Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Those Whom God Intends To Destroy

Those whom God intends to destroy, He first renders them mad. Some people tell me this is a Yiddish saying but others tell me it is not. Either way, the saying applies to what the Israelis are doing in the Middle East these days. Look at them go mad as they destroy the lives of the Palestinians and in so doing destroy the arguments they have been making to legitimize the existence of Israel as a stand alone state.

Non-Zionist Jews have been warning all along that Jews cannot be organized into an independent state because they believe they are the chosen children of God. For this reason everyone of them wants to deal with God on a one to one basis. With a mentality like this, they cannot be organized into the voluntary hierarchy that is needed to be a nation. Consequently, the proposed two-state solution for Palestine can never be a viable one.

This being the case, Israel must go back to being Palestine where Jews are treated as ordinary citizens enjoying no special privileges over the other religions but treated as equals with their Christian and Muslim countrymen. This is what is known as the one state solution, and it is the South African model after the country where people of all races now live together under an authentic democratic regime, not the sham democracy that is Israel today.

But who are these Jews who flock to Israel from every corner of the Planet, anyway? Well, some are fakes even according to the Israeli law which says that to make "aliya" to Israel (return to Israel), you must be certified as an authentic Hebrew or a true convert to Judaism by a recognized rabbi. When caught, these people are prosecuted along with those who help them obtain the fake documents. However, the reality is that only a small fraction of these people are caught and no one is sent away.

Quackery of this kind is what happens nowadays, and this should give us an idea as to how things must have unfolded over the past two thousand years. There were the Hebrews tribes in Palestine, all right and they had distinct Semitic features like all those who lived in that land. But look at the Jews now; they are the blue eyed blondes who come from Northern Europe, the Blacks who come from the Horn of Africa and everyone else who come in all shades and every color.

Surely, all these people cannot be descendants of the same Semitic stock and legitimately claim that Palestine is their ancestral land. Even if they all belonged there two thousand years ago, they would have no more a right to Palestine than say, the Americans of Irish descent can displace the Irish who lived in Ireland all along and take the whole country.

Imagine what it would be like if a million or more American and Canadian Métis descended on Ireland claiming that they have a little Irish blood in them and have discovered an old document which someone interpreted as saying that God gave them the whole of Ireland. For this reason, they want the Irish people to go and live in the other European countries so as to leave Ireland to them where they can live as Reformed Catholics.

Aware that such concerns are circulating out there and wishing to respond to them, the Jewish Establishment tried something not long ago. I wrote about that history in a book whose publication was blocked by that same Establishment. Below is a reproduction of the passage which came under the subtitle: Hunting for Cohanim's Chromosome.

I then resume the current discussion under the subtitle Commentary.

Hunting for Cohanim’s Chromosome

Living in a fool’s paradise which gave them the illusion that they reached the Promised Land where they can kill anyone they wish to kill and be called victims of terrorism, and suppress anyone they wish to suppress and be called victims of anti-Semitism, the Jewish leaders tried to use science to prove once and for all that they are the children of God and the legitimate inheritors of the Land of Palestine. Here is what they tried.

Toward the end of the Twentieth Century, work on the genetic make-up of organisms had progressed well enough that scientists were able to establish relationships between individuals and between families of the same species by testing for markers in their DNA. The Jewish Establishment saw in this development an opportunity to prove definitively that all Jews are related and that they are the legitimate inheritors of the land of Palestine. They embarked on a worldwide program to test the DNA of Jewish males so as to establish that their Y chromosomes carry the Cohanimic traits which are supposed to represent the authentic Jew given that the name Cohanim means priest in Hebrew.

To the chagrin of the Establishment, it turned out that a Jew from a given country has a DNA that resembles more the DNA of his countrymen than anything resembling the preferred Cohanim markers. Worse for the Jewish leaders, it turned out that the Palestinian people, whether they are Christians, Muslims or Jews have more in common with the Cohanim markers than has a Jew from Russia, Ethiopia or anywhere else.

Thus, the exercise turned out to be more anemic than Cohanimic for the Jewish Establishment because the test, more than anything else, confirmed scientifically and definitively that Palestine belongs to the Palestinians and not the Jews who converted to the religion over the centuries.

The facts had already been established demographically for a long time though, and the DNA tests only confirmed them. It was known that before Islam had spread into the Middle East, the region was populated by pagans, Jews and Christians. When Islam came along, most of these people converted to it but some chose to stick with their religion. Thus, when we look at the current populations in the Middle Eastern countries, we find that the vast majority are Muslim, 3% to 6% in each country are Christian, less than 1% are Jewish and almost none are pagan. Except for the Jewish population which was somewhat larger than 1%, the same percentages prevailed in Palestine before the massive Jewish migration to it.

The conclusion drawn was that the Palestinian people are the authentic Hebrews. Therefore, if you believe the claim made by the current Jewish leadership that God gave the land of Israel to the Hebrews, then here they are. It is just that the Hebrews of the past converted to Islam and to a lesser extent Christianity. Thus, we must accept the scientific and demographic facts that the owners of Palestine are the Palestinians whatever their religion because they lived in Palestine since time immemorial.

Even if we hang on to the notion that God promised the land of milk and honey to the Jews, we must conclude that He already gave it to them 3,300 years ago when Moses took them there where they stayed. And if the Jews later converted to Islam or to Christianity, this is a matter between them and their God.

It is not the business of the World Jewish Congress to decide that the Palestinians ought to be stripped of their land, which land they want to give to new converts to a religion they newly invented and named Rabbinic Judaism. The people heading the World Jewish Congress are neither Jews nor Hebrews, and they are certainly not Semites. They can no more inherit Palestine or give it to their cohorts than I can inherit the fortune of Bill Gates if and when he dies before me.

When the results of the DNA tests came out, the whispers began inside the Jewish community to the effect that perhaps the Palestinians are, after all, the ten lost tribes of Israel given that only two of the known twelve Hebrew tribes are accounted for. Like they say, one part in six of a loaf is better than nothing. Would the Jewish leadership now settle for one sixth of the land of Israel?


The natural impulse is to say that a huge crime has been committed against the Palestinians and the way to redress the situation is to send the Jews back to where they came from. But the fact is that many Jews were born in occupied Palestine and had nothing to do with the original crime. If only for this reason, a solution must be found that will not punish the innocent for the crimes of their parents.
A two state solution would have been ideal. But given that Judaism has ceased to be a religion and has become an ideology that cannot govern itself, Israel cannot become a stand alone country. The logical solution left to consider is the South African model known as the one state solution. This is where the discussion concerning the future of Palestine ought to go now.