Monday, June 22, 2020

Devouring the sucker that can give no more

Here it is, my friend, the story of an Israeli Jew that hypnotized an American Jew, getting him to approve and promote a demonic shell-game that will cut from America's flesh and give to Israel more than Israel has ever received from America over the decades. All of this is to be done at a time when America's pockets have been emptied of goodies that can be given away.


This is the story of Yossi Beilin who used to be Minister of Justice in Israel, putting on paper a plan that will have America borrow $24 billion from the Chinese and hand the money to Israel as a grant never to be returned. In turn, Israel will invest this money to earn profits, dividends and interests, working with the Chinese while America is paying back the principal and paying interest to the Chinese. Can you believe this?


Aware that the plan –– written in the form of an article in English –– was unworthy of publication anywhere in the English-speaking world, Yossi Beilin raised its profile by having it published in English in an Israeli newspaper. Beilin went further and approached Daniel Kurtzer, a Jewish American diplomat, and asked him to co-sign the article. Hypnotized by the idea, Kurtzer accepted to masquerade as co-author of the article, and had a slightly modified version of it printed in an American publication.


The article came under the title: “3 Bilateral Agreements That Would Improve Israel's Relationship With America,” and the subtitle: “Israel should be trying to wean itself off of US assistance while further deepening its institutional ties with the United States.” As mentioned, the article was supposedly written by Yossi Beilin and Daniel Kurtzer, and was printed on June 19, 2020 in the American publication, The National Interest.


Sensing that even this may not be enough to give the article the gravitas that will impress the decision-making crowd in the Washington Beltway, the two authors decided to give Israel a dose of artificial gravitas. Their aim was to make it sound like America wasn't being the foolish blubbery giant that's being taken advantage of by a skinny weasel, but that America was like the gentleman who was dealing with another gentleman of equal eminence. What the writers did to that end, was to insert the following sentence in the article: “Israel has an advanced economy and a sophisticated society”.


But because they could say nothing that would convince anyone that Israel had an economy, let alone an advanced one without being laughed out of town, the writers did something you often encounter in Jewish articles. It is that they turned “advanced economy” into a link that sends the readers––guess where––to the Israeli newspaper and the article that was written and published under Yossi Beilin’s name alone a few days earlier. You could look into that article all you want for a description of Israel’s economy, and you would find none. Eventually, you realize that the link was a diversion meant to confuse the readers and make them believe that the truth is somewhere in there but that it escaped them.


In reality, the Yossi Beilin plan is a trick, which they plan to use to pull off a gigantic scheme that will dwarf any scheme the Jews pulled on the Americans up to now. What they want to do is go back to the plan they signed with the Obama administration for a 10-year aid package that guaranteed Israel $4 billion or so a year. Something like $24 billion remain to be given out, and they want all of it “front loaded” right now.


But because it is unthinkable that the moral prostitutes in the Washington Beltway will go for 6 or 7 years without milking America to continue feeding Israel even after it gets all that money right away, the Jews sat down to think up a plan that will fill those years without causing the American public to revolt. They hit on an idea that should be compatible with Israel receiving a lump sum of $24 billion.


Here is the idea: Because profit is made in Africa and Asia these days and will be for the foreseeable future, the Israelis know they will have to invest the money in the places where the Chinese are also investing. Since they know they cannot con the Chinese who would take them as partners only if they have something valuable to contribute, the Jews are asking America to hand Israel its hi-tech secrets and innovations. These will be the valuables that the Jews will give to the Chinese for the privilege of being accepted as their partners. And the Jews want the Americans to believe that these transactions will benefit America, believe it or not. Here is how Beilin and Kurtzer formulated that cockamamie idea:


“To replace US security assistance, there are a number of measures that should be undertaken. One agreement would define expansively Israel's access to sensitive US technology and US access to sensitive Israeli technology. This agreement would result in tremendous mutual benefits. It would improve dramatically our mutual military capabilities and avoid much of the rancor that now accompanies issues of access to technology and end-use issues. A second bilateral agreement would mandate a long term and mutually-funded commitment to joint research and development (R&D) in defined areas, primarily but not limited to military and security programs”.


That's the way the cookie crumbles, my friend, when Jews are involved in any project. By hook or by crook they'll get from you as much as you have to give away, and when you have nothing more to give, they'll want your flesh and blood.


This is how the Jews dealt with the Palestinians, having on their side the foolish and blubbering Americans. And now that the Palestinians have nothing left to give, the Jewish relatives of Donald Trump want them to sign on a piece of paper that says in essence, the land on which they lived for 7,000 years was never theirs. It was that of the Jews even if these characters did not appear on Earth until 3,000 years later.


This said, the Jews want the Palestinians to just disappear, but the Palestinians said no; we're not going anywhere. And the question to ask now is this: Do the Americans have a fraction of the self-respect that the Palestinians have displayed, and tell the Jews to get lost? Or will the Americans give the pushover response and let themselves be raped by AIPAC and company for another $24 billion and all the hi-tech they developed in the past, and will develop in the future?