Friday, March 7, 2008

The Day The Foxman Dropped The Mask

There is that old saying about someone being his own worst enemy. Everyone in life must have encountered someone like that at one time or another. But if you ever wondered what the worst example of this may look like, imagine someone disguising himself as a saintly old lady and going through the maternity wards of the city hospitals where he assaults the babies when no one is watching.

That sicko follows up by making a video in which he shows how he disguises himself and how he enters the maternity wards undetected. He then runs the video on the internet for the whole world to marvel at his ingenuity. The reader may recall that a sex tourist from Canada was caught in Thailand doing something similar to that except that this sicko distorted his face electronically which is why it took the police a little time to catch him.

In the example of the saintly old lady, the sicko is so sick he does not distort his face on the internet because he believes he has the divine right to do what he does. To tell him otherwise is to show bias against his religion, his ethnicity or both and he threatens to turn your life into a living hell if you do not stop questioning that right. But the funny part is that he likes to wear a mask on some occasions just to play games and have fun.

Is there such a character on this planet? Yes, there is. If you can visualize a metaphor where all the people of the World are regarded as the children of God and where the Earth itself is a giant maternity ward, you will recognize Abe Foxman as being one such character.

Abe Foxman is head of the American Anti-Defamation League. Like his counterparts everywhere, he goes around spinning the news when he can, warning the people of the consequences of listening to the news he cannot spin and threatening the people who do not heed his warnings. In this capacity, he is part of the Jewish Lobby that has shaped the American scene during the past few decades.

But the power of the lobby is now weakening and this prompted Foxman to take a trip to Israel where he told the folks down there of the changes that are happening in North America. Undoubtedly he wanted to deliver the message that the art of spinning, warning and threatening was becoming less of a cakewalk for the Jewish organizations and thus dampen the hope that the Israelis may have in the ability of those organizations to deliver for Israel as much as before.

Foxman first warned the Israelis that the American people are becoming suspicious of the Jewish loyalty to America because Jews appear to be overly fanatic when it comes to defending the interests of Israel even when it is obvious that such defense can only come at the expense of America. He attributed the awakening among the American people to the wake up call sounded by such writers, academics and thinkers as Mearsheimer, Walt and former President Jimmy Carter.

Foxman then expressed distress that Jews are viewed as being too powerful when it comes to the influence they exert on the conduct of America's foreign policy even though their numbers are miniscule. He called this phenomenon the conspiracy thesis but did not spell out who he believes was conspiring with whom to do what. In doing this, Foxman hid from view the fact that the self-appointed leaders of the Jews managed to portray an attack leveled against their activities sound like a physical attack directed against the Jewish people. And this meant that a debater who scores a point against them becomes a threat to the existence of all the Jews. Consequently, you must never try to win an argument when debating a self-appointed leader of the Jews because this will make of you an anti-Semite bent on exterminating the Jewish people.

Of course, what has been happening lately that rattled people like Foxman is that something unexpected resulted when the Jewish organizations went too far trying to muzzle and demonize the people who summoned the courage to say enough is enough; America is not the infinitely massive cow you can incessantly milk without killing it. What happened that surprised many observers was that for the first time, people who never spoke out previously came to the fore and helped to push back against the excesses of the Jewish organizations.

Furthermore, the stand taken by those people brought to the surface the reality that every choice you make in life has not only a benefit associated with it but also a cost. From this perspective the cost of supporting Israel at the expense of everything else was becoming too prohibitive even for superpower America to pay without contemplating how to put an end to the insanity. For this reason, the Jewish organizations ceased to argue in terms of monetary benefits and began to talk in terms of political and cultural values.

No longer did the operatives of those organizations talk about Israel being an outpost that defends America's commercial interests in the Middle East or talk about Israel being the reason why Americans enjoy the luxury of having cheap oil to consume at home. The new buzz words became freedom, human rights, democracy and a system of governance for the Middle East that is free of corruption.

But looking at how things were done in Israel and how the Jewish organizations were behaving in America, such talk only deepened the cynicism that Americans had about everything Israeli and everything said to be Jewish. Israel was glaringly the quintessential model of everything to be avoided by people who want to live together let alone call themselves a nation. And the Jewish organizations in America were glaringly the quintessential model of everything to be avoided by a nation of immigrants where all the citizens are supposed to be treated equally and no one is regarded as the privileged child of God.

Still, the number of people who had the courage to do what Mearsheimer, Walt and Carter did were few and their writings on the subject were limited. So, what was it that transformed the landscape in America so drastically and so suddenly according to Abe Foxman? The man explained to his Israeli audience that it was the advent of the Internet and the message of anti-Semitism that was propagated in cyberspace.

But the Internet has been around for some time now and people such as the White supremacists were dealt with a long time ago. Besides, Foxman himself gave statistics to the effect that the so-called incidents of anti-Semitism were on the wane in America, so why complain about the Internet now?

The fact is that the Jewish organizations never feared the anti-Semites who came along and made fools of themselves. In reality, the organizations gave maximum exposure to these fools so as to let them discredit themselves in public which they did. But the individuals that the organizations truly feared were those who could debunk their arguments because they made the distinction between the ordinary Jews who want to live like everyone else and the self appointed leaders who pretended to speak for them. And those were the individuals whom the Jewish organizations blacklisted and spared no resource to muzzle, to keep off the public stage and maintain out of sight.

Without a recognizable name such as President Jimmy Carter or Bishop Desmond Tutu, those people lived voiceless and in obscurity until the internet came along and gave them the means to speak out and be heard. This is when they took every argument made by the Jewish organizations, debunked them one by one and threw them into the trash heaps marked nonsensical, shallow, idiotic, absurd, self-contradictory and what have you. And this is what did real damage to the monumental fantasy that the Jewish organizations managed to put together over the decades.

And now comes the best part because this is when the sicko is caught and his face unmasked in full view of the public. What happened in response to the advent of the Internet was that Foxman stood in Israel and urged the Israelis to utilize their ingenuity to develop technologies that will differentiate between information, misinformation and disinformation, as he put it.

In effect, the man has cried out for the development of a mechanical method by which to censor from the information highway the information and the opinions that do not comply with the ideas designated as good thinking by the commissars of truth as they sit behind their desks to monitor what the people of the World are saying to each other and thinking to themselves. Wow! Man oh man! And you thought you had heard it all and seen everything!

In taking this stand, Abraham Foxman has dropped the mask and has admitted that his Nazi-like, fascistic views concerning freedom of speech and democracy were the policy pursued by his organization all along despite the denials, the charges of anti-Semitism, the bellyaching, the beating of the breasts, the banging of the heads, the pulling of the hair and the tearing of the entrails that were done to hide this fact.

The man further admitted that his organization has failed to win any serious argument against websites such as this and failed to blackmail people such as yours truly into letting the fake arguments go unchallenged. So now, Foxman wants a mechanical Gestapo-like thug to replace him and to help the Jewish Establishment revive and implement its revolting old agenda.

These were the bad old days when websites such as FrontPage Magazine and others like it stood shoulder to shoulder with Charles Krauthammer, Tom Friedman, Alan Dershowitz and a few others like them who have access to the mainstream media, and puke rivers of anti-Arab and anti-Islamic venom without someone forcing them to lick what they just puked and then eat crow.

Marshall McLuhan wrote about the Mechanical Bride, a visual trick by which the advertisers seduced people into buying what they did not need. What we have now is Abe Foxman standing as a Mechanical Nazi, an authentic tin pot wannabe dictator who aspires to prevent people from knowing what they need to know.

But the whole argument concerning the legitimacy of Israel and the right of the self designated Jewish organizations to demand so much from America and from the rest of us rested on the idea that they resembled the metaphoric saintly old lady who could do no wrong. These people portrayed themselves as the Mothers Theresa who were sent by God to comfort humanity and give it wise counsel.

And how were those fakes to accomplish this? By hanging on to the principles of human rights, freedom of speech, democratic values and all that jazz. But then Foxman came along and dropped the mask to reveal that these characters were not really saintly old ladies but the dreaded ones who have been raping the proverbial children of God since the beginning of recorded history and perhaps before. Get these sickos out of here, and get them out fast.

Already the American people were beginning to understand the difference between the Jews and those who lead them. And a few intellectuals began to reverse their reluctance to challenge the Jewish lobby, a reluctance that was prompted by what happened during the McCarthy era when some American officials went too far hunting the few Jews who professed to harbor left leanings.

The activities of Abe Foxman will now help to accelerate this reversal, and we all say amen to that because it is better to end this insanity than let the insanity end America.