Wednesday, June 3, 2020

The Home Front exposes the Hypocrisy abroad

It took the nine-minute long beastly execution of a man by a savage cop, captured on video and broadcast around the world, for an American journalist to finally develop the courage to speak truth to power.

He is Daniel DePetris who spoke to America's leaders with an article he wrote under a title that reads: “Fix the home front before worrying about abroad,” published on June 1, 2020 in The Washington Examiner.

Those around the world who cared enough to spend time watching what goes on in America, had already determined that the country became a basket case some time ago, considering that it lost control of its race relation problem, gun ownership problem, financial problems, and having a pervasive Jewish influence on its foreign policy as well as its domestic policy, especially in matters concerning the indoctrination of schoolchildren with scary Holocaust stories, in the effort to raise them as philo-Semitic zombies.

No longer viewed as the shining city on the hill, which is how Ronald Reagan used to think of America, Daniel DePetris now thinks of it as having deteriorated to the point of looking like a tiny village at the base of the mountain after a mudslide. He does not mince with words explaining that this condition did not happen overnight with the execution of one black man by a quad of white policemen, but was something that festered for decades, waiting for a blow to crack it open and let the world see the sordid truth that’s inside.

Whether the killer cop, Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd because he did not like that a black man was dating a white woman, or because he felt the need to assert his pedigree, thinking of himself as the descendant of Nicholas Chauvin who sparked the chauvinist movement –– he rolled the wheels of change in America. The question is what kind of change will ensue. Will it be for the better or will it be for the worse?

America went through difficult periods in the past and overcame them. Some people will look at this history and say the pattern clearly indicates that true to form, America will again overcome this difficult period and get back to being what it was. And so, these people will counsel that everyone should sit back and let things unfold naturally. But they will be making a big mistake.

The truth is that things have not been happening naturally in America for some time now. 75 years have passed since the end of the Second World War when America began its meteoric rise among the nations of the world. This was a time when America had the natural momentum that propelled it forward without the need for someone to work on stacking up the successes.

But America was then dragged by others into a Cold War that changed everything. However, unlike the Soviet Union that lost that war, acknowledged its defeat, looked inward, identified its weaknesses and reformed to come back fitter than ever before, America let every con artist that wanted to, fool its leaders into believing they can be sugar daddies to everyone on earth that pretends to be hurting because someone evil and anti-democratic was mistreating them.

Unable to see that unlike the spectacular loss of the Soviet Union that could not be denied, America's loss, was so imperceptible, it was denied by most observers. But the loss was there, and was getting worse because the freeloading weasels of the world, now wearing the colors of democracy, came begging for the military interventions that sent America's armed forces around the globe.

Listening to the voice of local warmongers, and the voice of lobbyists advancing the agenda of foreign groups such as the lovers of Taiwan and those of Israel, as well as the haters of Cuba and the many other places, the leaders of America got their country involved in something like four dozen wars since the end of the Second World War. In return for all that effort, America got nothing except the wrath of the local populations wherever its military was sent.

And then, as if the war fever had begotten another disease, America developed the malady of siding with every foreign group that signaled it was opposed to its own government, and demonstrated in the streets or rioted to express its discontent with the way it was governed.

As predicted by the neutral observers that had no skin in the game, what America was sowing abroad, began to germinate in America. The result has been the rise of an aggressive police force, a dissatisfied population, and the tendency for the two to confront each other.

Hence, the exasperation of people like Daniel DePetris who wish to see normalcy return to America, a development, he believes can only happen, when America will mind its own business, live and let live.