Saturday, June 25, 2011

American Utopia By Congressional Nirvana

Daniel Pipes wrote an article under the title: “Not Stealing Palestine, but Purchasing Israel” and the subtitle: “The real history of Israel's founding, and why it matters.” It was published on June 21, 2011 in National Review Online. Well, my friends, let me tell you something; this is the best case study I have ever encountered to demonstrate how the Jewish propaganda machine uses smoke and mirrors to change history by concocting a new version of it when the old version no longer serves the purpose for which it was itself concocted on a previous occasion.

Pipes mentions what he calls the Palestinian mantra which he tells us accuses the Zionists of stealing Palestine but he says that this is a false accusation. He explains that while every place on Earth was conquered by violent means and by overthrow – sometimes more than once -- only the Zionists were able to build a presence (guess what that means) in Palestine by the mild and mercantile method. That is, the Zionists bought property from the Palestinians until they felt they owned enough of the country to change its name to Israel and change its status to that of Jewish state.

From the looks of it, Pipes hit upon this new incarnation of history to get around the fact that the old version was losing traction given the recent developments in the Middle East and elsewhere. So let us look closely at how he approaches the subject this time. He says that the Jewish National Fund was founded in 1901 and got into the business of buying land in Palestine. This was a Zionist enterprise that continued until 1948, he says, when the British Mandate of Palestine gave up power in that year. And he goes on to assert that this was the moment and the occasion when the Arabs suddenly became nasty and turned against the Jews whereupon the Zionists took up the sword in self-defense and won more Palestinian land through military conquest.

Whoa! Let us stop here for a moment because it is where we see a pivotal point. Would you, Mr. Pipes, please explain how self-defense can net someone more land? Well, there was this organization called Haganah, says he, it was founded in 1920 which is 19 years after the Zionists had started their activities in Palestine and 28 years before the Brits packed up and left the place. He admits that the Haganah was a clandestine organization but fails to mention that it terrorized the Brits as well as the Palestinians. More than that, he asserts outright that it had nothing to do with stealing from the Palestinian people or expelling them from their properties. And he takes this position even though official and well documented history says that the Haganah was the first terrorist organization to ever plague the region and that it was the source of all violence in Palestine for a very long time. But now that he mutilated this part of history, Daniel Pipes goes on a tangent to paint an even more grotesque caricature of reality. He tries to tell how quiet things were in Palestine between the years 1920 and 1948, and he does this by showing the Zionists as being just the thing that Palestine needed. To this end, he says that the Zionists rehabilitated barren land, made the desert bloom, drained swamps, cleared channels, reclaimed wasteland, forested hills, cleared rocks and removed salt from the soil – as if none of this was done in Palestine before the advent of the Zionists or could be done without them. Well, my friend, maybe you ought to adopt a Zionist and take him home if you have a messy backyard. But watch out because he may just decide to kick you out of your house and take it over.

Thus, according to the Pipes version of history, things were peaceful in Palestine until about 1948 when the Brits suddenly left the place for no apparent reason. But then all hell broke loose, says he, because the Arabs suddenly turned nasty for no apparent reason and forced the Zionist to defend themselves which they did by acquiring more Palestinian land. And to explain all this logically, he concocts the following narrative. He says that between 1901 and 1948, the Jews were acquiring land from the Palestinians and were paying for it. Okay, but tell me this; if the Palestinians were paid for their properties, why would they suddenly turn nasty and jeopardize the arrangement they had with the Jews only to have their properties end up in the hands of the Jews free of charge? Logic would dictate that because the Jews were paying for what they got, they must have been the ones to instigate the violence to get out of the arrangement. No, says Pipes, this may be Arab logic but Jewish logic which is superior puts it the other way around. It says that because the Jews are a moral people and they wanted to pay for what they received, it was the immoral Palestinians who insisted on making the Jews do something contrary to their morality and so they forced them to take something for nothing. Oh yes; oh yes. See how Jewish logic works and why it is superior, my friend? No wonder God has adopted these people to be his favorite children. Would you not have done the same thing if you were a God? On second thought, don't adopt a Zionist to clean up your messy backyard, adopt him to be your live-in God. That's what the likes of Evangelical John Hagee says you should do.

But what was the Haganah doing between 1920 and 1948? You find a kind of semi-response to this question in the Pipes article. It is this: “Two great empires, the Ottoman and the British, ruled Eretz Yisrael. In contrast, the Zionists lacked military power. They could not possibly achieve statehood through conquest.” But the land that was there to steal was not in the hands of the Ottoman or the British rulers; it was in the hands of a simple Palestinian people who were under occupation, unarmed and defenseless. Official and well documented history has it that as the dominant military power in Palestine, the Brits first allowed the immigration of Jews in accordance with their promise to facilitate the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine. But when the illegal immigration went too far, the Brits tried to curtail it upon which the Haganah terrorized them. As to the attitude of the Haganah toward the Palestinians, here is what Pipes says: “ the historian Efraim Karsh demonstrates in 'Palestine betrayed' most Arabs fled their lands; exceedingly few were forced off.” It looks like Karsh and Pipes mean to say that the Haganah only blew kisses at the Palestinians upon which the latter fled and left their properties for the Jews to take. Who do these guys think we are? Stupid American legislators? Even then, I don't believe you will find many House Reps or Senators who will swallow this kind of Jewish crap.

To give you a sense of how this kind of idiotic narratives were rolled out one after the other in the past half century when there was no opposition to push back against them, let me mention a few. First they said that parts of Palestine were not occupied and so the Jews went in and occupied them. To prove their point, they combed the literature and quoted every writer that spent time in the deserts of the region and wrote a word or two about their experience. The way the thing was presented was that the Jews only grabbed the places that were not occupied by the Palestinians. And the counter argument that was only whispered in academic circles was to the effect that Palestine has been the land of milk and honey since the beginning of time. It then became known as being part of the Fertile Crescent. It sat at the crossroads of the world with the most savvy farmers tilling its soil and the most sophisticated merchants crisscrossing it all the time. In fact, Palestine was then as it is today one of the most densely populated places on Earth. For these reasons and until the land was desperately needed, all natural places were deliberately left in their wild state in the name of conservation. In fact, this is the policy now pursued by the Israeli authorities in the Negev Desert where there is controversy and a human drama unfolding between the nomads who want to keep the place as it is and the people who say they need to develop the desert to accommodate new immigrants.

And so when this version of history was shown to be bogus, the Jewish propaganda machine said that the Zionists brought advanced technology to Palestine and should have been welcomed not vilified for that. The counter argument was to the effect that even if this were true, the excuse must be rejected because it was the standard excuse used by the colonial powers to loot the places they colonized not to develop them. Still, there was a difference between the ordinary colonists and the Jewish settlers; it is that the colonists limited their claims to their technological advancements whereas the settlers inflated their claims to biblical dimensions. In fact, when you come right down to it, you discover that a self-destruct mechanism exists at the core of every concoction put together by the Judeo-Yiddish culture. It is the exaggeration of Jewish accomplishments to such an extent that it goes past all superlatives to infinity and beyond. This attitude turns every claim they make about themselves into a not so funny number performed by clowns who could only entertain preteens who may laugh and awe US Congressmen who may respond with 29 standing ovations.

Let us take some examples. When the Jewish organizations found out that a secretary -- who worked at the lab where the German scientists first split the atom -- may have had an ancestor that converted to Judaism, they claimed that the Jews split the atom. Also, the same thing happened with a secretary that worked at the lab where the helical shape of the DNA molecule was discovered. They quickly claimed that the shape of the molecule was discovered by a Jew. And there is the fantastic claim they used to peddle to the effect that the Israelis taught the Americans how to build drones until the truth was told on this website to the effect that the Americans started to make drones several decades before Israel came into existence and that to this day, Israel only assembles drones from parts made in America. But the list of Judeo-Yiddish bullshit is a very long one and it will take time to purge it clean.

Thus, when you look carefully at what the Jewish propaganda machine says Israel and the Jews have accomplished -- whether this is in the field of science and technology or it is in the realm of the humanity they display toward the people they deal with -- you will always find something superlatively distorted and infinitely exaggerated in the claim. In fact you will realize that Israel could not reach the level of Uganda without America's continued assistance. And you will find that Idi Amin – who was originally groomed by the Israelis to engage in anti-Arab mischief before he turned against them -- was a great deal more moral than they ever were or can ever be. And so, when in an effort to legitimize the current Israeli regime someone like Daniel Pipes paints a saintly picture of the Zionists, the people of the world understandably get sick to the stomach and reject the idea of legitimizing Israel as it stands today.

Finally, when all the versions of history that they rolled out were dismissed as bogus, Daniel Pipes came up with one that says they bought Palestine and paid for it. Well, let me push back against this version with the following argument. If it is true that the Jews bought all the properties they claim they bought in Palestine, they should have proof of purchase and must not worry about the Palestinian demand for the right of return. But so far, the Israelis have shown no proof of purchase and they are fighting like mad against the Palestinian demand for the right of return. In my opinion this proves that the Israelis are thieves, they are lying about their theft and they are insulting our collective intelligence by treating us like dummies at par with the US Congress.

Still, we have to live with the legacy that this Congress has created and thrown in the lap of humanity as a precedent showing how a group of raving religious nuts can establish a theocracy in some places on this Earth. They can do it by establishing a presence in a British colony; say Canada or Australia. To do this, the religious nuts can buy a house in those places and look for a piece of barren land -- of which there are plenty in Canada and Australia -- and rehabilitate the thing. In the meantime, the group can form a terrorist organization and start terrorizing the locals by murdering them and looting their properties. If the locals turn nasty, the group can defend itself by expelling them and grabbing still more of their land. After that, the group can use America's power and prestige to try and force the people it has expelled to recognize it as a theocracy thus legitimize the acts of theft and murder it has committed against them.

Let's call this an American utopia created by Congressional nirvana and then have them shove it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

European AIPAC Tweedledees American Tweedledum

Modeled after AIPAC, it is called AJC Transatlantic Institute which stands for American Jewish Committee. Its director is Daniel Schwammenthal and he wrote an article that was published in the Wall Street Journal on June 21, 2011 under the title: “Europe's Mideast Muddle” and the subtitle: “Endorsing Palestinian statehood will only worsen the prospects for lasting peace.” In fact, if this article were not signed by someone, you would have thought that AIPAC wrote it.

What Schwammenthal is doing with it is that he is adding his two cents worth of argument to the effort started some time ago to declare the formation of a Palestinian state, and to get it recognized by the United Nation at long last. And when you analyze his approach, you find it to be the same old approach -- the only one that the Jewish organizations have. This is to say and to keep repeating that the Jews know the future, therefore they know what will happen. They also know what the Arabs think, want and feel, therefore if you want to know what the Arabs think, want and feel, you don't go to the Arabs and ask them what they think, want or feel, you come to us, Jews, and we'll tell you what the Arabs think, want and feel. And by the way, when necessary they also know what the Europeans think, want and feel. Is that clear? Do you now know what the Jews think, want and feel? Good for you because you will need it to understand what follows.

Look how this man starts the article: “Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas's effort to seek United Nations recognition for a unilaterally declared state would far more likely end the peace process than the conflict. But don't count out the chance that European nations might support the idea even if it's not in their best interests, nor in the interest of Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation.” Don't you feel like telling the guy to go shove it?

And make no mistake; besides knowing the future these people pretend to also know the Palestinians and the Europeans. Not only that, they want you to believe they know Israel so well that they can speak as if in its name. Look at this: “A U.N. General Assembly vote recognizing a Palestinian state, particularly one backed by Western democracies, might give the Palestinians a quick propaganda victory, but not an independent state. Israel isn't going to simply pack up and accept a one-sided imposition of borders or principles that ignore the country's legitimate security concerns. The Palestinians will gain real sovereignty only through peace talks with Israel where both sides will have to make painful compromises.” Don't you feel like telling the guy to go shove it?

He then makes use of the demagoguery that has been the signature of Jewish incitement since time immemorial. It is the one that motivated the Americans to start the Iraq war. In fact, he uses a few paragraphs to sketch out a somber scenario then gives this dire warning: “Any such violation of past agreements could easily turn bloody. Palestinians who are led to believe that a U.N. vote will bring about immediate independence will be terribly disappointed in September ... EU leaders need to be careful not to inadvertently fan the flames of a conflict that might play itself out in their own streets.” Don't you feel like telling the guy to go shove it?

Now he hides behind the misery of others whether real or fabricated for the occasion to give credence to his argument: “Hamas's raison d'ĂȘtre is to violate the human rights of Palestinians and Israelis alike by, for instance, attacking Israeli civilians while using its own as human shields. Hamas also terrorizes its own population by persecuting Palestinian Christians, homosexuals and political opponents, and suppresses the rights of Palestinian women in Gaza.” Don't you feel like telling the guy to go shove it?

So now he tells the Europeans what to do and tells Mr. Abbas what to do after that: “Europe doesn't have to go down this path. The EU and its member states would only need to join the United States in opposing the planned U.N. vote in September. Mr. Abbas could then convincingly argue that he can't go against the wishes of the Palestinians' largest donors, and thus will be able to drop his plans without losing his people's respect.” Don't you feel like telling the guy to go shove it?

Obviously this piece is meant to impress the European parliamentarians and to get them to follow in the footsteps of the American Congress. And this is to turn themselves into pimps and prostitutes, madams and gigolos. Oh no!

We can only hope and pray that this does not happen because there is not much that is left of Western Civilization we can still cherish and respect. For once let Tweedledum live without Tweedledee.

What If Palestinians Had Followed The Jewish Path?

On June 20, 2011 the Wall Street Journal published a piece by Warren Kozak under the title: “What If Jews Had Followed the Palestinian Path?” and the subtitle: “Postwar Jewish refugees left everything they had in Europe – no 'right of return' requested.” There is no doubt that some people will view this as a fair question and some who will view it as an unfair question. And there is no doubt that there will be those -- I among them -- who will say: Here we go again, another manifestation of the Alan Dershowitz syndrome which says that Israel and the Jews have the right to inflict on the Palestinians every crime that was ever inflicted by someone on someone else in all of history anywhere on this planet. But having made this point several times before, I shall not develop it here again. Instead, I shall look at the situation through the same lens as did Mr. Kozak. That is, I shall attempt to answer this question: What if Palestinians had followed the Jewish path? And see where this will lead.

At some point in the article, Warren Kozak says this: “...the Jewish refugees returned to their ancestral homeland. They left everything they had in Europe and turned their backs on the Continent – no 'right of return' requested. They were welcomed by the 650,000 Jewish residents of Israel.” Wow, see how nice this guy Kozak is? He is making the point for me because this is exactly what I was going to say which is exactly what I know the Palestinian refugees want for themselves. They want to return to their ancestral homeland and they are not requesting a “right of return” to any place that is not their homeland. The difference between them and the Jews, however, is that the Palestinians have lived in Palestine since the beginning of time. This is truly their homeland and they still have the keys to their homes in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashdod and many other places to prove it. Now contrast this with the Jewish claim to Palestine which is based on hallucination and nothing more.

And yes, if there is something that the Christian and Muslim Palestinians want more than anything else, it is to be welcomed by the 1,000,000 or so Christian and Muslim residents of Israel. You see, my friend, the Palestinians and the Jews desire the same thing except that the Palestinians can prove they have the right to what they desire whereas the Jews can only attribute their desire to an intense bout of religious hallucination. If you were to judge whose narrative trumps the other, you will find that the balance of probability favors the Palestinians by something like a hundred million to one. There is no contest here; Palestine belongs to the Palestinians more than it does to someone who converts to Judaism to get a job at CNN or Fox News.

And this prompts us to ask a good question: Is Warren Kozak so ignorant that he could not see the fatal flaw in his logic and the colossal hole in his presentation? Of course not; all indications are that his level of intelligence is at least as good as average which means he has the wherewithal to understand the full implication of what he is saying and doing. So then why did he say it and why did he do it? Because he thought he could outsmart everyone else; that's why. You see, my friend, this is the problem with Jews. They get it with the mothers' milk that they are the smartest thing on the planet and all they have to do is blow a few puffs of smoke and erect a few mirrors then say anything they want and the world will believe it. In fact, smoke and mirrors make up the rest of Kozak's article and they were used precisely to distract the readers and to make them miss the flaw in the logic of the writer and the hole in his presentation.

In fact, Kozak begins the presentation by telling how bad the situation was for the Jews in the aftermath of the Second World War. He says they lived in refugee camps for a while but soon after that, the Jewish agencies backed by Jews living elsewhere in the world stepped in and helped the Jews in distress, something that the Arabs did not do with the Palestinians in distress. But how did the Jewish agencies help out? Aha, this is where the complication begins. You see, they took them to their ancestral homeland. Really? But was this not an idea formulated ages ago? Was it not an old plan that someone had worked on for generation? Yes, that is correct. So then, the idea of moving the Jews to Palestine had more to do with exploiting their misery to realize someone's old dream than it had to do with the desire to help them, correct? Well c'mon now, have you not heard of the saying: Ask me no question and I shall tell you no lie? Stop asking these embarrassing questions; by right of birth, the Jews have immunity against being asked questions for which there are no convincing lies.

Let us now talk about the Arabs. They were under Ottoman, British and French occupations as Kozak admits. They had no armies, no weapons, no ammunition and no training. The Jewish hordes came into Palestine armed with the most modern weapons in existence at the time. They had plenty of ammunition and some training which they made use of to steal Palestinian properties and settle on them. Their only opposition was the British occupiers of Palestine against whom they used terrorism, something they introduced to the Middle East and were called geniuses for doing it. Then they turned their terrorist activities against Palestinian families the way that the settlers do it today and they were cheered on then as much as they are today. Watching these developments from afar with the outdated observation and communication equipment of the era, the first thing that the other Arabs wanted to do was to save as many lives as they could which they may not have done well; I leave it to the experts to judge. But whatever they failed to do was due to their inability to do it not their lack of willingness.

When the Second World War ended and the Arabs began to obtain their independence one after the other, there was no oil rich Arab country and not one of them was fully industrialized. They were, in fact, Third World countries struggling to get up and stay up on their feet. They were not a part of the world that took in immigrants such as the Americas, New Zealand and Australia. Yet, despite all this, many Palestinians went to the Arab countries; they found a way to earn a living and were sometimes treated better than the locals. In fact, the world noticed right after the wars of the Nineteen Sixties and Seventies that the Palestinians did better and had a higher rate of education living in the Arab countries than most Arabs. When this reality began to hurt the Jewish propaganda machine, they changed the history they were telling to the North American audiences and started to push the false narrative that the Arabs exploited the Palestinians. This is what Kozak is doing in his article but give him a year or two and he will want to change history again. Like my Jewish friend would say, this is why Jews get their ass kicked everywhere in the world and their skin baked in the oven.

This is a harsh thing to say but it is a warning to the self-appointed leaders of the Jews who more than anyone else cause these things to happen to the Jews. Yet, they are the ones who vehemently object to being told what the consequences of their actions have been and where they may lead again. They point to every warning given to them and call it trivializing the Holocaust. And like everything else, they have a smart aleck remark they throw at you when you show them that they are the main contributors to the sentiment of anti-Semitism which flares up regularly throughout time throughout the world. The smart aleck remark is this: “Anti-Semites foster anti-Semitism not us.” And they never want to accept the possibility that they are being anti-Semitic unconsciously when no one else really is. To wit, they have been trying in the open to foster anti-Semitism and trigger an anti-Arab holocaust in North America for nearly half a century now by saying worse things about the Arabs than Joseph Goebbels ever said about the Jews and yet nothing happened. If there is a canard anywhere -- and these people always talk about canards – it is this accusation that the human race is by nature anti-Semitic and that the Jews are saints, the reason why the world hates them and wants to do away with them. This hallucination must stop or else legislated out of existence.

And we do not have to go too far to demonstrate what the consequences of the actions taken by the Jewish leaders have been. They are spelled out by non other than Warren Kozak himself in the very article I am here discussing. Look what he is saying: “Had the world's Jewish population played this situation as the Arabs and Palestinians have, everything would look very different today … they would now number in the many millions.” What he is saying, in effect, is that unlike the Arabs and the Palestinians who chose the path of life, the Jews have chosen the path of death. And what he is doing really is that he is lamenting that the Jews have refused to make the same choice as the Arabs. And yet, he is still making the same bad choice by puffing smokey ideas and erecting a wall of deceptive mirrors. The reality is that this culture is a lost cause today as it has been for thousands of years. It is time that we put it to rest by doing what the Arabs did, the reason why no holocaust or pogrom ever happened in an Arab country; don't let the Jews bullshit you. Stop them in their track the moment they begin to talk nonsense and don't let the thing play itself out to the end because the end will always be that someone will have their skin baked in the oven or turned into lampshades.

Enough is enough; the Palestinians will not want to follow in the path of the Jews and have the same thing happen to them.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

The American War On Palestine Intensifies

If there is someone out there who is still under the illusion that the war on the people of Palestine was brought to them by a bunch of hallucinating Jewish crackpots from around the world led to believe that God promised them the land of Palestine four thousand years ago, that someone should put their illusion to rest. He or she can look at what is happening in Palestine today to see that nothing is clearer than the fact this war is an American war systematically waged against the Palestinian people. It is a genocidal war that was unleashed against a helpless and peaceful people who remained unarmed throughout their ordeal – a savage ordeal that has lasted several generations already. And during all this time, the Palestinian people were repeatedly and brutally attacked by the most lethal weapons that America has produced and put in the hands of the most depraved of the Jewish fanatics produced inside America itself from New York in the east to California in the west and from the northern states of Michigan and Minnesota to the southern states of Florida and Texas. These are all American boys and girls who call themselves Jews; and they are cheered on by so-called Evangelical Christians who claim to number 50 million in America. And they are organized in chapters all over the country under the banner Christians United For Israel or CUFI.

And the sordid history goes right back to the beginning when first of all, the Americans engineered a United Nation recognition of the terrorist Jewish government that took over Palestine by force of arms and called it Israel. Moments later, the Americans themselves recognized that same horrible government. And ever since that time, the Americans have been pouring into Israel mercenaries who go there bearing weapons galore; and pouring into Israel volunteers who go there bearing money galore. And year after year, the Jewish hordes have grown in size and have stolen more and more of the Palestinian properties where they built settlements on productive farmlands while America replenished them with the guns and the ammunition to kill Palestinians and sent to them the bread and the butter to sustain them throughout. In addition, America stood as a conspicuous sentinel everywhere in the world to shield and protect the savage hordes of Israel from the censures that were repeatedly voiced in the civilized forums of the planet including the United Nation.

Then, one day the Palestinians declared: Enough is enough; we have had it up to here with this war of genocide waged against our people by an America that is employing the full weight of its military and economic might to annihilate what is left of us. And so we have decided to go to the United Nation and seek recognition for our state on what is left of our sacred land. And this declaration threw the Americans into a tizzy if not a state of panic. And they started once again to throw their weight around in a hysterical attempt to halt the Palestinian drive. But why the hysteria? Because America believes that what is left of Palestine in the hands of Palestinians is too much as it is, and that a good portion of that -- if not all of it – should be absorbed by the Israeli savages who have gobbled up most of Palestine already; so why not grab all of Judea and Samaria?

Yes, America is running around saying something about the 1967 borders but this is the same sort of hypocritical garbage that made it possible to usurp most of Palestine over the decades while America pretended to stand on the side of the rule of law. This is the same garbage that leaves no daylight between what Israel wants for itself and what America wants for Israel. And this is the same garbage that uses the American veto to torpedo every condemnation of Israel when this horrible concoction breaks the law – which it always does -- and when it adds more crime to the crimes against humanity it has accumulated in its name and in the name of America. And this is the same garbage that is now working like mad to freeze the effort of the Palestinians in their quest to achieve a breakthrough after 44 savage years of a Jewish murderous occupation.

In fact, the way the game is played now is that America is pressing and will continue to press for the resumption of the bargaining between the two parties without preconditions. To show its own good intentions, America has said after 44 years of silence that it supports the UN resolutions making reference to the 1967 borders even though Israel made it clear it will not abide by them regardless of what America says, and has in fact announced the building of new settlements beyond those borders. But now that America has managed to make itself look like it stands on the side of justice after 44 years of doubt, it believes it can start to play the same dirty game again without someone noticing. And the game it is playing begins with the warning that should the talks fail, it will use all the means at its disposal including the veto at the Security Council to frustrate the Palestinian effort to develop the kind of clout that the negotiators could use at the bargaining table when they negotiate with Israel.

Thus, what is left for the Palestinians to do in the mind of the Israelis and the Americans is to swallow the reasoning put forth by Israel to the effect that everyone knows that the land on which the settlements are to be built will be ceded to Israel by the Palestinian negotiators anyway; so why not build the settlements now and get it over with? Whoa! Did you get this my friend; did you get this? Look what happened here. The wish became the assumption that became the reality that was acted upon. Fantastic, isn't it? First, they fantasized about God giving them the land. Then they fantasized about the Palestinians ceding it to them. Then they acted upon this assumption and announced the building of new settlements. Then they asked the Palestinians to accept this non-precondition before they sit down and start the talks. Got it? If you didn't, the Americans did and this is why they are running around like mad trying to stop the Palestinians in their track. It's a mad world made madder by the Jewish cultural takeover of America.

But what the hell are the Palestinians supposed to talk about if the Jews have preempted the talks already and have gotten what they want? Are these people asking the Palestinians to give away the rest of Palestine before the talks even begin? Are the Americans joining them and calling on the Palestinians to do just that? See how flawless and how superior Jewish logic can be, my friend? No wonder God has chosen these people to be his favorite children. Would you not have made the same choice if you were a god yourself? In the meantime, the rest of us can only marvel at what a lovely idea is this Israeli-American logic that can lead to this Israeli-American sort of outcome. But this is exactly the kind of situation that would have startled my Jewish friend and caused him to lament: This is so typical of the Jewish leaders it screams show me the way to the gas chamber. Is America softly conspiring to send the Jews to the gas chamber?

This American plan to wage a war of annihilation against the people of Palestine for the benefit of those who call themselves Jews was put together by Dennis Ross who calls himself a Jew. He has worked closely with the bloodthirsty elements of several Israeli governments over many decades and says he does not feel guilty about the relationship he has developed with them. In fact, he founded one of those septic tanks supposedly of the thinking kind and wrote a manifesto for it. The name of the thinking tank of logical manure is the Washington Institute for Near East Policy; and the manifesto for which it gained notoriety says that no Arabist (euphemism for Arab, Muslim, Arab sympathizer and Muslim sympathizer) should be allowed to work at the State Department especially in matters relating to the Middle East or to the Muslim world.

And this ethnic cleansing was actually carried out and then extended to encompass the White House where Dennis Ross has labored like the dickens to frustrate the efforts of the Arab American, George Mitchell who was the Special Envoy to the Middle East. Mitchell resigned in disgust the day that Netanyahu was brought to the White House where he cried a bucketful of crocodile tears, puked a stomachful of bitter bile and peed a bladderful of piss on the carpet of the Oval Office thus proving that Mitchell was correct when he voiced disgust at the idea of letting a bag of filth desecrate the White House by his presence. And this is why everyone should be aware that this guy, Dennis Ross, will not shy away from inflicting any plague on America or Palestine if it will yield an inch of new land for Israel. Thus, no one should expect him to back off one iota from working to effectuate the complete takeover of Palestine by Israel whatever the cost to everyone else.

It must be said in conclusion that the Palestinian people have the opportunity at this point in history to do the world and all of humanity a big favor by brushing America aside and working with the other nations to regain what is rightfully theirs. In so doing, the Palestinians will help mitigate America's negative influence and useless drag on the potential that the human race now has to develop a world it was meant to have since the beginning of time. Humanity has had this opportunity several times in the past but lost it each time because the same phony self-declared Jews intervened and turned a good movement into a savage one by injecting into the discourse the idea that one group of people can declare itself to be superior to everyone else.

The creation of a Palestinian state will effectively nail the coffin on this idea and prevent it from rising again as it has done in the past and has prevented the human race from developing socially and culturally at the same pace as it did scientifically and technologically. It is time that we catch up spiritually with our material achievements.

Do it for all of us, Palestine. You are our shining light on the hill.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Metaphor Awaiting The Punch Line

As the people that populate the Jewish lobby play games, something about them, about what they do and about the way they do it captures the imagination and fascinates those of us who spend time watching them and studying their antics. We look at the plethora of the Judeo-Israeli machinations they employ as they go about implementing their plans and we realize that the metaphors which best describe the situations they engineer are numerous but that each metaphor represents only a small part of the story. And so, to reflect the whole story, we sometimes feel compelled to mix the metaphors but then something tells us that in so doing, we violate an unwritten rule of literature – the one that says we should seek forgiveness when we mix the metaphors. And so, after a few moments of hesitation and deep reflection, we go ahead and do the mixing in the hope that the readers will forgive us. Well, the following is one such example for which I seek forgiveness.

First, there is a story that can be classified as a fable. It is circulating in the Middle East, especially in Israel and it goes something like this: A scorpion asked a frog to take it across the creek and the frog agreed. The scorpion got on the back of the frog and when they reached the middle of the creek, the scorpion bit the frog that began to die. “Why did you do it?” asked the frog “I am going to die and so will you.” The scorpion replied: “I can't help it. It's my nature to bite, to poison and to kill. I do it regardless of the consequences.” The moral of this story is captured by the less deadly image of the English saying: “They bite the hand that feeds them.”

Second, there is the story that was told by Seventeenth Century French poet Jean de La Fontaine who wrote a short fable with a long title that goes like this: “La grenouille qui veut se faire aussi grosse qu'un boeuf” which translates into: “The frog that wants to make itself as big as an ox.” It is the story of a frog that saw an ox and was so impressed by its size it wanted to become as big. To get there, it stretched itself, puffed and labored till it punctured and deflated completely. The moral of this story, according to La Fontaine, is that the world is full of people who want to look bigger than they are but end up puncturing themselves and deflating.

These two metaphors help us visualize the diplomatically difficult moments that America is experiencing nowadays as a result of the odd relationship it maintains with Israel in the Middle East and the Jewish lobby in America. The question that comes to mind is which of the two metaphors more accurately reflects what is happening in real life. We also wonder what result will ultimately materialize as a consequence of these relationships. We realize that the frog is a common element to both stories and that it is doing badly in both fables. This says there is a certain inevitability to the notion that America will get hurt in the end but the question is whether the Israeli scorpion will bite America or whether America will puncture itself on the advice of the Jewish lobby. We cannot be certain which alternative will win out ultimately and so we use both metaphors to describe what we see at this point.

When we analyze the situation further, we realize that there is nothing new in a minority of people going to America and being discriminated against to then be assimilated by society and do well thereafter. This has been the story of the Irish, the Italians, the Germans, the Poles, the Jews and many other minorities including the most recent ones such as the Asians and the Arabs. But what sets the Jews apart from all the other groups is that despite the fact they always say their ambitions are no different from those of everyone else – mainly to be assimilated and be treated as equals – they constantly renege on that promise and go past society's acceptance of them as newcomers to seek the outright domination of the established order. And the remarkable thing about their transformation is that they do not stop for a moment to catch their breath or give anyone the time to know them or to get used to them. What happens instead is that they go from being a minority group (regarded as having an inferior status) to that of seeking dominance (viewed as a superior status) in the blink of an eye thus bypassing the middle class where no more than a handful of Jews have ever sojourned for any length of time.

This meteoric rise of the Jews in terms of the power and influence they have accumulated in a short period of time contrasts sharply with the established pattern which has always been that the newcomers went from being a disadvantaged minority to being of the middle class before a handful of the families (not the entire group) graduated to join the dominant upper class and enjoy the expanded influence that goes with it. And what made matters look even more striking was the method that the Jews have employed to seek and to achieve dominance. What they did was to accumulate credit for themselves as a group by discrediting the other groups and by beating up on many of the individuals. The Jewish leaders did this by adopting the creepy and relentless method of advocating for their causes at the expense of everyone else. In fact, they picked on every major race and every religion in the American melting pot and went after them one by one doing to each what the scorpion did to the frog in the Middle Eastern fable. And they have advanced toward their goals by exempting not a single hand from their bite whether the hand had fed them on a previous occasion or had not. And the biting rampage of the Jewish scorpion went on until it met a boogeyman it could stay with and use as the eternal prey on which to exercise its biting habit and deadly urges. That prey was the Arab and Muslim stereotype.

What helped the Jewish organizations score a few successes and what contributed to the inflation of their stature in the eyes of the American political elite was the way that they proceeded to implement their plans. They repeatedly and opportunistically took advantage of the events unfolding in the Middle East and spun them in such a way as to make mountains out of happenings that were not worth a hill of beans. Moreover, these were events that they engineered themselves in collaboration with their partners in Israel. What they managed to accomplish in the final analysis was to make Israel appear indispensable to the security of America. They went on to make the point that they -- as Jewish Americans -- were part and parcel of the Israeli phenomenon and they argued that without their effort to constantly push the American Congress and the Administration to work for the preservation of Israel, the Jewish state will perish at the hands of the Arab-Muslim ogre, an event that will endanger the security of America and presage her ultimate demise. The two nations were now joined at the hip.

To the Jewish organizations that never set a limit as to how far they will go to grab something and hold on to it, the joining of America and Israel at the hip was not enough for them. To motivate the American governing apparatus and make it embrace the view that America's fate was tied to that of Israel even more enthusiastically, the Jewish leaders employed a trick that was truly demonic. They picked the American virtue of modesty which was based on America's self confidence and they turned it into a grotesque Yiddish spoof which, on close inspection, turned out to be full of self doubt. The fact is that the Americans never developed the need to growl they were exceptional, let alone shout their exceptionalism from the rooftops. And they never bragged about themselves in public because they had the achievements that spoke glowingly about them. Despite all this, the Jewish leaders constructed a pompous discourse and placed the idea of American exceptionalism at its center. And they stealthily injected that discourse into the American culture like the drug pushers who get people hooked on something useless then start the business of fleecing them clean.

To do that, the Jewish leaders used the image that millions of people in America and outside of it have in their heads of what has come to be called the American dream. They turned that image into an object and made the acceptance of it a litmus test by which to determine the level of loyalty that people have for America. This done, they melded the idea of American exceptionalism with the idea of the Jews being the chosen children of God, and they argued that America shall continue to exist only as long as Israel will continue to exist. In conclusion, they made the point that it was in America's existential interest to protect Israel and see to it that the Jewish state remains viable economically and militarily. This meant that America must continue to send provisions to Israel even when America was having difficulty providing for its own people. As can be seen, the net result of the Jewish machinations has been that a simple idea the size of a frog was inflated to take on the size of an ox, something that La Fontaine had warned never to do. And in the process, America's virtue of quiet greatness was tossed out to be replaced by a Yiddish display of exceptional pomposity and the self doubt that does not suit a superpower such as America was before the American dream was yiddishized.

And despite all this, it was so far so good as far as the Jewish organizations were concerned. However, unknown to them was the fact that they had overlooked a small detail which, in the end, did them in. In order for them to score the successes that they did, they had relied on something as Jewish as matzoh bread. It was the reality that the most ancient and most formidable of autocratic rules has been and still is the Jewish method of ruling over a people, and their method of governing a nation. Yes, they got to where they wanted to go but they left a bitter taste in the mouth of most people who then began to ask themselves: How did they get there?

Slowly but surely, the American people began to realize that because the Jewish leaders have developed an unrivaled mastery at manipulating human beings emotionally, they were able to do in America what no Stalin could do in Russia and no Idi Amin could do in Uganda. They were, in fact, able to install the collar of self censorship and obedience around the neck of all the American members of the governing elite and most members of the public. In fact, the American people now see and they understand the sneaky way by which the Jewish leaders took advantage of their goodness who, as human beings, responded with empathy when the Jews cried the refrain of anti-Semitism. But the people of America have come to realize that these were phony refrains, and that the tears accompanying them were crocodile tears.

Until that realization on the part of the American people, the Jewish leaders were intimidating just about everyone, and they managed to shut them up almost completely. This allowed the Jews who had talent and those who had none to take over the megaphones of the nation and tighten their monopoly over them. These included the regular media and every platform from which the public could be reached and communicated with. When they completed that operation, the Jewish leaders started to manufacture lies by the truckloads and they spread them unhindered all over the country for nearly half a century because there was no one left standing that could correct them or push back against their nonsense.

And the result of the Jewish plan for America has been that not a hiss considered to be a probing of an Israeli or a Jewish position was heard without its author being obliterated like a corpse inside a high temperature incinerator. In fact, Christian and Muslim individuals were socially, financially and professionally holocausted for exercising the right to express themselves in the land of the First Amendment and the land of the free as they continued to call themselves even though they knew that they and their country were now in hot water. In short, America became a land where thought was and still is controlled by commissars of the Jewish organizations that not only model themselves after the Nazi secret police called Gestapo but seek to outdo it. And no one but no one to this day dares to say so in America without being hounded like a fox on fox hunting day.

Despite all this, the American people are beginning to show unease at what their country is becoming, and a few have started to work on reversing the situation. Consequently, this episode of the drama is not over yet, and the test as to its future direction will come when America will face the choice of standing on the side of history and voting to admit Palestine as a new member at the United Nation, or turning its back on history and voting against the resolution. A yes vote will restore America's natural greatness that needs no fanfare to attract attention; a no vote will deepen the disgust that the world has for America. In the latter case, no amount of vociferation about American exceptionalism will restore the respect or the affection that the world used to have for America, respect and affection that were sabotaged by the treasonous hands of the Jewish manipulators.

This brings me to the realization that the two metaphors cited at the beginning of this discussion are not enough to reflect the complete reality as it now stands. Thus, I must invoke a third metaphor to reflect the story as it looks at this time. To do this, I acknowledge that the situation has reached the current stage because the events have evolved slowly, methodically and in a creepy way. Consequently, I see a parallel between the story of America and the story of the frog that did not feel the slow rise in the water's temperature until it was too late. But I believe that America still has a little time left to jump out of the hot water if it so decides. And so it is with trepidation that I ask the question: Will it or won't it?

Until something happens one way or the other, this new metaphor will remain without a punchline. Eventually, time will tell what the punchline will be and what history will record.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Who Is Afraid Of Bret Stephens?

On June 7, 2011 Bret Stephens wrote a column in the Wall Street Journal under the title: “Iran, Syria – and Seymour Hersh” and the subtitle: “Why won't the New Yorker reporter debate me?” I am not going to take up any of the points made by Stephens and I am certainly not going to guess what may or may not be motivating Mr. Hersh. But I had a tasteless experience once with fanatic Jews inviting me to a debate, and I would be leery to accept an invitation by such people again whether I am a Christian or a moderate Jew.

Here is my story. After half a century or so of studying the behavior of the North American self-appointed leaders of the Jews – some of whom came and went and some of whom are still around – I can say that I find them to be motivated by one and the same idea. They operate on the basis of constructing a monument of hate they throw at the entity they choose to be their enemy of the day. This is how they move their agenda forward and this is how they manage to accomplish their plans if and when things work out for them. Of course, when you come right down to it there is not much that is new at the core of this idea. In fact, you see it in every dispute when the defense lawyers and the prosecutors spend time discrediting their opponents to make a case for their side given that the decision of the judge or the jury will ultimately depend on the credibility and the character of each side. Thus, what the Jewish leaders do, in effect, is that they choose a target for the day and they build a case against it by painting the face representing it as a portrait that deserves to be hated. This could be Seymour Hersh or Fred Habachi as much as it could be Iran or Syria.

These observations force us to pose an interesting question: If the method used by the Jewish leaders is also used by many others, why does the hate that the Jews generate turn around and bite them when no such thing happens to the other people who may do the same thing? The answer is that there is the method and there is the way that the method is applied. And there is a big difference between the two. In real life, people do engage in rivalries and in competition; and they do so as individuals, as corporations, as nations and even as factions inside the same institution. In most part, however, the games that the parties play are understood by everyone because the rules are well publicized and they are known to everyone. These rules remain constant throughout the game and they exist to regulate the intensity with which the game is played. That intensity may range from low to high but there is a limit as to how high the players can go and how unfairly they can make their moves before a siren is triggered ordering that the game be stopped and restarted again. And it is at this point where the Jewish organizations apply the method in a way that is different from everyone else. What they do is that they intervene when they are not supposed to and they throw sand in the gears of the mechanism that regulates the game if and when one of their own participates in the game. The reason why they do this is that they seek to change the rules of the game in the middle of it by having the mechanism stop the game every time their side begins to lose, and by letting the game go on when their side plays unfairly. Thus, the hate that the Jews build up against their opponents does not only hurt the opponent but turns around and bites them as well.

Let me give an example to illustrate all this. It happened that I was writing a column for an Arabic newspaper published in Montreal when one day in the mid to late Nineteen Nineties my editor received a call from the radio station CJAD letting him know they wanted me to appear on a show that was broadcast live in the afternoon of every weekday during the drive home. I accepted the offer expecting to be asked tough questions and knowing full well that the Jewish lobby which was headed by the Canadian Jewish Congress had it in for me because of what I was writing. The day and the hour came, and the host of the show called me at home to say I was on the air and that he had a few questions to ask me. I said I was ready and we proceeded with the interview. I shall come back to this in a moment.

The reason why I came to the attention of the Canadian Jewish Congress was that many events were unfolding worldwide at the time, and they were of interest to the Jewish organizations. I was writing or talking about them and I did so from a position that was diametrically opposed to the points of view propagated by the Jewish machine of distortion and disinformation. Those events were happening in South Lebanon, in the town of Hebron on the West Bank of the Jordan River, in the former Yugoslavia and in Montreal. I was saying the Israelis should get out of South Lebanon before they have their ass kicked by Hezbollah at which point they will be forced to withdraw in humiliation. The Israelis did not listen to me, they got their ass kicked as I had postulated and they withdrew with tail between their legs. As for the other events, even though they were unrelated on the surface, they were very much related in the mind of the individuals that populated the Jewish lobby. I got wind of this and I wrote about it which is why the lobby was pissed off to put it mildly.

Here is what was happening and what I was writing about. Hebron is a town deep inside Palestinian territory where the most extreme of the North American religious savages loved to go and settle. Armed by the Israeli army, these people walked in groups in the Arab marketplaces and their residential streets with machine gun hanging from the shoulder, pistol tucked in the holster and a communication device held to the ear and the mouth as they remained in constant touch with the army which rushed to their aid when they were challenged by rock throwing Palestinian kids. The images that came out of Hebron were so disgusting that the whole world urged the government of Israel to put an end to this display of mindless savagery. Israel did little to change the situation while the Jewish propaganda machine responded in its typical manner. It represented the situation in Hebron as one of ethnic cleansing -- but get this now, my friend -- the infamous machine said that when Jews from North America are asked to refrain from settling in Arab towns such as Hebron, ethnic cleansing takes place at par with the cleansing that was happening in Yugoslavia.

The Jewish machine went on to say that instead of asking the Jews to end their settlement activities in the occupied territories, the world should help move the Palestinians out of Hebron even though they lived there since the beginning of time. The mouthpieces of the machine also said that the world should help transform the town into a Jewish enclave by helping to settle the Jews from North America in it even though they never saw the place except in pictures. When all this is done, said they, Israel should be invited to annex the town and make it Israeli territory. You see, my friend, what a neat little piece of logic that was? How could anyone sane have rejected it? And to give credit where credit is due, not one word of insanity was uttered by the Congress of the United States. Of course, this was the congress that financed the takeover of Palestine by Jewish settlers and this was the congress that financed the army which made possible the implementation of the American project in Palestine. And they managed to do all this not under the American flag where America would have had to take responsibility but under the Star of David which gave America the opportunity to deny responsibility. In the language of diplomacy this is called deniability which means you do something dirty in someone else's name and deny you had anything to do with it. But no one is being fooled anymore because everyone is coming to the conclusion that the blood of the Palestinian people is being shed by American hands operating American weapons bought and paid for with American money – and all this being protected by the American veto.

Eventually, the American military entered the war in Yugoslavia at the urging of then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. I wrote an article in favor of the intervention but with a proviso that was spelled out in the title of the article. It went something like this: “It is a good idea but...” And I explained that the intervention will turn out to be a good thing if the intent is to help the people who are discriminated against. But if the intent is to set a false precedent for the Jewish propaganda machine to argue that Jews have the right to chase the Palestinians out of their towns and villages and take over, then America should stay home and mind its own business. You would expect at this point that everyone will quiet down and let matters take their natural course without further ado but no, this is not what happened. What happened instead was that characters from the Quebec detachment of the Canadian Jewish Congress started to agitate for the implementation in Montreal of something resembling what the Jewish settlers wanted to do in Hebron. They wanted to create a Jewish enclave out of a district in Montreal -- a city deep inside the Province of Quebec – and have the enclave annexed by the Province of Ontario. I called the idea the hebronization of Montreal and I held it as an example of how the Jewish leaders dig a grave for their people every time they are allowed to scoop up a shovel of dirt.

Let us now get back to the radio interview. It proceeded as abnormally as it could which is what I had expected and was mentally prepared for. But instead of me getting angry and fuming publicly which was what they had intended to do by asking provocative questions and hinting on live radio that agents from Israel will be inclined to come and kill me here in Canada, I was not the one to lose my cool but the host of the show who lost his. And I was not even provocative in any way; I simply made my points and he lost his cool when he realized he was not going to succeed at confusing me or knocking me off track or budging me off message. But I shall discuss this interview on another occasion to leave it now and discuss what happened after that.

The interview ended and I hung up the phone. I started doing something else when about half an hour later I received a phone call from someone I knew who wanted to know how come I did not respond to the man from the Canadian Jewish Congress. What man from the Canadian Jewish Congress? I yelled. The caller did not know I was not at the radio station even though I lived a few steps away from it. And I did not know they had someone from the Canadian Jewish Congress called Sultan who sat in the studio without saying a word until I hung up after which the interview continued with him and without me. I said this to the caller and revealed that I did not turn on the radio after I gave the interview; therefore I had no idea what was said. The caller filled me in on some things after which I called the station and said I wanted to hear what was said in my absence and wanted the right to respond. They said not today but that they will make a copy of the interview and give it to me. It took them three weeks to do that, and I finally got to hear what the man from the Canadian Jewish Congress and the host of the show said in my absence. It was what you would see when you flush a toilet.

Under any regime you can think off – from an ideal First World democracy to a primitive Third World single-man dictatorship – when they invite someone to have a debate, they don't pull a trick as filthy as this unless it is Jewish inspired. And like my Jewish friend would say: “Now you know why Jews end up in the oven every so often; and why there are more Hitler's Executioners in this world than there are Schindlers making up a list of Jews to save.”

Seymour Hersh may just be saving his people from the likes of Bret Stephens, the Wall Street Journal and the Canadian Jewish Congress.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Frozen Snapshots And Developing Narratives

The Jewish propaganda machine is again in full throttle mode with all the power generators patched to the thrust engine feeding it the maximum output they can deliver. And this is because the machine has two important missions at this point in time: First, to derail the Middle East peace process. Second, to stop the Palestinians from obtaining recognition for their state at the United Nation. What is perplexing to most people with regard to the approach taken by the Jewish organizations that make up the propaganda machine is the fact that they represent a culture which says it wants peace but then demonstrates its intention by killing the peace process. And they represent a culture which says the United Nation is a useless and irrelevant body but then sounds the existential alarm when the Palestinians try to join the United Nation. And the question is this: Can that odd behavior be explained? Yes, it can be explained but it cannot be explained away. We must, however, understand the difference between the snapshot and the developing narrative before we attempt to explain. And this means we need to do a little philosophizing before anything else.

So here we go. On the one hand, if things go well, you want time to stand still; but if they promise to go better, you want time to move on. On the other hand, if things go badly, you want time to move on; but if they promise to get worse, you want time to stand still. Since the “now” is the frozen snapshot of a moment in time while the future is a moving narrative that begins now and goes on forever, what you seek in effect is to hang on to the snapshot or ride the narrative depending on which of the two will offer the greatest reward. But human beings are what they are and they will at times try to have it both ways. And so the question to ask is whether or not these people should be granted all that they ask for. Logic says no, they should not but a few greedy ones will try anyway to have it both ways and they will find backers who will accept their arguments.

In the context of the situation thus described, to have it both ways means to be treated with preference all the time whether everyone else is going through good times or going through bad times. But since the people who want it both ways know that the random nature of probability prohibits good things from happening to the same person each and every time, they change the process to get around the law of probability. To do this, they use the invention called code of conduct which is the human answer to the laws of nature and they make the code work for them against all probabilities. But then, when their expectations outgrow the code's ability to deliver, they bend the code and make it serve their new set of expectations. And they will do this whether or not what they seek matches what society will tolerate or goes against the grain.

So then, what is this code of conduct? The short answer is that it is a book of laws, bylaws or just rules. A society begins to construct a code -- be it a civil code, a criminal code or a set of binding rules -- when an observed behavior is deemed to be desirable and the society responds by making it obligatory. The same applies when a behavior is deemed reprehensible and the society responds by prohibiting it. To incorporate the obligations and the prohibitions into the culture, the sages of society – now called legislators -- codify the responses by defining them and giving them what is referred to as the force of law which means you obey them or else. When a mass of such responses has accumulated on paper, a complete code of conduct is said to exist. Thus, we see that a code is constructed when a developing narrative is frozen in time, when it is cropped to define its parameters and when the process is repeated over and over again. By the time the process is completed, we have a handy book of snapshots that mirrors the evolution of past narratives. In fact, the book contains several entries each one being a commandment that tells us how to respond to different situations should we be caught in one of the narratives. The thing to remember, however, is that these laws, bylaws and regulations are adopted by all sorts of jurisdictions and are modified or even nullified when they become obsolete and they no longer serve the purpose for which they were adopted.

But how can someone make the system work for them both ways? As it happens, there exists a culture which operates solely on the basis of making things work both ways for its members. It is the Jewish culture; and the best way to see how it operates is to look at two recent examples. The first is the time when the United Nation deemed that Zionism was a form of racism. What happened then was that the Jewish organizations used America's power and influence to have the resolution rescinded. The second example is the time when the Jewish organizations made America legally designate Hamas a terrorist organization. What is remarkable about these two examples is that each of them tells one half of the same story. When you combine the two halves, you see the full picture of the immense destructive power that the Jewish organizations possess.

The thing is that Zionism is an idea. It is therefore a snapshot that is frozen in time and a cluster of commandments that tell its adherents how to respond to specific situations. When the United Nation says that Zionism is a form of racism, it says that Zionism should be nullified unless it can be modified enough to make it acceptable to civilized societies. For the Jewish organizations to have this kind of advice rescinded instead of engaging the world in a dialogue to modify the provisions of Zionism is to insist on accepting the snapshot as it is and make it a permanent feature of the human existence. But this is not how laws are treated in advanced jurisdictions for, even when the law is the constitution, its amendments can be modified or nullified when the time comes to update the law. However, this is not to say that Zionism is never amended. In fact, it is amended by those who adhere to it and only by them; something they do in order to have the idea serve them better when the circumstances change and new responses are called for.

As for the Hamas question, to designate this organization a terrorist group is to turn human beings into objects for a bad reason. In fact, the Jewish organizations did it for a convoluted reason. It is that events do change all the time and the Jews knew there will come a time when the Americans will want to negotiate with the Hamas people. They reckoned that America will want to do this to stay in the loop and have the opportunity to play a role and influence events where its own interests are involved. To negate this possibility before they get there, the Jewish organizations turned the Hamas narrative into a snapshot and froze it in time. In doing this, they put the American decision making process on automatic pilot and kept the password to the flight computer for themselves. Thus, the Jewish leaders not only blurred the line between what is a snapshot and what is a developing narrative; they made it so that they can switch any event from being a snapshot to being a narrative, and the other way around depending on what will work for them at any given time. And there lies the secret to the immense destructive power of the Jewish organizations.

In fact, it is happening right now that the Americans find it necessary to talk to Hamas to serve America's security interests but they cannot do so because they have their hands tied by the law they passed themselves designating the group a terrorist organization. As can be seen, the net result is that the American legislators have robbed their own country of the ability to act independently, leaving it to the Jewish organizations to speak for America and to act on her behalf. Indeed, the legislators have turned the US Congress from being a legislative body that is supposed to be in the service of the American people into an institution that has become a tool in the hands of the Jewish leaders who serve the interests of a foreign government. And like masochists, the odious legislators of America have said yes to the Jew then castrated themselves to show their full and irrevocable devotion to him.

What kind of America has America become? No one seems to know.

These regrettable developments happened in America because of the confluence of two trends; the American trend which is not unique to America and the Jewish trend which is unique to the Jewish culture. When something of dubious value begins to happen in America as in other places, a number of people step forward and ask that a moratorium be declared to give the public time to review the matter and decide if the country should stay on the current path or move away from it. But these people are usually drowned out by a more influential group that insists on letting the thing play itself out to the end. At times, however, when the end comes, the nation will have realized how close it came to having an apocalypse. An example of this is when they let the financial houses do what they want, and the public learned in 2008 how close they came to the edge of the precipice.

As for the Jewish trend, it is the very definition of insanity. As predictable as the cycle of the moon, the Jewish lunatics who pass for leaders keep doing the same thing in the hope of reaching a different result but when the result comes, it always looks like the apocalypse they refuse to believe they brought on themselves and their people. And what is noteworthy in this lesson is that pogroms and holocausts have happened to Jews everywhere on the planet since the beginning of time except in the Arab countries because the Arabs never let the Jews get away with nonsense but stopped them on time to save them from themselves. Can America now learn the Arab lesson and duplicate it at home to save the Jews from themselves and save America from the folly of their leaders?

But what would the Arab lesson be in this case? To find out, we reason the thing from beginning to end. When we think of the Jewish migration into Palestine from the Nineteenth Century onward, when we think of the early activities of the Jewish leaders in Palestine and when we think of the behavior of the successive Israeli governments inside the armistice line and outside of it in the places called occupied territories, we see and we understand the narrative that compelled the United Nation to formulate the snapshot saying that Zionism is a form of racism. Moreover, we understand and we accept the snapshot because we see that it faithfully reflects the narrative that led to it. On the other hand, when we learn that Israel was the one that originally formed, funded and trained the organization called Hamas and when we learn that Israel equipped that organization with the necessary tools and weapons to go after the group called Fatah, we fail to understand the logic by which the American legislators have agreed to designate Hamas a terrorist organization.

To be clear, what happened here is that Israel tried to abuse Hamas soon after creating it which prompted the latter to rebel and to turn against its creator. Israel then ran to America and asked that Hamas be designated a terrorist organization, and America acquiesced despite the fact that only Israel possesses and uses the weapons of terror handed to it by America. To a fair minded person, the snapshot in this case does not match the narrative it is supposed to reflect; and the designation of Hamas a terrorist organization is rejected both instinctively and rationally. This is how the Arabs would reason this thing and so, if America wants to designate Israel a terrorist state, it will be a move that the whole world will welcome and applaud America for making it. As a bonus, the move will also be one that will break the habit of the Jewish leaders to provoke the next holocaust right after they have received the last payment for the previous holocaust.

Failing this, we see where America will go; and it's not pretty out there. When we look at the activities of the Jewish organizations, we see that the people who populate them work to create false snapshots that reflect not the narratives they witness on the ground but the fantasies they carry in their heads. And when we compare these fantasies with the stories of the Old Testament, we see a remarkable match between the two. In fact, when we listen to the hotchpotch of old Jews, new Jews, converted Jews, pretending Jews, fake Jews, quack Jews and Jewish imposters -- all of whom collectively call themselves the Jewish people -- we should be alarmed. It is that we can hear them say to each other and we see them teach one another lessons that are genuinely frightening and almost literally from out of this world.

And when we pay close attention, we see that they want to turn the Talmud into a Jewish New Testament to rival the Christian New Testament and tell the story of modern Jews not the story of Jesus and the apostles. To succeed in this, they want to model their New Testament after the form and the content of the Old Testament. But the reality is that the Old Testament describes a religious history that does not match the history which is revealed by traditional means. In fact, the Old Testament is a book of religion where fantastic feats that defy the laws of nature are attributed to people who are said to make miracles. But even if we accept the claim that miracles happened in the past, we know they do not happen now and so do the current Jewish leaders. Thus, to make the work of modern Jews look like the miracles of old, those leaders have resorted to using theatrics as well as smoke and mirrors to make things appear fantastically more grandiose than they really are. It is not an accident that the words hubris and chutzpah are Yiddish words. And what is truly heart wrenching in all of this is that the Jewish leaders can operate in this manner only in America where they have perfected the art of making the legislators stand on their heads and claim to see the world right side up. Thus, it is in America where the Jewish organizations practice their most outlandish activities and make their most absurd of claims.

What kind of America has America become? I hate to think of the answer.

All this leads to a bone chilling realization; it is that the aim of the Jewish leaders is to use whatever means they can get their hands on to make the history of the modern world unfold along the lines of the Stone Age history described in the Old Testament. If a law of nature intervenes and prevents them from succeeding, they manipulate the laws of man to make the scene look like they wish it to be. To succeed in this endeavor, they need the power and prestige of America which is why they work to isolate America from the rest of the world and monopolize it like they would an obedient sex slave. And this is what the American Congress has agreed to become for all practical purposes.

What kind of America has America become? You tell me, my friend, you tell me.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Going On A Trip To The Future

If you are interested to know what will happen in the matter of the Palestinian struggle to gain independence from a regime that makes Nazi Germany look like a troop of boy scouts and calls itself Zionist Israel, you may board the ship of time-travel in your imagination and go on a trip to the future. When ready, you get into the ship, power it and hear the computer ask you: Where to, my valuable traveler? You say Palestine, and the computer says there is an infinite number of alternative universes from which to choose but a few are classified as classical alternatives and recommended for beginners of which you are one, I can tell. These are alternatives whose probability of happening to you range in importance from A to Z and where each probability unfolds a different scenario of the Palestinian story. So tell me, dear time traveler, which universe do you want to visit? After a moment of reflection you pick a letter at random and tell the computer you choose alternative M.

Rather than move through the chronology of a time-line that is straight and that goes forward from the present to the future, the ship takes the U-shaped route of a worm whole which is a shortcut offered to travelers in a hurry. And so you go to a period that is relatively far into the future where the Palestinian scenario is unfolding its last act near the end of the story. The computer tells you it is 15 years into the future and allows you to disembark. Without delay you begin to investigate the contemporary situation and record the information that you gather. To do this, you move around with the help of a teletransporter that can take you from place to place at the speed of thought which is instantaneous no matter how far apart the places may be from each other. Working diligently, you discover in little time that the United Nation has been replaced by a new international body made of many councils and agencies each of which makes its headquarter in a different city around the globe. The body of nations also has an equivalent to the old Security Council but is made of 25 members, all of which rotate and none of which is considered a permanent member or has the right of veto. Some types of resolution need 13 votes to pass and some need 17 votes. The venue where the council convenes also rotates among the cities of the globe, and Moscow is where it is convening at this time. This tells you that America has lost its luster which means that Israel is standing practically alone in the world like the pariah that it is.

The current delegates are meeting to discuss the plight of 12 million people inhabiting the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. A third of these people say they are Jews and the rest are Christians and Muslims calling themselves Palestinians. Studying the political landscape, you find that the 4 million Jews have split into several factions all armed to the teeth and fighting each other in a kind of low key civil war. They are also raiding the Palestinians and fighting them at a level of savagery that would have shocked even the most bloodthirsty of the Nazis. There is a Jewish central government but it is unable to restore order because the civil war is raging between units of what used to be the Israeli army, an army that has divided into several factions calling themselves names like the Russian faction, the Yiddish faction, the Talmudic, the Black-Jewish, the Arab-Jewish, the fundamentalist religious faction and a few less relevant ones.

You want to know how this situation came to be so you return to the ship and tell the computer to take you back toward the direction from which you came. You go back 5 of the 15 years you had advanced where you find that Israel has elected as Prime Minister Gideon Topazberg, the notorious right wing religious fanatic who is known to most people as Topaz the acid tongue. But shortly after the transfer of power to him, the man ordered the dismantling of a number of Jewish settlements, a move that did not sit well with the settlers or their backers in the rest of the country. Some of the settlers refused to move and Topaz ordered the army to remove them by force. Some units of the army obeyed the order but others rejected it. Some of the latter even joined the settlers and moved into position to protect them from the attacking units. This is how the civil war started and this is when the movement that disintegrated the army began to gather momentum. The end result has been that several army factions were formed, each coalescing around a separate cause, a unique gripe and an ax to grind. And each faction was pitted against all the others by ideology, methods of operation and the goals they aim for.

You tell the computer of the ship to take you back another 5 years where you witness a scene of carnage that is beyond description. It is nighttime and a band of settlers led by a younger Topaz is chasing Palestinians out of their homes. There is hand to hand combat where the Palestinians fight with bare hands against settlers who carry weapons of all sorts including firearms which they use as if on a hunting trip. Scores of Palestinians are killed and those who survive abandon their homes and flee the village to a place where they can feel safer. Having accomplished what they came to do, the settlers leave the scene except for Topaz who goes into the homes of Palestinians looking for valuables to steal. He discovers in one of the homes an exceptionally pretty young woman who is in a state of shock. She is sitting on the floor of her bedroom scantily dressed in a fetal position. Hugging her knees and looking straight ahead without blinking, she does not respond to his entering the room or to the bellicose orders that he barks telling her to leave the house. He angrily walks to her, pulls her up to her feet but she collapses in his arms. He drops her on the bed where she passes out and closes her eyes. Lying on her back with legs bent at the knees and dangling to the floor, she looks feminine, attractive, helpless and vulnerable but he is too wrapped in his aggressive mood to notice any of that.

He leaves her there and walks around the house to see what he can find. Pictures that indicate she was married not long ago in a church that is not far from the house catch his attention. He looks at them intently and only now realizes that these people are human beings too having the same interests as everyone else. He calms down a little and returns to the side of the bed. He sits beside her and shakes her to wake her up but she does not respond. As he calms down even more, he notices how pretty she is yet how helpless she remains. He gently caresses her face as if overtaken by remorse for what he has been doing. He places his finger near her nose to see if she is breathing but fails to detect a thing. He tries to take her pulse but not knowing how to do this, he feels no heartbeat. He places his ear on her chest to hear the heart but hears nothing. Finally, he sees a sheet of facial tissue on a night-table nearby so he brings it to her nose trying again to determine if she is breathing. But what happens this time is that a corner of the paper gets inside her nostril. This causes her motor reflex mechanism to make a facial grimace which tells him she is alive. He is relieved.

He gently taps her on the cheek to wake her up but she does not respond. Frustrated to some degree but hating to leave her alone where she may die without help, he tenderly caresses her face when an urge he cannot control suddenly grips him. Responding to the urge, he lets his hand go down her neck and beyond it to her breasts where he dwells for a while as he fondles one breast and then the other. This causes his libido to surge to a level high enough that he reaches out to the bottom of her nightgown and pulls it up. What he sees and what he does not but can imagine push his libido to a level he cannot control. Fighting back against the urgings of his hormones, he hesitates for a moment to make the next move but looses the fight and succumbs to the temptation. He stands up, pulls down his pants and gets ready to rape her. And so he does while she remains unconscious.

Stunned by what you see, you get back to the ship determined to find out what will happen in the months ahead. The way you do it is to check on the girl and on Topaz at intervals a few weeks apart. To your surprise you discover that he too is checking on her from a distance. After a while you begin to see that the girl is pregnant and you learn that she believes the child belongs to her husband who was killed during the night of the settlers' raid. All the while, suspecting that he may be the father of the baby, Topaz discretely follows her comings and goings until she delivers a baby boy at a clinic where Topaz has connections. She names the boy Jesus after his presumed father who was called Jesus Josephus. Topaz manages to get a sample of blood from baby Jesus and takes it to a DNA lab along with a sample of his own blood. The lab compares the two samples not knowing what the story is and confirms that there is a father and son relationship between the two samples.

You deduce from all this that Topaz has gone through an epiphany since the night of the settlers' raid. But he continued to pretend he was the religious fanatic that his friends and supporters expected of him. In fact, he played the role of Jewish fanatic so well that he has managed to get himself elected Prime Minster of Israel after which he abruptly did a one eighty turn and began the process of dismantling the settlements. But the move triggered a civil war among the Israeli Jews and caused the calamity that has befallen the inhabitants of the whole place, Jews and non-Jews alike. He now feels he is caught in a quandary and spends all his time searching for a way out.

You are back again at the 15 year point into the future. The boy Jesus is 10 years old and doing as well in school as any lad his age. He is also learning from his mother and the other elders about the history of the village where the man he never saw but thinks was his father was killed the night that the Jewish settlers raided the village, killed many Palestinians and robbed their homes. Young Jesus was so moved that he wrote to Prime Minister Topaz telling him about the village of his parents and the story of its destruction. He ended the letter by asking the Prime Minister to look into the incident so as to identify the culprits and punish them because the older he gets, the more he is consumed by the thought that justice was not done in his case. He wants closure because he feels odd and different from the other kids. And what he wants most of all is to grow up normally and lead a normal life like everyone else.

In response to the letter, Topaz invites Jesus and his mother to his house for dinner one evening, something he had planned to do for some time anyway but was waiting for the right moment. When they get there, he greets them warmly and treats the boy with unusual affection. The mother is touched and quips: “You know, Prime Minister, he looks so much like you, he could have been your son,” and the man responds: “I know, I know.” They get into the dining room and have supper then go to the living room where they sit and relax. After a while, Topaz points to a door and tells the boy that he prepared a room for when he gets married and have children. He says there is everything in that room to entertain a boy his age and tells him to go see for himself and play all he wants.

Jesus goes into the room and closes the door. Topaz asks the mother to tell him what happened the night that the settlers raided the village. She tells him she remembers that they burst into the house while she and her husband were asleep in bed. They beat him up savagely and dragged him out of the house. She tried to help her husband but they knocked her unconscious. When she came to, she found herself sitting in a little bit of water in the bathtub dressed in a nightgown. A few things were missing from the house and when she got out she saw the dead body of her husband right by the door. She ran to the next village where a number of other people had also fled.

By now tears are coming down his cheeks. He gets up, walks to her, drops to his knees and sobs: “I am sorry, I am so sorry.” She brings her hands on either side of his neck to console him and ease his pain but he breaks down and cries uncontrollably. His head drops down to her lap as he continues to cry. After a minute or so he pulls himself together and sits facing her a few feet away. “I have a confession to make,” he says. She stays mum. He goes on: “I was there that night.” She remains mum. “I participated in the attack on your people...” he goes on to explain “...and I did something horrible, something awful, something unforgivable.”

In a faint voice she asks: “Did you kill someone?” He answers: “No, I never killed someone in my life and did not hurt a single Palestinian man that night.” And so she responds: “Well, maybe you can be forgiven because you killed no one, you feel all this remorse and you are expressing it.” He takes a deep breath and adopts a serious tone of voice. “Listen Mrs. Josephus...” he begins but she interrupts: “Call me Mary”. He resumes: “Listen to me, Mary. For the first time a unit of the air force has mutinied. I received intelligence to the effect that their first act will be to bomb this house which is something they plan to do within the hour. I am not getting out of here because my death will be the way to end the civil war. There is a car at the back of the house. Take Jesus and go to your village as fast as you can.”

“Come with us. You speak Arabic well, my people like you because of what you have done for them, and they will protect you. Your enemies will think you died here during the attack and will not look for you,” she tells him. “No,” he says “I must die because I did something the night of the raid that is as bad as kill someone.” They begin to hear the jet planes fly over them and he continues: “We crucified your Jesus two millennia ago, we savaged your beloved Palestine nearly a century ago and I so cowardly raped you a decade ago when you were unconscious and helpless.” He stops talking, begins to cry again then resumes the talk with a voice that is chocking: “Yes, I did that. I raped you and I sat you in the bathtub with a little bit of water to confuse you and hide my crime … The Jesus that was born to you is not the son of Josephus; he is my son and I have the DNA papers that say so. They are in that box over there along with a few other documents that can be valuable to you and to your people. Take the box and decide for yourself what you will do with it ... There is also money and checks in it. I hope you will accept them and use them to take care of our Jesus; your Jesus and mine. You decide whether or not to tell him our sad story ... Hurry up, the planes are getting in position to fire their smart bombs and they don't miss ... take the boy and get out of here quick.”

Loaded with conflicting emotions, you get back to the ship and return to your time amazed at what the future holds for that part of the world.