Thursday, June 28, 2018

Here's how Morons take over the Ship of State

Did you ever wonder why it is that voters wake up one morning and realize that those they put in office are lower than incompetent retards? Worse, that they are more dangerous than criminally predisposed morons?

If you wondered and did not uncover the answer, there is a way for you to find out. All you need to do is read Clifford D. May's latest column. It came under the title: “Nikki Haley, a woman for our times,” published on June 26, 2018 in The Washington Times.

Clifford May founded the Jewish lobby he calls “Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD)” and has been its president ever since. Like all the Jewish operators dedicated to the promotion of the Judeo-Israeli agenda, FDD has scouts who constantly sniff the landscape looking for the ambitious that seeks to get ahead. When they find one, they bring him or her to the clinic of indoctrination where they brainwash the catch and fill its head with ideas about the advantages of toeing the Jewish line.

Like surfers at sea, the Jews realized they can go far by catching the wave of a rising tide. For example, the latest demographic tide to rise in the U.S. being the Latin Americans, the Jews concentrated on them and caught the likes of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Once they have these people in their proverbial net, the Jews turn them into fanatic mouthpieces prepared to advocate the bankruptcy of America if this will facilitate the murder of Palestinian kids by Israel's genocidal army of occupation.

There was a time when the rising tide in America was made of women. That's when the Jewish outfits quickly drafted Jewish women and sent them to scout for ambitious gentile women striving to rise and break the glass ceiling. When they found them, they brought them to the Jewish brainwashing machine for indoctrination. One such woman was named Jeane Kirkpatrick, and she ended up joining May's outfit, the notorious FDD.

Kirkpatrick was then appointed by the late Ronald Reagan to serve as America's ambassador to the United Nations.  And that's the item with which Clifford May started his article. He moved on to talk about Nikki Haley who was appointed recently by Donald Trump to serve in that same capacity. May drew parallels between the two women and did not fail to mention that Haley was the daughter of immigrants, Sikhs from the Punjab. And that's where you find an interesting story that had an impact in Canada as well as the United States.

By the time Nikki Haley was born or about to, Europe was waking up to the phenomenon of ordinary people resenting the Jews wearing the yarmulke in public. Fearing that the phenomenon will come to North America, the Jews took up a cause that had festered for years without someone doing anything about it. More about this in a moment but first, another story that was unfolding at the same time.

Exposed as having 180,000 law-abiding but politically inclined citizens, under surveillance, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) had a PR nightmare on their hand. Seeing an opportunity to win a new group to their side, the Jews took up the festering cause of the Sikhs who were recruited into the ranks of the RCMP but were banned from wearing the turban on the job. The Jews fought against a weakened RCMP to give the Sikhs that right and won the battle. Ever since that time, the Jews have fished for the likes of Nikki Haley to brainwash and have them milk America and Canada to pay the Jews for the turban.

There certainly are women a thousand times more qualified than Jeane Kirkpatrick and Nikki Haley that could serve as ambassadors to the United Nations. But these good people are kept out of the loop to make room for the likes of Kirkpatrick and Haley. It happens for the same reason that the incompetent retards as well as the dangerous and criminally predisposed morons make it through the electoral system and finish ahead of the competent people who could serve the nation well.

The truth is that the system was artificially mutated in such a way as to keep the appearance of a functioning liberal democracy while serving the interests of those that hijacked the American ship of state. And no one has done a better job at making the mutant liberal democracy work for them than the Jews.

The evidence to that effect is all over the place. It can be seen and measured by the rate at which America is declining. And nothing reflects that decline more than the brainwashed Jeane Kirkpatrick and Nikki Haley.