Saturday, December 31, 2016

A high Energy Physicist and a Scavenger

What happens when a high energy physicist and a scavenger meet? Good question.

It will be difficult to guess what will happen because several factors from each side will interact together, and even if we know what the factors will be, we cannot guess how they will interact in pairs or in larger numbers. That's not to mention what the outcome of each interaction will be, or what the cumulative effect will produce.

Such encounter will never happen in real life but lucky for us, a metaphoric staging of one is about to happen. The outcome may yet give us the opportunity to observe and deduce what would happen if a real physicist and a scavenger – such as a hyena – were bound by circumstances to come and work together.

President-elect Donald Trump likes to think of himself as a high energy man, especially when compared to other men. We ought to accept this designation because Trump proved to be one. He did so, not only by the quantity of work he is able to do in a day, but also the kind of approaches he employs to complete the work.

It is that in high energy physics, atoms are smashed against each other at high velocities. They break up into smaller particles, and by the way that these particles scatter, much knowledge is deduced about the composition of matter and energy.

In that same fashion, Donald Trump knocks heads together, forcing them to fly sparks in all directions. From the scattering of the sparks, he deduces the composition of the subject matter, and the amount of energy that will be needed to put together a working plan of action, and to execute it.

Trump will soon have to start working with a quintessential hyena-like scavenger. He is Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, an entity that thinks of itself as being a home for the Jews. These are the people who wrote a book called the Old Testament in which they tell of events they claim represent their history beginning 4,000 years ago.

Whether the stories the Jews tell are true or imagined, they form the system of beliefs they say is their religion but in reality is a supremacist political ideology that tells them they own the world, and that everyone alive owes them a living. They are instructed to work towards the goal of taking control of the planet, but until this happens, they must scavenge what they can to survive.

Scavenging is the instruction that the Jews have been implementing with hyena-like efficiency since the days of antiquities when they used to raid and loot the dwellers of Asia Minor. They later adapted the method to suit the European environment and now the new World. And no Jew or real hyena can scavenge like Netanyahu can.

Donald Trump, the proverbial high energy physicist, and Benjamin Netanyahu, the proverbial scavenging hyena will soon meet and be forced to try and work together. What should we expect will come out of such attempts at collaborating? We can never tell, of course, but Philip Gordon offers some interesting insights. For two years Gordon was White House coordinator for the Middle East, North Africa and the Persian Gulf region. His insights may prove to be valuable.

He sees three policy areas in which the saying “be careful what you wish for because you may get it” will prove to be a bitter lesson for Netanyahu. The three areas pertain to (1) the two-state solution, (2) moving the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and (3) the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Gordon contends that the tantrums which Netanyahu used to display around these matters, were fake theatrics intended to please his political base at home. Gordon also argues that if Trump would agree with Netanyahu on any or all three subjects, he would remove from America's shoulder the burden of the Middle Eastern troubles, and transfer it to Netanyahu's shoulder. And he predicts that the latter will not be able to carry the burden alone, thus buckle under its weight. That's when he will regret making the wish that he did.

From the looks of it, it seems that even before Donald Trump has been inaugurated, the sparks are beginning to fly in all directions, and the scattering of ideas may start to produce results before January 20, 2017.

Can these two start working on the theory of Super Symmetry?

Friday, December 30, 2016

Ruth Wisse promoting Anti-Semitism

To stay focused on the subject we're discussing and avoid branching into tangents, we begin with the definition of the important terms we'll be using. This should prevent us from inadvertently steering too far away from the intended meaning of those terms. The two most relevant ones to this discussion are the following:

Anti-Semitism means we do not like what the Jews are doing to us, ordinary people, here at home. Anti-Zionism means we, ordinary human beings, do not like what Israel is doing abroad, especially to the people of Palestine whose country it is occupying.

Also, the one thing we need to establish at the outset is that the people who consider themselves offended by what they call anti-Semitism, and the people who consider themselves offended by what they call anti-Zionism, cannot deflect criticism by saying that other peoples do what they do, but they alone are being singled out. Imagine a bank robber complaining to the officer arresting him, or asking the judge that's trying him, to dismiss the charges because he is being singled out. He'd be lucky not to get extra time for that.

The fact is that everyone is being criticized for one thing or another. When they first came to this continent, the Irish were criticized for who they are, and for how they lived their lives. And so did the Italians, the Germans, the Poles, the Jews, the Chinese, the Pakistanis and what have you. They each had their moment of grilling, and then things went to being normal for these people.

The peculiar thing, however, is that of all these groups, only one kept returning to the abnormal state of being criticized again and again. These are the Jews whose painful journey is an ongoing cycle that refuses to end. The phenomenon seems strange to those who do not know world history, but not so strange to those who are familiar with world history. It is that the phenomenon of the Jews finding themselves in hot water has been a recurring theme throughout their history everywhere they went on this planet. The question is: Why is that?

We can get a glimpse as to why this happens to the Jews when we study the article that came under the title: “Free Speech and Anti-Semitism,” and the subtitle: “Obama's anti-Israel politics show the need for the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.” It was written by Ruth R. Wisse and published on December 30, 2016 in the Wall Street Journal.

The 23 words of the first sentence in the article hit the reader in the face like a mad baseball player who thinks that a human face is a ball that needs to be hit twice to go anywhere. Look at this horror: “December began with the passage by the Senate of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act and ended with President Obama's betrayal of the Jewish state.” First, Ruth Wisse says that one chamber of the legislature has passed a bill imposing the Jewish will on the entire American population.

Second, Ruth Wisse accuses the American President of betraying Israel, which she calls the Jewish state. Why is that? Because she says that the President did not stand up – not just to the American population this time but the entire human population that dared to say enough was enough; Israel must stop stealing Palestinian lands and properties to give to people invited to come from abroad and live in the occupied territories.

No one else makes the kind of demands or the kind of accusations that the Jews make in America. It is a reality that becomes apparent from Wisse's own account of history. In each case, the Jews were seen as plotting to take control of the government and ultimately the country. This means that the Jews had infiltrated the government and went too far wielding the power for no purpose but to acquire more power ... the way that the Jews are now behaving in America. The ordinary people of those countries rose up in the old days, and Ruth Wisse calls it a manifestation of anti-Semitism.

As to Wisse accusing the American President of betraying Israel, she displays a mentality of the kind that people everywhere have punished the Jews in the most horrifying of ways. It is that even if America had never done anything to help Israel, an accusation of this kind would prompt any normal human being to tell her: Get your stinking presence out of my sight before I do something that's contrary to my nature. Move! On the double!

That's what the 23 words of the introduction evoke, and there are more than 800 of them in the Wisse article. Read them and get sick for a whole week.

Mistreatment they beg for and keep getting

The concept that the North American folks could not understand up until a few decades ago boiled down to this: How is it that people as advanced as the Europeans of the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Age of Reason, the Classic Age, the Romantic Age, the Industrial Age and the Modern Age – were so advanced culturally and scientifically, yet so uncivilized as to do to the Jews what they did?

The people could understand why the Jews were badly treated by the cultures that flourished before those eras, believing that the world was not yet enlightened. But for something like this to happen during times which are so close to ours, was both incomprehensible and frightening to most ordinary folks.

These folks felt like they were in a dark room, groping to try and sense what animal they cannot see may be in the room with them. But then, all of a sudden, the lights came on and the people saw what they could not see before. They saw the Jews who crucified thousands of innocent people, crushed their lives and destroyed their careers because they uttered that Hollywood was controlled by the Jews, and expressed such other musings as to be of the politically incorrect kind.

The ordinary folks in the room thought this was so horrifying a story, they opined that the perpetrators deserved to be punished but not as severely as the Jews were in previous eras. And then, the folks were hit with a big surprise. It is that the Jews did not care anymore about someone saying they control Hollywood. At times, the Jews even encouraged other people to propagate that idea.

That's fine, but can the Jews call up the people they crucified in the past; those whose lives they crushed and careers they destroyed? Can they make it so that these people will see their lives and careers restored? No, this will not happen, they learned. And that's because the Jews do not care about the damage they cause to anyone. Crucifying people at a time when they needed to work in the dark helped them advance their agenda. It is all that mattered to them at the time; it is all that matters to them now.

In fact, now that they feel secure everywhere they operate; they do not worry about being exposed as having Hollywood under their control. They even feel they earned the right to flaunt their influence and brag about it. Might as well take full advantage of this situation while they are at it, and let all those who aspire to go to Hollywood and make it there whose Jewish ass they need to kiss.

And that's when the ordinary folks began to have second thoughts about the kind of punishment that the Jews ought to suffer for what they continue to inflict on people who simply wish to express their views freely.

What compounds the problem in the eyes of ordinary North Americans is that the more that time passes, the more the Jews prove to be working on an agenda that's limitless in scope. This applies to their activities on this continent as it does around the world.

In fact, you can see an example of this in the article that came under the title: “Obama's Parting Betrayal of Israel” and the subtitle: “Trump must ensure there are consequences for supporting U.N. Security Council Resolution 2334.” It was written by the most infamous non-Jewish neocon ever to disgrace this planet by his presence.

Already the subtitle calls on the President-elect to commit the criminal act of using the might of the United States of America to punish nations that did their duty in freely voting to alleviate the beastly sort of savagery that's visited upon the people of Palestine, and has been for three generations.

In the same way that the neocons have been pushing for the misuse of America's might to the detriment of the country's standing in the world, they are now trying to con the President-elect –– who is busy doing other things during this period of transition –– into believing that he will be doing something legal when in fact he will be embroiling America into a criminal act that has been festering for half a century already.

Look at the passage that shows into what kind of cesspool these people plan to drag America so as to rob the Palestinians of their patrimony and give it to the Jews. Here is what Bolton started with: “Resolution 242 … provided that Israel should withdraw 'from territories occupied in the recent conflict'––countenancing less-than-total withdrawal.” The deception here is that he omitted saying that “less-than-total withdrawal” meant what Palestinian land Israel would keep will have to be swapped against Israeli land of equal value.

On top of this deception – committed with full criminal intent – John Bolton goes on to build a monument to the big lie whose effect on the ordinary folks of North America is so devastating, we shudder to think about. It is that more and more people are accepting the idea that “Hitler was right”.

The big lie this time is that after omitting the principle of land swaps, Bolton goes on to say that “Resolution 2334 implicitly repeals Resolution 242.” But the fact is that the Resolution begins like this:

Resolution 2334 (2016)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7853rd meeting, on 23 December 2016
The Security Council,
Reaffirming its relevant resolutions, including resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973)...

Why then did Bolton make up that lie? He made it because the Jews are at the stage where they were when they denied controlling Hollywood. Implementing their agenda requires them to stay quiet at this time.

It is to be expected, however, that when they score a few successes and feel confident they can get away with anything, they will brag about their exploit at having conned a new President-elect, getting him to commit American crimes against humanity and pay the price, to serve the Jews who will pay no price.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Intellectual Dishonesty of the WSJ kind

One of the most hideously dishonest intellects on this planet is that of Alan Dershowitz. Some people even think of him as unique in this sense. If that was the case, it is no more because the editors of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) are beginning to crowd him in this exclusive domain.

They tell who they really are in a piece they wrote under the title: “Kerry's Rage Against Israel” and the subtitle: “The Secretary doesn't understand why his peace failed.” It was published on December 29, 2016 in the Wall Street Journal. Here is the revealing passage:

“The Security Council resolution substantially changes diplomatic understandings stretching to 1967. Mr. Kerry claimed that Resolution 2334 'does not break new ground' … The reality is that the resolution denies Israel legal claims to the land while reversing the traditional land-for-peace formula that has been a cornerstone of U.S. diplomacy for almost 50 years”.

Look what the editors did. They sandwiched the principle of Israeli “legal claims” between two non-legal arguments. The one before it says this: “diplomatic understandings.” The one after it says this: “the traditional … formula.” Because neither diplomatic understandings nor traditional formula carry legal significance, you want to know what the editors mean by denial of legal claims.

You do the research and discover that this is an Alan Dershowitz kind of exercise in intellectual dishonesty. Here is what he has been doing. Every time that Israel committed the criminal offense of expanding the Jewish settlements in the occupied territories, and the world expressed disgust, Dershowitz shielded members of the brainless Congress from the fury by telling them – in any number of writing styles – that if Israel was not allowed to expand beyond the 1967 lines, it will be forced to go back to the 1948 lines. And that area is so small, you couldn't cram five and a half million Jews in it.

So now, the editors of the Wall Street Journal have adopted that same approach, and used the writing style of sandwiching the scary lie between two apparent realities to make it believable. The lie is that they hide the fact that the only legal claim the Security Council gave to Israel since 1967 is the ability to negotiate a land swap with the interested parties – Egypt and Jordan at the time – now the Palestinian Authority. Everything else that the Jewish mob of pundits has been asking for since that time never had legal force.

Still, the Dershowitz character is not the only aspect of Jewish mentality that is abhorrent to the human race. There are many more aspects, and the editors of the Journal make use of two in their piece.

One of the aspects may be called the stealthy lie. Here it is: “...a worthy goal assuming a Palestinian state that doesn't become another Yemen or South Sudan.” The fallacy inherent to this statement is that the Israel/Palestine combination is not now a version of Yemen or South Sudan. But the fact is that the combination is that, if not worse … and has been for half a century. In fact, there have been three hot wars and a number of quieter ones; and there has been two intifadas with a quieter one that has been ongoing for some time. And this is not chopped liver as would say the dear natives.

The idea of separating the antagonists by implementing the two state-solution is meant to resolve this problem. The trouble is that the Jewish character allows the Jews to look at reality and see something else. So while they are screaming from one side of the mouth that the Palestinians are not being good boys or good girls; they are also screaming from the other side of the mouth that Israel is an island of serenity in a turbulent Middle East. Go figure.

The other abhorrent Jewish character is that when the Jews see something they covet and decide they must steal, they attribute to its owners bad characteristics, and use that as excuse to relieve their victims of what they have. Here is that passage: “Palestinians will now be emboldened to believe they can get what they want at the U.N. and through public campaigns to boycott Israel without making concessions”.

But the fact is that using the legal channels and the civilized art of communicating one's grievances to the world, has been pursued by the Palestinians since the beginning. They did not need that resolution to do so now because they need not make concessions to a thief in their house pointing the gun of a tank at the family.

The moral Clarity that muddied the Waters

Secretary of State John Kerry of the United States of America gave a speech on December 28, 2016 on the situation in occupied Palestine in which he said that the continued building of Jewish settlements on Palestinian land contravenes international law, and must stop.

An hour and a half later, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu gave a reply in which he complained that the American diplomat failed to mention the Palestinian resistance; an activity he called terrorism. And there lies a stark example as to what impedes the Jews from ascending to the level of civilized man. Here is how these people do it to themselves:

A fundamental principle of civilized behavior is that everyone has the right to defend themselves. Another fundamental principle is expressed in the English saying that goes this way: What's good for the goose is good for the gander. In other words, the right to defend the self extends to everyone not just a few.

Those two principles, among others, were instrumental in guiding the human race through the ages from the savage life that our species used to live in the caves and the jungles of the continents, to the modern life we enjoy today. But the journey was not smooth, and still remains as arduous as ever. We encountered many difficulties in our ascent to a higher form of existence, and overcame most of them. But one difficulty has been so pernicious; it continues to threaten our existence as seriously as it did thousands of years ago.

The expression of that difficulty has taken many forms over the centuries and was given many names. It now calls itself “Jewish” and pretends to be a religion. Depending on the day, it may call itself an ethnic group or an ethno-religious group or whatever. The difference between it and the other groups, is that the others develop permanent principles by which to live, and use their creative minds to innovate, thus feed themselves and contribute to the advancement of the species. That's in contrast to what the Jews do, as they whip up ephemeral principles that suit the moment, and live by the work and innovations of other peoples.

Unable to imagine, create or produce what they need to live on, the Jews seek at all time to muddy the waters so as to fish in them. While such conditions are ideal for the kind of life that they love to live, the rest of humanity feels disturbed and menaced by these conditions. That's why the relationship between the Jews and the human race has been a bad one throughout time and everywhere they went.

The only things that the Jews were able to develop were the approaches and the tricks that gave them access to what belongs to others – that which they mooched to their hearts' content each and every time without fail. A preferred approach of theirs has been to pit people against people, get them to fight each other, side with the winner and cash in on the spoils of war. A preferred trick of theirs has been to mimic the values of the mighty and pretend to live by them. What they do next is tell the mighty they both have the same values, and ask for a favor. The last time the mighty agreed to grant one, the Jews asked to be given what belongs to a third party.

This is how the Jews played the game to convince George W. Bush that for the sake of moral clarity, he must equate the 9/11 attack on America using commercial planes, with the Palestinians who resist the Jewish occupation of their homeland, armed only with stones and the occasional knife. Bush proved to be incapable of grasping the simple concept that unlike being attacked without provocation, it is legitimate for the Palestinians to act in such a way as to try and liberate their homeland.

In fact, the French did as much during the occupation of their country by the Nazis, and were lauded for it. But instead of siding with the Palestinians, as did his predecessors, Bush took the Jewish advice and brought the value of the 9/11 tragedy down to the level of a frustrated kid. He might have stabbed another kid in the mean streets of a Palestinian town or perhaps Chicago, for example. It is that Bush equated the brawl of children with the downing of the Twin Towers in Manhattan. What a screwed up brain!

Encouraged by the feeble mindedness of a small man in a powerful position, the Jews turned the war zone that is the West Bank of occupied Palestine, into a playground for Jewish misfits from America and elsewhere to go live in places where they can get hurt, thus give Israel's leaders a propaganda event they can monetize and help balance their budget.

As did W. Bush by equating the whale with the minnow, so did Netanyahu by equating the crime against humanity that is the occupation, with an angry kid that lunges at another kid in occupied Palestine.

In fact, this sort of thing happens all the time everywhere in the world for trivial reasons, and no one makes a fuss about it. Contrast this with a state of Jewish depravity that subjects children from birth to their teenage years – not to a holocaust that is done in hours, but one that is inflicted on the kids at every moment of their lives, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year – year after year after year. Some of the kids snap and decide it is better to die and take a Jew with them if they can.

It took the ignorance of George W. Bush to contribute to this situation. It took Benjamin Netanyahu to perpetuate it. It took John Kerry to try and eliminate it. It will take a giant to turn Kerry's attempt into a reality.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

That's how they cultivate male Bimbos

When it comes to the Jews testing new authoritarian ideas to then impose them on the countries they consider being their modern-day industrial plantations, Canada has always served as the soft underbelly of America. The Jews have tried their ideas here in Canada, discarded what did not work, and took to America what worked well or looked promising.

An idea that worked spectacularly well for the Jews was the one about cultivating male bimbos. They produced them, trained them and sent them around to publicly accuse people holding key positions of not being pro-Israel enough. The intended effect was to shame these people and force them to reflexively protest that they are one hundred percent pro-Israel.

The idea behind the exercise is that once someone has done this – whether or not they mean it – they find themselves trapped in a cycle whereby they must repeatedly renew the pledge to remain pro-Israel for ever. All this happens as if the pledge were binding these people to a cult whose motto is: stay-in-the-fold or leave and be ruined financially and professionally.

Once satisfied that the idea was producing positive results in Canada, the Jews took it to America and tested it on low echelon people in the media and the political arena at the state and federal levels. They gradually moved up the ladder till they reached the gubernatorial and presidential levels. They scored well with some of the governors and state senators (such as those who continue to urge other governors and legislators to pass laws favoring Israel) but had a difficult time pulling the trick on President Barack Obama.

The stance of this President has embittered the bimbo makers of America to a great extent, and it is this bitterness that you detect in the lamentations expressed in Wesley Pruden's article. It is the article that came under the title: “A knife in the back with Obama's fingerprints,” published on December 26, 2016 in The Washington Times. To accurately describe its significance, we are forced to coin a new word so as to classify this piece of work as being the most bimboistic piece of trash ever authored by a pundit.

And here is what must be the most whorish sentence ever written in the English language by a moral prostitute of the most degenerated kind: “the president no longer has to fool Jewish voters that he's a friend of the Jewish state.” This said, Pruden quickly switches to the fantasy that “the new administration will be eager to make things right with America's only friend”.

And in the typically Jewish tradition of using the criminal blackmail as a weapon of intimidation, Wesley Pruden mentions that “the Israeli ambassador would present 'evidence' to President-elect Donald Trump that Obama plotted to make sure the resolution was drawn and adopted.” It is clear from this performance that the prostitution of American politics did not come about by trickery alone but by trickery and blackmail used together as a one-two punch against unsuspecting individuals who happen to hold key positions from where they can be trained to betray their country while advancing the Jewish/Israeli agenda.

What adds more depravity to the Jews turning American politics into an exercise in moral prostitution, is to criminalize American governance when it ceases to serve Israel. This is what Wesley Pruden has done in his article. Look what he says: “The mischief at the United Nations was far more serious because it was intended to hurt the nation's interests beyond petty thievery.” In other words, he says that to abstain from giving Israel what it wanted, has hurt American interests more than the crime of thievery. This is how the Jews managed to criminalize the American act of governance that fails to serve Israel. This is a state of affairs so horrendous, it can blow any head a thousand times over.

Once again, Pruden switches back to the fantasy that Donald Trump will be better for Israel than Obama has ever been. Here is how he put it near the end of his article: “The Israelis clearly perceive Donald Trump as the friend they have wanted in the White House.” It is obvious that Wesley Pruden was commissioned to tell the world that President-elect Donald Trump will join the Jewish cultivators of American male bimbos to run around and tell everyone how much they love Israel, so as to better serve Israel, always Israel and no one but Israel.

And the world is waiting to see what Donald Trump will do next.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The comical Side of a nauseating Situation

Imagine you're walking in the street and see people hastily move away in every direction from something. You look closely at the thing and find it to be a man. He is throwing his arms up and down, and gesticulating them back and forth as he shouts: they are ganging up on me; they are ganging up on me.

Confused by the discrepancy between what you see and what you hear him say, you approach the man to find out what's going on. That's when you discover what the people were moving away from. It is that the man smells like a toilet that hasn't been flushed in a week.

You hold your nose and ask him questions to find out how it is that the people are ganging up on him when in fact; they are running away from him. He says they are conspiring to delegitimize his existence and this, according to his philosophy, amounts to ganging up on him. Unable to take anymore of that, you join the crowd and participate in the act of delegitimizing the stinker by running away from him … and taking a deep breath of fresh air.

That's the story which came to mind upon reading the article that came under the title: “Israel reduces relations with 12 Security Council countries,” written by Rebbecca Kheel and published on December 26, 2016 in The Hill.

So here you have an entity with which nobody wants to associate under normal circumstances. Still, a few nations held their noses and began to deal with it – though at arm's length – because the circumstances at this time are not normal or because they were pressured by the United States of America to do so.

Then something happened, and they all – including the United States of America – ran away from the stinking entity calling itself Israel. But what did the entity do in response? It did this: “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who was infuriated by the vote, handed down the order, according to the reports.” The vote mentioned here is the one taken at the Security Council of the United Nations. It condemned Israel for the settlements policy it is pursuing in occupied Palestine in defiance of international law.

What did Netanyahu's order entail? It was about him meeting only with the Jewish ambassador of the United States whereas the ambassadors of the other countries were summoned to meet only with foreign ministry officials. This was meant to be their punishment. Well, it may have been punishment in Netanyahu's eyes, but the foreign ambassadors must have thanked the heavens for being spared the ordeal of living through a stinking experience in the name of protocol.

And that's not all because Netanyahu also ordered the curtailment of relations between Israel and those countries. Now, my friend, you know – as did the whole world – how angry Netanyahu was with the way that the Security Council vote went.

In fact, this happens to be the message that the Jewish propaganda machine has been trying to convey. It began with CNN telling the Jewish rank-and-file and the rest of the world about Benjamin Gulliver Netanyahu being so angry, he decided to punish the Lilliputian Security Councilors by not honoring their ambassadors with his presence. Whether or not the rank-and-file or the world was impressed with this performance is another matter.

But that's what brought to my mind an old Egyptian saying I haven't heard in sixty years. It is a give and take that unfolds between a small boy who thinks he grew old enough to be independent, and his father. It goes like this:

SON: Father, I am not going to sleep in the same room as you anymore.

FATHER: Thank you my son. You just relieved me from the affliction of your nightly farts.

And that's what the world is saying to little Netanyahu … the one who thinks he is a Gulliver, and wants the world to believe it.

In English, we have a shorter expression to deal with a guy like that. We simply say to him: Good riddance Bibi.

The Jewish Tricks they kept inventing

Having seen what happened to the Jews at the hands of the Nazis, almost everyone on the planet expressed goodwill and sympathy towards them after the Second World War.

A generation later, the Jews who suffered the ordeal had been replaced by a new breed of Jews and new converts coming into what started to look more like a political movement or a cult than a religion. Shortly thereafter, the members of this new grouping lost the goodwill and sympathy that their elders had enjoyed, thus looked for something new to give them clout. It was possible for their elders to establish a “homeland for the Jews” in Palestine, and they needed to do as well if not better. And so, they invented the accusation of antisemitism and used it as a weapon.

They made headway for a period of time in Europe and North America, but then began to lose the effectiveness of that weapon in Europe. They guessed that sooner or later, they will loose the edge in North America too, thus developed something different to stay on top of things. What they did was train and condition lackeys and sycophants to run around and tell the public – especially the young and the immature – that the Jew is equal to God, and his enemy of the day must be treated like a demon till further notice.

The result was that the Jews of Israel could now expand the Jewish homeland by stealing more and more of Palestine while counting on America to support them. For the situation to get to this point, however, the Jews had instructed their lackeys to pressure the Congress to stand by Israel even when the latter committed the most horrific of crimes. And then it happened that the people of America began to feel the shame at seeing the Jews behave like savage animals while telling the world that Jewish values were the same as American values.

Now, the Jews felt compelled to come up with a new trick to impress the handful of American legislators who might volunteer to convince their colleagues that America had the obligation to mortgage whatever worldwide respect and standing it still commanded, and support Israel as it commits more crimes, more frequently and more violently against the Palestinian people. The only trick that the Jews could come up with was the big lie.

But the big lie was not really a new trick for, it had been around as long as there were Jews around. It is just that the new lie had acquired a new flavor to reflect the new era. Here is one example showing how the Jews played this game:

You may recall a time when the Jews and their lackeys ran around telling the world that Israel was not alone blockading Gaza and that Egypt was doing it too. No one was fooled because guarding your border is never considered a blockade. It was Israel's blockade of Gaza's airspace and sea lanes as well as the constant shelling of the villages that made life unlivable anywhere in that strip of land.

As it turned out, this was a deliberate policy adopted by the Israelis to force the Palestinians to crash through the border with Egypt and seek refuge there. The only way that Egypt could response was to foil the Jewish scheme by guarding the border more tightly, and telling the Israelis to cease and desist their criminal activities.

Whereas Egypt did not go beyond giving Israel that advice, other people decided to remind the Jews that making up lies of this sort was the kind of behavior that sent their kinfolks to the gas chambers and the incinerators. But do you think the Jews listened? Not on your life or their own. Look what the Israeli media are propagating throughout the region, some of which traveled across the ocean to reach America and contaminate its media. In fact, there are two printed examples you can look at:

One example is a column that came under the title: “Obama's betrayal of Israel is an act of diplomatic war,” written by Benny Avni and published on December 24, 2016 in the New York Post. The other is an editorial that came under the title: “Obama's Anti-Israel Tantrum” and the subtitle “The U.N. resolution is a defining act of Obama's Presidency.” It was published on December 24, 2016 in the Wall Street Journal.

Avni says this: “Netanyahu spoke with Trump and with Egyptian President Sisi. The latter called Trump, who leaned on him to withdraw the resolution.” The editors of the Wall Street Journal say this: “Egypt [came] under pressure from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Trump also intervened, speaking with Egypt's government.” Both are fabrications put out by very sick minds and extremely dishonest intellects.

The truth is that Sisi called no one, and did not speak with Netanyahu. It was Trump that called him and persuaded him to withdraw the resolution. In return, Trump promised to work diligently on implementing a comprehensive solution that will be fair to everyone. When the resolution was taken up by others anyway, Egypt voted for it because it was the right thing to do.

The reason why the Jews mutilated history the way they did was to elevate Netanyahu to a level comparable to that of the prophets in the Old Testament. In so doing, they believe they will establish the supremacy of the Jews over the other races and other religions.

They have been practicing this approach since they came up with a new cult they call Rabbinical Judaism eighteen hundred years ago. They firmly believe in what they are doing despite the fact that they were warned over and over by friends and foes alike that they are begging for the proverbial one way ticket to the gas chamber and the incinerator. But they will not quit.

What else can we say but that these people must love the smell of odorless gas and the searing warmth of the incinerator?

Monday, December 26, 2016

The Kangaroo Court of National Review

To be fair to the editors of National Review Online (NRO) we must acknowledge at the outset that there came a time in America when criminals were given more protection than they deserved to the chagrin of their victims and the families thereof.

A backlash ensued as a result, and ideas such as “three strikes and you're out” took hold. Now, young people are given long jail sentences for small offenses, and the editors of NRO are all for that, if not more. But they make an exception … not only insofar as the severity of the sentences are concerned, but in the role that “law and order” should play in regulating civilized behavior.

You can see where, how and why they make that exception when you go over the editorial they wrote under the title: “Obama's Shameful Parting Shot at Israel,” published on December 23, 2016 in National Review Online. Discussing the resolution approved by the Security Council of the United Nations without being vetoed by America, they lament the fact that it was reintroduced by “four nations with precisely zero security interests at stake in the Middle East”.

This alone tells you that the NRO editors have no idea, no sense and no feel for what they are talking about. Just think about it, there are five permanent members on the Security Council, and there are ten whose terms are rotated. If those fifteen dealt with matters that concern their region only, what do the editors think the other two hundred or so members should do?

The resolution passed, and there is nothing in it that says Israel should be bombed immediately into the Stone Age. It only calls on Israel to stop building more settlements on Palestinian territory because it is illegal to do so. Also, the government of Israel is encouraged to sit with the Palestinians – who own what is being stolen – and work out an accommodation with them. In response to that, the NRO editors call the Obama administration feckless for not vetoing the resolution, and claim that it will harm Israel and endanger ordinary Israelis.

They explain this point by lamenting that the prevailing set-up in which Israel enjoyed American largess to the tune of being armed to the teeth, financed to overflow, and covered diplomatically to the detriment of America's standing in the world – that this set-up has now been balanced to some degree by “the U.N.'s most powerful body.” This is in keeping with the Jewish delusion that balance should mean they have everything, and that you or the Palestinians or whomever should have nothing.

Aside from this apparently incurable mental disease, the NRO editors are worried that “by declaring that settlements violate international law, the resolution purports to carve into stone the [1948] armistice lines.” The reality is that Israel is entitled only to those lines because that's what the U.N. gave to the Jews, and no more. Thus, by rejecting this principle, the editors are rejecting the very idea of the rule of law.

Moreover, no one in the world – not the Palestinians, not the Arabs, not the Americans and not the UN – is asking Israel to retrench to the 1948 lines. They are only asking it to retrench to the 1967 lines with provisions that will allow the two sides to negotiate a swap of equal value so as to take into account the effect of the fait accompli that was engineered by criminally minded successive Israeli governments.

Now guess what the NRO editors do to take up that issue and confuse the mentally retarded cockroaches populating the American Congress of uselessness and worse. They do a typical Jewish masturbation of the intellect. Check this out: “Yet these lines [1948] didn't become lawful because Arab nations refused to recognize the existing battle lines as Israel's borders”.

Yes, the Arabs didn't like what happened then, and many of them don't like it now. But that changes nothing because once the Security Council passes a resolution; it becomes international law regardless as to who likes it and who doesn't.

The consequence of disobeying the law is that the world can and most likely will build on that in the same way that it is building on Russia for what it has done in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

Thus, the best thing for Israel to do now is to stop its criminal activities and join the civilized world after 4,000 years of estrangement … out alone in the cold wilderness of permanent illegitimacy.

An eight-sided Fifth Column of Treason

If anyone still doubts that the Jews and their sidekicks are religiously wedded to the principle of betrayal and treason in the same way that (1) Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery, (2) the Jews killed babies in Egypt, looted the country and escaped into the desert and (3) Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus – those doubters should look into the December 23 and 24 writings of the Jewish editors and columnists of America's media.

Out of the many articles they wrote, I draw attention to eight of them in this discussion. Four of these are editorials and four are columns. The editorials are those of the Wall Street Journal, New York Daily News, New York Post and National Review Online. As to the columnists, they are Michael Warren, Elliott Abrams, Benny Avni and Jonah Goldberg. For now, I briefly discuss the general themes recurring in these articles, but will have more to say in the days ahead.

Despite the fact that there would not be an Israel without America's support … like the quarter of a trillion dollars that went into the coffers of Israel; the most advanced weapons that went to the Israeli military, and the countless times that America pimped for Israel and defended it in world forums – despite all that, the thankless Jews saw fit to descend on its President, Barack Obama like the content of a truck that's full of pig manure.

The reason for their wrath is that after half a century of America letting itself be crucified by humanity for the steady intensification of Israel's criminal behavior, the superpower could no longer sustain the losses in standing it was absorbing for defending Israel, an entity that's so debased it will never join the civilized world. Thus, America decided to walk away from the crazy situation into which it was dragged by the Judeo-Israeli lobby. And when the Palestinians brought a resolution before the Security Council ordering Israel to stop its criminal behavior in occupied Palestine, America finally came to its senses and abstained from vetoing what will prove to be the most civilized resolution ever adopted by the United Nations.

This is when the Jews, who call themselves American did to America what was done to Joseph, to the Children of Egypt and to Jesus. They crucified “their country” by dumping on its President for refusing to march one more time to the Calvary where America has suffered for half a century, and could take no more. What made matters even more urgent is that foreign powers – unburdened by a Jewish lobby – are rising economically and militarily at a time when their moral standing in the world is already way ahead of America's.

Just look at the titles and subtitles under which the anti-Obama virulent diatribes were spewed like venom out of the glands of snakes: Obama shafts Israel. Obama's Anti-Israel Tantrum; the U.N. resolution is a defining act of Obama's Presidency. After Assenting to U.N. Resolution; Obama Administration Blames Israel. Ending Israeli settlements trumps all. Obama's Disgraceful and Harmful Legacy on Israel; Friday's United Nations resolution is the administration's final swipe at the Jewish state. Obama's betrayal of Israel is an act of diplomatic war. Obama's Shameful Parting Shot at Israel. Obama Leaves Another Hot Mess. Obama's appalling UN betrayal.

Aside from all that venom, what else are these characters saying? For one thing, they say that doing the same thing and obtaining the same result – when the desired result is the opposite – is not a sign of insanity. They explain that insanity is to adopt a Security Council resolution that will move the peace process forward after half a century of paralysis similar to what turned the American Congress into a Jewish toilet. Well, my friend, I ask you: What can we say but that the inmates believe they are sane, and the whole world is insane?

Another thing that's bothering those inmates is that the criminal settlers who terrorize and kill the Palestinian people, and rob them of their properties and other possessions, will be held accountable for their activities if they do not cease and desist immediately. The suggestion given to them is that they must abandon the argument that God gave them Palestine. If they can bring themselves to doing this, they can then seek a peaceful accommodation with the Palestinian owners of the place. 

But that's precisely what the gambling moguls and other financial criminals in America wish to avoid. They are financing the settlers not out of the goodness of their hearts, but for self-serving reasons. They want to see a sovereign nation, as big as they can make it; one that will remain above the law, and yet be protected by the military might of superpower America. The present set-up suits them just fine.

This artificial creation will be the place where they envision running all kinds of mafia-like operations while being shielded by the state and without having to account for their activities. In fact, this is happening now, and they plan to expand their operations as far as they can take them.

That chance is gone now as a result of the Security Council adopting the resolution that it did. But the insane mouthpieces continue to tell the old narrative, thus demonstrate the extent to which their treasonous behavior is written into their DNA.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Has the Mafia of Diplomacy been defeated?

An ordinary criminal does what he does, and worries little about the crimes of others. A Jewish criminal, on the other hand, teams up with the town mayor and works to legitimize his own crimes. He also teams up with the prosecutor and works with him to punish those who dare to commit crimes. Call it what you wish, but this is the workings of a mafia mentality under whatever name.

You see this same sort of inconsistency between the manner that ordinary people are treated in most English speaking countries, and the manner that Jews are treated. The worst part is that a massive effort is constantly mounted to export this tortured system of justice to the rest of the world through diplomatic channels. It is the globalization of the Jewish mafia mentality.

The foremost advocate of this lunacy is Alan Dershowitz, a lawyer by training. The arena in which he likes to play the game is the United Nations where there is a Security Council whose decisions can be vetoed by the United States. In fact, this is how Israel is shielded of the consequences of its actions even when it commits serious crimes, whereas the other nations are condemned for committing the smallest of infractions.

You can learn how Dershowitz plays the game when you study the article he wrote under the title: “Trump Was Right to Try and Stop Obama From Tying His Hands on Israel,” published on December 23, 2016 in Algemeiner. The subject he tackles is a resolution that came before the Security Council of the United Nations. After a period of hesitancy, the resolution was finally adopted shortly after his article was published.

To understand what Dershowitz was trying to do, we need to recall that when a lawyer knows he has a lousy case, the first thing he does is try to dig up dirt on the opposing lawyer, even the judge if that's possible. But if he cannot find what he's looking for, he'll badmouth them both and hope that something will stick.

This is how Dershowitz begins his article: “The sad reality is that the Obama administration has been pushing for the resolution to be enacted. The United States was trying to hide its role in the matter...” He tries to make it sound like participating in the drafting of a UN resolution is a bad thing. He would have preferred that America sat back and waited for the resolution to come to a vote, and veto it. In fact, this is how the Jews have refashioned the American Congress … that which used to be the “greatest deliberative body” but is no more.

In any case, we must ask: What is it that Dershowitz is worried about? This is that's worrying him: “Because of this automatic majority, an anti-Israel resolution like this one cannot be reversed by a future American president. A veto cannot be cast retroactively”.

In fact, the history of the American effort since the advent of the Jews has been (1) To veto the Security Council resolutions that came down against Israel. (2) To try and reverse the General Assembly decisions where Israel never failed to scandalize the human race. (3) To try and repeal the findings of international tribunals that probe Israel's conduct, both internally and externally.

What all this boils down to is that America has imposed Israel on humanity as being above the law. But how can a lawyer argue in favor of an American irrational stance that horrifies the entire human race? The answer is that he can try by turning reality on its head. In the case before us, there are two important factors to consider.

First, the peace talks between Palestinians and Israelis have gone nowhere because America is giving Israel weapons, money and diplomatic cover that allow it to maintain the occupation, and practice creeping annexation of Palestinian lands. Thus, Israel has no incentive to negotiate, which is the bad part of this set-up. But instead of saying so, Dershowitz flips the argument and says: “The passage of such resolution would disincentivize the Palestinians from negotiating.” This fits with the Jewish belief that if he wants something he cannot get, he has the divine right to grab something else, and then ask to negotiate an exchange.

Second, Dershowitz dismisses a process that is of international nature and that is treated in an international forum. This done, he replaces it with a process he invents on the spot to suit his need. Here is what he wrote: “Obama's attempt … is undemocratic in nature.” Later on, he explained: “Congress does not support this resolution; the American people do not support this resolution; no Israeli leader – from the Left, to the center, to the Right – supports this resolution”.

So what? Even if what he says is true – which is not entirely the case – this is a matter that can only be decided by delegates gathered in a place called the United Nations, and speaking in the name of all humanity. No, says Dershowitz, this is undemocratic.

If that's undemocratic; what is? He explains in his own way that democracy is established when a bunch of Jews in Israel agree on something. Their will is then allowed to transcend that of the American Congress, the American people and the whole world. It becomes the law that everyone must obey or be labeled antisemitic.

This is what Dershowitz and his gang have spent a lifetime trying to institutionalize. They got the American Congress to go along with them one hundred percent, but met with degrees of push-back from the various administrations, and got a full-throated rejection from the rest of the world.

Barack Obama has finally rejected the notion completely, and this is why the horde of Jewish pundits have descended on him like a truck full of manure.

What will happen when a new President takes office in less than a month is a guessing game at this point. We can only wait and hope for the best.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Donald Trump must make one of two Choices

One of Netanyahu's mouthpieces in America is Elliott Abrams who blogs on the website of the so-called Council on Foreign Relations. He is quick to receive instructions from Israel and quick to spread Netanyahu's thinking in America. And so he did on December 22, 2016.

He reflected Netanyahu's thinking in an article that came under the title: “Netanyahu, Sisi, Obama and the United Nations Resolution on Israeli Settlements,” in which he began by explaining: “The UN Security Council was scheduled to vote on an Egyptian-sponsored resolution on Israeli settlements … Egypt pulled the resolution, so there will be no vote”.

He explained why the resolution was bad for Israel and went on to say: “The President-elect recognized this, and Mr. Trump said “The resolution … should be vetoed.” This done, Abrams let the cat out of the bag – something that should alarm Donald Trump and the American public. Here is what Abrams wrote: “The remaining question is why President Sisi withdrew the resolution. Press reports all say it was Israeli pressure … [Sisi] was asked to pull the resolution by Prime Minister Netanyahu”.

In fact, this did not happen despite the reality that “Press reports all say...” But it was precisely because ALL press were reporting the same thing that the alert reader should have known it was another Jewish ejaculation of moral syphilis into the heads, hearts and souls of the American people.

That would be the work of Netanyahu's noise, lies and propaganda machine. Its purpose is to hide the fact that when it comes to clout, Israel is the least influential on the world stage outside the American Congress of bimbos. While he may feel like a stud in the legislative whorehouse of America, Netanyahu knows he is nothing but a eunuch everywhere else on the planet.

What his machine does, therefore, is to try and make it look like America's potency is Netanyahu's potency. This is why 'all the media' were mobilized to spread the same fallacy. The truth is that it was Donald Trump that called Sisi and pressured him, not Netanyahu. Thus while Trump did the actual act, the Jewish machine of deception made it look like Netanyahu was the one.

In April of 2012, I wrote a long article explaining in detail how this is done. In short, Uncle Sam is booked to perform the actual sex, I wrote, to produce the desired effect while the castrated Netanyahu goes through the motion of performing the act to give the impression he is the stud. My article came under the title “To Delegate, To Subcontract And Get Screwed,” and can be accessed in the archives on the right side of this page.

This reality as well as Netanyahu’s intent is also revealed with clarity in the article of Elliott Abrams. In fact, the Netanyahu machine has been trying to book Barack Obama – representing Uncle Sam – to play the role assigned to him, but Obama refused to become what may be called Netanyahu's dick.

And because the Jews never get tired trying the same thing again and again, they are now going after the President-elect Donald Trump, hoping he will cooperate where Obama abstained.

It will be up to Donald Trump to choose between being America's brain or being Netanyahu's dick because he cannot be both.

Good luck, America, because the world is watching, and will judge you by what your President does.

A Krauthammer dishonest Lamentation

Charles Krauthammer is a smart guy, and when he makes a mistake he should have avoided, you know this was not an inadvertent mistake but a 'deliberate mistake', to coin a new oxymoron. 

But why did he choose to make a mistake? He did to write the article that he wrote instead of the one he should have written. Check him out; he wrote this: “Aleppo and American decline,” a column that was published on December 22, 2016 in the Washington Post.

Here is the mistake he made: “During the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Moscow threatened to send troops to support Egypt and President Nixon countered by raising America's nuclear alert status to Defcon 3. Russia stood down.” This is the reverse of what really happened, and Krauthammer knows it. Instead of citing history the way it happened, he delivered a load of hogwash.

What really happened in 1973 was that the Egyptian infantry smashed through the Israeli Bar Lev defense lines in no time at all. Using wire-guided missiles, the foot soldiers then made short work of the Israeli tanks and armored vehicles standing between them and Israel's border. At this point Israel had no choice but to commit the air force and try to replicate what it did in 1967. That was the time when it launched a Pearl Harbor style sneak attack on Egypt, caught most of the Egyptian air force on the ground, and destroyed it.

But that's precisely what the Egyptian High Command was hoping will happen in 1973. As part of their strategy, the Egyptians did not commit the air force to join the attack on Bar Lev. The reason is that while conducting a war of attrition in the Sinai during the period 1967-1973, they were also preparing the home front to trap the Israeli air force by baiting it.

To understand what they did, we need to understand the tactic that Israel used in 1967. While a good part of the Egyptian air force was destroyed on the ground, a few planes were in the air guarding high value ground targets. Israel dealt with these ones by sending a wave of lightly armed fast planes – not to engage them – but to get them to chase after the Israeli planes. While this was playing out, another wave of Israeli bombers (slow planes) loaded with ordnance appeared on the scene and bombed the valued targets with no one to challenge them.

The Israelis used that same tactic in 1973 to the delight of the Egyptians who had done several things to prepare for the moment. First, they left nothing valuable in the target areas that Israel came to bomb. Second, they built a number of small runways in remote locations from where fast fighter planes could take off on short notice. Third, they put planes in the air, pretending to guard the supposedly high value targets on the ground.

When the first wave of Israeli planes came, the Egyptians chased after them. Then came the second wave of Israeli bombers and got busy. While bombing useless targets on the ground, waves of Egyptian fighter planes appeared from every direction. They swarmed the Israeli bombers, and in a matter of hours, brought down what turned out to be a third of Israel's air force.

Golda Meir prepared to commit suicide. Moshe Dayan went berserk and never recovered till he died. But someone called up Washington in the middle of the war and told President Nixon that Israel had enough radio active material to wreak havoc on Egypt by dropping the toxic material in the Nile. The source revealed that the Jews were so desperate; they would carry out the plan unless America came to the rescue.

Nixon agreed to rescue Israel but feared that the Russians might interfere with the effort. Realizing that Russia would have the advantage because of its proximity to the Middle East, Nixon raised the nuclear alert. But this being the time that the Watergate Scandal had drained Nixon of credibility (some said his sanity too), the Secretary of Defense, James Schlesinger, worried he might do something rash. And so, he issued an order to the military brass telling them not to obey any order from the commander in chief before checking with him first.

Had Krauthammer told this story the way it happened, he would have had to reveal it was the brass at the Pentagon that told Obama to stand down because they knew what will happen if ordered to attack Syria. In fact, a recent event has demonstrated the reality of what they knew.

Do you remember the fires that raged in Israel not long ago? They tell the story of an Israel that has practically no civil defense apparatus to protect its population in the face of a large scale calamity.

Surrounded by half a million rockets, some of which carrying chemical warheads, would have turned Israel from end to end – not into a battlefield – but a national scene of carnage and agony. The unlucky ones who might have escaped death would not be walking on their feet but dying a horrible death with no one to help them.

Had America attacked Syria, Assad would have committed everything he had to take Israel down with him. And the Pentagon would have been put in charge of cleaning up what can never be cleaned up.

The military brass did not want to find themselves in a situation such as this, thus added their voice to those who advised Obama to stand down. And the world is better off for it.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Arab League predicted opening of Gates of Hell

You might have noticed, every Jew and his sidekick these days are talking about the hell that is the war in Syria.

In fact, what is happening in Syria at this time is but a continuation of what happened in Iraq in 2003, and continues to unfold to this day. It all started when the Jewish conspirators – headquartered in Israel and working with their comrades in George W. Bush's America – concocted a scheme by which to deceive the “Western” intelligence agencies.

Intending to mobilize the American military and prepare it to go into action in furtherance of the Judeo-Israeli plan to implement a Jewish Pax Americana in the Middle Eastern region, the deceiving conspirators faked the evidence that gave the appearance Iraq was producing weapons of mass destruction.

Upon learning of that scheme, Mr. Amr Moussa who was the secretary general of the Arab League at the time, warned that if America attacked Iraq “this will open the gates of hell.” Well, if we go by what the Jews and their sidekicks are saying now, the gates of hell have opened as predicted.

So how are the Jews responding to what they witness in Syria today? Well, you can see for yourself by going over one response that came in the form of an article printed under the title: “The sorrow and the pity in Syria” and the subtitle: “Iran intends to incorporate the brutalized Arab land into its vision of a caliphate.” It was written by Clifford D. May and published on December 20, 2016 in The Washington Times.

In order to disparage President Obama's refusal to add fuel to the fire – potentially escalating the Syrian war – Clifford May belittles the words that were uttered by the President as he explained his handling of the war. May went on to describe how hellish life must be for the Syrian people who endure the hell they are living. Now, my friend, try to guess what May's own words sound like. Let me tell you, they sound like those uttered in 2003 when America attacked Iraq and destroyed it in response to Jewish desires.

Here are those famous words: “thousands dead, millions displaced, millions more living in fear, sorrow and pitiful poverty.” The difference between then and now is that in 2003 the words were uttered by real human beings who empathized with the pain of other human beings. This contrasts with today's fake sympathy expressed by Jewish quacks who pretend to feel the pain of Arabs, but in reality savor their tortured fate.

You know someone is a fake and a quack when he tells you the truth about something that is no more whereas he spent a lifetime lying about it when it was at the height of its splendor. You must be asking: What the hell is he talking about? Well, let me show you what I mean. Look at this passage: “Inferno has been on display in Aleppo, an ancient city, once among the most diverse and dynamic in the Middle East”.

Did you ever catch Clifford May or any Jew say something as flattering as this about Aleppo or any Arab city or anything Arab? Never. These people spend a lifetime disparaging those they hate and everything that belongs to them. They maintain the hate till the latter succumb to a calamity, at which time the Jew will say what was annihilated had been great while it lasted.

Now that you know you're dealing with a fake and a quack, you take what he says with a grain of salt. For example, he says this: “In the Middle East, the law of the jungle trumps international law every time”.

Yes, it is true that the law is trumped in the Middle East … but not every time. It is trumped by Israel every time because Israel is protected by America every time it tramples on the law. But everyone else in the region respects the law and wishes that both America and Israel got civilized enough to blend in the places where civilization and the Code of Hammurabi had their roots.

One more piece of quackery from our Jewish writer, and every Jew like him. It must be said that everyone who runs to be president does so because he has a vision for his country. When elected, he does his utmost to implement the vision. If he succeeds, his vision becomes the legacy that outlives him … it will be his legacy.

For this reason, no one that is civilized faults a president for hanging on to his vision-cum-legacy. No President that is, except Barack Obama whose legacy turned out to be incompatible with the Jewish Pax Americana. And so they used it against him with utmost savagery, something like a zillion times a zillion.

Here is one version of that sort of savage behavior: “Were he [Obama] to take action, Iran's envoys might walk away from negotiating the nuclear deal Obama envisioned as his legacy”.

They'll never get civilized; they are hopeless.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

He failed to mention the Occupation

Do you want to know how the Jews negotiate for themselves and for Israel? How it is that they have managed to turn the US Congress into their private toilet? Read the article that came under the title: “Israel Is Ready for a Reset at the U.N.,” written by Danny Danon, Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, and published on December 21, 2016 in the New York Times.

He basically says to the new secretary general of the UN, gimme this and gimme that. When you're done fulfilling this task, gimme me more of everything. And when you've done all this, I'll think up a few more ways that you can be useful to us.

Danon starts his argument by complaining: “Our critics single out my country [Israel] for unwarranted and excessive attention while giving a pass to Syria and North Korea.” But Israel is the one that's occupying another people, the Palestinians. Neither Syria nor North Korea occupies someone else's territory or people. That's the difference between the two situations.

There was a time when Syria was asked by Lebanon and the Arab League to send troops into Lebanon to help calm a civil war that was triggered by Israel's aggression against that country. Even though this was not a Syrian occupation of Lebanon, Syria came under heavy criticism after only a few years when it was thought it had overstayed its welcome. Compare that with half a century of savage Israeli occupation of Palestine, and you'll understand why Israel is attracting the attention of the world.

Danon goes on to say that Israel expects to be treated as equally as the other states. No; that's not how it works. Everyone is treated according to the way they behave. Syria was condemned when it stayed too long in Lebanon even though it was not occupying Lebanon. Indonesia was condemned till it vacated East Timor. South Africa was condemned when its White minority was “occupying” its Black majority. Israel is condemned, and will continue to be condemned as long as it continues to occupy Palestine. Try understanding this simple principle, Danny, before you get on your keyboard again and write – well, like a Jew.

And complaining about antisemitism is what he does next. He writes: “Recently, there has been an increase in anti-Semitic statements at the United Nations.” Now guess how he proposes to remedy this situation. Well, in a typically Jewish fashion, he goes to the top of the hierarchy and demands that the highest authority take the trouble to command respect for the Jew. Here is how he put it: “The secretary General should warn ambassadors that they will be shunned at the United Nations”.

But what did the ambassadors say that merits they be warned and shunned? They said the following, according to Danny Danon: “Israel is harvesting the organs of slain Palestinians; it is committing a 'final solution' against the Palestinian people; a comparison was made between Israel's actions to those of the Nazis...”

The fact is that the harvesting of Palestinian organs was admitted to by those who committed the horrific acts. As to the mention of the final solution, and the comparison with the Nazis... well, these are opinions expressed by people who are disposed to understand the principles of democracy, not those who fake it to fool the mentally retarded in the private Jewish toilet that is the American Congress.

And if you believe this is the worst that a Jew will do, wait till you see what Danon does next. He writes this: “Equality also means ending unfair support for one side. The Palestinian cause receives disproportionate budget appropriations at the United Nations”.

This is from characters that just received 38 billion dollars to buy weapons with which to maintain the occupation of Palestine. And when they got the money, they turned around and tore their entrails out of their bellies screaming that the Palestinians received the equivalent of 15 million dollars to feed and educate the children. That is disproportionate in favor of the Palestinians, they say.

The only thing we can do in the face of this butchery of human logic, is to shake our heads and murmur: What can be more savage, more primitive and more Jewish than this?