Monday, June 15, 2020

Why America needs to reshuffle its Priorities

Joe Biden wrote a long article to say why he wants to be president of the United States of America. To be honest, the article is an abominable piece, and it shows that Biden has got it all wrong.

What Biden says in effect is this: We must adopt the good habits so that we may lead the world. He says so instead of saying, we must adopt the good habits because it's the right thing to do. Whether or not the nations of the world will follow us is up to them.

To put this concept in graphic terms and remember it for a long time, we think of someone putting the cart before the horse. He sits in the cart and faces the horse. What do you think the horse will do? You're right; he'll spit in the face of the human. And right out the horse's mouth will come these words: Your job is to sit behind me and watch my ass if that’s all you can do.

Read all about it in the article that came under the title: “Why America Must Lead Again,” and the subtitle: “Rescuing US Foreign Policy after Trump,” written by Joseph (Joe) R. Biden and published in the 2020 March/April issue of the magazine Foreign Affairs.

Biden begins the article like this: “By nearly every measure, the credibility and influence of the United States in the world have diminished.” And you can almost hear the average American voter scream: screw the world. We too, question the credibility and influence of our institutions. You need to tell us how you'll reverse the trend here at home before telling us to worry about the rest of the world. Home is priority number one. Impress us here, Joe, and foreign policy will take care of itself.

But that's not what Joe Biden hears. In fact, even when he seems to turn his attention to local issues, you'll find him promise to repair something at home so that he can serve something abroad. Here is an example: “The United States' ability to be a force for progress in the world and to mobilize collective action starts at home. That is why I will remake our educational system so that a child's opportunity in life isn't determined by his or her zip code or race”.

Biden may not be aware of this, but someone foreign is already working on remaking America's educational system in a way that will serve someone abroad. The Jews are there, determined to turn every classroom from kindergarten to college into a Yeshiva classroom, teaching American children all about the Holocaust, anti-Semitism and how to love Zionist Israel whatever it does. The aim is to see America’s youth grow up and become ideal philo-Semites in love with every Jew whether a gentleman or a serial rapist modeled after the Epsteins and the Weinsteins; whether a crook modeled after the Milkens and the Madoffs of this world.

And if that's not enough, Biden goes on to assert that: “We need to sustain our ironclad commitment to Israel's security,” which is euphemism that means enable Israel to commit crimes, proceed without being held accountable, and be protected by America when its soldiers and the settlers ethnic cleanse Palestine. Instead of promising to put an end to America's complicity in this ongoing crime against humanity, Joe Biden says the following without mentioning Israel or the Jewish lobby in America:

“I will take steps to tackle the dark money and rank corruption that serve foreign agendas and undermine our democracy. In addition, I will propose a law to strengthen prohibitions on foreign nationals or governments trying to influence US federal, state or local elections and direct a new independent agency to ensure vigorous and unified enforcement of this and other anticorruption laws”.

That's not barking up the wrong tree; it is barking up invisible trees when the real tree is standing there, called Israel's Jewish lobby in America. And there are even deadlier issues where America disregards Israel's criminal charade. One such issue is the habit of commissioning bimbos to put out fake stories about having a nuclear arsenal that can obliterate its neighbors. Instead of compelling Israel to come clean with its activities in this field, here is what Biden chose to say instead:

“On nonproliferation and nuclear security, the United States cannot be a credible voice. From Iran to North Korea, Russia to Saudi Arabia, Trump has made the prospect of nuclear proliferation, a new nuclear arms race, and even the use of nuclear weapons more likely”.

Clearly then, if Joe Biden wants to do what's right for America, he should protect its schools from the Jewish influence the way that the women of America have decided to protect themselves from the Epsteins and the Weinsteins of the corporate world.

As to foreign policy, Biden should promise to cut off all aid to Israel until it ends the occupation of Palestine, comes clean with regard to its nuclear activities, and sign the non-proliferation treaty.

This is how to begin reshuffling America’s priorities at home and abroad in a meaningful way so as to make the kind of difference that will pull America out of the rut where the Jews pushed it decades ago, and maintain it like a dead corpse on which the parasites feed to their hearts’ content.