Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Weapons Of Truth Distortion By Mass Media

When you build a propaganda machine that is muscular enough to take a superpower to the sewer of international diplomacy and relations; when you develop a way to force the superpower to welter in the stinky pool where you take it; when you manage to do all this in full view of the nations of the world, you know you have arrived. But you should also know that you have built a machine that runs on many parts each of which can malfunction and cause it to stop or even self destruct. In fact, something like this is happening to the Jewish propaganda machine that has seen days when it used to score successes unparalleled in the history of advocacy but has now suffered a loss of credibility so severe it can no longer say or do anything that does not turn against it instead of promote the causes it seeks to advance.

A propaganda machine of this order of magnitude was, in effect, created by the Jewish lobby to handle the superpower that is America. The most important instrument it had in its tool box was the ability to look ahead, spot every potential future rival and work to win them to its side before they grew too big to handle -- or work to destroy their careers and silence them before they became too hard to beat. Operating under this demonic strategy, the lobby made sure that no opposing voice was able to rise and seriously challenge the river of deceptive presentations it was disseminating on a daily basis and sometimes on hourly bases. But as fate would have it, this is the area of the machine where the fatigue and the cracks began to show. What happened after that and continues to happen at a higher frequency are two important developments. First, voices that were silenced for decades are emerging from the isolation in which they were pushed; their rise from obscurity made possible by new communication technologies that continually come into existence and that chip away at the monopolistic dissemination of the one-sided views which dominated the marketplace of ideas. Second, the Jewish propaganda machine itself has grown so big and so flaccid it can no longer stay focused on the causes it is articulating. The net result is that you now see the machine contradict its own positions more often than not and damage the causes it is trying to champion.

With this in mind, you can imagine that the transformation of the images from what they used to be to what they have become is creating an upheaval that is affecting both the creators of the propaganda and the intended audiences. To get a sense of the turbulence that is being generated consider this: For two generations or more you are told by the reporters and the cameramen stationed in Israel and covering the Middle East that the Arabs can never say or do anything which is not driven by a morbid hatred of America and of Israel. Then one day unusual events begin to happen in the Arab lands, and the reporters and the cameramen are forced to travel there to report from the field. Sitting in North America, you now see and hear what is happening in those lands; you see realities and hear views that the media in North America were forbidden to carry by order of the Jewish lobby. And contrary to what you were being fed, you hear no one speak of America or Israel and you see no one burn a flag of America or Israel. On the contrary, you see ordinary people and hear them say they want the system by which they are governed to evolve as fast as their society is evolving or they will change the system by the force of their popular will and a show of their collective resolve. You learn that this is their aim now as it has been all along since the day their countries gained independence. As for America and Israel, the Arabs spend no more time thinking about them than they do about China or North Korea, countries that may command a minute of their attention once every blue moon and only if something happens that is truly newsworthy. And so you scratch your head and ask yourself: What the hell were the media feeding us all these years? And why were they feeding us such garbage for this long?

After a great deal of thinking and probing, you come to the conclusion that the Jewish lobby was behind it all and you hit upon a good question: Where did the machine that was able to accomplish this feat find the lies, the false images and the misrepresentations with which to flood the marketplace of ideas while denying the right of reply to those who could refute its never ending stream of falsehoods? In fact, this is the best question you could have asked because when you try to answer it you expose the extent to which the machine was able to develop a weapon of truth distortion by mass media. To begin with and before answering the question, the reader should know that ordinary people have a built-in resistance to accepting a flagrant lie at face value even when they do not know what the lie is supposed to hide. Thus, even if the lie is not refuted right away, it will lose its effect with time however long that may be. And this is especially true when you have a lobby such as the Jewish lobby which has the habit of dreadfully exaggerating things; a lobby that is totally one sided and absolutely relentless when it comes to painting Israel as the image of heaven on earth while painting the Arab lands as the image of hell on that same earth. It is just that ordinary people who live ordinary lives instinctively reject the view that the world is made of extremes that are this extreme and are so removed from the ordinary they are familiar with and cherish so much.

What this says is that if you aim to become an effective propaganda machine and you know there will be no one to lend a semblance of credibility to what you say by challenging your assertions and giving you the opportunity to explain them from a different angle, you need something else that will make you sound believable. To this end, you find that you can make precious use of the half truth. Yes, that's the half truth. This is when you take something that is rooted in reality and build around it a story that is completely false. When you do this, you in effect create a lie and dress it with the robe of truth. If you know how to handle this method with great skill, you can turn it into a weapon that is as stealthy as the invisible nerve gas and that is as deadly as a weapon of mass destruction. To take one example, because the people of Palestine live under an occupation that is more savage than anything seen or experienced before, some youngsters express their frustration by burning the Israeli flag. When America responds by transferring to Israel more warplanes, more helicopters and more bombs to quell the Palestinian revolt, the Palestinians respond by burning the American flag. When the media show these images out of context or show them in the wrong context which they often do, they disseminate a lie disguised as truth. It is a half truth that is both effective and misleading.

In this case, the truth is that the Palestinians who are Arabs do sometimes burn the Israeli flag and maybe the American flag also. The lie is when the media in North America give the impression that 350 million Arabs in 22 countries do nothing all day long, every day of the week but sit and think of ways to burn the Israeli and American flags without reason, without provocation and without purpose. While the practice of showing the news in this fashion was common in the past, most of the mainstream media are reluctant to do so now. Instead, they make use of the half truth which is to speak of the Arabs in general terms while showing pictures that depict a Palestinian youngster in the act of burning a flag. The thing, however, is that while this method may succeed to stir the emotions against the Arabs, it damages the audiences that consume the propaganda more than it does the intended victims. In other words, this method causes more harm to America than it does to the Arab countries, a matter that should not be taken lightly because it has other more serious consequences as well.

If you ask who wins and who loses in this game, you find that we who live in North America are the big losers - the only losers. The reality is that the Arabs could not care less what our media is feeding us and they don't try to find out because they are too preoccupied with the chores of their daily living. Simply put, they are not going to suspend making breakfast, feeding the kids, taking them to school, navigating a horrendous traffic to get to work, earning a paycheck and getting home at the end of the day to ponder if they should go to bed early or watch the premier of the new soap opera on television. No, they will not suspend this lifestyle to try and solve the puzzle of a people that kill women and sell their flesh as pork or a people that kill a fellow passenger on a bus and eat the flesh in view of the other passengers. The Arabs are just not going to worry about a people that see horror of this magnitude in their midst and remain unaffected but get all worked up about a Palestinian kid who burns the flag of a savage occupation that has lasted all his life, the lifetime of his parents and that of his grand parents too. No way will the Arabs do this today, tomorrow or any day of the week.

We, who live in North America must understand that the Arabs and the people of most other cultures judge themselves, their neighbors and us by the list of priorities we each adopt. In fact, the Arabs and everyone alive have adopted a list of priorities that is well known and has been expressed in the language of metaphors like this: I stand to nurture and defend my family, my life and my country. And these people are amazed to learn that by contrast, our North American metaphor translates into something like this: Regardless of merit, I grease the wheel that squeals the loudest then go to the next wheel and then the next; and I hope that in the end everyone will come to love me. Thus, while the Arabs and the others do what is good for them, for their families and their countries, we believe that even if Israel were not as perfect as it is portrayed, we should preoccupy ourselves with what it needs because it squeals loudly.

Besides being a comical tragedy of the sickening kind, this situation has other nefarious consequences of which we can take an example and discuss it. For several decades now the Americans have talked about formulating an energy policy for their country but have failed to even outline the shape of one. And there is a reason for this. It is that they have consistently approached the matter from the wrong angle - more precisely from the opposite angle of where they should start. That is, instead of recognizing that they hate the Arabs for no reason except that they were told to hate the Arabs by the Jewish lobby, they base their decisions concerning energy on the false premise that it is the Arabs who hate them. And so to respond to this hatred of their imagination, they have decided to subsidize the production of ethanol which is fuel made from corn. They did this because they were told that such move will hurt the Arabs which is a good thing in itself. However, the reality is that the Americans buy more oil from Canada, Mexico and Venezuela which are located in the western hemisphere of the globe than they buy from the Arab countries. And get this now, the Arabs could lose America as a client and be no more regretful than a supermarket that loses a penniless pauper who threatens never again to visit the store if he is not allowed to urinate in the isle in view to the other customers. Get your stinking ass out of here would be the appropriate response to a thing like that but the Arabs are too polite to say it loudly - at least for now.

Instead of pursuing a policy of this kind with the Arabs, the government of the United States could do something better. To see what this is consider the following. Given that the Arabs buy large quantities of corn where they find it, the Americans could sell it to them instead of turning it into fuel. They could then use the money to buy oil not from the Arabs if they don't want to but from the nations of the Western hemisphere. If the Americans adopt this policy, they will be doing 3 times as well as they do now in terms of the amount of useful energy they get for the money they spend. That is, by burning oil instead of ethanol, they will drive 3 miles for every mile they now drive with ethanol. And if the plan for the future is to burn ethanol to produce electricity, they should know that using oil will generate 3 kilowatt hours of electricity for every kilowatt hour that ethanol can generate. Thus, negotiating a long term agreement with the Arabs that involves the exchange of petroleum for grain can be the start of an American energy policy that is based on reason. And this should replace what they have now which is lunacy caused by the hate that the Jewish lobby is continually pumping into their bellies.

To get there from here, the Americans should drop the habit of acting like teenagers come election time. Whereas the kids are gripped with Saturday night fever as they frantically look for a place where they can go and do lap dancing, the seekers of high office run to Israel where they hope to do the bimbo-rock dance in the lap of the power brokers there in the hope that this will win them votes back home in America. From now on the American people must loudly express the view that it is unacceptable for someone who aspires to occupy a high office in America to prostitute themselves by running to Israel and campaigning there.

The Americans should consider this behavior to be a signal that says: “This low life prostitute will do anything to promote the glory of Israel, even go as far as send American boys and girls to die anywhere in the world when commanded by the Neocons who are Israel's agents in America.” The electorate must stand up and say to the self-declared political hookers that if they go to Israel at election time, they should stay there and “...don't you come back no more, stinking asshole.”