Monday, January 30, 2023

They continue to prolong their horrific crime

 The Government of Canada, the Jewish organizations advising them, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) who follow Jewish instructions like an obedient dog — thought they had two phony excuses by which to continue practicing the mafia-like omerta that allowed them to maintain the current paralyzed condition despite the fact they had not even one good excuse on which to rely.


It is that (1) not knowing where to contact me to fulfill the promise of advising me what happened, why it happened, and what my options for seeking remedy might be — is a laughable excuse given that they have been tracking me for decades, knowing where I could be found at every moment then and now.


It is also that (2) they cannot claim I was never interested to end their persecution of me given that I failed to smash their wall of silence or achieve the breakthrough of taking my case public in an effort to shame them into action. But the fact is that I did all which can be done to end the Jewish imposed nightmare that turned my life into a living hell for 20,000 days. It is just that the mafiosi fraternity blocked all of my attempts to contact the government and resolve the situation. In fact, the fraternity is doing it now the way it did then — maintaining the omerta and lying about everything else.


But here it is, I have now taken my case to he public. So, why have they not been shamed into action? The answer to that question is obvious. It is that they are shameless. They get scared and act only when made to feel fear, but feel no shame when revelations, however embarrassing they may be, expose them to the public. But is it not generally true that after a while, shame sets in anyway, causes fear to rise to the surface, and forces even the most reluctant to act?


Yes, this is true but when it comes to feeling shame so intensely as to fear the consequences of what they do or fail to do, different people have different levels of tolerance. Thus, from the looks of it, our mafia conspirators must have a high tolerance for living a shameless existence as long as the story remains inside the loop where they developed it themselves and kept it hidden for decades. Their aim continues to be that of preventing the story from breaking to the general public where they as politicians stand to be voted out of office, and they as prominent figures, stand to lose what favorable standing they may have.


Whereas someone like me remains powerless when it comes to ending an ongoing horror situation, the RCMP who take orders from the Jewish organizations, turned Canada into a police state, putting it in the service of the Jews and Israel. The proof is that the RCMP hurt several individuals who tried to help me end the horror, by destroying the families of those individuals, revealing the dirt they had on them.


That was only one example of the many I witnessed. There is a number of other examples which can be considered circumstantial thus set aside as being of little consequence. I became aware of them when each time that I had a court or a reconciliation case, and I mentioned that my responses were affected by the reality that I was persecuted by the RCMP, the judge hearing my case, dithered and instructed me not to go there. Obviously, the judges were of the loop, knew what was going on, and feared the aftermath of venturing an incorrect thought, only to see their families destroyed as a result.


Still, I cannot tell this horrific history of 20,000 days without mentioning the one that shows as glaringly as can be that Canada is a police state run by the RCMP on Jewish orders. Actually, the incident I am about to describe unfolded when the Trudeau government was defeat by Joe Clark in 1979, and was out of office for about 3 months.


Joe Clark’s minister of finance was a professor at York University, my alma mater. He had a political office on Eglinton Street in a small building at a walking distance from where I lived. I set up an appointment to go tell him about my persecution at the hands of the RCMP. The closer I came to the building, the more I got the feeling that something unusual was about to happen, and it did. I big man sporting a slightly protruding belly bolted out of a car and started crossing the street to get to the side where the building stood and I was going.


I entered the building and started to walk up the stairs when he came so close to me, his belly touched my back for a brief moment. Realizing what he was trying to do, I continued my climb without saying a word. Here is what I guessed he was trying to achieve:


He was trying to lend credence to the defense often used by the RCMP to discredit my telling the world of their persecution of me. Talking to the people in the loop who were joyfully consuming the expression of my pain, the RCMP would shamelessly say I was imagining those things. And guess what, my friend.

The delighted consumers would believe them or pretend to while savoring the sweet taste of my pain. It is mind boggling how this so-called democracy works.


Realizing that I would have lent credence to that nonsense if I told the minister someone followed me up the stairs to the door of his office, I refrained from doing so. Instead, I turned the table around. I told the minister there was a good likelihood that, knowing I was coming to see him, the RCMP bugged his office, and that they were listening to the conversation we were having.


It is no exaggeration to say that this false claim had an effect similar to telling him his entire family was killed in a car crash on the highway. The man – a normally dignified professor and minister of finance – melted like a scared little kitten. I left him looking dizzy and disoriented, and went home more convinced than ever that Canada was a Jewish police state that makes the Nazis look like boy scouts.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

To educate National Review’s Bobby Miller

 Because Bobby Miller has been displaying deficiencies in his thinking process, it has become important that he be exposed to the moral life’s requirements as fashioned by the evolutionary process of human beings. So, the question is this: When did we ceased being what we were, and became what we are?


That is, when did we cease to act randomly and be rewarded for making the right choices, or punished for making the wrong ones? It must be said that randomness vanished when, for the first time, an organism elevated the principle of preserving the species to a priority that matched self-preservation. This is how and why a single organism was able to multiply and become a species despite the fact that the transformation created two competing instincts, one favoring the self, the other favoring the species.


For half a billion years or so after that, we thrived and evolved physically while living on the horns of not one dilemma but two of them. One dilemma pitted the individual against a competing rival of the same species; the other dilemma pitted the individual against enemy species. And this is where Murphy’s law—which says that if something can go wrong, it will go wrong—came into play.


It is that with the multiplication of priorities confusion set-in, and however much the organism had evolved, extreme hardship caused it to lose the ability to distinguish between its clan and a foe, even between a kinfolk and a stranger. Thus, the organism would lash out at the self, at a kinfolk or a stranger with vigor to diminish his pain by reducing its cause, or ending it by terminating the self as a living organism.


All of this being a part of our evolutionary inheritance, something happened that was meant to propel us to yet another level of higher existence. Even though we still have a long way to go before the attempt fully succeeds, what happened was the development of the human brain. It relies on the speed of electrical impulses to reason things out rather than rely on the slow chemical processes which determine what the instinct prioritizes.


But what would be a higher level of existence for our species? It would be the development of a trait that will compel us to cease competing against each other while hunting to acquire and exploit existing opportunities. Instead, a higher level of existence will compel us to cooperate with each other so as to create new opportunities that will fulfill the needs of the multitudes. But because random occurrences will always make it so that issues will get tangled up and difficult to sort out between individuals and between clans, a code of conduct will be established according to which disputes will be resolved based on the principles of equity and equal justice for all.


So then, what should Bobby Miller’s takeaway from all this be? The question is better answered after the examination of what Miller said in his latest article. It came under the title: “Palestinians Celebrate Jerusalem Massacre That Left at Least Seven Dead,” and the subtitle: “Palestinians celebrate following Jerusalem's shooting attack, in Gaza City, January 27, 2023” which is also the date of Miller’s publication.


Here, in condensed form, is what Bobby Miller said to his audience:


“In the aftermath of a killing on International Holocaust Remembrance Day that left at least seven dead, Palestinians across East Jerusalem celebrated the murders of Israeli [occupiers.] This display of inhumanity can only be explained by the Palestinian culture of violence. No amount of equivocating about the Israeli presence in the West Bank or the new Netanyahu-led government’s policies can make sense of this cruelty. The Palestinian media regularly laud and encourage [resistance] against Israelis. Until this glorification of barbarism ceases to be a mainstay of Palestinian society, peace between Israelis and Palestinians will remain out of reach”.


To see what Miller hid from his audience, we turn to the description of the same occurrence in another publication. It is the article which came under the title: “CIA Director Burns travels to Israel and the West Bank as violence grows,” written by Mike Brest, and published in The Washington Examiner on January 27, 2023, the same day as Bobby Miller’s article.


Here, in condensed form, is Mike Brest’s more comprehensive description of the same incident:


“CIA Director William Burns traveled to Israel and the West Bank amid a violent crackdown in a refugee camp. Israeli forces killed 9 Palestinians when it conducted a raid in the West Bank city of Jenin on Thursday. A 60-year-old woman was among the Palestinians who were killed, and it marks one of the deadliest days since Israeli raids intensified at the end of last year. ‘The Islamic Jihad operatives were involved in executing and planning attacks on IDF soldiers and Israeli [occupiers]”, the joint statement from the IDF, Israel’s Security Agency, and Border Police, said.’ Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas described the incident as ‘a massacre from the Israeli occupation government, in the shadow of international silence,’ while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised ‘the courage and resourcefulness of the soldiers who [killed 9 Palestinians] at least’”.


What’s the difference between the two articles?


Well, Mike Brest’s article shows that the disturbance in occupied Palestine started when on the day reserved to commemorate the Holocaust, Israeli forces went into a Palestinian refugee camp and killed 9 people. It was a crime against humanity that prompted the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to praise the courage of the soldiers that committed it.


In addition, Bobby Miller went on to opine the following on the stance which he says makes up the Palestinian character. They have a culture of violence that is inhuman, he says. How he knows that? He knows it because no amount of Israeli crimes in the West Bank, committed by the new Netanyahu-led government, can make sense of the Palestinian responses. The Palestinian media regularly laud and encourage [resistance] against Israelis. Until this sort of Palestinian barbarism ceases, peace between Israelis and Palestinians will remain out of reach, says Bobby Miller.


Considering that Bobby Miller has failed to see that Israel reelected Netanyahu, the foremost terrorist in the world today at a time when humanity is marching surefooted toward a higher form of existence — one that is regulated by a code of conduct favoring the resolution of issues according to the principles of equity and equal justice — you begin to see why Bobby Miller is in dire need of a new kind of education.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Did you notice? We live in the Age of Modulation

 What do you do if you were a filmmaker who wants to make a movie that’s entirely played by robots emulating human beings in everyway possible, and doing it to a high degree of fidelity?


What you do is hire engineers and instruct them to work on inventing technology that will make it possible to “hear” the natural human sounds, and “see” the natural human movements, and then bestow onto the artificial robots the ability to replicate those sounds and movements. The idea is to let the robots be who they are but talk and move like human beings.


The engineers will find that some of this technology already exists. It allows the sounds of the natural world – including those produced by humans – to transfer onto artificial fabrications such as the telephone and other gadgets. That technology is called “Modulation,” and here is how it works:


You talk into a censor called microphone that is so sensitive to sound, it converts the natural pressure of your breath and that of other sounds into electrical impulses of small amplitude. These impulses modulate larger ones, thus shape them into their own image. The latter go to a loud speaker where they create an audio amplifier, or go to an antenna where they create a radio broadcast.


Television came after the radio, and did to vision what radio did to sound. It necessitated the invention of new censors that were sensitive to light instead of sound. These censors are utilized to pick up the varied levels of a landscape’s light, and turn them into small electrical signals. The latter serve to modulate larger signals which go to reproduce the image of the landscape.


Having reached this level of sophistication, do you think it would be hard for the engineers to make robots look, sound and behave like human beings? No, it would not. In fact, all that the engineers need to do is invent new censors, wire them differently, and use them to bestow onto the robots the sounds, the looks and the motions of human beings. This technology is now in the experimental stage, and it will not be long before we see scenes of animals, even inanimate objects, move and sound like human beings.


What else is there that can be done or that is being done in this realm? Well, there is artificial intelligence, which is the attempt to bestow onto artificial products the power of human thinking. So far, this technology involves only the creation of software which can organize data in ways that emulate human thinking. No new censors or modulation are needed here.


However, Quantum Computing deals with a phenomenon that’s known to happen in the world of physics. It has blended with artificial intelligence, thus introduced hardware for the engineers to dabble with. In fact, Quantum Computing is based on the property of matter to switch from being a particle to a wave, and vice-versa. The utility of this property, is that we have a binary situation (particle or wave — 0 or 1) that’s at the basis of computer language. But what will this add to what’s already in existence? It will add a phenomenal increase to the speed of computing.


To understand this part, we need to know what is meant by access time (also known as response time.) It is that computers are made of chips which are groups of registers that constantly load or unload an electrical charge representing 1 when loaded or 0 when unloaded. When the chips communicate with each other by moving streams of 1s and 0s among themselves, the speed at which they do so, is limited by the time it takes to load or unload the registers of their electrical charges. This is the access (response) time that determines at what speed a computer can operate.


But how does Quantum Computing figure in all of this? It is that matter switches from one state to another (a particle or a wave) millions of times faster than a register can load or unload its electrical charge. This property shortens the access (response) time, thus makes the computer operate considerably faster.


Now this question: Is there a way by which one human being can use his own thinking to modulate that of another human being, thus shape it to look the same as his own? Apparently, Clifford D. May says yes, this can be done. In fact, he wrote an article in which he does just that. The article came under the title: “What is Putin thinking?” and was published on January 24, 2023 in The Washington Times.


What Clifford May did in that article, was to transfer his own thinking concerning the current state of the world to the thinking of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. Normally a subtle member of Jewish Central, Clifford May broke with tradition, and modulated his own thinking to a higher amplitude for this occasion. And so, he made Putin sound more ominous than he really is — as ominous as Jewish Central gets to be on a bad day.


Here, in condensed form, is a compilation of what Clifford May transferred to Putin:


“The Ukrainians may think they want freedom, but what they need is order — the order that a czar provides. I threaten to play the nuclear card, but I don’t. I hold it because to use it is to lose it. And if this strategy brings me victory in Ukraine, I can play it again. Moldova would be the lowest-hanging fruit. It’s not a NATO member. After that, maybe I’d invade Lithuania from Belarus. Even if I took only the southern part of that country, I’d then have a land bridge to Kaliningrad, where my Baltic fleet is based. Yes, Lithuania is a member of NATO, but which other NATO members are going to send their troops to die to liberate southern Lithuania, especially after Ukraine and Moldova have been ceded? From there, I could move on to reclaim other breakaway provinces”.


It is a replica of what Jewish Central sees when thinking of Palestine and the Arab World — a vision that was modulated to fit the Putin/Russia situation.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Subtleties they use to twist Congressional logic

 What happens when a human weasel tells an institution such as the US Congress to believe him and disbelieve the man he beat up senseless, and left on the floor to suffer his pain alone?


Well, what happened in real life, is that the Congress did what it was told to do. That is, it ignored the victim, left him to suffer his excruciating agony, and asked the weasel what else it can do to please him.


Can this be possible? Did something like this actually happen? Yes it did. You’ll believe it when you realize that the victim is Palestine, and the aggressor is a band calling itself Jews. It is one that embraces the myth which says that Jews were chosen by God to steal Palestine from its indigenous people using whatever means are necessary to fully achieve the robbery — and keep the spoils.


Because the Jews have embraced that logic, they reasoned that when the Palestinians pushback against their aggression, they engage in a forbidden activity. Thus, any Palestinian response to Jewish savagery causes the Jews to run back to the US Congress. They ask to be given cash and be granted new privileges to compensate them for what the Palestinians did. And the Congress obliges.


Adopting a worldview such as that — indicative of how the Jews relate to the rest of humanity — will make it easy for you to understand the pretzel sort of logic that makes up the content of an article written under the title: “Israel-haters Also Glorify Cop Killers,” authored by Civis Americanus and published on January 21, 2023 in The American Thinker.


Look how Civis Americanus begins his discussion:


“The political Left talks about the intersectionality that equates African-Americans to Palestinians who murder Olympic athletes, and fire rockets into cities while using their own people as human shields. It's just so woke to equate American citizens of color to the absolute dregs of the human species. The only intersectional struggle is the one between the world's civilized people and its depraved violent savages who cling to the Dark Age mentality that the only way to improve one's situation is to steal from others. Technological advancement does not necessarily equate to civilization. Nazi Germany was very advanced technologically, and so were the USSR and Imperial Japan. This did not stop them from committing monstrous crimes against humanity throughout Europe and Asia”.


Here, Civis Americanus turns the truth upside down by engaging in both acts of commission and omission. The truth is that it was the Israelis who first bragged about killing prominent Palestinians wherever they go in Europe. When the Palestinians responded in kind, the Jews screamed terrorism. The writer also moans about the Gaza Palestinians who use homemade rockets to protect their people against Israel’s attacks, carried out with the deadly combination of F-16 warplanes and precision bombs. Americanus also sneers at the same Gaza people for having nowhere to hide when Israel attacks. And while doing all that, he says nothing about the Israeli policy of deliberately building kibbutz settlements for children near the Palestinian border to score propaganda points when a kid gets hurt in a crossfire.


In addition to swimming in that level of distortion, the writer conveys three points that reveal how twisted his logic has become:


First, Civis Americanus complains that the Left equates the African-American experience with that of the Palestinians. He says he rejects this viewpoint because the African Americans won their struggle by peaceful means despite the adversities they encountered through the centuries, whereas the Palestinians fought back against the Jewish invaders who came to steal their country. But the truth is that the Africans fought the colonial invaders when they were at home in Africa. Once uprooted and taken to America, they lost the ability to fightback. Similarly, the Palestinians fightback against the settlers who come to invade their homes in the Middle East. But when they are elsewhere, the Palestinians act like everyone else.


Second, Americanus contends that the only intersectional struggle in existence today involves the world’s civilized people and the depraved savages who can improve their situation only by stealing from others. Clearly, the writer’s intent here is to assert that the Jews are the civilized people who get robbed by the depraved Palestinian savages. But the observed reality on the ground, is that it was the savage Jews who stole Palestine from the Palestinian people — and continue to annex more Palestinian territory to this day.


Third, Americanus observes that technological advancement does not equate to civilization, and offers as evidence the fact that “Nazi Germany, the USSR and Japan were advanced technologically, but this did not stop them from committing monstrous crimes against humanity.”


Well then, if based on what Americanus says, we lump into one basket the people whom he describes as uncivilized savages, they will have to be the Germans, the Russians, the Japanese and the Palestinians. And if we lump into another basket the people whom he describes as civilized, they will have to be the African Americans and the Jews.


But if, on the other hand, we group these people based on their behavior, we must add the Jews to the basket comprising the Germans, the Russians and the Japanese because they have all been aggressors who stole from others. As well, we must add the Palestinians to the basket comprising the African Americans because both fell victim to thieving savage aggressors.


It is that kind of subtle reversal of roles — continually produced by Jews — which confuses the feeble minds in the US Congress. It transfers the weasel’s diseased mentality and his twisted logic to them. It is how they end up rewarding the aggressors thinking they are victims, while punishing the victims thinking they are aggressors.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

It is more than ‘once bitten, twice shy’

 If as acknowledge, “once bitten, twice shy” is normal human behavior, imagine being continually bitten for the duration of 20,000 days. How responsive or shy would you be when asked to repeat the experience that got you stung? And yet, this is what the Government of Canada seems to be asking me to do.


To wrap your head around what was happening during those days of horror, imagine the analogous situation of a gang of rapists that finished raping their victim. They now debate the possibility she may tell the world what they did to her. To prevent this from happening, they threaten to keep her captive for the rest of her life unless she does what they tell her to do, which is to commit suicide by another name.


This is the kind of choice that the Government of Canada is offering me, being gripped and paralyzed by the Jewish hypnotic trap telling it how to handle this case. In addition to that, and to make their proposal sound reasonable, the Jews came up with several excuses they say will shift the failure to resolve the dispute onto me. They advise that my refusal to follow the course established by the democracies for resolving cases between a citizen and his government, will serve as a good excuse.


But resolving the dispute in that manner is what I tried to do for decades, only to be punished by the RCMP for trying. It is what caused me to suffer a living hell for 20,000 days which I do not wish to live again. Here is how I described – in an earlier missive published on this page – the method I used to communicate with the government, and what happened in the aftermath of each attempt:


[The method consisted of speaking to my member of Federal Parliament. I did so on several occasions, meeting with a member of one political party or another over the decades. Each time, I was promised that I’ll be getting the awaited notification but instead of this happening, I was visited by the RCMP who interrogated me as if I had committed a crime complaining about them. Worse, the RCMP and their surrogates approached my landlords, my employers and my acquaintances pretending to ask harmless questions, but in so doing introduced themselves as being members of things like the “contraband” squad, the “narcotics” squad and what have you, suggesting I was engaged in illegal activities].


This is the excuse which the Jews are telling the current Trudeau Government it can use to repeat the cowardly stonewalling of an earlier Trudeau Government; the excuse that can drag this Human Rights horror for another half century to when I’ll be dead, and would have taken my case to the grave with me.


Like the rapists who wish to hide their crime from the eyes of the world, the Jews have developed a system by which they draw into their omerta-style conspiracy of silence, such rickety governments as that of Canada. They tell these governments that in the way a single man named Hitler rose and destroyed the world in the mid-twentieth century, one of their citizens could rise and destroy the world in the current century. That’s why they insist it is imperative for these governments to take the Jewish warnings seriously, and do all they can to destroy the citizen the Jews name before he destroys the world.


In fact, it was this kind of argument that got the Trudeau Government of an earlier era to panic and hand the RCMP to the Canadian Jewish Congress for use in any way shape or form they deem necessary to vanish me from the face of the Earth before I grow to be a massive colossus, and erase the world if not wipe out the Earth from the Universe.


In addition to the dozens of Jewish tricks used to make me invisible and extremely perilous at the same time, so intense was the Jewish lobbying that the heat they generated while turning me into some kind of strange phenomenon, reached out and touched other jurisdictions in the Anglosphere. As intended, the trick tickled such institutions as the London Metropolitan Police, causing it to stand up and dance to the tune of the Canadian Jewish Congress.


Sillier even than that, is what happened to an American Attorney General (I believe that’s what they call them) who was in Moscow when he received a message to the effect that I was close to committing a massive kind of mischief. I am told that he immediately contacted the police in all the jurisdictions along the Canadian border, ordered them to go on maximum alert, watch out for what I may do, and blunt it using all means at their disposal. Who was that man, you ask? I don’t remember his name but I remember that he ran for Congress and lost to someone that had died opposing him.


With that kind of setup already in place, the current Trudeau Government has nothing to fear, not even the shame that comes with running around the world telling others that the river of Human Rights garbage they see flow across the Canadian landscape, is not considered garbage by its practitioners. But what is it that these people are missing? It is that they don’t know any better.


The world must understand that this is real and happening now because the protection racket that the so-called democracies have become, see excellence in the work that a government does when destroying its own citizens to make itself loved by the domestic and foreign Jews.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

They promote one approach and trash its twin

 What’s wrong with these people at The Heritage Foundation? Are they not the ones promoting the idea of taking all kinds of measures to stamp out antisemitism? Look at them now trash its twin, the idea of stamping out racism in schools, efforts which are taken by implementing the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) measures.


Trashing the idea of DEI is what Jonathan Butcher of the Heritage Foundation, did in the article he wrote under the title: “DEI has failed; we do not need more of it,” published on January18, 2023 in The Washington Times.


Whereas it is the Jews themselves who say that the measures taken to combat antisemitism have failed as shown by the continued rise of antisemitism, it is people like Jonathan Butcher who say that DEI has failed, but show no convincing evidence of the claim. And yet, these people are among those advocating the intensification of the measures to combat antisemitism — as demonstrated by the article published below this one and titled, “The hypnosis deniers and their secretive work” — while trashing the measures which are meant to combat racism in schools.


Why the hypocritical and shameless double standard of promoting the Jewish failure to stamp out antisemitism while trashing the apparent success of the multiracial experiment to stamp out racism in American schools? To answer that question, we need to compare the reality of what’s unfolding on the ground against what both the DEI and the antisemitism movements are trying to combat.


DEI says that America started as a people — from the old world — who settled in a land they said was newly discovered, thus called the new world. They were fair-skinned free people, as free as anyone could be at the time, and lived accordingly. This included the freedom to deny to others the opportunity to live as freely as themselves. As to those others, they were dark-skinned people whom the fair-skinned imported from Africa, and treated as slaves.


Four centuries later, slavery was abolished in America, leaving behind a culture that is struggling to shake off its dreadful legacy. This is what sparked the current debate on the many issues relating to the history of the event, whether or not a cultural residue still exists — and if yes, how can it be erased?


On one side of the debate, there are the descendants of the former slaveowners and their supporters who are of the fair-skinned (mostly White) group. On the other side of the debate, there are the descendants of the former slaves and their supporters who are of the dark-skinned (mostly Black) group.


Those in the first group see themselves as nativists who cannot be held responsible for the sins of their forefathers. Besides, they contend that America has redeemed itself by abolishing slavery. According to this theory, those in the Black or Colored group must acknowledge the reality that they have been accepted as full citizens of the country, that they were compensated for what losses they may have incurred, and were rewarded as happened in the cases where reverse discrimination, known as Affirmative Action, favored Black candidates running for positions against White candidates.


As to the Black debaters and their supporters, they point out that slavery may have been formally abolished by legislation, but two other realities have not. These are the reality that Whites continue to benefit from the legacy left behind. And the reality that being so privileged, stands in the way of them being able, however hard they may try, to erase the discriminatory residue which continues to linger in their hearts and their subconscious minds. These Whites may feel they succeeded in getting rid of all that, but the Colored people know otherwise; they who must live with the Whites’ occasional, even if inadvertent slippages.


Had this been the only debate going on in America, solutions could have been found to help mitigate what troubles debaters on both sides of the issues. Unfortunately, however, another set of issues came to overlay the first, thus complicating the debate. That set pertains to the matter of rising antisemitism in America and the world, and what to do about it.


As stated earlier, there are people who promote the idea of taking all kinds of measures to stamp out antisemitism in America while at the same time trashing its twin, the idea of stamping out racism in schools by taking the necessary Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) measures.


To appreciate how injurious to the dignity of the “colored” communities in America that stance has become, we need to understand what it does to them in practical terms. Thus, imagine a character of the Jonathan Butcher mentality, sitting on one side of the table, facing two individuals, one representing White-Jewish America; the other representing Black and Colored America.


The Black individual says that the existing situation can no longer be tolerated because it entails privileging and compensating Weinstein in America at his expense and the expense of other Americans who are asked to pay the price for sins committed against Epstein in Germany, not by Americans but by the local sinners of an earlier era. This is robbing the innocent to compensate a fake victim for sins committed long ago and far away by perpetrators that were made to pay the price already.


The Jew responds by saying he is opposed to what the Blacks are seeking because it will cost taxpayers too much to compensate the descendants of all those who were injured. He adds that what’s wrong with what the Blacks do, is that they feel compelled to justify their demands by speaking ill of America’s past. Their arguments may be correct in historical terms, say the Jew, but the way that the past has created an impossible situation to erase, Blacks must forgive and forget — and never try to emulate the Jews who will never forgive or forget the Holocaust.


Jonathan Butcher of the Heritage Foundation says amen to that, bangs on the table and declares the session adjourned indefinitely.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

The hypnosis deniers and their secretive work

 It’s not surprising that on a planet populate by nearly 8 billion people, there should be one or more deniers for everything that’s brought forward, be it a fact or the expression of a thought.


In fact, you’ll find one or more who will deny that the Moon was visited by humans; that a Holocaust of the Jews happened in Europe long ago; that a girl who is kidnapped by a pedophile, dragged into the woods, raped and murdered, suffers a personal holocaust more painful than what the Jews suffered; that the Palestinians are currently inflicted by a Holocaust at the hands of Jews; that a judge saying the victim of a gruesome murder suffered a painful holocaust, is spot on — and so on and so forth indefinitely.


These denials being a part of the human character, very few people pay attention to the issues that underlie them. As to the Jewish leaders, they too pay little or no attention to most issues, but do so except for the one which pertains to the European Holocaust of Jews. Those leaders reserve a disproportionate attention to that issue, and refuse to think of it as one to treat like any other.


And while the Jews pay this much attention to one issue, they go off their rocker denying the reality that they proverbially “hypnotize the world,” and engage in other activities which allow them to control a good part of the self-described “free world,” thus restrict much of its human rights.


Well then, these people can go off their rocker all they want, but the one thing they cannot do is convince the world it must pretend being unaware of what they brag about. So, guess what it is they brag about? I’ll tell you what they brag about. They brag about controlling the world. Not only do they do such a thing; they show the world how they do it. You’ll find their explanation in an article they wrote under the title: “Over 1,000 entities have adopted the IHRA definition of antisemitism,” and the subtitle: “The Combat Antisemitism Movement figure includes 30 US states.” It was published by the CAM Antisemitism Research Center on January 17, 2023 in the Jewish News Syndicate.


What do we see in that article? We see a pornography analogous to the womanizer who brags how many women he knocks off every month and every year; analogous to the rapist who brags how many girls he kidnaps and rapes every month and every year; analogous to the psycho who brags how many victims he kills for pleasure every month and every year — and so on and so forth indefinitely.


Here, in their own words, is how they brag about the kind of pornography they practice:


“As of the new year, a total of 1,116 global entities have adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s Working Definition of Antisemitism. According to the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM), this includes 18 US states that adopted the IHRA definition, bringing the total number to 30. America’s cities Washington, DC, El Paso and Wichita have adopted the definition, as have seven out of the 10 Canadian provinces. The growing list of entities adopting the Working Definition of Antisemitism includes: The Philippines; Columbia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Vancouver, British Columbia; Tuscany, Italy; The City University of New York; The University of Pittsburgh; The Florida Democratic Party; and Lufthansa Airlines”.


So then, how did the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) came up with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s Working Definition of Antisemitism?


What happened was that a bunch of European Jews must have gathered together, and were hit with an idea based on what they saw unfold in America. What they may have seen was the way to efficiently move a political mountain that’s 535 million tons heavy, using a lever that’s smaller than a bumper sticker. That was the word “terror” and any of its derivatives.


And so, in the same way that instead of explaining things to a dog that may not understand what you’re saying—you train the dog to perform acts upon hearing a single word such as “fetch” or “attack,”—the Jews constantly train the American Congress of 535 to perform specific acts upon hearing the word “terrorist” or any of its derivatives. Such Congressional acts always boil down to arming and financing the occupiers of Palestine; the further punishment of the occupied Palestinians; and the paralysis of future Congresses to prevent them from undoing what the Jews decree must be done in the interest of Israel now and in the long run.


This must have been the way that the Jews who were gathered in Europe, came up with the definition that allows any and every Jew on the planet to sit as policeman, judge, jury, trial lawyer, defense attorney, courtroom guard, jailer and executioner of every case they deem to be in their interest and that of Israel to prosecute or even persecute.


In practical terms, how do the Jews make the lever work for them?


They make it work for them by engaging in private and behind closed doors the dishonorable elected officials of the false democracies. Absent a public debate that would highlight the negative effects of having such a setup, the Jewish leaders blather the following silly narrative to their captive audiences:


“Its adoption [will] reflect a wish to stand up against an old evil and newer ones, as part of a global effort to improve the international arena.”


But the definition of antisemitism is here now, and instead of seeing a diminishing antisemitism, we see a rise. This tells the sane people of the world that the Jews are the architects of their own misery, and tells the insane to keep trying what has failed in the hope of obtaining a different result.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

He seeks to interfere to avoid US isolationism

Everyone out there that wants to sucker America, and get it to do the dirty work for him, knows what song to whisper in America’s ear. It’s the one that says: It is in America’s interest that you do as I yes.


It is also common knowledge that up until the middle of the 1960s, America wore velvet gloves pursuing its interests when dealing with other nations — but then, all of a sudden just about half a century ago, the velvet gloves started to transform into steel knuckles.


What happened was that America – now subjected to intense demonic advice – changed its policy of dealing with other nations from the angle of friendly persuasion to that of making demands and giving ultimatums. From henceforth, the promise was that economic sanctions and/or military action will follow if the ultimatums are ignored. In fact, this has often been the outcome, a reality that diminished America’s standing in the world to an extent that was never imagined.


But how did the bad advice that was given to America, develop? And who gave it?


John R. Bolton must have heard these questions and, being the foremost expert at giving bad advice, decided to tell the world how he would go about dragging America to an even lower standing. He wrote an article under the title: “Containing Isolationism,” and the subtitle: “The pursuit of US interests requires engagement with the world.” It was published on January 15, 2023 in National Review Online.


Ignoring the fact that the dominant cerebral exercise in America today concerns the resolution of the question: “What is accurate and what is spin in American history?” John Bolton began his discussion by conveniently imagining a group of isolationists against whose argument—to the effect that America has always been isolationist—he felt compelled to respond. This gave him the springboard he needed to launch a dizzying spin on America’s past interventionist policy and activities. This is how he started:


“America was never as isolated or isolationist as some contend. At the outset, the US avoided European conflicts to guard its independence and fragile unity against foreign meddling. In a passage from his 1796 Farewell Address, George Washington wrote, ‘If we remain one people, . . . the period is not far off when belligerent nations . . . will not hazard the giving us provocation; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest guided by justice shall counsel.’”


Even though George Washington’s saying meant to advise that America should remain passive till provoked by others, in which case it should rise and defend its interests, John Bolton went on to falsely assert that American history has been characterized by the principle of creative destruction, which is the ultimate in unprovoked aggression toward others. He then fused the activities of commerce and war, and gave examples of how the recently declared independent nation of America behaved on the world stage. Here is some of what he said:


“John Adams fought against French privateers in 1798–1800, and, from 1801, Thomas Jefferson fought the Barbary pirates in North Africa. We created the Navy’s first Pacific Squadron in 1821, with a major battle in Sumatra in 1831; the South Atlantic Squadron in 1826; and the East India Squadron in 1835. We sailed Commodore Perry’s Black Fleet into Tokyo Harbor in 1853 to open trade with Japan.”


But anyone interested in history who took the time to read about the rise and development of empires, would recognize such behavior as being a course of action naturally followed by such passive rulers as the ancient Chinese, and such aggressive rulers as the Romans, neither of which left a legacy considered to be a worthy model to emulate by those who wish to create a perfect world.


But a perfect model is something that John Bolton does not care much about, anyway. In fact, the ideal he chases is not the creation of a perfect world; it is the creation of a world that works perfectly well for America, even if that should come at the expense of everyone else. And so, the writer proceeded to give lessons to the policy-makers of today’s America.


In so doing, John Bolton attenuated the significance of his earlier contentions: those pertaining to America’s fight against the French privateers, Jefferson’s fight against the pirates of North Africa … the creation of a Pacific, a South Atlantic and an East India Squadrons, and the sailing of Perry’s Black Fleet into Tokyo Harbor.


Now accepting that this was no more than the natural behavior of a rising power, John Bolton sank his teeth into the real challenges that America will face in the future. Here is how he did that:


“After World War II, as America moved from hemispheric to worldwide defense, those lessons were debated and tested. Washington and its allies created an imperfect world order, based on our unilateral exercise of power. This order persists to this day. If we were to abandon it, as isolationists seemingly want, who would fill the gaps? Certainly not the UN or other international organizations. There are only two possibilities: adversaries such as China and Russia, or no one, creating anarchy.”


Even though John Bolton went to great lengths to dispel the notion that he is a closet neocon, he advocated vintage neocon strategies that tell America’s policy-makers how to apply the modern lessons that were learned up to now—among these being the humiliations of the Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos, which ironically were fashioned for America exclusively by the hands of the neocons. Here are Bolton’s recommendations:


“Bolster existing alliances such as NATO; launch, enlarge and expand the scope of Indo–Pacific alliances; broaden Israel’s acceptance and strengthen partnerships against Iran’s activities. Because many NATO members still do not seem willing to spend 2 percent of their GDP on defense matters, require that they shoulder their responsibilities. And while enhancing collective-defense organizations, we should carefully avoid endorsing international tribunals in lieu of national judicial systems to try war-related crimes.”


Making a case about avoiding isolationism by going gung-ho international, and then cautioning against joining international tribunals, hammers a tall nail of incredibility into the coffin of John Bolton’s intellectual capacity to participate in this debate.


The man should find something else to talk about.

Monday, January 16, 2023

I gave them time, and they have not yet acted

 On December 24, 2022, I published what amounts to an open letter to the Government of Canada reminding it of a promise it made decades ago but never honored to this day. The letter came under the title: “Public pursuit of a resolution to my dispute with the Canadian government”.


In that letter, I spoke of the savage sort of persecution to which I was subjected by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), the security apparatus that the government handed to the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) for use against me. This was done in retaliation for me refusing to become the Salman Rushdie of an earlier era — willing to spend time and energy glorifying the false accomplishments of Israel and all Jews while trashing Egypt, the land of my birth and that of my race.


Given that during the decades of my persecution at the hands of the RCMP and the CJC, I tried all methods to get the government to fulfill its promise, only to have the RCMP punish me for trying, and closing the door in my face, I have no alternative now but to carry on with my effort at getting the truth out via the method of publicly urging the Government of Canada to come clean.


I have scant indications as to the nature of the debate that’s unfolding at this time inside the Canadian Government with regard to this matter. What I hear is so similar to what had been going on for decades, I feel compelled to let the world know what went on in the past so that people will come to understand what’s happening now inside the government, and who is laboring to prevent it from doing the right thing.


The first question that needs to be answered is this: How was it that in a self-proclaimed “democratic” country motivated by the messianic urge to preach the principles of Human Rights to others, a handful of men and women calling themselves Canadian Jewish Congress, were able to make the RCMP commit the most cowardly and most horrific crimes you can imagine, then mobilize the intelligentsia of Canada and the entire Anglosphere to do more than keep quiet about it; to enjoy the spectacle of a government torturing a citizen who refuses to toe the line of a foreign organization?  


The answer is that in a false democracy, you commit a rape (be it the rape of human rights, legal rights, financial rights, civic rights or the right to be left alone) and when you are criticized for it, you invite the critics to join you in the act before saying another word. Unable to refuse the invitation, lest you accuse them of not knowing what they talk about, they participate in the criminal act. When they do, you make sure they enjoy the experience because getting a personal benefit, is all it takes to keep those immersed in the Anglo culture, quiet about the ongoing crime.


Because I did not accept the situation the way that others did by surrendering and exiting the stage, the act of toying with me took on a new dimension. At the suggestion of the CJC, everyone in the loop (hundreds of thousands of them) were asked to play a new game. It was for each to speculate as to when I’ll go out of my mind – living this unmitigated horror – and snap. The game began to draw into it new players who submitted new speculations as to when they’ll see my ultimate demise. This move entertained the players so much, they kept the game from going stale even after several decades of savage abuse.


Still, the situation went on long enough to bore some people and tire others. The CJC responded by adding a new element to it. They said it was not enough to speculate when I’ll snap; it was now necessary to speculate on how I’ll snap. Will I create a public disturbance to draw attention to my plight? Will I go on a hunger strike? Harm myself? Harm someone else? Or what? And this is how the game gained a new vitality, enough of it to go on unabated for a few more years.


A few more years of that, and some people seemed ready to do the right thing by going public with what they knew about the case. This is when the CJC, the RCMP and the Jewish insiders whose hands gripped the throat of the Canadian Government, countenanced the start of a whispering campaign aimed at making me believe that my life was in danger.


Given that they kept me invisible while heaping their venomous trash on me, I decided to give myself a public voice, an act I thought will help defeat whatever new plans they had for me. I began preparing to go online and launch this blog. They got wind of it so, guess what happened. They all disappeared like rats that ran to hide from an intense floodlight that was turning their voyeuristic eyeballs into steam.


And then, on December 24, 2022, I divulged a little of my story to urge the Government of Canada to do the right thing. From what I know, the Government started the process of doing just that—but then, the Jewish organizations from here and from afar descended on the Government, pressuring it not to proceed with the move to right the wrong done me because an admission, however small it may be that Jews are capable of committing such horror, will trigger a rise in antisemitism.


And this is where things stand now.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

An ambiguous message that’s meant to hypnotize

 Those of us old timers who made it a post-retirement career to watch how the long hypnotic arm of Israel operates on the political elites of America, are about to be treated to a new scene from the same old scenario. It is that the rhetoric of horror has returned to Israel, and with it came the attempt to drag America into what the Jews will eventually transform into an American horror show.


In the past, we watched how the Israelis and their Jewish friends in the American media schemed to dull the brain functions of America’s elites while using the country’s own media to do it — the favorite outlet at the time being the CBS show named 60-Minutes. That’s where the Jews went looking for a way to make America hate the House of Saud, and found it when the female journalist that accompanied them to Saudi Arabia, was asked to dress up in accordance with the Muslim tradition.


More important, that same CBS show, is where the Jews went to legitimized torture. They did it by telling a fabricated story about a ticking bomb that needed to be disarmed before it exploded, and no way to do so but with the use of torture on the combatant that brought the bomb. Holding in his head the information that had to be extracted to disarm the bomb, there would not have been another way to deal with the situation. It was not long after that idea was legitimized that George W. Bush authorized the use of the waterboarding torture on enemy combatants.


Today the long hypnotic arm of Israel drafted their favorite messenger and charged him with telling the American political elites to get ready for the role they’ll be asked to play because Israel is about to make a momentous decision. That messenger is Michael Makovsky who wrote an article to this effect under the title: “Israel is ready to strike Iran’s nuclear program if necessary,” and the subtitle: “America must prepare to work with it.” It was published on January 11, 2023 in the New York Post.


What’s noteworthy about Michael Makovsky is that he repeatedly presents himself as being a former Pentagon official. He does not say exactly what he was doing at the Pentagon, a stance that caused me to see a similarity between his case and that of a student I once had in my school. That student always wanted to be treated differently — for example, being allowed to borrow lab equipment to use at home. His plea contained the claim that his father worked for a school, and he will take good care of the equipment. After a while, the truth about that student’s father became public. The man worked for a school alright, but he was the janitor there.


And so, as far as I’m concerned, Michael (Santos) Makovsky has been nothing more than a janitor assigned to sweep the floor at the Pentagon. It is important to remember this when you take into consideration the supreme authority with which he addresses the political elites of America. Just look at the tone he adopted to address the American political elites in his closing argument:


“One can’t predict if or when Israel will feel compelled to conduct a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities but its new government seems most uniquely geared to execute it. America should begin to prepare and work closely with Israel to ensure it is most successful if it chooses this course of action”.


This is how a Jewish janitor addresses America’s five-star generals and admirals.


After citing a long list of reasons why Israel did not attack Iran in the past, even though it came close to doing it, Makovsky turned his attention to telling why the current conditions on the ground, and in the political sphere, are more auspicious at inviting Israel to attack Iran at this point in time.


Makovsky says that Benjamin Netanyahu is back as Prime Minister. The coalition he formed to govern the entity they call Israel, has 64 out of the 120 Knesset seats, most of them filled by Iran hawks for whom preventing that country from acquiring a nuclear capability is priority number one.


Despite all that, says Makovsky, there is a proverbial fly in the ointment. It is that a soft spoken man will soon be appointed to head the military. But he is not the fly, Makovsky hastens to add. The fly is that a number of senior officials in the military have been saying they need more time to prepare for the attack. As if this were not enough ambiguity, Makovsky went on to explain that the chief who used to command those officials is retiring. He was always a hawk, says Makovsky, having “publicly and privately made clear the unacceptability of a nuclear Iran. He recently declared that if the IDF is ordered to act against the Iranian nuclear program, it will fulfill the mission that is given”.


So then, now that the Judeo-Israeli message has been muddled, how will Netanyahu handle the situation? Easy, says Makovsky because what’s there to be done is a piece of Congressional cake. And he gave a detailed explanation as to what the world should expect. Here is that explanation:


“The Netanyahu government will press its tough Iran stance more aggressively and publicly than its predecessor by engaging Congress more, especially with Republicans now controlling the House of Representatives. It will push the United States to support a snapback of UN sanctions on Iran. It will seek expedited delivery of US weapons that could maximize the effectiveness of an Israeli strike, such as KC-46 aerial refueling tankers. US agreement would add further pressure on the Tehran regime. Netanyahu’s government will work hard to ensure the US doesn’t resume nuclear talks with Iran or conclude another deal. The Biden team, however, refuses to rule it out and remains keen to conclude a nuclear deal, which would strengthen Tehran and pave the way to a nuclear Iran”.


If you haven’t been hypnotized yet, my friend, and if you are American, maybe you should run for office and work to rescue America from the sea of Jewish ambiguities before your country sinks to the bottom of that very sea.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

A call to arms from the political grave of a crestfallen warmonger

Prompted by the upcoming visit of Japan’s Prime Minister to Washington for discussion with President Biden – John Bolton decided to make a case against China, hoping to influence the decisions that the two summit leaders will take—even if he’s only a has-been now stripped of power and influence.


Having been a lifelong warmonger, John Bolton did what was expected he’ll do when the time will come and he is forced to exit the stage on which he used to enjoy playing the political game of a vibrant life. What Bolton did was make sure he had the means to participate in the ongoing game, playing it from the political grave that is his current homestead.


To that end, Bolton wrote an article under the title: “This week’s critical moment for Biden to act on China’s threat,” published on January 8, 2023 in The New York Post. To make his case, Bolton followed the classic steps of analyzing and articulating both the morality and pragmatic necessity which are associated with the stance he is taking.


At the moral level, Bolton sees a mix of positive and negative things being bandied about by the players on the political stage. Here, in condensed form, is a montage of what he wrote on the subject:


“Tokyo now publicly recognizes China as its principal threat. Biden has paralyzed US strategic thinking about Beijing’s menace, obsessed instead with negotiating climate-change issues. Spurred by Russia’s unprovoked aggression against Ukraine, Japan is providing unprecedented aid to Ukraine, including non-lethal military equipment. Not all is well, however, in the global West’s reaction to Beijing’s threat, reflecting the continuing lack of American leadership. Japan and South Korea have a complicated history, which prevented extensive trilateral cooperation with Washington. Biden should make every effort to facilitate Tokyo and Seoul coming closer together in collective-defense alignments”.


At the pragmatic level, John Bolton sees things from the same hawkish angle he used to see them when he had the power and the influence. Here, in condensed form, is a montage of what he sees unfolding on the world stage at this time:


“Kishida will sign a historic agreement with Great Britain, facilitating joint military exercises and training between the two countries. This new Japan-UK deal is an important step in building Indo-Pacific collective-defense structures. Successive UK governments have outperformed the Biden administration in political and military support for Kyiv. In Asia, Britain took a role in forging a trilateral partnership with the US to develop and build nuclear-powered submarines for Australia’s navy. What should happen at the Kishida-Biden summit — but probably won’t — is a start on fashioning elements of a new grand strategy to counter China and its growing entente with Russia. Japan’s budget increases, its European outreach and its understanding of the China-Russia threat all contrast with the Biden administration’s timidity”.


And here, in condensed form, is what Bolton says he wants to see happen — his recommendations:


“Kishida should press for greater activity by the Asian “Quad”, continuing to move its members toward joint action. Enhancing Japan’s naval capabilities with nuclear-powered submarines, could be beneficial in East Asia. Biden should show how his defense budgets will help rejuvenate America’s military-industrial base. Biden and Kishida should propose making South Korea a full Quad member. Taiwan’s security should top the Kishida-Biden agenda. Closer planning among Japan, America, other Asian partners and NATO allies should be a high priority. The Kishida-Biden summit is the right forum to prove continued allied solidarity against China’s conduct and to rally others against its growing threat”.


Having (1) assessed the morality of the situation as seen by himself and by others, having (2) gauged the pragmatic implications of what’s being done both by America’s allies and by its foes—preoccupied as they all are with the need to safeguard the safety of their people, and having (3) suggested to everyone what they need to do going forward—John Bolton should have designed a clear plan; one that’s unblemished by a contradiction, however small it may be.


Did John Bolton do that? No, he did not. And you’ll see the evidence when you study the way that he praised Japan for promising to increase its defense budget in the future even though it has not done it yet … while criticizing Germany that has not increased its defense budget this year, but promising a sea change in the future.


Here, in condensed form, is how John Bolton expressed the “different strokes for different folks” sentiment he harbors for Japan and for Germany:


“Just weeks ago, Kishida announced a historical ‘turning point’ in Tokyo’s security policy, vowing to double its defense budget in the next five years to 2% of gross domestic product, NATO’s target level. Germany stands in sharp contrast to Japan. Despite Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s declared ‘sea change’ in German security policy just days after Moscow’s attack on Ukraine, Berlin is failing to reach key goals, including increasing defense outlays to 2% of GDP this year”.


All of a sudden, the warmongering voice from the grave, began to sound like that of a zombie who is desperately trying to join the world of the living, but no one alive is willing to welcome him.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Only you can choose to be treated differently

 An incident happened in one of the American states (cannot remember which) a number of decades ago. It has become a good point from which to start analyzing the content of Clifford D. May’s latest column.


That column came under the title: “Why a Jew’s visit to the holiest Jewish site provokes outrage,” and the subtitle: “Imagine if Pope Francis said: ‘Only Christians are permitted in the Vatican! No Muslims and no Jews!’ It was published on January 10, 2023 in The Washington Times.


What happened in the American state whose name escapes me, was that a Jewish delegation visited the place where it conducted talks with local officials, and concluded a business deal. As per habit, the Jews then treated the Americans with the same accolade they used on the Turks, the Iranians and other Asian countries at a time when Israel was wooing these people trying to turn them against the Arabs. What the Jews did in Asia and then America, was to tell their hosts they and Israel were very much alike, and very different from their foes.


In America, the Jews added something they did not somewhere else. They said that historically speaking, the American state where they stood was familiar to the Jews whose roots in this land go back a century or more. This was the remark that prompted American nativists to murmur what later became a loud voice. Worried by the thought which decades later prompted other nativists to march while chanting: “Jews will not replace us,” the earlier murmur proved to be a warning of what was to come.


It is that the early nativists had seen how the Jews operated in occupied Palestine, and feared that the same Jews will treat them in a similar fashion. In fact, what the Jews had said then and continue to say it now that terrifies people, is that they had a connection with Palestine, the reason why they can steal that country and make it their own. Any nativist that hears that claim becomes alarmed when the Jews add that they have a connection with their property, be that a single American State or the entire Republic.


It is obvious that Clifford May did not factor any of those realities into the article where he complains that a Jew visiting a Muslim site alarmed the locals as well as the world community. That’s because the question that automatically came to the minds of these people was this: “What’s that Jew up to now?” And that question takes on an even greater significance when you learn that the Jew is none other than:


“Itamar Ben-Gvir, whose Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) party is a member of the coalition that has restored Benjamin Netanyahu to the prime ministership. Mr. Ben-Gvir is on the far right of the Israeli political spectrum, but that’s irrelevant here. He’s an Israeli, a Jew, and an official in the elected government that has sovereignty over the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif who said that in his official capacity as national security minister, he will ensure that Muslims and Christians as well as Jews are free to visit the site”.


So, here it is, Clifford May wants you to believe that despite the baggage carried by the Israeli minister, you must consider everything to be irrelevant except the fact that the minister of the occupying power happens to be a Jew. You must also consider it irrelevant that the minister promised Jews will have easy and permanent access to a Muslim religious site, which Clifford May reminds the readers, is already under Israeli sovereignty.


Thinking he’s talking to the jelly spined members of the American Congress but being more cautious, Clifford May tried to lecture to the Arab nations on what they need to do going forward. Mind you, he did not give them direct orders as he would to the Americans, but resorted to the more respectful method of speaking his mind by complaining about the way they responded to the Israeli minister’s declaration. Here, in condensed form is a compilation of what Clifford May has said in this regard:


“UN Assistant Secretary-General called Mr. Ben-Gvir’s visit particularly inflammatory. Hamas, the Palestinian Authority and the Kingdom of Jordan issued statements declaring that if blood spills, Israelis will be to blame. The Jordanian statement condemned the Haram al-Sharif and the violation of the sanctity of the al-Aqsa Mosque. When walking becomes storming based solely on the nationality, race, ethnicity or religion of the individual putting one foot in front of another, shouldn’t there be objections from members of the international community? Instead, however, the UAE demanded the UN Security Council hold an emergency meeting to discuss the presence of a Jew at Judaism’s holiest site. The Emiratis doubtless want to be seen as defenders of Islam and Palestinians. They might ask themselves: Does endorsing an intolerant interpretation of Islam really benefit Muslims and Palestinians?”


To end his discussion, Clifford May resorted to the ritualistic Jewish method of shooting himself in the foot trying to have it both ways. This is what he wrote:


“Antisemitism is a virus. Most Israelis have concluded that it cannot be cured by making concessions to those who despise them. If you’re looking for a succinct explanation of why Israelis elected a right-wing coalition, there you have it”.


Do you realize what the author just did, my friend? Having dismissed the baggage that the Israeli minister came with – attributing the world’s rejection of what he said he was going to do as being an attack that is solely directed at his Jewishness – Clifford May now wants you to believe that yes, there is evil in what the Minister is doing, but the evil was instilled in the minister by the human race itself.


You can never win with these people. To them, it is either, “I did nothing wrong” or it is, “You made me do it” or it is both contradictory statements, at times expressed in the same breath.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

He redefines freedom fight to justify the terror of occupation

 The good thing about the Jewish writers being in a constant state of trying to have it both ways, is that they end up contradicting themselves thus demonstrate to the readers they are intellectually superficial, mentally confounded and spiritually bankrupt.


Harold Goldmeir chose the American Thinker – of all the Jewish publications in America – in which to publish an article that demonstrates how Jews do themselves in time after time. The article came under the title: “Don’t Hate Israel for Its Weapons,” published on January 8, 2023.


In keeping with the Jewish policy of giving Israel credit where credit is not due, Harold Goldmeir ignored the reality that Israel’s trade in weapons consists of grinding out the inscription “Made in America” that’s on the weapons, and engraving the inscription “Made in Israel” in its lieu. The Israelis do that on the billions of dollars of weapons they receive from America every year, and sell them to others.


Instead of being honest and citing that reality, Goldmeir made it sound like Israel had both the brainpower and manpower to produce the weapons it sells to unsuspecting nations. And this is not the whole story because in addition to that, there is the American high-tech secrets which Israel openly sells to America’s foes. Fortunately, however, America has finally decided to do something about this threat to its national security. It is no longer allowing the transfer to Israel of sensitive technology. It has also instructed its European allies to stop building high-tech factories in Israel. Good for America and the Western alliance.


Despite all these realities which are well known to everyone that’s interested in the subject, Harold Goldmeir mounted a superhuman effort to make Israel appear bigger than it is – at least when it comes to making and producing weapons of war. To give his claim a modicum of credibility, Goldmeir added a historical dimension to his fantastic tale.


Thus, while he was distorting and inflating the image of Israel, Harold Goldmeir went on to pretend that Israel had existed since before it actually did. That Israel was never the Communist/Socialist entity it started being, but was a Capitalist entity all along. In addition, Goldmeir has pretended that the “national leaders” of the nation that had not yet existed, asked the capitalist Jewish makers of weapons to maintain the flow of what they produced to the freedom fighters of Palestine. Wait a minute, was that: freedom fighters of Palestine? Yes, it was.


You’ll find it hard to believe this, my friend, but according to Goldmeir’s definition of freedom fighter, the Ukrainians who are fighting to defend their country against the Russian invaders, are not freedom fighters. Instead, the freedom fighters are the Russians who try to steal that country. Likewise, according to Goldmeir, the freedom fighters were not the unarmed Palestinian farmers who were slaughtered as they tried to defend their country against the Jewish terrorists who came to steal their country. Instead, the freedom fighters were the Jewish terrorists, says Harold Goldmeir.


If you want to see the evidence that Harold Goldmeir is as screwed up as described in the above passage, you’ll have to read the first paragraph of his article. Here it is, unabridged as he wrote it:


“Capitalism came early to Israel's strategic defense and weapons industry. In the 1930s, entrepreneurs were delegated responsibility by national leaders for keeping arms and weapons flowing into the hands of Jewish freedom fighters. Their companies designed, manufactured, and supplied the nascent citizen army with small arms, ammunition, and explosives”.


The reason why Goldmeir got screwed up to this extent, is that he lied so much about Israel, he came to believe his own lies. They became the world into which he took up residence, a place through which he gauges what he thinks he sees, and through which he judge what others tell him.


Consequently, when Israel did what comes naturally to it, Harold Goldmeir became alarmed. What happened in fact, was that the hard economic times sweeping the world these days, forced the buyers of weapons to cut down on their purchases. In dire need of cash, Israel decided to sell at a discount, the shops in which it grinds out the “Made in America” inscription to engrave the “Made in Israel” inscription in its lieu. Believing that these shops are the places where the brainpower and manpower of Israel come to produce the weapons which the entity sells to others, Harold Goldmeir recited with nostalgia what he says is the history of Israel’s weapons industry.


And that’s when Goldmeir did the very Jewish thing of shooting himself in the foot. Here is how he did it:


“The turning point came in 1973. The Yom Kippur War was the signature event that sparked the explosive growth of Israel's domestic defense and weapons industry. Henry Kissinger and James Schlesinger self-enforced an arms embargo on Israel while the Soviets supplied and re-supplied Arab forces. Never again, Israeli leaders swore, will the State be held hostage and without its own arms and weapons”.


But history is so clear about what transpired during the 1973 War, the Jews themselves have repeatedly and profusely praised President Richard Nixon for supplying Israel with weapons where they were needed the most — right on the battlefield itself — while risking American lives that were forced to dodge the fire coming at them from the Egyptian defenders of the Sinai.


The bottom line is a stark reminder that it is Jews such as the character named Harold Goldmeir who weave a web of lies into fantastic stories about Israel’s accomplishments, and it is Jews such as the character named Harold Goldmeir who get greedy, thus demolish those stories as they try to have it both ways. Pity them.