Saturday, June 27, 2020

Michael Rubin tramples on the US Constitution to serve Israel

First, put yourself in Michael Rubin's shoes who is an extremely fanatic Jew that regularly tramples on the American Constitution if and when such act would result in some kind of benefit accruing to Israel.

Now, concentrate your thinking and you'll see Ilhan Omar heroically refuse to sell her soul to the Jewish pimps that have been buying American politicians the way that the league of diarrhea patients buys toilet paper in a Jewish convenient store. So, what happens? Your blood boils because you desperately want to hurt her and have her serve as example to all those who might be inclined to tell the pimps approaching them to get lost. But how do you do that in practice?

The obvious answer to this question is that you try to drive a wedge between Ilhan Omar and her constituents in this election year when her reelection to the House of Representatives will be at play. The first thing you do is take a trip to the Horn of Africa where Omar's country of birth, Somalia, is situated. You visit a number of countries there, including Somalia, and return home having acquired the right to speak about the affairs of the region with the authority of someone that did his homework.

To show off your credentials, you write an article to prove that you have learned much about the region. You wait a few days and write another article in which you attack Ilhan Omar. So, what happens now? Well, like the bumbling idiotic Jew whose reach exceeds his grasp, you shoot yourself in the foot. This, in fact, is what Michael Rubin did with the article he wrote under the title: “Ilhan Omar betrays her own constituents,” published on June 25, 2020 in The Washington Examiner.

Steeped in the false belief that every American politician is like most Jewish politicians, in the sense that they suffer from a dual loyalty, one to America and one to a foreign power, or that they suffer from a singular loyalty to a foreign power––Michael Rubin has tried to pull on Ilhan Omar the trick that the Jewish lobby pulls on the Jews who put the interests of America above everything else. The lobby calls these Jews anti-Semitic and self-loathing.

Unable to call Omar anti-Somali or self-loathing, Michael Rubin proceeded to do something that was tried previously by the Jews of America and Israel. They had gone all over sub-Saharan Africa and whispered into every ear that would listen to them, words to the effect that the Arabs were spending an inordinate amount of time and effort and money to promote Palestinian causes, when they could devote some attention to highlighting Africa's needs and promote its interests. The Africans responded by telling the Jews to get lost. Undaunted by this failure, Michael Rubin said the following ... reproduced here in condensed form:

“I have written of how frustrated many Somalis were that Ilhan Omar had not used her seat to advance US-Somali ties. Instead, she made the Palestinian issue a cornerstone of her congressional activism, apparently at the urging of her donor and a real estate tycoon who donated to her campaign. Omar's policy in the broader Middle East has raised Somali suspicion. Today, the UAE invests in Somaliland, while Turkey and Qatar back Islamist causes in Mogadishu and shun the UAE. Omar's criticism of the UAE and Saudi Arabia suggests she internalizes the divisions which exist in Somalia. This neglects to recognize that Turkey is an offender of press freedom and that both Turkey and Qatar are terror sponsors”.

So there you have it, despite the example of Eliot Engel being trounced by his constituents for using his seat in the Congress to advance Israel's interests instead of America's, you see Michael Rubin falsely report that the Somalis in Ilhan Omar's district are “frustrated” because she refuses to betray her constitutionally mandated oath to serve America's interests before anything else.

But what exactly does Michael Rubin want Ilhan Omar to do? What he wants is simple to explain. If she will not promote Israel's interests, he wants her to attack Turkey and Qatar who are the current chosen enemies of Israel. And he wants her to go soft on Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates who seem to be thawing their relations with Israel. In other words, Rubin wants Omar to use her seat in the American House of Representatives to advance the various causes of Israel and the Jews. To stress this point, he attacks her one more time before closing his argument. Here is what he said, written in condensed form:

“To see Omar as a representative of Somalis would be to confuse her ethnicity with ideological diversity. Both Somali Americans and Somalis remaining in the Horn of Africa see a woman who has diverged from the values and interests of her Somali [roots]. At worst, they see a figure who has remained provincial in her vision of foreign affairs”.

Wow, what a compliment! Michael Rubin says that when it comes to fulfilling her duty toward America, Ilhan Omar acts provincially. Would it not be nice if every Jew that's elected to serve America would do the same? Will this ever happen?