Thursday, October 12, 2023

Heard of human habits that help and hinder?

 Let me tell you about them. They have to do with the reality that when we encounter something of which we know little or nothing about, we borrow the description of something else that may resemble it, modify the borrowed description enough to bring its appearance and/or the sounds associated with it close to what we fabricated, and call what we encountered by the resulting fabrication.


For example, for a long time, we knew what a land horse was, but not a small maritime creature that resembles the horse somewhat. Because of this, we called the maritime creature a seahorse. And when the Europeans moved to North America taking with them the train they had invented, the natives of the new world, who knew what a horse was, called the train: an iron horse.


Actually, you can trace that habit back to the time when human communication moved from what was spoken orally to the written form. Here is how it happened. Borrowing an idea from the Ancient Egyptians, the Arab tribes of the Peninsula invented a system of writing based on a symbol they gave to each sound they were using in their everyday language.


For example, because they were calling the ox “Aleph,” they gave it a written symbol that resembled an ox. Also, because they were calling the house “Beta,” they gave it a written symbol that resembled a house. They did the same thing with the two dozen sounds or so that make up the “Alphabet.” This is the list that came down to us through the millennia. And so, by writing the symbols back to back, we make words and sentences; we communicate and write literature.


All of that has boosted the progress of Civilization, of course. But there has also been a dark side to the practice, done by the unscrupulous who would not stop at anything to exploit a situation by which to gain an advantage over their fellow man. This came about when the corrupt discovered that because language can be toyed with, it can also be manipulated to create opportunistic conditions of consequence for them.


A situation of this kind is currently playing itself out. It is that the terrorists who wish to be thought of as decent human beings, incinerate women who nurse their babies at home with precision missiles, yet call terrorist the victims of their atrocities. These people deceive by playing with the language each time that they lob a missile into a Palestinian home. And every time they do this, they make it sound like their missiles were no more harmful than a flying bird. By contrast, they assert that the kitchen knife which the Palestinians use to scare away the angels of death, is a lethal weapon.


Needless to say that occurrences of this kind happening day in and day out all around ordinary people, erode their confidence in the system of governance under which they live; and especially the confidence they have in the media that’s supposed to check the veracity of what it puts out before doing so.


The solution to these problems can only be based on John Dewey’s saying that goes this way: “The solution to the ills of democracy is more democracy.” What this translates into in concrete terms, is that the media should stop pandering to the Jewish mouthpieces who constantly ask for air time to explain why the speech of this one or that one should be curtailed. Instead, what the media should be doing, is invite those that have something different from the norm to say, and let them say it on the air.


The expectation is that when this is done and it becomes the norm, speech which is in the exclusive domain of our species, will rise again and play the role that it did when we struggled as we looked for ways to achieve the breakthroughs that would separate us from the lower primates, and place us into a new species considered intelligent. In other words, make us human.


Failing this, the Jews who were given monopoly over the thoughts and culture of the Anglosphere, will continue to incinerate Palestinian families in their homes, make video clips of the horror, and display it on the screens of the North American television to reassure the Jewish rank-and-file worldwide that when it comes to savagery, they remain the topnotch savages they have been ever since they slaughtered the firstborn of Egypt and looted the country before running away thousands of years ago.