Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Wipe out hate with truth and reconciliation

 Antisemitism is on the rise throughout the world and in America, say the Jews. They level this accusation by drawing attention to the apparent reality that non-Jews now openly express hate toward the Jews and all things related to them, especially Israel which is the symbol of Jewishness these people cherish the most. But what else do the Jews say?


They say nothing more because their culture does not allow them to monitor what they activate and let fly without guidance. It is that they consider having the absolute right to the fulfillment of every desire they develop. And so, they make it a habit to desire, to grab and run, and let God fix what problems they may cause and leave behind. When God fails to respond as they expect, the Jews recruit a mighty human, and have him play the role that God has neglected.


The Jews never develop a Plan B to replace Plan A in case the latter proves unworkable. They do not think of a course correction either because they consider themselves infallible when devising a plan. And they never ditch a plan even when, like a boomerang, it turns around and hits them in the face, or that they need to replace their entire approach with a whole new way of thinking. In fact, the Jews hang on tenaciously to their kind of destructive behavior even when it becomes clear to them and to everyone that a potential catastrophe is in the making, which is usually how the Jewish projects end.


Jewish misery is rooted in the fact that they refuse to take into account the reality that when they accuse others of a sinful conduct, which they assert is hurting them whether or not it really does, they provoke a reciprocal response of equal intensity from their supposed opponents. Thus, to accuse humanity of hating Jews, is to also accuse the Jews of hating humanity. But the Jews do not see this, even though it is where the lack of reciprocity plays a major role in what comes next and what fails to materialize. Here is a made-up example of what goes on in real life:


When someone tells me that my grip around his neck hurts him and he wants me to stop, and I respond that his grip around my neck is just as painful and I want him to stop — I expect the dude to have understood that the way to resolve this problem, is for both of us to stand down and take a conciliatory approach that will help vanquish what pits us against each other.


But guess what happens, my friend, every time that the subject of antisemitism comes up in public or a private conversation. What happens is that the Jews completely ignore what everyone says, yet keep repeating that humanity suffers from a disease called antisemitism. What they propose be done to cure the situation, is that the governments of the planet come together and agree to devise and enforce a plan that will oblige their subjects to give the Jews what they want in terms of respect and peace of mind, in exchange for nothing that the Jews are willing to give back to humanity. It is that in the game of give-and-take, they want humanity to give, and want the Jews to take.


This is what makes the problem seem intractable. But the problem has a solution that was tried more than once around the globe and proven to work. The solution comes under the banner of Truth and Reconciliation. It worked in the United States when proposed to the Native tribes of that continent. It worked in South Africa when proposed to the Black majority of that land. And worked when proposed to the native minority First Nations of Canada. It can be made to work in the relationship that pits the Jews against the human race.


As exemplified by the two crucial words: Truth and Reconciliation, the most important ingredient required to resolve that problem is intellectual honesty. It begins with everyone telling themselves and telling each other the truth of what happened in the past. When this is done, reconciliation will follow naturally.


Humanity will then admit that it resents the Jews because of what their leaders make them do, not because it considers them a reviled group that exists at a subhuman level. The Jewish rank-and-file will apologize to humanity for the centuries of misery that they inflicted on the human race.


As to the Jews, they will admit to and apologize for pretending to resent humanity. They will explain they took that stance because they discovered that playing the victimhood game earned them a free lunch and the military support of so-called Democracies to kill and rob Israel’s neighbors.


They beg forgiveness for taking advantage of the opportunity to acquire something in return for nothing. And they promise never to do it again, never again, never again.