Friday, May 29, 2009

Insidious Infrastructure Of Treason (Part 2 of 2)

When you decide to betray your country you do not wear a badge saying you are a traitor; you first gain the confidence of the people around you then employ subtle means to hurt them when they least expect it. To achieve this, you need to have reached a high level of sophistication in the art of make believe or you need to follow the orders of someone who has reached that level. To see how this works, I begin by relating an incident I witnessed in my youth.

I was probably ten years of age when I stood in the schoolyard not far from two boys who must have been in their mid-teens. They were chatting when a third boy of the same age came walking slowly in their direction. He was keeping an eye on the approaching Brother Felicien Paul who was the schoolmaster and the strictest of the Christian Brothers I ever knew. Suddenly and deliberately the third boy broke clear from the other two as he shouted: "Attention, Brother Felicien is approaching." The shout was loud enough for the schoolmaster to hear it.

I thought at the time that the two boys were saying naughty things and that the third one was telling them to be quiet. Moments later I saw the schoolmaster grab the shouting boy by the collar and heard him tell the boy to come to the office because he will be telling his parents about this incident. I concluded that the master was saying it was wrong to warn the two boys but then I wondered why he did not call them to the office as well. Evidently, I was missing something.

It took time and some asking around on my part to learn that the chatting boys were not saying something naughty but that the third one had acted out a fake scene to make Brother Felicien believe they were doing just that. Unlike me, however, the Brother saw through the boy’s piece of theatre and decided to punish him and not the other two. This is when I realized that things are not always what they appear to be, and that there is a thing called deception which comes in different forms and at different levels of sophistication.

Likewise, if you are going to betray your country, it is not that you have decided to do so on your own but that someone deceived you and made you believe you will be doing something else, perhaps something good. Deception of this sort and of this magnitude is exactly what the rabbis and the leaders of most Jewish organizations learn to concoct when they study the tricks of the trade in the Talmud and in other publications.

In addition, these characters learn something similar to what students of commerce learn in Advertising 101. It is that you never say something bad about the products you sell. Not only do those guys adhere to this rule as they discuss the causes they flog in the media but they go further than that and adhere to the corollary of the rule as well. That is, they never say something good about the opponents they insult and misrepresent with every word they express.

And to make their behavior look like it follows the principles of fairness, they call this one-sided approach to interacting with society a balanced one, call everything else a skewed approach and try to drum their view of the thing into your head by repeatedly pounding it in there. And they will do all of this at the same time as they labor to deny their opponents the right to respond to their attacks; even deny them the right to express their views on any subject. This is now universally recognized as being democracy in the style of the Jewish organizations.

When, as a result of being subjected to this sort of treatment without respite you come to believe that the right way for things to be is when they are done in favor of the Jewish organizations, and when you come to believe that the wrong way for things to be is when they are done contrary to the wishes of the Jews, you will have been readied to take the next step. This is when the leaders of the Jewish organizations know that you are now in a position to do everything they ask of you, and refrain from doing anything that may work against their interest. They know that on their order, you will take the fateful step of betraying your country not realizing what you are doing or worse, believing that you are doing a good thing.

When you get to this point, you will have become a small cog in the wheel of a conspiracy machine that is itself a small part of a massive infrastructure of treason. Unlike the sleeper cells of terrorists who work in hiding and do spectacular operations, you will work in the open and use subtle means to sabotage what is under your control. And like a mindless zombie you will take orders not from your lawful superiors but from the Jewish organizations that control you. They will tell you what to do and you will obey them especially when it comes to helping Israel polish its image and thus enhance its chances to attaining glory. You will do all this without reservation or second thought for, you will have become a certifiable traitor.

Now consider this, if you work in the Press in any capacity, if another one like you works in the Congress and a third one works in the White House, you can all be coordinated from a single lobbying organization such as AIPAC or the World Jewish Congress to do one massively demonic job in three seemingly innocuous steps. For example, the one in the Press can start circulating false stories about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in a country that Israel wants to see destroyed. The one in the Congress can start agitating for the members of the legislature to express grave concern about the stories they see in the Press. And the one in the White House can rely on his or her personal relationships to get the executive branch to draw up plans to "nuke," to "glass" or to invade the country that Israel wants to see destroyed. Whatever happens after that, America will be the big loser as it has always been in these circumstances.

And that is because every ill advised adventure always leads to America being diminished. Of course, this suits the Jewish organizations just fine because, when it happens, they are handed a propaganda point they can use to boost Israel. For example, when civilians are bombed from the air by American warplanes, the Jewish organizations get the chance to say it happens to Israel also, and this justifies the bombing of Palestinian women and their babies asleep in their bedrooms. And when the Americans invoke the absurd mantra of the ticking time bomb, the Jewish organizations wring their hands with glee and cite the American talk to justify their defense of Israel for torturing the kids they catch in the awful act of throwing rocks at Israeli tanks that do the lofty business of crushing Palestinian homes. This is now universally recognized as being moral equivalence in the style of the Jewish organizations.

And moral equivalence being the name of the game, it looked for a while like the Jewish organizations had succeeded in establishing a symbiotic relationship between the two countries whereby each fed from the base moral stance of the other. In fact, that relationship had become so strong at the beginning of the Twenty First Century that some leaders in America were emboldened enough to take steps they would not have taken under different circumstances.

The situation made Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld feel safe enough to embark on the Iraq adventure in the year 2003 because they knew that the Jewish organizations would support them. Having witnessed many in the media prostitute themselves to justify every war crime committed by Israel, Cheney and Rumsfeld counted on the blessings of the Jews to make the media perform the same acts of prostitution with regard to the Iraq adventure.

And they were correct in making that calculation at least initially because the press did give them the kind of coverage they wanted. But what those two guys did not count on was that the war could turn so badly that the people would question the rationale behind going into Iraq in the first place. Since there was no good answer to give in response to such question none was given, and Cheney and Rumsfeld were unmasked and vilified.

They were vilified because no weapons of mass destruction were discovered and no links between Iraq and al Qaeda were found. These were the fallacies dreamed up by the Israeli secret service and handed to Cheney and Rumsfeld by their "American" aids to use as excuse for launching the war. And like juveniles who got the nod from a corrupt schoolmaster to do mischief, the two idiots rushed headlong and did it. But this was mischief on the international scale and it was so huge that, in the blink of an eye, America was transformed from a respected and a dearly loved superpower to a moral basket case that was carried away to the sewers of history by the runoff along the gutters of infamy.

Rumsfeld went from being the happy warrior to being Rummy the Dummy. As for Cheney, the people who thought he will die in his boots wished he would do so without delay and do it under a truck with or without his boots. And all the talk about the American President George W. Bush and the British Prime Minister Tony Blair being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize turned into a talk about them being tried for war crimes and sent to where Mussolini was sent when his people got fed up with him.

Moreover, those who delighted in associating themselves with Bush and had shared the credit for starting the war began to run for the hills, and the war that had many fathers was now becoming an orphan. As for the few brave souls who continued to admit they counseled for the launch of the war – well, these guys blamed the failure not on the idea itself but on the execution of the war which they pinned on the ineptitude of the American military. Despair if you wish but this is how the cookie crumbled at the start of the Twenty First Century.

Consequently, we must let history show that the superpower called America was ruined by the continuous display of a vision that was maintained by the Jewish organizations. It was a vision that claimed all Jews suffered the aftermath of the Holocaust as if every Jew were the child of survivors. And like a self fulfilling prophecy, the talk resulted in a number of them developing symptoms of a curious psychosis that non-Jews found too difficult to accommodate.

And this was not all because those who were actual children of survivors took to the workplace a dangerous predisposition. It happened to a number of highly placed individuals who worked in the departments headed by Cheney and Rumsfeld. The behavior of these people have clearly demonstrated that they were on a mission to avenge what did not happen to them by taking it on those who did not do it to them.

They took it on the innocent people of Iraq who were butchered in their homes, terrorized in prison, thrown out in the street and pushed into exile. In case you didn’t know, dear reader, these were crimes against humanity committed for the purpose of controlling the greater Middle East but made under the pretense they were serving the greater good.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Insidious Infrastructure Of Treason (Part 1 of 2)

Some people called it an end run around President Obama and they almost danced in the street even though the "victory" was not as spectacular as it has been during previous runs. But other people did not appreciate the fact that three quarters of the US senators and almost half the house representatives signed a letter the other day in which they picked up Israel’s side of the argument and asked President Obama to adopt a one-sided support for that country, a support they made clear must be unlimited, unconditional and without reservation like Netanyahu of Israel was pleading when he was in town during that same time.

The people who do not like what they see happen near the seat of power in their country are visibly hurt by the look of indecency which is now associated with what has become of their democracy. They reckon that meddling in their affairs by a foreign power is bad enough but when their own legislators rush to put themselves in the service of that foreign power and help it do an end run around their President borders on the pornographic. So the question that the rest of us must ask is this: Are the people of America ready to revolt? And the answer at this point looks like a maybe.

Protests and revolts have been happening since the beginning of time. They were in the past as they are today the public’s display of unhappiness with the conduct of their rulers. They are a natural reaction to the sense that the rulers have betrayed their people by being incompetent, indifferent to the needs of the nation or by working with a foreign power against the interests of their country. And it is this betrayal of country more than anything that we recognize as being an act of treason.

However, the fact is that rulers do not betray their country by committing a single act that is blatantly out of line. What usually happens is that an insidious infrastructure of treason gets constructed almost imperceptibly which is why the ordinary people do not get to see what is happening and do not mount a protest or a revolt early on. But after a while, the betrayal is detected, the anger boils over and the public erupts in open revolt.

Thus, the two questions that beg for answer are these: How does an infrastructure of treason begin to take root? How does it grow and flourish without someone noticing it early enough to sound the alarm and prevent the revolt from erupting? The sad answer to both questions is that we’ll never know from reading history. And what is left for us to do is that we resolve to change this situation.

Historians do not discuss in detail the early part of a revolt because they never have enough information as to how things build up before reaching the boiling point. This is because what leads to the revolt is usually subtle goings on of the social kind that even the contemporaries do not fully understand much less appreciate. This is why they fail to detect the danger and fail to do something about it.

No wonder then that the historians who come after the event find themselves at a loss as to what happened that led to the revolt. What they can do is guess what might have happened but historians usually shy away from playing the guessing game so they ignore the subject and restrict themselves to describing the mechanics of the eruption as they read them in the record.

This puts the onus on the contemporaries of these events to try and piece together as best they can what is happening during their own time and leave a record of same for future historians to correlate with the facts they will be gathering from other sources. To this end, I shall discuss the trend I see building towards a general discontent in America, one that may prove to be a quiet revolution or one that will erupt in a more violent way. But whatever happens, the historians of the future will have a clearer view of what has been brewing in our time and will have a better understanding of our history.

What comes close to being a betrayal of the American people by their rulers is the strange relationship that the latter have forged with Israel and its offshoot organizations in America. These are organizations that operate under the cover of various activities each of which may seem legitimate when observed alone but turns out to be lethal when a number of them are made to work together. These activities serve the purpose of Israel as they diminish America; indeed the demise of America is a necessary ingredient for the glorification of Israel.

The best analogy that can be given to illustrate these points is that of someone carrying a box of matches, another one carrying a case of empty bottles and a third one carrying a can of gasoline. Neither situation seems harmful or suspicious by itself but when you bring the three elements together, you have the potential for making Molotof cocktails and start a serious riot. This is how you destroy the neighborhood and distract the people from what the freeloaders are doing as they help themselves with what belongs to the people who are in distress.

Likewise in the social and political arenas, single activities that seem innocuous when committed independently of each other may turn deadly when committed together. For this to happen, there must be a structure that can tie them into a coherent whole. And when you have this structure you can motivate a superpower strongly enough to send it chasing after weapons of mass destruction where there is none. You can make the soldiers of that power administer torture and demean prisoners as they hear you badmouth the race and religion of those who are kept in jail. And you can motivate the soldiers to rape the children and murder their families for that same racist reason.

In short, you will be able to make the superpower destroy any neighborhood you want and destroy itself as it behaves like a depraved army of hooligans supported by a demoralized population at home and commanded by a treasonous gang of legislators who are no longer the democratic system of government they still pretend to be. And you will do all this to make Israel look good, to rationalize the superpower’s support for it and to have the legislators demand that more support be sent there as if there was no tomorrow and no amount of shame that can restrain those characters.

This is what is happening to America today and this is how the nation appears to much of the world. We must, therefore, pose the question: "How did it all come about without someone realizing early enough what was going on and without someone trying to put an end to it?" But to ask this question is to ask: "How did the Jewish organizations do it?" Which is really the situation we should be probing.

Well, the first thing you do if you are a Jewish organization is that you never let a holocaust go to waste without milking it for all it is worth. You holler, whine and bellyache every time someone opposes your ideas or stands up to your activities. You call the people that oppose you anti-Semites who wish to pave the way for the next holocaust which you predict will be worse than the previous holocaust in that it will engender a final solution that will truly be final and will result in no Jew remaining alive -- exactly as Hitler would have wanted it.

Of course, you do not have to believe a word of this but you do not relent saying it either because if you do, there will be no need for you to continue operating or even to exist as an organization, and you will have to dismantle yourself and put an end to your existence.

And so, as you conduct yourself in that manner, you test the culture around you to see how far you can push the envelope in all directions. When you have a good idea of this, you pick your opponents one at a time and you attack them while pushing things as far as the envelop will allow you to go without getting a push back. But if you do get a push back, you invoke the old rant about the whole world being anti-Semitic as you holler, whine and bellyache your pain and your sorrow.

You keep doing this for maybe a generation or two until you put together a structure of commissions and omissions that will work for you like a charm. That is, you will be able to commit everything you want to commit without seeing someone oppose your ideas or stand up to your activities. You will be able to omit from the marketplace of ideas anything that opposes you. And you will have the opportunity to blacklist and to banish the authors of those ideas. And damn that stupid thing they call democracy but don’t say so loudly because democracy is the cover under which you will operate to pull off the most authoritarian of tricks.

This discussion continues next week.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Judge Them By What They Want

Arab and Israeli leaders will soon be travelling to the United States of America for the purpose of reviewing the situation in the Middle East and to discuss ideas about solving the problems that have been festering in the region for several decades. It would be a good thing for the American officials who will sit with them to get an overall view of the situation as seen by someone that has been studying it for nearly half a century. Here are my impressions.

As expected, the American media, which have been under the thumb of the Jewish organizations for much too long already, have started to pave the way for the upcoming visits by treating the Israelis as if they were the bosses, the Americans as if they were the subordinates and the Arabs as if they were the demons to be badmouthed - the usual menu that has served the unusual diet.

But to make progress with the problems of the Middle East, that false image must be replaced with one that is closer to the real thing; so here at length is an image that is a more realistic one. Most people who want something in life work to get it. The majority of them do the sort of work that is directly related to what they want. But there is a minority that stands in contrast to this group. They are the people who do the kind of work that is not directly related to what they want.

Like parasites, this latter group works on other people to entice them to do the work for them rather than do it themselves. Another characteristic of these people is that they want more from life than they are entitled to receive. Come to think of it, this could be the reason why they need other people to work for them given that when they work alone they cannot extract all that they want from life. This may be one good reason but there should be other reasons as well.

In any case, on the surface of it, that set-up sounds like the natural thing to have because there are people who work for themselves such as artists, and there are employers who hire people to work for them. And while some employers may not pay their employees as much as they should, they can hardly be called parasites.

This would be true if what is described is the employment situation inside an economic system. But such is not the case here because what is discussed belongs to another realm. It deals with international responsibilities where the players are nations and the game is the art of make believe, that which is referred to as politics. This is an area where nations are supposed to do the work themselves, not rely on other nations to do it for them.

To conduct the business of their people, the nations of the world establish a one on one relationship with each other. Sometimes a dispute erupts between two nations and they temporarily cut off relations. When this happens, each nation seeks the help of a third party to represent its interests before the nation it is boycotting. But this is a temporary measure that never lasts for a long time because it violates the spirit of the protocol established among nations. And so the diplomatic ties are reestablished as soon as possible.

That protocol has been followed by nations for as long as diplomatic exchanges have existed. When followed properly, it accentuates the common elements that exist between the various races and the different cultures thus fostering a better understanding among them. But then came the Israelis and they brought with them something new. They brought the ghetto mentality which they injected into the arena of international relations.

A ghetto is an isolated part of a neighborhood inside of which most Jews have preferred to live since they began to settle among the different races and the varied cultures. Over the centuries a mentality of the ghetto has developed which is recognizable by the behavior of some Jews. In fact it has been said stereotypically that you can take the Jew out of the ghetto but you cannot take the ghetto out of the Jew.

A glaring characteristic of this mentality is that members of the ghetto will go out of their way to make themselves different from the communities that surround them; and do so by adopting artificial traits and habits that may not even suit them. For example, the Jews will speak French in Arabic speaking Morocco, and speak English in French speaking Quebec. And they will do this just to sound different and to stay apart from the neighborhood. Worse, they will highlight their differences by wearing them on their sleeve, so to speak, as if they mean to say they absolutely refuse to become part of the community now and forever.

It is this sort of mentality upon which Israel was founded and from which springs its relationship with the neighbors. It is a mentality that imagines the existence of insurmountable differences with the neighbors and then describes them as being the source of an existential threat poised to wipe out all Jews from the face of the Earth. Given the abnormal nature of this mentality, Israel found itself at odds with its neighbors; and its leaders found it difficult to get along with the rest of the world.

In fact, Israel never had more than a handful of friends at any given time. Even then, it managed to lose them in short order, became their enemy for a while then established a tepid relationship with them again. The old Soviet Union, the old apartheid regime of South Africa, colonial France and Britain come to mind as does Uganda of Idi Amin. Currently, Israel’s closest and perhaps only friend is the United States of America with which it has developed a strange sort of relationship such as only a Jew from the ghetto can forge with someone that has no idea what he is dealing with.

In that relationship the Jew behaves like he is the boss while America plays the role of the subordinate. Previous to that, a similar kind of relationship was attempted but was tacitly rejected by those who dealt with Israel when it was friends with the old Soviet Union, the old South Africa, France and Britain. As for Idi Amin, he could not for a moment stomach the condescending attitude of the Israelis and he quickly turned against them.

What is strange about the American-Israeli relationship is that the Israelis work on America to do for them what they will not do for themselves. In this boss and subordinate kind of set-up, the Israelis manage to lead a parasitic existence at the expense of both the American people who pay the price for their government’s involvement with Israel, and the expense of Israel’s neighbors who are made to suffer an incessant interference in their internal affairs by superpower America. Worse, this is a case where the boss does not pay the subordinate but gets paid by the subordinate as the US Congress is always eager to appropriate money borrowed from the Chinese to pay for Israel illegitimate desires.

To see the implications of this strange phenomenon, we must remember that Israel is now preoccupied with several issues, the most prominent being the Palestinian case where Israel’s ghetto mentality shows itself in the most glaring of ways. The Israelis avoid negotiating in good faith with the Palestinians because of their style of diplomacy which consists of enticing someone to do the work for them. For example, they try to pressure the Arabs to pressure the Palestinians to do one thing or another as part of their negotiating tactic. When this fails as it always does, the Israelis pressure the Americans to try and pressure the Arabs to pressure the Palestinians to do the thing.

What is wrong with this style of diplomacy is that nothing gets done because nothing is meant to get done at this time. The Israelis are programmed to reject any approach that will get them a slice of something that is not the whole thing. Given who they fantasize they are, their overriding characteristic is to always want more than they are entitled to receive. Thus, they prefer to maintain the status quo until the grand design they have in mind can be implemented. And so they insist on a process that is designed to fail before they and the Palestinians reach an understanding that may alter the status quo.

In the meantime the Israelis know that a relationship such as the one they have with the Americans cannot last for a long time having learned the lesson from their experience with the Soviet Union, South Africa, France, Britain and Uganda. And so, they try to stretch and to maintain this relationship for as long as they can by artificial means. The way they do this is to make themselves look like saints and make the Arabs look like demons. This is why they have badmouthed the Arabs for nearly half a century while shaking up Heaven and Earth with their customary maniacal rage every time the Arabs came close to making themselves heard as they articulated their side of the story.

To conclude, when the leaders of the Middle East come to America, the American negotiators should say this to the Israelis: "Stop talking about your neighbors because we know them better than you do. Instead, tell us in concrete terms what you want; tell us something that is realistic and doable but do not give us spin or hot air." You then judge them by what they want.

This done, turn to the Arabs and listen to the honest voice of reason and moderation as they speak to you. You will instantly realize that what they want coincides with what is good for America. Adopt their position and make it your own. Tell this to the Israelis and force the option on them because they will not take it willingly. They will not take it because they have been programmed to reject anything that does not give them the whole world. This is what they fantasize was promised to them by God and there is no argument you can field against the will of God.

For once, America, be the boss, act like it and treat the Israelis as the subordinates that they are not your divinely appointed bosses from the ghetto.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Psycho Control In High Fidelity

In the old days they were called hi fi sets, not the stereo sets they are called today. Hi fi stood for high fidelity which meant that the sets reproduced the sound with a high degree of fidelity i.e. with little or no distortion. Needless to say technology has advanced so much that the stereo sets of today are a great deal more hi fi than those of yesteryears. No matter, because the point here is that in a curious way, these devices replicate the manner in which society works at some level, especially the part which deals with psychological control.

At the heart of a sound system is the amplifier which you may think of as a black box with input and output terminals among other things. Unless you wish to create some kind of sound effect, you want the box to take a signal at the input, process it internally and channel it to the output terminal where it will come out a stronger signal but without changing form. That is, you want the sound system to deliver to your ears the various human voices and the sound of each musical instrument exactly the way they were recorded regardless of their frequencies.

And so I try to show in this discussion that in a somewhat analogous manner, the debates that erupt in the United States of America concerning the Middle East seldom have the desired effect on the region but have an effect on America that replicates almost exactly what was intended for the Middle East. That is, whereas the Jewish organizations that spark these debates intend to secure a controlling grip on the Middle East, they fail to do so but end up securing a controlling grip on America itself. It is as if a mysterious circuit of psychological construction processed the signal emanating from the debates, took it back to its point of origin, made the control take hold in there and did so with a high degree of fidelity.

In fact, no one who looks at the Middle East today can say that Israel controls the region more than it did 40 or 50 years ago. But look at the influence that the Jewish organizations have been able to extend over America, compare that with the influence they had 40 or 50 years ago and you will see a growth that is several orders in magnitude. The inescapable conclusion is that if it were not for the battle of the Middle East, the Jewish influence in America would not be what it is today. And what follows explains how and why this happened.

Out of the Talmud comes the most valuable lesson that a rabbi or any aspiring leader of the Jews can learn. It is this: Create a moral confusion, disguise it as a virtuous act, unleash it on society and wait till the people get used to it, till they come to accept it as part of the normal. Then, slowly and deliberately stretch and multiply the confusion so as to spread it as widely as you can, build on it as much as you can and exploit it in furtherance of your causes for as long as you can.

With lessons of this kind continuously drummed into their heads, with the lessons very well understood and kept under their belts, the leaders of the Jewish organizations in America have fashioned the most hazardous of moral confusion and disguised it as a virtue. That is, they talked the Americans into believing they must ally themselves with Israel because sooner or later the Arabs will befriend the dreaded Soviet Union. The Jewish leaders went on to assert, and the Americans readily believed that the world will become such a dangerous place, America will not be able to handle it alone without the wise counsel of the Jews in America and the antics of the Israeli leaders in the Middle East.

This sorry piece of history happened in the middle of the Twentieth Century when the self proclaimed leaders of the Jews spent little time and no effort convincing the American leaders that Israel will be there to defend America’s interest which, at the time, was to see to it that crude petroleum continued to flow out of the region and continued to sail unimpeded to the rest of the world. The sad part is that the American leaders accepted the argument without giving it much thought critical or otherwise, and they pledged in the most cavalier of manners to protect Israel come hell or high water, whatever Israel did whenever it did it.

But every act having a consequence equal to the thrust that is behind it, it happened that at the precise moment the pledge to protect Israel was made, the moral confusion became a loaded moral hazard. And the hazard was planted like a dagger in the heart of humanity, something that put the world on a path to the mess we live today. And as if this were not enough, the moral hazard was continuously nurtured, relentlessly fortified and shamelessly allowed to grow at the expense of everyone be they Arabs or Americans.

For the scheme to remain viable and for it to stay in force, the Jews were made to look evermore like the good guys and the Arabs evermore like the bad guys. Thus, when the Jews did something to hurt the Arabs in the Middle East or hurt them anywhere else, no one in America questioned whether the acts violated a legal precept or an ethical one. And while Israel relied on American support to actively create new facts in the region, the debates were raging in America to reflect the Jewish point of view pertaining to the activities.

The important thing to remember here is that the situation went on without opposition from any quarter in America because it had been established that to protest an act committed by Israel in the Middle East or to oppose a point of view that served a Jewish causes in America was to express an anti-Semitic sentiment no matter how despicable the Israeli act or how outrageous the Jewish point of view. No one in America was allowed to stand in opposition to Israel or the Jews. Period.

A few years of this and the American public was psychologically beaten down so severely that the people came to accept the unthinkable. They came to accept the notion that the Jews are allowed to do things which may not be ethical or even legal because they are a privileged lot. Given that this situation affected matters pertaining to the Middle East and to America, the way was now clear for the Jewish organizations to escalate their antics in both places thus amplify the hazard that is inherent to the moral confusion they created.

The escalation gained momentum, the hazard became more immoral and America fell ever deeper under the control of the Jewish organizations the more that Israel failed to strengthen her controlling grip in the Middle East. In fact, what was supposed to happen to the Arabs in a far off place was replicated with a high degree of fidelity and was happening to the Americans in their home country.

To a casual observer looking from afar, this was no longer a case of biting the hand that feeds you; it was a case of raping every member of the family that saved you from the Holocaust, that sheltered you when you had no roof over your head and that fed you when you were hungry. Nowhere can you find a hint of justification for something like this to happen except in the Talmud where it is said that the Jews are a chosen people having unlimited right to do as they please and no obligation to restrict them.

Understanding all of this removes the mystery as to why the Jewish organizations want the battle of the Middle East to continue, even intensify. Yes, they want something for Israel but they also want something for themselves because the evidence is now in to the effect that the more they get away with murder in the Middle East, the more tightly they get to control America. And as they maintain a tight grip on the superpower, they have their ego nicely massaged, and have their financial interest well served.

For example, a once respected professor at a prestigious university who made an ass of himself, and did so repeatedly, was able to rise from the wreckage of his antics and make himself sound interesting again by forcing a political party to "diss" a former President of the Republic. He pulled off this feat by simply willing it because he is a Jew and the President is not. Whether or not this story is entirely correct does not matter because in the end, it was what many people came to believe was the truth. It is the story that Alan Dershowitz has been telling the world concerning himself and President Jimmy Carter. And what matters here is not what precisely happened but how the story was used and who used it.

No one who is not a Jew can make a claim such as this and get away with it. This is an incentive powerful enough to motivate an egomaniac like Dershowitz who has an insatiable appetite for a daily ration of fuel to keep him going and keep him ticking for the day. In addition, he gets to put such claim and other fantasies like it on paper, and he gets paid for his troubles. Gaining power and making money with a single act is a temptation that no student of the Talmud ever fails to exploit, and Dershowitz got away with it.

In a culture such as the one America has become, it is easy to imagine what else might take root and become part of the norm. Imagine, for example, a Christian pastor who once said that God created Hitler to punish the Jews, now going on television and advocating the worship of all Jews as if each one of them were a God at par with Jesus Christ. Far fetched? Not so. It is really happening, and not just with one pastor but with many of them.

And given that once they get on a slippery slope the idiots never stop going downhill, it is not surprising to learn that pastors of the ilk got together and formed an organization whose stated purpose is to draft as many Christians as they can recruit. They bring the Christians to unite with the Jews, and they send them to promote the causes of Israel in the lobbies of the Congress and everywhere else there is influence to peddle and money to be had.

And let us never forget the little trick in which the Jewish organizations like to dabble no end. They like to get the US Congress to pass meaningless non-binding resolutions that do nothing for the causes they pretend to address but have the effect of reassuring the followers of the Jewish leaders. They reassure them of the fact that the leaders continue to have a tight grip on a Congress that still votes 98% to 100% in favor of Israel and the Jewish causes when that same Congress cannot agree on anything which favors the American causes.

Yes, this is what it sounds like, the very definition of "Treason disguised as democratic exercise." But when the land is ruled by a Congress of moral confusion, treason comes disguised as a virtuous act and gets confused with patriotism. Moral confusion may be a hazard of serious dimension but it has its uses in the hands of the Jewish organizations. It helps the organizations muddy the pool so that they alone may fish in dirty waters. And right now the US Congress is a pool as dirty as anything can be.

In fact, those resolutions also serve to remind the small nations of the world that the US Congress, which controls the purse of America, is itself controlled 98% to 100% by the Jews. In consequence of this, the Jewish organizations can do more to get American money flowing in their direction than the US President or anyone else can. And to benefit from this screwy set-up, those nations must be "good" to Israel by supporting the butchery of the unarmed people of Palestinian and by promoting the hatred of Arabs while accusing those who oppose Israeli actions of being anti-Semitic.

It looks now that the odious cacophony emanating from the Talmud is beginning to affect the whole world, and someone should turn off that hi fi set before it is too late and we all become deaf to the reality that is developing around us.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Sausage Of Unintended Consequences

It has been said that watching democracy work is like watching a sausage being made; the process is not pretty to look at nor is it appetizing to know it even exists. To be aware of this situation and to think of what will happen in the wake of the finding recently made by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States of America is to see trouble ahead. The finding is to the effect that carbon dioxide poses a health hazard to people, and it was made on the eve of the Congress taking up the carbon tax issue. What can reasonably be expected now is that the two happenings will conspire to create unintended consequences that will not be pretty to look at.

In fact, the US Administration wanted the EPA to make the finding so as to force the Congress to take up the taxation issue as soon as possible and pass the legislation that will raise a great deal of money in new taxes. What will result instead is that politics will be injected into the fray and will decide the outcome of the legislation. However, crass politics being mistaken for democracy these days, it is democracy and not that brand of politics that will be seen to stuff the unappetizing sausage.

And a torrent of unintended consequences will result from this exercise because the decision of the EPA will have an impact that will go beyond the politics of the day or anything imaginable at this time. Things will take on a life of their own, and forgotten in the melee will be the fact that it all happened because humanity failed to develop new energy sources to replace the fossil fuels we have been using for more than a century. And so, to come now and impose a carbon tax on those fuels will most likely tax the patience of the American people and tax their capacity to tolerate what they will judge to be the inexplicable behavior of their government.

To paraphrase an old saying, if you liked the tea party revolts that popped up around the country not long ago, you will love the carbon tax revolution that is now brewing. And if it happens that the people of America will rise up and demonstrate, it will not be to protest against something as trivial as taxation without representation – this is something they will gladly leave dormant in the history books -- but to protest against what they will regard as a reduction in their standard of living, a serious blow that was brought about by a treasonous government which is no longer working for them but working for a foreign entity they call Israel.

Whether what is coming will be a mild revolt or a full blown revolution, it will not be long before the American people will show a side of their character that no one thought even existed. Up to the time when the current economic crisis exploded, most everyone thought that the American people did not concern themselves with the methods used by their neighbor to become wealthy because they too dreamed of the day when they will become wealthy using the same methods whether these were legal or not, or they were ethical or not. But then the people discovered that what was illegal or was unethical was actually sinful because it had the potential to hit them in their pocketbooks. And because the sin was committed by someone who got wealthy at their expense, they changed their mind with regard to the legality of the matter and they professed to have become gravely concerned.

In fact, the people of America realized that unethical behavior and downright illegality were the chief causes for the crisis that fleeced them of what they possessed, leaving them with little to live on now and nothing to live on when they retire. More vexing was that it happened to them before they had the time to fleece someone else, before they stashed away enough dough to shelter their families from the calamity that was about to hit them. And so when the worst finally came to pass, the people went berserk and some even threatened to use piano wires to administer justice the way they thought was the American way and the most appropriate one given the prevailing circumstances.

If now the US Congress ignores that history and makes the people pay more for what they thought was their divine right to swim in cheap energy, the people will again want to grab those piano wires and administer justice in a manner more American than ever before. And the question to answer is what can the Congress and the Administration do to avoid the upcoming upheaval while at the same time put down a sensible energy policy to transition the country into the upcoming new age of alternative energies?

To answer the question we must understand what the situation is like at this time. It is that America is facing a two pronged problem. The first problem is that America must compete in a world which is becoming increasingly more competitive. And the second is that the country has used up most of the oil it had on its soil, energy that has been fueling its massive economy. Thus, America now imports a great deal of energy from abroad and pays a high price for the privilege, something that does not help its competitive position.

Of course, an ideal solution would be one that will solve both prongs of America’s problem simultaneously. Fortunately there is one such solution and it happens to be the easiest to implement, at least when things are viewed from the angle of the international situation. The impediment, if there is going to be one, will come from the local situation, something that is linked to the nature of the American character and the American culture.

The trouble with the American culture is that it is derived from the style of America’s own democracy. In fact, like the democracy, the culture has the look of a sausage in the making. This reality stems from the fact that the people of America throw caution to the wind the moment they trust or "love" someone. This is the time when they risk making the potentially fatal mistake of following that someone to the end of the Earth or to the gates of hell whichever comes first. On the other hand, the Americans remain suspicious of those who do not constantly "campaign" to make themselves trusted or loved by them. In fact, the Americans believe you must "work" continuously on being accepted by your entourage. They do not believe it is enough to live and let live, respect and be respected, extend a hand of friendship but deal at arm’s length with a stranger even if what the latter wants is only to do business with them while maintaining a modicum of privacy.

Hence, when they encounter someone for the first time, the Americans initiate a hazing ritual whereby they put the newcomer through a hellish sort of existence to test him or her. This approach yielded what seems to be the desired effect with the early newcomers to America such as the Chinese, the Irish, the Italians, the Poles and the Jews who, at the end of it all, were allowed to integrate into the American society. But when it came to the Arabs who were the latest to come to America’s shore, something different happened. It is that the Jews were already in America and although they seemed on the surface to be well integrated into the society, they had not fully melted into the American pot because they remained in the grip of the authoritarian rabbis who forbade them from taking the final step.

And being familiar with the American cultural hazing, the rabbis teamed up with many of the Jewish organizations to see to it that when it came to the Arabs, the ritual never ran its normal course. They made it so that the hazing of Arabs went on and on, and never came to an end. All the while, the Jewish leaders who knew where all the levers were, manipulated them to frustrate the integration of the Arabs into the American pot. This way they made certain that no Arab rival ever rose through the ranks who could push back against their diabolic schemes. The most important of these schemes being the maintenance of a firm grip on the American system of government, the Jewish leaders were able to promote the interests of Israel at the expense of the American people without encountering any serious opposition.

However, despite their initial success, the Jewish organizations so badly handled the subjugation of the American politico-journalistic class, that the ordinary people began to see what was going on. And while the sausage makers in the Congress remained oblivious to what was happening beyond the Washington beltway, the people of America surmised that they were being betrayed day in and day out for the benefit of a parasitic entity sitting far away. The people came to see Israel as a creation that cannot exist without the largess of their Congress, a situation they determined they can no longer afford to maintain.

What aggravated the matter even more is that the Jewish culture thrives on adversity hence the well established inability of the Jews to get along with anyone. Adversity of biblical intensity being the mother’s milk of Jewish leadership, the would-be leaders trigger artificial adversities where they can to make themselves look bigger than they are and use the trick to ascend to the throne of leadership. This is what brought repeated calamities to innocent Jews everywhere on the planet at every epoch since the beginning of recorded history. And once again -- this time in America -- something is beginning to go wrong with the Jewish adventure. It is that America ran out of oil at a time when the Arabs had plenty of it and the Jewish organizations could think of no way to handle the situation but to demonize the Arabs and get the ruling class in America to badmouth them a la Yiddish.

Still, the Arabs have remained patient up to now and have maintained the goodwill they always had toward America. Thus, the way to solve America’s two pronged problem is to work with the Arabs so as to transition the country to an alternative form of energy as smoothly as possible. This should be easy to do because the Arabs have the oil that America needs, and America has the goods and services that the Arabs need. Negotiating an exchange should be easy to do if those who are in charge of America begin to work for the benefit of their country and not for the glory of Israel, her useless leaders and their cohorts in America. These people have been useless to themselves and to those they call their own people for nearly four thousand years and they will be useless again to themselves and their people as well as to America and the rest of the world for a million more years and well beyond that.

But things will take a turn for the better when America will begin to treat Israel in such a way as to leave that entity with no choice but to live in harmony with the rest of the human race especially its Arab neighbors. And whatever happens from here on, the Arabs will not do anything differently from what they do now. Change will come, however, and it will take place in America because if the political class does not bring it about, the ordinary people will. And some of these people may want to resort to methods that will involve those piano wires again and other similar methods. Thus, the self proclaimed leaders of the Jews must be put on notice that change is imperative because America will no longer immolate itself for the glory of Israel or for making the Israeli leaders look bigger than they are.

The leaders of Israel and their Jewish backers everywhere must know that when they play the game their predecessors have been playing for millennia with tragic consequences, they too run the risk of exploding a rotting sausage full of unintended consequences. And our message to them should be this: Don’t come whine on our shoulders if and when you trigger another pogrom or holocaust because this time, it will be clearly seen by everyone that the tragedy occurred because there is something wrong with your culture like we say it is, not something wrong with the human race like you say it is.