Sunday, March 30, 2008

New Aphorism For America Sets In

Along with Israel, America is now considered to be the most dangerous nation on Earth and the consequence is that a new aphorism has set in for the country. It is this: A good America is a defeated America, and this is also the prism through which people of all races and religions view the new paradigm for the World. People feel this way because a defeated America is regarded as the most appropriate position for that country to be in.

And it is not difficult to see what spawned all of that. When people think of you as being dangerous, they want to see you weakened and rendered helpless lest you do something foolish which will hurt mankind in a way that cannot be repaired. Therefore, you are considered to be good when defeated, and better when totally disabled.

It happened sometime in the second half of the Twentieth Century that America provoked the wrath of many nations on the Planet and earned the chant "Death to America" which the people expressed loudly, clearly and with a great deal of passion. Even in those countries where the people did not chant the lugubrious refrain, many expressed the same sentiment but in a different way.

And these were the moments when in a weird sort of way, America seemed to embark on a project that sought out those who would be provoked and deliberately taunted them with such acts as to elicited more of the chant. Therefore, it is fair to ask if the American response was not the expression of a death wish. If yes, whose wish really was that?

To answer these questions, allow me to probe a theory that has been whispered about for some time now. The theory begins with the observation that those who survived the Holocaust say they live with the guilt of having survived because they can never be certain why they are still alive when so many have died. They never cease to question if their lives were not spared because they did the wrong thing such as, perhaps, cooperate with the camp authorities that did away with the other inmates. The theory then asks if it is possible that these people and those who claim to be their descendants may have developed a death wish and then transferred the wish to America.

Once they are set on this track, people are liable to go with their thought into any direction in search of a motivation as shown by the following examples. Someone asked: if it is true that war renders some people noble, some people savage but leaves no one indifferent, is it possible that survivors of the Holocaust could have developed a resentment towards humanity so intense that they confused the country which rejected them with the one that adopted them? In their confusion did these people harbor ill will towards America as if it were Nazi Germany?

Also, there are those who express dismay at America for having waited too long before acknowledging that something serious was happening to the Jews in Europe and before doing something about it. Other people condemn America for refusing to bomb the concentration camps when it could have liberated hundreds of thousands of inmates. Yes, this would have come at the cost of a handful of lives, they admit, but then all inmates were as good as dead anyway.

Now, when we consider what earned the United States the chant Death to America, we find it to be the country's insistence on hurting the Arabs of all faiths and the Muslims of all races to please Israel and the various Jewish groups who line up every day to cash in on the memory of the Holocaust.

But in fact, America will never please these characters because the Holocaust has become a perpetual enterprise that gives something for nothing to those who did not suffer as much as having to smell the fart of a Nazi guard. These fake beneficiaries were not even born when it all happened half a World away to people who were no more related to them than I am related to Julius Caesar. Just consider how easy it was for some charlatans to cash in on the Katrina tragedy then multiply this ease by a hundred million and apply that to the Holocaust charlatans who will milk this tragedy for ever if you let them.

But why do the Jewish organizations and the leaders of Israel keep pushing America to do what is hurtful to the Arabs and the Muslims? There can only be one answer to this question and it is that the Israelis and the self-proclaimed Jewish organizations want to see death come to America or see her weakened. But why? Why be the friend that is more destructive than being the worst of enemies?

Well, humans are known to develop psychological traits at the individual level that sometime defy logic. Things become more complicated and more defying of logic when the traits are manifested by a group such as, for example, investors on the stock market. It is therefore conceivable that a mob mentality may have intruded into the lives of those who survived the Holocaust and those who perceive themselves as their heirs and descendants. These people could have developed a common trait that is destructive of America, one that nobody dares to talk about loudly lest they revive memories of the McCarthy era or be labeled anti-Semitic.

This does not mean there are no explanations being circulated out there as to what some people believe is happening. One such explanation is to the effect that seeing how easily Americans can turn on a dime, the survivors of the Holocaust and their self-designated descendants have come to regard America as a potential Vichy government or a potential Hitler's Executioner.

Of course, the Vichy Government is the French government under German occupation that wholeheartedly cooperated with the Nazis to send Jews to the concentration camps. And Hitler's Executioners is a book that sought to prove the majority of the German people cooperated with Hitler to exterminate the Jews.

Those who whisper such theories have even worked out some of the details. They say that people, including ordinary Jews, have noticed with trepidation the self-appointed Jewish leaders work themselves into a position where they now have the power to command the population of America in a way that is flabbergasting to say the least.

They fear the fact that the Jewish leaders have acquired enough control over the media to tell the American public via the newspaper headlines, the screaming radio and the round the clock television news whom they must love and whom they must hate at every moment. Americans are constantly being advised who is up and who is down and they are told to adjust their sentiments accordingly on the totem pole of preferences.

Ordinary Jews realize that their leaders have secured a demonic hold on the lives of Americans and have clinched the soul of the nation in the palm of their hand. This means that the leaders have a finger on the emotional and intellectual buttons by which they can order America to commit suicide anytime they want by any means they wish. And it is these same leaders who chose to taunt the Arab and Muslim youngsters, perhaps with the express purpose to fulfill the death wish. The fear is that when the scheme they are working on fails as it is bound to, the resulting backlash will be an American Holocaust which will make the Nazi Holocaust look like a children's ice cream party.

If some or all of the above is true, Death to America is less a cry emanating from the heart of disenchanted Arab and Muslim youngsters and more an expression lingering deep in the soul of those who embrace evil in all its biblical dimensions. Death to America is the work of the Jewish leaders who savored wreaking the biblical plagues on ancient Egypt as a way to thank that country for taking in the Hebrews and giving them shelter when they were hungry and destitute. Has America replaced ancient Egypt in the minds and hearts of those deranged characters? Are they scheming to unleash the plagues on America as they did with Egypt?

When the recidivist distinction which the Jewish leaders have earned for themselves is taken into account, people do not view the above as being far fetched. They say that when you have the habit of getting into a country as a meek friend to seek refuge from the harsh world that is out there but then work your way to becoming a deadly traitor, a fifth columnist and a saboteur, every evil aptitude attributed to you is entirely plausible.

The Judeo-Zionists are known to have done it to the Soviet Union, France and Britain in modern times but the habit goes back to ancient times as shown a moment ago. Not only was Egypt their victim but so were ancient Persia, Babylon, Assyria, Palestine and many others. Later, it was the turn of Spain, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Germany and just about everyone that calls Planet Earth their home.

It can be seen from that sordid history that a handful of leaders always manage to rise to the top of the heap where they make it their duty to destroy the country that picks up the Jews and gives them refuge. These individuals then brag about their adventures and turn their bragging into folklore which, whether true or metaphoric, becomes the tenet of a religion they adhere to themselves and want everyone to regard as a superior religion.

There is no doubt that these are dangerous people now worming their way into the fabric of the American institutions preparing to do America in. Luckily, that country still has the time to neutralize them before they paralyze her. Unfortunately, the Americans have a system that makes it hard to stamp out evil when evil runs around with an inscription on its forehead that says: "Don't touch me, I'm the child of a Holocaust survivor."

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Horsemen Of The Zionist Apocalypse

At the beginning there were the big ideas then came the bumper stickers and now there are the single words. You say a word that is considered inappropriate by someone and you are asked to resign whatever you do because you are no longer fit to carry on in that position.

Fearful of this outcome, people go through life nowadays mindful of the fact that what they say or do can render them toast before they know what hit them. And what adds to the confusion is that by the simple trick of being used and abused, the single word can acquire several meanings which were never meant for it.

This situation started to take shape one day when it became fashionable to think of someone who says something not one hundred per cent pro-Israel as being partially pro-Israel therefore partially anti-Israel. And this last part was the menacing part because it was the insidious thing about a person's character which said he is most likely to be a closet anti-Semite. It also said he may be waiting for the right moment to burst onto the scene and say horrible things about the Jews, like maybe deny that the Holocaust ever happened.

When a tendency like this is injected into the culture with regard to one subject, it proliferates into all other subjects and becomes the norm. In the English speaking World, the air became so saturated with the tendency that someone's utterances were readily labeled insidious, virulent or inflammatory. Those were the words that characterized the person as someone to be treated with hate, fear, envy and jealousy. And these were the horsemen of the Zionist Apocalypse which ended up destroying the American culture, a culture that was once glorious enough to conquer and dominate the World.

Now deprived of the intellectual force that was the source of its glory, America's culture has slowly been transformed into a pathetic has been, relying on the bizarre and the extreme to attract attention and give the impression it is still relevant. In consequence of this, there is now the urgent need to take a serious look at the whole sad situation.

If you are not a right wing blabber mouth shooting the crap on the radio to let off some steam, your words are called inflammatory or incendiary even if people sympathize with you and see the reason why you need to get some things off your chest.

Those who sympathize with you will admit they feel the same way as you do and will further admit they could have said the same thing themselves. But they will hastily add that you are supposed to be tactful when you present your arguments so as to avoid being offensive to other people. Unless of course, you are sitting in front of a microphone that has the right wing stripes etched on it in which case you are allowed to say shocking things that will, at most, get people to chuckle over them.

So why is it that the suspicion of someone being anti-Semitic is taken seriously enough to destroy the person's career while other things are chuckled over and dismissed as innocuous? The reason is to be found in the maneuverings that led up to the situation in the first place. It is that the debate about anti-Semitism has always been a one sided debate taken to its absurd extreme as it was allowed to move along without opposition to the point where the absurd became the inescapable conclusion.

This done, the envelop is pushed further and the one who is labeled anti-Semitic is said to have the potential to turn virulent if not violent then go on to participate in the holocausting of the Jewish people. It is further said that he may go beyond that and advocate, if not actually work on the design and the implementation of what the Nazis have called the Final Solution to the Jewish problem. As can be seen, the situation here is strikingly similar to calling a foreign leader Hitler-like then start a hundred year war to depose him which is how the Iraq war happened.

When a single word can potentially trigger a chain of ideas that stretches this far, we are forced to ask how do the Zionists manage to construct a mountain of intellectual refuse this immense without being opposed by someone anywhere along the way? To answer this question we must go back - way back to the beginning of time. This was a time when speaking your mind was the privilege and the preserve of the powerful.

For example, women and children could not speak at a social gathering unless given permission to do so by the patriarch of the gathering. Also, no one spoke in the king's court who was not authorized to speak anymore than anyone can today speak in a court of law unless permitted to do so by the presiding judge.

Some people found this situation so revolting that they actually revolted. Later these people came to be known as the Founding Fathers of the American Federation. This is because they declared their independence from the oppressive regime under which they lived by writing a Constitution whose First Amendment says that Congress shall not make any law which may have the effect of diminishing someone's right to conduct free speech.

The trouble is that in modern times the Congress of the United States seldom if ever gets into the business of interfering with the right to speak freely but some organizations do, among these the numerous Zionist outfits that pretend to represent the Jewish causes. And the consequence has been that the American Constitution sat useless in the face of the savage assaults on free speech which the outfits mounted over the decades and by which they destroyed the American culture along with everything nice it brought to the World.

In the same way that the Zionist organizations abused the Holocaust to steal Palestine from the Palestinian people, they abused the Holocaust to steal from the American people their right to free speech. And the two robberies went hand in hand through the simultaneous orchestration of the events that have unfolded over the past few decades. It happened that while the genocidal war against the unarmed people of Palestine was progressing in the Middle East, the demonic war against the constitution of America was progressing on this Continent under the guise of defending the Jews from those who would holocaust them once more.

Being in control of a number of media outlets and in a position to blackmail everyone with the threat of being labeled anti-Semitic, the Zionists used the four horsemen of the new Apocalypse: fear, hate, jealousy and envy to play people against people by feeding and nurturing their petty jealousies. In this way, they got everyone to contribute energy to the hand that strangled the American Constitution. And that document died a slow death in parallel with every innocent child that died in Palestine with American-made Israeli weapons.

The irony is that at a time when the rest of the World was beginning to adopt the principle of free exchange of ideas, America was descending into the darkness of a cultural Alzheimer that made it forget the pleasures of conducting a vigorous debate. Not only that, but Israel and the Jewish Establishment even managed to get the American Administration and the Congress to criticize those countries which began to allow free speech to flourish within their borders.

Time after time reports came out of the US Government accusing just about everyone on the planet of saying the wrong thing because people refused to prostrate themselves before Israel or before the principle of Jewish supremacy. And things went further than that when the Americans actually put down a plan to bomb the Al Jazeera network in the same way that Israel repeatedly bombed the Palestinian media outlets.

And lest anyone believe that this was a recent development, here is an excerpt from the book I wrote but whose publication was blocked by none other than the infamous Jewish Establishment: "In 1967 the Israelis used their air force…to carry out a worldwide public relations campaign. One of the things they did was to take pictures from the air of strategic sights such as the television building…They printed these pictures in a booklet they called: What we can bomb in Cairo if and when we decide to do so."

It is clear from the behavior of the self-anointed Jewish organizations that radical Judaism, being the first patriarchal society to emerge in history, has not modernized its dictatorial ways in thousands of years. And these are the same outfits that managed to drag America down to their stone age level where they now languish and from where they threaten the World if it does not do things the way it is told to do them.

What then can be done to turn things around and put an end to this insane situation? The answer is that the American Congress and the people must get to work and amend the Constitution so as to make interference with someone's free speech a crime no less serious than murder in those cases where the interference results in serious damage befalling someone.

The statutes that will flow out of such an amendment will then include the following points:

1 - The affirmation of every citizen’s right to express themselves freely.

2 - Writing into the criminal code articles that prohibit individuals and organizations in a position of power from attempting to intimidate someone with the view of abridging their right to speak freely.

3 - The penalty should be severe enough to deter the perpetrators.

4 - The articles should be written in such language as to set the stage for civil action to follow.

A public debate should also be launched to shed light on the frivolous accusations of anti-Semitism that have become endemic. These accusations continue to result in the holocaust of good people and the destruction of their careers. The accusations cause more hardship than can be imagined without the accusers stepping into a courtroom to prosecute or to prove any wrongdoing on the part of the person they pick on.

The purpose of the debate will be to make the point that the label of anti-Semitism can be used on someone if and only if it is proven in a Court of Law. The debate will also establish that the penalty for disobeying such a law must be as harsh as with the one proposed above.

At the end of the day, it should be no more acceptable to accuse someone of anti-Semitism than it is to accuse someone of murder. Both can lead to the total destruction of the falsely accused and both should be treated with equal firmness. Unless the destroyers of lives and careers are made to understand that their own lives and careers will be destroyed, they will continue in their evil ways.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Zionist Lynching Of Journalists

I have been writing for 40 years now and have received my share of criticism over this period of time but I developed a skin thick enough not to be bothered by most of it. However, once in a while I would receive a criticism that is so visceral, I stop long enough to ask what was in my piece that touched a raw nerve in these people? It happened over the past few days that I received this kind of criticism in response to the posting of my Saint Patrick's Day piece two articles ago.

To my surprise, most of the criticism centered around the way that I supposedly tarnished the image of the Jew. Those who leveled the criticism admitted that the article was not inflammatory or virulent in any apparent sense but they said that the tone and the plot I used to tell the story were so insidious they could only reinforce the stereotypes that will serve to harm the image of the Jew.

I thought to myself it is funny they should say this because it is what I said about some of the articles I used to read in the Toronto Globe and Mail. I have not been a regular reader of that paper for a quarter century now for several reasons, one of them being that some of the articles they ran were offensive to me. The articles were written according to a formula I found to be contrived and their content offended me as a Canadian of Arab descent.

There was never a claim that the Globe and Mail articles were written by a journalist or by one and the same contributor. In fact, each article was signed by a different professional such as a doctor or an architect but the style and the formula they followed said that they were all written by one writer or at most a handful of closely knit like-minded writers.

The stories that these articles told were always about a Jewish professional who happened to find himself working with an Arab of the same profession. Both men enjoyed the relationship and benefited from it because in the end everything turned out all right. But this happy ending resulted despite the fact that from the beginning of the article to the end of it, every anti-Arab stereotype came into play and was played up to the hilt. In fact, the potential existed all along for something to go wrong but never fear, the Jew was here and he managed to prevent any damage from occurring, a damage that the clumsy Arab novice might have caused by his mere presence.

In story after story the moral was that when the Jew is made to tutor the Arab, everything turns out okay. Consequently, the World must be made to understand this reality and must agree to appoint Israel master tutor over the Arab Middle East. If a scheme like this can be worked out and implemented in that troubled part of the World, the fortunes of Planet Earth will turn around and the whole World will turn into the honky dory place we all wish to see it become. And the divine promise to mankind for a paradise on Earth will have at long last been fulfilled.

Now, aside from the conclusion which is a never ending fantasy of the Jewish Establishment, this style of writing works when the premise underlying it is true. But when the premise is a false one, the article becomes offensive and it backfires. This happens because the first time you read an article like this you are inclined to believe it. In this case one good Jew encountering one clumsy Arab is a plot that is entirely in the realm of the possibilities. But when you see the same plot used over and over again, and when you see it written under different names, you realize that the stories are fake and they are nothing but a reflection of the publication that carries them.

The people who objected to my Saint Patrick's Day article did not suggest I contrived it because it was a single story written under my name and not several stories written under different pseudonyms. Some of these people knew exactly what I was talking about because they lived in the part of Montreal I described or because they know someone who lives there now and whom they visit regularly.

Instead, the critics accused me of wearing goggles that distorted my view of the Jewish character. And why is that? Because they said that the plot I used to animate the characters put too much emphasis on the stereotypes that were attributed to Jews over the centuries, among these were treachery, selfishness and avarice.

Even though I was acutely aware that the Jewish Establishment hated Arab writers such as myself to such an extent that they blacklisted us and threatened those who would give us a break, I was surprised by the intensity of the objections raised against this one article. I reflected long and hard as to the reason why this happened and I came up with the following.

The stories of past centuries which were written to describe the White mobs that lynched their fellow Black citizens in the United States often spoke of the White fears of the Black man. In fact, there was very little physical aggression that the Blacks could inflict on the Whites and thus, what the Whites really feared was the potential for competition from the Blacks.

One possible area of competition which was often written about was the myth of the Black man's super virility as compared to the White man's. But what is barely mentioned in the literature is the fact that a well dressed Black man sparked as much fear in some White men as anything else.

These were the insecure White men who relied on their clothes to project their own importance to the World. As they saw the thing, a Black man who dressed well unwittingly or deliberately neutralized the advantage they thought they had over Blacks and over other Whites. And this rendered a well dressed innocent Black man as susceptible to being lynched as a convicted criminal. In the mind of these deranged Whites, it was a crime for a Black man to dress well, a crime so horrible he was summarily executed without a trial - fair or unfair.

It looks to me now that what I did with the Saint Patrick's day article was to demonstrate to the Jewish Establishment that the Arabs have discovered the formula which worked so well for the Zionist propaganda machine. And the Zionists must have concluded that the Arabs will now be in a position to neutralize the advantage they had to compete in the court of public opinion.

The Jewish Establishment must have also concluded that in consequence of this, the Arabs will increasingly beat the Jews where it counts the most. Like the Black men of yesteryears, the Arabs of today will be able to wear the mantle of the subtle and sophisticated journalists that the Jews have worn and monopolized all this time.

They must be having nightmares about Arabs eclipsing the Jews and dominating the profession like the Jews have done for decades. And since the Zionists have religiously believed that by divine decree there is never a place for two because there is only a place for one, the Jews will be displaced by the rising Arabs. And horror of horrors, the Toronto Globe and Mail may even start to publish something intelligent and pro-Arab once in a while.

But the reality was that I stumbled on the formula by accident because I had a true story to tell. Now that I know about it and have used it in a context that is favorable to the Arabs, it will be foolish of me to use it in a contrived situation or teach someone how to do this.

In fact, the difference between the Arabs and the Jews is that the Arabs are always reluctant to use the power they have while the Jews bluff their way to success by pretending they possess the power they don't have and thus manage to intimidate the faint hearted.

When members of the Jewish Establishment saw me wear the fancy clothes of a literary style they thought they had monopolized, they reacted with typical insecurity and went into a fit of rage. As they did with everyone who challenged their supremacy, those they summarily executed without a trial on the tree they call anti-Semitism, they tried to organize a mob that would conduct the journalistic lynching of me and my article. And I suspect it will not be the last time they do so.

Welcome to the World of quack democracy Jewish style.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Self Delusion Of Biblical Dimension

A great deal was made in the North American media about the spontaneous celebration that erupted in Gaza not long ago. The celebrators were the victims of Israel's rampage in Gaza when more than a hundred Palestinians were slaughtered and hundreds more wounded. These were the kids who witnessed the murder of their parents, brothers, sisters, friends and neighbors only a few days prior.

The survivors erupted in a celebratory outburst as they were told that some semblance of justice was done when a youngster like themselves took to heart the American adage: "Live free or die" and did what he believed was an act that will contribute to the freedom of his people or at least alleviate their pain. He killed eight Israelis in retaliation for Israel's murderous rampage and was shot dead for his effort. War is a cruel enterprise when conducted between equal powers and a crime against humanity when launched by a modern army against the unarmed children of an impoverished people.

Upon hearing the news, the kids in Gaza who could only shake a frustrated fist at the helicopter gunships that came for the sole purpose of committing a premeditated genocide against their people in full view of their young eyes liberated their pent up frustration in a spontaneous outburst of relief that lasted a few minutes then dissolved into the quiet of the night.

That incident, though trivial in itself, was used by the Zionist propaganda machine to argue that the difference between the Palestinians and the Israelis is that the Palestinians kill for the sake of killing while the Israelis kill because they are compelled to do so. And this is the old and worn out refrain that the Zionist propaganda machine has inflicted on mankind for too long now to polish the image of the Israelis and tarnish that of the Palestinians.

I dispute the premise on which stands that Zionist effort in a book whose publication was blocked by none other than those who own and operate the Zionist propaganda machine. I reprint below three excerpts from that book where the true face of Israel and her supporters is revealed. But first, I set the stage as to how and why I wrote the book in the first place.

I was blacklisted sometime in the late Nineteen Sixties after scoring a few successes at a time when the number of Arabs who ventured to articulate the Arab cause were counted on the fingers of one hand. This brought the Canadian Jewish Congress into my house where they told me I was too good not to go under their wing where they wish manage my career as author and journalist.

When I refused the offer, I was told that the only way I shall see any of my writings published again was to write something damning to my race or my religion or both. They knew I was of Egyptian origin and they automatically assumed I was a Muslim which I am not. But I told them off in no uncertain terms and I did not reveal that I was a Christian because my contempt for them was too unbounded to bother.

I did many things after that to survive but I always managed to publish something in one or the other of the small publications including one that I started myself. Then the internet came along and I knew I was going to get on it eventually but I took my time for a reason that shall be discussed at another occasion.

I knew that at some point I was going to need material to start me off and so, for a few months, I took notes of the things that shocked me on television. I compiled these notes into a book and sent it off for publication to see if the blacklist was still in force. I went through this ritual from time to time over the past forty years. I discovered this time as I did every time before that I was still blacklisted as they promised I would be for the rest of my life unless I fulfilled their condition of slandering my race, my religion or both. And so I turned to the internet even sooner than I thought I would.

Here are three excerpts from that book.

First Excerpt

Modern technology offers several new ways to create the noise that distorts the message. In the world of the audio visuals, there are two ways to make noise; there is the audio part and there is the visual part. I offer the following to show how this works.

During the Spring of the year 2006 when things were going badly for Israel, the Jews of North America hungered to hear good news. To respond to this need, the Jewish leaders came up with a new approach to presenting the news. They had the announcer on the radio tell of a Palestinian operation and Israel’s response to it. The announcer would read the news at the regular pitch of his or her voice, and when they get to the reporting of Israel’s response, the voice shifts to a higher pitch so as to convey a gradual build up of joy and excitement. This continues until the announcer ends with the words “aaand theeen” ... and then the sound of a massive explosion follows so as to suggest the blowing up of a house or a building. They even did it on Canadian and American television where the audio part was the same as on the radio, and the visual part was the display of the house or the building as it blew up.

There is no doubt that this new approach to the delivery of the news was invented to cheer up somebody. In adopting it, the Jewish Establishment confirmed it is made of sadists whose amusement can only be satisfied by an orgy of destruction, something they offered as gift to their bankrollers, the Jews of North America. Given the history of that Establishment, the invention and its purpose are not surprising. What is surprising is that Canadian and American radio and television went along without as much as asking for an explanation by any authority.

Second Excerpt

But, who are the people who carry water for the rabbis and spread their hatred around, anyway? To answer the question we look at this example: on September 10, 2006 Richard Landau had his first Behind the Story show of the season and he discussed the stories that unfolded during the Summer. One panelist gloated as he said that by murdering 1,200 Lebanese civilians, Israel made Hezbollah think twice about kidnapping Israeli soldiers again. And Landau said not one word to dissociate himself from this monstrosity.

Just think about this for a moment: Someone feeble minded like the British or American soldiers who carried out the atrocities in Iraq and Guantanamo listening to this sort of talk one day then finding themselves in a war situation the next day. How do you think they would react but the way that they did in those places?

And that is not all, there can be feeble minded individuals on the other side too. Imagine how an Arab or a Muslim youngster or even a British youngster of Arab or Muslim descent would react to a talk like this when he is himself forbidden from being on radio or on television to speak his mind? Imagine the feeble minded youngster thinking to himself if it is okay for Israel to murder 1,200 Arab civilians and make Hezbollah think twice, what should be inflicted on Israel for murdering 1,200 Arab civilians and make her think twice?

For that matter, what should be inflicted on those who support Israel then please their Jewish masters by denying the Arabs and the Muslims the right to express their outrage in the media?

Third Excerpt

Their current mission being that of serving the interests of Israel, the Jewish leaders worked out different strategies to deal with the variety of circumstances they meet around the globe. In North America, the strategy has been to set up a hierarchy of tools they use to persuade the public of their point of view and to attack their enemies. Television being the most powerful tool in the hand of the Jewish propaganda machine, the directors and producers of the machine have set up a hierarchy for the type of reporters they prefer to engage to tell their stories.

According to that list, the least persuasive reporter or commentator on television is the older White male. Above him comes the younger White male. Doing better are the older and younger White females respectively. Above that comes the Black male, whether young or old. Above that comes the older Black female and above her the younger Black female. As for the Latinos and the other colored reporters and commentators, they have not been included in the list as yet but individual reporters have been rated individually and they are given assignments accordingly.

On June 13, 2006 Marci Ien [of African origin] was at her post reading the news when she reported about a second accident that happened in Afghanistan involving American military vehicles plowing into Afghan civilians and killing innocent people. The Jewish Establishment had Ien opine at the end of the piece: “A few weeks ago a similar accident sparked vicious riots.” Since the Americans did not have a reason to riot, it must have been the Afghans who did, and this means they were the vicious ones according to this Jewish style newscast.

Now imagine a White male reporter saying in essence that the Afghans are a vicious race of people because they rioted once before when their people were plowed into and were killed by American military vehicles. He would have been kicked out of the studio before he had the time to finish the sentence. Only Marci Ien had the credibility to pull it off and remain standing in the studio at the end of the newscast.


What I did not include in that book is the history of open savagery which used to be committed by the Israelis in full view of the cameras and the microphones. The Israelis were criticized for their behavior and this prompted the government to impose a military censorship on everything that could damage Israel's image abroad. For example, mobs chanting kill the Arabs were commonplace both in Israel and in the occupied territories as were scenes of Israeli mobs mutilating the bodies of dead Palestinian commandos who were killed in action. By the way, they were not called terrorists then; they were called commandos just like the Israelis who carried out missions beyond their borders. After that, the Palestinians were called guerillas then terrorists.

It has been shown and argued many times before that the first generation of Palestinians under occupation was docile and did nothing more than demonstrate against the occupation; especially against the brutal activities of the settlers in their midst. This angered the Israelis so much that they armed the settlers and provided them with military protection. In turn, this prompted the Palestinians of the second generation under occupation to throw stones at the Israeli tanks but this infuriated the Israelis who began to demolish the homes of the Palestinians. And this is what got the third generation of Palestinians under occupation to fight fire with fire. So, what happened next? The tea called the kettle black. The victimized Palestinians were portrayed as the aggressors and the aggressive Israelis were portrayed as the victims.

Of course, it happens all the time in North America that when a serial killer is given a harsh sentence such as life in prison or the death penalty, the families of the victims express relief that justice was finally done. And the reason why prisoners who commit crimes of magnitude are given protection as they are moved around is because it happened more than once that someone administered justice their own way by killing the suspect before the trial had even begun.

Thus to express relief that someone has paid for their crime before anything was proven is not something that is alien to human beings. This says something that is not flattering about our species but it is reality. It is also why cultures have developed ways to manage the dark side of our character and thus minimize its effect. However, what is alien and incomprehensible is that someone be as savage as the Israelis yet expect to be loved and be treated like angels by the simple act of swapping their image with that of their victims.
Not even the Nazis went this far in their self-delusion. You have to be very sick to demand that you be loved more intensely, the more evil you become. And this habit of yours is what proves that you shall forever remain the incorrigible ones.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wanted: An Arab Saint Patrick's Day

I lived in Montreal one building block away from Rue Sainte Catherine which is the main east-west artery of the city. This is where for decades they held what the old timers claim to be the biggest Saint Patrick's Day parade in the World. I believe this claim because it takes the parade several hours to pass, and I watched it many times year after year.

Anyone can see that this is a joyful occasion for everybody but especially for those who have Irish blood in them. Sometimes, when someone suspects you are not Irish and yet you stand in the cold to watch the parade, they venture to say in good nature something like: Is this not a nice day to be Irish? or something close to that. They also appreciate it if you responded with something like: Are you Irish? or better yet, today I feel like I am Irish, are you? Of course, all these are variations on the old theme: On Saint Patrick's Day there are those of us who are Irish and those who wish they were.

One day I was going to say something entirely different but I bit my tongue at the last moment because I felt that the Irish woman who addressed me would not understand. Besides, she was attractive, she was cheerful, I knew she was from the neighborhood and I was unattached.

We had met before inside the Middle Eastern store that was right behind us as we stood to watch the parade. On that previous occasion I was waiting for the storekeeper behind the counter to wrap the piece of feta cheese I had ordered when the Irish woman walked into the store.

She asked if they carried "hummus" which is chick peas in Arabic but she pronounced the word so badly that the Iranian storekeeper did not understand even though she was fluent in Arabic. I did understand because I heard the word hummus pronounced by Anglophones previously and I knew how it sounded. So I pronounced the word correctly and the Iranian woman understood. She said yes, they carried the staple; the two women thanked me; I got the cheese and left the store.

I crossed paths with the Irish woman a few times after that; we smiled and nodded to each other but that was all. On the day I stood to watch the parade, she saw fit to come and talk to me. She said something like: "What a nice day to have a parade!" For a moment I was tempted to respond with something different from the customary: "Yes, it's a nice day to be Irish; you look Irish to me, are you?" but I did not.

The reason why I was tempted to say something different is because of scenes I witnessed previous to that which remained seared in my memory. So let me tell you this story before I come back to my encounter with the attractive Irish woman who spoke to me at the Saint Patrick's Day parade.

I was writing for a local newspaper when they held a convention in each of the ridings across the country to choose candidates for an election that was to take place later in the year. Looking at the scheduling of the events, I decided to attend a number of them a day or two apart. Having seen a few of these events in Ontario and Quebec, I was struck by the fact that they were done somewhat differently in a few of the ridings in Quebec.

In Ontario and in most ridings in Quebec the candidates seek out and shake hands with as many voting members as they can in an attempt to win last minute support from those who may still be undecided. The same thing happens in French speaking Quebec except in those ridings where the population was overwhelmingly English speaking such as you find in some districts in the city of Montreal.

These would be the districts to which most of the immigrants who come from the English speaking parts of the World flock. But they are also the districts where the English speaking old timers have lived for generations. The people who attend the conventions would not be the new immigrants as you might expect because these souls have no time for politics, working as hard as they do trying to get settled and start a new life. Instead, those who attend the political conventions are old time Montrealers who are relatively wealthy and have the time to spend on political activities.

In general, these wealthy English speaking Montrealers are of Irish or Jewish descent, and you do not have to be a journalist to feel the animosity that exists between these two groups when they hold a convention where they face each other and compete for votes. You literally see the convention hall divided into two camps, one Irish and one Jewish.

When you wander into either camp, you are told that the folks in the other camp cheat because they bring people by the buss load to vote in this riding with fake identification. However, they hasten to add that there is nothing they can do about it because the other guys know how to get around the rules and get away with it. But the truth is that both camps cheat and neither asks for an investigation that would expose it for doing the same thing.

Most of the candidates who run to represent such ridings in Parliament would also be of Irish or Jewish descent and a sympathizers of either camp. Each candidate would stick in most part with his or her group, neglecting to even wander into the other camp or to shake hands with a member of the other group.

I came out of these experiences gratified by the realization that there was less animosity in Montreal between the Arabs and the Jews than there was between the Irish and the Jews. In fact, the corner of the riding where I lived was mostly populated by Jews until the Arabs and the other Middle Easterners started to move in. They came to live there and they started a few businesses, a phenomenon that helped to jack up the rent for retail space.

Except for the fact that the Jews started to close their own businesses and move out of the area, handing their existing low rent leases to the newcomers for a large up front payment, the relationship between the various ethnic groups was warm, cordial and harmonious. But the one thing that struck me the most was the fact that the Jews conducted two contradictory discourses at the same time.

On the one hand, they went out of their way to show how close they felt they were to us, their Arab Semitic cousins, but on the other hand they exhibited - albeit in a very subtle way - how "White, Western" and therefore superior they thought they were to us. And this attitude was exhibited even by those who had a darker skin complexion than some of us.

Because I was convinced that most of these people were descendants of someone who converted to Judaism and therefore had nothing to do with being Hebrews or Semites, I felt that they symbolized an identity theft of the strangest kind but I said nothing of the sort to any of them.

In the meantime, that whole strange experience gave birth to a saying that reverberated in my head ever since. It was this: “Every day of the year there are those of us who are Semites and those who wish they were.” And this was the saying I was prepared to respond with if and when someone ventured to show me how proud they were to be Irish on Saint Patrick's Day. But I never used the saying because like I said, the Irish woman who approached me on that day was attractive, cheerful and I felt she would not understand. To be more forthcoming, she took my breath away and left me speechless.

Well, not completely speechless because I responded to her remark with a question: How do you want me to respond? Nothing, she said but then asked me which paper I wrote for. I told her which paper then asked how she might have guessed I wrote for a paper? She said that it was cold, I had my gloves removed and I was taking notes. And also the Iranian storekeeper told her the other day I was writing for a local newspaper.

In less than a split second my brain jumped to the conclusion that she must have asked about me to be given that answer. And so I seized the moment, pointed to the Irish pub across the street from where we stood and asked her if she wanted to go there for an Irish coffee or a beer. She said not the Irish pub because it would be too crowded today, and so we went somewhere else.

I saw the woman a few more times after that and I must confess she was delicious to be with. We went to a different place each time but never into that Irish pub as she always found a reason why not to go there.

And because every good thing must come to an end, this one did too. You see, the woman had a boyfriend all along and she married him eventually. Only much later after that did I learn that the man she married used to work at the Irish pub where she refused to go in with me.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Responding to Alan Dershowitz

Alan Dershowitz wrote an article on March 13, 2008 in FrontPage Magazine under the title Hamas's Declaration of War Against Israel. It is clear that his purpose for writing this article was to conclude by asking a question which takes him the following paragraph to pose:

"The time has come for Israel’s critics to tell Israel what it should do in the face of these escalating rocket attacks on its civilian population centers. If economic sanctions, border controls, targeting terrorists and ground incursions should not be done, what are the alternatives?"

Before he gets to the question, Mr. Dershowitz lays out his view of the facts and the law pertaining to the situation as he understands it. The trouble is that the critics of Israel as he calls some of us have a different understanding of the situation and have therefore reached a different conclusion.

Many reasons have contributed to the gap that separates the two understandings, and each reason could take several articles to discuss in full but there is one overarching reason that can lead to a deeper grasp of those differences and therefore to a clearer view of the whole picture. One short passage in the Dershowitz article will help us in this regard. It is this:

"In January of 2006, Hamas was elected to govern … After Israel removed all of its settlers, Hamas threw the Palestinian Authority out of Gaza and assumed control over the entire Strip. Its leaders then instructed its military wing to direct rockets at civilian targets in southern Israel."

This is short but it says a mouthful about the state of mind of Mr. Dershowitz and those who think along the same line. It basically says that the Israelis are a good people by nature because they have good intentions, and that the Palestinians are a bad people by nature because they have bad intentions.

So what? Everybody says we are the good guys and they are the bad guys. Why get upset about it now? True, everybody says that but nobody uses this kind of assertion at the start of every negotiation then follow up with a demand that the other party throw away the cards it holds before sitting down to negotiate the terms of surrender.

Mr. Dershowitz and those who plead Israel's case say that regardless of what Israel did before removing the settlers from Gaza, her hands are now clean simply because she removed the settlers after 40 years of occupation. And why are Israel's hands clean? Because Jews can experiment with the lives of millions of people all they want for as long as they want and if the experiment does not pay off for them, they just quit the experiment and everything goes back to normal. Well, not exactly back to normal in this case because Israel still had some unfinished business in Gaza which it tried to do with helicopter gunships, and never mind the fact that this forced Hamas to respond.

By contrast, says Dershowitz, look what the Hamas people did. They threw the PA out of Gaza and instructed their military wing to bomb civilian targets in Israel. And what does this mean? It means that Israel's designated unfinished business to bomb targets in Gaza by helicopter gunship was the correct decision to take. The Palestinians should have recognized that they are an evil people and should have accepted the punishment not responded by sending those homemade firecrackers they call Kassam to scare people in Southern Israel.

There is nothing wrong with someone proclaiming that they have good intentions whether the facts say so or say otherwise. What is wrong is to impugn bad motives to the other side and then proceed on the basis of this assertion. And why is this wrong? Because you can go into any direction you want after that and bore your interlocutor to death at the very moment that you have psyched yourself into believing that God Himself could not be as correct as you are in making the assertion that you just made. The following two passages do not come back to back in the Dershowitz article but read them here back to back and then judge for yourself:

"Close to a thousand rockets have been aimed at southern Israel in recent years. Each one of them had the capacity to kill dozens, if not hundreds of civilians. The fact that no Hamas rocket has yet hit a school bus, a kindergarten, an ambulance, a synagogue, or a school yard is simply happenstance. It is only a matter of time until this happens."

"Israel has tried economic sanctions, border controls, targeted attacks on terrorists and ground incursions. Each of these generally acceptable war measures carry with it the risk of some civilian casualties. The reason for this is that the distinction between combatants and civilians has deliberately been blurred by Hamas. Rockets are fired from densely populated areas, precisely in order to force Israel into choosing between allowing its own civilians to continue to be killed by its inaction, or taking actions that risk hurting killing some Palestinian civilians."

You see, once you have made the assertion that you are the good guys and they are the bad guys, you will go into every possible false direction and nothing will make you stop for a moment and examine a few simple facts such as the fact that the homemade firecrackers used by Hamas are not guided missiles, the reason why they killed almost no one while the ammunition used by the Israeli helicopter gunships are precision guided "smart" bombs, the reason why they slaughtered Palestinian children by the hundreds. Yet, it is not how many Israel has killed that is upsetting Dershowitz but the potential that the Palestinian rockets may someday hit a sensitive target and kill somebody.

Perhaps Mr. Dershowitz will now understand why his complaints fall on deaf ears when he keeps repeating refrains like: "Israel has tried several options, each of which has been condemned by vocal members of the international community, human rights groups and religious organizations…"

But the worrisome part is not just that this attitude is boring humanity to death. It is that it will inevitably lead to serious consequences as it has done in the past over and over again. The reason is that when you keep impugning bad motives to others, the others will eventually start impugning bad motives to you.

It happened to the Christians who responded to the Jews by looking in the Old Testament and in the Talmud where they found zillions of stories about the Jews taking pleasure in punishing their enemies by killing their children. So the Christians came up with metaphors about the Jews soaking bread in the blood of Christian children and eating it.

This did not happen in the Muslim World because unlike the Christians who gave the rope to the Jews to hang themselves, the Muslims never allowed the Jews to get out of line. But the Muslims are not in a position to draw a line in the sand right now, and the Jews are taking advantage of the situation to get away with murder. Eventually, the Muslims will come up with metaphors that will explain why so many of their children were slaughtered by the Jews and why the Jews built their Kibbutzes on the frontlines, filled them with their own children and hid behind those children.

Alan Dershowitz and company must understand that the negotiating tactic of trying to disarm your opponent before you start to negotiate compels you to badmouth the opponent so badly that he will be forced to do the same to you. In the end you will lose as you have lost throughout the ages because you will have psyched yourself into believing you are so correct in what you are doing, you can sit back and fantasize about a deliverance that will miraculously come out of nowhere and hand you the ultimate victory you have been waiting for.

Trust me, Mr. Dershowitz, there are no miracles to be had. You asked a question and here is my answer. The alternative to fantasizing about false miracles is to accept the fact that you are no better than anyone else. You then sit down and negotiate without preconditions and in good faith.

Otherwise you must accept the fact that history will repeat itself except that this time, humanity will be so bored with your shenanigans, it will chant: "Let them burn, they have been begging for it for ages so let us have a final solution and move on with the serious business of the human race because enormous challenges lay ahead pertaining to our survival as a species."

But it will not be the Arabs or the Muslims who will do that; it will be those who did it before as they still have the propensity to get bored too quickly, lacking the patience that the Arabs and the Muslims have which prevents these people from blowing a fuse too soon.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rejecting The Zionist Ideology Of Diode

The Zionists who speak for Israel never cease to repeat the point that whenever Israel offered a deal to the Palestinians, the latter refused to take it and the consequence has been that the Palestinians lost more land. These Zionists are also the ones who appointed themselves educators to the World and the lesson they are conveying here is that if you plan to deal with them, take whatever offer they make and never dream of negotiating for more because you will end up receiving less, if not suffer worse consequences.

This situation is so unique in the annals of human interaction, we can only ask: Why do things always get so complicated with these people? To answer the question we must first distinguish between those who do the talking and those in whose name they pretend to speak. The latter are people who adhere to the Jewish religion and want to lead normal lives like everyone else. Those who pretend to speak in their name are mostly protection racketeers who use every trick in the book to make life difficult for ordinary Jews so as to give the illusion they need the protection of the racketeers.

With this in mind, we return to the subject of negotiation. The word itself implies that there ought to be equality between the parties so as to prevent one side from dictating to the other as this would contradict the principle of negotiation. The playing field may not be totally leveled at the start of the negotiation but the presumption is that there exists at least a theoretical equality. This being the case, only the merit of the various arguments will be allowed to tip the balance to one side or the other by the end of the negotiation.

Thus, by repeating the statement that whenever the Palestinians tried to negotiate they ended up receiving less and suffering bad consequences, the Zionists deliberately remind the World that they are in the business of creating illusions. To them negotiation does not mean there is a real or a theoretical equality between the parties but that there exists a façade behind which the terms of surrender are dictated by them to any party that attempts to negotiate with them.

In fact, this view of the racketeers must not come as a surprise to anyone because the effect of their lesson has existed for a long time and can be seen everywhere. The most notable example being that when they set out to "educate" members of the United States Congress, the Zionist absolute rejection of dissention made it so that the "greatest deliberative body in history" was transformed into a theatre of string-puppets staging the sickly farce with the humiliating title: "How unanimous is a unanimous vote?"

This reality is so obvious to everyone by now that no one who is sane can deny it but where people differ is in the importance that each attaches to the phenomenon. We thus need to put things in perspective, and to do so we turn to science and technology. Here people easily understand that a single invention such as the transistor has led to numerous applications, among them the modern television set, the cellular telephone, the computer, the various toys and so on. What is analogous but is not always clear is that a philosophy, an ideology or germ of an idea can just as easily lead to many applications. And this brings us to the question: If left unchecked, can the Zionist ideological transistor lead very far?

To answer the question we must tackle yet another reality which is that the Zionists believe the Jews are the chosen children of God therefore have the same rights as God. They will argue with God and fight him as equals but when they tell ordinary mortals like you and me what to do, they want immediate compliance and no attempt at negotiation, let alone at engagement in a dialogue or an argument.

Some people such as members of both houses in the US Congress have accepted these dictates which leads to yet another question: How were these magnificent legislators brought down to such a low level of moral servitude so easily? The answer is that the Zionists have developed a whole bag of tricks - a tool kit as they call it - which they use to implement their schemes and accomplish incredible feats.

To understand this part, we return to the analogy of the transistor. This is basically an amplifying device at the heart of which is a contraption called the diode which itself is a one-directional conductor of power. In fact, the diode lets the current go in one direction, called the positive direction but blocks it when it tries to go in the opposite direction, called negative direction. Similarly, it is the one directional approach to dealing with Jewish matters that is the trick by which the Jewish ideological amplifier is made to work miracles.

This is how things happen in practice. People such as you and me are allowed to describe what the Jews do but we must be careful how we frame the thing. We can describe an event using positive terms such as praise the Jews and tell how good they are but we cannot describe the same event using negative terms because this will raise the specter of some old document called the Protocol of the Elders of Zion. And this document, say the Zionists, is what caused the hatred for Jews to flourish in Europe which then led to the pogroms and the holocausts that followed.

In the same way that the transistor amplifies a signal, the invocation of that Protocol is the leverage by which the Zionists amplify the one-directional tribute to Jews they have mandated on everyone in the first place. Through the use of that leverage, the Zionists produce a large output for their causes with the little effort that they bring at the input. And this is how a handful of them has managed to mobilize a superpower the size of the United States and make it work for the glory of Israel to the detriment of the American people and their interests.

But what seems to elude these people is that there is a negative side to all of this. In the same way that something can go wrong with the amplifier resulting in the heat runaway effect that will fry the transistor, something can go wrong with heaping too much false praises on the Jews because it can result in lighting up the fires of the pogroms and the holocausts that are falsely blamed on the Protocol of the Elders of Zion.

To understand this part, we go back to the scientific analogy and visualize the transistor as having an input where a small signal is entered, and an output from which the amplified signal exits. Given that too much amplification can distort the signal and result in a bad sound, a good design of the amplifier necessitates that a tiny sample of the output is fed back to the input to serve as an electronic break. But for this to work, the polarity of the sample from the output must be the reverse of the signal at the input. And this is why the process is called negative feedback.

If the polarity of the sample is not reversed, you will have a positive feedback which is something that can happen inadvertently. For example, if you find yourself on a stage where there is an amplifying system and you bring the microphone too close to the speaker, you will hear the speaker squeal. This is because a sample of what comes out of the speaker is fed back to the input of the transistor without being reversed. Thus, instead of acting as a break, the sample adds power to the input which generates a bigger output which adds more to the input and so on until the transistor is pushed to the limit. If the situation persists the transistor will get hot, will experience a heat runaway affect and will fry. This is why positive feedback is bad for an amplifier.

We see something like this happen all the time in human interactions. For example, we all agree that it is a good thing to be positive and to encourage a child that does well in school, an employee that does well at work, a politician that does well on the political stage and so on. But the moment that the child, the employee or the politician exhibit signs of a swelling head, we apply the breaks by going negative on them in order to bring them back to earth.

But the Zionists will have none of that when it comes to Jewish matters. They will raise the specter of the Protocol of the Elders of Zion if you criticize the achievements attained by the Jews who use questionable methods to getting there. In this, the Zionists act like the diode which lets the positive power go in one direction and blocks the negative criticism from acting as the break that would put a check on a swelling head. In the end, this attitude leads to the heat runaway effect such as the insane voting pattern you see in the US Congress in favor of Jewish and Israeli matters.

Another nefarious application of the Zionist ideological transistor can be seen in what happened to America not long ago. That country was loved by the whole World right after the Second World War precisely because she was the most powerful she could be yet was generous, helpful and humble. Then came the Jewish lobby and told America what to do to change all that and earn the contempt of the World.

When America began to change for the worse and the World started to caution her, the Jewish lobby responded that it was a good thing to be hated because it proves that the country is doing well. America is hated, said the Zionists, not because of what she does but because of what she is which is big, beautiful and powerful. The advice was meant to tell the country that she ought to keep doing more of the same.

And more of the same is what America continued to output which was fed back to the World which added to the contempt for America and so on. Like the wrong kind of positive feedback, the situation reached the point where America and Israel became equal pariahs on the international stage championing Israel's right to commit murder and mayhem in Palestine, and disgusting audiences everywhere.

Is there a way out of this mess for the American nation? Yes there is and the model - not surprisingly - comes from Palestine. Like the Palestinians, the American legislators must learn to say no to the Jewish lobby. Just say no, you cannot dictate to us anymore because the Congress of this magnificent nation is sick of itself being transformed from a great house of democratic deliberation into a small house of ill repute.

"We are no longer the escorts you can take with you everywhere you go. We want to be free, independent and proud like the other 190 nations on this planet and more importantly, like the Palestinians who have become a thousand times more worthy of respect than you and us put together. So, go away Jewish lobby and practice your tricks away from here."

Friday, March 7, 2008

The Day The Foxman Dropped The Mask

There is that old saying about someone being his own worst enemy. Everyone in life must have encountered someone like that at one time or another. But if you ever wondered what the worst example of this may look like, imagine someone disguising himself as a saintly old lady and going through the maternity wards of the city hospitals where he assaults the babies when no one is watching.

That sicko follows up by making a video in which he shows how he disguises himself and how he enters the maternity wards undetected. He then runs the video on the internet for the whole world to marvel at his ingenuity. The reader may recall that a sex tourist from Canada was caught in Thailand doing something similar to that except that this sicko distorted his face electronically which is why it took the police a little time to catch him.

In the example of the saintly old lady, the sicko is so sick he does not distort his face on the internet because he believes he has the divine right to do what he does. To tell him otherwise is to show bias against his religion, his ethnicity or both and he threatens to turn your life into a living hell if you do not stop questioning that right. But the funny part is that he likes to wear a mask on some occasions just to play games and have fun.

Is there such a character on this planet? Yes, there is. If you can visualize a metaphor where all the people of the World are regarded as the children of God and where the Earth itself is a giant maternity ward, you will recognize Abe Foxman as being one such character.

Abe Foxman is head of the American Anti-Defamation League. Like his counterparts everywhere, he goes around spinning the news when he can, warning the people of the consequences of listening to the news he cannot spin and threatening the people who do not heed his warnings. In this capacity, he is part of the Jewish Lobby that has shaped the American scene during the past few decades.

But the power of the lobby is now weakening and this prompted Foxman to take a trip to Israel where he told the folks down there of the changes that are happening in North America. Undoubtedly he wanted to deliver the message that the art of spinning, warning and threatening was becoming less of a cakewalk for the Jewish organizations and thus dampen the hope that the Israelis may have in the ability of those organizations to deliver for Israel as much as before.

Foxman first warned the Israelis that the American people are becoming suspicious of the Jewish loyalty to America because Jews appear to be overly fanatic when it comes to defending the interests of Israel even when it is obvious that such defense can only come at the expense of America. He attributed the awakening among the American people to the wake up call sounded by such writers, academics and thinkers as Mearsheimer, Walt and former President Jimmy Carter.

Foxman then expressed distress that Jews are viewed as being too powerful when it comes to the influence they exert on the conduct of America's foreign policy even though their numbers are miniscule. He called this phenomenon the conspiracy thesis but did not spell out who he believes was conspiring with whom to do what. In doing this, Foxman hid from view the fact that the self-appointed leaders of the Jews managed to portray an attack leveled against their activities sound like a physical attack directed against the Jewish people. And this meant that a debater who scores a point against them becomes a threat to the existence of all the Jews. Consequently, you must never try to win an argument when debating a self-appointed leader of the Jews because this will make of you an anti-Semite bent on exterminating the Jewish people.

Of course, what has been happening lately that rattled people like Foxman is that something unexpected resulted when the Jewish organizations went too far trying to muzzle and demonize the people who summoned the courage to say enough is enough; America is not the infinitely massive cow you can incessantly milk without killing it. What happened that surprised many observers was that for the first time, people who never spoke out previously came to the fore and helped to push back against the excesses of the Jewish organizations.

Furthermore, the stand taken by those people brought to the surface the reality that every choice you make in life has not only a benefit associated with it but also a cost. From this perspective the cost of supporting Israel at the expense of everything else was becoming too prohibitive even for superpower America to pay without contemplating how to put an end to the insanity. For this reason, the Jewish organizations ceased to argue in terms of monetary benefits and began to talk in terms of political and cultural values.

No longer did the operatives of those organizations talk about Israel being an outpost that defends America's commercial interests in the Middle East or talk about Israel being the reason why Americans enjoy the luxury of having cheap oil to consume at home. The new buzz words became freedom, human rights, democracy and a system of governance for the Middle East that is free of corruption.

But looking at how things were done in Israel and how the Jewish organizations were behaving in America, such talk only deepened the cynicism that Americans had about everything Israeli and everything said to be Jewish. Israel was glaringly the quintessential model of everything to be avoided by people who want to live together let alone call themselves a nation. And the Jewish organizations in America were glaringly the quintessential model of everything to be avoided by a nation of immigrants where all the citizens are supposed to be treated equally and no one is regarded as the privileged child of God.

Still, the number of people who had the courage to do what Mearsheimer, Walt and Carter did were few and their writings on the subject were limited. So, what was it that transformed the landscape in America so drastically and so suddenly according to Abe Foxman? The man explained to his Israeli audience that it was the advent of the Internet and the message of anti-Semitism that was propagated in cyberspace.

But the Internet has been around for some time now and people such as the White supremacists were dealt with a long time ago. Besides, Foxman himself gave statistics to the effect that the so-called incidents of anti-Semitism were on the wane in America, so why complain about the Internet now?

The fact is that the Jewish organizations never feared the anti-Semites who came along and made fools of themselves. In reality, the organizations gave maximum exposure to these fools so as to let them discredit themselves in public which they did. But the individuals that the organizations truly feared were those who could debunk their arguments because they made the distinction between the ordinary Jews who want to live like everyone else and the self appointed leaders who pretended to speak for them. And those were the individuals whom the Jewish organizations blacklisted and spared no resource to muzzle, to keep off the public stage and maintain out of sight.

Without a recognizable name such as President Jimmy Carter or Bishop Desmond Tutu, those people lived voiceless and in obscurity until the internet came along and gave them the means to speak out and be heard. This is when they took every argument made by the Jewish organizations, debunked them one by one and threw them into the trash heaps marked nonsensical, shallow, idiotic, absurd, self-contradictory and what have you. And this is what did real damage to the monumental fantasy that the Jewish organizations managed to put together over the decades.

And now comes the best part because this is when the sicko is caught and his face unmasked in full view of the public. What happened in response to the advent of the Internet was that Foxman stood in Israel and urged the Israelis to utilize their ingenuity to develop technologies that will differentiate between information, misinformation and disinformation, as he put it.

In effect, the man has cried out for the development of a mechanical method by which to censor from the information highway the information and the opinions that do not comply with the ideas designated as good thinking by the commissars of truth as they sit behind their desks to monitor what the people of the World are saying to each other and thinking to themselves. Wow! Man oh man! And you thought you had heard it all and seen everything!

In taking this stand, Abraham Foxman has dropped the mask and has admitted that his Nazi-like, fascistic views concerning freedom of speech and democracy were the policy pursued by his organization all along despite the denials, the charges of anti-Semitism, the bellyaching, the beating of the breasts, the banging of the heads, the pulling of the hair and the tearing of the entrails that were done to hide this fact.

The man further admitted that his organization has failed to win any serious argument against websites such as this and failed to blackmail people such as yours truly into letting the fake arguments go unchallenged. So now, Foxman wants a mechanical Gestapo-like thug to replace him and to help the Jewish Establishment revive and implement its revolting old agenda.

These were the bad old days when websites such as FrontPage Magazine and others like it stood shoulder to shoulder with Charles Krauthammer, Tom Friedman, Alan Dershowitz and a few others like them who have access to the mainstream media, and puke rivers of anti-Arab and anti-Islamic venom without someone forcing them to lick what they just puked and then eat crow.

Marshall McLuhan wrote about the Mechanical Bride, a visual trick by which the advertisers seduced people into buying what they did not need. What we have now is Abe Foxman standing as a Mechanical Nazi, an authentic tin pot wannabe dictator who aspires to prevent people from knowing what they need to know.

But the whole argument concerning the legitimacy of Israel and the right of the self designated Jewish organizations to demand so much from America and from the rest of us rested on the idea that they resembled the metaphoric saintly old lady who could do no wrong. These people portrayed themselves as the Mothers Theresa who were sent by God to comfort humanity and give it wise counsel.

And how were those fakes to accomplish this? By hanging on to the principles of human rights, freedom of speech, democratic values and all that jazz. But then Foxman came along and dropped the mask to reveal that these characters were not really saintly old ladies but the dreaded ones who have been raping the proverbial children of God since the beginning of recorded history and perhaps before. Get these sickos out of here, and get them out fast.

Already the American people were beginning to understand the difference between the Jews and those who lead them. And a few intellectuals began to reverse their reluctance to challenge the Jewish lobby, a reluctance that was prompted by what happened during the McCarthy era when some American officials went too far hunting the few Jews who professed to harbor left leanings.

The activities of Abe Foxman will now help to accelerate this reversal, and we all say amen to that because it is better to end this insanity than let the insanity end America.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Those Whom God Intends To Destroy

Those whom God intends to destroy, He first renders them mad. Some people tell me this is a Yiddish saying but others tell me it is not. Either way, the saying applies to what the Israelis are doing in the Middle East these days. Look at them go mad as they destroy the lives of the Palestinians and in so doing destroy the arguments they have been making to legitimize the existence of Israel as a stand alone state.

Non-Zionist Jews have been warning all along that Jews cannot be organized into an independent state because they believe they are the chosen children of God. For this reason everyone of them wants to deal with God on a one to one basis. With a mentality like this, they cannot be organized into the voluntary hierarchy that is needed to be a nation. Consequently, the proposed two-state solution for Palestine can never be a viable one.

This being the case, Israel must go back to being Palestine where Jews are treated as ordinary citizens enjoying no special privileges over the other religions but treated as equals with their Christian and Muslim countrymen. This is what is known as the one state solution, and it is the South African model after the country where people of all races now live together under an authentic democratic regime, not the sham democracy that is Israel today.

But who are these Jews who flock to Israel from every corner of the Planet, anyway? Well, some are fakes even according to the Israeli law which says that to make "aliya" to Israel (return to Israel), you must be certified as an authentic Hebrew or a true convert to Judaism by a recognized rabbi. When caught, these people are prosecuted along with those who help them obtain the fake documents. However, the reality is that only a small fraction of these people are caught and no one is sent away.

Quackery of this kind is what happens nowadays, and this should give us an idea as to how things must have unfolded over the past two thousand years. There were the Hebrews tribes in Palestine, all right and they had distinct Semitic features like all those who lived in that land. But look at the Jews now; they are the blue eyed blondes who come from Northern Europe, the Blacks who come from the Horn of Africa and everyone else who come in all shades and every color.

Surely, all these people cannot be descendants of the same Semitic stock and legitimately claim that Palestine is their ancestral land. Even if they all belonged there two thousand years ago, they would have no more a right to Palestine than say, the Americans of Irish descent can displace the Irish who lived in Ireland all along and take the whole country.

Imagine what it would be like if a million or more American and Canadian Métis descended on Ireland claiming that they have a little Irish blood in them and have discovered an old document which someone interpreted as saying that God gave them the whole of Ireland. For this reason, they want the Irish people to go and live in the other European countries so as to leave Ireland to them where they can live as Reformed Catholics.

Aware that such concerns are circulating out there and wishing to respond to them, the Jewish Establishment tried something not long ago. I wrote about that history in a book whose publication was blocked by that same Establishment. Below is a reproduction of the passage which came under the subtitle: Hunting for Cohanim's Chromosome.

I then resume the current discussion under the subtitle Commentary.

Hunting for Cohanim’s Chromosome

Living in a fool’s paradise which gave them the illusion that they reached the Promised Land where they can kill anyone they wish to kill and be called victims of terrorism, and suppress anyone they wish to suppress and be called victims of anti-Semitism, the Jewish leaders tried to use science to prove once and for all that they are the children of God and the legitimate inheritors of the Land of Palestine. Here is what they tried.

Toward the end of the Twentieth Century, work on the genetic make-up of organisms had progressed well enough that scientists were able to establish relationships between individuals and between families of the same species by testing for markers in their DNA. The Jewish Establishment saw in this development an opportunity to prove definitively that all Jews are related and that they are the legitimate inheritors of the land of Palestine. They embarked on a worldwide program to test the DNA of Jewish males so as to establish that their Y chromosomes carry the Cohanimic traits which are supposed to represent the authentic Jew given that the name Cohanim means priest in Hebrew.

To the chagrin of the Establishment, it turned out that a Jew from a given country has a DNA that resembles more the DNA of his countrymen than anything resembling the preferred Cohanim markers. Worse for the Jewish leaders, it turned out that the Palestinian people, whether they are Christians, Muslims or Jews have more in common with the Cohanim markers than has a Jew from Russia, Ethiopia or anywhere else.

Thus, the exercise turned out to be more anemic than Cohanimic for the Jewish Establishment because the test, more than anything else, confirmed scientifically and definitively that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and not the Jews who converted to the religion over the centuries.

The facts had already been established demographically for a long time though, and the DNA tests only confirmed them. It was known that before Islam had spread into the Middle East, the region was populated by pagans, Jews and Christians. When Islam came along, most of these people converted to it but some chose to stick with their religion. Thus, when we look at the current populations in the Middle Eastern countries, we find that the vast majority are Muslim, 3% to 6% in each country are Christian, less than 1% are Jewish and almost none are pagan. Except for the Jewish population which was somewhat larger than 1%, the same percentages prevailed in Palestine before the massive Jewish migration to it.

The conclusion drawn was that the Palestinian people are the authentic Hebrews. Therefore, if you believe the claim made by the current Jewish leadership that God gave the land of Israel to the Hebrews, then here they are. It is just that the Hebrews of the past converted to Islam and to a lesser extent Christianity. Thus, we must accept the scientific and demographic facts that the owners of Palestine are the Palestinians whatever their religion because they lived in Palestine since time immemorial.

Even if we hang on to the notion that God promised the land of milk and honey to the Jews, we must conclude that He already gave it to them 3,300 years ago when Moses took them there where they stayed. And if the Jews later converted to Islam or to Christianity, this is a matter between them and their God.

It is not the business of the World Jewish Congress to decide that the Palestinians ought to be stripped of their land, which land they want to give to new converts to a religion they newly invented and named Rabbinic Judaism. The people heading the World Jewish Congress are neither Jews nor Hebrews, and they are certainly not Semites. They can no more inherit Palestine or give it to their cohorts than I can inherit the fortune of Bill Gates if and when he dies before me.

When the results of the DNA tests came out, the whispers began inside the Jewish community to the effect that perhaps the Palestinians are, after all, the ten lost tribes of Israel given that only two of the known twelve Hebrew tribes are accounted for. Like they say, one part in six of a loaf is better than nothing. Would the Jewish leadership now settle for one sixth of the land of Israel?


The natural impulse is to say that a huge crime has been committed against the Palestinians and the way to redress the situation is to send the Jews back to where they came from. But the fact is that many Jews were born in occupied Palestine and had nothing to do with the original crime. If only for this reason, a solution must be found that will not punish the innocent for the crimes of their parents.
A two state solution would have been ideal. But given that Judaism has ceased to be a religion and has become an ideology that cannot govern itself, Israel cannot become a stand alone country. The logical solution left to consider is the South African model known as the one state solution. This is where the discussion concerning the future of Palestine ought to go now.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Turning The Whimper Into A Roar

To win the game you must play it and you must beat your opponent. But if you don't have an opponent to play against, there is no game and there will be no winner. In fact without an opponent, you will not exist anymore than the Mujahedin existed before America brought them out of nowhere and made winners out of them.

America trained the Mujahedin, equipped them and gave them an opponent to beat. That was the Soviet Union which had invaded Afghanistan and was occupying it. America helped the Mujahedin to beat the former Soviet Union and thus helped to precipitate its demise which was America's aim in the first place.

Subsequent to that episode America behaved in a strange way. Like those who leave the scene of an accident, she abandoned Afghanistan and disappeared as if she had no responsibility to restore what she broke. But not everyone was disenchanted with America's behavior as some people in that part of the world were grateful for her myopic vision. It was, in fact, America's abandonment of Afghanistan after she got what she wanted that changed the status of the Mujahedin from non-existent to winners to potential rivals for the West.

But did the saga end here? Of course not. With a history this loaded and an America this myopic, the Jewish Establishment worldwide and more specifically the Zionist lobby in America could not resist playing the next round of the game. That lobby mobilized America to fight the Arabs and the Muslims as if they had suddenly become the evil that replaced the newly defunct Soviet Union.

The irony is that the Arabic word Mujahedin translates into English as those who practice the Jihad, and these were the Islamic Jihadists who were once America's protégés. They were the freedom fighters who won the confrontation against the Soviet Union but were now forced to confront America not just in Afghanistan but everywhere else in the World.

But did the Jewish Establishment really believe that America had the wherewithal to defeat Islam? Of course not. Had the Jews believed this, they would have prepared for the victory. Or at least they would have put down a plan to fall back on if the war hit a snag.

The fact is that none of the above was included in the original game plan because the Judeo-American war against Islam was conceived as a ballistic war. That is, it was aimed at the outset against a nebulous target that sat in the distance and was fired without a guidance system, a fail safe system or an intelligent oversight. The start of the war was the means to an end and the end was the start of the war. Period.

All this makes it clear that the aim of the Jewish Establishment in widening the war from Afghanistan to Iraq to the Middle East and beyond was to cause the destruction, the deaths and the ruin that would create bad blood between Christianity and Islam. Also, by engineering a war without end, the Zionists in the Jewish Establishment at long last pulled off their long held fantasy of creating a pool of dirty waters where they can go fish to their hearts' content.

And while these characters are fishing as they now do every day of the week, nobody is seeing what else is happening. And what is happening is that when you are a winner as were the Jihadists and you are pushed into a fight you cannot lose, you become stronger by the day while engaged in that fight. This is happening to the Mujahedin and to those who fight alongside them in the Arab World, the Muslim World and beyond.

Thus, instead of degrading the Jihadist capabilities, America is helping to make them stronger because she is making them win two new recruits for every one that perishes. An old adage that was followed by the wise but never expressed loudly by anyone went something like this: It is better not to fight than fight and loose. America is now learning this lesson the hard way but will she ever learn?

And what is it about the Jewish Establishment that makes it do such a thing? No one can answer this question definitively because an establishment is not one person but a multitude of people with different motivations coming together. What we can do, however, is briefly look at the history of that Establishment and hope to develop a few insights.

Given that those who come to America are not loyal to the land or to an existing ethnic group, they develop an ambition in one of two areas. There are those who want to blend with the folks they meet in their new home and lead a normal and quiet life. And there are those who dream of making it big thus turn to entrepreneurship where they get the opportunity to reward themselves handsomely while contributing marvelous things to their adopted country.

But there were also the Jews who stood as the odd man out because they hung on to a set of old dreams, legends and rituals they could not abandon. Because in this sense they looked and behaved somewhat differently from the rest of the immigrants and were not willing to blend with their new environment, they reasoned that if everyone else was different, their own differences will not stand them out so conspicuously.

Consequently, the Jews embarked on a campaign to incite everyone to fight for the right to be different and yet be treated equally. In reality most of the newcomers did not think this was an important issue to them but a few were seduced by the idea and they responded positively to the Jewish call.

With time, the trickle of those seduced became a flood and before you know it, most everyone was chasing after rights they now felt they must have. They felt this way because experience convinced them that when they neglect to ask for the same rights as everyone else, they tend to fall behind while others pull ahead of them.

All the while, the Jews were making North America look less Christian and more Jewish to the point where they became the established mainstream. Thus, going in opposite directions, the Jews and the newcomers who once shared some similarities began to diverge and to look very differently from each other.

Before long the contrast between the two had become so sharp that the newcomers became the odd man out while the Jews were becoming the new Establishment. When the transformation was complete, the Jews changed their stand on issues that were once dear to them not long ago. They launched a ferocious but subtle campaign against granting the other races the right to be different or to live differently. More than that, they campaigned against immigration itself.

And the Jewish offensive did not stop at the races but extended to the religions as well. In fact, the Jews launched a campaign against Islam which was to be expected but they also fought to abolish the Christian celebration of Christmas and replace it with a Festival of Lights adorned with the Jewish Menorah. They also tried to replace Sunday with Saturday as the day of rest. And they denigrated all symbols of Christianity at the same time as they forced the media types to loudly revere every Jewish act even if this were the mere flushing of a toilet.

The Jews managed to score all these successes because they allied themselves with those who pretended to be Christian Evangelicals and whose services they engaged in return for a promise not to attack them in the media. It was suggested by a few learned people at the start of this abominable alliance that the Evangelicals wanted the Jews to fight the Palestinians in Palestine while the Jews wanted the Americans to fight the Arabs and the Muslims everywhere else for two diametrically opposed reasons.

The picture those learned people paint is that of a pair of scorpions engaged in the mating game where each is waiting for the other to falter so as to pounce on it and produce an offspring or devour it and look for another potential mate. Both the Jews and the Evangelicals make no secret of their belief that the World we know is about to end and that a new World is about to begin. The Jews believe that when this happens the Christians will accept them as their masters and bow to them. The Evangelicals believe that the Jews will recognize Jesus as the Messiah and convert to Christianity.

Looking at the American record of who is who in business and in politics, we see that no one person or group of people from any race or religion has done as much for a foreign country as the Jews have done for Israel. And this has prompted the people to express the view that to be generous to a foreign country is commendable; to be generous at the expense of another country is questionable; to be generous to the point of hurting one's own country is treason.

The Zionists in America have gone further than treason in that they mobilized the Legislative and Executive branches of government, the military and the press to do the bidding for them and for Israel. In the process, they ruined America beyond recovery yet there is no official recognition of this fact as yet and no mechanism by which to account for what happened so as to bring to justice those who are responsible.

This says volumes about the soundness of the system that has allowed all that insanity to take root in the first place. And maybe the time has come for the American people to roar and demand the overhauling of their increasingly irrelevant constitution. It is this or they will have to get used to the sight and sounds of their empire slowly fade away amid their whimper.