Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Nikki Haley angling to replace Mike Pence

The political air is pregnant with rumors about the Trump-Pence alliance being ready to rupture. It means that Donald Trump will soon be looking for a new sidekick to be his vice-president, and get busy washing Trump’s non-disposable diapers every time he spouts a so-called joke that stinks the environment from here to Timbuktu.

And so, the hopeful takers of Pence's job are beginning to pop up, trying to impress both Donald Trump and his base of deviant religious thugs who masquerade as normal human being. So, the question to ask is this: What are the hopefuls doing to show they deserve to inherit Pence's shoes?

Well, it used to be that those who adopt the liberal democratic system of governance prided themselves for being lovers of peace. They explained their posture by saying that they are answerable to their people, and the people want peace and prosperity not war or crises. Not anymore. Today, the credentials that get you close to the seat of power in America, is extreme fanaticism expressed as the despotic desire to set the world on fire and starve people to death if that's what it will take to make someone love the Jews and Israel.

And the way to show your love for the Jews and Israel is to be tuned to the daily calls when their propaganda machine publishes the list of whom they want you to hate today, and whom they want you to praise for choosing to become a new worshiper of the Jews and Israel. One robotic organism that's permanently tuned to the instructions of the machine, and programmed to outdo everyone when it is time to praise Israel or damn its enemies, is called –– Nikki Haley.

Haley's story is not all that surprising. It happened that at the time her political programming was in progress, a propaganda war was raging in the print and electronic media between the Christian and Jewish proselytizers. Each was inviting the viewers to come to their side because they claimed they had the best families and raised the best-behaved children. Apparently, Nikki Haley was so impressed by the Christian message, she later revealed that under no circumstances would she wish her children to grow up and be like the immoral Donald Trump.

However, being in politics, Nikki Haley was caught in the Jewish dragnet that also snared the likes of Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and others. This is when Haley's circuitry was altered to make her permanently tuned to the message of the Jewish propaganda machine. When Donald Trump was elected, and he began to show signs of tilting towards the Israeli causes, the machine instructed its robotic organisms to praise Trump and serve him in every way they can. And Nikki Haley, that would not raise her children to be like Donald Trump, now became an ardent worshiper of Donald Trump.

For two years, Haley served in Trump's administration as ambassador of the United States to the United Nations. Now, to audition for the job of vice president, she is using the media to reach him; this being the modern way to make yourself heard. And so, she wrote: “IMF is angling to undermine US sanctions against Iran,” an article that was published on June 29, 2020 in The Washington Examiner.

With this background under her belt, and with her current position as adviser to the group calling itself United Against Nuclear Iran, the following is what Nikki Haley had to say, presented here in condensed form:

“International bodies are willing to do the bidding of Iran. This demands a swift and strong response from the United States (US). The International Monetary Fund (IMF), a United Nations (UN) subsidiary, has been looking for ways to undermine US sanctions against Iran. It is mulling a loan to the regime. The Trump administration must stop an IMF loan –– period. The regime is already capable of providing for its citizens. Any IMF loan would be the definition of naive. The US should publicly warn the IMF that we will not accept it making any loan to Iran. We should ensure that no loan gets made. The US helped found the UN and the multilateral system that surrounds it to foster peace, security and prosperity. The recent actions by the IMF undermine those worthy goals”.

What the Americans of Nikki Haley’s limited caliber keep forgetting is that when something is done, it is done for a reason. For example, having recognized that a world war is likely to start only when there is disagreement among the big powers, the delegates to the convention that established the United Nations after the Second World War, gave the 5 big powers of the time, the right of veto in the Security Council. America has that right, but has it only in the Security Council and nowhere else in the agencies of the UN.

What the “corcorro” head of Nikki Haley seems incapable of grasping is that America's rights are based not on how much money it contributes to the UN or its agencies, but on the rule of law which, by definition makes everybody equal.

The bottom line is that America is put outside the law each time that the Jews, speaking for it, mention the amount of money it contributes to the operations of the United Nations and advise that it veto the UN’s operations.

In fact, America never behaved in that fashion before the advent of the Jews. It is doing it now, and doing it excessively. It is time to end this nonsense, and make America respected again.

Monday, June 29, 2020

The cultural Roots of fanatic Despotism

Despotism can be defined as the limitless punishment someone is willing to inflict on others.

To prevent the society from getting out of control, the elders responsible for governing have devised a system of reward and punishment which they teach to children at a young age, and impose on adults to encourage them doing the right things while discouraging them from doing the wrong things.

Whereas this is the normal state under which most members of society live their daily lives, it happens at times that individuals succumb to temptation, and choose to behave in a manner that defies the norm. This is what causes the governing authority to intervene, it is where the despotism of the authority reveals itself if it exists, and to what extent the authority has become despotic, if at all.

But how does it happen that a despotic system gets installed in the governing authority of a modern society in the first place? Well, there is Murphy's Law which says that if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong. And when you have something as complex as a modern society, there is always the chance that something in its system of governance will go wrong. When this happens, its internal immune system may or may not be able to rectify what was broken. If it fails, and if someone at the helm is inherently disposed to act despotically, that society will in time careen toward despotism.

If that society is a small country, the consequence –– of being governed by a despotic individual dominating subordinates who act like stooges –– will be felt internally, rarely spilling beyond the country's borders. However, if that society is a big and powerful country, the chances are that the despotic tendency will be felt beyond its borders. In addition, if the despot at the helm is driven by a messianic complex––which is likely to be the case––the consequences of meddling in the affairs of other jurisdictions can be calamitous.

Stripped of local particulars, this would be the path taken by a society on its way to a despotic rule. But societies are different from one another and so, each one follows a variation of the path that is proper to it. In fact, this is the case with the United States of America, which is a big and powerful country showing signs that something has gone wrong in its system of governance. It is currently seen to careen toward a despotism that is playing itself out both locally and internationally.

Hanging on fiercely to a system of liberal democracy which demands that governance must be exercised with the consent of the majority, America was nevertheless spirited into a dictatorship –– not of the majority or that of the proletariat as it happened in other places, but –– of international wanton destruction designed and commanded by a minority calling itself Jewish.

One of the horrific consequences resulting from the 2003 Jewish-designed American invasion of Iraq, continues to be felt today 17 years later. Because despotism inflicts limitless punishment, you see it operate in Syria with relentless determination to this day. You can feel the anguish of an independent observer who is pleading for an end to the madness that has already caused a million dead and millions of refugees who fled to the neighboring countries or walked as far away as Western Europe where they settled. The independent observer is Christopher Mott who wrote: “New sanctions on Syria risk empowering extremists,” an article that was published on June 28, 2020 in the Washington Examiner.

Here, in condensed form, is what Christopher Mott had to say with regard to what he observed:

“The US announced new sanctions on Syria. The government there is expected to stop fighting the war. No mention is made of reciprocity on the side of the rebels. These policies are sour grapes by those who lost the bid to topple Assad. The US spent eight years funding and training Assad's opposition. The effort showed that Assad's support was larger and more robust than assumed. The US efforts turned Syria into a battleground for a regional conflict. The bite of sanctions is felt on the poorest in Syrian society. The blockade will heighten extremism and radicalism. The waves of migrants and refugees will increase, spreading instability throughout neighboring countries and Europe. This harvest of NATO policy dates back to the invasion of Iraq. To increase the economic pressure on Syria is to sabotage that nation's rebuilding efforts. Assad has won the war. Attempts to undo this outcome through economic warfare will punish the Syrian people for being victims of circumstance”.

Would a normal human being that is not driven by the sense of limitless punishment do such a thing? No. No one with an ounce of humanity in them would do this. Only those that punish innocent men in their nineties for being in the wrong place at the wrong time as teenagers, would be so despotic as to relish the sight of innocent people being punished so hideously for doing nothing worse than being non-Jewish.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

A Bridge to nowhere, a Mountain in Labor and a bewildered Mouse

In the same way that there exists among the extreme groups, an abundance of leaders who fantasize being little Hitlers, there are plenty of those who fantasize being little Churchills. Most of the latter are Jewish honchoes who make it a career to incite mighty America to go––not after the Soviet Union that no longer exists but––after the nations that Israel chooses to make its enemies of the day.

Most of these characters are tin-pots who relate to Winston Churchill or anything British as closely as a squirrel relates to a gorilla. They incite America because the practice has become a lucrative industry that pays handsome sums to anyone that can put words together telling why a faraway tiny country poses a mortal threat to America's national security. Each time, this kind of suggestion proves to be a powerful inducement for America to work on destabilizing such a country or bomb it into the Stone Age.

Thus, you see a proliferation of organizations in the business of inciting America to go after Cuba even after sixty years of failed Cuban policy. And you have similar organizations inciting America to go after Iran and Syria the way that it did after Iraq. More recently, new groups have popped up and made it their business to incite America going after one Latin American country or another.

Whereas the influence of these hopeful, daydreaming would-be tin-pot dictators on America's decision makers, is waning –– a new group of instigators is gathering sway on those Americans. This is happening because the focus of the new Churchill impersonators, is the Asia Pacific region where military and economic might is building up in the hands of potential challengers to America's supremacy. 

There is in that region, North Korea which has been an American preoccupation even before Cuba ever was. But it would not be such a big deal, were North Korea not China's protege, a power to reckon with when and where it decides to challenge America's supremacy. However, aside from North Korea, which is after all, a foreign issue to China, there are Taiwan and Hong Kong, which are internal matters as far as China is concerned. And when America meddles in these issues, China grumbles.

Things are getting serious in the Asia-Pacific region, perturbed by several events breaking out at the same time, one being the issue of China tightening its grip on Hong Kong. Whereas the Churchillian tin-pots of the other regions are losing influence among America's decision makers, the real McCoy has risen, and he is making the case for Hong Kong.

His name is Chris Patten. He is British and he was the last British governor of Hong Kong before it ceased to be a British colony. He is currently the Chancellor of the University of Oxford, and he took time to write an article in which he incited the world; nudging it to constrain China, especially in matters that relate to Hong Kong. His article came under the title: “The China 'Constrainment' Doctrine,” published on June 25, 2020 in the online magazine, Project Syndicate.

Patten begins the discussion by citing the events that led to World War One, to suggest that the posture of the Communist Party of China (PPC) will lead to war. For this reason, he says, the rest of the world, especially the liberal democracies, should coordinate their response to China's doings in Hong Kong and elsewhere. After citing the familiar litany of Chinese alleged misbehavior, Patten asked the question: What should the rest of the world do?

And that's where the Chris Patten answer surprises you. Primed to see a robust response from the real McCoy, you are instead reminded of the saying that goes like this: “All dressed up and nowhere to go.” It's because after all the talk about World War One, Chris Patten takes you on the “Bridge to Nowhere” and leaves you wondering what there is to see here that should be interesting. See for yourself:

“We should reject the idea that deterring this sort of behavior amounts to Sinophobia. The desire to push back in a measured way against the aggression of the CPC should motivate us. We should be clear-sighted about what needs to be done. It is the CPC that is picking a fight with us. We should work with China in tackling climate change and addressing the threat of antimicrobial resistance”.

As if to double down on sweet softness, Chris Patten then asked the question: Beyond that, what should a country like the UK do? And he answered as follows:

“We need to commission research on who benefits from Chinese investment in the UK and from trade. We should seek to be independent of China in new technologies. We should identify which sectors depend on inputs from China, and make more of these products ourselves. We should look at our higher education funding model, and try to recruit more students from elsewhere in Asia and Africa. We should coordinate with other liberal democracies. Forming a wide compact will be easier when there is once again a US president who believes in alliances. The US will hopefully return to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact and broaden it to include the UK”.

And you realize that the Bridge to Nowhere has actually brought you to a mountain that’s in labor so that you may witness the birth of a bewildered mouse whose first move was to ask: What am I doing here?

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Michael Rubin tramples on the US Constitution to serve Israel

First, put yourself in Michael Rubin's shoes who is an extremely fanatic Jew that regularly tramples on the American Constitution if and when such act would result in some kind of benefit accruing to Israel.

Now, concentrate your thinking and you'll see Ilhan Omar heroically refuse to sell her soul to the Jewish pimps that have been buying American politicians the way that the league of diarrhea patients buys toilet paper in a Jewish convenient store. So, what happens? Your blood boils because you desperately want to hurt her and have her serve as example to all those who might be inclined to tell the pimps approaching them to get lost. But how do you do that in practice?

The obvious answer to this question is that you try to drive a wedge between Ilhan Omar and her constituents in this election year when her reelection to the House of Representatives will be at play. The first thing you do is take a trip to the Horn of Africa where Omar's country of birth, Somalia, is situated. You visit a number of countries there, including Somalia, and return home having acquired the right to speak about the affairs of the region with the authority of someone that did his homework.

To show off your credentials, you write an article to prove that you have learned much about the region. You wait a few days and write another article in which you attack Ilhan Omar. So, what happens now? Well, like the bumbling idiotic Jew whose reach exceeds his grasp, you shoot yourself in the foot. This, in fact, is what Michael Rubin did with the article he wrote under the title: “Ilhan Omar betrays her own constituents,” published on June 25, 2020 in The Washington Examiner.

Steeped in the false belief that every American politician is like most Jewish politicians, in the sense that they suffer from a dual loyalty, one to America and one to a foreign power, or that they suffer from a singular loyalty to a foreign power––Michael Rubin has tried to pull on Ilhan Omar the trick that the Jewish lobby pulls on the Jews who put the interests of America above everything else. The lobby calls these Jews anti-Semitic and self-loathing.

Unable to call Omar anti-Somali or self-loathing, Michael Rubin proceeded to do something that was tried previously by the Jews of America and Israel. They had gone all over sub-Saharan Africa and whispered into every ear that would listen to them, words to the effect that the Arabs were spending an inordinate amount of time and effort and money to promote Palestinian causes, when they could devote some attention to highlighting Africa's needs and promote its interests. The Africans responded by telling the Jews to get lost. Undaunted by this failure, Michael Rubin said the following ... reproduced here in condensed form:

“I have written of how frustrated many Somalis were that Ilhan Omar had not used her seat to advance US-Somali ties. Instead, she made the Palestinian issue a cornerstone of her congressional activism, apparently at the urging of her donor and a real estate tycoon who donated to her campaign. Omar's policy in the broader Middle East has raised Somali suspicion. Today, the UAE invests in Somaliland, while Turkey and Qatar back Islamist causes in Mogadishu and shun the UAE. Omar's criticism of the UAE and Saudi Arabia suggests she internalizes the divisions which exist in Somalia. This neglects to recognize that Turkey is an offender of press freedom and that both Turkey and Qatar are terror sponsors”.

So there you have it, despite the example of Eliot Engel being trounced by his constituents for using his seat in the Congress to advance Israel's interests instead of America's, you see Michael Rubin falsely report that the Somalis in Ilhan Omar's district are “frustrated” because she refuses to betray her constitutionally mandated oath to serve America's interests before anything else.

But what exactly does Michael Rubin want Ilhan Omar to do? What he wants is simple to explain. If she will not promote Israel's interests, he wants her to attack Turkey and Qatar who are the current chosen enemies of Israel. And he wants her to go soft on Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates who seem to be thawing their relations with Israel. In other words, Rubin wants Omar to use her seat in the American House of Representatives to advance the various causes of Israel and the Jews. To stress this point, he attacks her one more time before closing his argument. Here is what he said, written in condensed form:

“To see Omar as a representative of Somalis would be to confuse her ethnicity with ideological diversity. Both Somali Americans and Somalis remaining in the Horn of Africa see a woman who has diverged from the values and interests of her Somali [roots]. At worst, they see a figure who has remained provincial in her vision of foreign affairs”.

Wow, what a compliment! Michael Rubin says that when it comes to fulfilling her duty toward America, Ilhan Omar acts provincially. Would it not be nice if every Jew that's elected to serve America would do the same? Will this ever happen?

Friday, June 26, 2020

The Koppel Monument for Trump's Legacy

Those who do not know how to read history repeat the ghastliest of historical mistakes.

More than anything else, it is the illiteracy of the Jewish leaders that has caused their followers to live the same historical calamities over and over through the decades, the centuries and the millennia. What happened to the Jews in one location was repeated in other locations in every country and every continent where the Jews went. And there is nothing to suggest that this cycle is about to stop repeating itself.

It happened to the Jews because they are taught from birth not to see the past that was and that will remain unchanged. Rather, they are taught that the past is a prelude to a future that keeps changing with the changing of today's circumstances. Thus, what happens today tells them what will happen tomorrow, and this dictates how they must interpret the past … and reinterpret it with the changing circumstances.

This is why it is impossible for a Jew to play historian without mutilating history. And when you see someone that's suffering this kind of philosophical, moral and logical handicap, you expect them to give the kind of advice that will transform ordinary situations into hellish situations. This, in fact, is what Moshe Koppel has done with his latest article. It came under the title: “Save Trump's peace plan,” and was published on June 23, 2020 in the Washington Examiner.

Burdened with that kind of disability, Moshe Koppel is giving Donald Trump advice on what to do today to secure a glorious place for himself in history. Here is how Koppel started his article: “The plan for Israel and the Palestinians put forward by the Trump administration … getting this plan across the finish line is a crucial step for building Trump's foreign policy legacy”.

Moshe Koppel goes on to explain his thinking by advancing two arguments. One is self-destructive; the other is fundamentally unethical. Here is how Koppel has destroyed Israel's case by trying to embellish it to conform with the Trump plan:

“This plan recognizes that the Palestinians cannot be entrusted with a state so long as they don't disarm terror groups, not pay terrorists for killing Israelis and remove anti-Semitic propaganda from their schoolbooks. Skipping this step is a proven recipe for failure”.

The reality is that these conditions were never on the negotiating table because the Israelis never put them on the table. They never did because every demand made on the Palestinians would have prompted the latter to make a comparable demand on the Israelis because they too leave much to be desired when it comes to how they perceive the Palestinians, and how they treat them. And so, time after time, having agreed on what was on the table, and the two sides were ready to sign the agreement, the thing blew up.

What happened was that the Israelis sabotaged the deal by demanding that one or the other of those conditions be accepted by the Palestinians without further negotiation or Israeli reciprocation. When they got the answer which they knew would be coming, the Israelis ran out of the room to face the press and accuse the Palestinians of rejecting the deal. So now, you have Moshe Koppel inadvertently admitting that the Israelis deliberately sabotaged every peace agreement they negotiated with the Palestinians. With this admission, Koppel has demolished Israel's case.

As to the unethical aspect of Koppel's argument, look at the following condensed passage:

“Netanyahu has accepted the Trump plan. Based on past experience, Israelis do not expect that the Palestinians will meet the conditions. Nevertheless, Israel will give them a chance if Trump ensures the plan does not blow up in our faces. There is the danger that future US administrations could revert to granting the Palestinians a reprieve from fulfilling any condition. To mitigate this danger, Trump should work with Israel to ensure the immediate application and recognition of Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria”.

As can be seen, the bottom line is this: “Trump should WORK with Israel.” This has always meant that Americans should get together with Jews behind closed doors, and be instructed on what they must do next or suffer the consequences. As to what the instructions will be, Koppel is describing a repeat of the old negotiating cycles except that this time, Donald Trump will green-light the annexation of Palestine, and will make sure that future administrations will not reverse the decision.

This is the monument that Moshe Koppel is telling Donald Trump he should erect to represent the crown jewel of his legacy. Well, let me remind this people of a small detail they might have overlooked. It is this: The ancient kings of Egypt, known as the pharaohs, erected massive monuments to represent their legacies. They are called pyramids; they are magnificent monuments and they survived the passage of time.

The difference between them and Moshe's idea, is that the Egyptians built their monuments in granite whereas Trump's legacy will be made of Jewish dung.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

The tired Moaning of a professional Inciter

When the rabbis of half a century ago managed to convince the political elites of America and their Evangelical halfwits that the Jews were chips off the divine block, put on Earth and charged with the task of guiding humanity to a perfect existence, the elites worshiped the Jews and considered every word they uttered a dogma that cannot be questioned, doubted or refuted. As you can imagine, the situation was sweet for these Jews while it lasted.

Having used and abused the joyful atmosphere that the early rabbis created in celebration of America's transformation, the second and third generation disciples of the rabbis now find themselves deprived of what would have engendered some respect for them among the political elites. With this loss also came the inability of the latter-day disciples to exploit the naivete of the Americans.

In fact, the new generation of disciples finds it difficult to utter contrived narratives these days, and see the Americans take them at face value without question, skepticism or the desire to push back assertively as they do on the nation's campuses. The reality is that the disciples have a hard time putting out unsubstantiated allegations of the kind which are regularly put out by the Jewish propaganda machine, and be taken seriously. At best the narratives fall on deaf ears, at worst they provoke derision and scorn.

An early disciple of the rabbis, and beneficiary of the game when it was sweet to play, was Clifford D. May. He lasted long enough to experience the transformation of the sweet taste in his mouth into the bitter taste of push-back against his utterances. This is what makes his latest article sound like something written––not with ink––but with melancholic bile generated by the despair of being disbelieved at every turn.

Clifford May's latest article came under the title: “Iran's rulers (still) seek nuclear weapons,” and the subtitle: “Yet more evidence that those who despise us can't be bought off.” It was published on June 23, 2020 in The Washington Times.

Even as he tried to implore the political elites and the public at large to please make the effort to believe that he is intellectually honest and morally sincere, Clifford May wrote an article that is riddled with intellectual dishonesty and moral insincerity. He made the effort to be more subtle than usual on this occasion, but his slip is still showing as you'll see in a minute.

The two areas in which the Jews have raised fuss about Iran, being the financial and nuclear issues, this is where Clifford May plied his ingenuity; and this is where you'll catch him try to deceive you. First, the financial issue. Here is what May has said:

“The JCPOA was designed to put on ice the nuclear weapons program for a few years. In exchange, the Islamic Republic received hundreds of billions of dollars, and the promise that the river of funds would continue to flow … Mr. Obama had faith that Iran's rulers, once in receipt of his respect and US taxpayer cash, would decide they'd rather lead a nation”.

The truth here was deliberately kept hidden. Without it and with the insertion of a lie that is difficult to detect, the message relayed in that passage is as different from the truth as Harvey Weinstein's lechery is different from Mother Theresa' chastity. Here is the truth: America had orchestrated the freezing of Iranian bank accounts in America and several other countries where the money sat for years earning interest.

With the conclusion of the Nuclear Deal, the Iranian accounts were unfrozen and the money returned to its rightful owners. When it came to the Americans doing what others had done, they hit a snag. It turned out that under pressure from such clowns as Clifford May's entourage, the American Congress of crackhead cockroaches had passed laws that made it difficult for America to transfer money to Iran through the regular channels. And so, the money was returned to Iran as regular banknotes. This done, the Jewish propaganda machine made it sound like it was American taxpayer money when in reality it was Iranian money plus the accumulated interest.

As to the nuclear issue, even though Clifford May says, “We now have overwhelming evidence that the nuclear weapons development program continues to progress,” you'll find nothing in his article to prove this claim. What you'll find instead is a mountain of accusations that point to no convincing evidence.

In fact, you'll find a whole bunch of gibberish that seems to suggest Clifford May believes Iran is bad because it is evil like Mother Theresa, whereas the enemies of Iran are good because they are virtuous like Harvey Weinstein.

If this sounds like Jewish logic, it's because it is. That's the way they like it, and there is nothing we can do about it.

In fact, someone more powerful than you or me has tried to reform them but failed.

This is how the situation shall remain, and like I said, there is nothing we can do about it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Self-Deception has reduced these Superpowers

Empires and superpowers have come and gone throughout history. For each of these, a set of unique circumstances converged, allowing a small or middle power to rise and tower over the others. But then, another set of unique circumstances conspired to bring down the giant whose time ran out.

In any case, whereas in the old days––from antiquity to the onset of the twentieth century––empires and superpowers rose mainly by the sword, and perished mainly by the sword; a new agent began to play an important role in the demise of big and small nations at the start of the twentieth century. That agent was the tendency of nations––big and small, empires and superpowers––to practice self-deception, and in the process, debase themselves to almost irrelevance.

One superpower was Russia cum Soviet-Union cum Russia. It represents a case study that can be useful to the leaders of the nations which are struggling to establish a politico-economic system that will sustain itself long enough to provide its people the sense of security and permanence they demand.

The other superpower is the United States of America. It represents a case study that can be useful to the leaders of the nations that were so blessed by history and geography, they found themselves on top of abundant natural resources they can use as leverage to coerce lesser nations. The tendency in such cases is to forget that what these leaders have today, they may not have tomorrow. They tend to forget that the day will come when they'll run out of luck at a moment in time when they least expect it.

The story of Russia and how it succumbed to self-deception, begins centuries ago. It is that Russia was equal in every respect to the Eurasian societies that sprung up in the region. From the Fall of Rome to the end of the nineteenth century, they all developed at the same pace. But by the time the Industrial Revolution had matured, and was beginning to affect the politics, economics, military posture and imperialistic tendencies of some Western European countries, Russia was beginning to lag behind.

This caused Russia's leaders to adopt an economic system that, unfortunately for them, did not work well. The result was that Russia was forced to cannibalize on the achievements it had inherited from previous generations. While trying to improve on the system in the hope that it will begin to perform well enough to catch up with the Western nations that were advancing rapidly, Russia lied to itself and to the world as to how well it was doing. In fact, the leaders of Russia resorted to a system of organized self-deception while slowly depleting what they had inherited. It took them seven decades to reach the bottom of the barrel, at which time they threw in the towel, conceded defeat and agreed to change course.

As to the story of the United States of America and self-deception, the path taken there was somewhat different. In fact, an article was published recently, in which the American method reveals itself. The article came under the title: “The World Waits for no Country,” written by Richard Haass and published on June 15, 2020 in the online magazine, Project Syndicate. The following excerpts contain within them much of what has troubled America for several decades:

“The United States finds itself confronting several daunting challenges simultaneously. There is the explosion of protests in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, an African American man, at the hands of a white policeman. The protests, which have spanned the country, highlighted the enduring problem of deep-seated racism in the US, and of police behavior, which is violent and outside the law. The problem is that much is happening in the world that calls out for American attention and is not getting it”.

Two aspects of the America situation are discussed in that passage: the domestic and the foreign. With regard to the domestic situation, Richard Haass has finally admitted that America had been deceiving itself and the world, pretending it had solved its race problems while African men were being slaughtered by white policemen and getting away with the crimes. Though a salutary move, Haass's admission does not void the question: Will the situation in America change as a result of the protests? This remains to be seen.

As to the foreign aspect of America's system of beliefs, it remains self-deceptive and outdated. Yes, there was a time when much of the world was clamoring for America's attention, but that time began to wither away some time ago, and has all but vanished by now. If anything, while people like Richard Haass still cling to the notion that America is as relevant internationally as it was in the past, some of America's old friends prefer to distance themselves from the current administration while others, defiantly oppose America’s use of what financial clout it still commands to capriciously punish countries that have the means to lash out and cause much damage to Western interests, to the region and to the rest of the world.

In fact, the more that America plays hardball with other nations for reasons that are less than compelling, the more it diminishes itself. Everyone sees this stark reality except the Americans who remain immersed in a sea of self-deceptive old fantasies.

When the time came for the old Soviet Union to cease operating according to the precepts of a worthless system, they jettisoned the system and adopted another one.

America continues to operate according to the precepts of a system that’s increasingly becoming worthless. Will its leaders realize how much they are harming their own cause and back off? Or will they continue to be America’s worst enemies?

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

If it needs no defense, don't defend it

Most people are familiar with the saying: “If it ain't broke, don't fix it.” Well, there is no reason why the saying cannot be paraphrased to say the following: If it needs no defense, don't defend it.

It's important to have a saying such as that in circulation to remind people like Paul Krause that a well-established culture is not a Humpty Dumpty that can fall and break, never to be repaired or come back stronger than ever. In fact, a fully developed culture that comes under attack will not disappear no matter how much it is suppressed initially.


Examples abound about cultures in Africa and Asia that were put down but are rising again while gathering more strength than ever before. And because a civilization is ten times more robust than a culture –– being constructed in the form of a mosaic with several closely related cultures –– it can almost never be suppressed by attacks, but will acquire more strength with each blow.


It is evident that Paul Krause thinks differently, which is why he was prompted to express fear for Western Civilization. He did so in an article he wrote under the title: “Who Will Defend Western Civilization?” published on June 21, 2020 in the online magazine, The American Thinker.


Krause began his discussion with this assertion: “The West is a dying civilization. That much is evident.” After decrying the apathy of those who should rise to defend Western Civilization but are not, he started telling who, he believes are attacking Western Civilization, and why they are doing it. Surprisingly, Krause does not blame the anticipated death of Western Civilization on outside forces, though he briefly mentions: The Franks who stopped an Islamic invasion of Europe, and the Catholics who fought the Turks at Lepanto.


Instead, Paul Krause blames: “the nihilistic and iconoclastic Multicultural Left” of America and Europe for the slow death of Western Civilization. But what is it exactly that the Left is doing that's killing Western Civilization, according to Paul Krause? What the Left is doing, is propound a narrative that is anti-racism and anti-imperialism, he says. As a result, they are destroying the symbols that were put up to honor the individuals who participated in a racist or imperialist act that might have contributed to the glory of Western Civilization, he adds.


And that's when you feel like you've been slapped in the face. You grew up believing that you adhere to a system of virtues defined by the three words, “liberté, égalité, fraternité,” which in time, were tweaked to sound like, “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” but someone says it was all an illusion, and you didn't even know it. In reality, Paul Krause seems to suggest that you grew up believing in racism and in the right of imperialists to dominate others. That, in his view, is what makes up, “the West's heroic nobility,” being the glue that keeps Western Civilization together.


You reject what you consider to be Krause's distorted view of Western Civilization, and you look into his article for clues as to what may have confused him. You notice two sentences that are incredibly pretentious. They are: “The riots are not about George Floyd” and “Multiculturalism is not about multiculturalism.” This being his belief, he must be ascribing to the “rioters” and the proponents of multi multiculturalism, hidden motives so dark they cannot be discussed, which is why he is not revealing them. Too bad.


Instead of doing that, Paul Krause has lamented that the conservatives of America are not conserving the victories (if there exist any) of the last 20 years. He went on to express dread for when we'll soon pass Mount Rushmore and utter the words to be found at the end of Percy Shelley's poem Ozymandias.


Bear in mind that Ozymandias is the name that the ancient Greeks gave to the Egyptian Pharaoh, Ramses the Second who, to this day is disliked by some people for having been a ruthless warrior.


Percy Shelley wrote the poem, having visited Egypt and seen one of the wrecked statues of Ramses. Apparently, he did not see the one that stood in glory and full magnificence in the square that bears his name near the Cairo train station, “Bab al-Hadid.” Instead, what he saw is what he described as follows:


“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert … Near them on the sand,

Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,

And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command...”


To Paul Krause, this was enough to remind him and remind everyone that empires are ephemeral. So, he asked the question: “Who will defend Western Civilization?” Well, I have an answer that should reassure him. It is this: Egypt being the cradle of Western Civilization, the Egyptians will defend it if and when defense will be needed. But that's not the case at this time.


Come to think of it, defending Civilization is what the Egyptians have been doing for thousands of years when necessary. I know this because I am of Egyptian origin, and during all of my adult life, I have been fighting skirmishes against the forces of darkness that were heaped upon me. I am pushing back to defend and preserve the only Civilization I came to know and appreciate.


Trust me, Paul, the forces of darkness are no match to our strength and determination. We're going to be okay.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Devouring the sucker that can give no more

Here it is, my friend, the story of an Israeli Jew that hypnotized an American Jew, getting him to approve and promote a demonic shell-game that will cut from America's flesh and give to Israel more than Israel has ever received from America over the decades. All of this is to be done at a time when America's pockets have been emptied of goodies that can be given away.


This is the story of Yossi Beilin who used to be Minister of Justice in Israel, putting on paper a plan that will have America borrow $24 billion from the Chinese and hand the money to Israel as a grant never to be returned. In turn, Israel will invest this money to earn profits, dividends and interests, working with the Chinese while America is paying back the principal and paying interest to the Chinese. Can you believe this?


Aware that the plan –– written in the form of an article in English –– was unworthy of publication anywhere in the English-speaking world, Yossi Beilin raised its profile by having it published in English in an Israeli newspaper. Beilin went further and approached Daniel Kurtzer, a Jewish American diplomat, and asked him to co-sign the article. Hypnotized by the idea, Kurtzer accepted to masquerade as co-author of the article, and had a slightly modified version of it printed in an American publication.


The article came under the title: “3 Bilateral Agreements That Would Improve Israel's Relationship With America,” and the subtitle: “Israel should be trying to wean itself off of US assistance while further deepening its institutional ties with the United States.” As mentioned, the article was supposedly written by Yossi Beilin and Daniel Kurtzer, and was printed on June 19, 2020 in the American publication, The National Interest.


Sensing that even this may not be enough to give the article the gravitas that will impress the decision-making crowd in the Washington Beltway, the two authors decided to give Israel a dose of artificial gravitas. Their aim was to make it sound like America wasn't being the foolish blubbery giant that's being taken advantage of by a skinny weasel, but that America was like the gentleman who was dealing with another gentleman of equal eminence. What the writers did to that end, was to insert the following sentence in the article: “Israel has an advanced economy and a sophisticated society”.


But because they could say nothing that would convince anyone that Israel had an economy, let alone an advanced one without being laughed out of town, the writers did something you often encounter in Jewish articles. It is that they turned “advanced economy” into a link that sends the readers––guess where––to the Israeli newspaper and the article that was written and published under Yossi Beilin’s name alone a few days earlier. You could look into that article all you want for a description of Israel’s economy, and you would find none. Eventually, you realize that the link was a diversion meant to confuse the readers and make them believe that the truth is somewhere in there but that it escaped them.


In reality, the Yossi Beilin plan is a trick, which they plan to use to pull off a gigantic scheme that will dwarf any scheme the Jews pulled on the Americans up to now. What they want to do is go back to the plan they signed with the Obama administration for a 10-year aid package that guaranteed Israel $4 billion or so a year. Something like $24 billion remain to be given out, and they want all of it “front loaded” right now.


But because it is unthinkable that the moral prostitutes in the Washington Beltway will go for 6 or 7 years without milking America to continue feeding Israel even after it gets all that money right away, the Jews sat down to think up a plan that will fill those years without causing the American public to revolt. They hit on an idea that should be compatible with Israel receiving a lump sum of $24 billion.


Here is the idea: Because profit is made in Africa and Asia these days and will be for the foreseeable future, the Israelis know they will have to invest the money in the places where the Chinese are also investing. Since they know they cannot con the Chinese who would take them as partners only if they have something valuable to contribute, the Jews are asking America to hand Israel its hi-tech secrets and innovations. These will be the valuables that the Jews will give to the Chinese for the privilege of being accepted as their partners. And the Jews want the Americans to believe that these transactions will benefit America, believe it or not. Here is how Beilin and Kurtzer formulated that cockamamie idea:


“To replace US security assistance, there are a number of measures that should be undertaken. One agreement would define expansively Israel's access to sensitive US technology and US access to sensitive Israeli technology. This agreement would result in tremendous mutual benefits. It would improve dramatically our mutual military capabilities and avoid much of the rancor that now accompanies issues of access to technology and end-use issues. A second bilateral agreement would mandate a long term and mutually-funded commitment to joint research and development (R&D) in defined areas, primarily but not limited to military and security programs”.


That's the way the cookie crumbles, my friend, when Jews are involved in any project. By hook or by crook they'll get from you as much as you have to give away, and when you have nothing more to give, they'll want your flesh and blood.


This is how the Jews dealt with the Palestinians, having on their side the foolish and blubbering Americans. And now that the Palestinians have nothing left to give, the Jewish relatives of Donald Trump want them to sign on a piece of paper that says in essence, the land on which they lived for 7,000 years was never theirs. It was that of the Jews even if these characters did not appear on Earth until 3,000 years later.


This said, the Jews want the Palestinians to just disappear, but the Palestinians said no; we're not going anywhere. And the question to ask now is this: Do the Americans have a fraction of the self-respect that the Palestinians have displayed, and tell the Jews to get lost? Or will the Americans give the pushover response and let themselves be raped by AIPAC and company for another $24 billion and all the hi-tech they developed in the past, and will develop in the future?

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Telling it like it is will help solve the problem

Dedicated to debunking the deceptive propaganda put out by Jewish commentators in the hundreds upon hundreds of articles they publish every year in their Jewish publications as well as the regular press, there is one thing that stands out as clearly as a fox seizing up a chicken coop.

That thing has been analogized as the Jew looking in the mirror, spotting what is most ugly about himself, and accusing others of what he discovers is wrong with him. Whereas this reality proved to be true at the individual level, it also proved to be true at the organizational level where groupings such as the Canadian Jewish Congress, AIPAC with its numerous tentacles, and many other organizations have participated in accusing people, especially the Palestinians, with what they saw in themselves.

One of the accusations that these Jews (individuals and groups) consistently throw at the Palestinians is that of terrorism. But the truth is that the Palestinians did not go to Europe to terrorize the Jews; it was the European Jews who went into Palestine where they formed two terror organizations named Irgun and Hagenah. They began by terrorizing the Brits who were occupying Palestine at the time, and then turned their attention to the unarmed Palestinian farmers whose lands they coveted and stole at gun point.

This kind of revelations opened the vista on the Jewish culture that made these people such a violent society. It was discovered that whether or not the Old Testament is a compilation of true stories, the Jews take it as the basis of their core beliefs. To this day, they celebrate what they call Passover, which is the story of the Jews becoming a nation by committing the most gruesome terrorist crime in the history of Planet Earth. They killed a child in every Egyptian family in the middle of the night, looted the homes and temples of their valuables and ran into the desert looking for someone else to rob and terrorize.

When they reached Palestine, the Jews continued their reign of blood; of gore and mayhem by rampaging their way through village after village in what might well have been the Garden of Eden, stealing as much as they could grab and hold in the Land of Milk and Honey, which they said was promised to them by a blood thirsty and merciless God of War.

This is supposed to have happened in ancient times. The story goes on to say that the Jews were eventually kicked out of Palestine by the Roman legions, so they scattered around the world, where they coexisted peacefully with many of its peoples except the Europeans who took turn slaughtering the Jews and being slaughtered by them. This went on up to the Second World War when at the end of it, the European Jews acquired the most advanced weapons that existed at the time, and went after the possessions of the Palestinians in their homes in their homeland.

While all the terror that was produced in Palestine was committed by the Irgun, the Hagenah, and later the foreign settlers, the Palestinians who by now had come under Jewish occupation, did not at first resist that occupation. It was not until the second generation –– born and raised under the yoke of occupation –– had come of age, that the Palestinians decided enough was enough.

Forced to live a life of deprivation, a small number of young men snapped as any normal human being would, and lashed out at the settlers as well as Israel's army of occupation that grew out of the Hagenah terrorist organization. But it was those Palestinian activities, however minor they were, that the Jewish propaganda machine wanted to see. It wanted them to use as excuse and work on the rulers of America. The aim of the Jewish propagandists was to persuade the zombies of the Beltway to make America responsible for the ongoing crimes against humanity that the Jews are perpetrating in Palestine.

You can see how this is done in the article that came under the title: “We must stop pursuing a two-state illusion and commit to a realistic two-state solution,” written by Ron Dermer who is Israel's ambassador to the United States. The article was published on June 19, 2020 in The Washington Post.

Ron Dermer must have looked in the mirror before sitting at the computer keyboard to write his article. He saw the face of Jewish terror and decided to accuse the Palestinians of terrorism. He mentioned the word “terror” or a derivation thereof five times to describe the Palestinians, as if he were ascribing to them the gruesome crimes of Passover, the murderous rampages in ancient Palestine, the Irgun/Hagenah terror campaign in modern Palestine and the crime against humanity that's ongoing in today's Palestine.

Dermer wrote his article to tell the zombies of the Washington Beltway that Israel needs them one more time to legitimize the idea that when the Jews steal, they do not commit a crime because they would only be fulfilling God's will. For this reason, America must bless the upcoming annexation of Palestinian lands by Israel, and take responsibility for the fallout that will ensue because the Americans have been the convenient suckers from the beginning, and they might as well continue to be suckers to the end.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

What America needs now, America lacks badly

There is nothing more bitter than to be sitting at the highest point of the food chain, and then see yourself slide down the totem pole where you fear you'll soon become someone's meal.

In the old days, the established empires that lost to a rising power, came down in one fell swoop and were eaten as quickly as a lion devours a wildebeest. But since Rome cum Eastern Roman Empire cum Byzantium cum Ottoman Empire, various empires that used to be colonial masters, came down in agonizingly slow motion as if they were eaten alive by insects and rodents. This is why the Ottoman empire came to be known as the sick man of Europe.

What you have now is an America that sits at the highest point of the food chain, but feels wobbly and fears sliding down the totem pole to an uncertain future where it could be welcomed by a lion, a bunch of insects and rodents or by the fire spitting dragon of a rising China.

You see a reflection of this fear in the article that came under the title: “How China pushes for world dominance,” and the subtitle: “With billions in investments and a stolen technology base, China is no friend.” It was co-authored by John Barrasso and Martha McSally both of whom are U.S. Republican Senators. Their article was published on June 18, 2020 in The Washington Times.

True to form, the two senators began the article by attacking China, not because it has committed a crime or some such thing, but because they say they know what China is thinking. Well then, do they believe that China thinks of committing a crime or some such thing? No, no, it's not that, they assure the readers. It’s only that China wants to compete against America in the fields of the economy, military might and international influence. And the Chinese intend to win the battle fairly and squarely. Can you imagine the gall these people must have?

Look what else of China's doings the two American legislators are whining about:

“China's 2050 plan is designed to unseat the United States as the world's superpower. It is backing up that plan with hundreds of billions of dollars of investments around the globe and the creation of a domestic technology base. We gave China most-favored nation trading status in 2000. China's leaders don't care about free markets. They don't care about the rule of law. And they don't care about peace. They simply want dominance. U.S. industries and American jobs moved to China. All this must end now”.

Barrasso and McSally regret that America helped China prosper when it was poor. But they also lament that China is now helping other poor nations to prosper like it did. Do they believe that China will someday come to regret helping these nations? What kind of logic is this?

Barrasso and McSally also regret that American industries, knowhow and technology have moved to China. But where were these two when America's struggle to become an exceptional nation, caused the brain drain from the rest of the world to come pouring into America's industries, knowhow and technology? Have the two senators looked at their own statistics which reveal that the immigrants, many of whom are Chinese, create most of the new jobs in America's hi-tech industries? Do Barrasso and McSally regret that too?

And while they whine, lament and regret what they claim they know about the Chinese thinking, the two Americans do not hide what they themselves are thinking. Here is a sample of that: “It's time for America to ratchet up our influence in Asia.” That is, what they contend is sinful for the Chinese to practice, they contend is virtuous for the Americans to practice. There is a term that describes this attitude; it is double standard.

But whereas the mighty can practice the “might is right” philosophy, and impose on others what they do not accept will be imposed on them, they will get away with some form of double standard because power allows them to make the one-sided rules that favor them … but not for ever. This uneven condition will last until such time that the mighty will begin to slide down the totem pole, as they surely will.

In fact, this is the point in the cycle of the rise and fall of empires that America finds itself at this time. And so, while it struggles to maintain the posture of a superpower, it recognizes that, “China pushes for world dominance,” because China is confident that America has not the power to stand in its way.

Aware of this reality, is it wise for America to choose challenging China at this time and risk becoming the sick man of Asia, instead of trying to accommodate the rising Asian power; which America can easily do by voluntarily relinquishing some of the perks it used to enjoy while reigning as sole superpower?

The Americans will have some high-level thinking to do in this regard, but it will not be the likes of Barrasso or McSally who will do that kind of thinking for them.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Eunuchs using America as Phallic Symbol

There was a time –– during the period that extended from the late 1960s to the early 1970s –– when homicides were committed regularly on Saturday night in the New York/Washington area. Those who committed them preferred to use the gun of a model that came to be nicknamed: Saturday Night Special.

Someone –– I can't remember who –– argued that these homicides were so senseless, it could only be that those who committed them were missing something in their lives, thus suffered from a void that needed to be filled. To fill it, the perpetrators who were mostly young men, went out on Saturday night and killed someone to feel a sense of accomplishment, thus filled the void in their lives and appeased their pain.

Soon, a debate erupted about those who felt castrated by a society that alienated them by ignoring the demands which they tried to articulate but could not, due to their lack of communication skills. And so, it was argued that the gun in the hand of these young men became the phallic symbol that made them feel like giants capable of achieving something as significant as taking someone's life.

Not long after that, a civil war erupted in Somalia, and a scene that kept repeating itself in broad daylight over there, lent credence to what was happening in America on Saturday nights. It was the image of young men riding jeeps with one of them manning a long gun that protruded into the air like an erect phallus. They drove around looking for a worthy target to rip apart like a sex predator would rape a helpless victim.

Eventually, the situation in Somalia changed into something else, so did the situation in America. The Saturday night lone wolves disappeared from the streets, but the society that created them in the 1960s and 1970s did not change or disappear. It spawned a mob of another kind; one that sits at a computer keyboard and works on asserting its sexual prowess in a dubious manner.

When you read the works of these (mostly) young men and (sometimes) young women, you get the impression that as journalists, they no longer want to function like the eyes and ears of society, watching what those who govern the nation do, and reporting to the public that elected them. What the journalists prefer to do in this age of social media that castrated them, is use the little information they can gather, decide what needs to be done to make the world a better place, formulate a personal agenda, and whip the elected representatives, in an effort to force them realize that personal agenda.

A few of the pundits go further and turn their attention to foreign policy. In a move known as weaponizing an issue, they use human rights like the protruding gun of the Somali youngsters, which they mount on America's State Department, even America's military, and pressure both the Congress and the Commander-in-chief to take their advice and forcefully implement its content somewhere abroad in fulfillment of their personal agenda.

What these people do not realize is that they have been brainwashed into believing that what they do is fulfill their personal agenda when in reality it is the agenda of the Judeo-Israeli lobby that programmed them to work on pitting America against the nations which are of interest to Israel. You see an example of this in the article that came under the title: “United Nations human rights probe of the US is a farce,” written by Zachary Faria, and published on June 17, 2020 in The Washington Examiner.

Here is how Faria started his presentation of the subject he chose to discuss: “The United Nations Human Rights Council is holding a debate on police brutality and systemic racism. It is clear the US is the primary subject as the killing of George Floyd was the catalyst for the meeting. And it's clear that the conclusion the council will reach is a sham”.

Because there has not been many instances (if any) during which the United States Human Rights record was discussed by the UN Human Rights Council, the fact that Faria called a sham the conclusion that was not reach for a debate that was not held, tells that Zachary Faria had been thoroughly brainwashed before he sat to write the article. Moreover, because it is Israel that's usually reprimanded by the UN Human Rights Council for its continued mistreatment of the Palestinians, Faria is showing signs of a psychotic delusion which makes him believe that America and Israel are one and the same entity.

Faria then complained about the demonization of Israel, and backed his claim by spewing the usual Jewish talking points. To end his discussion, he said this: “Between the UN Human Rights Council and the World Health Organization's debacle over the coronavirus and China, it's time for Americans to start considering real alternatives to the UN”.

And this happens to be the ultimate goal of the Judeo-Israeli agenda. What the Jewish leaders in Israel and America want, is isolate America from the rest of the world so that they can strengthen their grip on the superpower and turn it into an extension of Israel’s reaches in the same way that a psycho-interpretation of Marshall McLuhan's work, has it that a gun can become an extension of the phallus.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Court is perfect, so the Crooks attack it

Here is a headline that sums up the situation exactly right: “Trump administration finally begins to stand up to the ICC, a hostile international organization,” It is the title of an article that was written by Clifford D. May, and published on June 16, 2020 in The Washington Times.

What's right about this title is that it speaks of an international organization, which means it speaks of the world. So, what about the world? It is hostile, says Clifford May. Hostile to whom? Well, the rest of the article mentions America and Israel. But why is the world hostile to America and Israel? It is hostile to them because the two are behaving like crooks and worse.

You see, my friend, what differentiates us from the lower primates is that we act in response to one of two motivational streams: instinct and intent, whereas the lower primates act only in response to instinct. And so, unless we suffer from temporary or permanent insanity, in which case we are driven by instinct alone, our actions are deemed to be motivated by intent, which means by free will.

Because free will renders us responsible for our actions, the spin doctors of the Jewish propaganda machine saw the enormous advantage they could gain by attributing the permanent state of bad intent to their opponents while attributing the permanent state of good intent to themselves. Thus, everything that their opponents do––no matter how benign it may appear to be––is said to represent but a small part of a larger evil scheme, whereas everything that the Jews do––no matter how evil it may appear to be––is said to represent but a small part of a larger good scheme.

As to the state of the International Criminal Court (ICC); it was set up like any court to be the friend of those who do the right thing, and be the opponent of those who do the wrong thing. And that's where the attribution of intent becomes crucial when determining who is doing the right thing and who is doing the wrong thing.

So, here is how and why, in Clifford May’s words, the Court came into being: “The ICC was set up for what sounds like a noble purpose: to bring to justice perpetrators of such heinous crimes as genocide. The United States declined to ratify the treaty establishing the ICC because it was unclear who would serve as judge and jury, and to whom this court would be accountable”.

To say that the United States declined to ratify the treaty is to admit that the United States participated in the setting up of the Court, that the United States initialed the final version of the Court's Charter, but that the political machinations in control of the sausage-making at the Unite States' Senate refused to ratify the treaty. Why did it? Because, says Clifford May, “it was unclear who would serve as judge and jury, and to whom this court would be accountable”.

This is the result of the pressure that was brought on the Senate by the mob of pundits, the special interest groups and the lobbies that hijacked America's foreign policy long ago, and made it their private domain. These groups wanted to have a role in the decision making of the Court, thus be the ones to sit as judge and jury. In addition, they wanted the Court to be accountable to them, not to the member states as is the case with every treaty. When this did not happen, the groups sabotaged the ratification process, and said goodbye to the Court. So did Israel because, after all, it was the Judeo-Israeli lobby that took charge of the sabotaging process that killed the ratification.

What tells you there was something louche in America's refusal to ratify the ICC treaty in the first place, is the following passage in Clifford May's article: “The US government has asked the ICC to please back off, to abide by its own charter which authorizes investigations only when national justice systems are 'unwilling or unable' to perform competently”.

Pray tell, who on Earth can look at America's system of justice, especially in what concerns the prosecution of war criminals from Vietnam to Afghanistan –– including the provision of presidential pardon –– and say with sincerity that the system is willing and able to prosecute its own with fairness and competence? There is much to be said in response to this question, but the task is left for the reader to decide.

What can be observed, however, is that America’s response to the possibility of having its soldiers tried by the International Court for war crimes they may have committed, is doing more than reveal the dark side of the soldiers' conduct; it reveals the truth about the decline of America's power.

Think about it: There was a time when the small countries of the Third World bandied together in groups such as the Non Aligned Nations, to generate some sense of self-protection against the interference in their affairs of the big countries. The small countries were laughed at and dismissed as paranoid by the big countries who basically told them to “relax and get a life.” Well my friend, look how, in Clifford May's words, fate has now reversed the fortune of nations:

“Mr. Barr said the ICC has become a political tool employed by international elites … foreign powers like Russia, are manipulating the ICC. Mr. O'Brien echoed that we have every reason to believe our adversaries are manipulating the ICC. China's rulers took control of the WHO. America's adversaries have been commandeering international organizations such as the UN Human Rights Council. Among the 15 most significant UN agencies, four are currently run by Chinese citizens”.

Paranoid or not, there is something to say to these people: Think of everything your opponents do as being a small part of a larger good scheme. This done, you'll find that life is more pleasant than your collective mind makes it to be. And this will help you relax and get a life. Did you get this, Cliff?

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Fit to govern America if willing to aid Israel

When you see someone arrange a place as if to prepare it for a solemn ceremony; you are intrigued. When you see him bring a mat and a Japanese sword, you realize that someone will be lured to commit harakiri.

This is what you see happen, now that the retired members of the Jewish mob of pundits as well as its new recruits have taken charge of the propaganda machine. This happened because the regular group went into hiding to lick their wounds, beaten as they were while fighting normal fights on the stage of civilized debates, away from the jungle of treachery, kneecapping and backstabbing that was their domain for several decades.

It was mostly European rabbis that launched the drive to conquer America more than five decades ago. They scored fabulous victories initially, then transferred their handiwork to their disciples who were young American Jews. These formed what came to be known as the mob of Jewish pundits. They reigned supreme for several decades, first as young amateurs and then seasoned professionals in charge of the vastly expanded Jewish propaganda machine.

The Jews did battle against invisible opponents, and were declared winners every time. But as time passed, the now middle-aged Jewish pundits met their match thanks to the internet that made it possible for those who were silenced by the method of treachery, kneecapping and backstabbing –– to be heard from. They got onto the stage of civilized debate, drew the unprepared Jews to it, and swept them off the stage like a breeze of fresh air sweeps away the foul-smelling air of a public rest room.

So now you see the rabbis brought back to the stage in a revanchist effort to regain some of what the Jews lost while fighting the honest fights. With the rabbis came a new crop of young disciples, usually doing post graduate studies at an American college or a foreign university. Some are also taken in as interns by the enterprises that regularly publish the works of the Jewish propaganda machine.

And so, you see the recent work of a rabbi, written in the form of an “An Open Letter to Eliot Engel's Primary Opponent” who is Jamaal Bowman that's running against Eliot Engle in the upcoming election. The letter was written under a title, seen in quotation marks, by Rabbi Avi Weiss, and was published on June 15, 2020 in the Jewish publication, Algemeiner.

Avi Weiss began the letter by revealing something odious; something that's practiced with subtlety by the Jewish leaders. It is that they split America into two groups. There is the group of good Americans who love Israel, and there is the group of bad Americans who dislike Israel. Addressed to Jamaal Bowman, here is how this reality is revealed in the opening paragraph of the rabbi's letter: “You were endorsed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez whose record on Israel is distressing. Following your gratitude regarding her endorsement, I began looking into your position vis-a-vis Israel.” Now you know that the group of bad Americans follow Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whereas the group of Good Americans look in the opposite direction.

In addition to highlighting the Jewish polarization of America into a good camp and a bad one, Avi Weiss has shown that he and those like him, consider fit to govern America, only those who will serve Israel whether they are left leaning, right leaning or independent. In Jewish eyes, no matter how much a patriotic American someone is, their love of Israel is what counts the most.

It means that to these Jews, Israel is priority number one, and there is no priority number two or anything below that. This undeniable truth unavoidably leads to the conclusion that these people do not suffer from dual loyalty; they revel in their total, absolute and singular loyalty to Israel. They live in America and hold an American passport only because it is the way to better serve Israel.

The proof of this is that each time one of them goes to Occupied Palestine to settle there or just visit, they consider it going home. But Occupied Palestine being a war zone, some of these people get caught in the crossfire between the Jewish home-invaders and the indigenous Palestinian freedom fighters who do what they can to protect their homes. So then, what do you think the rabbi says about that? He calls the home invaders innocent, and calls the defenders terrorists.

In consequence of this reversal of reality, the world began a movement to try and bring about a peaceful change in Occupied Palestine the way that it was done in Rhodesia cum Zimbabwe, as well as Apartheid South Africa cum Free South Africa. The movement acquired the name Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, or (BDS) for short.

Instead of welcoming this method, and encourage it to avoid war by pressuring the Jewish invaders to change their ways, the Jews who live away from the home of their fantasy, work on the rulers of America to have them scheme defeating BDS, thus invite more wars in the Middle East.

And work on America's rulers is what rabbi Avi Weiss has tried to do in the letter where he observed that, “Additionally, your position on BDS is not clear” He went on to ask Jamaal Bowman this question: “Are you able to definitely commit yourself to never supporting BDS?”

In short, Avi Weiss is asking Jamaal Bowman and all those whose priority is America, to commit politico-civic harakiri, and convert to the group that professes to love Israel or lose the Jewish vote.