Sunday, May 31, 2020

The next Phase in the Life of a Parasite

When they planned the invasion of the home that’s called Palestine, the reviled gangs of Europe who called themselves Jews, prepared a scheme to use gullible suckers where they can find them, and have them do the heavy lifting in the execution of their plan to take over Palestine and make it their base for a worldwide operation to take over the world and make it their own.

First, the Jews invaded and grabbed a small portion of Palestine. To attract the suckers who would do the heavy lifting on their behalf, they put out stories to the effect that the Land of Milk and Honey contained no milk and no honey, not even the birds and the bees that could teach the two-legged homo sapiens how to make babies and populate the desolate desert, dreamed to be a part of the Fertile Crescent that never was.

That was truly and definitively a desolate desert, asserted the Jews. But they, who are the chosen children of God––temporarily employed as textile workers, tailors, musicians and jewelers––stuck their golden fingers into the ground and out came the green shoots that turned to desert into a lush garden blooming with fruits and vegetable, and everything nice to eat. The birds, the bees, the milk and the honey came later.

A number of foreign nations were fooled by the talk of the Jews, and were persuaded to help the invaders of Palestine do what they had come to do. The foreigners did the heavy lifting till such time they realized that they were sucked into a diabolic scheme that was as savage as a pack of hyenas devouring a young antelope. This realization prompted the foreigners to pull out of the deal, leaving behind one big sucker called America; one that could do nothing but swirl under the thumb of the Jews.

Even then, the latter-day parasitic Jews were unsatisfied with their performance and so, they revived an old approach. They had borrowed the legend that was put out thousands of years ago to the effect that members of a Hebrew tribe adhered to a religion called Jewish, and were chosen by God to be his children. The newly made-up Jews, claimed to be their descendants, therefore the inheritors of their knowledge, their wisdom and all their privileges.

Having fooled America for half a century, convincing its rulers that whereas Palestine was a desert with nothing in it but sand, it turned out that the desert was surrounded by a jungle, they now explained. The jungle was full of massive beasts hiding behind the trees, and waiting for the right moment to pounce on all things cherished by America and crush them, said the Jews. For this reason, occupied Palestine that was renamed Israel, must be given what it needs to protect all that America cherishes from being destroyed by those beasts, the Jews begged.

In response to the relentless begging, America gave to Israel a finger-worth of money and weapons. Shortly thereafter, the Jews came asking for more, and America gave them two fingers-worth of goodies. Still, they came for more and got all five fingers. Unashamed, they came and demanded the whole arm. This time, America gave them the arm, and to please them further, gave them the whole store.

This done, America asked the Jews and Israel: Where are we, regarding the beast you were supposed to have vanquished long ago? And the Jews responded on behalf of themselves and Israel by saying that to vanquish the beast, America must no longer think of itself as a ship of state sailing the seas. It must be an airplane that flies in the sky. Its cockpit must be revamped by throwing out what's American, and replaced with what's Jewish and Israeli. Thus, with the American airplane flown by an Israeli crew, you can be certain that if Israel goes down, America will go down with it.

Bit by bit and over the years, America was told what to expect by an outfit calling itself Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA). Its latest proclamation came under the title: “Israel Can Help America Keep Its Technological Edge,” and the subtitle: “It is in America's interest to ensure that the balance of power on emerging technologies remains in its favor––and allies like Israel can make the difference.” It was written by Yaacov Ayish of the Israeli military and senior vice president of the supposedly American JINSA.

Having previously written a report telling America how to move the work that’s done by the Pentagon, the State Department and the Treasury from Washington to Israel, JINSA is now telling America how to conflate the operations of the American government with those of the Zionist High Command in occupied Palestine. In fact, this is what Yaacov Ayish's article is about. The following is a condensed version of that:

“To improve its position, America should intensify collaboration with trailblazer Israel. Establishing a permanent forum to oversee joint ventures while elevating intelligence relations could help Washington preserve its Qualitative Technology Edge (QTE), which is increasingly being challenged. China has grown its own R&D spending. Now more than ever, it would benefit the US and Israel to enhance their joint efforts to preserve their QTE. There is a need for more systemic and institutionalized US-Israel R&D. While the US and Israel enjoy intelligence cooperation, Israel lacks formalized top-tier ally status. It should be granted the same clearance afforded to the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. This could be pursued through an executive order or a limited mutual defense pact”.

It does not take a genius to figure out what JINSA is trying to do. Having failed to crush everyone in the Middle East and swallow the place, the Jews fear that Israel will be the one crushed and swallowed. This being a repeat of what happened 2,000 years ago, the Jews see themselves mounting a modern-day suicidal Masada operation and die rather than surrender. But they don’t want to go alone, they want to take America down with them.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Let's honor Fatou (Wiesenthal) Bensouda

It took a rabbi to show the world how the Jews habitually perform the ultimate act of self-dishonor. He is Rabbi Abraham Cooper who is an official of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

What Abraham Cooper did is nothing less than abuse his association with the name of a man whom the world came to revere for the suffering he endured as a Holocaust victim; a man that lived to tell his story, and then decided to fight back against those who inflicted pain on himself and his family.

As ignoble as Cooper's stance has been, he did even worse by practicing the Jewish habit of beating up the innocent and slandering them as if the habit of adding insult to injury were a regular Jewish prayer mandating that it be endlessly repeated like a rosary in the hand of a catholic nun. What Cooper did this time, is a variation on that Jewish prayer: He denigrated the very concept of Justice, and slandered both the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its prosecutor Fatou Bensouda.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper did all of that and worse in an article he wrote under the title: “Justice under assault in the International Criminal Court (ICC)” and the subtitle: “A warning from Simon Wiesenthal.” The article was published on May 28, 2020 in The Washington Times.

The rabbi began his presentation by telling the story of Simon Wiesenthal's liberation as a concentration camp inmate 75 years ago. Instead of doing the honest thing and drawing the parallel between the Nazis who mistreated the Jews they did not like, and the Zionists who now mistreat the Palestinians they do not like, and instead of applauding Bensouda and the ICC for seeking to investigate how far that mistreatment has reached, Abraham Cooper opened the spigot of hate and spewed his usual dose of Jewish venom.

In so doing, the rabbi has savagely attacked the concept of justice, and desecrated the memory of Simon Wiesenthal who tried in vain to explain to him the concept by defining it as follows:

“I resolved that the world needed to deal with the Nazis differently. We needed trials to teach young people the truth, we needed convicted criminals to warn those who might consider behaving in the future like the Nazis that they would be held accountable. You have to understand that beyond the destruction of the Jews, the Nazis almost succeeded in destroying the very concept of justice. Through these trials I was helping to reconstruct a world that again could rely on the fundamentals of justice to secure a better future for all”.

The trouble is that Simon Wiesenthal could just as well have been talking to a wall. Instead of seeing Fatou Bensouda as the new Wiesenthal that's trying to bring to justice those who might have repeated the horrible acts of the Nazis, Abraham Cooper huffed and puffed and howled that there should not even be an investigation lest Fatou (Wiesenthal) Bensouda discover that the Zionists in Israel have been behaving like the Nazi disciples of Adolph Hitler.

And when you comb through Abraham Cooper's article looking for a reason as to why he says Israel should not be investigated, all you find is the out-of-the-blue childish accusations that (1) Fatou Bensouda has a vendetta against Israel, and that (2) she treats the current American administration with contempt, oblivious of the fact that such is the sentiment expressed by the rest of the world, and not by the International Criminal Court or any of its members.

Moreover, in a glaring display of ignorance as to the due process that's required for the administration of justice, Rabbi Abraham Cooper believed he could discredit Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda by quoting her as saying the following: “I am satisfied that war crimes have been or are being committed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip”.

This being a reference to the existence of prima facie evidence, which is the necessary factor that compels every prosecutor to proceed further with an investigation, the rabbi has inadvertently demonstrated that Bensouda is doing her job as professionally and dispassionately as can be.

What this slip does, is expose as phony all the technical excuses that Abraham Cooper has raised about the International Criminal Court taking up a case it should not have taken, and must therefore dismiss at once, never to revisit again.

Simon Wiesenthal would not have approved of such cop out on the part of the ICC because it would render meaningless everything that he did to expose the war criminals, and bring them to justice.

Friday, May 29, 2020

When the argument no longer works, flip it

Suppose you wake up one morning and decide that the socioeconomic system under which we live is not working as it should in that it no longer responds to the needs of most of us, let alone the needs of all of us. And you want to find out why things are the way they are.

You get the idea that the best way to find out, is to go to the places where societies live under systems that have not developed as much as ours, and study them to determine what changes made our modern system what it is. The intent of your study is to find a way that will reverse the trend, and give us back a system that will again respond to the needs of most of us, if not the needs of every one of us. And so, you assign to yourself the task of finding out what's going on.

You visit underdeveloped places where the societies follow norms as different from each other as the natives of the North Pole, those of South America, South Asia and Central Africa. You live long enough among each of them to develop a good sense of what makes them tick in the way that we used to tick but lost it during our journey to becoming the modern society that we are today. You catalog the similarities and differences you observe between them, as well as between them and us.

In all of this, the one thing that stands out and offers a clue as to what's wrong with us, is the reality that you never saw someone in those places, deprived of something if there was enough to fill the needs of everyone. In other words, you will never see someone go hungry in those places if there is enough food to feed everyone. And you'll never see someone deprived of a necessity of life, if there is enough to cover everyone.

These societies may have good years and bad years, but each of them has developed a system by which to regulate the distribution of what's available so as to be fair and equitable toward each and every member. Thus, you may see different levels of wealth and poverty in each of these societies, but when there is enough to go around, everyone gets something no matter what belongs to whom.

You determine this to be what's missing in our modern society where plenty of everything is produced and yet there are those who go hungry and deprived of other necessities of life. And so, you set out to discover how it is that in an era of unprecedented wealth, there are people who live, eat, sleep and defecate in the street, just feet away from mansions where enough money is spent on luxuries in one day, that can feed thousands of the poor for a year. And so, you assign to yourself the new task of finding out what's going on.

To that end, you follow the events as they develop day after day on the socioeconomic front. Your aim is to identify what goes on inside the heads of the people who shape the opinion of the masses, allowing for situations of extreme privation to coexist with situations of extreme abundance, and be accepted as normal.

One of the works you consult came under the title: “The spread of America's self-inflicted debt crisis,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “Shutdown has left the country on the cusp of economic collapse not seen since Great Depression.” It was written by Victor Davis Hanson and published on May 27, 2020 in The Washington Times.

What strikes you as revealing in this article is that Victor Hanson does not mention the unequal distribution of wealth even once. He thus rejects the notion that alleviating the problem of the debt, which is the topic of his discussion, can be addressed by creating a more equitable economy. When you come right down to it, this attitude is due to the narrative that has prevailed for a long time without someone responding to it.

Here is how the narrative went: The numbers do not lie. There are few rich people and many poor ones. Even if you distribute all that belongs to the rich among the poor, each poor person will receive so little, it will make no difference in their life or that of their dependents. And while this is true, the country will suffer because without incentives, the rich will not work hard enough to make the country richer.

And here is the response that has remained absent during all that time: Whether your argument is correct or not, you should be able to flip it and obtain the same result. That's because those same numbers will not lie. In fact, this is what they’ll say to you: Give incentive to the poor because a little improvement in the lives of so many will cause the economy to get richer regardless of what the small number of rich will do or fail to do.

But instead of starting by accepting that premise and arguing for a robust growth in an equitable economy that can solve the debt problem, Victor Hanson rehashed the same old arguments and reached the same old conclusions. They are that the situation is hopeless and getting more hopeless by the day.

They say it’s a free country and so, like everyone else, Victor Hanson is entitled to his opinion.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

China's shiny Dawn need not be America's Dusk

Like the movie named, “The China Syndrome” implies, America and China are at the opposite sides of the planet. It means that they trade places once every 12 hours, making it so that when it is dawn in one place, it is dusk in the other, and vice-versa.

This is not something new; it has been in the making since the phenomenon of the continental drift split the Americas from the Pangaea super continent billions of years ago, and started moving them into the position where they are today.

But what is new is that speaking in geopolitical terms, history has worked itself in such a way that America and China find themselves at opposite sides of the politico-economic spectrum where they are solidifying their respective positions, and gradually increasing their antagonism toward each other.

Some people in America believe that it is impossible for two powers the size of China and America to coexist, therefore, the two will remain antagonistic, and will compete ferociously till one will vanquish the other economically or militarily or both. One of the cheerleaders promoting the theory that the world is made of two camps, one containing good guys and one containing bad guys is Clifford D. May. He places America and her friends in the good camp, and places China and her friends in the bad camp.

Clifford May who is founder and president of the comical outfit calling itself Foundation for Defense of Democracies expresses all of that (and more) in an article he wrote under the title: “Communist China's imperialist dreams of dividing the world,” and the subtitle: “Belt and Road Initiative is about more than infrastructure.” The article was published on May 26, 2020 in The Washington Times.

To prove that China is already an empire, Clifford May relies on a report that was prepared by one of his colleagues. In it, she said a few disparaging things about China's activities around the world––both close to home and far away from it. But if you look at the list of the things in the report that Clifford May has chosen to highlight, and if you assume that all of them are true –– which they are not –– the only way you'll react is to exclaim: Is that all there is to it!

In fact, this story is so trivial, it sounds like a friend is warning you to watch your back because he knows for certain that your neighbor is a dangerous thief, and that he may be capable of committing worse crimes than steal. Astonished, you ask for proof and your friend shows you a picture of the neighbor siphoning gasoline from one of his cars and pouring it into his other car. You respond to your so-called friend with a scornful silence and walk back into your house.

So, here are the bad things that Clifford May says China has done close to home, and you're supposed to take seriously:

“China is already an empire. Tibet and Xinjiang are captive nations within it. Britain turned over the Hong Kong colony to the Chinese in exchange for the promise that for a half-century it would maintain substantial independence. That promise was broken when Beijing imposed a law effectively criminalizing dissent. China's rulers also are threatening Taiwan”.

Response: Like Basque in Spain, Alsace in France, Quebec in Canada and Kashmir in both India and Pakistan, the Tibet and Xinjiang are currently autonomous regions that––for centuries––have alternated being a part of China or the Indian Subcontinent. They are now parts of China, not nations occupied by it.

If the Palestinian West Bank were enjoying a similar status, Jews of the Clifford May kind, indoctrinated as they are in Jewish logic, would insist that the name Israel never be uttered in vain without preceding it with an appropriate designation, such as: “The fastidiously humane nation and most glorious of all, Israel.” And the world will be sickened more than it is now hearing the Jews describe Israel like it can never be.

And here are the bad things that Clifford May says China has done away from home, and you're supposed to take seriously:

“Beijing's imperial dreams extend beyond its neighborhood. It launched the Belt and Road initiative. In the emerging economies, the Chinese built roads, rail lines, airports, seaports, dams power plants and communications networks cheaply and efficiently. These are often white elephants that benefit the companies that build them and politicians that allow them. In Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Kenya, such projects met with difficulties”.

As to the developed economies, Clifford May says that China is there too. It is offering capital, expertise and doing BRI work in Italy, France, Germany and the rest of Europe.

Well my friend, these being the powers that know a thing or two about colonialism––having been colonial masters in the past––you wonder why they offer themselves to being colonized by China. Are they suicidal? Or do they know something that Clifford May does not?

Of course, it could be that Clifford May is lying to his American readers (eminent and pedestrian alike) who are more often than not, the ones to be misinformed by his deceptive propaganda, and driven to formulate policies for the country that draw the curtain on America's day under the sun.

It must not be: Good morning, China –– good night, America … but for the Jews who are sabotaging the latter for the benefit of Israel and only Israel.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Specter of Failure and Promise of Success

Imagine you are appointed Czar in charge of normalizing the affairs of the Middle East. You are told that after studying the situation, you need to issue orders as to what must be done in the short, medium and long terms. So, you look around for material to read and deepen your understanding of the situation in the region.

You find books and articles of all kind, and decide to use a number of them as reference. One of the articles happens to be titled: “America's Opportunity in the Middle East,” and subtitled: “Diplomacy Could Succeed Where Military Force Has failed.” It was written by Daniel Benaim and Jake Sullivan, and was published on May 22, 2020 in Foreign Affairs.

It is an article that was inspired by two other articles according to its authors. One of the other articles was written by Martin Indyk; and one was co-authored by Mara Karlin and Tamara Cofman Wittes. Both articles argue that America has no vital interests in the Middle East, according to Benaim and Sullivan. They recommend that America should lighten its footprint in the region, and not go to war for any reason.

Having said so in the introduction of their article, Benaim and Sullivan went on to explain and expand on their point of view. Being the appointed Czar that's supposed to go through their article among others, and formulate orders that should be executed in the short, medium and long terms, you'll have a hard time finding anything helpful in that article.

This is because the authors wish to see America continue to act like the two things that made its involvement in the Middle East––indeed everywhere in the world––a pathetic failure during the last five decades. They want America to act like the policeman that's dedicated to serve others; at the same time, they want America to remain the self-centered fancier who makes everything about himself. And so, while the two authors seem to claim that they desire improving the lot of the people in the Middle East, Benaim and Sullivan do nothing more than express their number one priority as being the following:

“A better approach requires clarity about US interests and a plan for securing them, changing the United States' role in a regional order it helped create without leaving behind yet more chaos, suffering, and insecurity. Being more ambitious in using US leverage and diplomacy to press for a new modus vivendi among the key regional actors. To be clear, verifiably halting Iran's nuclear progress in the service of a vital US interest”.

That is, they are telling America it failed in the past to reorganize the Middle East in a way that would have served its own interests because it relied too much on military interventions. Because of this, it must now change its approach and rely more on diplomacy to achieve the same old ends of serving its own interests. It is clear that Daniel Benaim and Jake Sullivan fail to see that serving the same old wine in a new bottle is to repeat the same old thing and expect a new outcome. It is simply insane.

As the Czar that's supposed to go through the article and gain insight to formulate orders that can be executed in real life situations, you decide there is not much that's useful in that article. So, you look for something else and find one that came under the title: “The Future of Global Power,” written by Joschka Fisher who was Germany's Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor for 7 years. The article was published on May 25, 2020 in the online publication, Project Syndicate. Here is what it says in brief:

“The Trump administration's effort to repudiate America's global role raises a fundamental question about its approach: what does the US under Trump want? To lead without taking responsibility? That's unlikely to work. While the US remains mired in short-term thinking, China is establishing itself as an alternative source of global leadership and investment, patiently pursuing a long-term strategy to exploit the geopolitical vacuum created by America. The blow to America's international image will be hard to repair. Against the backdrop of the Sino-American confrontation, Europe finds itself caught between two opposing forces and left in the dark about America's true intentions toward China. But China is already too big, too successful and too important to ignore. The facts on the ground call for cooperation”.

What Fischer is saying is that from his observations, he has determined that America is disoriented, and that Europe is confused about what America is trying to accomplish. While this is the reality of the situation at one side of the world, China is acting like surefooted where it sits on the other side of the world. It knows what it wants and has developed a realistic, though long-term plan to achieve it.

He wants Europe to cooperate with China, and where possible cooperate with America as well. He also wishes that America will choose to cooperate with China rather than confront it.

It is this kind of analyses that separate the adults of Europe from the juveniles of America. And it is this kind of analyses that raise the specter of new American failures, while promising future success for Europe.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Outlaws et al slandering the ICC and WHO

In Christianity (at least in Catholicism) there is the notion that we each have a guardian angel who stands by our side and saves us from any physical mishap that may befall us before our time. He also counters any evil influence the devil may try to inflict on us. It is like magic working on our behalf without revealing itself.

The pagans of olden times had similar notions, one being the “lucky charm” that gave the person carrying it magical powers to extricate themselves from a dangerous situation. Now my friend, would you believe me if I told you that something similar has developed in modern times? It is called politics. It is like magic. If you're a politician, you can do whatever you want, chalk it up to politics, and you'll get away with it any time.

The trend started innocently and was meant to be an exercise that gives the politicians leeway when it came to serving their constituents under difficult circumstances. For example, if a district was in need of a government funded project that would take too long to get approval for, the politician representing the district would horse-trade with other politicians and have his project fast-tracked in return for concessions he makes to them. This also meant getting around the law in a small way at times … but that's just the extent of deviant behavior that was allowed in the name of political expediency.

In time, however, that habit mushroomed into a full-blown politico-magical trick, and became a deadly pandemic used in the so-called democracies, especially the one called America. In fact, America is the place where a single federal senator, coming under the influence of a foreign entity not worth a hill of beans, can block and often does a major project that's vital to America. He calls his act a legitimate political exercise, and gets away with it as if by the magic of a lucky charm he has in his pocket.

By the same token, a herd of politicians––from a single party or from a treasonous bipartisan alliance––can be persuaded to give away the country's military, treasury and foreign policy apparatus to a foreign entity not worth a hill of beans, and call their act a legitimate political exercise. And all those who participate in such publicly drilled abomination, get away with the horrors they commit, no matter how deadly they are. It’s all politics, after all. It’s all magic.

And because everything that America does overseas gets duplicated in America; and because everything that America does domestically, it tends to duplicate it overseas; that kind of politics was used by America to emasculate itself on the world stage time after time. For example, America did it by starting a fight with the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the World Trade Organization (WHO), not to mention the United Nations' agencies such as the Human Rights Council and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

America says it is staying out of the ICC because the court is playing politics and wants to investigate (not convict, just investigate) some American soldiers who were suspected of committing war crimes in Afghanistan. That's how America uses the word “politics” like the magical abracadabra that gets it out of embarrassing situations.

As to the story of the WHO, America says it might want to get out of it because that organization refuses to convict China for the COVID-19 pandemic before there has been an investigation. Why so? Because China's guilt is obvious and there is no need for an investigation or a trial, says America. What's this, I hear you ask? I'll tell you what it is. It is Jewish style justice with which America has been imbued.

In fact, you can see an example of how the Jews defend this kind of logic as they stick it to America for doing what its politicians are taught to do by their Jewish masters. The article came under the title: “It Is Time to Set Up a New Global Health Body to Replace the WHO,” written by Con Coughlin, and published on May 21, 2020 in the Jewish publication The Gatestone Institute. Here, in condensed form, is Coughlin argument:

“President Xi's offer to support an inquiry by the WHO into the pandemic amounts to an attempt to avoid proper scrutiny about Beijing's culpability for spreading COVID-19. No one should be taken in by Xi Jinping's offer to cooperate with an inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic. No one believes the organization has the credibility to undertake an independent investigation. This is the view of the Trump administration, which has responded by threatening to withdraw support from the organization altogether. Mr. Tedros, the WHO chief, showed his colors with the praise for China's response to the pandemic, where he complimented Beijing for setting a new standard for outbreak response. With someone like Mr. Tedros at the helm of the WHO, that body is not fit, and any attempt to reform it is doomed to fail. A better solution is to set up a completely new international health body”.

As can easily be determined, this is one more step in the grand Jewish scheme to isolate America from the rest of the world so that the Zionists can finish implementing their authoritarian rule over their newly subjugated colony.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Does the Dollar have a Future?

Henry M. Paulson Jr., who once served as US Secretary of the Treasury wrote an article in which he discusses the future of the dollar. The title of the article came as: “U.S. Financial Power Depends on Washington, Not Beijing,” published on May 19, 2020 in Foreign Affairs.

What is notable about the article is that Henry Paulson recognizes that the future of the dollar will depend on how well it will compete against the renminbi (RMB) which is the Chinese currency. Apparently trying to become the reserve currency of the world, RMB is challenging the dollar which is currently enjoying that status. What is puzzling about the article, however, is that Paulson does not elaborate on the point he made, but uses much of the space to discuss the financial innovations done in America and China as if they will determine which of the two currencies will win the competition.

But the fact is that a “reserve” currency is used as reserve by the central banks of the world. These banks are the institutions that determine what percentage of the reserves they hold will be in dollars, and what percentage will be in other currencies, including gold. As to the innovations in financial transactions, they are mostly used at the retail level, which is what transacts between the public and the institutions that sell goods and services to them. The truth is that these instruments and the transactions done through them, have a negligible impact if any on the value of the reserve currency.

So the question is this: what is it that might cause a central bank to change the percentages it has allocated to the currencies it holds as reserve? And the answer is that there are two factors at play here: The technical and the fundamental. And you know what, my friend? These are the same factors that play a role in determining which stocks to buy on the stock exchange, and which to sell.

All of that boils down to this: On the technical side, the traders are concerned with the here and now. They don't care whether the stock is worth 10 pennies or 10 dollars. If it is now trading at 1 penny, they'll buy and sell it at around that price. If it is now trading at 100 dollars they'll buy and sell it at around that price. And the traders will continue to buy and sell at these prices till something happens that changes the pattern. In fact, the change will come when based on the fundamentals, someone will decide what the true value of the stock is now, or will be in the near future.

What happens then is that if the stock is trading at 10 dollars but fundamentally valued at 10 pennies, someone will short it, and make a ton of money while the price of the stock tumbles. However, if the stock is trading at 10 dollars but fundamentally valued at 100 dollars, someone will start accumulating it at 10 dollars and higher as the stock moves up. In either case––shorted or accumulated––other traders will jump on the bandwagon and churn the stock into elevated daily volumes at the mention of real news or false rumors thought to affect the stock or the group in which it belongs.

Seeing the parallel between the stock market and the currency market, it makes sense to ask if the American dollar is being churned –– not by the retail clients or the central banks –– but by those who sit between the two. These would be the hedge funds and the investment banks who play the role of jobbers in the financial services industry. They have the financial clout and wherewithal to affect the value of a currency in a substantial way, something they do to the consternation of the central bank that issued that currency.

There is no doubt that what moves the dollar these days are the technical considerations. Sooner or later, the fundamentals will kick in and impose themselves on the market. It is why we need to ask the following question: What fundamental value are the central banks quietly assigning to the dollar? Is it higher or lower? Will one of the central banks determine that the dollar is dangerously overvalued and dump it, thus begin the cascade? Or will the spoiler be one of the jobbers, such as a hedge fund or an investment bank?

When all is said and done, a scenario unfolding in that manner is what will determine the value of the dollar in the future. It will happen spontaneously, and there will not be one government or one central bank or one institution that can stop the trend. Not even the concerted effort of several actors working together will be able to stop the cascade of the dollar before it has run its course.

What must be done to avoid the catastrophe is prepare for it now. The best way to do it is for America to sit with the major holders of dollars and work out an orderly plan to soak up and repatriate the dollars by selling hard American assets to their holders while encouraging everybody to diversify their currency reserves.

It is a bitter pill to swallow, but less bitter than when the dollar will melt down to near zero.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Lying is the Albatross around their Neck

In the Jewish tradition of not letting a crisis go to waste without exploiting it to the hilt, the Jewish establishment, both in Israel and America, sought to use the coronavirus pandemic to repair the damage that has afflicted many of their projects. But did they succeed?

The Jews were proven incompetent when it came to cyber-sabotaging the Iranian nuclear program; proven useless when it came to improving on the design of an Intel chip, costing the company a billion dollars and the revolt of shareholders; and proven dangerous to America's military by convincing the traitors in the Congress of idiots to force America's military to purchase a piece of junk they call Iron Dome.

For these reasons, the Jews relied on the trick where they always fall back when trying to solve a problem: They lied in a big way about Israel's success combating COVIT-19. The problem with the lie that's tailor-made for an occasion, however, is that the occasion can fool the liar and turn his false claim into a suffocating albatross around his neck.

In any case, this is the steady-state problem of the Israelis and their Jewish American cohorts who never cease making up fantastic stories about exploits they claim Israel has achieved with a high degree of success when in reality Israel would have achieved nothing but abject failures.

The Israelis and American Jews did it this time with the story of COVID-19 when they initially claimed that Israel was registering something like 1 percent mortality rate at a time when the rest of the world was registering somewhere between 4 percent and 7 percent rates.

Believing that the pandemic will be over in a few days, they put out their propaganda to coincide with the writings of the mob of Jewish pundits who were publishing articles promising the public that the symbiotic pair known as Amerisrael will produce a vaccine in a day or two. They let it be known that the vaccine will cure the world in less time than it took Al Gore to invent the internet, and Donald Trump to save the lives of millions of people with his exemplary leadership.

But the pandemic persisted, which made it possible for a great deal of information to come out and educate the masses about the difficulties of controlling COVID's destructive effect. And this is what demonstrated to the public that the Israelis and their Jewish American cohorts were putting out damned lies about Israel's exploits right from the beginning of the pandemic.

Instead of walking back and admitting they were not telling the correct story, the liars of the Tel-Aviv/New-York crime syndicate doubled down. They commissioned one of their propagandists to bring together the elements of the various stories put out over the previous weeks and months––and string them into a story that will look and sound coherent. But the poor man, Yaakov Amidor, failed miserably. See for yourself:

The article he wrote came under the title: “The Israeli Security Establishment Helped Beat Coronavirus –– and Is Ready for Future Challenges,” published on May 22, 2020 in the online publication, Algemeiner.

This is what Yaakov Amidor says at the start of his discussion: “The Defense Ministry leveraged its strong overseas procurement capabilities and experience handling shipments arriving by air or sea. Mossad obtained highly-sought medical equipment from abroad. These efforts helped prevent shortages that might have crippled the response to the pandemic”.

First of all, there were shortages of medical equipment everywhere in the world, and no one sold to Israel or donated equipment just because the request was “leveraged” by the Defense Ministry. Second of all, even if the Mossad were able to steal such equipment and smuggle it out of the countries, it would not have arrived in Israel on time given that the airport was closed, and it takes time to travel by sea. Bear in mind that studies in America have shown that tens of thousands of lives perished needlessly because attention was given to the pandemic just a few days too late.

Sensing that his propaganda will not sell as well as expected to a skeptical public, Yaakov Amidor resorted to spewing verbal diarrhea of the haggling kind. His effort was directed in two areas. First, he wanted to give the impression that Israel invented new equipment that would, for example, put several patients on one ventilator. Second, he wanted to confuse the readers, making them believe he is saying something important when he was not. Here is how that went:

First, the claim of Israeli inventions that never were: “The defense Ministry and the IDF's advanced technology networks quickly developed systems that allowed hospitals to ventilate more patients … One of the IDF's special units helped create a process to significantly shorten and cut the chain of contagion”.

Second, here is a taste of the massive Yaakov Amidor haggled gibberish that means nothing:

“The Home Front Command assumed responsibility. Its commendable activities fell within its central mission. The IDF's Intelligence Corps established a system that conveys critical information. It offers the Health Ministry a precise measure of the coronavirus threat, and control over relevant testing and monitoring tools. Researchers at the intelligence Directorate took charge of investigating the disease, as well as summarizing research and findings from overseas that could provide valuable lessons. The coronavirus pandemic again highlighted the uniqueness of Israel's security establishment, which met its newest challenge with creativity and vigor, exceeding all expectations”.

With that, the Jews made matters worse for themselves because no one believes them now any more than they believed them previously.

At posting time, the number of infected in Israel stood at 16,800 which is believable. The number of deaths stood at 280 which is unbelievable.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

He weaved a web of lies and got snared by it

You can say that Sean Spicer is a star performer when it comes to dancing around the truth. He leaves no doubt about that when you judge him by his latest performance. This would be the one that came in the form of an article he wrote on the politics of health insurance.

The article in question came under the title: “Dems use COVID-19 pandemic to push health care takeover agenda,” and the subtitle: “What government-run health care would look like.” It was published on May 20, 2020 in the Washington Times.

Despite the claim in the subtitle that Spicer will show how, “a government-run health care would look like,” there is not the slightest hint in the article, that Spicer has even the faintest idea what Canada's system looks like or Britain's system after which the Canadian was modeled.

In the interest of intellectual honesty, if that's truly what Sean Spicer was interested in, he could have pointed to an article that was published 2 days earlier than his own. It came under the title: “America's dependence on Chinese Communist Party is the real health crisis,” and the subtitle: “Big trouble in tainted China.” It was written by Richard Berman and published on May 28, 2020 in The Washington Times.

The article shows in detail how America depends on Chinese supplies which he contends are defective. If that is true, you can have the best hospitals and best doctors in the world, but if the ventilator you use is a lemon, and the medicine you inject into the patient's body is poison, you’ll not see a recovered patient walk out the hospital door, you'll see a copse brought out in a coffin.

Still, oblivious of the fact that an increasing number of American patients seek medical care in Canada, and fly as far away as South America, Asia, even the Middle East and North Africa to get it –– look what Sean Spicer goes on to say, apparently with a straight face:

“Europeans and Canadians often come to the United States for care. Some would say at least people in Europe and Canada have insurance. Well, having insurance without access to a doctor does not make you healthier, it simply means you have a card that says you have insurance. Our health care professionals have proven they are the best the world has to offer”.

This is such a perversely inflated lie, I must parse it to put the subject to rest once and for all. The core of the matter rests on people having access to medical care. Like it is with every commodity or service, if there is enough of the product, everyone gets their share, and there is no problem. But when the nation is hit by extraneous circumstances such as a pandemic, which would result in the development of shortages in some areas of the economy, rationing is used to solve the problem. But watch it because there are two very distinct ways to do rationing.

One way to ration things is to say that because the supply was reduced (for example) to 80% of our normal collective consumption … until things get back to normal, everyone's take will be limited to 80% of what they used to consume before the extraneous circumstances hit.

The other way is to say, this is a cash and carry capitalist system. If you have the cash, you get healthcare and live. If you don't have the cash, you get to suffer and die. If things turn out as predicted by the models, 20% of you will soon be dead so that the wealthy may live. Tough luck to the poor, for this is a capitalist system operating at its best. So, be good boys and girls those of you who are poor, go home and say your prayers because you haven't much time.

Well, my friend, this is the difference between Canada and the United States. It never happened that shortages developed in Canada to the point where rationing was implemented. This is because the system is one of universal coverage that's paid for by a single payer. For this reason, everyone in the system––rich or poor––has been receiving the same level of care. When the load increases during difficult times, the healthcare providers work a little harder and serve everyone equally.

By contrast, the situation in America is such that everyone, from the doctors to the insurance companies, prefer to look after the wealthy patients who would be protected by a “Cadillac” kind of policy. For this reason, you'll find that the doctors open their clinics in the wealthy neighborhoods of the big cities, leaving the poor neighborhoods and the rural areas without a medical facility. These are the places where people are left to die whether or not they say their prayers. The net result is that, extraneous circumstances or not, shortages are the natural state of the American system for a good part of the population.

As to the middle class, it is the one that gets hit in the pocketbook the most. In fact, you’ll find that the Americans who seek treatment abroad are middle class citizens who were done in by a capitalist system they spent a lifetime building only to be kicked in the rear end by it when they needed it the most.

Once again, Sean Spicer has shown he would rather dance with the stars than advocate for the people whose work make it possible for the stars to be stars.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Betting on Washington's mental Retardation

What if you had it up to your eyeballs seeing that things are going badly for America but don't know why? To find out, you do something you didn't care much about previously: You investigate.

To that end, you follow the local and world events as reported in the daily media, and visit a library from time to time where you read up on political history and related subjects. To your horrified amazement, you discover that the people at the helm of the governments in Washington and the State capitals, are not only mentally retarded, but are treated as such by those who suck your country's blood and drag it into a pool of diplomatic, cultural and economic muck, while preventing it from getting out of the morass when it tries to.

For instance, you see foreigners pose as Americans and tell your leaders that the more America gives to Israel, the wealthier America becomes, and your leaders believe it. And so, the mentally retarded suckers fall over each other proposing to give more and more to Israel. You can see an example of that in the article which came under the title: “Enhance US-Israel cooperation against Iranian belligerence,” written by Michael Makovsky and Rep. Jack Berman, and published on May 20, 2020 in The Washington Examiner.

Here is that infamous example: “While the $38 billion agreement locks in Israel's procurement of weapons, the US could frontload the designated funds, allowing for the accelerated delivery of weapons, adding a boost to the US economy.” These are not weapons that the clients buy and pay for –– such being the case with the Gulf states –– these are weapons that Israel gets for free because Uncle Sam pays for them.

For Michael Makovsky and Jack Bergman to come now and say that giving Israel freebies enriches America, is like handing America a cup of Jewish urine to drink, and saying it is holy water coming directly from heaven. It takes a Jewish snake oil lobbyist to say it; it takes an American sucker to buy it … and drink it.

And that's only the beginning of a lobbyist's presentation whose roots go back 50 years, repeatedly claiming that America is in danger of being attacked, and that Israel will protect it when this happens. So far, this charade has cost America a quarter of trillion dollars, and instead of Israel getting stronger and more capable standing up to what it says are its enemies, Israel kept asking for more aid to keep up with enemies that have been growing stronger by the day. Look at the following passage in the Makovsky and Bergman article, and determine yourself if that was worth a quarter of a trillion dollars:

“The Pentagon assesses that ISIS would likely resurge in Iraq without a US troop presence. Likewise, the mullah's hegemonic and nuclear ambitions did not die. As the commander of US Central Command said, the threat from Tehran remains very high. Thankfully, the US has a capable ally that just needs the right tools and more of them. Israel is actively opposing Iranian expansion and aggression in Syria. These efforts are depleting Israel's precision munition stockpiles when it needs to continue rolling back Iranian gains and prepare for a much bigger conflict. These challenges can be addressed within the framework of the current memorandum of understanding on US defense assistance to Israel”.

So, there it is, having scared and motivated the American politicians about a dangerous world the way they scare and motivate their rank-and-fife to keep them quiet and pliant, the Jews went on to tell the American politicians, “never fear, Israel's here.” But unlike Zachary Smith of the original TV series, 'Lost in Space,' who was always unmasked as a phony, Michael Makovsky, Jack Bergman and those like them were able to con the backward politicians of America into the false belief that Israel will deliver.

Speaking of Israel, Makovsky and Bergman put it this way: “The US has a capable ally that just needs the right tools and more of them.” In the past, the Jews used to say it this way: “We need to do a division of labor. You, Americans give us the tools and we'll do the job.” Well, it's been more than half a century, and instead of Israel crushing the bad guys and bringing the likes of Turkey and Iran under its wing, here is what the Jews are saying now: “Israel is opposing Iranian expansion. These efforts are depleting Israel's munition stockpiles when it needs to roll back Iranian gains, preparing for a bigger conflict”.

Thus, instead of Israel defending itself, as well as defending America and bringing Turkey and Iran under its wing, it now says it needs new tools that are “right” for the current conditions, and needs more of them. Is that all? Will Israel take this and shut up? Not on your life. Here is what else Israel wants:

“Israel could take a commercial loan. As it has done before, the US could guarantee the loan, which would require Congress to allocate funds. The US should also upgrade and replenish its weapons stockpiles in Israel. Concomitantly, the US must maintain a military presence in the Middle East to keep up pressure on the Iranians. Rather than offer negotiations, the US should double down on its pressure campaign. The US must further maintain its military footprint in Syria”.

That is, Israel and America's Jews have instructed Michael Makovsky and Jack Bergman to start working on making the American politicians transfer to Israel, the Pentagon, the Military Industrial Complex and the treasury because after half a century of screwing around in the Jewish style, the studs of Zion turned out to be the eunuchs of Zion. And so, they want America to make them stiff again.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Tragicomic Haggling that leads to Disaster

From the behavior of the Israelis and their Jewish American cohorts, it looks like these people feel they are approaching crunch time as far as the Palestinian question is concerned.

But despite the pressure, the Jews seem morbidly incapable of escaping the decaying orbit in which they placed themselves decades ago, if not centuries ago. They had the opportunity to escape that orbit in 1967, but instead of making the most out of the opportunity, they tried to use it to anchor themselves more solidly in the decaying orbit that has led them nowhere for God knows how long.

The Israelis and America's Jews still have the opportunity to escape their fate but the window is closing on them, and they know it. The problem is that they haven't a clue how to slip away from the sickly doctrine that forces them to choose the wrong path from among the many good ones available to them. Instead, they keep tripping themselves with stubborn audacity time after time.

One of those who should know better is Clifford D. May. Unfortunately, he has shown his handicap yet again, with the haggling article of uselessness he wrote under the title: “Israel's daunting decision on drawing permanent borders,” and the subtitle: “Calculating the benefits and risks of extending sovereignty to parts of the West Bank.” It was published on May 19, 2020 in The Washington Times.

Going over it, you'll read about people who constantly run around the legislatures of the American states asking them to pass laws that will criminalize and jail Americans who see parallels between the behavior of today's Israel and historical events. Clifford May will not tell you this, but he'll moan about Arab kids who grew up under Jewish occupation, venting their frustration by uttering words that the Jews say were similar to those uttered by the Nazis decades ago. That is, if an American scholar says that Israel annexing neighboring lands is the same as Hitler annexing neighboring land, the Jews will want him sent to jail. If an Arab kid that's brutalized by the occupation says he wants to be free, the Jews will want him shot dead and his internal organs harvested. Here is an example of that, courtesy of Clifford May:

“'From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free!' You've doubtless heard that chant. But what does free mean? What the chanters must have in mind is that Israel should be free of Jewish Israelis. The Germans, not quite a century ago, had words for that: Judenfrei, Jew-free, and Judenrein, which implies cleansed of Jews. In other words, the chant you've been hearing is a call for ethnic and religious cleansing”.

This is how the cannibalistic retards of America reacted when they heard Dr. Martin Luther King utter the words: Free at last. Free at last. Thank God Almighty I'm Free at Last. It is how the cannibalistic retards of apartheid South Africa reacted when they heard that Nelson Mandela spoke of freeing his people. It is how the cannibalistic retards of Zion react when they hear the Palestinians clamor for freedom wherever they live in the homeland that has been theirs since the beginning of time, and will be theirs to the end of time.

The Jews still have the chance to put misery behind them and join the human race because humanity has given them two new opportunities. One opportunity is the five decades old UN resolutions 242 and 338. The other opportunity is the two decades old Arab initiative. Both resolutions allow the Jews to expand Israel from the 1948 borders which it is legally entitled to, up to the 1967 borders which it is not now entitled to. But the Jews have always wanted more than that, and they conned the Americans into backing them. As to the Arabs, they knew better, and never let the Jews con them.

In fact, with the 1967 Pearl Harbor style sneak attack on its neighbors, Israel had expanded its territory to something like 4 times what it is today. The Jews told the Arabs let's negotiate, but knowing that negotiating with the Jews is like being invited to a dinner of live mice and dead birds by a family of snakes in their pit, the Arabs said there will be no negotiation because what was taken by force will only be returned by force.

In 1973, the Arabs counter attacked and took back most of what the Jews had stolen in 1967. What is left in the hands of the Jews is a thin sliver of Syria's Golan Height, and Palestine's West Bank of the Jordan River. Both the Syrians and the Palestinians have seen that nothing was returned in more than 50 years of negotiations, and they reckon that it is because sufficient force has not been applied. How this standoff will end is anybody's guess.

Meanwhile, Clifford May that created the comical outfit called Foundation for Defense of Democracies, did not disappoint when it came to showing the funny side of his creation. To explain why it is okay to steal from the Palestinians, he chose to write this part of the work in the style of a Laurel and Hardy script. Here is how it would go if it will be fully developed:

WORLD: You say Kontorovich says Palestine is not in the UN because it is out.

MAY: Yes, Kontorovich says Palestine is out because it is not in.

WORLD: But he is not a lawyer in the UN because he is out.

MAY: Yes, he is out of the UN because he is not in.

WORLD: So, how does Kontorovich know that Palestine is not in because it is out?

MAY: Kontorovich knows because when he is not in, he is out … and when he is not out, he is in.

WORLD: But how can he not be in or out at the same time, when he is not out and not in at the same time?

MAY: He knows because he cannot be out or in at the same time when he's in or out at different times.

WORLD: You're confusing me, Clifford May.

MAY: You think you're confused? What do you think I am?

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Curbed by the Constitution they seek to maul

Imagine the lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the one representing the Jewish establishment, standing in front of the nine judges of the US Supreme Court, arguing a bizarre case having to do with the Jews trying to stab America in the heart by shredding its Constitution.

One of the Justices asks the Jewish lawyer: Why is it that in your view, it is acceptable for anyone to falsely accuse an Arab or Muslim country of acting like the Nazi regime, then hear the President of the United States regurgitate the same accusation in a State of the Union Address, and later send warplanes to destroy that country, killing hundreds of thousands of people –– but it is not acceptable for a researcher to point to Israel's annexation of Palestinian land, and say this is the same as Hitler's act that precipitated World War Two?

Can a scene like that play itself out someday? The answer is yes, a scene like that can happen if Ziva Dahl and all those behind her, have it their way. You can get an idea what this is about when you read Dahl's article that came under the title: “Will Arizona Revise State Law to Track Crimes Tied to Antisemitism?” published on May 18, 2020 in the online Jewish publication Algemeiner.

The story is that––driven by the Jewish habit of asking for more fingers when you make the mistake of giving them one finger––the Jews are at it again asking for more fingers. It is that, having gotten the law they wanted, they now seek to amend that same law so as to make it Jewish-specific, thus exclude everyone else from enjoying the kind of protection the Jews want for themselves, and them alone. Here is what happened:

The Jews began to play a new game in Arizona where they succeeded in making the House of Representatives pass a bill that would amend an existing crime law in such a way as to consider every real or perceived prejudice against the Jews or against Israel –– a criminal offense. It was expected that the State Senate will pass its version of the bill, says Dahl, but did not because the ACLU and other interested parties have articulated their side of the argument and won for now.

What is beyond the shadow of any absurd thought even for a crackhead to imagine, is that the law would have adopted the definition of antisemitism as stated by the piece of trash they call International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA). This thing criminalizes––among other things––something as real as pointing out that Israel's annexation of lands that belong to its neighbors, is the same as Hitler annexing the Sudetenland, an act that was instrumental in starting World War Two. Apparently, these characters are rejecting the notion that what is sauce for the Nazi goose is sauce for the Zionist gander.

In fact, if someone were to be accused of violating a law along the line proposed for Arizona –– a law that is more virulent in its implications than any pandemic to hit the planet –– a scene at the Supreme Court like the one described above, would result. And whatever the Jewish lawyer would say in response to the Justice's question, it will be followed by another question that will go as follows:

Given that the law purports to criminalize denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, why is it that someone looking to get promoted at CNN can convert to Judaism thus acquire––under the rubric of self-determination––the right to go to Palestine, and deny a Palestinian family its own right to self-determination by evicting it at gunpoint from the home that has been its own for thousands of years? And the Jewish lawyer will remain mum, or will spew the customary nonsense, and have everybody laugh at him.

Given the backwardness of this initiative, it is impossible to imagine that the Jewish establishment did not think of all the repercussions before engaging lobbyists to work on getting a law of this level of horror to be enacted by the legislatures of the American states, and then get Ziva Dahl to write the ugly story. They must have thought about it at the establishment, but did not restrain themselves. Why not? Well, these people are stupid alright, but not so stupid as to commit an error of this magnitude. There is no doubt that they did what they did knowing about the ramifications. But why did they? What could have been their motivation?

Well, here is a thought: The Jewish leaders know they have but a small chance getting such laws passed and then accuse and convict a few people under them. Even if they manage to pull it off at a lower court, they certainly don't believe they could go through the appeal process and see the law upheld in the end. But they embarked on that journey anyway to demonstrate to their rank-and-file that this is a dangerous world; one that is hard to fix even when the power of the entire Jewish establishment is brought to bear.

The message here is that individual Jews cannot protect themselves standing alone. They must, therefore remain in the fold where they will be protected the best that can be.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The new Way to advocate for endless Wars

They stood outside the window of their imagination; they looked into the window and salivated at the magnificent war they could be having if only the American people were not tired of seeing their country involved in fruitless wars that cost oodles of money, countless American and foreign lives, and the disgust of a world that became accustomed to hating America and everything labeled American.

These are the neocons who were mugged by the reality that advocating for war, be it endless or short term, was no longer gaining traction among the progressives or even the die-hard right-wingers of the country. And so, the neocons invented a new way to play what they say is only a make-believe war game that’s meant to entertain –– but in reality, they mean it to be a rehearsal for the real thing for when the time will come if it ever will.

Jed Babbin is one of the dreamers that is standing outside the neocon-enchanted window, playing the game that will never see the light of day in real life. Nevertheless, he took the trouble to describe what could have been. He did so in an article he wrote under the title: “United States must restore its independence from China,” and the subtitle: “Cold War games entwine medicine, rare earth minerals and more.” The article was published on May 17, 2020 in The Washington Times.

So, how does Jed Babbin and those like him play the game without revealing what they are up to? Well, if you really want to know, you can form an understanding by reading the first paragraph of Babbin's article. It goes something like this: “We are decades into a Second Cold War, this time with China … our ability to deal with the threats it poses is uncertain.” Does that tell you something, dear reader?

In any case, now that Babbin got you scared, he reassures you that it was natural, therefore inevitable that when the Soviet Union fell, China would replace it and become America's new rival. In fact, he goes on to say, there are a dozen reasons why these two countries were slated to be rivals and at war. But make no mistake, he goes on to say, even though this process is a natural phenomenon, the two sides are not equal.

Babbin explains that America stands as the good guy in this confrontation, whereas China stands as the bad guy. America is a free nation, he explains, and China is totalitarian. The Chinese seek to dominate America's allies, he laments, in addition to engaging in a cyberwar against American interests, as well as being aggressive in the South China Sea.

And he warns that the Chinese have been playing a long-term sneaky game. He explains that some 30 years ago, then Chinese leaders Deng Xiaoping reassured the world that China was more like a domesticated pussycat than a wild tiger. It sought nothing more than security for itself, and will never claim leadership of the world. But look at China now under Xi Jinping, says Babbin; he complains that the new leader of China, “has given up the pretense of restraint in claiming China's position as a global leader”.

That means the Cold War is on, says Jed Babbin. It is on, not because America or China want it, but because the hallmarks of a Cold War are here whether or not we like it. But as during the first Cold War, the ideological struggle between the two powers, as well as the fear of a nuclear war, are present.

What's happening now, he goes on to say, is that the Chinese are engaged in cyberattacks to steal American research in the race to develop a vaccine for the COVID-19 virus. China is also engaged in a disinformation campaign to confuse the world about the reality that the pandemic originated in China, and that the Chinese are leading the global effort to fight the disease.

To be honest, Jed Babbin had managed to build a magnificent moral edifice up to now, and should have stopped here. But in his eagerness to paint America as a perfect world-player, and paint China as imperfect, he inadvertently went on to demolish the edifice he erected with such devotion. Look what he did:

“The facts of China's disinformation campaign, and that it sent thousands of COVID-19 test kits to other nations, most of which were defective, established China's record. If China claims to have won the race to develop an anti-COVID-19 vaccine, no nation could rationally trust the vaccine's effectiveness or safety. China's ubiquitous involvement in our economy possesses its own significant threats, including its dominance of the US antibiotics market. On the economic side, we need to do whatever it takes to restore our independence regarding medicine and other critical items”.

So, here it is. After denigrating the medical supplies that China sent to other countries, calling them defective, Babbin admitted that for years, America had been relying on those same supplies to the point of being totally dependent on them.

Does that mean America had been so incompetent and careless, it was risking the lives of its people not knowing what was going on? Or does it mean that America knew all along it was importing and paying for medical supplies that were killing its people?

Either America's leaders have been acting like dorks for many decades, or Jed Babbin is a liar that no one should trust. Either way, he turned the edifice into a pile of debris.