Friday, May 29, 2009

Insidious Infrastructure Of Treason (Part 2 of 2)

When you decide to betray your country you do not wear a badge saying you are a traitor; you first gain the confidence of the people around you then employ subtle means to hurt them when they least expect it. To achieve this, you need to have reached a high level of sophistication in the art of make believe or you need to follow the orders of someone who has reached that level. To see how this works, I begin by relating an incident I witnessed in my youth.

I was probably ten years of age when I stood in the schoolyard not far from two boys who must have been in their mid-teens. They were chatting when a third boy of the same age came walking slowly in their direction. He was keeping an eye on the approaching Brother Felicien Paul who was the schoolmaster and the strictest of the Christian Brothers I ever knew. Suddenly and deliberately the third boy broke clear from the other two as he shouted: "Attention, Brother Felicien is approaching." The shout was loud enough for the schoolmaster to hear it.

I thought at the time that the two boys were saying naughty things and that the third one was telling them to be quiet. Moments later I saw the schoolmaster grab the shouting boy by the collar and heard him tell the boy to come to the office because he will be telling his parents about this incident. I concluded that the master was saying it was wrong to warn the two boys but then I wondered why he did not call them to the office as well. Evidently, I was missing something.

It took time and some asking around on my part to learn that the chatting boys were not saying something naughty but that the third one had acted out a fake scene to make Brother Felicien believe they were doing just that. Unlike me, however, the Brother saw through the boy’s piece of theatre and decided to punish him and not the other two. This is when I realized that things are not always what they appear to be, and that there is a thing called deception which comes in different forms and at different levels of sophistication.

Likewise, if you are going to betray your country, it is not that you have decided to do so on your own but that someone deceived you and made you believe you will be doing something else, perhaps something good. Deception of this sort and of this magnitude is exactly what the rabbis and the leaders of most Jewish organizations learn to concoct when they study the tricks of the trade in the Talmud and in other publications.

In addition, these characters learn something similar to what students of commerce learn in Advertising 101. It is that you never say something bad about the products you sell. Not only do those guys adhere to this rule as they discuss the causes they flog in the media but they go further than that and adhere to the corollary of the rule as well. That is, they never say something good about the opponents they insult and misrepresent with every word they express.

And to make their behavior look like it follows the principles of fairness, they call this one-sided approach to interacting with society a balanced one, call everything else a skewed approach and try to drum their view of the thing into your head by repeatedly pounding it in there. And they will do all of this at the same time as they labor to deny their opponents the right to respond to their attacks; even deny them the right to express their views on any subject. This is now universally recognized as being democracy in the style of the Jewish organizations.

When, as a result of being subjected to this sort of treatment without respite you come to believe that the right way for things to be is when they are done in favor of the Jewish organizations, and when you come to believe that the wrong way for things to be is when they are done contrary to the wishes of the Jews, you will have been readied to take the next step. This is when the leaders of the Jewish organizations know that you are now in a position to do everything they ask of you, and refrain from doing anything that may work against their interest. They know that on their order, you will take the fateful step of betraying your country not realizing what you are doing or worse, believing that you are doing a good thing.

When you get to this point, you will have become a small cog in the wheel of a conspiracy machine that is itself a small part of a massive infrastructure of treason. Unlike the sleeper cells of terrorists who work in hiding and do spectacular operations, you will work in the open and use subtle means to sabotage what is under your control. And like a mindless zombie you will take orders not from your lawful superiors but from the Jewish organizations that control you. They will tell you what to do and you will obey them especially when it comes to helping Israel polish its image and thus enhance its chances to attaining glory. You will do all this without reservation or second thought for, you will have become a certifiable traitor.

Now consider this, if you work in the Press in any capacity, if another one like you works in the Congress and a third one works in the White House, you can all be coordinated from a single lobbying organization such as AIPAC or the World Jewish Congress to do one massively demonic job in three seemingly innocuous steps. For example, the one in the Press can start circulating false stories about the existence of weapons of mass destruction in a country that Israel wants to see destroyed. The one in the Congress can start agitating for the members of the legislature to express grave concern about the stories they see in the Press. And the one in the White House can rely on his or her personal relationships to get the executive branch to draw up plans to "nuke," to "glass" or to invade the country that Israel wants to see destroyed. Whatever happens after that, America will be the big loser as it has always been in these circumstances.

And that is because every ill advised adventure always leads to America being diminished. Of course, this suits the Jewish organizations just fine because, when it happens, they are handed a propaganda point they can use to boost Israel. For example, when civilians are bombed from the air by American warplanes, the Jewish organizations get the chance to say it happens to Israel also, and this justifies the bombing of Palestinian women and their babies asleep in their bedrooms. And when the Americans invoke the absurd mantra of the ticking time bomb, the Jewish organizations wring their hands with glee and cite the American talk to justify their defense of Israel for torturing the kids they catch in the awful act of throwing rocks at Israeli tanks that do the lofty business of crushing Palestinian homes. This is now universally recognized as being moral equivalence in the style of the Jewish organizations.

And moral equivalence being the name of the game, it looked for a while like the Jewish organizations had succeeded in establishing a symbiotic relationship between the two countries whereby each fed from the base moral stance of the other. In fact, that relationship had become so strong at the beginning of the Twenty First Century that some leaders in America were emboldened enough to take steps they would not have taken under different circumstances.

The situation made Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld feel safe enough to embark on the Iraq adventure in the year 2003 because they knew that the Jewish organizations would support them. Having witnessed many in the media prostitute themselves to justify every war crime committed by Israel, Cheney and Rumsfeld counted on the blessings of the Jews to make the media perform the same acts of prostitution with regard to the Iraq adventure.

And they were correct in making that calculation at least initially because the press did give them the kind of coverage they wanted. But what those two guys did not count on was that the war could turn so badly that the people would question the rationale behind going into Iraq in the first place. Since there was no good answer to give in response to such question none was given, and Cheney and Rumsfeld were unmasked and vilified.

They were vilified because no weapons of mass destruction were discovered and no links between Iraq and al Qaeda were found. These were the fallacies dreamed up by the Israeli secret service and handed to Cheney and Rumsfeld by their "American" aids to use as excuse for launching the war. And like juveniles who got the nod from a corrupt schoolmaster to do mischief, the two idiots rushed headlong and did it. But this was mischief on the international scale and it was so huge that, in the blink of an eye, America was transformed from a respected and a dearly loved superpower to a moral basket case that was carried away to the sewers of history by the runoff along the gutters of infamy.

Rumsfeld went from being the happy warrior to being Rummy the Dummy. As for Cheney, the people who thought he will die in his boots wished he would do so without delay and do it under a truck with or without his boots. And all the talk about the American President George W. Bush and the British Prime Minister Tony Blair being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize turned into a talk about them being tried for war crimes and sent to where Mussolini was sent when his people got fed up with him.

Moreover, those who delighted in associating themselves with Bush and had shared the credit for starting the war began to run for the hills, and the war that had many fathers was now becoming an orphan. As for the few brave souls who continued to admit they counseled for the launch of the war – well, these guys blamed the failure not on the idea itself but on the execution of the war which they pinned on the ineptitude of the American military. Despair if you wish but this is how the cookie crumbled at the start of the Twenty First Century.

Consequently, we must let history show that the superpower called America was ruined by the continuous display of a vision that was maintained by the Jewish organizations. It was a vision that claimed all Jews suffered the aftermath of the Holocaust as if every Jew were the child of survivors. And like a self fulfilling prophecy, the talk resulted in a number of them developing symptoms of a curious psychosis that non-Jews found too difficult to accommodate.

And this was not all because those who were actual children of survivors took to the workplace a dangerous predisposition. It happened to a number of highly placed individuals who worked in the departments headed by Cheney and Rumsfeld. The behavior of these people have clearly demonstrated that they were on a mission to avenge what did not happen to them by taking it on those who did not do it to them.

They took it on the innocent people of Iraq who were butchered in their homes, terrorized in prison, thrown out in the street and pushed into exile. In case you didn’t know, dear reader, these were crimes against humanity committed for the purpose of controlling the greater Middle East but made under the pretense they were serving the greater good.