Saturday, May 16, 2009

Judge Them By What They Want

Arab and Israeli leaders will soon be travelling to the United States of America for the purpose of reviewing the situation in the Middle East and to discuss ideas about solving the problems that have been festering in the region for several decades. It would be a good thing for the American officials who will sit with them to get an overall view of the situation as seen by someone that has been studying it for nearly half a century. Here are my impressions.

As expected, the American media, which have been under the thumb of the Jewish organizations for much too long already, have started to pave the way for the upcoming visits by treating the Israelis as if they were the bosses, the Americans as if they were the subordinates and the Arabs as if they were the demons to be badmouthed - the usual menu that has served the unusual diet.

But to make progress with the problems of the Middle East, that false image must be replaced with one that is closer to the real thing; so here at length is an image that is a more realistic one. Most people who want something in life work to get it. The majority of them do the sort of work that is directly related to what they want. But there is a minority that stands in contrast to this group. They are the people who do the kind of work that is not directly related to what they want.

Like parasites, this latter group works on other people to entice them to do the work for them rather than do it themselves. Another characteristic of these people is that they want more from life than they are entitled to receive. Come to think of it, this could be the reason why they need other people to work for them given that when they work alone they cannot extract all that they want from life. This may be one good reason but there should be other reasons as well.

In any case, on the surface of it, that set-up sounds like the natural thing to have because there are people who work for themselves such as artists, and there are employers who hire people to work for them. And while some employers may not pay their employees as much as they should, they can hardly be called parasites.

This would be true if what is described is the employment situation inside an economic system. But such is not the case here because what is discussed belongs to another realm. It deals with international responsibilities where the players are nations and the game is the art of make believe, that which is referred to as politics. This is an area where nations are supposed to do the work themselves, not rely on other nations to do it for them.

To conduct the business of their people, the nations of the world establish a one on one relationship with each other. Sometimes a dispute erupts between two nations and they temporarily cut off relations. When this happens, each nation seeks the help of a third party to represent its interests before the nation it is boycotting. But this is a temporary measure that never lasts for a long time because it violates the spirit of the protocol established among nations. And so the diplomatic ties are reestablished as soon as possible.

That protocol has been followed by nations for as long as diplomatic exchanges have existed. When followed properly, it accentuates the common elements that exist between the various races and the different cultures thus fostering a better understanding among them. But then came the Israelis and they brought with them something new. They brought the ghetto mentality which they injected into the arena of international relations.

A ghetto is an isolated part of a neighborhood inside of which most Jews have preferred to live since they began to settle among the different races and the varied cultures. Over the centuries a mentality of the ghetto has developed which is recognizable by the behavior of some Jews. In fact it has been said stereotypically that you can take the Jew out of the ghetto but you cannot take the ghetto out of the Jew.

A glaring characteristic of this mentality is that members of the ghetto will go out of their way to make themselves different from the communities that surround them; and do so by adopting artificial traits and habits that may not even suit them. For example, the Jews will speak French in Arabic speaking Morocco, and speak English in French speaking Quebec. And they will do this just to sound different and to stay apart from the neighborhood. Worse, they will highlight their differences by wearing them on their sleeve, so to speak, as if they mean to say they absolutely refuse to become part of the community now and forever.

It is this sort of mentality upon which Israel was founded and from which springs its relationship with the neighbors. It is a mentality that imagines the existence of insurmountable differences with the neighbors and then describes them as being the source of an existential threat poised to wipe out all Jews from the face of the Earth. Given the abnormal nature of this mentality, Israel found itself at odds with its neighbors; and its leaders found it difficult to get along with the rest of the world.

In fact, Israel never had more than a handful of friends at any given time. Even then, it managed to lose them in short order, became their enemy for a while then established a tepid relationship with them again. The old Soviet Union, the old apartheid regime of South Africa, colonial France and Britain come to mind as does Uganda of Idi Amin. Currently, Israel’s closest and perhaps only friend is the United States of America with which it has developed a strange sort of relationship such as only a Jew from the ghetto can forge with someone that has no idea what he is dealing with.

In that relationship the Jew behaves like he is the boss while America plays the role of the subordinate. Previous to that, a similar kind of relationship was attempted but was tacitly rejected by those who dealt with Israel when it was friends with the old Soviet Union, the old South Africa, France and Britain. As for Idi Amin, he could not for a moment stomach the condescending attitude of the Israelis and he quickly turned against them.

What is strange about the American-Israeli relationship is that the Israelis work on America to do for them what they will not do for themselves. In this boss and subordinate kind of set-up, the Israelis manage to lead a parasitic existence at the expense of both the American people who pay the price for their government’s involvement with Israel, and the expense of Israel’s neighbors who are made to suffer an incessant interference in their internal affairs by superpower America. Worse, this is a case where the boss does not pay the subordinate but gets paid by the subordinate as the US Congress is always eager to appropriate money borrowed from the Chinese to pay for Israel illegitimate desires.

To see the implications of this strange phenomenon, we must remember that Israel is now preoccupied with several issues, the most prominent being the Palestinian case where Israel’s ghetto mentality shows itself in the most glaring of ways. The Israelis avoid negotiating in good faith with the Palestinians because of their style of diplomacy which consists of enticing someone to do the work for them. For example, they try to pressure the Arabs to pressure the Palestinians to do one thing or another as part of their negotiating tactic. When this fails as it always does, the Israelis pressure the Americans to try and pressure the Arabs to pressure the Palestinians to do the thing.

What is wrong with this style of diplomacy is that nothing gets done because nothing is meant to get done at this time. The Israelis are programmed to reject any approach that will get them a slice of something that is not the whole thing. Given who they fantasize they are, their overriding characteristic is to always want more than they are entitled to receive. Thus, they prefer to maintain the status quo until the grand design they have in mind can be implemented. And so they insist on a process that is designed to fail before they and the Palestinians reach an understanding that may alter the status quo.

In the meantime the Israelis know that a relationship such as the one they have with the Americans cannot last for a long time having learned the lesson from their experience with the Soviet Union, South Africa, France, Britain and Uganda. And so, they try to stretch and to maintain this relationship for as long as they can by artificial means. The way they do this is to make themselves look like saints and make the Arabs look like demons. This is why they have badmouthed the Arabs for nearly half a century while shaking up Heaven and Earth with their customary maniacal rage every time the Arabs came close to making themselves heard as they articulated their side of the story.

To conclude, when the leaders of the Middle East come to America, the American negotiators should say this to the Israelis: "Stop talking about your neighbors because we know them better than you do. Instead, tell us in concrete terms what you want; tell us something that is realistic and doable but do not give us spin or hot air." You then judge them by what they want.

This done, turn to the Arabs and listen to the honest voice of reason and moderation as they speak to you. You will instantly realize that what they want coincides with what is good for America. Adopt their position and make it your own. Tell this to the Israelis and force the option on them because they will not take it willingly. They will not take it because they have been programmed to reject anything that does not give them the whole world. This is what they fantasize was promised to them by God and there is no argument you can field against the will of God.

For once, America, be the boss, act like it and treat the Israelis as the subordinates that they are not your divinely appointed bosses from the ghetto.