the case in a setup that looks like a courtroom trial or a public debate. Stated simply, what is practiced in these two forums with regard to Israeli matters, is done in the dark of night and behind closed doors. It is a form of Stone Age fascism the likes of which Planet Earth has never seen before.

You can see an example of how this primitive form of governance continues to inject itself into a society as advanced as America, and how it spreads in all its institutions. It is happening to America even if the latter knows it is suffering from an acute case; one that's known to most people as the Jewish disease. The example referred to above, is an article that came under the title: “Anti-Semitism goes mainstream,” written by Sean Durns, and published on May 21, 2019 in The Washington Examiner.

Instead of recognizing the reality that to have exempted Jewish and Israeli matters from following the normal procedure, was a mistake that's being remedied at long last, the writer has called the remedy a virus. In fact, this is how he started his discussion: “Anti-Semitism is a highly mutable mental virus that infects cultures, movements, ideologies and religions.” He went on to complain: “Anti-Semitism is spreading into the bloodstream of mainstream America. Key institutions are helping to transmit the virus”.

To expand on his theory, Sean Durns zeroed in on three people, two women and a man, each operating within the confines of a different set of circumstances. They were accused of committing infractions of the antisemitic kind, and Durns set out to show how they were treated under the existing Jewish setup. Whether by coincidence or by design, the two women were given a similar kind of treatment, whereas the man was given a different treatment.

To fully understand what happened, the existing Jewish setup must be explained in more detail. It operates under the principle that, to go from accusation to verdict or from proposition to disposition, you drop the public debate that would have served as cross-examination. What you do instead, is pressure the defendant, under a regime of blackmail if necessary, to apologize. This is a potent trick whose outcome is always as good as a self-imposed guilty verdict. This, in fact, is the Jewish invention that did away with public debates concerning Jewish and Israeli matters.

It is what happened to the two women, Ilhan Omar who is a representative in the Federal Legislature of the United States, and Valerie Plame, who was a CIA officer –– both of whom had tweeted opinions deemed by the Jewish establishment to be antisemitic. They were pressured to apologize, and they did.

As to the male defendant, Omar Suleiman, who did not apologize, he was given the alternative Jewish treatment. In addition to being accused of antisemitism and deprived of the chance to defend himself in a public debate facing his accusers, he was further accused––behind his back––of supporting terrorism.

In fact, accusing those who refuse to apologize, of being terrorists or supporting terrorism, is the newest of the Jewish inventions. Its intended effect is to inflict countless damaging consequences on the accused, both in the social and political spheres.

Here is how, in condensed form, Sean Durns ends his article:

“The silence of those in the media is dangerous. History tells us that institutions are essential to a functioning democracy. It also says that anti-Semitism is a sign of the impending collapse of liberal values. America's institutions must do a better job at safeguarding against anti-Semitism”.

If you cannot see the morbid irony in those words, you're probably a Jew or a sympathizer. The reality is that America always had strong institutions. But they were infiltrated by Jews, and turned into termite-infested hulks just about ready to collapse.

To assert that anti-Semitism portends the collapse of liberal values, is to engage in twisted logic. The reality is that both anti-Semitism and the collapse of liberal values, have one and the same set of roots.

They are the Jewish infiltration of the institutions, and their transformation into instruments dedicated to serve Jewish causes, including Israel … and no one else.

When this happens, the institutions collapse and take with them the liberal values. The public realizes what's going on, and turns against the Jews. It is no more complicated than that.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Now they scheme to criminalize American Values

Are you familiar with the saying that goes like this: “You know it's a bad day when everything sucks except your vacuum cleaner”? Well, look around my friend; you'll see that everything has officially come to a halt in America except for the sucking machine that sends America's financial blood to Israel.

The Americans lived with the brand of democracy they created for two centuries, and built a civilization that will impress humanity for centuries to come. And then the Jews infiltrated America, and told its people: Boy, have I got a better system for you. What's that, asked the Americans, and the Jews said: It's something called the adversarial system. How does it work? asked the Americans, and the Jews said: Let us run the joint for you, and you'll see how we make things work better. And so, half a century ago the Americans handed their patrimonial Republic to the Jews, and let them run it as they saw fit.

The effect has been that bit by bit, the Jews turned one American success story after another into one paralyzed concern after another. They did it to create one more channel after another by which to suck American blood and transfer it to Israel. The end result of their constant agitation has been that two branches of government –– the Legislative and the Executive –– now find themselves at war with each other. And you still see the Jews agitate to criminalize the American value system described in the Constitution of the United States, and the Bill of Rights.

Their current argument boils down to three Jewish demands: 1) They want the State and Federal governments to throw American citizens in jail if they refuse to buy Israeli products made by slave labor. 2) They want the Democratic Party to purge its ranks of the members who refuse to publicly declare servitude to the Jewish lobby, and allegiance to Israel. 3) They want the universities of America to reject independent thinking and replace it with learning the Judeo-Fascist doctrine by rote.

Of the numerous articles that were written by Jews for the purpose of instilling and solidifying those ideas in the birdbrain of America's politicos, three were chosen for review in this discussion. They demonstrate with clarity how the Jews go about maintaining the system they created to swell the importance of the Jews and Israel by atrophying America.

One article came under the title: “Thwarting 'terrorists in suits' in the Israel boycott,” written by Ron Machol and published on May 21, 2019 in The Washington Times. You can see in this article how the Jews thought up a demonic scheme after they failed to persuade the public that it was okay to buy Israeli products made by slave labor. What the Jews did, was push the various levels of government in America, trying to force them branding as terrorists the American citizens who will refuse to comply with the Jewish demand that they buy what they don't need or risk going to jail.

Another article came under the title: “Why the Democratic Establishment Won't Stand up To Their Party's Anti-Semites,” and the subtitle: “Democratic leaders seem to have surmised that to keep together a party splitting both generationally and ideologically, they had to either court radicals or risk early retirement.” It was written by Ben Weingarten, and published on May 22, 2019 in The Federalist.

The most important requirement for creating a successful fascist rule being to wipe out the opposition, the Jews reckoned early on that the American system of checks and balances was dangerous to the scheme they had in mind. To remedy the situation, they spent time and effort cultivating a unique kind of culture by which everything can be subjected to checks and balances except matters pertaining to Jewish and Israeli concerns. In politics, this meant there must always be bipartisan support for Jews and Israel, and never a split decision. Thus, when members of a party refuse to submit to the precepts of that culture, the party must move to kick them out. This is what Ben Weingarten and his organization are working to achieve at this time.

A third article came under the title: “As an NYU alumnus, I stand against anti-Israel discrimination at my alma mater,” and the subtitle: “In recent months, New York University has become a hotbed for hate.” It was written by Joshua Lukeman, and published on May 22, 2019 in The Washington Examiner.

The trend that worries the Jews began to develop on American campuses because a new generation of students and faculty began to realize that the Jews came close to destroying their country by cannibalizing it to fatten Israel and swell the Jewish wallets. And so, the younger ones stood up to bring back the traditional values of their country as articulated by their forefathers, and not leave it under the fascist values that the Jews misnamed American values, even Israeli-American values.

And as always, the Jewish response to this kind of challenge, has been to run to those higher up and ask them to intervene in favor of the Jews. When this attempt failed, the Jews called on the Jewish alumni who enjoyed better days in the past, and asked them to come and help bring back the good old days.

That was a time when any little Jewish nobody could shout: jump … and every American in the vicinity –– from the floor sweeper to the university provost –– would float ten feet up in the air. This is what the Joshua Lukeman's article is about.

Those days are gone, the Jews wish to revive them or see that America will get the Jewish treatment.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

The Imperatives that beget more Imperatives

No war ever happened without the imperative that caused it. The problem is that there have been very few legitimate imperatives to necessitate a war, and a whole lot of phony imperatives to trigger one.

Whether legitimate or phony, the reasons that have led to a war most of the time, can be classified as follows: religious differences, colonial intent, liberation from colonial oppression, supremacist beliefs, ideological differences, personal vendetta, and perhaps a few more minor reasons.

Right now, we have the ongoing case of Palestine-cum-Israel and the occupied territories where the Jews are conducting a colonial/supremacist war that is resisted by a Palestinian war of liberation. Because the Jews, who operate under the banner of the Israeli flag, could not sustain their aggression without the massive help they receive from America, they disguise their operations as ideologically motivated.

That is how the Jews keep America on their side –– a superpower whose self-imposed preoccupation since the second world war, has been to subdue the rise of political systems that differ from the Liberal Democracy it has adopted.

Beside the violent operations that were instigated by America or by Israel since the Second World War, there have been a number of smaller ones, all of which amounted to only a small fraction of the misery the world has witnessed. This says that all of what's happening today in terms of wars or preparation for war, fall under the purview of America, as well as the Jews who use America to benefit Israel and reward themselves.

Much of what's happening today can be traced back to the advice that Winston Churchill gave to America at the end of the Second World War. What he did in essence, was tell the Americans that the Soviet Union will spread the Communist ideology throughout the world unless it is contained. Upon that counsel, the Americans embarked on a program to circle the Soviet Union and its Warsaw Pact allies with military bases manned by American troops and those of its NATO allies.

Prompted by the imperative to defend its people from the danger of an America that was tightening the noose around its neck, the Soviet Union embarked on a program of military preparedness to match that of America and its allies. This necessitated the institution of an accelerated R&D program in weapon systems that became ever more lethal with each new generation of weapons.

What developed eventually, was that the imperative to keep up with the progress made by the other side, caused America and the Soviet Union to adopt an arms race that forced third parties to join the madness. Thus, France developed its own nuclear arsenal, and so did China. In turn, India that was frightened by China, joined the race and developed its own nuclear arsenal. As well, Pakistan that got frightened by India's bomb, joined the race and developed its own arsenal.

Because a doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) imposed itself on the world, an uneasy balance was maintained. It did away with the idea of petty wars motivated by religion, ideological differences or personal vendetta. However, the Jews who were developing big dreams of their own, managed to normalize their supremacist ideology. This done, they took up the baton from where Churchill had left it, and turned their dream into a colonial expansionist movement they called Pax Americana.

To make the movement work for them and for Israel, the Jews used America's power to implement it. This caused Israel's neighbors to keep up with the armament that America has been supplying to Israel. It is how the arms race that started with NATO and the Warsaw Pact, was transferred to the East Asian nations, and thanks to the Jews, transferred to the Middle East, though not yet countenancing nuclear weapons. It is, however, the sad and endless story of the imperatives that beget more imperatives.

To see how the Jews go about maintaining this global misery, you should read Clifford D. May's column that came under the title: “The imperative of deterrence,” published on May 21, 2019 in The Washington Times.

What follows is the passage that shows how the Jewish influence, working on America's leaders, keeps the planet from scoring a happy ending, and shedding its misery once and for all:

“Evidence suggesting that Iran was planning to strike American targets came to the attention of the US. In response, Mr. Trump deployed defensive and offensive military assets to the region. He is sending a message that a price will be paid should Iran or its proxies harm Americans. One way to measure power is to ask: Who deters whom? Had the US response been less robust, Iran would have doubted American resolve … The hysteria of those who oppose standing up to aggression has convinced Iran that while Trump may prefer the conflict not go kinetic, he might –– in response to their killing Americans –– decide that he can indeed do a damn thing”.

Whichever way that thing started in the past, it ended up being a creeping involvement in the Jewish-inspired never-ending American war in the Middle East.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Look Sir, the Earth's flat and I got the Proof

Let me say at the outset that I don't believe the Earth is flat, and I have no proof to this effect. What I have are several true stories which, in this day and age, sound as amazing as someone saying the Earth is flat.

It was sometime in the mid-1960s when I loved to read a print magazine (no internet then) called Popular Mechanics. One day, I bought the newest edition, and there was a long article in it under a title which said something to the effect that the Soviet space achievements were fake. In a well written and elegant article, its writer pointed out, in meticulous details, why that view was correct. But in time, the view proved false.

Decades later, I was teaching in my own school when a student approached me to say I was missing something. I asked what it might be, and he said his uncle wrote a book, and I ought to read it. The title of the self-published book said something like the Earth was flat. From reading the first few paragraphs, I determined it was not a metaphor, but that the writer had set out to earnestly prove the Earth was not a sphere but a flat expanse.

I stopped reading the book but glanced through the rest of it to see how someone would go about making such an argument. Well, like the guy that said the Russian space program was fake, this one too set out to explain in meticulous details –– though a less elegant style –– why everything that gave the impression the Earth was a sphere, was actually an optical illusion.

It is with this in mind that I sat down to read the 2,100-word essay written by Stella Morabito which came under the title: “Why Rashida Tlaib's Holocaust Comments Were Propaganda,” and the subtitle: “How might Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib's comments about the Holocaust play into a campaign against Israel in particular or the Jewish people in general?” It was published on May 20, 2019 in The Federalist.

The opening paragraph in Morabito's article contains the highest-ranking trope in the Fascist playbook. It says that the free expression of the people's opinions creates divisions among the masses. Applied to America, this is how Stella Morabito expressed that thought: “elites have created dangerous divisions among Americans.” When you probe deep into what the Jews and their gentile lackeys mean by that, you'll find it to be that Jewish and Israeli causes must always enjoy bipartisan support in America.

If you ask for an explanation, you're told that any “daylight” between the Jewish demands and the American assent to them, is dangerous for the Jews and for Israel. Thus, what Stella Morabito did, was to begin her article by arguing that if you're going to talk about something Jewish or Israeli, you must find out what is valid at this time and parrot it, or keep your mouth shut.

That's because what is valid in one conversation may be that A is true whereas B is false. An hour later, in another conversation, the same B might be true whereas the A might be false. To be safe, therefore, don't argue at all. But if you must join the conversation, say you agree (even if you don't) with everything Jewish and Israeli because Jews and Israelis are perfect in every way. Benito Mussolini, the father of fascism, would have loved to be a Jew under these conditions.

If you, my friend, find this Jewish style reasoning to be as primitive, backward and ignorant as to say that the Earth is flat, or that American astronauts are taken to the space station on fake Russian rockets, you'll find that when Stella Morabito defends the view which says the free expression of opinions creates divisions among the masses –– she replicates the argument that said the Soviet space achievements were fake; also replicates the argument that said the Earth was flat. Here is a sample of how she spun what Representative Rashida Tlaib had expressed:

“It's the shock effect of Tlaib's preface that gets our attention. It also gets her claim circulating in public discourse. That's how an 'availability cascade' works. According to Cass Sunstein's and Timur Kuran's wonkish definition, an availability cascade 'is a self-reinforcing process of collective belief formation by which an expressed perception triggers a chain reaction that gives the perception of increasing plausibility through its rising availability in public discourse.'” Huh!

All that Rashida Tlaib did to merit that mumbo-jumbo gibberish being thrown at her, is that she said she found a soothing kind of solace in the fact that the tragedy which befell her people was not in vain, given that it helped rescue another people from the clutches of the Nazis. It is just that they happened to be the Jews who never say thank you even when you rescue them from certain death.

As to the noble sentiment that Rashida Tlaib has expressed, let it be known that she was not the first to express it. In fact, it was detected long ago, and given the name Stockholm Syndrome.

It came about when bank robbers in the city of Stockholm took hostages. While negotiations were ongoing with the police to free the hostages, the latter came to understand the desperation of the robbers, and began to sympathize with them. After their release, the hostages surprised everyone by refusing to testify against their captors.

What some Palestinians, such as Rashida Tlaib, have developed is a version of that syndrome. Tlaib voiced what she felt, and the Jews saw anti-Semitism hidden inside it. The task now is to find a name for the syndrome that's afflicting the Jews.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

It sure smells like a Ruse in this Game of War

They say that the first casualty of war is the truth. You could just as well say that the ultimate treachery in the game of war is the ruse that allows you to prepare for carrying out that war in stealth.

The ruse is a lie. It lets the opponent believe that you have no intention of fighting a war. When he takes his guards down and you see him as a sitting duck, you attack with full force and score a significant victory. Is this the aim of the current campaign mounted by the Jewish propaganda machine? It is portraying John Bolton as a peace-lover despite the fact that he lived a lifetime as a warmonger who made Field Marshal Erwin Rommel look like a flower boy right out the 1960s peace-nick generation.

John Bolton used to write op-ed pieces in the Wall Street Journal and other right-wing print publications, and he used to go on the Fox News Channel where he tried to make the case for war against Iran. When he saw that his pleas were getting nowhere with the Obama administration, he started talking to an imaginary sympathetic audience, telling it what needed to be done to take care of Iran. He put together a military plan that Israel could implement provided that America supplied it with the appropriate military equipment such as F-16 jets, B-52 bombers, bunker-busting bombs, refueling tankers, and what have you.

That was then. What you have now is a John Bolton that spent the first few months he's been on the Trump National Security Team, getting rid of those under him that smelled like flower, and replaced them with those that smelled like gun powder. He also spoke as hawkishly as ever about Iran and others, believing that Donald Trump was a good substitute for the sympathetic audience he used to address in times past. And he did not mention a role for Israel this time because he felt he didn't have to.

In fact, this time John Bolton thought that because America had all the F-16 jets, the B-52 bombers, the bunker-busting bombs, and the refueling tankers it needed to do the job, he only had to persuade the Pentagon to position those assets in Iran's neighborhood. The Pentagon did, and while this was happening, Bolton promised to dispatch 120,000 additional troops to the region at the appropriate time. Is this the John Bolton that's portrayed as a peace-lover by the Jewish propaganda machine? Or Is John Bolton the same warmongering hawk he's always been?

Two recent articles emanating from the far-Right bowels of the keep-them-down neocon squad, will give you a taste of what these guys are doing to give the make-my-day, gun-powder John Bolton –– the bouquet smell of a groovy draft-dodger from an earlier era.

One article came under the title: “Panic Over War With Iran Is An Info Operation To Preserve The Iran Deal,” and the subtitle: “Obama's media echo chamber is hyping Iran's bluster about US sanctions. But their insistence that the only options are appeasement or war offers a false choice.” It was written by Jonathan Tobin and published on May 17, 2019 in The Federalist. The other article came under the title: “The Warmonger Canard,” and the subtitle: “The Iran echo chamber tries to save its nuclear deal.” It was written by Matthew Continetti, and published on May 18, 2019 in National Review Online.

Here is what Continetti wrote: “President Trump, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Patrick Shanahan, and John Bolton have not said a single word about a preemptive strike, much less a full-scale war, against Iran. The president's reluctance for overseas intervention is well known. The antiwar cries are not about context, and they are not about deterring Iran. Their goal is saving Obama's nuclear deal by manipulating Trump into firing Bolton and extending a lifeline to the Iranian regime”.

While Matthew Continetti's idea was to attack the Iran nuclear deal by accusing those producing the antiwar cries of manipulating Donald Trump to have him fire John Bolton –– Jonathan Tobin chose to attack the nuclear deal itself by rehashing the old arguments leveled against it. In so doing, he also attacked the Democratic Party, the Obama administration and the mainstream media. His worry is that Trump may be pressured into abandoning the sanctions regime, and returning to the Iran nuclear deal. And so, he counseled that this would be a bad idea. Here is a sample of what he wrote:

“Is the US on the brink of war with Iran? That's the message of the mainstream media and democrats. They argue abandoning the sanctions because the choices are war or appeasement. But this is a false choice. Can the Democrats and the media exploit the country's concerns and cause Trump to alter his policy? There are two alternatives to negotiations for Iran: Wait for Trump's defeat in 2020. Or threaten to resume building a nuclear weapon, increase terrorism and war. Iran hopes the threats will convince Americans to choose appeasement. But Trump must ignore the efforts to scare the country into abandoning sanctions. He should stick to making Iran pay a price. The result will be an American diplomatic victory”.

So, the question comes down to this: Are we witnessing a real concern on the part of the far-Right that the Trump Foreign Policy approach is unraveling with respect to Iran as it has with respect to Venezuela and North Korea? Or is it that those two articles are scenes in the theatrics staged by the far-Right to serve as a ruse that will make the Iranians believe America has no intention of fighting a war … then attack Iran at a moment when the latter will expect it the least?

Time will tell.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Could billions of People conspire to do Evil?

The Jews are at it again doing what they do best, which is to bitch about this one and that one till they end up bitching about all human beings: those that have come and gone since the beginning of time, and those still alive.

Jews and their gentile disciples are accusing all humans of getting together spiritually across space and time without coming together physically, to celebrate the Jew-hating festival “for no valid reason,” says Amil Imani, speaking in the name of all Jews. He wrote an article to say so under the title: “A new and growing strain of anti-Semitism,” published on May 18, 2019 in the American Thinker.” Imani asserts without a moment's hesitation that “Anti-Semitic sentiment has always existed throughout the ages”.

To expand on his point, Amil Imani mentions Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, two Muslim women who were recently elected to the House of Representatives in the Federal Congress of the United States. He says they were given “carte blanche to do and spew anything they wish without retribution or repercussions”.

It is obvious he means to say that to solve what he calls an age-old problem of antisemitism, there must be a system of retribution or repercussions by which to punish the offenders. What he does not explain, however, is who will run that system since he also says that the entire human race is involved in the conspiracy that needs to be addressed.

Well, Amil Imani may be too young to remember this, but a drive to eradicate antisemitism in America was launched five or six decades ago. It consisted of giving Jewish pundits (many of whom were rabbis at the time) carte blanche to do and spew anything they wished without retribution or repercussions in order to “educate” the American public about all manner of Jewish sensitivities.

Those characters not only spewed venom without restriction, they also imposed Jewish-style retribution and repercussions. They did so by going behind those (yours truly included) who pushed back against their spewing –– and had them blacklisted for life. The Jews won a temporary victory, but as usual, when enough in America became aware of what the Jews were doing, America began to turn against the Jews the way that everyone did everywhere else around the globe since the beginning of time.

This is what the Jews call conspiracy. But since by definition, there can be no conspiracy without communication, it is illogical to say that people across space and time have conspired together without communicating with each other. And yet, because all these human beings felt the same thing and reacted the same way, we cannot dismiss the assertion that a single agent, common to all, has communicated one and the same message to all. Who could that be? Believe it or not, it could only be the Jews themselves. They were the single agent that communicated with all these people. And this means that since the beginning of time, it was the Jews that conspired against themselves, helping to spread antisemitism.

Now that their strategy for America has failed, the Jews are trying a new strategy. It is to force the education of the Holocaust on America's children so as to infuse into them, at a tender young age, the Holocaust Madness Syndrome (HMS). With this, they hope to raise a generation of psychotic American boys and girls who will cry at the mention of words like Auschwitz and Dachau. The Jewish leaders hope to see these children-of-others, grow up and carry on with the Jewish tradition of trampling all over the First Amendment while proclaiming themselves to be defenders of the First Amendment. This is what American-style freedom is beginning to look like.

It was logical and foretold that what happened to Jews throughout space and time, should happen to Israel as well. The world had taken pity on the Jews after the Holocaust, and had given them a home of their own where it was thought they could live like Jews without the need to educate others about their sensitivities. What happened, however, was that soon after its establishment, Israel began to behave as badly as the worst of Jewish individuals. It turned out that Israel's purpose in life was to establish Jewish dominion over everything and everyone that came within the grasp of Jewish leaders in America and in Israel.

Israel scored a few successes initially thanks to the massive help it was receiving from America; help that continues to this day and has been increasing ever since. But two trends have developed over the years at the same time. One was that the true face of Israel was finally revealed to the world and to the American public. The other trend was that Israel's neighbors –– on whose properties the Jews have been nibbling –– strengthened their defenses to protect themselves.

This is when Jews and their disciples began to conflate everything Jewish and Israeli into one pot. The trick made criticism of any part an expression of antisemitism meant to hurt the whole. It also made every criticism sound like a conspiracy to destroy Israel, and to seek the application of the Final Solution.

One development to which the Jews are overly sensitive these days is the strength of the BDS movement. Look what Imani says about it:

“Is it shocking that thousands of professors support the anti-Semitic BDS movement? Many universities in the US are bastions and incubators of useful idiots. Professors feel that they have license to pontificate on any and all matters. The self-appointed prima donnas cover themselves with the shield of academic freedom, which can be abused. These abusers will be among the first to be buried under the rubble of a free society's collapse they work so doggedly to bring about”.

This is what you get when the Jews bring into play the habit of attributing to others what they see in themselves. So, while they see nothing wrong in blacklisting the people that do not agree with their views, they accuse the professors who wish to keep the system open –– of working doggedly to bring about the collapse of a free society. So very screwy, so very Jewish.

Hey, get in here Amil Imani, and listen to this: No one has ever wanted to gas or incinerate professors. Someone else suffered that fate. Get on your feet, kid, and look around. What you’ll see is not a nightmare; it's the making of the real thing.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

A low-hanging Fruit that America should pluck

In an effort to explain what happens inside the political arenas of the United States, Iran and Israel that may or may not lead to another regional war, perhaps even another world war, Tom Rogan wrote two columns.

At 1: 24 PM on May 17, 2019, Tom Rogan published: “How Trump must bring clarity to his Iran policy,” a column that was published in The Washington Examiner. And then, 2 hours and 50 minutes later, at 4:14 of the same afternoon, Tom Rogan published another column in the same publication under the title: “Why Israel doesn't want an American war with Iran”.

What is Tom Rogan trying to say, and what is he actually saying?

Rogan is trying to say that Mike Pompeo and John Bolton may or may not want war with Iran, but they created the perception that they do, which is contrary to what Donald Trump wants. In fact, all that Trump wants, according to Rogan, is to renegotiate the nuclear deal with Iran. To that end, Trump has taken a softer approach, says Rogan, and this is creating reverberations inside the Iranian political arena.

Rogan's view is that Donald Trump has managed to drive a wedge, however small it may be, between the moderates in Iran, such as Rouhani and Zarif, and the hardliners who are the Revolutionary Guards. This may be a good thing in itself, but the drawback is that the hardliners might interpret this to mean that Trump fears Iranian retaliation, thus be emboldened to escalate their aggressive moves in the region, says Rogan.

In addition, the reality is that the Guards have an extensive financial stake in the economy of Iran, he says, so they wish to reduce the effectiveness of the American sanctions, which are affecting the bottom line of their businesses. For this reason, the Guards may calculate that increasing their nefarious activities, may force Donald Trump to reduce the sanctions.

Trump can prevent this from happening, says Rogan, by maintaining the sanctions while also pursuing an aggressive military posture. But to balance his approach, Trump should invite Rouhani to the White House and get a new nuclear deal on the books. Apparently, Rogan believes that this is the magic formula that will resolve the world-threatening situation in the Persian Gulf. Good luck.

Now onto Rogan's other column, which addresses the equally world-threatening Levant situation. Going over the piece, you get the feeling that while trying to disabuse the readers of the false notion that Israel has a deterrent that can scare Iran or anyone in the Levant for that matter, Tom Rogan is careful not to humiliate the Israeli military by coming right out and saying that the emperor has no clothes. And so, the seasoned writer chose to carefully perform the euphemistic walk on eggshells, or maybe what he did was tiptoe on the tulips. Here is a sample of that:

“The Israelis recognize that a violent escalatory struggle with Iran carries outsize risks. Don't believe me? Then let's apply the notion to a US-Iran war. The Israelis would face a barrage of Iranian missile strikes, possibly armed with chemical warheads. But that's just the start. If Iran went to war with America, Iran's proxies in Lebanon and elsewhere would do the same against Israel. That would mean a full-scale rocket onslaught from Hezbollah. It would also mean bombing campaigns against Israeli government offices. It would mean bloody chaos”.

This being the case, where did the disconnect originate between the reality of the situation in that region of the world, and the false perception that the American public and political elites have ... for whom Tom Rogan has decided to write these two articles?

It all started in 1967 when Israel launched a Pearl Harbor style sneak attack on its neighbors and won a battle that turned out to be the only military victory Israel ever scored. That's because the neighbors made sure never again to be caught by surprise. The result has been that the neighbors won every war ever since, chasing Israel out of everywhere it tried to ply its old tricks.

Still however, until a dozen years ago, the Judeo-Israeli propaganda machine –– unopposed as it was in the marketplace of ideas –– had managed to trumpet the lies that Israel won 3 wars, 4 wars, 10 wars … every war against its neighbors. And this gave it the false aura of invincibility.

But the truth has managed to come out anyway thanks to the internet. Now, some people in America know that –– using modern jet fighters, helicopter gunships, tanks and armored vehicles received freely from America –– Israel could not win a war against a ragtag army of unarmed, bare-feet, half-naked Gaza children. But not everybody knows it. And these are the ones to whom Tom Rogan is addressing his words.

Will that be enough to start a movement in America that will match what happened in the 1960s when opposition to the war in Vietnam became so unbearable, Washington was forced to cut ties with its South Vietnamese ally, accept defeat at the hands of the North Vietnamese, and withdraw its forces?

Well, it does not have to be as dramatic as that. In fact, it does not have to be dramatic at all. To begin with, there is no draft today like there was in the 1960s. Also, the stakes this time are different. The worry back then was that the march of Communism across Asia duplicated the march of Nazism across Europe.

It was thought that if Communism were not stopped in Vietnam, it will go on to conquer the world, and we'll all become slaves. It did not happen that way, of course. Now, half a century later, America and a unified Vietnam are good friends and great trading partners.

As to the situation in the Persian Gulf, the Levant and occupied Palestine, what the local populations want is an end to the colonial mentality, which the Jews are implementing with unprecedented savagery in the region, using American power, wealth (much of it borrowed) and prestige.

Once the ordinary people of America realize how their government is being suckered by the Jews, the fires that the latter are igniting, will be extinguished as easily as shutting off the gas line.

And like the story of America in Vietnam, America will gain new friends in the region, all the way from North Africa to Central Asia, as well as regain the old friends it lost over the decades.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

When the normal is odd, and the odd is normal

There is an old saying about what's news and what's not. It goes like this: When dog bites man; this is not news. When man bites dog; this is news. Translation: What's normal is not news; what's odd is news.

That is, when you are in the business of purveying news and/or doing punditry, the normal thing for you to do is to report on, and debate the odd events. As well, the odd thing for you to do, would be to report on, and debate the normal events. But there is an exception to all this … at least in America.

It has become the accepted norm in America that the world of Jews is constructed upside down. For this reason, what's normal to humanity is considered odd to Jews, and what's odd to humanity is considered normal to Jews. This has been going on for such a long time now, the American people don't stop and question the setup anymore. They look at it with the cold eye of indifference, and shrug it as if nothing happened that's more serious than spotting a dog relieve itself at the bottom of a pole.

But while this is true of the American people in the country at large, it is far from being what goes on in the Washington Beltway. That's where reality was replaced by fantasy––which has it that upon request––the Jews will transmute one thing into another for a fee. They'll do it for you if you'll pay them with the currency that's most precious to them: Mounting an attack on those they choose to hate on a given day, or the ones they choose to hate permanently … or if you decide on your own to attack them both simultaneously.

As of now, the Jews permanently hate the Palestinians, and have chosen to hate the Iranians till further notice. In practical terms, it means that Jewish journalists and pundits, as well as their gentile disciples and lackeys, will talk about, and analyze normal events as if they were odd, and will talk about, and analyze odd events as if they were normal.

You can see how that works in the column that came under the title: “Facing down the Persian terror puppeteer,” written by Benny Avni, and published on May 14, 2019 in the New York Post. As can be seen, the title itself augurs what's to come in the body of the article. It speaks of Persian terror when the only terror in the world today is produced by the New-York/Tel-Aviv crime syndicate. The title also speaks of Persian puppeteer when the only puppeteer in the world today is Benjamin Netanyahu; the man that's animating Donald Trump, John Bolton and Mike Pompeo, the three humorless clowning puppets.

But what does this mean in the long run? It means that a new boomerang situation is being set up at this time. When done, it will see the evil deeds that will be created to hurt others, turn around and hit those that created it. But because the Jews never stand in the path of their evil deeds, preferring instead to position America there, America will be yet again, the hapless sucker that will absorb the shock of every boomerang with which the Jews will experiment … like they have been for half a century.

Look at this assertion: “The Tehran regime loves to murder its opponents without leaving Persian fingerprints at the scene of the crime.” Regardless as to whether or not this is factual, Benny Avni makes it sound like there is something odd about a regime committing crimes abroad while making certain not to leave its fingerprints at the scene. Whatever the value of this piece of information, it does not threaten to expose as venomous, the relationship that America has with Israel.

What Avni does next is more important because it plays a role at revealing the existing –– but hard to discern –– threat to that relationship. It happens because, speaking of Iran, Avni says the following: “This week the Trump administration began signaling that it will treat the government and the terrorist proxies as one and the same.” He then goes on to call ironic that “America and Europe maintain the fiction that Hezbollah-controlled Lebanese army is a partner in our war against terrorism”.

What all this means is that the Jewish leaders have convinced the US government to blur the line separating a government from the activities of those it engages to do clandestine operations on its behalf. If this gains traction worldwide, we don't need to rake our brains to guess what will happen next.

Consider the following: criminal Jewish settlers on Palestinian territories are financed and protected by American gambling moguls and the Israeli military. The Israeli military is one and the same with the Israeli government, which is financed and equipped by the American government. Since the activities of the settlers on Palestinian territories define ethnic cleansing, America becomes the criminally liable, foremost ethnic cleanser in the world today. This is the albatross that will hang on America's neck and Donald Trump's neck from here to eternity. And you have Benny Avni to thank for it.