Thursday, July 27, 2023

A novel idea to deal with climate change

 Get a bottle that’s filled with liquid out of the refrigerator on a hot and humid day. Place the bottle on the table and leave it there for half an hour. Come back and inspect what’s happening. What do you see?


You see a bottle that’s wet all over and standing in a pool of water, having condensed a fair amount of humidity from the atmosphere that’s surrounding it. Can this phenomenon be hiding the secret to controlling climate change?


Well then, as you must have guessed, climate change is the subject everybody tackles these days, including Clifford D. May who usually dabbles in matters that relate to gun powder than drops of water. So, I too will jump onto the bandwagon and give away what has lingered in my head for a time.


Clifford May chose not to contribute new ideas by this discussion. Instead, he rehashed all that was said previously except for one idea, and he championed both the methods and installations that have been around for a while. Taking a contrarian approach, I chose to describe an idea that I know will make some people see as unworkable, controversial, far out, useless and a waste of time. But what the heck! Climate change may someday get so nasty that someone who is endowed with a deep pocket, will decide to try my idea as a last resort, but to the surprise of everyone, find it both workable and useful.


What’s behind my idea? It is that the heat we get here on Earth, comes from the sun. A good way to temper its effect, is to prevent what surrounds us from absorbing it — something we can do in two ways. The first way is to reflect the sunlight back into space by covering every construction we build with a light colored paint and if possible, a reflective material such as aluminum.


The second way to deal with the heat that’s coming to Earth from the sun, is a lot more complicated to explain. To understand how it works, we invoke the phenomenon of the out of the fridge bottle.


More than anything else, water molecules absorb and retain the heat that comes from the sun then release it in a way that’s most inconvenient to human beings. For example, humidity makes us feel sticky in the summer. As to the late fall and early winter, we feel the blowing wind nip at our skin. But the real culprit is not the wind. It is the floating water molecules which are extremely cold at this time of the year, and absorb heat on contact with our skin.


The problem being humidity in the outside air, we need to build our monuments in such a way as to have them play the role of the out-of-fridge bottle, condensing the vaporized water molecules in the air, and turning them into drops of liquid water that can be disposed of in the gutter. How to do that?


What we need to do is air condition the buildings but not insulate their outside walls, the idea being to let the cold that’s produced inside the building find its way to the outside walls, thus condense the water molecules in the air. Added to the fact that by their light color, the buildings reflect the sunlight, the cooling effect brought to the planet with he use of the two methods, will be considerable.


What remans to explore is how to air condition the buildings. Well, the newest and best way available at this time is to use the green hydrogen technology. But what’s that?


That’s a method by which the sunlight is used to produce electricity. In turn, this is used to break the water molecules (such as sea water) into their oxygen and hydrogen components by a process called electrolysis. Being a fuel that can be used in a gaseous or liquid form, hydrogen proved to be a useful and versatile fuel. It is called green hydrogen because it remains friendly to the environment throughout the entire process of its production. It will do much good when used to air condition the buildings.


And guess what, my friend, the one method that Clifford May did not see fit to mention — as remarked earlier when it was pointed out that he rehashed all the methods used to combat climate change except one — has been the green hydrogen. What could be the reason?


There is only one answer to that question. It is that the Arab countries, especially Egypt, are far ahead in the use and innovation of this technology whereas Israel, which is Clifford May’s pet project, lags far behind, still sitting in fact on square one and going nowhere.


Clifford May can blame the President of China Xi Jinping for many things, but when it comes to blaming someone for omitting pertinent truths which are relevant to the survival of the human species, he has only himself to blame.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Failing to deceive others they deceive the self

 There was a time when America did not need someone coming from abroad and telling it that it was a great country. America knew what it was, enjoyed what it represented both to itself and to others, and quietly lived its accomplishments to their fullest, be they great or small.


Now comes the former American Yael Eckstein, daughter of the late Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, and tries to suck up to America by telling it how great it is when in fact, America lost much of its greatness due to its association with Israel, the entity that Yael Eckstein adopted as her new home 20 years go, and now lobbies for it furiously.


Of course, sucking up to America by those who ruined it is not done by the little people only. Big ones such as Israeli President Isaac Herzog, usually pave the way for starting the next suck up exercise, and the little ones follow. It is what happened this time, when Herzog went to the American Congress and using different words, told the attending legislators what amounts to the following: You and us are the greatest things to have been created, and we are the hope of mankind.


Herzog said something else too, something to which Yael Eckstein alluded early in her piece, and then elaborated on toward the end  of the piece. The allusion came in the form of a direct quote which she attributed to Herzog. It went like this: “Our bond may be challenged at times, but it is absolutely unbreakable”. And the elaboration, reprinted here in condensed form, went as follows:


“Herzog also addressed an issue of importance to Israelis and Americans: the threat of anti-Semitism. In recent years, we have seen a deeply disturbing increase in attacks upon Jews, Jewish institutions, and the Jewish state. The situation is escalating, just as Christians and Jews have come together in the past to help Jews in need, we will stand together now in the face of this new challenge. Together we can save lives and let the Jewish people know that they are not alone, that millions of Christians around the world care about them and stand by them. The American-Israeli relationship is vital in times of crisis”.


That negative development being what prompted Isaac Herzog, Yael Eckstein and their likes to suck up to America, and taking into consideration that in the past, the relationship between America and Israel looked as sweet as this: “The bond that has been the hallmark of US-Israel relations since the founding of the modern Jewish state in 1948 has held through thick and thin, in good times and bad,” we ask what happened that turned a sweet relationship into a sour dish almost overnight?


We find the answer to that question in what Yael Eckstein has repotted in her article, and what she has not. What she reported is the following: “the American-Israeli relationship goes both ways. It is not just that America helps Israel; Israel helps America by sharing intelligence information and counter-terror tactics.” What she did not report is what Isaac Herzog reproachfully told the American Congress, namely that a criticism of Israel must not become an expression of antisemitism.


It is that the deteriorated between America and Israel, started when the American public began to realize what was going on in the relationship that bound together the rulers of the two entities, and not the two peoples as claimed by the rulers. In fact, what the American public saw was a relationship that revolted them no end, and got worse with the passage of time.


More precisely, what the public saw was the gradual transformation of America’s smoothly functioning system of checks and balances into one of governance that’s designed to turn America into the proverbial plantation, meant to serve Israel at the expense of the American people.


No longer able to tolerate what’s happening to their America, the people reached out to free speech, the vehicle they used in the past to fix what the political elites in Washington had broken. To their surprise and dismay, however, the people discovered that the Jews had appropriated free speech along with everything else. It was that from this point forward, only the Jews could speak their mind freely while having a free hand to come down like a ton of bricks on anyone that dared to exercise their right of free speech and criticize the Jews or Israel. In response to this outrage, the American people ran to the social media where they unloaded what seems to frighten Isaac Herzog.


And he has good reasons to be frightened. It’s because he knows that when you suppress an anger that bottles up, it will eventually express itself one way or the other, doing so with a bang that may bring with it the physical violence which everyone dreads and wants to avoid.


The trouble is that those who can avoid this outcome are the ones who do the suppression of free speech thus bottle up the anger that’s liable to explode. They are high up leaders, such as Isaac Herzog, running Jewish Central from their headquarter in Israel, and they are low down foot soldiers, such as the Jewish settlers who occupy Palestine.


They are also the Jewish politicians, lobbyists, journalists and freelancers in America, such as Yael Eckstein who believe that God put them on this Earth to single-mindedly take it directly and without flinching to Armageddon so that it may burn up — at which time the Jews will be given the opportunity to rebuild it from scratch.


It is a foolish belief that has caused the Jews to be set ablaze in their homes, and perish in the industrial crematoria that were built specifically for them … and them only.

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Government saboteurs sabotaging Human Rights


There is no place in which to catch Canada in the act of eating her children than the realm of Human Rights.


In fact, the work of the Government saboteurs doing damage to the interests of its citizens, is so clearly on display, it is like seeing both the blood that’s dripping from the guilty hand, and the gun that’s smoking like a chimney. And these people seem totally oblivious of what might happen if their existence were revealed, and their doings held to scrutiny.


My latest experience interacting with a Canadian Government, be that the Federal or a Provincial, started when I began the search on line for a lawyer who would take my case. There are many advertising themselves individually, and there are law firms advertising the range of services they provide. I called those who identified themselves as civil lawyers, spoke with some and left a message on the answering machine of others.


I was not surprised to discover that they all responded as did the Members of Parliament and the other personalities whom I contacted over the decades asking for their help to end the persecution of me that the Canadian Jewish Congress (CJC) was imposing, having recruited the Canadian Government to join in what cane to look like the gangrape of my Human Rights. So they were now like the bad old days, civil lawyers who refused to take my case fearing retaliation by the CJC-Canadian Government syndicate.


This is what I told them basically:


[It all started when the Toronto Star published a letter of mine. The Canadian Jewish Congress sent someone to my house to tell me I’ll be ruined if I continued to get in touch with the media. I continued to communicate with the media, and the Congress continued its persecution of me.  Instead of protecting me, the Governments of Ontario and the Federal allowed their police forces to collaborate with the Jewish Congress to spy on me and badmouth me speaking with my employers and landlords and everyone I came into contact with. I lived my entire adult life under stress ... and this is literally killing me now. I need to be compensated, and live the rest of my life with peace of mind].


And this is how they typically responded:


[We spoke on the phone yesterday regarding your inquiry for the services of our legal team. After inquiring with members of our civil litigation team, we’ve determined that we will not be able to assist you in this matter. If you wish to pursue this matter using the services of a different legal team, consider using the resources below for the Law Society Referral Service.

Website:    Phone: (416) 947-5255]


I was also given an address to contact, which turned out to be the Ontario Human Rights Commission that advised me to call the following:



Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario logo

Applicant's Guide to filing an Application (Form 1 or 1G) with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario

This guide provides general information about filing an Application (Form 1 or 1G) with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO), general information about the Human Rights Code (the Code), and explains how the HRTO will process your Application after it is filed. It should not be taken as legal advice or as a determination of how the HRTO will decide any particular issue. It is not a substitute for consulting the Code or the HRTO's Rules of Procedure, practice directions, or policies and guides available on the HRTO's website.

Please note that many of the Practice Directions and guides mentioned in this guide are under review and may not reflect current HRTO processes].

And this, my dear reader, is where the nightmare began. I searched for that “Form 1” or “G1” all over the internet but found it nowhere. I called the Tribunal to ask where I can find it, and met a bizarre recorded message that warned the callers about their behavior before a live operator had even taken the call. In sum, the message said that swearing, cursing or any kind of abusive language will cause the operator to hang up on the caller.

When a live operator finally came to the phone, I told her I could not find the form I was asked to fill, and would appreciate it if she emailed me one. She said she will, and did so at the end of the day. But what she sent was not the form; it was a guide on how to fill the form that’s nowhere to be found on the internet. I called the Tribunal several times after that to say that what I wanted was the form itself, not the guide on how to fill it. And each time, the operator would say they understood me well, and that they will sent the application as requested.

The form never came, which is enough aggravation to make people angry at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. But what boils their blood and causes them to call the Tribunal where they unload with swearing, cursing and using all kinds of abusive language, is the fact that the guide to filling the phantom form provides links that give the impression you’ll find the form if you just go there. But when you go there, you find no “Form 1”. Instead you find further explanation on how to fill the non-existent  form. Worse, you literally find hundreds of new links telling you where to go to find the form.

After countless hours, done over several days, chasing the HRTO’s wild goose, you realize you’ve been conned by a government that does not want to help you but wants you to believe it does. If you continue to persevere in your search, you may discover not the form itself, but see mention of it. Here is what you see:

[Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario

Important Notice

May 12, 2023

A simplified Form 1 and new Form 1G: Applications that will better meet the needs of applicants is now available].

I explained to the Tribunal that because of my physical condition, and that I live far away from downtown Toronto where the Tribunal is located and may have the form, I would very much appreciate if they’ll just mail me a hard copy that I can fill out and mail back to them.

I did that yesterday which was a Friday. This is the weekend, and I’ll be checking my mail all next week to see if sanity has been bestowed on this typically Canadian insane setup.

Friday, July 21, 2023

When the Hatfields and the McCoys change hats

 Suppose we adopt an American story as metaphor representing the human condition, and explore the possibilities by tinkering with it at the edges. The story is a real life occurrence that unfolded near the end of the Nineteenth Century. It was a feud that erupted between two families – The Hatfield and McCoy families – reflecting the feud that erupts from time to time, as it has the habit of doing, between the member nations of Planet Earth’s human family.


In the real story, members of the feuding families got hurt and died, so did the soldiers that fought in the wars of nations. Even the civilians that wanted to stay away from the war, saw it come to them, take them down a single victim at a time, or take them down by the thousands, the way things ended in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Dresden.


This being the reality that festers at the roots of the human condition, people everywhere have come out, and expressed indignation at what the human family is doing to itself. And so, each in their own way discussed the means by which the human race can change its condition. Because it took a century and a half to make the handful of people that make up the Hatfields and the McCoys end their feud, we can only hope that it will not take the millions of humans much time to get as lucky.


Meanwhile, people like Clifford D. May go against the grain and keep reiterating the suggestion that the way to end all wars is to have more wars. And the way to accomplish this, he asserts, is to ramp up the production of weapons and put them in the hands of as many people and potential killers as possible.


But cognizant of the reality that more guns in the American big cities brought more bloodshed, not more deterrence or more peace, Clifford May tried to justify the upside-down position he took by adopting an unusual approach. Whereas a fiction story is usually made to unfold along the classical lines of the good guys who wear the pale hats ultimately win over the bad guys who wear the dark hats, Clifford May jumbled the order of things.


Thus, according to Clifford May and those in his camp, it no longer matters who wears the pale hat and who wears the dark hat. That’s because what counts today according to their movement, is who sits on the progressive left of the political spectrum favoring a dull peace, and who sits on the conservative right favoring a glorious war.


Based on that twist of the mind, you will not be surprised to see that the dark-hatters of yesterday were made into the white-hatters of today, and vice-versa. It is that beside giving the Japanese (planners of the Pearl Harbor attack) a pale hat to wear, Clifford May gave the same hat to the following former dark-hatters: Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Vietnam while giving the dark hat to former pale-hatters such as the former Soviet Union, China and Iran.


So now that you cannot be sure who the Hatfields are and who the McCoys are, as you seek to separate the good guys from the bad guys on a planetary scale, Clifford May wants you to believe that his rearrangement of the world populations, placing them into Right biased and Left biased columns, will help the human race attain the permanent peace it sought since the beginning of time.


Here, in condensed form, is how Clifford May expressed all that:


“Peace requires deterrence, and deterrence requires military strength clearly superior to that of any adversary or combination of adversaries. George Washington told Congress that to be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace. Is the US doing and spending what is necessary to achieve that? No. And of course, too many NATO members are still not contributing adequately to the collective security. Alliances are tough to maintain. But accomplishing that mission is necessary if the US is to lead a growing and strengthening free world. The alternative: The US sits on its hands and watches the free world shrink and weaken. Which future do you want for your grandchildren?”


As can be seen, while pointing out the futility in what he advocates, Clifford May goes on to say that the choice which the American people must make for their grandchildren is to forge tough-to-maintain new alliances with other countries. And while taking this risky road, May wants America to get itself deeper into debt as it tries to outspend the combined military budgets of its perceived and imagined enemies.


But what does Clifford May foresee will happen when the Hatfield and McCoy nations of the world decide to swap hats again? Will he advocate the carpet bombing of Paris, London Tel-Aviv and Rome? Will he advocate sending American troops to liberate Iran and North Korea from the Sino-Russian grip?


These are intriguing questions, and there is no doubt that the response to them will be just as intriguing. But we may or may not live long enough to see if history will unfold at a high enough speed, show us the future and satisfy our curiosity. Thus, for now at least, all we can do is speculate.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Jayapal speaks for humanity, McCarthy does not

US House Representative Pramila Jayapal observed life, described it as she saw it, a performance that’s said to be in the best tradition of “The Greatest Deliberative Body in history,” but was reprimanded by Kevin McCarthy, the Speaker of the House who is of a different party.


Mind you, McCarthy did not simply offer a different opinion as a way to pushback against Jayapal’s observation to the effect that Israel may or may not be a racist state, he formulated his response in such a way as to assert that seeing Israel’s activities as being racist in nature, is a thought that must never be held in the mind of those who deliberate in the US Congress. And this happens to be in the worst tradition of that Congress.


But how and why did Pramila Jayapal see reality the way that she did? Why did she dare to so express it? And why did Kevin McCarthy panic to the point of committing a “Freudian slip of the tongue” that had him assert what Jayapal was saying rather than negating it? Here is that story:


It has been the tradition over the decades that when speaking about the Middle East, a reference to the elephant in the room, meant Israel. That’s because then as now, everyone in the region except Israel could be criticized, whereas Israel’s indiscretions were left unmentioned even as they massively sat in the room like an elephant.


And so, even as Kevin McCarthy meant to express indignation with regard to what Jayapal may or may not have said about Israel, he was not above criticism when his party held the minority position in the House of Representative. In fact, he was reprimanded on several occasions, as was his boss Donald Trump, for trafficking in antisemitic tropes.


And what happened this time, was that Kevin McCarthy accused Pramila Jayapal’s sayings as being the antisemitic elephant in the room. It is obvious, therefore, that while his cognitive mind wants the world to believe he stands with Israel, his subconscious mind continues to hold on to the idea that Israel’s sins are of such magnitude they must not be ignored anymore than you can ignore the elephant in the room.


And while McCarthy was playing that double game, Jayapal played it straight like an arrow whether her party represented the majority or the minority in the House of Representatives. She did so because she always knew that when America allows Israel to get away with unbecoming behavior in the Middle East using American money and weapons, the Jews eventually do something similar in America.


In fact, this is how and why the American approved incursions of the Israeli army into the villages of the West Bank, paved the way for the appointment of a former IRA militant, now American legislator, in the position of Security Czar, and charged with the task of “smoking out” the  Arab and Muslim so-called terrorists who operate in America out of the houses of worship. Needless to say that no such terrorist was found, and the American operation was shut down.


Needless to say that what’s allowed to happen in America is allowed to happen in the Anglosphere if not the entire Western World. Thus, the Arabs and Muslims are having a hard time convincing the authorities in those places to treat them like full citizens when it comes to applying the laws of Human Rights.


I have personally been persecuted by the combined might of the Canadian Security Apparatus, and Jewish Central for refusing to trash my race while praising Israel for accomplishments it never realized. The persecution lasted (55 years) 20,000 days during which time I was robbed of my entire adult life, and has continued for another (7 months) 200 days during which time the thieves have kept and continue to keep the compensation that’s due to me.


It behoves those of the Kevin McCarthy kind to change their ways by straightening their behavior and come to resemble Pramila Jayapal. America desperately needs intellectually honest people. The Anglosphere hungers to be led by someone they can respect. And humanity aches to get back on the road to sanity and full development.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Putting Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau on notice

To my dear readers: This is to put Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on notice that he is participating in the slow murder of me.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,


You may not have known it before but you will by the time you have finished reading this notice. It is that contrary to the rumors circulating inside the wall of silence which you so maintain as would a rapist that contemplates murdering his victim — my cancer did not return.


What sent me to hospital recently was your behavior as played out during the six months that followed my reminding your Government it was time to fulfill your father’s 55 year-old promise. It was to the effect that I shall be given a full account of the persecution that the RCMP was inflicting on me in response to the commands issued by the Canadian Jewish Congress.


Your current behavior, Prime Minister, did more than implicate you in the ongoing crime of robbing the peace of mind I deserve to have in my old age. What the behavior did was shed light on the reality that the conduct of the Canadian Government since your father’s days, has been an ongoing affliction that took its toll on me in the same way that the Nazis slow-murdered their prisoners by denying them their most basic human rights.


What brought all of this to light is the fact that I was forced to go to hospital lately because I suffered the sudden affliction of a debilitating illness called Pulmonary Fibrosis. It was explained to me that while other factors may have contributed to my illness, the major contributor has been the state of stress under which I have been living.


But living under stress was not just a late affliction for me. It was a reality I heard about from every doctor since your father’s days. Thus, it can be argued that since Pierre Trudeau, the criminal syndicate that’s made of the Canadian Government and Jewish Central, has been contributing to the shutting down of my vital organs (kidney, heart and lungs), leaving it to you to administer the coup do grace and finish me off, which you have been doing during the last seven months or so.


Do you want to go down in history as the killer prime minister, son of a killer prime minister?

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Israel’s Sword of Damocles: Iranians are defending themselves against options on the table

 Whereas anyone that’s steeped in the study of the humanities – especially history – will tell you that you cannot mutilate history or fake it because the truth will always be revealed in the long run — there are those who make it a career to mutilate history even as it is made.


A good example of that is Clifford D. May whose latest contribution to the trashcan of distorted facts and made-up analyses, is a column that came under the title: “Iran’s shadow war” and the subtitle: “Israelis are defending themselves against Tehran’s foreign legions.” The column was published on July 12, 2023 in The Washington Times.


Being an individual member of Jewish Central, what May does here is follow the directive recently issued by the collective Jewish Central. As to the directive, what it tries to do is one thing but accomplishes another. Thus, instead of convincingly blaming Israel’s failures on others, Clifford May has demonstrated that in the war of propaganda, the truth as spoken or alluded to by Iran, has smothered the lies of Israel and its army of echo repeaters around the world.  


It is that in the old canvass as painted by the Jews, they tried to argue that the home invaders (themselves) were the chosen good guys whereas the home defenders (the Palestinians) were the terrorist bad guys. In fact, by the hypnotic powers of the Jews or whatever other powers they may have, many in the Western World succumbed to the Jewish narrative, cane to believe the canard and acted on it in such a way as to step on the Palestinians while fattening Israel with donated aid.


Eventually, nature resorted to its balancing mechanism by triggering the backlash that reversed the image on the canvass of Jewish Central. Chosen or not, the Jews were no longer the good guys defending themselves. And definitely not terrorists, the Palestinians were now recognized as the victims who were crucified by a Western World to expiate the sins it committed against the Jews in the past.


Thus, what we see in the new approach adopted by the Jewish propaganda campaign, is an attempt to argue that the Palestinians – while still viewed as terrorists – must also be considered bad guys in other ways because they have associated with bad groups who are themselves associated with Iran, America’s current archenemy.


Here, in condensed form, is how Clifford May has tried to explain the latest Israeli genocidal military campaign against the Palestinians. It is worth noting at this point that America has allowed the Jews to use it as their proxy, and equip Israel with the most advanced and deadliest weapons it has. Here is the relevant passage.


“Tehran is adept at using proxies to fight its wars: Hezbollah in Lebanon, Shia militias in Iraq, Houthi rebels in Yemen. Islamic Jihad has mainly operated in Gaza, in association with Hamas, the terrorist entity that rules Gaza. Hamas also receives arms, money and instruction from Iran, and now operates in Lebanon as well. Recently, both Islamic Jihad and Hamas have been increasing their presence in the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority has proved decreasingly willing or able to do its job”.


Nothing in what Clifford May has described is out of the ordinary. This is the kind of scenario that unfolded in every war situation. But if there is something odd about this situation, it would be the Jewish response to it. Whereas everywhere else, the colonial powers called those who resisted the occupation such names as “hors la loi,” outlaw and guerrilla, the Jews who are the authentic bloodthirsty terrorists, and have been since the time of Moses, thought they could pin on the Palestinians the autograph that has been theirs since they came into existence.


But realizing that despite the efforts which he and his colleagues inside Jewish Central and outside of it, are exerting in trying to reconstruct the old paradigm and making it last, Clifford May started scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for false and discarded arguments he can revive and use to lie saying that in addition to the sins of Iran which is America’s enemy, the Palestinians wear the mantle of sins committed by the Arabs (many of whom are America’s friends) against the Jews. Here in condensed form is how Clifford May did that:


“After Israel’s founding, nearly a million Jews were forced to flee from Arab countries where they had lived for centuries. Their descendants do not call themselves refugees or demand a ‘right of return’”.


But seeing that this will do nothing to help the Jewish causes, as false as they are, Clifford May decided to take on the contemporary world luminaries who refused to dance to the Jewish tune. Here in condensed form, is what he did:


“Some terrorists were young. This suggests that UN Secretary-General’s praise of Islamic Jihad for not recruiting children was wishful thinking or deceptive. BBC anchor Anjana Gadgil declared: ‘Israeli forces are happy to kill children.’ The New York Times described Jenin as a bastion of armed struggle with an ethos of defiance. Three UN special rapporteurs said Israel’s attacks had no justification under international law. One called for Israelis to end their illegal occupation of the West Bank. Mr. Assad was recently welcomed back into the Arab League. Regarding the Jenin operation, Mr. Guterres accused the Israelis of violence against civilians”.


What all of this suggests is that America is more than a proxy for Israel, it has been transformed into a nuclear Sword of Damocles hanging over not only Iran’s head but the entire human race.

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Artificial Intelligence will never happen

 It is deceiving to identify human intelligence as being purely human because in a close observation of organisms (no matter how primitive they may be) we detect a certain level of intelligence. And that’s what has advanced, through millions of years of evolution, to become what we call human intelligence.


Given that a number of decades ago, scientists tried and failed to create “life” in the lab using only energy and inanimate matter such as chemicals, we must conclude that the existence of organic intelligence depends on the existence of life itself.  


But will someone eventually find a way to produce life using only energy and inanimate matter, thus open the door for the creation of organic intelligence that can evolve and become human-like artificial intelligence?

The answer to that question requires that we probe and try to understand the relationship that exists between the two states: “existence” and “nonexistence.” And the best way to do such probing, is to set-up an example. Here it is:


You walk in the desert and see a watch in the sand. You conclude that someone must have been here before you, and lost his watch. Why is that? Because you are conditioned since early childhood by the idea that things do not appear out of nowhere. If they exist, it’s because someone made them and brought them here.


In fact, until not long ago, even the most learned of physicists adhered to the law of thermodynamics which said that you cannot create something out of nothing, or annihilate something into nothingness. You can only transform one form of existence into another form.


This being the case, who made the universe which contains all that exists? And if you know who he or she is, who made them? Or where did they come from? Well, my friend, it was questions such as these that prompted most cultures to create mythologies — dogmas to believe and not question — that help explain the existence of the universe.


But then, more precise detection instruments in the hands of scientists revealed that things — particles or energy bundles or whatever — do appear out of nowhere and disappear into nothingness all the time. This forces us to question the notion that if something exists, it’s because someone made it and brought it here.


That notion being no longer true, and because everything that “is” or “is not” can only be regulated by some kind of law, we conclude that the Law of Probability applies here more plausibly than any other. That is, a thing (particle or energy bundle) has a 50 percent chance of existing, and a 50 percent chance of not existing.


Assembling all those elements into a theory, we can plausibly hypothesize that some 13 or 14 billion years ago, there appeared a particle or energy bundle containing the proper physical laws, the correct constants, and especially the ability to replicate itself trillions of times or more every femtosecond or less.


The replication exploded into a Big Bang, and formed the universe in which we live. It continues to replicate itself till it will no more — or so we can speculate — at which time the universe will collapse into a crunch that will reverse the expanding cycle.


And so, we again ask the eternal questions: Who made the universe? Who made us?


The answer is that we came into existence as a versatile particle or energy bundle in response to the law of probability, and evolved to become the naturally intelligent human beings that we are. We’re so intelligent, in fact, and so self-aware that we inquire about our origin. But as it happens, we’re not intelligent enough to create life or replicate our intelligence by artificial means.


We must, therefore, live with the idea and accept that artificial intelligence replicating organic intelligence will never happen.