Tuesday, June 26, 2018

From beloved America to shunned like a Jew

There is the saying: You are known by the company you keep. Thus, America was known to be of the world because the company that America kept following the Second World War, was the whole world.

In fact, America wanted to be with the world as much as the world wanted to be with America; they were a match made in heaven. Unfortunately, however, what happened next was a confluence of events that created a weird situation for America … and much has changed as a result.

It all began four thousand years ago when a tribe of angry sheep herdsmen, called Jews, got tired of roaming the deserts of the Middle East, and wanted to quit the harsh nomadic life they had inherited. Dreaming to escape its unpredictable vagaries, they wanted to settle into a more predictable sedentary style of life.

As it turned out, however, neither of the numerous attempts to establish a permanent home for themselves and their descendent, worked well. Ultimately, the Jews ended up roaming not the deserts of the Middle East but the entire planet. At first, they were welcomed as honored guests everywhere they went, but then were shunned as ungrateful villains and pushed out time after time.

Their four thousand-year journey brought them to America from where they will have nowhere else to go if they screw it up this time. Some of the Jews are keenly aware of this reality and feel alarmed by it because they live with the doings of those who do not know it or do not care. Whatever the latter may think they are doing, they are screwing it up for everyone else.

You'll find that many who fit into the last category, have a passion for elbowing their way into the editorial rooms of the English-speaking world. The reason is easy to understand. It is that most of the wealth and military power on the planet are concentrated among the nations of that group ... so far. Therefore, it makes sense for the Jews––whose wish is to “make the world safe for Jews”––to install their propaganda megaphone in the places where they believe will be most effective.

One such place happens to be the New York Post whose editors did exactly as expected. They came out wholeheartedly in favor of the United States leaving the UN Human Rights Council, and published a piece on June 20, 2018 to say so under the title: “Leaving the UN Human Rights Council was the moral choice”.

Contrary to the impression that the editors of the New York Post are trying to make on their readers, what comes out their piece of work is that the doings of the Jewish leaders can only be compared to the behavior of a hopelessly incorrigible recidivist.

And yet, despite that reality––which cannot be denied by an observer of any stripe or persuasion––the Jews were able to convince several generations of American leaders of the following: The world will be better off, and justice will be served, and peace will descend on the Middle East from where it will spread to the four corners of the Earth if they as Americans, will pretend – not that the Jews are out of step with humanity – but that humanity is out of step with the Jews. Here is how the editors of the Post put it: “The UN Human Rights Council is obsessed with bashing Israel on various trumped-up charges. It succeeds the UN Commission on Human Rights, which had the same problems”.

This chimes with the way that the Jews began their propaganda campaign in America several decades ago. The narrative they often recited used to go something like this: The hatred expressed against the Jews today is the result of the Protocol of the Elders of Zion, which itself was the result of the Blood Libel trumped up in the Middle Ages, which happened as a result of the belief that the Jews were responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus.

The intent of the narrative was to urge the Christian leaders to go out and tell their followers that the Jews were not responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus because each one of them is a Jesus onto himself and herself. Therefore, to love Jesus is to love the Jew who is the reincarnation of Jesus.

What was needed for America to fall into a modern-day pit of idolatry, was for a handful of televangelists to go on television and publicly preach the worship of Jews. It happened, the world saw it and those who used to love America, now shun America like they would a Jew. What a pity!