Saturday, June 23, 2018

A Salami-style slicing of Uncle Sam's Manhood

Did you ever wonder how it was that the Government of the United States of America (Congress and Executive) was reduced to behaving as impotently as if Uncle Sam's manhood had been chopped off like salami one slice at a time for the last fifty years?

If you wondered and did not have the answer, you should read an article that came under the title: “To Help Iran, Angela Merkel Tries to Pull a Fast One With Swift” and the subtitle: “U.S. sanctions won't bite until Tehran can no longer accept oil payments from European buyers.” It was written by two Jews (obviously), named Richard Goldberg and Mark Dubowitz, and was published on June 21, 2018 in the Wall Street Journal. As to the authors, they belong with the Jewish joint that calls itself Foundation for Defense of Democracies … whatever that means.

You'll be happy to know that you'll get a quick answer to your questions by reading the first paragraph; one that is made of only two sentences. The first sentence tells President Trump that Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany is working behind his back. The second tells him that he must choose between the wellbeing of Europe and the caprices of Israel. That's because success or failure for him personally and for America as a superpower, will rest on the choice that he makes. The President is further advised that he'll win if he chooses Israel, and that he'll lose if he chooses Europe.

After this kind of dubious appeal to the ego of the President, the writers Goldberg and Dubowitz set out to tell him how he must react to the Merkel challenge. In fact, they told him how to react to the entire Iran-with-Europe situation. The thing, however, is that by the time you reach the middle of the write-up, you’ll find that the description they offer has nothing to do with protecting America or enhancing Uncle Sam's image of manhood. On the contrary, you’ll find that the whole thing was nothing more than an exercise in chopping off Uncle Sam's manhood one slice at the time.

Mindful that even if America were infinitely powerful, and even if everyone else were infinitely weak, there still would not be a thing that America could do to hurt someone without hurting itself in the process. Thus, every suggestion that Goldberg and Dubowitz make in the article, will result in hurting America along Iran and the European targets the Jews wish to see punished. In fact, this has been the history of Jewish advice and suggestions to America over the decades, which is why so much of Uncle Sam's manhood has been sliced off already. What follows is a condensed version of what the Jews are suggesting to America at this time:

“The Europeans encourage their members to send payments to the Central Bank of Iran. The U.S. could block access to dollars and isolate the country that does, from the financial system. Treasury could designate bank officials as sanctions violators, freeze their U.S. assets and deny them entry to the country. Other U.S. law-enforcement and regulatory bodies could take action. Cut off Iran's access to the Swift network. Impose sanctions on Swift's staff, officials and directors, including freezing their personal assets and restricting their travel to the U.S. Cut off their employers from the American financial system. Create legal trouble for the two Americans on Swift's board, Citigroup and JP Morgan. Because Swift operates under the laws of Belgium, declare that country and its Central Bank entities of money-laundering concern”.

That's plenty, isn't it? It’s also plenty of chopped off slices. Poor Uncle Sam! But did you ever imagine that the Jews will want to wreck the world to this extent just to get back at humanity every time that an independent soul refuses to toe the Jewish line? Well, if you didn't know before, you do now.

And when you reflect upon this reality –– looking at it in depth and from all sides –– you'll begin to understand how and why it happened that a handful of Jews, strategically placed in the Congress and the White House, were able to paralyze the superpower's machinery of government, forcing its parts to respond reflexively to the demands of the Jews whose agenda has always remained the fulfillment of Israel's interests and those of no one else.

But when you set aside the current concerns and think about the reasons why the Jews choose to live with the human race in a constant state of adversarial hostility, you are shocked to learn that such behavior is a basic tenet of the Jewish religion. It is so in the same way that Satan is considered a nemesis of all that is good in the eyes of the human race.

In fact, the Jews detest humanity as much as humanity detests the kingdom of Satan. We cannot change to accommodate them; they’ll have to change to accommodate us or forever remain the chopped-off unwanted slice of the human race on Planet Earth.