Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Sausage Of Unintended Consequences

It has been said that watching democracy work is like watching a sausage being made; the process is not pretty to look at nor is it appetizing to know it even exists. To be aware of this situation and to think of what will happen in the wake of the finding recently made by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States of America is to see trouble ahead. The finding is to the effect that carbon dioxide poses a health hazard to people, and it was made on the eve of the Congress taking up the carbon tax issue. What can reasonably be expected now is that the two happenings will conspire to create unintended consequences that will not be pretty to look at.

In fact, the US Administration wanted the EPA to make the finding so as to force the Congress to take up the taxation issue as soon as possible and pass the legislation that will raise a great deal of money in new taxes. What will result instead is that politics will be injected into the fray and will decide the outcome of the legislation. However, crass politics being mistaken for democracy these days, it is democracy and not that brand of politics that will be seen to stuff the unappetizing sausage.

And a torrent of unintended consequences will result from this exercise because the decision of the EPA will have an impact that will go beyond the politics of the day or anything imaginable at this time. Things will take on a life of their own, and forgotten in the melee will be the fact that it all happened because humanity failed to develop new energy sources to replace the fossil fuels we have been using for more than a century. And so, to come now and impose a carbon tax on those fuels will most likely tax the patience of the American people and tax their capacity to tolerate what they will judge to be the inexplicable behavior of their government.

To paraphrase an old saying, if you liked the tea party revolts that popped up around the country not long ago, you will love the carbon tax revolution that is now brewing. And if it happens that the people of America will rise up and demonstrate, it will not be to protest against something as trivial as taxation without representation – this is something they will gladly leave dormant in the history books -- but to protest against what they will regard as a reduction in their standard of living, a serious blow that was brought about by a treasonous government which is no longer working for them but working for a foreign entity they call Israel.

Whether what is coming will be a mild revolt or a full blown revolution, it will not be long before the American people will show a side of their character that no one thought even existed. Up to the time when the current economic crisis exploded, most everyone thought that the American people did not concern themselves with the methods used by their neighbor to become wealthy because they too dreamed of the day when they will become wealthy using the same methods whether these were legal or not, or they were ethical or not. But then the people discovered that what was illegal or was unethical was actually sinful because it had the potential to hit them in their pocketbooks. And because the sin was committed by someone who got wealthy at their expense, they changed their mind with regard to the legality of the matter and they professed to have become gravely concerned.

In fact, the people of America realized that unethical behavior and downright illegality were the chief causes for the crisis that fleeced them of what they possessed, leaving them with little to live on now and nothing to live on when they retire. More vexing was that it happened to them before they had the time to fleece someone else, before they stashed away enough dough to shelter their families from the calamity that was about to hit them. And so when the worst finally came to pass, the people went berserk and some even threatened to use piano wires to administer justice the way they thought was the American way and the most appropriate one given the prevailing circumstances.

If now the US Congress ignores that history and makes the people pay more for what they thought was their divine right to swim in cheap energy, the people will again want to grab those piano wires and administer justice in a manner more American than ever before. And the question to answer is what can the Congress and the Administration do to avoid the upcoming upheaval while at the same time put down a sensible energy policy to transition the country into the upcoming new age of alternative energies?

To answer the question we must understand what the situation is like at this time. It is that America is facing a two pronged problem. The first problem is that America must compete in a world which is becoming increasingly more competitive. And the second is that the country has used up most of the oil it had on its soil, energy that has been fueling its massive economy. Thus, America now imports a great deal of energy from abroad and pays a high price for the privilege, something that does not help its competitive position.

Of course, an ideal solution would be one that will solve both prongs of America’s problem simultaneously. Fortunately there is one such solution and it happens to be the easiest to implement, at least when things are viewed from the angle of the international situation. The impediment, if there is going to be one, will come from the local situation, something that is linked to the nature of the American character and the American culture.

The trouble with the American culture is that it is derived from the style of America’s own democracy. In fact, like the democracy, the culture has the look of a sausage in the making. This reality stems from the fact that the people of America throw caution to the wind the moment they trust or "love" someone. This is the time when they risk making the potentially fatal mistake of following that someone to the end of the Earth or to the gates of hell whichever comes first. On the other hand, the Americans remain suspicious of those who do not constantly "campaign" to make themselves trusted or loved by them. In fact, the Americans believe you must "work" continuously on being accepted by your entourage. They do not believe it is enough to live and let live, respect and be respected, extend a hand of friendship but deal at arm’s length with a stranger even if what the latter wants is only to do business with them while maintaining a modicum of privacy.

Hence, when they encounter someone for the first time, the Americans initiate a hazing ritual whereby they put the newcomer through a hellish sort of existence to test him or her. This approach yielded what seems to be the desired effect with the early newcomers to America such as the Chinese, the Irish, the Italians, the Poles and the Jews who, at the end of it all, were allowed to integrate into the American society. But when it came to the Arabs who were the latest to come to America’s shore, something different happened. It is that the Jews were already in America and although they seemed on the surface to be well integrated into the society, they had not fully melted into the American pot because they remained in the grip of the authoritarian rabbis who forbade them from taking the final step.

And being familiar with the American cultural hazing, the rabbis teamed up with many of the Jewish organizations to see to it that when it came to the Arabs, the ritual never ran its normal course. They made it so that the hazing of Arabs went on and on, and never came to an end. All the while, the Jewish leaders who knew where all the levers were, manipulated them to frustrate the integration of the Arabs into the American pot. This way they made certain that no Arab rival ever rose through the ranks who could push back against their diabolic schemes. The most important of these schemes being the maintenance of a firm grip on the American system of government, the Jewish leaders were able to promote the interests of Israel at the expense of the American people without encountering any serious opposition.

However, despite their initial success, the Jewish organizations so badly handled the subjugation of the American politico-journalistic class, that the ordinary people began to see what was going on. And while the sausage makers in the Congress remained oblivious to what was happening beyond the Washington beltway, the people of America surmised that they were being betrayed day in and day out for the benefit of a parasitic entity sitting far away. The people came to see Israel as a creation that cannot exist without the largess of their Congress, a situation they determined they can no longer afford to maintain.

What aggravated the matter even more is that the Jewish culture thrives on adversity hence the well established inability of the Jews to get along with anyone. Adversity of biblical intensity being the mother’s milk of Jewish leadership, the would-be leaders trigger artificial adversities where they can to make themselves look bigger than they are and use the trick to ascend to the throne of leadership. This is what brought repeated calamities to innocent Jews everywhere on the planet at every epoch since the beginning of recorded history. And once again -- this time in America -- something is beginning to go wrong with the Jewish adventure. It is that America ran out of oil at a time when the Arabs had plenty of it and the Jewish organizations could think of no way to handle the situation but to demonize the Arabs and get the ruling class in America to badmouth them a la Yiddish.

Still, the Arabs have remained patient up to now and have maintained the goodwill they always had toward America. Thus, the way to solve America’s two pronged problem is to work with the Arabs so as to transition the country to an alternative form of energy as smoothly as possible. This should be easy to do because the Arabs have the oil that America needs, and America has the goods and services that the Arabs need. Negotiating an exchange should be easy to do if those who are in charge of America begin to work for the benefit of their country and not for the glory of Israel, her useless leaders and their cohorts in America. These people have been useless to themselves and to those they call their own people for nearly four thousand years and they will be useless again to themselves and their people as well as to America and the rest of the world for a million more years and well beyond that.

But things will take a turn for the better when America will begin to treat Israel in such a way as to leave that entity with no choice but to live in harmony with the rest of the human race especially its Arab neighbors. And whatever happens from here on, the Arabs will not do anything differently from what they do now. Change will come, however, and it will take place in America because if the political class does not bring it about, the ordinary people will. And some of these people may want to resort to methods that will involve those piano wires again and other similar methods. Thus, the self proclaimed leaders of the Jews must be put on notice that change is imperative because America will no longer immolate itself for the glory of Israel or for making the Israeli leaders look bigger than they are.

The leaders of Israel and their Jewish backers everywhere must know that when they play the game their predecessors have been playing for millennia with tragic consequences, they too run the risk of exploding a rotting sausage full of unintended consequences. And our message to them should be this: Don’t come whine on our shoulders if and when you trigger another pogrom or holocaust because this time, it will be clearly seen by everyone that the tragedy occurred because there is something wrong with your culture like we say it is, not something wrong with the human race like you say it is.