Thursday, July 13, 2023

Israel’s Sword of Damocles: Iranians are defending themselves against options on the table

 Whereas anyone that’s steeped in the study of the humanities – especially history – will tell you that you cannot mutilate history or fake it because the truth will always be revealed in the long run — there are those who make it a career to mutilate history even as it is made.


A good example of that is Clifford D. May whose latest contribution to the trashcan of distorted facts and made-up analyses, is a column that came under the title: “Iran’s shadow war” and the subtitle: “Israelis are defending themselves against Tehran’s foreign legions.” The column was published on July 12, 2023 in The Washington Times.


Being an individual member of Jewish Central, what May does here is follow the directive recently issued by the collective Jewish Central. As to the directive, what it tries to do is one thing but accomplishes another. Thus, instead of convincingly blaming Israel’s failures on others, Clifford May has demonstrated that in the war of propaganda, the truth as spoken or alluded to by Iran, has smothered the lies of Israel and its army of echo repeaters around the world.  


It is that in the old canvass as painted by the Jews, they tried to argue that the home invaders (themselves) were the chosen good guys whereas the home defenders (the Palestinians) were the terrorist bad guys. In fact, by the hypnotic powers of the Jews or whatever other powers they may have, many in the Western World succumbed to the Jewish narrative, cane to believe the canard and acted on it in such a way as to step on the Palestinians while fattening Israel with donated aid.


Eventually, nature resorted to its balancing mechanism by triggering the backlash that reversed the image on the canvass of Jewish Central. Chosen or not, the Jews were no longer the good guys defending themselves. And definitely not terrorists, the Palestinians were now recognized as the victims who were crucified by a Western World to expiate the sins it committed against the Jews in the past.


Thus, what we see in the new approach adopted by the Jewish propaganda campaign, is an attempt to argue that the Palestinians – while still viewed as terrorists – must also be considered bad guys in other ways because they have associated with bad groups who are themselves associated with Iran, America’s current archenemy.


Here, in condensed form, is how Clifford May has tried to explain the latest Israeli genocidal military campaign against the Palestinians. It is worth noting at this point that America has allowed the Jews to use it as their proxy, and equip Israel with the most advanced and deadliest weapons it has. Here is the relevant passage.


“Tehran is adept at using proxies to fight its wars: Hezbollah in Lebanon, Shia militias in Iraq, Houthi rebels in Yemen. Islamic Jihad has mainly operated in Gaza, in association with Hamas, the terrorist entity that rules Gaza. Hamas also receives arms, money and instruction from Iran, and now operates in Lebanon as well. Recently, both Islamic Jihad and Hamas have been increasing their presence in the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority has proved decreasingly willing or able to do its job”.


Nothing in what Clifford May has described is out of the ordinary. This is the kind of scenario that unfolded in every war situation. But if there is something odd about this situation, it would be the Jewish response to it. Whereas everywhere else, the colonial powers called those who resisted the occupation such names as “hors la loi,” outlaw and guerrilla, the Jews who are the authentic bloodthirsty terrorists, and have been since the time of Moses, thought they could pin on the Palestinians the autograph that has been theirs since they came into existence.


But realizing that despite the efforts which he and his colleagues inside Jewish Central and outside of it, are exerting in trying to reconstruct the old paradigm and making it last, Clifford May started scraping the bottom of the barrel looking for false and discarded arguments he can revive and use to lie saying that in addition to the sins of Iran which is America’s enemy, the Palestinians wear the mantle of sins committed by the Arabs (many of whom are America’s friends) against the Jews. Here in condensed form is how Clifford May did that:


“After Israel’s founding, nearly a million Jews were forced to flee from Arab countries where they had lived for centuries. Their descendants do not call themselves refugees or demand a ‘right of return’”.


But seeing that this will do nothing to help the Jewish causes, as false as they are, Clifford May decided to take on the contemporary world luminaries who refused to dance to the Jewish tune. Here in condensed form, is what he did:


“Some terrorists were young. This suggests that UN Secretary-General’s praise of Islamic Jihad for not recruiting children was wishful thinking or deceptive. BBC anchor Anjana Gadgil declared: ‘Israeli forces are happy to kill children.’ The New York Times described Jenin as a bastion of armed struggle with an ethos of defiance. Three UN special rapporteurs said Israel’s attacks had no justification under international law. One called for Israelis to end their illegal occupation of the West Bank. Mr. Assad was recently welcomed back into the Arab League. Regarding the Jenin operation, Mr. Guterres accused the Israelis of violence against civilians”.


What all of this suggests is that America is more than a proxy for Israel, it has been transformed into a nuclear Sword of Damocles hanging over not only Iran’s head but the entire human race.