Monday, December 19, 2016

Stop whistling past the Graveyard

Thinking of a nation's fortunes, you may establish a parallel between the good and bad times that the nation goes through on one hand, and the shifting seasons of the natural world on the other hand.

In fact, to reap maximum benefit from the changing seasons, the experienced farmer knows when to start planting what crop at the onset of the summer season, and when to harvest it. He also knows when to start planting what crop at the onset of the winter season, and when to harvest it. In a similar fashion, the wise ruler of a nation knows when the good times are here to take the initiative on some issues, and when the time has come to retrench and wait for better times.

The farmer that doesn't know, or knows but tries to outwit the natural order of things, will only meet with hardship when the time will come to harvest what he planted. In a similar fashion, the ruler of a nation that is incapable of sensing whether the time is here for his nation to take the initiative on some issues or to retrench from them, will only reap disappointments and heartache for his nation and his people.

Looking at the American scene, we see that the country was buoyed by the triumphs it scored during the Second World War. One unfortunate result was that its rulers went on to make mistakes which – it must be said – were in most part driven by misguided idealism. It is that the belief in a Domino Theory relating to the situation in Vietnam was a venture that turned into a colossal blunder. After that, America fell into a naïve state that allowed outside forces to push it into making the kind of mistakes that border on the criminal … if not there already.

One such venture has been America's involvement in the Middle East, later extended to encompass the entire Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. What is unusual about this involvement is that it came as a result of pressures put on the American rulers by the Jews who spent their entire 4,000 years of existence on this planet making life miserable for themselves and for those who befriended them.

To this day, there are still a number of non-Jewish Americans who accept the Jewish line, thus add their voices to that of the Jews who continue to scheme dragging America into ventures that may or may not benefit Israel, but will break the back of the American camel sooner or later. The country is close to that point already when you consider the burden that's placed on it due to the rise of other powers. Where things stand at this point, those powers have the ability to challenge and defeat America on several fronts, and they will not hesitate to confront the superpower should it stagger for a moment, even if it’s only a fleeting moment.

One such American is Michael O'Hanlon who wrote: “A Trump Strategy to End Syria's Nightmare,” an article that also came under the subtitle: “Trump wants to collaborate with Russia––which only works if Syria is broken up into autonomous zones.” It was published on December 15, 2016 in the Wall Street Journal.

Nowhere does O'Hanlon tell America to keep out of this venture, and let those who have a greater stake in the outcome handle the situation. Worse, to show how utterly out of touch he is with reality, he suggests involving Israel in the process of determining what should be done to heal Syria. This is like asking the rapist to take charge of the effort to rehabilitate his victims.

The second big mistake O'Hanlon made was that he failed to mention Libya at all. This was the place where interference by Europe's Jews created a hellish cauldron that forced America to enter the fray. But when the horror reached its apogee, all those involved in the crime withdrew, leaving the locals to clean up after them. The main local power to take charge was Egypt which teamed with legitimate Libyan leaders and worked to stabilize the country. America was told to lend a hand cleaning the Jewish horror it has created, and do no more than that.

America responded positively and for once, did it right. It did despite the fact that the Israeli media went frantic creating disinformation about the Egyptian navy preparing to invade the Libyan coastal cities. This is how Israel used to encourage the terrorist groups to send reinforcements to Libya, and how it created the confusion that led to false readings in America about Egypt's intentions.

Every indication is to the effect that Libya is now on its way to heal, and can serve as a model for fixing Syria. But you will not get this kind of advice from O'Hanlon or those who whistle past the graveyard not knowing that Jewish advice is the poison that will kill America if the camel's back is not broken before that.