Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Wipe out hate with truth and reconciliation

 Antisemitism is on the rise throughout the world and in America, say the Jews. They level this accusation by drawing attention to the apparent reality that non-Jews now openly express hate toward the Jews and all things related to them, especially Israel which is the symbol of Jewishness these people cherish the most. But what else do the Jews say?


They say nothing more because their culture does not allow them to monitor what they activate and let fly without guidance. It is that they consider having the absolute right to the fulfillment of every desire they develop. And so, they make it a habit to desire, to grab and run, and let God fix what problems they may cause and leave behind. When God fails to respond as they expect, the Jews recruit a mighty human, and have him play the role that God has neglected.


The Jews never develop a Plan B to replace Plan A in case the latter proves unworkable. They do not think of a course correction either because they consider themselves infallible when devising a plan. And they never ditch a plan even when, like a boomerang, it turns around and hits them in the face, or that they need to replace their entire approach with a whole new way of thinking. In fact, the Jews hang on tenaciously to their kind of destructive behavior even when it becomes clear to them and to everyone that a potential catastrophe is in the making, which is usually how the Jewish projects end.


Jewish misery is rooted in the fact that they refuse to take into account the reality that when they accuse others of a sinful conduct, which they assert is hurting them whether or not it really does, they provoke a reciprocal response of equal intensity from their supposed opponents. Thus, to accuse humanity of hating Jews, is to also accuse the Jews of hating humanity. But the Jews do not see this, even though it is where the lack of reciprocity plays a major role in what comes next and what fails to materialize. Here is a made-up example of what goes on in real life:


When someone tells me that my grip around his neck hurts him and he wants me to stop, and I respond that his grip around my neck is just as painful and I want him to stop — I expect the dude to have understood that the way to resolve this problem, is for both of us to stand down and take a conciliatory approach that will help vanquish what pits us against each other.


But guess what happens, my friend, every time that the subject of antisemitism comes up in public or a private conversation. What happens is that the Jews completely ignore what everyone says, yet keep repeating that humanity suffers from a disease called antisemitism. What they propose be done to cure the situation, is that the governments of the planet come together and agree to devise and enforce a plan that will oblige their subjects to give the Jews what they want in terms of respect and peace of mind, in exchange for nothing that the Jews are willing to give back to humanity. It is that in the game of give-and-take, they want humanity to give, and want the Jews to take.


This is what makes the problem seem intractable. But the problem has a solution that was tried more than once around the globe and proven to work. The solution comes under the banner of Truth and Reconciliation. It worked in the United States when proposed to the Native tribes of that continent. It worked in South Africa when proposed to the Black majority of that land. And worked when proposed to the native minority First Nations of Canada. It can be made to work in the relationship that pits the Jews against the human race.


As exemplified by the two crucial words: Truth and Reconciliation, the most important ingredient required to resolve that problem is intellectual honesty. It begins with everyone telling themselves and telling each other the truth of what happened in the past. When this is done, reconciliation will follow naturally.


Humanity will then admit that it resents the Jews because of what their leaders make them do, not because it considers them a reviled group that exists at a subhuman level. The Jewish rank-and-file will apologize to humanity for the centuries of misery that they inflicted on the human race.


As to the Jews, they will admit to and apologize for pretending to resent humanity. They will explain they took that stance because they discovered that playing the victimhood game earned them a free lunch and the military support of so-called Democracies to kill and rob Israel’s neighbors.


They beg forgiveness for taking advantage of the opportunity to acquire something in return for nothing. And they promise never to do it again, never again, never again.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Now they wear the Saddam Hussein mantle

 When Saddam Hussein decided to attack someone, he accused them of whatever allegation came to mind at the time that he was giving the speech. He then promised the audience he’ll take the necessary action that will even out the score.


Hussein did so before attacking Iran, and did it again before attacking Kuwait – not to mention the many times he spoke ill of people considered to be his own; those he severely mistreated after accusing them of plotting to assassinate him or his family and overthrow the government.


Now, decades later, the spiritual clones of Saddam Hussein seem to have gone into his grave looking for inspiration. They discovered that the mantle he was wearing is still intact, thus made the ghoulish decision to retrieve it and wear it in the hope that they’ll become like him. Who are these latter day ghouls, you ask? They are the Jews who gave themselves the mission of ethnic cleansing Palestine of its indigenous Palestinian population.


What these characters are now doing, is invent streams of false excuses after false excuses, all of them meant to make the situation look like it is kosher to kill Palestinians. It is that these murderous Jews come up with contrived stories after contrived stories which supposedly tell of major sins that the Palestinians have committed in the past, are committing now or intend to commit in the future.


Because the ultimate aim of those Jews, is to kill every non-Jew that has a legitimate claim to Palestine, they advance the idea that the Israel Terrorist Force (ITF) has no choice but to bomb the schools and hospitals (some of them UN buildings) where the Palestinians go to seek protection when things get desperate and they have nowhere else to go.


There are days, in the midst of this melee, when it seems that of the nearly 8 billion individuals populating the Earth, most of them would be out in the streets of their cities demonstrating in favor of the Palestinian causes and denouncing those of the Jews. This being the rule, it has its exception. It is that the handful of politicos who get elected to govern the so-called Liberal Democracies, do what comes naturally to them, which is to adopt the cowardly stance of supporting the Jewish crimes, and accusing the Palestinians of sins that the Jews commit on a regular basis.


It must be noted, however, that the gentile governing politicos of the world did not become cowardly by choice. This happened because the Jews worked for decades on realizing it. In fact, the first thing that the Jews did was infiltrate the media. Once firmly installed in their mostly high positions, they cleansed every outlet they controlled, of their non-Jewish employees. Now looking like a Jewish plantation, the media was used to modulate America and make it look like a Jewish plantation. That’s where a meek looking America stands now.


Thus, aside from playing second fiddle in their own country to their Jewish foreign masters, the governing politicos of America were pushed to the unthinkable limit of opening the Congress—not to serve the American people—but serve Israel’s needs for committing the war crimes it could not commit without the backing of a superpower.


This is an America that now deflates like a punctured balloon every time that the President, the Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense utter the shameful words by which they indicate that America will let Israel decide for itself what to do in the ongoing war, while also deciding for America how it must help.


Saddam Hussein is shivering in his grave not because it is cold and he lost his mantle, but because someone turned out to be more cowardly than he ever was.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

They told what is more important to them

 When it comes to choosing between saving American lives and quenching their thirst with Palestinian blood, we know now what the Jews of America and Israel will choose. In fact, they already made their choice: They said they’ll stick with the bombing campaign that will prevent the release of American and other hostages because the shedding of Palestinian blood is more important to them than saving lives.


As shocking as this may sound, it does not surprise those who are familiar with the kind of interactive relationships that the Jews have developed with the other communities over the centuries, especially with the children of those communities. In fact, as recorded by them in their own Old Testament, they first slaughtered the babies of Egypt in the middle of the night then ran away to look for more children they could torture and kill in front of the parents, thus made the parents suffer even more. There is no two-ways about it, the Jews left behind a rich legacy of unthinkable sadistic savagery.


Of course, the Jews would do it to the children of others. But would they do it to their own children? Yes, they would. That’s the idea behind the Jewish invention known as the kibbutz. As seen around the Gaza Strip, the kibbutz are outposts that the Jews built only feet away from the demarcation line that separates them from the enemy they end doing battle with. It is how they count on the enemy to hesitate attacking them, but if violence erupts anyway, the Jews hide behind the children and also make propaganda gains they never fail to monetize.


But why do the Americans that hold all the winning chips in the palm of their hand allow something like this to develop and fester for such a long time? The answer to this question can be given in one word. It is this: psychology. The Americans may be superior to the Jews of the world put together when it comes to measuring their financial and military might, but when it comes to the use of psychology as they interact to resolve the issues of mutual interest they have between them, the Jews prove to be giants compared to their American counterparts.


What contributes to America’s many excuses for not trying to escape the grip of Jewish domination, is the lesson that the Jews shoved down the throat of America’s elites a long time ago and has never waned. It consists of constantly reminding the Americans that unlike all the others on Planet Earth, they are the most generous people because they are bigger and better than everyone else. Unwilling to lose the designation “bigger and better,” the Americans stick with being “most generous.” But when it comes to being equally generous with others, the Jews turn on the reverse psychology engine and pushback against the American new tendency.


The net result is that while America keeps losing friends, it keeps getting squeezed tighter in the hands of the Jews. And these are the people who said they’ll stick with the bombing campaign that’ll prevent the release of American and other hostages in the ongoing war because to them, the shedding of Palestinian blood is more important if not tastier than saving lives. But why is that?


It is so because the Jews are not a cohesive people. They are recruited around the world from every race, skin color, religion and language by a central agency that operates like an organized crime syndicate. Having made the mistake of thinking of them as a people and so recognized, humanity began to develop second thoughts, having seen what the Jews were doing to the Palestinians. Alarmed by this development, the Jews concocted the idea that they are a people, and the Palestinians are not. And guess what, my friend, the Jews found the American elites who would repeat that trash for them.


This being their conclusion, their remained the Jewish logical step of ethnic cleansing Palestine of its Palestinian population. This is what they are busy doing now, but because they cannot do it alone, they summoned all their persuasive powers (psychological and otherwise) and convinced the Americans to do the heavy lifting for them. And the Americans obeyed without question.


This is a decisive moment in the unfolding of human history. It is a time when old and decrepit empires begin to fall while young and vigorous empires begin to rise at their expense. By world standard, America is still young, should therefore be vigorous and so remain for a few more centuries. It’s behavior, however, mimics that of a geriatric who is grabbed by a young hand and taken to the cleaner where his pockets are emptied of its pension money.


It's a pitiful scene to watch played out once, let alone repeated again and again.

Friday, October 27, 2023

The spin doctors got dizzy spinning falsehoods

 When the spin doctors who are charged to embellish a horrible story, proliferate and split into smaller groups, they do the public a big favor. This happens because the doctors shatter their artificially acquired cohesion in a move that ends up telling contradictory stories. And this is when the truth is revealed to the public, taking down the lies that were meant to deceive it but thankfully did not this time.


This is what happened lately when the spin doctors in both America and Israel could not tell the simple truth about who decided to delay the invasion of Gaza. Was it the Americans who wanted to see the release of more hostages before the invasion takes pace? Or was it the Israelis that had reasons of their own — reasons they could not explain even in the language of the gobbledygook.


And as it often happens, the cumulative effect of this kind of lies, is that it robs the liars of their credibility. This is why the Jews of America and Israel now stand as naked eyesores, unable to cover themselves; not even with a piece that is as small as a fig leaf. As to the spin doctors who got the Jews to this intolerable point, they backed off from the idea of spinning the thousand small lies they created over time, opting instead to default right back onto the massive falsehood which is meant to assert that the Jewish truth is God’s truth.


That falsehood has been to the effect that an Islamic Jihad rocket and not an American-made Israeli bomb destroyed the Gaza hospital. But nobody sane in the world bought this lie, pushing back against it with massive demonstrations staged around the globe to let the culprits know that their behinds are exposed and showing and ugly image of them.


To overcome their inability to reach out to the communities that might have been inclined to stand with them but do not now, the Jews revived the habit of saturating the airwaves with the relentless repetition of the lie without offering an explanation. This approach is meant to suggest to the audience that the lie is a take-it-or-leave it truth handed down from God. Thus, everywhere you turn your attention these days, you hear someone that’s recruited and bribed by the Jews, repeat the lie that the Gaza hospital was destroyed by an Islamic Jihad rocket and not the deliberate use of an American-made Israeli bomb.


And then, the natural saving grace of liars tripping each other to expose their nakedness, entered the fray to play its role. It made it so that the spin doctors in America and Israel could not tell the simple truth about who decided to delay the invasion of Gaza. Was it the Americans? Or was it the Israelis? Each of them making a different even contradictory claims, they proved that one or maybe even both were lying – each in its own sick way.


Because the severity of lying can reach a pathological level, the Jews who always go for the maximum of what can be done, have reached the maximum level of pathological lying. The result is that their spin doctors got so dizzy spinning falsehoods, they threw their hands up in the air and collapsed. Then, one by one, the various world communities began to view the Jews, not only as the carriers of the big and small lies; but view them as the lie itself.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Fox News wants to see universities shutdown

 Next time it happens that the big topic preoccupying the media of Aerica, is higher education, switch to Fox News and stay with it for as long as you can. You’ll see host after host take charge of program after program and guide guest after guest to do no less than espouse the Fox News point of view and then elaborate on it to make it sound like it is the guest’s own point of view.


To be accurate in my reporting, I must add that once in a while, the pattern I described above may be punctuated with the appearance of a guest who will not need the guidance of Fox News to espouse what he or she thinks. These people will describe what it is they want to see done with America’s systems of education — not just the higher education but those at all levels.


These people would be the Jews whose motto for thousands of years has been to ask the question: “Is this good for the Jews?” If it is, they want it done; if not they want it rejected. In addition, with the circumstances having changed to now include a place called Israel, which the Jews consider to be their own, these people expanded their preoccupation to include the question: “Is this good for Israel”?


Campus protest is not new to America. It’s been happening for decades, leading even to fatal encounters between the protesters and the defenders of law and order, as it happened in 1970 at the University of Kent State when the students were protesting the War in Vietnam. In fact, no group has taken more advantage of that “sacred” privilege than the Jews who mobilized the students of very university, and had them harass the Soviet Union with the chant: “Let my people go.” Now those same Jews are forcing Fox News to promote the idea of shutting down America’s universities by starving them of funds.


But then, subtle events began to show the emergence of a different American sentiment toward their country’s involvement in foreign wars. Instead of blaming the “war mongering” military for those wars, the young men and women who were called to serve, developed a different point a view. They saw that the real culprits behind the wars have been the Jews who took control of the government and forced it to work in such ways as to fulfill the Jewish desire that everything be done in such a way as to serve the Jews and Israel.


This is how the Timothy McVeigh syndrome developed among the soldiers of America. Those who were infected dealt with it by ending their own lives, others began to spy for a foreign government, and still others used the social media to unveil America’s secrets so as to embarrass the government. But what was the nature of the infection to begin with?


The infection has no name yet. So, the best way to describe it is to think what McVeigh must have gone through as he wrestled with his conscience. An ace marksman specialized in shooting people in the head and taking them down instantly, he thought he was sent to Iraq to fight evil Arabs. What he found instead were primitive peasants who would not hurt a fly.


But McVeigh had his orders and shot them dead anyway. This triggered a crisis of conscious in him, the kind that millions of veterans suffer from these days. What adds to the misery of these people, is that the Jews who caused them to commit crimes overseas are returning to a country where the same Jews are forcing them to live on the street in their own feces without money or medical care. Thousands conclude every year that suicide was the answer to their misery.


To add insult to injury, the Jews have now teamed up with Fox News, and started a massive scheme to take over the system of education in America. Their aim is not education but the indoctrination of America’s toddlers with subjects that include studying the Holocaust, memorizing the names of concentration camps, maybe even retaining the names of those who perished nearly a century ago far away from here.


You ask: How are the Jews proceeding with their scheme fearing as they do that they may fail the way they did in everything they tried? Well, they are proceeding by saturating the airwaves with the demand that the survival of the so-called Jewish people be responded to by making it the duty of every American to work for the preservation of Jewish life even at the cost of America’s survival as a nation — whether their scheme succeeds or fails.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

See what they do to cement their stream of lies

 Clifford D. May wrote an article in which he tries to convince you of something. I’m not sure what that is but you’ll figure it out yourself, my dear reader.


What I’m convinced of, however, is the reality that Jewish Central of which he is a ranking member, will bomb and burn an Arab community with all its content if that’s what it’ll take to make you believe in a lie as laughable as saying Israel is perfect because the Arabs and Muslims are trash.


And so, do yourself a favor and read the article that Clifford May wrote under the title: “Hopeless on Gaza,” and the subtitle: “No decent person can support terrorism and genocide.” It was published on October 24, 2023 in The Washington Times. That’ll tell you how far the Jews—driven by religious dictates—will go to fabricate and put out a lie they can stream as truth, and benefit from monetarily today, tomorrow, the day after and forevermore to eternity and beyond.


Here is what happened that I was told about and verified with several sources that have been telling me verifiable truths I could not refute for years:


There was a time when CNN was getting punched in the nose by people on both sides of the debates that Fareed Zacharia was tackling on the air. The audience on the Right side of the issues, did not like his views on America, accusing him of being a Muslim hater of Whites and Jews. This happened, while the audience on the Left side of the issues, did not like his views on the Arab or Muslim worlds, accusing him of selling out to the White and Jewish bosses of CNN in the hope that they will let him keep his job.


This was a problem for which CNN desired to have a quick solution. The bosses of the network looked around, found the group of people who will do it for them, and paid these people handsome amounts of money to put together a program that will convince the American and Arab critics that Zacharia is not as bad as he sounds, therefore he must be given time to learn saying things more smoothly and more diplomatically than he sounds now.


To help achieve this outcome, Zacharia himself had to be worked on. And so, the highly paid group came up with a scheme by which its members hired a poll-taking outfit of the phony kind, and had it conduct a phony poll-taking exercise involving not just Fareed Zacharia, but all of the CNN crew … and more.


So, guess what the outfit discovered, and what it told CNN and the world. It discovered that Zacharia was one percent Jewish. Because the vogue at the time was that the Jews were white skinned Europeans who deserve to be protected by Europe, the outfit specified that Zacharia was of the European Jewish stock. Of course, the Jews and Israelis came to regret this designation when the “Woke” crowd discovered that to be “White” makes you a racist killer.


Still. the people at CNN figured that what the poll outfit had accomplished will be enough to make Zacharia feel good about supporting Israel and the Jewish causes at the expense of the Arab and Muslim communities he regularly trashes to make Israel look good by comparison.


So the question is this: Why would Jewish Central go to such length to put out a grotesque lie that is bound to blow up in their faces – and work to maintain the lie year after year, decade after decade? Well, there is only one answer to this question. It is money, money, money.


It is that the Jews are not constructing only the building of a million lies with an attractive looking façade, they are constructing the building that will withstand the test of time. They want a building that will be here to finance their endeavors today, tomorrow, the day after and forevermore to eternity and beyond. And the way to do that in their view, is to put out the lies that sound convenient at the time, and then work hard on maintaining them despite the odds.


Please read the Clifford May article and judge for yourself.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

The absolutism that leads to absolute finality

 Is there anything in human concerns that would indicate there can develop among any of us the desire to reach the absolute level of what cannot be surpassed, and then seek to go beyond it?


The answer to this question is that, even though there should be nothing in human activities for such development to take place, it has taken place and continues to take place among one group of people: These are Jews.


In fact, the current war unfolding between the Palestinian group known as Hamas—on one side—and the Jews of Israel and America known as the Zionists—on the other side—would not have been were it not for the reality that the Jews pushed matters beyond the limits of what’s reasonable.


Because every culture on Planet Earth saw a need to explain its coming into existence, each developed a “Divine Comedy” by which its people were supposedly created. The culture also gave the orchestrator of the comedy absolute powers. But what differentiates the Jews from the other cultures, is that they claim the Devine Entity which created them to be their own. They did so by calling themselves the chosen children of God.


This being the case, the Jews view their powers as being absolute, and view themselves as being the legitimate owners of all that exists. And because power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, the Jews have been engaging in the kind of “grab and run” behavior that revolts human beings.


Having reached the absolute level of demands they made on humanity, the Jews tried to go beyond the absolute, but only the American politico-journalistic elites went along with them. Thus, implementing the policies of absolute pressure on the Iranians, and the policies of absolute qualitative military superiority over Israel’s neighbors, the Americans were asked to agree to one more Judeo-Israeli request: That of entering into partnership with Israel in the genocidal starvation of the Palestinian people. And this is where some but not all American elites froze.


They did not freeze because of moral or ethical considerations, they froze because they saw that the political cost to them was going to be too high. It is that the ordinary people of America literally took to the streets of every city in every state, and said that enough was enough. But what did the ordinary people see that the elites failed to see?


What the people of America saw recently is what the masses of humanity around the world have been seeing for centuries. It is that when the Jews look at reality and interpret it in absolute terms, they tend to respond in absolute terms. This causes the rest of humanity to respond in kind. And like a chain reaction, absolutism engenders more absolutism. The escalation leads to calls for the implementation of some kind of finality – that which is referred to as Final Solution.


In fact, this is what the Judeo-Israelis are now calling for in Gaza, a call that will inevitably prompt people of all kind from around the globe to assert that if someone deserves to be final solutioned, it is not the Palestinians but the Jews themselves, a reality that has been obvious to the human race even before someone by the name Hitler uttered the concept.


In the midst of this complexity, is there something that someone can do to cut the burning fuse and prevent it from reaching the powder keg that will explode and take the world down with t? Yes, there is something that someone can do. That someone happens to be the Americans whose response to every Jewish demand has been to give Israel all that it asked for and more. This is what allowed for the arms race to escalate and progress to the current level of absurdity.


The remedy to this nefarious development can only be a positive development that will reverse the trend. That is, by negating every request made by the Jews for arms and money to be given to Israel, America will force Israel to deescalate its aggression against the people of Palestine who will be so happy to see this outcome, they will do nothing to upset it.


This will give the world a respite period during which time a permanent solution to the problems of the Middle East can be worked out.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

They protect bombers of churches and hospitals

 The American security apparatus that usually keeps mum when Israel commits a criminal act against a neighbor, was quick this time to hint that blame for the bombing of the hospital which killed hundreds of Palestinians, should be attributed to the Palestinians themselves. But the apparatus also promised to complete the investigation at which time it will publish an honest report as to what really happened.


Well, the apparatus has now completed the investigation, but is not publishing the report because it turns out that the thing shows “not only that the Jews of Israel used American weapons given to them free of charge to kill Palestinians, but that the bombing was premeditated, meticulously designed and executed to achieve two purposes. One purpose was to pin the blame on Joe Biden; the other was to frame the Palestinians, thus make them look bad and make the Jews look good by comparison.


Here is the uncovered evidence:


First: The bomb did not hit the ground because it was not meant to. Instead, it was triggered to explode a few feet above the ground – actually above the parked cars – thus left no crater in the ground, but produced millions of car debris that flew in all directions.


Second: The Americans who record everything that’s said among their friends and among their foes, have no recent record of two “Islamic Jihad operatives” discussing the malfunction of a rocket that may have hit and destroyed the hospital. What this suggests is that the conversation attributed to them is an old one, and that it pertains to another incident. Or it could even be that the conversation was scripted, staged and recorded by Arabic speaking Jews now citizens of Israel.


Third: The videoclip showing an explosion in the night sky followed by the resulting ball of fire falling on what was said must have been the hospital, is as infantile a presentation as a small boy showing his friends the picture of a car crash, claiming he was in that crash, died and went to heaven.


Fourth: You do not need a Hollywood studio to produce a still picture or even an animated one, showing the path of several flying rockets (supposedly belonging to Islamic Jihad,) and claiming that one of these rockets hit and destroyed the hospital.


Because the credibility of the United States of America, and because the respect that’s due to the superpower which it is, are sinking fast into the Jewish sewer of no return, Joe Biden has the obligation to order the security apparatus of his country to tell the truth. This done, he will need to take the necessary measures that’ll prevent the worldwide crime syndicate known as Zionism from repeating the calamities it has been inflicting on the human race since the beginning of recorded history.


And because the Israeli military is as clumsy at the core as it is criminal, the American media should end the habit of maneuvering the various American officials into sanitizing the description of horror committed by the American equipped, Israeli Terrorist Force (ITF).


Tell it like it is, and let the chips fall where they may.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

They put out a tsunami of unconvincing denials

 They, who run Jewish Central, flooded the landscape with massive waves of denials about their responsibility in the bombing of the Gaza hospital, yet failed to convince the observing masses they are innocent of that deliberate crime.


The expectation now is that they will double down by exerting a cosmic effort to put together a fiction story which they hope will lead the audience to seeing, not the truth, but the lies they’ll imagine for it.


I cannot tell what their fiction will sound like, but am familiar with the mentality they will put to work on this project. It is that they proceeded in such manner dozens of times previously, and I studied them closely enough to know how they handle cases of this kind.


In fact, the best way to explain how they’ll proceed with this case, is to describe the elements that went into the story of the so-called “Iron Dome” system of anti-missile defense. Well, my friend, this is such a convoluted story, it will be better to tell it in metaphor than tell it in a straightforward manner. So, here is the metaphor:


Imagine a couple that wants to have a child but cannot have it because they suffer from an incurable case of impotence. They spend years pretending they have a child named Iron Dome till they realize they can adopt a child, which will be a better idea than pretend they have what they don’t have. And so, they adopt a child that has a name of its own, a problem they feel they need to resolve. They think about it, and find an easy solution. They change the name of the adopted child into Iron Dome.


Similar to those events, when Jewish Central proved to have no real Iron Dome, which America was nevertheless financing to the tune of billions of dollars, the Jews adopted an American system that had a name of its own. And so, the Jews renamed it Iron Dome to make the world believe it is the system of defense they had all along.


As far as I can tell, Israel received 700 million taxpayer dollars one year, a billion the next year, and was promised 2 billion for the coming year.


This being the convoluting mind that will work on making the world believe it was a Palestinian rocket and not an Israeli guided missile that destroyed the hospital in Gaza, you can begin to imagine what they will come up with to exonerate themselves while blaming the Palestinians.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Approaching the highest point of madness

 What do you call a pot that cracked? You call it a crackpot. That’s what you feel when reading the article that came under the title: “Saving Gazan lives would require only two words: ‘We surrender.’” It was written by Clifford D. May and published on October 17, 2023 in The Washington Times.


Other people have dealt with situations somewhat similar to those with which Clifford May is wrestling. They cover the full spectrum of insanity which ranges from talking silly about every serious occurrence that may rock the world, to granting the reckless a NATO-like Article 5 protection to shield it from the consequences of its own misbehavior.


And so, you have on one side the likes of Clifford May’s Foundation for Defense of Democracies which is nothing more than a wellspring of silliness, and you have on the other side, The Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA) that works to integrate the defense of Israel with that of America to make it so that Israel will have the option of dragging NATO into the future military adventures it plans to launch against its neighbors and the world.


To begin with, we must take into account the reality that the May article was written and published before the bombing of the hospital in Gaza on October 17, 2023. But this does not mean we cannot discuss the article in the context of what happened, or the consequences that will reverberate for a long time to come.


Sonner or later, the deliberate nature of the bombing will be revealed because it fits the Judeo-Israeli pattern of inviting a high American official to visit Israel, and committing a savage criminal act to make it look like the Americans tolerate, even encourage the commission of Jewish horror. True to form, Netanyahu invited Biden to come visit him, and bombed the Palestinian hospital. This two-step operation is like seeing the lightening in the sky and then hearing the thunder.


As usual, the American media invited those that know and those that don’t to come to the studio and discuss the bombing. Ignoring those that do not know what they talk about, you can tell a great deal about what happened from those who step on their conscious and force themselves to lie about what they know.


That is, as expressed by their body language, what these people know is that the bombing is more than an accident of war. It is a deliberate war crime that Netanyahu designed and ordered its execution; a crime he intends to pin on Biden’s chest.


In the face of this development, the readers can see for themselves how silly the Foundation for Defense of Democracies has been, and what it continues to be.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

The collective bark that convinced no one

 Earlier this morning about a dozen Republican politicos filed in front of the television cameras, and one by one, barked the song of mental retardation: Keep the money that America stole from the Iranians, they repeated.


In fact, things are happening these days that may baffle the casual observers who were not made privy to all that’s going on, or did not themselves give sufficient attention to what’s going on.


For these reasons, I feel compelled to begin this discussion by laying the historical background of what brought us to the current situation.


Having lived for 55 years in the hell of the Jewish democracy that was adopted by the Trudeaus, I went public on December 24, 2022 with my story. I published a brief account of what I had done to get in touch with the government that was supposed to protect me but stabbed me in the back instead. It did so by giving me the kiss of death and handing me to the Jews in exchange for a handful of dollars.


Believing that the government of Canada, its operatives and influencers will realize that the time had come to put closure to the horrific terror that was imposed on me for 20,000 days just because I had refused to say that Egypt, which is my place of birth, was bad whereas Israel was good — I was flabbergasted to see Justine Trudeau respond in the same old way of treating an ongoing criminal act like it was a harmless political game meant to entertain the participants and be enjoyed by them.


Now compelled to take a different approach, I started making the moves that revealed to others I was thinking legal action. And no one noticed this development more than the Jews, who immediately responded in the most familiar of their ways: They thought money, money, money!


Fearing I may win the case and be awarded the money that’s owed to me instead of going to them – as this sort of thing always happens in the so-called democracies – the Jews turned to Jewish Central and asked that the syndicate find a solution. And yes, the syndicate did come up with a solution.


It said that America owed Egypt 300 million dollars it plans to pay out shortly. The thing to do, added the syndicate, is to mobilize the Jewish foot soldiers and have them impress upon the treasonous American politicos to start working on diverting that money to the various Jewish causes. And the foot soldiers were able to buttonhole 11 Democratic politicos, labelled them “Woke,” and had them sign a letter demanding that the Executive impound what’s owed to Egypt.


Thus, you can see that the collective bark let out this morning by the American politicos—though done by Republicans and not Woke Democrats—is no different from what was done in the Egyptian case.


It says that the orchestrators are one and the same. They are the Jews who never stop thinking about money, money, money, and always work on monetizing the incidents they get their hands on.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

It is all about money, money, money again

Coincidence is such a marvelous thing, it made possible a number of the most important discoveries in medicine and other branches of hard science. Some people put this kind of occurrences under the rubric of  “synchronicity” without explaining why they happen.


Still, we should be grateful to a synchronicity that allowed the two Canadians, Banting and Best to discover insulin. And we should be grateful to a synchronicity that allowed the two Alvarez to formulate the theory of dinosaur disappearance.


Well then, something happened over the last few hours that tells me I was the lucky recipient of a valuable gift delivered to me by the hands of synchronicity. To the best of my recollection, what follows is a full accounting of how the true story unfolded.


It was yesterday, October 14, 2023 that I did more exercise than ever before to serve as therapy that will help me get back on my feet and walk normally again. I have no doubt that this did me some good, but it also tired me enormously. I slumped on the chair that’s in front of the TV to take a rest, and turned on the television. Surfing the channels, a news item on CNN attracted my attention. That’s when I stopped the surfing to see the rest of the story.


It was Sara Sidner reporting from Israel at a moment when incoming rockets prompted her to explain something. Unfortunately for her; for CNN, the Jews of America and Israel, the explanation she gave did not serve the causes that CNN was promoting. Instead, Sara Sidner inadvertently revealed realities that would have been too difficult to uncover otherwise.


Speaking of the incoming rockets, she said she knows from experience what will happen next. What will happen, she asserted, is that the Iron Dome interceptors will go up and destroy those rockets. She knows it, she said, because the boom of the Dome’s interception is something she distinctly recognizes. And so, she invited the cameraman as well as the audience to participate in the viewing of lights and the counting of booms associated with such events.


And that’s when her presentation betrayed her. At first, she counted 4 lights that indicated there were 4 incoming rockets. She said she now expected to hear the 4 booms of the Iron Dome intercepting and destroying the rockets. The trouble is that she counted 6, maybe even 7 booms. There were 4 sounds of one kind, whereas the others were of a different kind. What happened here?


What happened was that not a single rocket that came in was intercepted by a missile. Thankfully, those American missiles (not the Jewish Iron Dome) were programmed to self-destruct having run out of fuel and failing to intercept the target. Their destruction gave off the sound that Sidner erroneously thought was the sound of interception.


What she missed was the reality that for every sound of the self-destructing missile, another muffed kind of sound is generated. It would be that of the incoming rocket hitting a legitimate target on the ground or falling helplessly into an empty field. This is why Sara Sidner heard 7 booms instead of 4. But they could have been 8.


And here is the intriguing part of the coincident. When I woke up this morning, I turned on the TV to see what was happening in the Middle East. The dial was still on CNN, and to my surprise, the face of Sara Sidner filled the screen as she reported from Israel. She broke off from the item she was discussing to tell the audience about the experience she had the night before. She ran part of the videoclip, and then did something that would shame a child asked to beg for candy. She gratefully intimated that the Iron Dome saved her life. Did you hear that Wolf Blitzer?


What’s going on here?


What’s going on is that the Jews saw an opportunity to revive the debunked hoax invented to use the Iron Dome as a technological marvel that should prompt the braindead politicos of America to hand Israel and the Jewish moguls of the world, oodles of taxpayer money.


It is that when it comes to grabbing money, money, money, to which they have no right, these people never give up.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

When insanity escapes its place of confinement

 Do you remember the MOAB? That word stands for “Mother Of All Bombs.” It was modeled by the American military after Saddam Hussein had said to his people he expected America to attack Iraq, and that a “Mother of All Battles” will ensue.


To make sure that Hussein is getting the right message, America exploded one of these bombs in the desert to demonstrate its power and let the imagination of the observer determine for themselves the enormity of damage that the bomb can cause and will cause to Iraqi targets.


The idea was to leverage the power of the bomb, and deter Saddam Hussein from committing something foolish like attack the American invading soldiers with nuclear-tipped artillery shells which, based on Jewish and Israeli assessment, the Americans falsely believed that Iraq possessed them.


Of course, no one was killed or injured by the demonstration of the bomb’s power but the MOAB had a sister that was no less powerful and no less destructive. It was the bunker-busting bomb that could pierce several feet of concrete and kill those hiding in the bunker. Again, based on false information supplied by the “Make false stories” Jewish and Israeli intelligence apparatus, to the effect that an underground bunker near Baghdad contained no civilians, America bombed the place killing a thousand civilians.


The lesson told by that history, is that powerful weapons are usually meant to deter opponents to prevent them from attacking, or it can happen during unfortunate moments that someone possessing such weapons will use them by mistake or by malice. But how does that history relate to the ongoing Hamas-Israel war that’s currently unfolding in the Middle East?


To answer that question, you need to recall the rise of an idea that sounded something like this: “There is nothing more left to try but the Final Solution.” It was uttered by the Nazis near the end of the World War they had started, a moment in time when they began to realize they were going to lose the war. Their utterance was clearly an expression of desire more than it was an act to carry out.


And just like the mother of all battles led to the mother of all bombs, the Nazi Final Solution led to the idea that is now drummed into the heads of intellectually enfeeble American elites. What is that idea, you ask? Well, in the same way that the sanitized words “Final Solution” were meant to express the genocide of Jews, the sanitized saying: “Let Israel finish the job” has come to mean the genocide of Palestinians.


Now that this idea seems to be getting traction, it will spread like wildfire among the media anchors, contributors and reporters who will carry it to the politicos, the academics, the legal profession, the business community and what have you. But from the looks of it, the idea will lose the traction it has gained so far, even reverse itself to revive and adopt the old idea of a Final Solution for the Jews who never stop instigating the “cancellation” of those who seek freedom for themselves and everyone else.


To prevent this kind of outcome from materializing, it behooves the current Biden administration to do more than reject the suggestions articulated by the President of Israel, his Prime Minister and his other minsters. On the contrary, America must turn hostile against those advocating that in the interest of preventing daylight from developing between America and Israel, the administration must not use such word as de-escalation and other similar words.


The Biden administration must understand that the light seen at the end of the tunnel is that of a train coming at high speed. It has been fueled and was provoked to move by five decades of Judeo-Israeli deception and sucking of American blood. The people now advocating the failed policies of the past are advocating the return to insanity while promising a different outcome. They want America to do a most foolish thing by staying on the track and trying to stop the train. The false promise is that Israel and its Jewish and non-Jewish supporters will then get on board and go together on a long voyage to a new and glorious destination.


Don’t believe a word these charlatans utter. Their mouths are the mouths of despair. Their voices are the voices of deception. Their ideas are the ideas of destruction and mayhem. They are pure evil disguised as human beings.


Save America by cutting Israel loose and letting it fend for itself which it is capable of doing. And that would be the natural thing for America to do.

Friday, October 13, 2023

They’d help themselves hugely if they stop lying

 It is becoming a bit of truism to think that the Jews are hurting themselves enormously by lying while seeking to help their various causes. It is that everywhere you look, you see a Jew instructed by Jewish Central, put out a thousand lies to mutilate every truth that’s uttered by the honest people of the Earth.


Bit by bit, the world is realizing that the act of conversion from any religion to Judaism, transforms the DNA of the convert into a perpetually producing lie machine. The result is that the Jews will lie in response to the exigencies of the moment, and lie for no reason but that it makes them feel good.


One happy liar in today’s world goes by the name Benjamin Netanyahu. He was elected by the majority of Jews in Israel, and implicitly supported by the majority of rank-and-file Jews outside of Israel. Thus, it can be said that the lie is so much at the center of Jewish life, it has become the responsibility of the Jewish collective, bearing as it does all the consequences that flow from such a situation.


As to the latest of Netanyahu’s self-defeating exploits, he was motivated by the reality that when Palestinian buildings are blown up by Israeli warplanes, and the spectacle shown on the television screens of the Anglosphere — the world no longer gives him joy or satisfaction but gives him contempt. And so, Netanyahu sat down with himself and no one else, thought deeply about his predicament, and invented the lie which he thought will fix the problem.


He came up with the idea of telling the world that it is not the Jews who are terrorists – a flagrant distortion of Jewish reality – but the Palestinians who, in reality, are constantly being terrorized by the importation into occupied Palestine from around the world of new cannibalistic savages, equipped with the most lethal weapons to come out America’s arsenal. Having thought up the idea, Netanyahu did not have to go further to think up the ways by which to spread the lie.


It so happened that coincident with that moment, a firefight had erupted somewhere along the Gaza-Israel border where the Jews normally build their Kibbutz to stand as a shield of babies behind which they protect themselves and feel safe. But as it happened this time, something developed that Netanyahu saw as an opportunity to cash in on it, in a big way.


At first, Netanyahu did what the Jews always do, which is that when they have a weak hand, they talk about it and get others to talk about it for as long as they can rather than show it. In that vein, Netanyahu accused the Palestinians of killing babies, and promised he would show the pictures to prove it. With the pressure building on him to keep his promise, he finally released one picture that turned out to be the evidence which proved that the killing of Jewish babies was done by the Jewish army of Israel. Still, Netanyahu continued to maintain that he has the picture of two other babies whose bodies were burned beyond recognition, but may not show them.


Here is the unvarnished truth pertaining to this horrific episode. The victim’s body appears to have been riddled all over with metallic objects that could not have come out the muzzle of a machinegun or a handgun, weapons that the Palestinians normally use. It is that it does not take a dozen or so bullets to kill someone. One or two bullets would have done the job.


Also, to fire a machinegun does not put a bullet all over a human body. It is that the machinegun pushes out dozens of bullets in a matter of seconds, which makes the bullet-marks on the body line up along a straight line, spaced only millimeters apart.


So then, what does the baby’s dead body, shown by Netanyahu, say? It says it fell victim to the kind of weapons which are favored by the Israeli army. These are the cluster and fragmentary bombs that cause the kind of pattern displayed in this case. As to the picture of the burned out babies, here too, we can only go by the reality that use of firebombs, incendiary bombs and the chemical Napalm were used by Israel in the past, and continue to be the mainstay of its army.


The Jews need not do anything costly to qualify joining the human race and live normal lives like the rest of us. All that they need to do is refrain from lying to themselves and others, something they are now compelled to do as they continue to listen to leaders that have no more their interest at heart than a fox has about the chicken it eyes in a chicken coop.


And by doing this, they will be doing themselves a great deal of good — which is better than their current condition.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Heard of human habits that help and hinder?

 Let me tell you about them. They have to do with the reality that when we encounter something of which we know little or nothing about, we borrow the description of something else that may resemble it, modify the borrowed description enough to bring its appearance and/or the sounds associated with it close to what we fabricated, and call what we encountered by the resulting fabrication.


For example, for a long time, we knew what a land horse was, but not a small maritime creature that resembles the horse somewhat. Because of this, we called the maritime creature a seahorse. And when the Europeans moved to North America taking with them the train they had invented, the natives of the new world, who knew what a horse was, called the train: an iron horse.


Actually, you can trace that habit back to the time when human communication moved from what was spoken orally to the written form. Here is how it happened. Borrowing an idea from the Ancient Egyptians, the Arab tribes of the Peninsula invented a system of writing based on a symbol they gave to each sound they were using in their everyday language.


For example, because they were calling the ox “Aleph,” they gave it a written symbol that resembled an ox. Also, because they were calling the house “Beta,” they gave it a written symbol that resembled a house. They did the same thing with the two dozen sounds or so that make up the “Alphabet.” This is the list that came down to us through the millennia. And so, by writing the symbols back to back, we make words and sentences; we communicate and write literature.


All of that has boosted the progress of Civilization, of course. But there has also been a dark side to the practice, done by the unscrupulous who would not stop at anything to exploit a situation by which to gain an advantage over their fellow man. This came about when the corrupt discovered that because language can be toyed with, it can also be manipulated to create opportunistic conditions of consequence for them.


A situation of this kind is currently playing itself out. It is that the terrorists who wish to be thought of as decent human beings, incinerate women who nurse their babies at home with precision missiles, yet call terrorist the victims of their atrocities. These people deceive by playing with the language each time that they lob a missile into a Palestinian home. And every time they do this, they make it sound like their missiles were no more harmful than a flying bird. By contrast, they assert that the kitchen knife which the Palestinians use to scare away the angels of death, is a lethal weapon.


Needless to say that occurrences of this kind happening day in and day out all around ordinary people, erode their confidence in the system of governance under which they live; and especially the confidence they have in the media that’s supposed to check the veracity of what it puts out before doing so.


The solution to these problems can only be based on John Dewey’s saying that goes this way: “The solution to the ills of democracy is more democracy.” What this translates into in concrete terms, is that the media should stop pandering to the Jewish mouthpieces who constantly ask for air time to explain why the speech of this one or that one should be curtailed. Instead, what the media should be doing, is invite those that have something different from the norm to say, and let them say it on the air.


The expectation is that when this is done and it becomes the norm, speech which is in the exclusive domain of our species, will rise again and play the role that it did when we struggled as we looked for ways to achieve the breakthroughs that would separate us from the lower primates, and place us into a new species considered intelligent. In other words, make us human.


Failing this, the Jews who were given monopoly over the thoughts and culture of the Anglosphere, will continue to incinerate Palestinian families in their homes, make video clips of the horror, and display it on the screens of the North American television to reassure the Jewish rank-and-file worldwide that when it comes to savagery, they remain the topnotch savages they have been ever since they slaughtered the firstborn of Egypt and looted the country before running away thousands of years ago.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The pogrom that went from Europe to Gaza

 Piling up layers upon layers of lies leading up to Israel getting gobs of money from America because Israel was said to protect the latter militarily and protect by furnishing it with intelligence, the charade went further when the Jews informed America that Israel was so advanced technologically, it will supply it with the semiconductors it needs if and when a worldwide shortage developed.


But as it turned out, Israel could do no more militarily than surprise its neighbors with middle-of-the-night attacks from which it was pushed back each and every time. It could not defend itself nor could it defend America as shown when a massive failure of intelligence has led to the war that’s ongoing now. As to the supply of semiconductors, it was finally shown that Israel’s technical prowess resided in a purely fictitious system of defense that the Israelis had called Iron Dome despite the reality that it would not qualify to be thought of as made of paper mâché.


And when it came to the realm of foreign policy, the Jewish lobbyists in Washington were able to convince the political class that America had no better friend in the world than Israel because the latter enjoyed a stable political system whereas the surrounding nations, especially Egypt, were living with unstable systems that can only represent a threat to the security of America.


Still, despite that scandalous litany of Jewish lies by which Israel obtained hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars from America, Clifford D. May who is master lobbyist at Jewish Central, wants to add another layer of lies to the litany. He wants you to believe that the ongoing pogrom in Gaza is conducted against the Jews by the Palestinians who never left Palestine, and not conducted by the Jews who invaded Palestine coming from Europe, having made a mess of their lives there, and being kicked out of the Continent.


To that end, Clifford May wrote an article that came under the title: “Hamas terrorists 21st century pogrom,” and the subtitle: “The final failure of Israel's land-for-peace experiment.” It was published on October 9, 2023 in The Washington Times.


However, even though he is a Jew to the core, Clifford May could not wait to the end of his dissertation before displaying his Jewishness. It is that he shot himself in the foot at the start of the discussion while trying to have it both ways. Here is what he did, speaking of the Hamas counteroffensive that was mounted to liberate Gaza of the Israeli blockade:


This attack came on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, launched by Egypt and Syria. That attack also took Israelis by surprise — though they had been warned — and almost succeeded in annihilating the tiny Jewish state, which is the last surviving Jewish community in the Middle East”.


Did you get it, my friend? Clifford May wrote: “That attack also took Israelis by surprise — though they had been warned.” That is, the Israelis were warned that the Arabs had decided to liberate their lands, now occupied by Israel, but despite the warning, the Jews were taken by surprise”.


And then, as per the Jewish habit, Clifford May started to pile up a new litany of lies in an attempt to justify the old lies that were by now debunked. Here is what he did:


“How were Israelis blindsided? Don’t Israel’s intelligence agencies know everything that happens both in Gaza and Tehran? And aren’t the Israel Defense Forces prepared for any eventuality? It appears Hamas duped Israelis into believing it was eager to improve Gaza ‘s economy and so was shifting its terrorist activities to the West Bank, which is governed by Fatah, Hamas’ rival. Israelis also reassured themselves that their Iron Dome would blast Hamas missiles out of the sky while their high-tech devices prevented Hamas from digging tunnels into Israel. But Hamas used low-tech explosives and bulldozers to break through the border fence. And the weapons they used to were not sophisticated. Just lethal. Another contributing factor: For months, Israelis have been quarreling among themselves over how much power should be allotted to the parliament, or Knesset, and how much to Israel’s Supreme Court”.


Two more items which are critical to the Jewish agenda, remain on the “to be discussed Clifford May roster.” One item deals with semantics, the other with the Jewish excuse and opportunity to steal more Palestinian lands. Here is the part about semantics:


Iran’s rulers and others like to say they’re ‘resisting’ Israeli occupation. But, of course, Gaza is not occupied.”


It is that controlling Gaza by air, land and sea is not considered occupation by the likes of Clifford May and those like him. That’s because there are no Israeli “boots” on the ground in Gaza, they’ll tell you.


And  here is the part about the Jewish opportunity and excuse to steal more Palestinian lands:


“In 2005, in a land-for-peace experiment, Israelis withdrew from Gaza — every farmer, every soldier, every synagogue, every grave”.


This is yet another subtle hint by which May is signaling that when this round of skirmishes will be over, Israel should do what it can to declare dead the land for peace approach and permanently annex Gaza.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Anatomy of the most virulent form of hate

 The lie engenders a form of hate that sits near the top of the totem pole when it comes to virulence. I discussed the Jewish lie in the article that preceded this one, and was published below it on this page under the title: “Western society losing its moral rectitude”.


In the current article, I try to dissect the phenomenon of hate the best way I can, and let the readers judge for themselves what it is they see in other people. So, think about the Jordanian pilot who was captured by the ISIS gang, placed in a cage and set on fire. What do you think merits this kind of punishment in the eyes of the ISIS people who carried out the gruesome act?


Well, if you cannot think of anything, let me help you by jogging your memory with an example that tells something rather than shows something. It happened that a decade or two ago, when America was gripped with violence – much less than today’s, by the way – an American legislator suggested bringing back the hanging penalty and performing it in public to deter future criminals. The man said deterrence, but was it all that he wanted?


When those that demand retaliatory action to establish a modicum of justice, go beyond it and make further demands that never seem to end — they tell something about themselves. They tell the world they have been programed since childhood to permanently maintain fire in the belly, maintain hate in the heart and maintain dark thoughts in the head so that they never forget the promise which everyone knows will never be fulfilled.


That is the story of the Jews, adherents to the only religion that does more than celebrate the act of revenge; it invites third parties to join in the celebration. You can see such occurrences unfold on the television screen; see the way it happens at this time with Jewish broadcasters, anchors and participants inviting the audience to celebrate the Israeli decision that promises to lay siege on Gaza and deprive the innocent of food, water and the necessities of life.


I can tell from personal experience — discussed in more detail below — that this behavioral habit of the Jews is what gives them, not only the look of genocidal cannibals, but the reality that they are the most cowardly creatures to ever disgrace the planet. As to cowardice, it is frowned upon because it relies on others to weaken and paralyse someone before the Jew will get in and snatch a piece of your flesh, giving you no chance at all to push back and defend yourself. 


 Needless to say that this phenomenon must have been unfolding in occupied Palestine since the beginning of the occupation, a place where second, third and fourth generation Palestinians grew up and had no choice but to absorb the debased Jewish culture despite the effort of their parents who tried to raise them in the best of Arab tradition.


But shielding the Arab children from the effects of the debased Jewish culture was not the only lamentable failure of humanity. Failing to shield humanity itself has been the biggest and most lamentable failure. In fact, when America started listening to its Jewish duals who pretended to be loyal citizens, other countries followed suit. In time, those countries began to persecute the innocent people who were fingered by the Jews.


This policy created a backlash that made the Jewish hatred of humanity a permanent feature of life on Earth. It also made the human hatred of the Jews a reality that exacts a heavy toll on the emotions of the good people who wish to live a normal life. This would be a life that’s free of the constant struggle to fend off the Jewish knuckle which comes knocking at the pure hearts demanding that they show hate for the Jews. It’s because the Jews continually beg to be hated so as to demand attention and earn the right to claim a higher monetary compensation. It’s all about money, money, money.


This being a common occurrence in North America, you see it unfold in the social media where people dare to say what they have on their mind without the risk of being cancelled and without their lives being ruined by Jewish censorship. But while some people want to say their piece and then go into hiding, others reveal themselves because their intent is to fight for the freedom of expression that the Jews wish to deprive them of, and deprive everyone else.


In fact, this happened to me, a time during which I could have developed hatred for the Jews; one that would have matched the hate they have for humanity and for me. What happened instead was that my cultural upbringing and my personal temperament stood in the way, forcing me to choose another path. I had no alternative but to choose studying the character and culture of the Jews who are doomed to live with hate from cradle to grave.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Western society losing its moral rectitude

 Imagine something happens to you with the snap of the fingers. It is that you find yourself in the middle of a society where everyone is running around like chicken that had their heads cut-off.


Animated by the fear of an asteroid the size of a city barreling down towards America, every human-looking spineless lump of jelly is seen to jockey around as they try to position themselves in the right spot to avoid getting hit by the mass killer that’s approaching from space.


Lucky for you, the guardian angel that’s assigned to guard you when you’re awake and when you’re asleep, wakes you up from your nightmare, and assures you that America is safe because no asteroid is barreling towards the Earth. “But how can this be?” you ask, “look at them run around – not like humans – but like headless chicken, facing a case of moral rectitude that turned their spines into jelly”.


You go on to point out that not a single American of the elite group that’s composed of politicians, judges, military brass, academics, business leaders, labor leaders, clergy and so on — remains neutral or stands by the Palestinians when Israel practices genocidal cannibalism in Gaza and in the rest of Palestine — yet all of them fall to their knees and beg the Jews to accept their moral support when the Palestinians raise as little as a finger to defend themselves.


“That’s just a bad habit,” says the angel. “Look at it this way. The most unstable entity in the Middle East and most contributing to instability in the region is Israel. At the same time, the most stable country in the Middle East and most contributing to stability in the region is Egypt – the latter even bails Israel every time it gets into trouble with Palestine. But whereas these are irrefutable truths, the hardened belief in the Judeo-American folklore, is that Israel is a paragon of stability in the region, contributing to the security of America whereas Egypt stands as a threat to the security of America”.


Your guardian angel goes on to explain that by turning all of realities upside down in that same manner, the Jews have managed to hypnotize and control America, and through it managed to hypnotize and control all of Western Civilization. Upon this, you say the following to yourself:


“Now I understand why America feels protected by Israel till something happens, at which time it is America that’s called upon to rush and protect Israel the way that things are happening now. I also understand why this causes everyone in the elite group of Americans to run around looking like chicken with their heads cut off while searching for ways to protect the Jews and pledging allegiance as well as unlimited help to Israel”.


It is that you just realized how much in trouble Israel put itself. For one thing, the fake stories concerning its moral greatness, and those concerning its technical prowess have been debunked one by one. But all his turned out to be small potato compared to what has just been debunked. Because having accurate intelligence on your enemies, and them having intelligence on you, can be a matter of life and death for your nation, playing fast and loose with the subject of intelligence can never be forgiven. Yet, playing fast and loose in this domain, is what Israel has been doing. It stabbed America in the heart and forced its elites to choose between staying loyal to it, and cutting it loose.


Here is that story in full. When in the Sixties and Seventies the leaders of Israel decided to call up the Jews from around the world so as to implement the racist apartheid state that was envisioned by the early Zionists, the Israelis got an unexpected bonus. It happened that the Jews who came, brought with them knowledge about the countries whose language, culture, politics and secrets they knew well. Israel used that knowledge, making itself look like a “giant” in the field of intelligence. But ten years later, the imported knowledge was rendered stale, and never replaced with more recent knowledge. From giant, Israel became blind to what’s happening in the world — so much so that it relied on others to supply it with the vital intelligence it needed to protect itself.


Whereas many in the American intelligence community knew the predicament that Israel was in, nobody bothered to reveal the secret because to do so would have cancelled them. What you see now is a massive intelligence failure, the consequence of which is that instead of America being protected by Israeli intelligence, it is Israel that’s being protected by American warships rushing to stand near it.


At this point you begin to feel it in your gut that the Jews are not simply expressing the collective sentiment they themselves feel at this moment, but executing a convoluted long term strategic game. You try to unpack the game to understand its minutia and take what steps will be necessary to do the most good. However, you fail to make progress in this direction so, you ask your guardian angel to help you, and he says the following:


“I cannot tell you what the Jews are executing at this moment because they do not know it themselves. They got an idea which you can be certain will be modified when they hear someone say something that appeals to them. The best way for humanity to protect itself against this kind of threat, is to treat the Jews like they deserve to be treated: Miserable adherents to a mediocre culture”.