Sunday, June 17, 2018

They believe that their Will is God's Will

What's wrong with America is that it has been imbued with the Yiddish culture. Its motto used to be: “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” It has now changed to: Sing their song as they proceed to subjugate you.

The transformation of America began to happen when the European Jews that made a mess of their lives in Europe and elsewhere fled to America where they established themselves securely. When they felt confident enough to stand on their feet, they tried to renew the efforts that messed their lives in Europe in the first place. That is, they sabotaged the existing natural evolution to all things in America and began to impose the artificial vision they had developed for how things should be.

In fact, the Jews have been at it for the better part of four thousand years. They spent the first two thousand trying to establish themselves as a people having a nation of their own in the Middle East, but the Roman legions put an end to this attempt. From all indications, the Jews were following their natural instinct at the time, but were betrayed by its savage approaches to life. When they realized that the method will not work, they spent the next two thousand years, mostly in Europe, trying to artificially cultivate a host on whom to secure a permanent parasitic existence, but Hitler put an end to this attempt.

The Jews went to America loaded with a wealth of experiences that took on the name Yiddish Culture. The problem is that it lacked two important ingredients, thus failed to serve them well. Consequently, the Jews lacked the wisdom to put those experiences to good use. Also, after two thousand years of living artificially, they had forgotten how to comport themselves naturally. At first, the Americans were intrigued by the robo-mechanical demeanor that the newcomers were exhibiting, thus borrowed many of the Yiddish traits, and incorporated them into their melting pot.

But the Americans got tired of those artificial traits after a while and began to send out warning signals to this effect. But the Jews proved ill-equipped to understand those signals. The result has been the development of the current situation, which is an America that hates itself; one that also made the world hate it for what it has become at the hands of the Jews. And the people of America started to fight back using – guess what – yes, using the ineffective methods that the Jews had taught them.

You can see how all this comes together in two articles that were published in National Review Online. The first came under the title: “Does the World Actually Want American Leadership?” and the subtitle: “Only when it follows European priorities.” It was written by J.J. McCullough and published on June 11, 2018. The second article came under the title: “China Remains the Key to a North Korean Solution” and the subtitle: “Ramping up the pressure on Beijing is the best way to get results from Pyongyang.” It was written by Matthew Continetti and published on June 16, 2018.

What you'll sense when going over the two articles is the intertwining of two themes. The first is an awareness––expressed by McCullough––to the effect that America is beginning to wake up to the reality that what it has become at the hands of Jews, is rejected by the Europeans if not by all of humanity. The second theme––expressed by Continetti––is that the Jews continue to pressure America to use the savage Yiddish approaches when dealing with the rest of the world.

Here is what McCullough says:

“George W. Bush attempted to mobilize the world in favor of war with Iraq. The initiative was a flop. The leaders of France, Germany, Canada, and others opposed the war, and protesters filled the streets of Europe. Allies fought elections over who possessed the greatest courage to 'stand up' to the United States and had no intention of being an American poodle”.

And here is what Continetti says:

“Since the end of the Cold War, America leveraged its power to isolate and force North Korea into negotiations. Trump altered the formula. Vowing fire and fury, he reestablished a military deterrent that had eroded during the previous years. He agreed to suspend joint military exercises with South Korea as a confidence-building measure. I'm leery of the move”.

What does all that mean in the scheme of things? It means that the tug-of-war is on between the nativist Americans who want to take their country back to its productive origin, and the Jews who want to take it back to the Stone Age of their ancestors.

The Americans believe in the supremacy of the enterprising individual. The Jews believe that their fantasies are the manifestation of God's will. Because they are also their own fantasies, they become the expression of the Jewish will in their eyes. In turn, this fortuity elevates the Jews to the level of the deity and gives them the right to impose their will on the nativists of America and all of humanity … or so they believe.

Where will it all end?

Well, the only thing that can be said is that the Jews found themselves in similar situations throughout their existence and were thoroughly defeated each time. What makes them believe they will triumph this time is a mystery that needs to be explained … and there is no one around to explain it.