Thursday, June 11, 2020

Medieval Man of the Twenty-First Century

If someone is so conditioned since birth to live in the Stone Age or Medieval Time, he can go through modern schooling, learn all about contemporary philosophy and ethics, and yet still grow up carrying the Stone Age or Medieval Time in his heart and his head.

A perfect example of that is Stephen M. Flatow, a Jewish lawyer who sent his daughter into the war zone of Gaza at a time when armed Jewish thugs were settled in the strip. She got caught in the crossfire between these beasts and the freedom fighters who kicked them out of Gaza eventually. The girl's death gave her father the opportunity to go around and cry excitedly: Gimme compensation, gimme compensation.

His argument was that, war zone or not, his twenty-year-old daughter was an innocent victim, innocently sent by him to innocently enjoy a sightseeing tour of the Gaza Strip, when she was killed by the indigenous fighters who should not have been where she was traveling.

Even if all the claims of innocence were real, the death of the girl must be blamed on the father who sent her into a war zone, on the leaders of so-called Israel who arranged for tours to take place in a war zone, and on the settlers who brought a reign of terror to a land that was a model of tranquility since biblical times till the Jews got in there and brought hell with them. The truth is that this whole episode was anything but innocent.

You'll know why innocence was absent during that undertaking when you read the article that came under the Title: “EU hypocrites take territory while blasting Israeli annexation,” and the subtitle: “France, the Grand Annexer, lectures Israel? How do you say Chutzpah in French?” The article was written by none other than Stephen M. Flatow, and published on June 8, 2020 in the Jewish News Syndicate.

That is where, as indicated in the title of his article, Stephen Flatow reveals his ambition for the armed Jewish robbery of Palestine. This proves that sending his daughter to Gaza was an integral part of the Jewish war effort to conquer that land, an act recognized by everyone sane as a crime against humanity. It is what Flatow tries to justify in the article, saying in effect that: What the colonial powers could do in medieval time we, the Jews of modern time can do with impunity.

Actually, he is revealing more than that without knowing it. The reality is that in all the places which the old colonial powers retain to this day, the indigenous people became citizens of the occupying power. Fair or unfair, all of this happened hundreds of years ago, and the result is that when the descendants of the indigenous people are now asked to vote on retaining that citizenship or breaking away, they say they wish to maintain the status quo. This happened not long ago in Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands.

That is not happening in occupied Palestine where the Palestinians are slowly being ethnic cleansed out of their land to make room for every little fart that calls himself or herself a Jew. This behavior is worse by several degrees than the measures enforced by the colonial powers in medieval time. That is, not only are the Jews denying equality to the indigenous Palestinians, they are not even tolerating them staying in their homes. Worse, they are cleansing them out of the land that has been theirs since the beginning of time.

When you consider the enormity of this horror as compared to the system that was adopted in Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa, where the locals were considered second class citizens but not ethnic cleansed out of their land, you conclude that the Jews are begging for a horrific outcome. It will be worse than happened in Rhodesia or South Africa; worse than the simple destruction of the Zionist regime in so-called Israel.

But why is it that someone with the education level of Stephen Flatow cannot see this? Well, there are many clues in the article that answer this question, one being buried in this passage: “The issue is not just that these countries are incredibly hypocritical for haranguing Israel about annexation while themselves annexing any territory they can get their hands on”.

As can be seen, Flatow speaks in the present tense about a behavior of the old colonial powers, that goes back several centuries. This makes it sound that concurrent with Israel, the colonial powers are annexing new territory today. This is false, of course, but alleging it establishes a non-existent parity between the full citizenship enjoyed by the former colonies, and the fate that the Jews envision for the Palestinians they are cleansing out of their homeland.

Time, chronology and causality are cognitive traits proper to the human species at the exclusion of all the other species. It is what the Jewish child is robbed of by the method of indoctrination it receives at every stage while growing up.

It is why Stephen Flatow believes that the Stone Age of biblical time is the same as the Medieval Age, and the same as contemporary time. He has no sense of the passage of time.

It is why fanatic Jews believe that a “mere” 2,000 years of them being in exile, is shorter than a “whopping” 70 years for the Palestinians to be refugees.

It is why they claim that they are closer in time to what they claim is their ancestral homeland, than the Palestinian refugees that have been away for such a long, long time.

It is why the Jews are a hopeless case.