Sunday, October 8, 2023

To debunk yet again what has been debunked

 In the Jewish tradition of never letting a debunked lie rest in peace at its final resting place, the Jews have resuscitated several old lies by which they tried to distort the unfolding of the ongoing war between Hamas and the Israeli military.


And from the looks of it, it seems that while many of the personalities appearing in the media, do not believe what they were told, some did believe the Jews and repeated what was whispered in their ears. Thus, I felt it necessary to take up the subject again and shed even more light on a least one of the many subjects which the Jews have been trying to distort yet again.


The case I take up this time is that of the Iron Dome hoax. To be clear, there is not now, and there has never been an Israeli designed or manufactured system of Surface to Air Missile (SAM) called Iron Dome or any other name. What existed was an invented hoax designed to launch a new stream of money-transfer from America to Israel. It was named Iron Dome and deceptively described as a functioning SAM.


And so, every time that Hamas launches Surface to Surface Missiles (SSM) in Isael’s directions, the people who were deceived into believing that the Iron Dome was real, continue to believe they are seeing the Dome in action. What these people do not realize is that every explosion they see in the sky is not an intercept. The truth is that not a single intercept was ever shown in any of the video clips that Israel supplied to the media.


To understand that part, people need to know that rockets and missiles are designed to do a job. If they miss their mark, they are programmed to self-destruct rather than fall to the ground and hurt people. Thus, an attacking or a defending missile that pursues its trajectory and does not malfunction, will explode in the air when it runs out of fuel. But what happens when the weapon malfunctions?


Well, it must be said that the record shows a malfunctioning missile never hurt someone to this day. That’s because there are critical points at which these devices can malfunction, neither point representing danger to human life. In fact, the earliest critical point comes during the first few seconds of the launch procedure, a time when people sit behind walls that protect them from a possible explosion.


The other points come when it is time for the stages to separate. Thus, a three-stage missile could malfunction and explode when it is time for the first or second stage to separate. Nobody gets hurt at these times because they come when the devices are up in the air and away from people. Another reason for the missile to explode in the air, comes when it is deliberately sent a signal by a pulse coming to it from the ground, instructing it to self-destruct.


Not grasping much of this but seeing explosions in the sky, the people who were confused, wanted to know more and were told by the Jews that they were seeing the Iron Dome intercept the Hamas missiles. To convince the skeptics who wanted to know still more about the self-destruct rockets and missiles, the Jews gave out a monstrous lie. Instead of clarifying things, the lie was design to confuse the people even more. It is that the Jews said the Hamas missiles malfunctioned in midair and fell on their own people.


The Jews said so despite the reality that the Hamas missiles are made of one stage only where no separation between stages happens. Thus, you can take it for granted that once the weapon leaves the launcher or the pad, it will not explode till it reaches its destination or till it runs out of fuel or is sent a signal from the ground by a human operator instructing it to self-destruct.


As a last resort the Jews of Israel tried to use the American supplied SAMs given to them since the time when Saddam Hussein hit Israel with the SS called Skud. But when Hussein was removed from the scene, the American idea was that Israel should use those missiles to protect against possible Iranian attacks by chemical or nuclear SSMs.


Eventually, even the Jews found the practice of using near-million dollar missiles to shoot down homemade rockets whose worth does not exceed a handful of dollars — too expensive and too impractical and so, they dropped the idea.


They also dropped another laughable idea, and did so just as fast. It was that they were once able to shoot down a bullet with a bullet using the Iron Dome that never was.


Ironic to the end, the American supplied system is what the Jews are now calling the Iron Dome even though its price is too prohibitive to use, and they are not using it to protect against the Hamas rockets.