Thursday, April 28, 2011

Brown Shoes On A Wednesday Syndrome

Apparently a speaker of the US House of Representatives by the name of John Garner said that the position of vice president in America is not worth a bucket of warm spit. Some people dispute this and counter with the argument that Garner never said such a thing while others dispute it and counter with the argument that Garner went further than that and said that the position was not worth a bucket of warm piss. Well, spit or piss, warm or cold, this is better than being worth less than a condom of dog syphilis, be it warm or cold, which is what the position of thinker in some American think tanks has been reduced to these days. And I have the proof.

On April 26, 2011 Josef Joffe who was a German journalist but is now an American think tanker wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal under the title “The Arab Spring and the Palestinian Distraction” and the subtitle “Arab peoples aren't obsessed with anti-Americanism and anti-Zionism. It's their rulers who are.” Joffe begins the article by hitting you in the face right off the bat with this opening sentence: “In politics, shoddy theories never die.” He goes on to say that: “This zombie should have been interred...” And guess why he is doing this. He is doing it because he is about to revive a shoddy theory that has just died and was interred by the events currently sweeping the Arab Middle East. And lest you notice that he is bringing to life the zombie that has served him and served people like him enormously well for several decades, he begins the argument by attacking the practice and by accusing someone else of adhering to it. Nothing can be more Yiddish than this.

The truth that came out of the latest events in the Middle East is that the Arabs who are too busy living their lives are not really obsessed with anything. Another thing that came out is that the description of the Arabs as being obsessed proved to be the obsession of Joffe who is a former editor-in-chief and of people like him. These characters flooded the marketplace with motivations they invented themselves and attributed to the Arabs. They, in fact, cooked up unmitigated garbage and fed it to their own readers to stir the anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiments. They did what they did by stationing their reporters in Israel and by forbidding them from traveling to the Arab countries where they could have seen the truth for themselves. Instead of this, the reporters were handed phony press reports and the daily fabrications of the Israeli propaganda machine to which they were “requested” to add a personal touch and submit for publication. The Jewish reporters did so wholeheartedly; the non-Jewish ones did it reluctantly because if they did not, they would have been eased out of a job, slipped into the blacklist and banned from the profession for life.

Then came the momentous events in the Arab countries, and the editors were forced to send the reporters there. The latter saw the truth for themselves and reported on it. They saw that there was no obsession among the Arabs at this time anymore than there was one at any time before. And they learned of the true reason why the Arab countries were convulsing. What the reporters learned was that when the Arabs had reached a reasonably elevated level of industrial development, their populations started to tell the ruling classes they have matured enough as an industrial society to want to negotiate a new social compact with the rulers. This being a typical event that happens to all nations at this stage of their development, it was the turn of the Arabs to experience it and go through the convulsions that accompany this coming of age.

To spin the new situation in a way that serves Israel, Joffe realized that he must first repudiate the false image of the obsessed Arabs which he and the sickos like him have been painting for decades. To this end, he said it was never the idea of the Arab peoples to be obsessed; it was the idea of their rulers to obsess them. At first, it looked like the new spin had given Joffe the opportunity to revive the zombie that had just died and been buried. But what he did not realize was that he was telling a new lie that was as obvious as the one that died. This is because the truth has always been out there and was to the effect that the Arab rulers were saying to their people – truthfully or not -- that the choice was between them who are moderate and al Qaeda which adheres to an extreme form of Islamic rule. Thus, the truth has always been that a call never went out from the Arab rulers to their peoples to be obsessed about someone or to hate them. On the contrary, the obsession was the creation of the Jewish hate machine that went on and on like a perpetual motion machine telling the people of America that the Arabs hate them so much, they should stop buying oil from them. And the perpetual hate machine of the Jewish sickos kept on spewing this garbage with such ferocity that the pile reached a level high enough to bury the highest places in America where even the president of the republic was caught repeating the saying that America buys oil from people that hate it.

When you read the Joffe article, you see that he is still promoting the two objectives that have powered the old thinking for ages. He is pushing the idea of trivializing the holocaust that is inflicted on the people of Palestine living under Jewish occupation; and he is pushing the idea of exaggerating the threat posed by Israel's chosen enemy of the day which today is Iran. And this is a ploy that is designed to get the Americans to do Israel's never ending dirty work while the Israelis continue to kill the Palestinians and loot their homes then sit back, relax and let the Americans protect them from world condemnation by casting a veto at the Security Council. With this performance, America tells the world it is prepared to go to war if need be – which is what the use of the veto means -- to allow Israel to perpetuate the ongoing Israeli-American crime against humanity, against the people of Palestine.

To buttress his argument, Joffe does not mention something he saw or heard in the Arab countries but quotes two foreigners who published articles outside of the Arab countries. The first foreigner is the president of Turkey who wrote a piece in the American New York Times; the second foreigner is Brent Scowcroft who wrote a piece in the British Financial Times. Joffe quotes a line or two from each of them not to respond to what they say but to use their writing as a springboard from where he jumps and reaches out to something that is truly far fetched. This would be a well known trick that is so complicated, I must describe it in some detail before I can continue the analysis. To describe the trick the best way that I can, I need to tell the story of the brown shoes worn on a Wednesday.

I was working for a private school at one time where we gathered in the teachers room during the lunch hour. We were all fans of the television series Star Trek and we liked the episodes where time travel was involved. One episode did not involve time travel but looked like it because the star-ship Enterprise found itself embroiled in the problems of a planet where evolution had taken it into a period resembling the era on Earth when parts of America were run by organized crime. Talking to one of the Mafia bosses on that planet, Captain Kirk was trying to entertain, impress and gain time while Spock and Scotty were preparing something. At one point, while improvising as he went along, Kirk said to the crime boss something to the effect that he can play a game by doing this or that which surprised the boss and froze him. To take the edge off the moment, Kirk quickly retorted with the smart ass remark: “Except on Wednesdays.” This was funny because it was completely absurd yet the mafia boss had no choice but to accept it because it added to his confusion. To us, the teachers in that school, Kirk's performance came to symbolize the way we felt about the owner of the school whose habit was to disregard the cause and effect relationship that exists between events yet see a nexus between events where no nexus can exist.

And so one day something happened while we were discussing a hard to find nexus between events that the owner insisted was there. Frustrated by the uselessness of the discussion, a teacher spontaneously echoed Captain Kirk's retort by saying: “Maybe this thing happened because today is Wednesday and I am wearing brown shoes.” And ever since that time, the reference to brown shoes worn on a Wednesday came to mean that the situation is so absurd, it is not worth pursuing it much further. Decades have passed and I now see that much of the Judeo-Israeli arguments can be dismissed by the retort: “It has to do with the shoes on a Wednesday syndrome.” And this is how I feel about the Joffe article in the Wall Street Journal.

The fact is that the Arab rulers, like their counterparts everywhere else in the world, do not easily admit to a problem or a deficiency at home. Therefore they do not blame what is not there on someone whose existence they do not acknowledge with enthusiasm if acknowledge at all. But matters can go so far as to threaten the regional setup or the international one. And this is when some foreigners, including Americans of goodwill, begin to sound the alarm. They do not sound the alarm to alert the Arab rulers that something is threatening them; the Arabs know this well. Instead, the foreigners sound the alarm to alert the American leaders to the effect that the Jewish perpetual hate machine is feeding them poisoned garbage that is threatening America and the world. The best way they can do this is to write about the situation in general terms then pick on one or two items of the type regularly mentioned by the Jewish hate machine and discuss the items in detail. This is what the president of Turkey and Mr. Scowcroft did in the articles cited by Joffe. But to him, this is what he needed to carry on with a debate that has nothing to do with the reality on the ground in the Arab countries.

In fact, most of the points brought out in such debates have little to do with the Palestinian people who see their lives stolen from them every day, and see the lives of their loved ones extinguished by savages who are armed with the deadliest of American weapons. In addition to this, the Jewish machine that propagates hate in America is kept in full throttle mode making false nexuses between the proverbial brown shoes worn on a Wednesday in the Arab countries and the necessity to keep killing the Palestinians and keep looting their lands. And if you want to know how all this is held together and made to work ceaselessly, read the Joffe article in the April 26, 2011 edition of the Wall Street Journal. It is a classic right out the demonic school of satanic distortion. Nothing can be more Talmudic than this.

The problem facing the Palestinians is that they were invaded by a savage regime that stole a good chunk of their land and called it Israel. Still hungry for more land, the regime has adopted an expansionist policy and has joined hands with a brutal setup in America called the Jewish lobby. Working together, the savage regime and the brutal setup used a false argument as bait to draw the rest of America into the scheme. The argument was to the effect that the Middle East was rich in hydrocarbon resources and that Israel should be supported financially, militarily and diplomatically to guarantee that America will always be supplied with cheap oil. The rulers of America swallowed the bait because the think tanks in America were respected institutions at the time and were conned into working for the promotion of the Israeli arguments.

But true to form, the Israelis and their Jewish supporters escalated their demands for more American support. And they never stopped escalating the demands to a higher and higher level at each and every occasion. By the time the old timers in the think tanks had realized what was going on, they were surrounded by a group of new hires that was larger and younger than they. Feeling that the future had slipped out of their grip, the old timers looked around to ascertain what they were seeing and discovered that each individual in the new group was hand picked by the Jewish hate machine and instructed to make America stop serving its people to serve the interests of Israel. With sorrow and a heavy heart, the old timers concluded that the only dignified thing for them to do now was to ease themselves out because they could see what the future held.

We now see what that future looks like. It is that the American think tanks kept sinking into deeper absurdities to justify more help going to Israel. The think tanks are now populated with characters worth less than a condom of dog syphilis. At long last Josef Joffe now feels at home in a setup he can call his natural habitat. Good luck to him.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Neither A Cool Democracy Nor A Hot One

People have become so sophisticated these days you do not find many of them dumb enough to be honest. When it comes to everyday social interactions, you catch them say the right thing at the right time to impress you the right way when in fact they would be communicating a false message. And they manage to impress you enough with this performance that you fail to see they have adopted a self serving posture which they hope will net them something at your expense or the expense of the people close to you. To put things differently, if you are an important person or you run something important, people will wear the social mask that will impress you the most and try to get a free lunch out of you.

Something similar happens at the global level where the word democracy is the operative word that is often used as a mask of deception in international diplomacy. This is a word that people use so lightly now, we can no longer speak of the improper use of the word but speak of the grotesque abuse of the word. Until recently the word democracy referred to a system that was proven effective both in governance and in economics but is now used to refer to situations that are anything but ideal. For this reason the word democracy risks losing its original meaning to be replaced with the definition of its own antonym. In fact, a reversal in the meaning of words happens every once in a while in most languages. For example, the word awful used to mean inspiring awe but now means dreadful. And think of the time when the word hot meant hot, and the word cool meant cool but now the two words are used so interchangeably that hot can mean cool, and cool can mean hot. Thus, the possibility is real that the word democracy will someday come to mean bad governance, bad economics or both. And this is a possibility that is not a cool one to contemplate. But you know what; come to think of it, this awful day may already be here because democracy is very close to become a dirty word if it is not already there.

To see how a situation like this can affect the culture inside of which we live our daily lives, I shall tell you about the experience of democracy as I have lived it during four harrowing decades of my life. However, because the complete story would require several volumes to tell, I shall restrict the discussion to the encounters I had with the people who should have known better but did not. These were the three J's as I call them; and they are the journalists, the Jews and the judges. I shall focus on the story of Ted (not his real name) who is a journalist that did everything right if you judge him by the values with which he grew up, but judge him to be mistaken – albeit innocently so – when you step back and look at the situation from a distance.

I subpoenaed Ted to testify at the trial when I sued a prominent Canadian newspaper that mobilized all the resources it could mobilize to fight me with the intent to ruin my life as this was the wish of the Jewish organizations that saw in me a rising challenge threatening their supremacy. Thus, Ted was my witness in the courtroom and he was there to help me win the case but he was also a loyal employee of the newspaper at the time that the drama was unfolding. In charge of the letters to the editor, he tried to have my letters published but was overruled each time by the successive editors-in-chief who were getting their cues from the Jewish organizations. Knowing that the chances were slim he will be allowed to publish anything with my name on it, Ted tried to help me in other ways, all of which involved introducing me to people that worked at the newspaper. These people were connected to one section or another and had some say as to what gets published. The expectation was that one of them will someday find a way to have something of mine slip unnoticed and be published. And we both thought that if I could achieve a first break in this manner, it would open the door for me to develop an ongoing relationship with the newspaper then go on from there to develop a good relationship with the entire journalistic establishment. In fact, I almost made it with the help of the science editor but something went wrong and the article I had written on the magnetic bubble memory (at the leading edge of scientific research at the time) was pulled out at the last minute and replaced with something else.

But even while trying to help me, Ted still could not understand why I was refusing the parallel offer made to me by the newspaper. This was an offer that came from the editor-in-chief himself and was to the effect that they were prepared to publish anything I wrote as long as it was written in the style of Lubor Zink. Ted was put in charge of telling me about this project, something he repeated several times over the years and something I turned down each and every time without hesitation. So you ask: What was the offer? Well, you'll know what it was when I tell you who Lubor Zink was. He was a journalist that had come to North America from a communist country. He hated communism so much that he could not differentiate between the political system of the regime and the activities that unfolded under it. And so he attacked everything that reeked of Eastern European or Russian influence including the cultural products, the scientific achievement, the system of education and so on of those countries.

In time, Lubor Zink came to symbolize the writers who wrote disparagingly about their own origin be they the Ukrainians who insisted they were neither Russian nor Soviet. Or the Jews who did not like what Israel was doing in the Middle East or what the self appointed leaders of the Jews were doing in North America. Or the Africans who maintained that if left to themselves, the Third World countries will have a hard time making any meaningful progress. Thus to be told that if I wanted to be published I must write like Lubor Zink meant that I should write anti-Egyptian, anti-Arab and also anti-Muslim articles. The last part because the people that ran the newspaper -- including Ed -- did not know I was Christian. They relied on the fact that I was of Egyptian origin to automatically assume that I was a Muslim. And they thought they could score a coup by convincing me to attack Islam. But I was so amused by the extent of their simple mindedness, I did not correct them about the reality of my religion until I had a few bellyfuls of laugh after which I told them to shove it.

Even during the trial, Ted expressed his astonishment at my desire to have my point of view expressed by me rather than be satisfied in seeing someone else articulate the Arab point of view. He asserted that the newspaper had a balanced team of writers who wrote from every angle in the known political spectrum; from the extreme leftist point of view to the extreme rightist point of view. To give an example, he said that the paper had a columnist called Salutin who expressed the point of view of the left, something that should have satisfied my requirements. But to me, this stance sounded so bizarre I froze for a moment as if hit on the head with a baseball bat. When I came to, I decided not to take up the point made by Ted since I could see that the judge himself did not look dismayed when he should have been rocketed out of his chair. Because of this, I thought it will be a mistake, a distraction and a waste of time to suspend the trial even for a moment to respond to Ted by making points that will be above the court's ability to grasp any of them.

To begin with I had never read Salutin up to that time and when I started to read him after that, I did not see a single article he wrote on the Middle East. The man sounded like he might have been articulating a leftist point of view but I did not see how this would be taking up the Arab cause since the Arabs had nothing to do with being on the left side or the right side of the political spectrum. In fact, the Arab point of view I was articulating had everything to do with justice for the Palestinian people who were butchered by an army of occupation that was equipped, financed and protected by the entire political spectrum in America ranging from the diehard leftists who got their training in the Kibbutzes of Israel to the diehard rightists who admired the remnants of the Jewish terrorist groups that killed Brits and Arabs in Palestine. In my view, all these Americans were playing the role of cheap prostitutes; and not one of them impressed me enough to be considered reformable, correctable or redeemable. As far as I was concerned it was pox on all their houses; the houses on the left, the houses on the right and everything in-between.

To add to the strangeness of the situation, Ted thought I was a modern day Don Quixote who was fighting a useless fight for the sake of a worthless cause against irrepressible foes - having a zero chance to get somewhere. He chided me for endlessly complaining about a newspaper that labored feverishly to keep me blacklisted by all those it could influence, and he kept counseling me to accept the offer they made. And it seemed with each mention of the offer that the pot was being sweetened with the promise that if I attacked my race and what they thought was my religion, the world will open up to me and allow me to take the place I deserved to occupy under the sun. Increasingly, however, I was coming to the view that with his innocent perspective and simplistic understanding of what was going on inside of me, Ted was too far removed from the reality of my world. I could see that we dwelt in two completely different worlds and he could not see that.

If you want to know what my world entailed, go over the archive of this website and see what I have expressed during the past four years alone. Now imagine what else and how much more I could have expressed over the four decades that they robbed me of. Add to this the fact that they were the decades when I had the energy, the mental alertness and the memory that were several orders of magnitude above what they are now at this age. And to think that Ted sincerely believed that Salutin could have expressed all of this in one or two columns written from the leftist point of view leaves me flabbergasted.

The question remains: Why did they do what they did? When asked, they answer that it is because they were defending freedom and democracy. In fact, they convinced themselves and tried to convince me that to ban me from pursuing my freedom my way, and to stop me from pursuing my happiness the way I saw fit was to promote my freedom despite myself and, in the process, promote the freedom of everyone on the planet including the people in China who try to get published at home but cannot. And all this, they say, is being accomplished despite the fact that things are done behind the back of everyone else on the planet, including those who benefit from the effort not knowing what is being done in secret on their behalf. Do you get this my friend? Do you see how sick someone can get and yet sound well-meaning and benevolent? Well-meaning and benevolent, that is, until you parse what they say and see the full horror of the demonic logic which powers their satanic mentality. And they call this fabrication a democracy.

When you look back at history you find that freedom and democracy as they are defined today came into vogue only a few decades ago to a species that has lived in its current form for a hundred thousand years and a Civilization that started to take its current shape ten thousand years ago. Then a few years ago, a genuine effort was started to assess the effect of democracy on Civilization and the effect of freedom on the human species. Unfortunately, the Jewish organizations being as opportunistic as they are, jumped into the fray and hijacked the debate. And they tried ever since to make it sound like freedom and democracy were such divine qualities, they could only be attributed to Jews and to no one else.

Thus, the way things stand now in the lingo of their everyday usage is that while Israel is a blood shedding and flesh grinding appendix to the American military machine, it is nevertheless a delicious democracy because it vibrates. As for the Jews, they are the defenders of the freedom that is reigning in North America; a freedom that renders the Continent the delicious democracy that it is. And all this is happening, they say, because the Jews care enough to make the effort, to spend the time and to go after the unworthy ideas which they censor and replace with their own worthy ideas and then impose these on everyone else.

But the Jews manage to accomplish all this by scaring their colleagues out of their wits thus convince them to keep their mouths shut and maintain the secret. This situation lasts until such time the command is given to get worked up about a Chinese writer that cannot find a local house to publish his work. This is the time when the colleagues are called upon to stage the ritual of collective bellyaching which they do on behalf of the Chinese without mentioning the sewer of the blacklist inside of which we swim everyday here at home. And all these ideas are held together, orchestrated and harmonized by a tireless propaganda machine which also sounds the advice that if you like the setup don't just like it but love it; and sounds the warning that if you don't like the setup get off the planet and get lost far out in the depths of outer space.

And to think that there was a time when I was told this setup was the greatest thing to happen to me and the reason why I should be thrilled with the way that I was treated. Alas, I must report to you now, my friend, that what I experienced was one rotting democracy where everything stank like only a Jewish democracy can stink. And this is not something that can be defended by associating democracy with a word like vibrant at a time when some people are allowed to vibrate in Israel while others in North America are forbidden to even hiss and are attacked by the savage beasts working for the Jewish lobby when they try to go beyond hissing.

Who cares what happens where we cannot see what is happening when we see the horror that is happening here at home where we can see what happens! The point is that you should never forget that when Jewish democracy stinks like hell here at home, it cannot smell like roses in Israel. But even if it did, it should not matter one iota to us. And if you have any brains at all, you will stop being thrilled to orgasm about a democracy that is said to vibrate in Israel and you should work instead to free your country and mine from the Jewish tyranny that is keeping our democracy fossilized in the stone age of a biblical past.

In the final analysis, we cannot escape the conclusion that the word democracy has already become a dirty word, and you have the Jewish organizations to thank for that. As for the word freedom, it was first written in the DNA molecule that was formed perhaps half a billion years ago on this planet, and no one can hijack it or attribute it to themselves; not even the demonic Jewish organizations that possess the satanic powers they have at their disposal. Freedom is what we are born with, a gift without which we go back to being dust.

In consequence of all this, let it be known that only the dead can live without freedom and this is why they are dead. Thus, the Jews cannot rob me of my freedom because they cannot steal the DNA molecule although they claim they discovered it. All they can do is make their colleagues in the media and the political institutions believe they have the power to rob me of my freedom and rob them of theirs. Some people believe this crap and are scared but that's only because they are already brain dead.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Weapons Of Truth Distortion By Mass Media

When you build a propaganda machine that is muscular enough to take a superpower to the sewer of international diplomacy and relations; when you develop a way to force the superpower to welter in the stinky pool where you take it; when you manage to do all this in full view of the nations of the world, you know you have arrived. But you should also know that you have built a machine that runs on many parts each of which can malfunction and cause it to stop or even self destruct. In fact, something like this is happening to the Jewish propaganda machine that has seen days when it used to score successes unparalleled in the history of advocacy but has now suffered a loss of credibility so severe it can no longer say or do anything that does not turn against it instead of promote the causes it seeks to advance.

A propaganda machine of this order of magnitude was, in effect, created by the Jewish lobby to handle the superpower that is America. The most important instrument it had in its tool box was the ability to look ahead, spot every potential future rival and work to win them to its side before they grew too big to handle -- or work to destroy their careers and silence them before they became too hard to beat. Operating under this demonic strategy, the lobby made sure that no opposing voice was able to rise and seriously challenge the river of deceptive presentations it was disseminating on a daily basis and sometimes on hourly bases. But as fate would have it, this is the area of the machine where the fatigue and the cracks began to show. What happened after that and continues to happen at a higher frequency are two important developments. First, voices that were silenced for decades are emerging from the isolation in which they were pushed; their rise from obscurity made possible by new communication technologies that continually come into existence and that chip away at the monopolistic dissemination of the one-sided views which dominated the marketplace of ideas. Second, the Jewish propaganda machine itself has grown so big and so flaccid it can no longer stay focused on the causes it is articulating. The net result is that you now see the machine contradict its own positions more often than not and damage the causes it is trying to champion.

With this in mind, you can imagine that the transformation of the images from what they used to be to what they have become is creating an upheaval that is affecting both the creators of the propaganda and the intended audiences. To get a sense of the turbulence that is being generated consider this: For two generations or more you are told by the reporters and the cameramen stationed in Israel and covering the Middle East that the Arabs can never say or do anything which is not driven by a morbid hatred of America and of Israel. Then one day unusual events begin to happen in the Arab lands, and the reporters and the cameramen are forced to travel there to report from the field. Sitting in North America, you now see and hear what is happening in those lands; you see realities and hear views that the media in North America were forbidden to carry by order of the Jewish lobby. And contrary to what you were being fed, you hear no one speak of America or Israel and you see no one burn a flag of America or Israel. On the contrary, you see ordinary people and hear them say they want the system by which they are governed to evolve as fast as their society is evolving or they will change the system by the force of their popular will and a show of their collective resolve. You learn that this is their aim now as it has been all along since the day their countries gained independence. As for America and Israel, the Arabs spend no more time thinking about them than they do about China or North Korea, countries that may command a minute of their attention once every blue moon and only if something happens that is truly newsworthy. And so you scratch your head and ask yourself: What the hell were the media feeding us all these years? And why were they feeding us such garbage for this long?

After a great deal of thinking and probing, you come to the conclusion that the Jewish lobby was behind it all and you hit upon a good question: Where did the machine that was able to accomplish this feat find the lies, the false images and the misrepresentations with which to flood the marketplace of ideas while denying the right of reply to those who could refute its never ending stream of falsehoods? In fact, this is the best question you could have asked because when you try to answer it you expose the extent to which the machine was able to develop a weapon of truth distortion by mass media. To begin with and before answering the question, the reader should know that ordinary people have a built-in resistance to accepting a flagrant lie at face value even when they do not know what the lie is supposed to hide. Thus, even if the lie is not refuted right away, it will lose its effect with time however long that may be. And this is especially true when you have a lobby such as the Jewish lobby which has the habit of dreadfully exaggerating things; a lobby that is totally one sided and absolutely relentless when it comes to painting Israel as the image of heaven on earth while painting the Arab lands as the image of hell on that same earth. It is just that ordinary people who live ordinary lives instinctively reject the view that the world is made of extremes that are this extreme and are so removed from the ordinary they are familiar with and cherish so much.

What this says is that if you aim to become an effective propaganda machine and you know there will be no one to lend a semblance of credibility to what you say by challenging your assertions and giving you the opportunity to explain them from a different angle, you need something else that will make you sound believable. To this end, you find that you can make precious use of the half truth. Yes, that's the half truth. This is when you take something that is rooted in reality and build around it a story that is completely false. When you do this, you in effect create a lie and dress it with the robe of truth. If you know how to handle this method with great skill, you can turn it into a weapon that is as stealthy as the invisible nerve gas and that is as deadly as a weapon of mass destruction. To take one example, because the people of Palestine live under an occupation that is more savage than anything seen or experienced before, some youngsters express their frustration by burning the Israeli flag. When America responds by transferring to Israel more warplanes, more helicopters and more bombs to quell the Palestinian revolt, the Palestinians respond by burning the American flag. When the media show these images out of context or show them in the wrong context which they often do, they disseminate a lie disguised as truth. It is a half truth that is both effective and misleading.

In this case, the truth is that the Palestinians who are Arabs do sometimes burn the Israeli flag and maybe the American flag also. The lie is when the media in North America give the impression that 350 million Arabs in 22 countries do nothing all day long, every day of the week but sit and think of ways to burn the Israeli and American flags without reason, without provocation and without purpose. While the practice of showing the news in this fashion was common in the past, most of the mainstream media are reluctant to do so now. Instead, they make use of the half truth which is to speak of the Arabs in general terms while showing pictures that depict a Palestinian youngster in the act of burning a flag. The thing, however, is that while this method may succeed to stir the emotions against the Arabs, it damages the audiences that consume the propaganda more than it does the intended victims. In other words, this method causes more harm to America than it does to the Arab countries, a matter that should not be taken lightly because it has other more serious consequences as well.

If you ask who wins and who loses in this game, you find that we who live in North America are the big losers - the only losers. The reality is that the Arabs could not care less what our media is feeding us and they don't try to find out because they are too preoccupied with the chores of their daily living. Simply put, they are not going to suspend making breakfast, feeding the kids, taking them to school, navigating a horrendous traffic to get to work, earning a paycheck and getting home at the end of the day to ponder if they should go to bed early or watch the premier of the new soap opera on television. No, they will not suspend this lifestyle to try and solve the puzzle of a people that kill women and sell their flesh as pork or a people that kill a fellow passenger on a bus and eat the flesh in view of the other passengers. The Arabs are just not going to worry about a people that see horror of this magnitude in their midst and remain unaffected but get all worked up about a Palestinian kid who burns the flag of a savage occupation that has lasted all his life, the lifetime of his parents and that of his grand parents too. No way will the Arabs do this today, tomorrow or any day of the week.

We, who live in North America must understand that the Arabs and the people of most other cultures judge themselves, their neighbors and us by the list of priorities we each adopt. In fact, the Arabs and everyone alive have adopted a list of priorities that is well known and has been expressed in the language of metaphors like this: I stand to nurture and defend my family, my life and my country. And these people are amazed to learn that by contrast, our North American metaphor translates into something like this: Regardless of merit, I grease the wheel that squeals the loudest then go to the next wheel and then the next; and I hope that in the end everyone will come to love me. Thus, while the Arabs and the others do what is good for them, for their families and their countries, we believe that even if Israel were not as perfect as it is portrayed, we should preoccupy ourselves with what it needs because it squeals loudly.

Besides being a comical tragedy of the sickening kind, this situation has other nefarious consequences of which we can take an example and discuss it. For several decades now the Americans have talked about formulating an energy policy for their country but have failed to even outline the shape of one. And there is a reason for this. It is that they have consistently approached the matter from the wrong angle - more precisely from the opposite angle of where they should start. That is, instead of recognizing that they hate the Arabs for no reason except that they were told to hate the Arabs by the Jewish lobby, they base their decisions concerning energy on the false premise that it is the Arabs who hate them. And so to respond to this hatred of their imagination, they have decided to subsidize the production of ethanol which is fuel made from corn. They did this because they were told that such move will hurt the Arabs which is a good thing in itself. However, the reality is that the Americans buy more oil from Canada, Mexico and Venezuela which are located in the western hemisphere of the globe than they buy from the Arab countries. And get this now, the Arabs could lose America as a client and be no more regretful than a supermarket that loses a penniless pauper who threatens never again to visit the store if he is not allowed to urinate in the isle in view to the other customers. Get your stinking ass out of here would be the appropriate response to a thing like that but the Arabs are too polite to say it loudly - at least for now.

Instead of pursuing a policy of this kind with the Arabs, the government of the United States could do something better. To see what this is consider the following. Given that the Arabs buy large quantities of corn where they find it, the Americans could sell it to them instead of turning it into fuel. They could then use the money to buy oil not from the Arabs if they don't want to but from the nations of the Western hemisphere. If the Americans adopt this policy, they will be doing 3 times as well as they do now in terms of the amount of useful energy they get for the money they spend. That is, by burning oil instead of ethanol, they will drive 3 miles for every mile they now drive with ethanol. And if the plan for the future is to burn ethanol to produce electricity, they should know that using oil will generate 3 kilowatt hours of electricity for every kilowatt hour that ethanol can generate. Thus, negotiating a long term agreement with the Arabs that involves the exchange of petroleum for grain can be the start of an American energy policy that is based on reason. And this should replace what they have now which is lunacy caused by the hate that the Jewish lobby is continually pumping into their bellies.

To get there from here, the Americans should drop the habit of acting like teenagers come election time. Whereas the kids are gripped with Saturday night fever as they frantically look for a place where they can go and do lap dancing, the seekers of high office run to Israel where they hope to do the bimbo-rock dance in the lap of the power brokers there in the hope that this will win them votes back home in America. From now on the American people must loudly express the view that it is unacceptable for someone who aspires to occupy a high office in America to prostitute themselves by running to Israel and campaigning there.

The Americans should consider this behavior to be a signal that says: “This low life prostitute will do anything to promote the glory of Israel, even go as far as send American boys and girls to die anywhere in the world when commanded by the Neocons who are Israel's agents in America.” The electorate must stand up and say to the self-declared political hookers that if they go to Israel at election time, they should stay there and “...don't you come back no more, stinking asshole.”

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Watch The Snake Molt Once Again

If the Israeli economy were a snake you would see it shed its skin every so often to give the snake a new look. Because the phenomenon seems incomprehensible when you're not used to it, you search for a reason that might give meaning to what you see happen but find no satisfactory explanation. You think about the matter for a while and hit on the notion that there may not be a real economy in Israel after all, and that the whole thing is a sham - more like a make believe piece of theater. You look closely to check your hypothesis and ascertain the reality of the situation and discover that what passes for economy in that strange place they call Israel is an empty shell that can only be construed as the national equivalent of a cross between an Enron house of cards and a Maddof pyramid scheme.

You study the matter in more general terms and find that the reason why it is possible for an Israeli economy, for an Enron balance sheet and for a Maddof portfolio to appear real is that most people do not have the opportunity to see the physical proof of what the economy of a country, the operation of a company or the portfolio of an investment manager are made of. Instead, they rely on the figures supplied to them by the entities they have come to trust or have no choice but trust. Thus, Enron can set up a multitude of shell companies and connect to them with a labyrinth of fictitious deals. Figures are then generated by these deals and entered on the revenue side of the balance sheet without raising the suspicion of shareholders. Likewise, a Maddof portfolio can be made of fictitious trades with fictitious stocks that produce fictitious dividends and capital gains without raising the suspicion of investors. And the minnow economy of Israel is made to look like it can produce whale size goods and services by entering big numbers on a ledger to reflect not the reality of the situation on the ground but the fantasy of the shifty minds behind it all.

The reason why an Enron, a Maddof or an Israel would do such a thing is because it is part of a presentation where they try to convince the world they have an ongoing operation that is so successful it will meet its obligations in full and on time. In doing this, they implicitly promise to pay with interest or with dividend the money they take from investors and thus encourage more investors to come forward and invest with them. When new money comes in, they use a little of it to pay the existing investors and make the operation look as successful as they had promised. They keep the rest of the money for themselves and use it to lead a style of life they never earned. All the while, the operation they preside over remains an empty shell made to look like it is enjoying a steady growth by virtue of the labyrinth, the phony profits and the whale size trades they generate on paper but nowhere else in reality.

But no matter how long it takes, the Enrons and the Maddofs of this world are eventually unmasked because they operate under the legal jurisdiction of a country like America or any other that is governed by law. On the other hand, a sovereign country is difficult to unmask because it lives by its own rules and remains free to do what it wants as long as it pays what comes due to the bondholders on time. Even when people suspect that the payouts come not from the ability of the economy to produce a surplus but from the sale of new bonds, they accept the situation because they know that a country can at times go through a bottleneck before the economy gets back on track and scores a higher rate of growth. In fact, bondholders are usually a patient lot because they are long time investors who look as far into the future as five years or ten or even thirty.

Of course, rating agencies do exist that are supposed to keep an eye on the sovereign bond issuers and the financial institutions which are related to them such as banks and the other issuers of credit. The trouble is that the rating agencies report to the public when in fact they are neither retained by the public nor paid by it. Surprisingly, the agencies work for the entities they report on and get paid by them. For this reason, it is said that to rely on the rating agencies to tell you the truth about their clients is like relying on the lawyers of Mafia bosses to tell you about the shortcomings of those who bankroll them. If on the face of it, this setup looks and smells like a farcical situation, it is because it is exactly that. And the history of the past few years - when triple A ratings were assigned to institutions that were of high yield (junk) status - has shown how damaging to the economies of the world the farce has become.

Now, when it comes to Israel, the fact is that most of the debt that is held by this non-economy is guaranteed by America. Thus the bondholders are not concerned with the level of risk that the issuer of the bond represents because what matters to them is the level of risk that the guarantor represents. This is satisfactory to most investors but if you are not concerned as a bondholder, you should be as a direct investor or if you invest in the stock market of the country because the American guarantee distorts the picture and gives a false reflection of the economy. Thus, while the bond may be safe, nothing else is. Moreover, when you see a negligible country that has been so lucky as to have its bond guaranteed by a powerful economy, you would think that the beneficiary will be grateful enough to operate quietly and try to pay off the debt as quickly as possible. But this is not happening with Israel where they do things in their traditional in-your-face manner and a large dose of chutzpah. This prompts you to look closely at what they do there and find that Israel is using the money guaranteed by America to run a Ponzi scheme of Maddof proportion. And you feel sick to your stomach.

The truth is that Jews can never have a normal country of their own where they would run a normal economy. A lot of people - many of them Jews - will tell you this and give a number of reasons why they think so. At first I did not take this view seriously until something happened that jolted me and got me to look into the matter more closely. What happened was that while freelancing for a number of publications in Montreal I heard a story from several sources that raised my curiosity. The story was about a number of Jewish professors in the English and the French universities who were telling their students the history of what came to be known as the “war of attrition.” This is the six year war that followed the Israeli blitz on Egypt in 1967 and ended when the Egyptians crossed the Suez Canal in 1973 and took back the Sinai Peninsula.

Sometime during that war, the Israelis were able to stage a raid on the Egyptian mainland using helicopters. They dismantled an abandoned transformer and took it back with them. The Jewish professors in Montreal were telling their students that this is what it means to be a Jew. They explained their viewpoint this way: You see something you like, you take it. If you cannot bring yourself to behave in this manner, you are no Jew and have no business following the Jewish tradition. To tell you the truth, my dear reader, although I knew about the theft of the transformer because Israel made a hullabaloo about it when it happened, I still could not believe that Jewish professors in North America would discuss the incident in public the way that I was told they did. But then one day someone brought me the proof in the form of a recording and I was amazed at both the chutzpah and the carelessness of these people.

The operation to steal the transformer reminded me of the time when the Israelis had staged another raid on an Egyptian outpost at Sharm-el-Sheikh where they looted the place there too. Decades have passed since that incident and I can still hear Walter Cronkite describe the operation. The readers who are too young to remember Cronkite should know that he was great because he could internalize the emotions of the people on whom he was reporting and express what they felt with his rich facial expressions and a perfectly modulated locution. In fact, it was said that when you see and hear Cronkite describe someone, you get to know that person intimately and get to feel what they feel. Thus, when he described the raid on the outpost, he expressed the jubilation of the Israelis who were happy to discover that the outpost contained something they valued more than anything else. Cronkite's exact words to this effect were these: “Enough food to feed Israel for a whole year.”

What comes out of this episode is that the search for scraps of food to steal is an important ritual for the Israelis of today as much as it was for the Hebrew tribes of antiquity. And this out-of-control craving to rob someone must have been the motivation behind the raid at Sharm-el-Sheikh and the one on the Egyptian mainland. But this sort of behavior should not surprise anyone because it is typical of the marauding primitive tribes of the Old Testament, those tribes that lived by stealing food from their neighbors and by looting the other things from everyone else. And what all this points to in the final analysis is that the primitives have come back and have revived the old habit of inflicting on humanity the savage old ways of the Stone Age. Indeed, the barbarians are not only at the gate; they have crashed it and no one in the world is safe.

And what is a Maddof scheme if not a way to raid and loot the pockets, the wallets and the bank accounts of your neighbors! This is why such schemes are well suited for the mode of operation practiced by people that came out of the Stone Age but never got the Stone Age out of them. Still, these people live by the laws of the jurisdictions in which they find themselves where they are thrown in the slammer every time they break the law, something they are known to do more often than any other group. But Israel is a sovereign jurisdiction that has erected the semblance of an economy which rests on a pyramid scheme maintained by the Jews who live abroad and sustained by America. This is why Israel has been able to go on for a long time, why it was able to fleece many people without being called to account and why it has managed to cause heavy damage to the finances of those who were unable to defend themselves not knowing what they were supposed to defend against.

But there were those who knew how to defend themselves. The best way to see how a sovereign nation runs a Ponzi scheme and how to defend against it is to see how someone was able to escape being victimized to the end. Here is that story. Sometime in the mid Nineteen Nineties a company agreed to do a natural gas project in Israel where prior to that, a small gas field had been discovered. However, the propaganda that surrounded the small discovery made it sound like Israel was swimming in oil and natural gas where several massive fields, all brimming with hydrocarbon deposits, were said to be ready for development. The company in question bought the propaganda, responded to the call and started to work in Israel. But then it took the company very little time to discover that the whole thing was a sham designed to get foreigners to spend money in Israel which is how a sovereign Ponzi scheme works. Upon this discovery the company dropped the project in mid-stream, swallowed the losses it had incurred up to that point and moved to India in 1996 (if memory serves) thus avoided being severely damaged by an operation that turned out to be not a promising venture but a useless adventure. When the story was publicized, the Israelis stopped talking about the massive fields they had said they discovered because the world now realized how deceitful the claims about Israel's economy truly were.

Naturally, my friend the reader, you are by now curious to know which company fell into the trap but was smart enough to cut its losses and move out on time before losing even more. Well, I'll tell you who that was, my friend, but first make sure you are sitting down before you read the answer. Here it comes: it was none other than Enron. “Enron!” you scream. Yup, like they say, it takes a thief to catch a thief and who was better suited to smell and catch a thieving rat than the rats of Enron! But let's not be too hasty now because you never know; it could well be that up to that time Enron had not yet developed the scheme for which it came to be known but learned all about it from the Israelis and went on to implement it in America. Anything is possible in this dirty business, you know.

Anyway, with this project gone down the drain, the Israeli snake decided to shed the hydrocarbon skin and wear the skin of the dot com which came in vogue right after the oil craze. Here too, lots of companies responded to the propaganda that was designed to sound as if Israel was dot-comed into existence by the Almighty to lead the world into the internet revolution. But the end result was that most of the companies lost their shirt and moved out of there penniless or they died on the spot and were buried without fanfare. Still, because the Ponzi scheme had to be maintained to prevent the Israeli economy from falling into the pit of oblivion, the snake was made to shed the skin of the dot com and wear the new skin of the high tech where it was propagandized that the Almighty had high-teched Israel into being to pioneer a new level of existence that will take mankind to the promised land of futuristic wizardry. But here too more fatalities resulted and the corporate bodies were buried without ceremony or a small prayer or someone to shed a tear. After that came the bio-medical skin of the snake where they said that Israel was mandated by the Almighty to bio-medical humanity into a bionic age of near eternal life, an age that was said to be of infinite vitality. But here too, the hogwash came to naught when it was realized that more business cadavers were generated than there were live bodies standing around and able to vouch that they received as much as a penny in interest or in dividend in recompense for the money they invested in that sorry place they call Israel.

And so now the Israelis have come full circle and they are wearing the hydrocarbon skin of the snake once again. And true to form, they make it sound like more shale oil and more shale gas have been discovered in Israel than there is oil or natural gas in all of Arabia, all of America, all of Canada and all of Africa etc, etc, etc all put together. And the Israelis and their mouthpieces undoubtedly expect that enough suckers from around the world will believe that the Almighty has decided after all to turn Israel into an energy giant. And they hope that these people will want to invest their money where nothing exists that is not deceptive and where nothing grows but the bubble of the bull.

Enough is enough; we need a breather, we need fresh air.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Don't Go Crazy Over Cheesy Flattery

NOTE: BLOGGER has not yet fixed the problem of spacing between the paragraphs and so I am separating them with short lines. ______________________________________________________________ Are they crazy or are they crazy like a fox? This is the question you ask every time you see the Jewish lobby do things in a way that may benefit the causes it champions in the short run - as indeed it does once in a while - but ends up hurting them in the long run as it does all the time. Study the activities of the lobby carefully and you will see that the hallmark of the approach it takes to execute a campaign is that it tailor-makes the message to fit the personality of those who listen to it. Watch the lobby for a while longer and you will discover that woven with its presentation is a flattery that tells the listener he or she is buying this message because he or she is classy and smart. Human nature being what it is, most people succumb to this kind of flattery and thus lend success to the short term aims of the lobbying campaign. But then comes the time to do a cost-benefit analysis and the consequences of the lobbying message are measured. This is when it is determined that the apparent early successes were nothing but long term failures in the making. And so you ask yourself: Was the lobby crazy like a fox or was it plain crazy? ______ Aside from the personal flattery they bestow on the people they interact with on a daily basis, the cheesiest general flattery that the Jewish lobbyists splash on the Americans of the chattering and governing classes is that they constantly drum into their heads the notion they are hated everywhere in the world because, as a nation, they are big, beautiful and strong. The lobbyists then urge that in response to this unfair treatment, America must use its monumental size and limitless power to hit back at those who hate it instead of try to understand them and negotiate an accommodation that will satisfy everyone - which is the way that the lobbyists believe America is now responding to provocations. Some of these lobbyists even go beyond all this and argue in plain and simple language that the Americans must bomb the people who hate them and thus force these people to love America by virtue of the respect they will be compelled to develop for the country. ______ This is getting crazy, you say, and you are correct. But you should know that if you read the Old Testament with a critical eye, you will find that it is entirely based on the notion of living your life not by harmonizing the needs of the self with the needs of others but by forcing the others to bend to your will. In fact, this is how Israel has tried to live in the Middle Eastern neighborhood where it was parachuted, and this is why the world has come to hate it and hate America along with it. But you ask: Why America? And the answer is that the world has developed a few negative sentiments toward this country because it bought the message of the Jewish lobby which got into the business of giving advice to the superpower even though America was doing well as it coexisted harmoniously with the rest of the world. This was a time when America was motivated by the spirit that was prevailing ever since the victories of the second world war, a time when America was loved and respected by everyone - even by her former enemies - precisely because she was big, beautiful and strong not for being the petty little thing that the ugly Jewish lobby wants it to become and so remain for ever. ______ Of course, nothing has worked for Israel in the Middle East during all the time it has been there since that fateful day when it was recognized as a nation six or seven decades ago. The reason why nothing has worked is that the weird philosophy of life that did not work for the ancient Hebrew tribes has not worked in modern times either for those who claim to have descended from those same tribes. Still, these people have convinced themselves they can live according to the rules of the Stone Age despite the fact that the same rules proved to be too primitive even for the Stone Age of biblical times. Still, they thought they could tweak and adapt the old behavior to the modern age and make it work but they proved to be wrong and everyone knew it except they who were convinced they were doing just fine. And because failure has been the hallmark of the Jewish existence for thousands of years while tenacity has been the response to the repeated failures, it was inevitable that the Jews should develop a mode of operation peculiar to their culture. What they did was to develop an ability to pull other people into their fights and use that as their secret weapon. And they were able for a good part of their modern history to convince the gullible of other races such as the communists of the Soviet Union and the socialists of Europe to fight alongside them or fight for their causes instead of them. ______ When the communists and the socialists began to decline, the Jewish organizations converted to the philosophy of the liberal democracies of the West as fast as you can turn a communal kibbutz into an upscale tourist resort, and they plotted to drag the American superpower into their new scheme. With little effort and even less planning they managed to get America to take on the entire Arab and Muslim worlds one creeping step after another thus do for Israel the dirty work that Israel could not or would not do for itself. Naturally, the Christian and Muslim Arabs as well as the Christians and the Muslims of other races began to resent the behavior of Israel and that of America. But before America could see the cause and effect relationship that existed between her newly adopted activities and the hatred she was engendering, the Jewish lobbyists had concocted the idea that human beings are anti-Semitic by genetic disposition which is why they are ganging up on Israel and by extension on America too. And all this resentment is happening, they went on to explain, for one reason and one reason only which is that America is the only exceptional nation on Earth and the Jews are the only chosen people in history. The lobbyists spoke thusly; they nudged and they counseled and they continued to do what they always did as if they were God's crown achievement and America His gift to them - a gift that will be appreciated until such time that someone else will be picked and so honored as to serve, to sacrifice and be made to suffer for the sake of the Jews. ______ Well, my friend, let me tell you something you might find interesting. Curiosity concerning flattery and the effect it has on people is not new to the human race. In fact, the French poet Jean de La Fontaine knew a great deal about it and wrote a fable some three and a half centuries ago which gives a precious lesson on flattery. The fable is called in French “Le Corbeau et le Renard” which translates into English as “The Crow and the Fox”. For some reason and contrary to his style, La Fontaine cut the storyline to its bare minimum but you can get a feel for what is missing by reading between the lines. And so, what follows is my interpretation of La Fontaine's story with the complete dialogue as I envisage it and a full description of the motivations that animate the two characters of the story. Here it is. A crow was perched high up on a tree holding a cheese in his beak. A hungry fox that was attracted by the smell of the cheese approached and engaged the crow in a conversation. The fox started the engagement this way: “Good day to you, Mister Crow. Oh my God, look what a good looking bird you are! But tell you what, Sir; if your song sounds as good as your plumage looks to me, I promise that you will be considered the phoenix of this forest; at least I shall so consider you myself.” ______ Upon hearing these words the crow felt the rush of a joyful anticipation run through his body and decided to demonstrate the sound of his voice which he knew was so nice it will earn him the title of phoenix of the forest, something he always dreamed about. To this end, the crow threw his beak wide open but before he had the time to let out a single note of his song, the cheese had dropped off his beak. This being the moment that the fox was waiting for, he rushed to the fallen cheese and quickly grabbed it. He then looked up at the crow who was still perched high up on the tree and said with a sneer: “Let it be known, Sir, that flatterers like me always live at the expense of those like you who listen to them. And that's a lesson worth a cheese, my dear crow, don't you think so?” Sad and still hungry, all that the crow could do now was to resolve that he will never again let himself be tricked by someone: a crazy fox or not a crazy fox, that is the resolution. ______ America too must now learn a lesson of its own. It must learn to live without the addictive flattery of a Jewish lobby that does nothing but work to grab the cheese, the bread and the butter from the mouths of the hungry and the unemployed in America to send these and everything else to Israel that produces nothing yet receives everything for free. And Israel is where the Stone Age mentality of the Old Testament has been put to work once again. It is there where new recruits are joining the army, doing so with a motivation that should send the chill down the spine of every person in America and outside of it. The fact is that a new disturbing trend is developing in Israel where the same fanatics who relied on the army to protect them in the past as they stole the land and settled in the occupied territories, are themselves joining the army now for the purpose of taking the thing over from the inside. Their goal as they have stated it is to turn the army into a hardline institution dedicated to the preservation of the occupation and to expand it as far as they can take it. When the effort is completed, these people hope to have brought together the two halves of a picture they want the world to know about, be conscious about and see with absolute clarity and no ambiguity. ______ What these people want to do is to show that one half of the picture which represents the settlements that were built, are being built and will continue to be built is a half that was made possible because American money was available to make it all happen. They also want to show that the other half of the picture represents an army that was equipped, is being equipped and will continue to be equipped with the most modern and most lethal of weapon systems made by America and donated to Israel with no condition attached. And they want to show that the two halves of the picture are held together by an economy that rests on American financial aid, an aid that was always there for them to grab and will be there for as long as they want it. And the ultimate message these people want to send to the world is this one: You take us on, you take on America. If you think we are criminals, you must think that America too is criminal. You should understand that being a chosen people, God put us on this Earth to take what we want when we want it without asking for anyone's permission. And God gave us America to protect us and pay the price whenever someone resents us for what we do, for what we are and for what we can never be. ______ When all is said and done, you realize that because the road to hell is paved with good intentions, the Jewish organizations have paved every road with the colors of good intention and are leading America to hell whichever road she chooses to take. And this is a situation that is too far removed from what was envisaged when America and a few other nations voted to establish a homeland for the Jews in Palestine. What happened between then and now is akin to what happens when you try to make cheese, and bad bacteria contaminate the batch of good bacteria you use to make the cheese. But there is a small variation in this analogy that ought to be mentioned. It is that the good bacteria chosen to make the cheese were not laced with a bad contaminant but were themselves - and entirely so - bad bacteria disguised as good bacteria. ______ And this is the bitter reality of that story because when it comes to making a deal with the spiritual descendants of the Stone Age tribes of the Old Testament you don't make a deal with the children of God, you make a deal with the disciples of the devil who are disguised as children of God. Their philosophy of life has been contaminating the good Earth ever since the beginning of time, and the time has come to mothball it and to store it in the same archives where Nazism and Fascism have been gathering dust for some time now. ______ Enough is enough; humanity needs a breather, it needs fresh air.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

America's Proxy War On Palestine

NOTE: BLOGGER has not yet fixed the problem of spacing between the paragraphs and so I am separating them with short lines. ____________________________________________________________________ On March 28, 2011 President Obama gave a speech in which he said this: “Military jets and helicopter gunships were unleashed upon people who had no means to defend themselves against assaults from the air.” If you did not know what the occasion was on which the President spoke these words but were familiar with recent history, you would have concluded that he was speaking about the Israeli practice of butchering the people of Palestine using American made laser guided precision smart bombs to kill families as they sat at the dinner table in their dining rooms and kill women with their babies as they slept in their modest beds in their bedrooms. Then, upon learning that the President spoke those words to explain why he called for the protection of the unarmed people he was so concerned about, you would have believed that America has finally decided to reverse the shameful practice of supplying Israel with the bombs, the military jests and the helicopter gunships that are routinely unleashed on the Palestinian people who have no means to defend themselves against any aggression, let alone defend themselves against assaults from the air. And then, upon learning that the President was speaking in his capacity as commander in chief of the American armed forces having already ordered his military to participate in the protection of the civilian population, you would have concluded that he must have ordered an attack on the Israeli military to finally put an end to America's participation in the savage behavior of the savage entity they call Israel. And you would have felt good that America has at last decided to come back and stand once again with the civilized world on a subject that has been a stain on the disordered posture it has taken in recent years. ______ Unfortunately, however, your joy would have evaporated upon learning that the President was not speaking about the people of Palestine but was speaking about Libya. And so you sit down feeling a little disappointed and you ask yourself why this American preoccupation with Libya when a savagery of biblical proportion that has already persisted in Palestine for three generations without respite is still unfolding with full force not far from where Libya is situated. And you realize that it is because Gadhafi was said to be killing his own people and not killing a people he occupied. You take this line of thinking further and come to the startling revelation that had Gadhafi been smart enough to call Eastern Libya a territory he is occupying in the same way that Israel is occupying Palestine, he would have been treated by the American politico-journalistic Establishment the same way that Israel is treated. That is, the US Congress would have showered him with borrowed money and deadly weapons; the media would have propped him up with free propaganda and with lies galore; the Administration would have protected him with the veto at the Security Council; and the televised ministries would have honored him like a reincarnated Jesus. Instead of being the hunted animal that he is today, Gadhafi would have been worshiped like a God by nearly all of America. You see, my friend, the trouble with Gadhafi is that he is an odd Arab monster and not a regular Israeli monster. ______ Whether you strongly agree with that view or you vehemently disagree with it; or if you stand in the middle between the two extremes, the mere fact that a situation exists which lends itself to be discussed in this manner is by itself a horrific development in the annals of human history. And so you ask yourself: What could have gone so badly wrong with the human race as to take us to a point as shockingly incomprehensible as this? And you find the answer to be no less shocking and just as simple. It is that you can deliver a powerful punch when you say that a leader is mistreating his own people. In fact, if you have no proof that a leader is so depraved as to do something as horrifying as a father that secretly rapes his own children, yet you wish to damn that leader as much, you accuse him of mistreating his own people. An accusation like this has the effect of forcing the imagination of the listener to associate the leader with a father figure that is the icon of depravity. And this mental association happens because people are horrified by a government that mistreats its own citizens who happen to belong to a different ethnic or religious group. This is why the Americans painted Saddam Hussein as a leader who mistreated the different groups in Iraq even though it was the Americans who supplied him with the weapons used in the commission of the bad deeds. And this is how the Americans are trying to paint Gadhafi even though he is embroiled in a civil war that has nothing to do with the differences between the various groups in Libya. ______ This kind of misrepresentation has become an American habit and the cause for which the American officials keep losing credibility when they stand to speak in world forums. In fact, we have here an example of how things are made to evolve artificially so as to create a false narrative that nevertheless continues to be seen for what it is because it cannot be made opaque enough. The truth is that no one has any doubt the Americans have issues with Gadhafi and that they do not mind seeing him go. Thus, when the opportunity presented itself to make this departure a reality, they seized it and attacked him. But then, they claimed that they only did what they did to protect the people of Libya who cannot protect themselves. As highly unlikely as this claim is, the world might still have believed it except that in their eagerness to embellish the narrative more than it can be, the Americans did something that spoiled the whole thing. What they did was to say that the narrative was part of a new doctrine they have been developing for some time. But when you look closely at the doctrine, you see that it was enunciated after the fact; after the attack on Libya. Probing the matter further out of curiosity, you discover that several American leaders of the past have come up with doctrines that were never used by them or by their successors. Some of the doctrines expressed nothing more than a wishful thinking and some of them were dreamed up to explain and justify something after the fact. As for the documents that contain the doctrines, they were shelved to give future students something to write about in the pursuit of a graduate degree, and perhaps use that to find a paying job. ______ What is puzzling in the current situation, however, is the question as to why the Americans have decided to call their action on Libya a doctrine at this time. Given that the creation of a doctrine means the setting of a legal precedent you hope will be repeated after its making, America has brought itself face to face with a contradiction the size of an Everest. It is that America has attacked Libya for dubious reasons at the same time as it is propping Israel which is the foremost icon of savagery sitting as it does like the only candidate in the world deserving of an attack on it; a surgical attack that would clip the wings of its military. And yet, because Israel's savagery is proportional to the help it receives from America, the latter need not attack Israel by military means. In fact, America can turn off the savagery by reducing the help it gives Israel or by chocking off that help completely if it should come to that. Whether or not the Americans will be moved enough to do something like this will depend on their willingness to look in the mirror and see themselves as the world sees them. The reality is that the world has put the new American doctrine side by side with that country's behavior in the Middle East and saw that policy making in American looks less rational than Gadhafi antics. But the world is not laughing because the result of the juxtaposition has been that more and more people in the world are seeing America like the self punishing masochist who keeps rewarding the Israelis with the gift they cherish the most, the knowledge that America is hurting itself to please them. And the world is increasingly coming to the conclusion that America's example is so pointless, it is no way to run a superpower and certainly no way to run an emerging nation. And the question to ask is whether or not America is hearing any of this? ______ Unfortunately, the signs are to the effect that America is not hearing any of this because a great deal of noise is being created precisely to muddle the voices of the world and prevent them from reaching the ears of America's leaders. The steady drumbeat which accompanies the chant: “We're the chosen ones telling you the exceptional ones to go it alone” is keeping America totally removed from reality. The consequence is that on a planet where everything is evolving and has been since its creation, it is impossible to think of a situation where something can remain in a steady state for ever. This is especially true where you see stress starting to build up. Thus, when the leaders of a country fail to take the steps that alter a situation where things are coming under stress, you know that one of two things will happen to relieve the stress. Either the energy that creates the stress will dissipate by itself as if dissolving in thin air or the stress will keep increasing, being fueled by a source of energy that refuses to abate or die. In this case, the result will be an explosion whose damage will be proportional to the energy released. As you can see, neither of the two outcomes can be good for a country because the energy that is causing the stress is also the nutrient that maintains the vitality of the culture. Let the energy quietly dissipate to maintain the peace and you will have created the condition for stagnation; let the source creating the energy run wild and you will risk an explosion. The best obvious choice, therefore, is to let things happen in a way that maintains a low level creative tension thus keep things moving but do so at a manageable pace. And this is the good advice that never reaches the ears of America's leaders because someone wants to monopolize the superpower and mobilize it to benefit Israel. ______ It is no secret that the Israelis and the Jewish lobby in America known as AIPAC are creating the noise that is leading America to a variant of the holocaust. Having set the precedent that it is a crime to discriminate against a people because they are of a different religious or ethnic background, the Jewish dream of a homeland for the Jews has turned into a nightmare. This is because it is becoming increasingly clear that a homeland for the Jews will only happen at the expense of a genocidal war against the Christians and the Muslims of Palestine. The crime is gathering momentum at this time, and America is slowly getting to own it because many astute “Jews” are washing their hands of it, leaving the matter to Uncle Sam who will end up paying the price when the time comes as it surely will. And when this happens, it will complete the irony about the author of a doctrine to save the lives of minorities getting stuck with the responsibility of Israel's genocidal war against the non-Jewish minorities of Palestine. ______ Those who once called themselves Jews but were neither Hebrews nor followers of the Jewish religion began the journey to snarl the American giant by calling themselves the chosen ones and calling the Americans the exceptional ones, a trick by which they managed to establish an artificial bond between them and the gullible Americans. Also, when they called the Americans exceptional, they flattered them and used this as the key to gain access to America's wealth and the blood of her children. They nearly sucked the place dry then began the process of pulling a betrayal in the style of Judas Iscariot. In fact, the mythical history they are mimicking at this stage of the game is one that goes back even before the story of Jesus and Judas; it is the story of perpetual treacheries their spiritual godfathers have pulled on countless victims for thousands of years everywhere on this planet. From the time they did it to the ancient Egyptians when they looted their homes and killed the first born of every family while fleeing the country in the middle of the night to the time they terrorized the British who gave them a homeland in Palestine, they have acted like the incarnation of treason. They did it again and again and again to people who took them in, sheltered them, fed them and considered them of their own. And not once did they show remorse or the inclination to do things differently in a quest to be like everyone and lead a normal life. In fact, they say it to themselves and to each other: If we do not live like this we cannot be Jews and might as well be someone else. ______ Thus, they never tire of displaying with pride their propensity to be in your home and pledge loyalty to a foreign country. Not only that, they go as far as recruit other people under your nose and assign to them the task of betraying their country so as to serve Israel and boost her glory. This is what Eric Cantor is doing in the US Congress and this is what he will continue to do as he lobbies other House Representatives to send letters to the President urging him to drop everything he does and work for Israel no matter what the cost will be to America. Not long ago America vetoed a Security Council resolution that would have forbidden Israel from looting anymore Palestinian lands. Now Eric Cantor and his prostitute sidekicks of the American congress of bimbos want America to veto the establishment of a Palestinian state. ______ Obama may prove to be smart enough and concerned enough about his country to avoid swallowing this bait a second time. He knows he will not lose the next election by doing the right thing, therefore he will do the right thing. This is because it is the logical thing to do for a man who governs by the power of his logic.