Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Time has come to revive an old Idea

It has been several decades since I first suggested the creation of a global trading system that would have solved the problems America and the world are facing today.

I repeated the suggestion on a number of occasions subsequent to that time when things were getting contentious – as they often did between the United States and someone else – but no one paid attention to what I was saying. Well, things have gotten so dire now, I have the feeling someone may finally be inclined to consider my proposal … and this is why I'm repeating it here.

If you want to know how dire things have become in the world of commerce, read an article that came under the title: “Reshaping world trade after tariffs,” written by Peter Morici and published on June 27, 2018 in The Washington Times. The one thing you'll notice throughout the article, is that the writer has pursued the two themes of trade and security, intertwining them as if they were inseparable like the two sides of a coin. And if you must inscribe a moniker on that coin, it will have to be this: “Raise the flag of war in the face of friends and foes.” And that's because Donald Trump is screaming at them the fire and fury of fair trade.

Trump is angry at everyone, accusing them of sending goods and services to America where they sell quickly because they meet with the minimum of barriers. But when American businesses try to even out the balance of trade by selling their goods and services in those countries, they meet all kinds of barriers. This makes it impossible for American businesses to compete against locally made products and other cheap imports, says Trump. He goes on to explain that the imbalance of trade against America has risen to staggering levels, which prompts him to describe the situation as foreigners stealing from America.

Peter Morici embraces that point of view as well as Trump's idea that America's allies are not contributing enough to NATO, the organization that's important to their defense; they who are geographically situated closer to Russia and China than does America. You realize how bitter Morici has become at the NATO allies when you encounter a sentence that reads as follows: “America should throw Britain a lifeline as it leaves the EU –– no comprehensive, post-Brexit arrangement with a German-dominated dying continent will work”.

Of course, America's friends and foes have arguments of their own which they level against President Trump's accusations. In fact, that's how all trade disputes unfold as long as they stay at the jaw-jaw level. Unfortunately, however, what happens at times, is that something else replaces the talk. It is the imposition of tariffs on imported goods and services, a move that can start a trade war between the nations. The world has seen this kind of development before and suffered a great deal as a result.

I believe that the way to avoid a trade war, is by recognizing that at the basis of it, lies the suspicion that the other guy is cheating. In fact, the suspicion turns out to be true in most cases for the simple reason that when squeezed, a nation will do what's in the interest of its people despite any agreement it may have with others. To eliminate that problem, you give everyone the right to protect their vital industries up to a certain level: I once suggested 30 percent of local consumption for each protected industry, but that percentage can be negotiated.

The philosophy behind my proposal is that competition is desirable because it forces people to improve their performance. However, unfettered competition can injure or kill the weaker opponent, which is not a desirable outcome. To have it both ways in the sense of reaping the benefit of competition while avoiding its morbid outcome, you place a limit on how far competition will be allowed to squeeze the other guy.

My proposal accomplishes as much by allowing a powerhouse in a given industry to force the opponents to improve their performance, but not squeeze them so much as to put them entirely out of business. The 30 percent (or whatever negotiated level) backstop will be the limit to which a nation will see a protected industry drop before it can legitimately impose the protective measures it deems necessary to prevent it from falling further down.

A system to monitor and verify compliance can be setup. It will add to the confidence of the captains of industry that they will not shrivel to zero if they lose the ability to compete. As to the ordinary people of the world, they will know that no trade war will disrupt their lives or develop into a hot war that could end their lives.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Defining the Syndicate by defining Jewishness

If there are only two ways to doing something: the right way and the wrong way; it follows that those who do the thing the right way are legitimate operators, whereas those that do it the wrong way are illegitimate.

Note that the word “legitimate” is derived from the word “legal,” which means that under any conceivable system of law, the things which are done the right way will be sustained in a legal sense, whereas those which are done the wrong way will be outlawed and rejected.

Now, when it comes to establishing an organization –– be it a bingo club among friends or a transcontinental conglomerate among the peoples of the world or a nation for those shunned by everyone –– the right way to doing things is to begin by defining what would come under the heading, “Who we are” and then putting together the organization. But if you see someone do the process the other way around, as in building the organization first and then struggling to define the “who we are,” you know they are imposters motivated by criminal intent.

Street gangs do that. They begin as individual misfits who meet each other by chance while committing mischief. They discover they can do more for themselves by working together and so, they stay together. They add to their group by recruiting individuals they encounter during the process of committing criminal acts. And when they realize they have grown large enough to look like a gang, they try to define themselves by the kind of goals they have in mind and the kind of crimes they commit. That would be their version of “who we are”.

Eventually some of the street gangs grow to become a mafia-style international crime syndicate. They may even try to appropriate a terrain on which to do military-style training, as did al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. Or they may try to acquire the terrain outright and call it their Caliphate as did the Islamic State in the Levant.

Whereas those who tried to establish an Islamic State in such manner met with failure – opposed as they were by the existing Muslim states which rejected their violent method – the people who tried to establish a Jewish state succeeded initially because the world took pity on them for what they suffered during the centuries. But once the Jews got what they wanted, they shed the veneer of victimhood to reveal that underneath it, they wore not a human skin but that of a virulent snake.

It turned out, the Jews are so adept at confusing the people who pity them, they make it difficult for others to detect what they are up to. Lucky for us, however, there came the proof –– courtesy of Shmuel Rosner –– that the Jews are illegitimate imposters who should never have received the nod to establish a state of their own, let alone do it at the expense of the Palestinians. You'll find such proof in the article that came under the title: “Israel's Conversion Dilemma,” written by Rosner and published on June 28, 2018 in the New York Times.

What Shmuel Rosner is saying in effect is that the people who call themselves Jews have reversed the order of things. First, they got what they wanted by force of arms the way that street gangs operate, and then tried to define themselves as a nation the way that world class imposters do things.

What's even more vexing is that the so-called Jews can't even define themselves after decades of futile attempts. Things got so bad that Rosner offered his own suggestion on how to proceed with the thing. But in so doing; he exposed the reality that the whole enterprise had been the work – not of a people in distress – but a worldwide crime syndicate whose activities distress the human race. What follows is a compilation of the pertinent passages in Rosner's article, expressed in condensed form:

“Israel cannot define a Jew. The evidence came early this month. Israel needs a definition of Jewishness because the Law of Return allows any Jew to settle in Israel. A third of Jewish Israelis consider a person Jewish if he or she merely 'feels Jewish.' Yes, it's pretty complicated. What should Israel do? I believe it should consider forging a new path. Establish the political leaders to determine the boundaries of Jewishness. This would be a regime change. Serving in the Israeli army would be considered a show of seriousness about wanting to join the Jewish people. The Jews will get a process of conversion not to a version of a Jewish religion that most of them do not practice”.

What Rosner has done is describe the situation as it is: The imposters who kill the Palestinian people and take their possessions, are not there because they feel a religious kind of connection to the place, as pretended by Netanyahu, they are there because an American equipped army operating under an American financed political order, is there to help them commit slow-motion genocide and get away with all kinds of crimes in the interim.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Here's how Morons take over the Ship of State

Did you ever wonder why it is that voters wake up one morning and realize that those they put in office are lower than incompetent retards? Worse, that they are more dangerous than criminally predisposed morons?

If you wondered and did not uncover the answer, there is a way for you to find out. All you need to do is read Clifford D. May's latest column. It came under the title: “Nikki Haley, a woman for our times,” published on June 26, 2018 in The Washington Times.

Clifford May founded the Jewish lobby he calls “Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD)” and has been its president ever since. Like all the Jewish operators dedicated to the promotion of the Judeo-Israeli agenda, FDD has scouts who constantly sniff the landscape looking for the ambitious that seeks to get ahead. When they find one, they bring him or her to the clinic of indoctrination where they brainwash the catch and fill its head with ideas about the advantages of toeing the Jewish line.

Like surfers at sea, the Jews realized they can go far by catching the wave of a rising tide. For example, the latest demographic tide to rise in the U.S. being the Latin Americans, the Jews concentrated on them and caught the likes of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Once they have these people in their proverbial net, the Jews turn them into fanatic mouthpieces prepared to advocate the bankruptcy of America if this will facilitate the murder of Palestinian kids by Israel's genocidal army of occupation.

There was a time when the rising tide in America was made of women. That's when the Jewish outfits quickly drafted Jewish women and sent them to scout for ambitious gentile women striving to rise and break the glass ceiling. When they found them, they brought them to the Jewish brainwashing machine for indoctrination. One such woman was named Jeane Kirkpatrick, and she ended up joining May's outfit, the notorious FDD.

Kirkpatrick was then appointed by the late Ronald Reagan to serve as America's ambassador to the United Nations.  And that's the item with which Clifford May started his article. He moved on to talk about Nikki Haley who was appointed recently by Donald Trump to serve in that same capacity. May drew parallels between the two women and did not fail to mention that Haley was the daughter of immigrants, Sikhs from the Punjab. And that's where you find an interesting story that had an impact in Canada as well as the United States.

By the time Nikki Haley was born or about to, Europe was waking up to the phenomenon of ordinary people resenting the Jews wearing the yarmulke in public. Fearing that the phenomenon will come to North America, the Jews took up a cause that had festered for years without someone doing anything about it. More about this in a moment but first, another story that was unfolding at the same time.

Exposed as having 180,000 law-abiding but politically inclined citizens, under surveillance, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) had a PR nightmare on their hand. Seeing an opportunity to win a new group to their side, the Jews took up the festering cause of the Sikhs who were recruited into the ranks of the RCMP but were banned from wearing the turban on the job. The Jews fought against a weakened RCMP to give the Sikhs that right and won the battle. Ever since that time, the Jews have fished for the likes of Nikki Haley to brainwash and have them milk America and Canada to pay the Jews for the turban.

There certainly are women a thousand times more qualified than Jeane Kirkpatrick and Nikki Haley that could serve as ambassadors to the United Nations. But these good people are kept out of the loop to make room for the likes of Kirkpatrick and Haley. It happens for the same reason that the incompetent retards as well as the dangerous and criminally predisposed morons make it through the electoral system and finish ahead of the competent people who could serve the nation well.

The truth is that the system was artificially mutated in such a way as to keep the appearance of a functioning liberal democracy while serving the interests of those that hijacked the American ship of state. And no one has done a better job at making the mutant liberal democracy work for them than the Jews.

The evidence to that effect is all over the place. It can be seen and measured by the rate at which America is declining. And nothing reflects that decline more than the brainwashed Jeane Kirkpatrick and Nikki Haley.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Elephant in the Room is a puffed up Mouse

The expression, “the elephant in the room” has come to mean that the ongoing conversation is unfolding around someone or something no one dares to mention.

To equate the thing with an elephant, gives the impression that the thing is so big, it is silly to ignore. But if, in reality, the thing isn't as big as an elephant, but is a puffed up mouse made to look like an elephant, what you have is a real-life situation of pretenses unfolding like a theatrical spoof.

That's what is going on these days in the electronic and printed media of the United States. For half a century, Israel was puffed up so steadily in the minds of the politico-journalistic elites, it loomed large inside their heads. And so, when they talked about the Middle East, they saw no one but Israel. However, because so much more is ongoing in the region at this time, the interests of Israel must, at times, be relegated to a lower level of importance. The immediate consequence of this, has been that the pundits talk less frequently about Israel, but when they do, they use the superlatives that make Israel look as big as an elephant. And that's when the situation suddenly takes on the look of a farce.

Two pieces of writing that purport to deal with the Iran situation illustrate this point. Yes, they do elaborate on the concerns that people have with regard to the Iran nuclear posture. The truth, however, is that the discussion would not have attained the level of intensity about Iran that it does now; it would have died down a natural death, were it not for the fact that the ghost – made to look like an elephant – is omnipresent in the minds eyes of the politicians and the pundits.

One of the pieces is a column that came under the title: “Protests in Iran prove Trump is getting it right,” written by Benny Avni and published on June 25, 2018 in the New York Post. The other piece is an article that came under the title: “The Iran deal and the end of the world,” written by John Ligato and published on June 25, 2018 in The Washington Times.

Of the 720 words that make up the Benny Avni article––which anyone familiar with the situation would say is about the trials, the tribulations and the fantasies of Israel––only the following words refer directly to Israel: “In a modification of the regime's 'death to Israel' staple, some merchants raised 'death to Palestine' signs.” But this was enough to remind the readers that the solution to many of the region's problems rests on ending the occupation of Palestine.

As to the Ligato article, it is made of 550 words that were put together for the purpose of scaring the readers about Iran. What the writer failed to do however, was limit the story to the relationship between these two characters. To lend the story a modicum of credibility, he was compelled to bring a third character into the storyline: the Arabs.

But in so doing, the author was forced to mention Israel, the mouse in the room that was made to look as big as an elephant. Here is how Ligato did that: “The fear of Iran has overtaken the hatred of Israel as a driving force for Middle East diplomacy.” This also, reminded the readers that the solution to many of the region's problems rests on ending the occupation of Palestine.

Well then, in the same way that all roads lead to Rome, it can be said that all inquiries about the Middle East lead to one simple truth. It is that if you gather the undeniable realities that pop up inadvertently in the articles written by the mob of Jewish pundits, and if you separate from them the lies, the pretenses and the spins that distort them, you'll find that they all lead to one and the same conclusion:

It is that the fuel powering the horror which the Middle East is going through at this time has one undeniable source. It is the unhealthy relationship that exists between America and Israel. That relationship makes it so that the little mouse that can't even feed itself, sits at the controls of America's ship of state from where it bullies everyone, and blames it on America.

In short, the American politico-journalistic elites sold their souls to the devilish little mouse; the consequence of which has been that the rank-and-file Americans lost their patrimony to a fake elephant.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

From beloved America to shunned like a Jew

There is the saying: You are known by the company you keep. Thus, America was known to be of the world because the company that America kept following the Second World War, was the whole world.

In fact, America wanted to be with the world as much as the world wanted to be with America; they were a match made in heaven. Unfortunately, however, what happened next was a confluence of events that created a weird situation for America … and much has changed as a result.

It all began four thousand years ago when a tribe of angry sheep herdsmen, called Jews, got tired of roaming the deserts of the Middle East, and wanted to quit the harsh nomadic life they had inherited. Dreaming to escape its unpredictable vagaries, they wanted to settle into a more predictable sedentary style of life.

As it turned out, however, neither of the numerous attempts to establish a permanent home for themselves and their descendent, worked well. Ultimately, the Jews ended up roaming not the deserts of the Middle East but the entire planet. At first, they were welcomed as honored guests everywhere they went, but then were shunned as ungrateful villains and pushed out time after time.

Their four thousand-year journey brought them to America from where they will have nowhere else to go if they screw it up this time. Some of the Jews are keenly aware of this reality and feel alarmed by it because they live with the doings of those who do not know it or do not care. Whatever the latter may think they are doing, they are screwing it up for everyone else.

You'll find that many who fit into the last category, have a passion for elbowing their way into the editorial rooms of the English-speaking world. The reason is easy to understand. It is that most of the wealth and military power on the planet are concentrated among the nations of that group ... so far. Therefore, it makes sense for the Jews––whose wish is to “make the world safe for Jews”––to install their propaganda megaphone in the places where they believe will be most effective.

One such place happens to be the New York Post whose editors did exactly as expected. They came out wholeheartedly in favor of the United States leaving the UN Human Rights Council, and published a piece on June 20, 2018 to say so under the title: “Leaving the UN Human Rights Council was the moral choice”.

Contrary to the impression that the editors of the New York Post are trying to make on their readers, what comes out their piece of work is that the doings of the Jewish leaders can only be compared to the behavior of a hopelessly incorrigible recidivist.

And yet, despite that reality––which cannot be denied by an observer of any stripe or persuasion––the Jews were able to convince several generations of American leaders of the following: The world will be better off, and justice will be served, and peace will descend on the Middle East from where it will spread to the four corners of the Earth if they as Americans, will pretend – not that the Jews are out of step with humanity – but that humanity is out of step with the Jews. Here is how the editors of the Post put it: “The UN Human Rights Council is obsessed with bashing Israel on various trumped-up charges. It succeeds the UN Commission on Human Rights, which had the same problems”.

This chimes with the way that the Jews began their propaganda campaign in America several decades ago. The narrative they often recited used to go something like this: The hatred expressed against the Jews today is the result of the Protocol of the Elders of Zion, which itself was the result of the Blood Libel trumped up in the Middle Ages, which happened as a result of the belief that the Jews were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus.

The intent of the narrative was to urge the Christian leaders to go out and tell their followers that the Jews were not responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus because each one of them is a Jesus onto himself and herself. Therefore, to love Jesus is to love the Jew who is the reincarnation of Jesus.

What was needed for America to fall into a modern-day pit of idolatry, was for a handful of televangelists to go on television and publicly preach the worship of Jews. It happened, the world saw it and those who used to love America, now shun America like they would a Jew. What a pity!

Monday, June 25, 2018

They took America for a (very bumpy) Ride

When you read the title of a column that says: “The Left is about to win in Mexico –– and that's terrible news,” you immediately think of a rightwing fanatic crying over the possibility that his milk will soon be spilled.

So, you take a closer look, but see that the author of the article is Benny Avni who is a Jew. You modify your thinking and speculate that he sees the potential winner in Mexico to be a nemesis of Donald Trump; the latter being––in Jewish eyes––the larger-than-life hero of the embassy-in-Jerusalem stunt.

You continue to speculate, motivated by the belief that the article will be about the cry that Yitzhak Shamir of Israel let out in America, intending to draw the superpower into a Middle Eastern quagmire. That, in fact, is where America has gone; a place from which it has not yet extricated itself. And that's why your speculation thunders inside your head the Yiddish echo that goes: Za damacracy! Za damacracy! Za damacracy! And so, you prepare yourself to read a lecture on the merit of democracy as practiced in the way that the Jews misunderstand this concept.

But surprise, surprise! You find this is not the theme around which Avni wrote the article. This revelation causes you to worry that your power to speculate correctly is not what it used to be. Worse for your ego, you find that Benny Avni is not even siding with Donald Trump in the trade dispute between America and Mexico. Believe it or not, Avni is siding with Mexico. And that's what causes you to cry out: What's going on in this world?

You begin to understand what's going on when you read what amounts to a full Avni accounting of what's happening in Latin America. You discover that what’s happening is more than the outbreak of democracy; it is even more than the full flowering of democracy; it is an explosion of democracy taking place throughout the continent despite the social problems that continue to plague those countries.

And of course, when you speak of gentile democracy, you speak of opposing points of view: one you happen to agree with and one you don't. This being what's happening in Central and South America, democracy in those places cut against the Jewish grain whose understanding of the word democracy, is at the level of a toddler's understanding of Shakespeare.

To the Jews, democracy means you agree with them or you're banned from the public square … for life. Their genius is manifested in the ability to hide this reality from the public by memorizing a few verses from someone's Bill of Rights, and constantly reciting them to impress their interlocutors. In reality, however, they have no idea what they are talking about.

Well then, if that's what happens in Latin America, and if the Jewish attitude toward the whole thing is indifference, why is it that Benny Avni is so unhappy he gives the impression he cares about the matter? Moreover, given that he usually reflects the views of the Jewish establishment, why is it that the establishment is unhappy with the explosion of democracy in Latin America?

There is only one possible answer to those questions. It is that the Jews don't care about democracy as a form of political governance. They care about it only when they can use it as a weapon to nudge the American political elites into going after those in the world who refuse to toe the Jewish line.

Right now, the poverty, the violence and the sense of hopelessness that rage in most of Central and South America, suit Israel very well. That's because the Jews have developed a trick which takes them to desperate jurisdictions around the world and promise the folks in those places to push the American Congress of sheep and lemmings to help them financially if they will be nice to Israel. That is, being nice like voting in favor of Israel in world forums whether or not they like it, and/or moving their embassies in Israel to Jerusalem whether or not it makes sense to them.

The consequence of all this is that foreign powers –– which heretofore had refrained from encroaching onto the Western Hemisphere; supposedly America's sphere of influence –– are beginning to move into the region. Economic and industrial powerhouses like Japan, China, Russia and India are establishing beachheads in the big countries of Latin America such as Brazil and Mexico. And you can be certain that before long, they'll branch out and establish a presence in the smaller countries too.

If this comes as bad news to Benny Avni and to the entire Jewish establishment, they have only themselves to blame. Not only that, but given their takeover of America's foreign policy and their stewardship of it for several decades, they'll have a great deal to explain to the American people because, like Avni himself said it:

“The shift will be felt regionally and globally, so fasten your seat belts. This could turn into a very bumpy ride”.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

What the Losers can never grasp about Nobility

A description of the relationship that exists between art and real life can never overestimate the complexity and closeness of that kinship. However, whereas it can be said that art imitates life and in turn life imitates art, it cannot be said that the imitation is so exact, the two can be interchanged.

Let me give you an example. Watch a movie and write down a synopsis of the story. Watch the movie again twice in a row … five times in a row … a dozen times in a row … any number of times. What you'll see is that the movie has played itself in the exact same manner each time. Now go back and, once again, write the synopsis of what you saw. Compare this piece of writing with the first synopsis and you'll see a difference between the two. Whereas the art, once expressed remained constant, you've established that the repeated expression of it will repeatedly change. And that's what separates art from real life.

You conclude that whereas art remains static even when the subject it was expressing has evolved into something different, life is so dynamic, it changes constantly and goes its own way after imitating art. For this reason, it is better to think of the relationship between life and art as one of resemblance rather than imitation, let alone an exact imitation.

This brings us to the column that Clifford D. May wrote under the title: “Trump's bunker buster video blockbuster,” published on June 19, 2018 in The Washington Times. Reading it, you establish that Clifford May is saying the short video clip, which Trump has shown to Kim Jong-un, reflected the American President's manner by which he communicates with others. That is, with the use of the video clip, Trump has promised the North Korean leader “fire and fury” if he will not cooperate to make their meeting a success.

What happened after the meeting was that Trump described Kim Jong-un in terms that were so glowing, you would think a supernova exploded in the firmament not of outer space but here on Earth, and you didn't need a Hubble telescope to see it. So the question: What did happen during the meeting of the two leaders? Well, the best way to make sense of all that, is to recall the difference that exists between the static expression of life and the dynamic reality of the thing.

Clifford May, who did not attend the meeting, wrote a column in which he described not the North Korean leader that Trump saw in flesh and blood, but the fake static portrait of him that was reproduced from imagination over and over again in America. That's the artistic part, and here is how May reproduced it with words:

“The tyrants who rule North Korea developed the means to incinerate American cities … The mass-murdering, 30-something despot. We don't know much about Mr. Kim's psyche. Does he want to pass on the prison camp that is North Korea to a fourth generation? Does he ever suffer pangs of guilt about all the blood he has shed and all the lives he has ruined?”

Because the North Koreans knew about the propaganda that was perpetrated against them in America, they must have prepared themselves to respond to it the moment it was decided that the two leaders were going to meet. And it should not be too difficult for someone that's not Clifford May to imagine what the North Korean must have said to his American counterpart. It would have been the expression of a real life that refused to imitate art. And here is how Kim Jong-un might have sounded expressing it:

“We developed neither tyranny nor the means to incinerate American cities. Mass-murder was inflicted on us by foreign despots that destroyed many of our cities in the 1950s and blockaded our country thereafter to starve our people. If it were not for the Chinese and the Russians, we would all be dead by now. Unlike many in America, my psyche has not been damaged by Hollywood fantasies, and my wish is to pass on to the next generation a triumphant North Korea. We did better than the Vietnamese who also triumphed over you, but we checkmated you and brought you to the negotiating table without killing 60,000 of yours or injuring a quarter of a million of them. We accomplished all this despite the pain you were able to inflict on us. No, we do not suffer pangs of guilt because we did nothing to feel guilty about. It is you who should feel guilty about the blood you caused us to shed, and the lives of our people you ruined”.

In his column, Clifford May spoke of strategic communication, defining it as, “understanding that you persuade people based on their values and interests –– values and interests that may be quite different from yours and those of your friends.” Spot on, Cliff!

It appears that Kim Jong-un has persuaded Donald Trump that North Korea's values and interests are so noble, they stand head and shoulder above those of the America-Israel axis of terrorist threats, genocide and murderous adventurism.

It also appears that Trump has embraced the Korean values and interests … if only temporarily. Still, feeling superior to the likes of Clifford May, he did not bother explaining what it's like to climb to the top of the mountain, look down at the empty souls down below, and feel pity for them, unable to help them rise to a higher level.

Stay up there, Mr. President, and don't ever stoop down to their level again. Nobility of the spirit is the doorway that leads to greatness. And that's where you want to go, don't you?

Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Salami-style slicing of Uncle Sam's Manhood

Did you ever wonder how it was that the Government of the United States of America (Congress and Executive) was reduced to behaving as impotently as if Uncle Sam's manhood had been chopped off like salami one slice at a time for the last fifty years?

If you wondered and did not have the answer, you should read an article that came under the title: “To Help Iran, Angela Merkel Tries to Pull a Fast One With Swift” and the subtitle: “U.S. sanctions won't bite until Tehran can no longer accept oil payments from European buyers.” It was written by two Jews (obviously), named Richard Goldberg and Mark Dubowitz, and was published on June 21, 2018 in the Wall Street Journal. As to the authors, they belong with the Jewish joint that calls itself Foundation for Defense of Democracies … whatever that means.

You'll be happy to know that you'll get a quick answer to your questions by reading the first paragraph; one that is made of only two sentences. The first sentence tells President Trump that Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany is working behind his back. The second tells him that he must choose between the wellbeing of Europe and the caprices of Israel. That's because success or failure for him personally and for America as a superpower, will rest on the choice that he makes. The President is further advised that he'll win if he chooses Israel, and that he'll lose if he chooses Europe.

After this kind of dubious appeal to the ego of the President, the writers Goldberg and Dubowitz set out to tell him how he must react to the Merkel challenge. In fact, they told him how to react to the entire Iran-with-Europe situation. The thing, however, is that by the time you reach the middle of the write-up, you’ll find that the description they offer has nothing to do with protecting America or enhancing Uncle Sam's image of manhood. On the contrary, you’ll find that the whole thing was nothing more than an exercise in chopping off Uncle Sam's manhood one slice at the time.

Mindful that even if America were infinitely powerful, and even if everyone else were infinitely weak, there still would not be a thing that America could do to hurt someone without hurting itself in the process. Thus, every suggestion that Goldberg and Dubowitz make in the article, will result in hurting America along Iran and the European targets the Jews wish to see punished. In fact, this has been the history of Jewish advice and suggestions to America over the decades, which is why so much of Uncle Sam's manhood has been sliced off already. What follows is a condensed version of what the Jews are suggesting to America at this time:

“The Europeans encourage their members to send payments to the Central Bank of Iran. The U.S. could block access to dollars and isolate the country that does, from the financial system. Treasury could designate bank officials as sanctions violators, freeze their U.S. assets and deny them entry to the country. Other U.S. law-enforcement and regulatory bodies could take action. Cut off Iran's access to the Swift network. Impose sanctions on Swift's staff, officials and directors, including freezing their personal assets and restricting their travel to the U.S. Cut off their employers from the American financial system. Create legal trouble for the two Americans on Swift's board, Citigroup and JP Morgan. Because Swift operates under the laws of Belgium, declare that country and its Central Bank entities of money-laundering concern”.

That's plenty, isn't it? It’s also plenty of chopped off slices. Poor Uncle Sam! But did you ever imagine that the Jews will want to wreck the world to this extent just to get back at humanity every time that an independent soul refuses to toe the Jewish line? Well, if you didn't know before, you do now.

And when you reflect upon this reality –– looking at it in depth and from all sides –– you'll begin to understand how and why it happened that a handful of Jews, strategically placed in the Congress and the White House, were able to paralyze the superpower's machinery of government, forcing its parts to respond reflexively to the demands of the Jews whose agenda has always remained the fulfillment of Israel's interests and those of no one else.

But when you set aside the current concerns and think about the reasons why the Jews choose to live with the human race in a constant state of adversarial hostility, you are shocked to learn that such behavior is a basic tenet of the Jewish religion. It is so in the same way that Satan is considered a nemesis of all that is good in the eyes of the human race.

In fact, the Jews detest humanity as much as humanity detests the kingdom of Satan. We cannot change to accommodate them; they’ll have to change to accommodate us or forever remain the chopped-off unwanted slice of the human race on Planet Earth.

Friday, June 22, 2018

They are forcing America to dig its own Grave

For some strange reason the headless mouthpiece of the Jewish lobby in America, Nikki Haley––that raped the people of her state when she was governor to appease the BDS rage of Benjamin Netanyahu––has been appointed America's ambassador to the United Nations.

She wrote an article under the title: “Why We're Leaving the So-Called Human Rights Council [UNHRC]” and the subtitle: “Allies said U.S. participation was the last shred of credibility left in the organization.” The article was published on June 20, 2018 in the Wall Street Journal. As expected, Haley did not cite the real reason why America was leaving the Council; she only regurgitated the fake reasons that the Jews stuffed in her mouth.

Try as you may, you will not turn up the real reason why America has left the Council – from reading between the lines in Haley's article. But since the article is all you've got, you search for another way to uncover the truth from it. You hit on the saying: “Tell me a lie, and from what the lie is trying to hide, I'll know the truth.” And that, my friend, is what will help you illuminate what the Jews are planning ... that which is so above Nikki Haley's head, it will take her another four million years of evolution to understand.

Look what she says, speaking of the UN Human Rights Council:

“There is an organization that includes the repressive regimes of Cuba, Venezuela and China. Recently, it added the Congo, which is obstructing an investigation into a murder within its borders. The organization has passed more resolutions to condemn Israel than Syria, Iran and North Korea combined. It refuses to eliminate its Agenda Item 7, which mandates that each session include a discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”.

Is there something in those 4 sentences that jumps at you, my friend? Let me help you: zero-in on what she says about Cuba, Venezuela and China. She says they are repressive regimes. Okay. Now zero in on what she says about the Congo. She says the country will not let someone else investigate a murder that took place within its borders. Well? What does that say to you? What could be hidden in those words? Apparently, the passage says that these countries have internal problems. So what? Their problems do not exceed in ferocity those you'll encounter in Chicago or any American city. And yet, Nikki Haley wants Jewish America to have a say in the internal affairs of these countries as if America were superior to them.

And that's only half the story. Now zero-in on what Haley says about Israel. She says UNHRC has passed many resolutions to condemn it, and she doesn't like it. Why is that? Is it because the condemnation has to do with internal Israeli problems, such as those of Cuba, Venezuela, China or the Congo? No, it's nothing like that. In fact, here is why Haley doesn't like seeing Israel criticized: UNHRC mandates discussing the Jewish occupation of Palestine. Well, well, well. Noting that the occupation isn't an internal problem but a cross-border, international problem, you begin to formulate what the Haley gist amounts to.

When done, you conclude that the Jewish establishment––the one in charge of animating the mouth of Nikki Haley and modulating her voice––wants to encourage the internal descent that may flare up in any nation struggling to get on its feet, while condemning the local authorities when they deal with the situation. At the same time, the Jewish establishment wants to give license to those who are in the Jewish orbit, to intervene in the struggling countries, and do what Israel is doing in Palestine; what America did in Iraq and Libya.

America may not have wanted to be the new imperial power, but the Jews want it to be just that because they also want America to be under their control which, for all practical purposes, is already there. In fact, the Jewish project aims for the Jews to own America and use its resources to colonize the world.

So you ask: Does Nikki Haley know she is a tool in the hands of the Jews who use her to implement their diabolic scheme? The answer is no, she doesn't know it at this time … but she may understand it in four million years if her evolution proceeds normally.

Will the scheme have worked for the Jews by then? The answer is most probably not. That's what the Europeans who started the colonial enterprise, discovered after decades of bitter experience. They gave up on it a long time ago because they realized they were digging their own graves.

And there is no way the Jews will be able to put together a more successful colonial system; one that will spare America the agony of digging its own grave.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

A human Calamity approaching its End

Is it true that during the twentieth and twenty first centuries of life on earth, there existed an artificially concocted sovereign jurisdiction called Israel? Was it a jurisdiction so protected by the self-designated super-policeman of the World, it occupied lands of its Middle Eastern neighbors, and joyously killed across international borders, unarmed women, children, medical staff and journalists?

Yes, it is true. Such events did take place during the second half of the twentieth century and persisted during the twenty first. They happened because groups calling themselves Jews, for whose benefit the Israeli concoction was created, had infiltrated the superpower called America and made it believe it could play the role of the world's policeman. By the time America got psyched into believing the fantasy, it found itself not policing the world where it had its ass kicked at every corner, but found itself standing as sentinel, protecting the Jewish criminal enterprises in the Middle East and elsewhere.

But how could something like this have taken place? It did because the Jews rehearsed their game for a period of four thousand years, practicing on people of all kinds in Asia and Europe. The Jews made mistakes and paid for them with their lives. And yet, when they looked across the Atlantic Ocean and saw a place called America that was ripe to be given the treatment, they developed visions of playing the game in that place and getting away with it. They moved to America, having failed to digest the lesson which says: there isn't a perfect evil you can practice without paying a price for what you do.

Now, three quarters of a century after the establishment of Israel, the Jews are so embedded in the politico-Journalistic body of the American ship of state, they have complete, total and absolute control of the ship. As a result, one hundred percent of their attention was diverted to the promotion of the Judeo-Israeli agenda in America and the world.

You can see this phenomenon in two recent pieces. First, there is the editorial that came under the title: “The UN's human wrongs” and the subtitle: “In defense of Trump's Human Rights Council pullout.” It was published on June 19, 2018 in the Jewish publication, the New York Daily News (NYDN). Second, there is the column that came under the title: “Trump to Dictators: Have a Nice Day,” written by the Jewish Thomas L. Friedman and published in the Jewish New York Times on June 20, 2018.

The NYDN deals with the Trump administration's decision to pull out of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), which the editors mock by attributing to it “human wrongs.” They mention that the withdrawal came “a day after the world body's human rights chief decried the family separation,” a reference to the “policy of tearing children from their parents at the US-Mexico border”.

The editors went on to complain that “the UNHRC had been used against Israel for years. Its members include Saudi Arabia, China and Cuba. It rebuked Israel 68 times: Syria 20 times: North Korea 9 times.” Note that unlike Israel, none of these countries occupy lands of neighbors, or shoot to death unarmed innocent people across international borders.

As to Thomas Friedman, he has another list of countries, which he says should be condemned for their human rights violations. They are Egypt, Turkey, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, China, the Philippines and Poland. There too, you find that unlike Israel, none of these countries occupy lands of neighbors, or shoot to death unarmed innocent people across international borders. So then, what is it that's bugging the Jews about these countries?

At this point we must differentiate between the rank-and-file Jews and their self-appointed leaders because ordinary Jews have begun to understand that their so-called leaders were the architects behind the calamities that befell the Jews since the beginning of time. The rank-and-file are not bothered by what's bugging the leaders because they do not dream of creating “leverage” over Saudi Arabia, China, Cuba, Egypt, Turkey, Bahrain, the Philippines or Poland. They feel that when the Jewish pundits come out en mass and talk about the human rights violations of anyone but Israel, they sound like Harvey Weinstein accusing the women that rebuffed him of sexual misconduct. The Jewish rank-and-file are embarrassed no end.

Look what Thomas Friedman the Jew is quoting another Jew, Michael Posner as saying: “The [foreign] leaders are criminalizing dissent and debate. If that stands, the world will become a more dangerous place for all of us”.

Do you know what this means, my friend? It means that the Jews are sensing a defeat coming their way. They are resorting to fear mongering the American people in the hope that the other shipmates will let them take the American ship of state into yet another losing adventure.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Dennis Ross wearing the Skin of his Alter Ego

Dennis Ross has been totally discredited as an honest human entity, let alone for being a mediator in matters relating to the Jewish occupation of Palestine … and he knows it.

But Ross wants to continue serving the Judeo-Israeli causes for which he dedicated his life, especially that no matter what he does, he gets paid well to live the high life on money that's grabbed from the taxpayers of America, many of whom struggle to make ends meet.

So then, what do you think Dennis Ross did to make himself look useful working on a new project relating to the Jewish occupation of Palestine; also make himself sound relevant as he explains his new assignment to the taxpayers of America? I'll tell you what he did. In a manner reminiscent of the wolf in sheep clothing, Dennis Ross wore the skin of the collaborator assigned to work with him on the same project.

You can see how Dennis Ross played the game when you read the article he wrote under the title: “A path forward for team Trump on Israel and Gaza” and the subtitle: “Follow Nickolay Mladenov's lead.” It was published on June 18, 2018 in the New York Daily News. Mladenov is the collaborating alter ego whose skin Dennis Ross borrowed to wear for the occasion.

Here is how Dennis Ross described himself by pretending to describe his alter ego: “Nickolay Mladenov brings a straightforward approach to his task. He is mindful of the needs of both sides. He is now working to prevent combat between the Israelis and Hamas in Gaza. His main focus presently is the terrible humanitarian situation in Gaza”.

And here is how Ross served the interests of Israel by making the Palestinians look bad: “Nickolay Mladenov does not defend Hamas from its failings in governing. Israel can defeat Hamas militarily. Hamas knows it will pay a great price. By stopping payments to Israel for electricity provided to Gaza, Abbas has considerably worsened an already difficult economic reality. He thinks he is squeezing Hamas – unfortunately, it is the people of Gaza who are paying”.

And here is how Dennis Ross served the interests of Israel by making the Judeo-American alliance look like the savior of Palestinians: “While Mladenov is making progress, he could use American help. With Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt, there is an opportunity to boost his efforts. The Trump administration could show it helped to alleviate Palestinian suffering in Gaza. Why not [restore] the money cut from UNWRA, which certainly has many problems, but also pays 13,000 workers in Gaza and provides meals through its schools”.

By now, you must be asking yourself: What's this all about? The answer becomes clear when you bring into focus the three pillars of the Jewish strategy for America. One pillar consists of continually embroiling America in a dispute with someone, such as the Palestinians, so that the Jews may continually tell it what to do. The second pillar consists of telling America to whom it should give financial aid. As to the third pillar, it consists of telling America from whom it should withdraw financial aid.

Even though the three pillars seem to stand alone with nothing to connect them, they are parts of one and the same coherent policy. Recall that the Jews have been calling on America to cut off its contribution to UNWRA, which is in charge of providing welfare to the Palestinians. The Jews succeeded when America obeyed their command and cut off the aid. Now the Jews have turned around and called on America to restore that same contribution.

To get a sense of what this means, look at it this way: Anyone can call on a philanthropic entity to give aid to a needy or withdraw aid from a recipient. Whether or not the entity responds to the call, the matter ends here and now. But if someone can make an entity withdraw the aid from a recipient and then restore it; that someone proves to be in control of the philanthropic entity. He is the boss in charge of someone else's fortune, and he'll fight tooth and nail to maintain his status.

Now my friend, if there is one thing you should know about the Jews; it is that projecting the image of being in control, is what they live for. Take that away, and they'll sacrifice everything they have to restore the status. If they fail and lose hope they'll ever restore it, they'd rather be dead than appear powerless.

Right now, telling America to do something and then tell it to do the opposite, is what makes life worth living for the Jews. Having this ability tells the world they are in control of America and more.

In fact, America being a superpower, controlling it means having the power to tell the smaller nations what they can do today, and then turn around and tell them to undo it tomorrow.

This is raw power. It is what the Jews crave. And they'll have it no other way.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

But where is the Strategy, Dimitri Simes?

You would think that someone of the Dimitri K. Simes caliber would write a 3,230-word article about American foreign policy and say the things that clarify America's existing or desired strategy, as well as that of the powers whose conduct will impact the United States for a long time to come. But that's not what he did.

Dimitri Simes wrote an article under the title: “A Trump Foreign Policy,” and published it on June 17, 2018 in the National Interest. It is a compilation that adds little if anything to what was said by others up to now. What's missing in an article of this kind is the unmasking, to the extent possible, of the strategies that Russia, China, India, North Korea and Iran among others, are pursuing. Had the writer clarified these strategies, he would have gone on to propose what America should be able to live with and what it should not.

Well then, what strategies do these nations have that may impact the United States? First and foremost, it must be said they are fiercely independent sovereign nations. They see themselves as more than capable of patrolling and defending their neighborhoods. They do not relish the idea of America or anyone doing the job for them. They want good relations with everyone on the planet, including the United States, open trade based on negotiated terms, and a conflict resolution mechanism that treats everyone equally. Other than that, they want to be left alone, and want their neighborhoods to be free of uninvited foreign intrusions.

This, in fact, is the system that America had established right after its triumph in the Second World War. Unfortunately, what happened shortly thereafter was that Winston Churchill of Britain poisoned America's minds, warning them of a Soviet Union that was harboring evil motives. And so, while America was implementing a commendable system of peace and commerce, it also implemented a system to contain the Soviet Union. Fearing the possibility of being invaded by America and its allies, the Soviets responded by building their own military. This prompted the Americans to escalate, thus started a destructive arms race and the inevitable Cold War that erupted between NATO and the Warsaw Pact nations.

Time passed and a new era of optimism swept the globe when the Soviet Union collapsed without lashing out at the world as predicted by some pundits. Contrary to the Churchill description of an empire that was motivated by evil intent, the Soviets proved to be the “pussycats” that asked the Americans to help them become like America. A moment of worldwide relaxation and optimism followed and lasted a few years.

That's when the evil intent actually surfaced. However, it did not surface on the Soviet (now Russian) side but on the Jewish American side. It is that the hawks of the Cold War were mostly Jews; and they had an agenda of their own: They rejected the principle of peace on earth. Accustomed to doing well when fishing in dirty waters, the Jews started to work on muddying the waters that were shared by Russia and the United States. Their approach was to nag America, urging it to resume the policy of containing Russia without even saying what was there to contain. Still, America obliged them, and the effect was that the Russians considered the policy to be a deliberate attempt at humiliating them. And that's precisely what the Jews had intended.

From this point began the Jewish vision of a Pax Americana that will be under their command. And so, they expanded the policy of containment to encompass not just Russia or even the Communist World, but the entire planet. To this end, they came up with the twin doctrines of (1) America must not allow anyone to get powerful enough to challenge it … responding with a preemptive strike if need be; and (2) those who are not with America must be considered against it and must be treated accordingly.

It was this kind of talk – if not the actual doing – that caused Russia, China, India, North Korea, Iran and others to adopt the strategies that they did. Now that the Americans know this much, they must categorically repudiate the Jewish advice and pledge never again to take it seriously.

This done, the Americans must hammer among themselves what it is that they want in terms of relation with the rest of the world. When ready with a plan, they must find ways to implement it without violating the legitimate predispositions of the others.

In fact, America had it all in the aftermath of the Second World War. Because no good deed goes unpunished, America started to pay a price when it allowed the Jews it rescued from the Holocaust, to lead it by the nose as would a spoiled child that wants everything he sees.

This is why it will be hard, after half a century of spoilage, for the Congress of the United States or the Administration to say no to a Jewish request. But this is something that must be done as soon as possible because the longer America waits, the harder it will be to do it.

If not done, and the point of no return is reached, the alternative will be the kind of horrible ending that is known to the Jews only too well.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Time to change the Regime of Regime-Changers

The word “regime” has two meanings. It refers to the way of doing things such as having a method by which to implement an operation. It also refers to an established authority such as a government, for example.

The word is used in the above title twice to refer to both meanings. That's because “regime change,” which has come to mean toppling governments in the hope of replacing them with more pliant ones, proved to be a calamity like this planet has never seen before. Look at Libya and the Levant, and you'll know what the regime changers have wrought.

Because these people are relentless in their advocacy for more of the same, we must see their effort as being a part of a comprehensive method aimed at altering the established world order no matter the cost. Their method of operation – called regime – must be discredited and rejected for peace to return to this planet of ours.

Two regime changers, Reuel Marc Gerecht and Ray Takeyh, came together and wrote an article advocating not just regime change but a change of attitude toward the idea of regime change. They want us to love regime change – undoubtedly as much as they do. To be accurate, however, it must be said that they didn't use the word “love.” What they did instead, was negate its opposite, which in this case, was the word “fear”.

That's what you see in the title of their piece: “Don't Fear Regime Change in Iran,” followed by the subtitle: “For the past century it has been in a struggle between oppressive rulers and a freedom-hungry public.” The piece was published on June 12, 2018 in the Wall Street Journal.

The two writers have a fancy name for the regime they devised. Again, to be accurate, it must be said they didn't fully flesh out their conception; they only suggested – without giving any detail – how and why it will cause the desired change in the countries that refuse to toe the line. They call their concoction: “Regime-collapse containment policy.” What follows is how they suggested implementing it in the Iranian situation:

“The Islamic Republic, lacking a reliable banking system, is unable to attract enough investors. It is probably internally weaker than the Soviet Union was in the 1970s. Devising a strategy to collapse the clerical regime isn't difficult: The U.S. can draw on Persian history and experience with the Soviet Union. It will require patience. The biggest hurdle for Washington is self-imposed: It needs to take seriously the Iranian quest for democracy”.

To give credence to their useless enterprise –– for which they got paid handsomely at the expense of the taxpayers –– Gerecht and Takeyh resorted to the approach that made millionaires of the Jews who ruined America, advising it on how to self-immolate in the forums of the world, implementing the Judeo-Zionist scheme of attacking those who strive to remain free of Jewish imperialism. What Gerecht and Takeyh did is distort reality and spin historical events in ways that will dizzy the readers.

To justify saying that the regime in Iran is fragile and prone to being toppled, the two writers came up with the idea that Iran had been in turmoil for a century. But seeing that this was not enough to make a good story, they hit on the idea of saying that the 1953 toppling of the Iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh was not a CIA operation, after all. They said it was an Iranian undertaking through and through; one in which the CIA tried to play a minor role at the start but quickly withdrew when it realized it was not needed.

But why was the CIA not needed? It was not, say Gerecht and Takeyh, because “Iran's politicians, military men and mullahs came together to take down the premier.” All of that happened, they said, because Mossadegh turned out to be a horribly autocratic and vainglorious character that “rigged elections, sought to disband Parliament, and usurped the powers of the monarchy.” And all this was made worse, they went on to say, by the fact that Mossadegh knew nothing about democracy or the economics of petroleum.

Well my friend, if there is a lesson to be learned from this mockery, it is that the Jewish establishment will never give up on the quest to implement a Pax Judaica disguised as a Pax Americana. Its operatives will spin any fact, distort any historical event, and tell any story that will advance the Judeo-Israeli causes.

The way to arrest this trend once and for all, is for America to wake up to the reality that it was infiltrated by a Fifth Column that's consuming it from the inside the way that termites eat a wooden house from the inside out.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

They believe that their Will is God's Will

What's wrong with America is that it has been imbued with the Yiddish culture. Its motto used to be: “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” It has now changed to: Sing their song as they proceed to subjugate you.

The transformation of America began to happen when the European Jews that made a mess of their lives in Europe and elsewhere fled to America where they established themselves securely. When they felt confident enough to stand on their feet, they tried to renew the efforts that messed their lives in Europe in the first place. That is, they sabotaged the existing natural evolution to all things in America and began to impose the artificial vision they had developed for how things should be.

In fact, the Jews have been at it for the better part of four thousand years. They spent the first two thousand trying to establish themselves as a people having a nation of their own in the Middle East, but the Roman legions put an end to this attempt. From all indications, the Jews were following their natural instinct at the time, but were betrayed by its savage approaches to life. When they realized that the method will not work, they spent the next two thousand years, mostly in Europe, trying to artificially cultivate a host on whom to secure a permanent parasitic existence, but Hitler put an end to this attempt.

The Jews went to America loaded with a wealth of experiences that took on the name Yiddish Culture. The problem is that it lacked two important ingredients, thus failed to serve them well. Consequently, the Jews lacked the wisdom to put those experiences to good use. Also, after two thousand years of living artificially, they had forgotten how to comport themselves naturally. At first, the Americans were intrigued by the robo-mechanical demeanor that the newcomers were exhibiting, thus borrowed many of the Yiddish traits, and incorporated them into their melting pot.

But the Americans got tired of those artificial traits after a while and began to send out warning signals to this effect. But the Jews proved ill-equipped to understand those signals. The result has been the development of the current situation, which is an America that hates itself; one that also made the world hate it for what it has become at the hands of the Jews. And the people of America started to fight back using – guess what – yes, using the ineffective methods that the Jews had taught them.

You can see how all this comes together in two articles that were published in National Review Online. The first came under the title: “Does the World Actually Want American Leadership?” and the subtitle: “Only when it follows European priorities.” It was written by J.J. McCullough and published on June 11, 2018. The second article came under the title: “China Remains the Key to a North Korean Solution” and the subtitle: “Ramping up the pressure on Beijing is the best way to get results from Pyongyang.” It was written by Matthew Continetti and published on June 16, 2018.

What you'll sense when going over the two articles is the intertwining of two themes. The first is an awareness––expressed by McCullough––to the effect that America is beginning to wake up to the reality that what it has become at the hands of Jews, is rejected by the Europeans if not by all of humanity. The second theme––expressed by Continetti––is that the Jews continue to pressure America to use the savage Yiddish approaches when dealing with the rest of the world.

Here is what McCullough says:

“George W. Bush attempted to mobilize the world in favor of war with Iraq. The initiative was a flop. The leaders of France, Germany, Canada, and others opposed the war, and protesters filled the streets of Europe. Allies fought elections over who possessed the greatest courage to 'stand up' to the United States and had no intention of being an American poodle”.

And here is what Continetti says:

“Since the end of the Cold War, America leveraged its power to isolate and force North Korea into negotiations. Trump altered the formula. Vowing fire and fury, he reestablished a military deterrent that had eroded during the previous years. He agreed to suspend joint military exercises with South Korea as a confidence-building measure. I'm leery of the move”.

What does all that mean in the scheme of things? It means that the tug-of-war is on between the nativist Americans who want to take their country back to its productive origin, and the Jews who want to take it back to the Stone Age of their ancestors.

The Americans believe in the supremacy of the enterprising individual. The Jews believe that their fantasies are the manifestation of God's will. Because they are also their own fantasies, they become the expression of the Jewish will in their eyes. In turn, this fortuity elevates the Jews to the level of the deity and gives them the right to impose their will on the nativists of America and all of humanity … or so they believe.

Where will it all end?

Well, the only thing that can be said is that the Jews found themselves in similar situations throughout their existence and were thoroughly defeated each time. What makes them believe they will triumph this time is a mystery that needs to be explained … and there is no one around to explain it.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Here is what the Jews say to each other

The website called “Algemeiner” is a publication that's run by Jews for the benefit of Jews. It is one of the publications that the Jews go to when they have something to say to each other. Visiting these sites by a gentile is like eavesdropping on the Jews to hear them fill each other on what's on their minds and in their hearts.

An article that appeared in Algemeiner on June 14, 2018, was written by Manfred Gerstenfeld under the title: “A Panoramic View of UK Labour Antisemitism.” It is but a small part in the massive drive the Jewish establishment has launched to reestablish the charge of antisemitism as a major weapon to use against the English-speaking world in the new and forceful drive to subjugate that world to the will of the Jewish organizations.

What you encounter as you go over the article, is a string of accusations charging people –– the author identifies by name –– with antisemitic tendencies. The problem is that most of the time, Gerstenfeld does not reveal the basis of his accusation. However, on the rare occasions that he does, you find yourself astonished by what he considers antisemitic tendency. You feel like you want to scream: Is that it? That's what he calls antisemitism? What follows is a condensed version of those accusations. See for yourself:

“An analysis of the British Labour party provides a view of anti-Jewish hate-mongering. The incitement is supported by its members. European politicians have been inciters against Israel. There have also been expressions of antisemitism. The Swedish Olof Palme and the Greek Andreas Papandreou have accused Israel of Nazi practices. Antisemitism and anti-Israel remarks by Labour representatives have been published on an ongoing basis. The accusations about antisemitism concerning the Oxford University Labour Club became known. Naz Shah proposed that Israel should be relocated to the US. Miliband steered the party towards a proposal of recognition of a Palestinian state. When Corbyn came to power he promoted antisemites, including Ken Livingstone, to senior positions. Jonathan Arkush noted that Corbyn had been chairman of the Stop the War organization, known for its anti-Israel rhetoric. The Board of Deputies wrote that Corbyn had sided with antisemites rather than Jews. Arkush stated that Corbyn's views could drive Jews to leave Britain. An anti-Zionist Jewish organization has called Israel a steaming pile of sewage which needs to be properly disposed of”.

It is clear from the above that none of what's said to describe Israel's activities is new to the kind of criticism that people used to level against past regimes when they pursued policies similar to those of contemporary Israel. Whether big colonial powers or remnants thereof such as those that took over in Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa, they were called Fascist, Nazi and what have you.

Periodic calls were also made for the “Whites” who imposed themselves on the local populations, to go back to where they came from or go to countries that take-in immigrants such as America, Canada and Australia. And yet, no one moaned that such expressions amounted to hate-mongering or that they represented anti-Afrikaner or anti-British tendencies. Only the Jews moaned and continue to moan at such appellations when leveled against the Zionist regime that's currently occupying Palestine.

Why is the response of the Jews different from that of the others? It is different because the Jews adhere to a philosophy of life that's so different from everything else, it stands as alien to the human race. Boiled down to its essence, the philosophy contends that when someone converts to Judaism, he automatically becomes a chosen child of God. He thus ascends to a higher – almost divine – form of life where his relation with humanity is guided by the principle: If you're not with us, you're against us.

Consequently, the Jews believe they are due humanity's infinite love and respect. Those that refuse to bestow love or respect on a Jew that deserves neither, are denounced by the Jewish establishment as enemies of all the Jews, as well as an existential threat to them. In response, the Jewish organizations get down to the business of defaming and framing the delinquent humans. They also push the law enforcement authorities of the legal jurisdiction where they reside, to go after them.

In so doing, the Jews ask for nothing less than the complete ruination of the lives of these people even if it takes decades to do it. All this, in the knowledge that they are persecuting someone innocent. Not only do they feel no remorse for what they do; they consider it proof positive that they are entitled to do the things no one else is allowed to do. And they rationalize the whole sordid matter as the Jews being above everyone else and above the laws by which everyone else is governed.

Thus, instead of demonstrating that they are the chosen children of God, the Jews continually demonstrate they are animals of the most cowardly and savage kind. As well, they are so contagious, the sycophantic disciples they recruit to help them persecute the innocent, quickly turn into cowardly and savage animals … just like their Jewish masters.

Friday, June 15, 2018

End the Jewish Call to the Pimps of Harassment

Pious Christians call the faithful to prayer with the ringing of the church bells. Pious Muslims do it with the imam going to the mezzanine of the mosque and personally chanting the call to prayer.

As to the Jews; they have a totally different way of expressing their piety. To pray as well as prey, they call on their pimps everywhere in the world, especially the so-called democracies, to harass the citizens that try to advance in life while refusing to toe the Jewish line.

You can see an example of that in the article that came under the title: “Politics and anti-Semitism,” written by Abraham H. Miller and published on June 12, 2018 in The Washington Times. Miller is a member of the Haym Salomon Center, one of the many Jewish outfits, strewn around the globe. Their function is to watch over the citizens of the jurisdiction whose taxpayers' money they live on the high life.

The daily responsibilities of the centers are to zero in on the individuals that rise above the average, and start testing them. If the behavior of the latter indicates they intend to pursue a course independent of the Jewish sphere of influence, the Jews start firing at them the cannons of harassment by defamation. That's what you see fully developed in the Miller article. And make no mistake about it, the Jews do not relent till their victims knuckle under by entering the Jewish sphere of influence, or by disappearing into the sea of anonymity.

We know this to be true in Canada because there has never been an Arab or a Muslim that rose in politics or academia without being stalked by the Jewish outfits and the instruments of government they recruited to do the pimping for them. Like cowardly and savage animals, they operated behind the backs of the innocent; at times even in their faces, trying to destroy them to keep them from fulfilling a destiny that's not in the Jewish sphere.

Their method to ascertain that the individual will toe their line, is identical to that of the mafia. They ask you to commit a career destroying act or a criminal one. They keep proof of what you've done in their vaults like an insurance policy. When you seem to veer off course and away from their orbit, they pull the proof out the vaults and dangle it in front of your eyes like craven blackmail. You are forced to choose between getting back in line or risk seeing your career, even your life, go down in flames.

That's what they tried to do to me when I had a private school. They wanted me to sign fake documents about foreigners being registered as students in my school when they were not. I discussed this event previously, and will not rehash it here, especially that it had the tragic consequence of a Jewish friend of mine dying of a heart attack when he learned what they were trying to do to him and to me.

Other than that, the Jewish organizations and their pimps have been at it periodically trying to entrap me, as they did many others. Looking at what's unfolding in America, there is no doubt in my mind they are carrying on with the same kind of activities there too.

In fact, this is what the Abraham Miller article is about. Miller is after Keith Ellison, a former Catholic American that converted to Islam, pursuing a political career that does not promote the Jewish causes. One such cause being the destruction of Louis Farrakhan, Ellison's defense of him made Ellison a target of the Jews. You can see in the following condensed passages how Miller is firing the cannon defamation at Ellison and a number of other honorable men and women who deserve better:

“Mr. Ellison has been a defender of anti-Semitic Louis Farakhan. He seldom saw a pro-Israel policy he could support. The political careers of Ellison and others whose anti-Semitism has been mainstream and normalized. Barack Obama sat at the foot of the anti-Semitic Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Anti-Semitism has largely been ignored where racism flourishes. Pictures of Maxim Waters embracing Farrakhan should have caused outrage. In Virginia Leslie Cockburn, who is an anti-Semite was nominated candidate. In the Minnesota race to succeed Ellison, is Ilhan Omar who burst onto the scene with a stunning victory to become the first Somali woman to be elected to the statehouse. She became the darling of the media. The Tribune heralded her victory over the incumbent. Like Mr. Ellison, Ms. Ilhan believes Israel is an apartheid state”.

The charge of anti-Semitism has served the Jews well over the last few decades. The Jewish leaders believe it can continue to serve them when in fact, it does not and will not.

On the contrary, thoughtful people now look for that accusation, and take it as proof that the Jew making it has no better argument to advance, thus reject his argument off hand.

If the Jews will continue to use that accusing to intimidate others, I have news for the Jews. There will come a time when the world will adopt the motto: It is glorious to be antisemitic.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Start a MeToo on Jewish Despotism, Cliff

What's wrong with these Jews? They never cease doing the wrong things while pretending to do the right things.

Here is Clifford D. May writing yet another column trying to engage people he cannot name for whatever sick reason, in a “talk at each other” conversation, hoping it will yield useful information … as it never does.

This is typical Jewish mentality that never bore fruit in four thousand years. Not only that, it always led the Jews to the kind of places where they would rather not be … or maybe they do. Who knows?

This time, May's column came under the title: “Ronald Reagan's freedom agenda,” published on June 12, 2018 in the Washington Times. He tells of a group of prominent Jews – including himself – that came together to discuss “the march of freedom and democracy” in the world. He says that most of the others at the gathering expressed optimism that the situation was improving in a number of places around the globe, but that he alone disagreed with their assessment, being the lone voice to express pessimism.

To counter the others who named a few places where they said democracy was progressing, he named places where he said democracy was regressing. He then did the equivalent of throwing his hands up in the air as if to signal his surrender to despair. Here is how he expressed all that: “What we can do about this trend is unclear. Exporting democracy requires skills we've not mastered”.

But he didn't stop here. He went on to add the following: “I'd argue that it's both morally imperative and strategically wise to support freedom fighters struggling against common enemies anywhere and everywhere.” As always, however, the problem with this kind of writing is that when you go over the column, you find not a hint as to how the writer defines “freedom” or “freedom fighters.” And neither does he explain how these people can be supported by a democracy, or why supporting them would be strategically wise.

Until Clifford May does that, I have no choice but to offer an alternative to his construct:

We are facing two situations which are opposite to each other in many ways. First, there is what's referred to as the autocratic system of governance which is reputed to be strict in matters relating to the conduct of the citizenry. Second, there is what's referred to as the democratic system of governance which is reputed to be permissive in matters relating to the conduct of the citizenry.

These being the theoretical descriptions of each system, they may have functioned as intended at the start. But because nothing that relates to human activity remains constant, the practice of the two systems has changed over time. In general, the autocratic systems have mellowed to become more like benevolent autocracies. As to the democratic systems; they evolved to become more like cesspools of legalized corruption.

Economically, the benevolent dictatorships tend to suppress the so-called “animal spirit.” It means that in the choice between leisure and work, the citizens lien more in the direction of leisure and less in the direction of work. As to the citizens of the democracies, they split into those who are endowed with an abundance of animal spirit, and those who don't. Those that have it tend to exploit those that don't. The result is that everyone tries to get more out of life for as little as possible of what they put into it … hence the thick air of corruption.

When it comes to the issues relating to human rights, the benevolent dictatorships tell you what the rules are and what the punishment will be if you break them. If you do, the authorities charge you and punish you as prescribed in the law. As to the democracies, they let you do what they say is permitted till your freedom gets in the way of the corruption that's exercised in secret by someone powerful. That's when the corrupt marry the instruments of the private sector to those of government and use the combination to turn your life into a nightmare.

They do it by sabotaging every progress you make before you can reap the benefits thereof. And so, compared to the method of the dictatorships, this is like comparing the attitude of a tough-love, disciplinarian Mother Theresa to the attitude of a cowardly and savage, bisexual pedophile Harvey Weinstein.

Thus, my recommendation to Clifford May is that he should launch a MeToo website and publish the names of the North American citizens whom the Jews victimized by marrying their virulent despotism with those of the bumbling authorities in the United States and Canada.

Only when he does that, and when he starts talking to these people directly rather than talk about them by pretending to talk about something else, will the Jewish ills that plagued this Planet for thousands of years have a chance to be cured.