Wednesday, June 10, 2020

They mutilate History to push a heinous Logic

Wars create chaos, and two world wars separated by a quarter century, made the first half of the twentieth century the most chaotic period in the history of the planet. What added to the misery were the tricks played out by the colonial powers as they saw their influence wane in the colonies whose populations were beginning to agitate for independence.

The United Nations (UN) was created to sort things out at the end of the Second World War. While the work of the UN was being done, none of the hundreds of disputes still hanging over every region of the planet were to be settled by war. The parties involved in a dispute were encouraged to settle amicably or take their case to the Security Council of the UN.

That idea did not work too well in some disputes. The most pernicious being the case of the Indian Subcontinent that saw several wars. What happened there was the breakup of the landmass through wars into India and Pakistan, which itself broke into two parts, thus creating Bangladesh. And there is the matter of Kashmir that remains unresolved to this day between India and what used to be West Pakistan, now referred to as just Pakistan, whereas East Pakistan became Bangladesh.

Even though the colonial powers tried to create a similarly chaotic situation in the Middle East through what came to be known as the Sykes Picot Agreement, the Arab countries exhibited exemplary behavior. Despite the fact that the colonial powers planted geographical, ethnic and religious landmines throughout the region, all disputes were settled amicably among the Arabs. The only time there was a deviation from this norm, was the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq's Saddam Hussein. And it was the Arab League that called for the ouster of Iraqi troops from Kuwait. Other than that, the fly in the Arab ointment has been the Jewish fly –– embodied in the form of an entity called Israel –– that kept pulling one horrific neocolonial trick after another on its neighbors, and continues to do so unabated to this day.

Israel was planted at the heart of the Arab Middle East by the colonial powers, and was used to start every discord that has plagued the region. The Jewish agents, now operating mainly out of America, come up with never-ending streams of fake stories and heinous logic to keep the American ruling class in a hypnotic state, which they put in the service of Israel's anti-Arab and anti-Muslim machinations.

To that end, they have many tools at their disposal, one being a publication called Algemeiner. That's where David Harris published his latest mutilation of history, using a logic so heinous –– if taken seriously and implemented –– can plunge the world into a situation so chaotic, it will make the first half of the twentieth century look like child's play. The David Harris article came under the title, “Why History Still Matters: The 1967 Six-Day War,” and was published on June 8, 2020.

Here is the passage that exposes the made-for-the-moment Jewish logic for what it is: “In June 1967, there was no state of Palestine. It didn't exist and never had.” This is what the Jews are saying now because, having monopolized the public square for half a century, they made use of the lie that Palestine was a desert that belonged to no one … thus, it was no big deal for the Jews to grab it. But the internet broke their monopoly and demonstrated that Palestine was the land of milk and honey, and very much a part of the Fertile Crescent. So, the Jews had to come up with a new logic to explain their robbery of Palestine. They said there was no Palestine to rob.

The historical fact is that there has been a Palestine for as long as there has been an Egypt or a Persia, and long before there was a Greece or a Rome. The indigenous people that live on that piece of real estate today, have lived there since the beginning of time. Whether occupied by the Jews or the British before them or the Ottomans before that or Rome before the Ottomans, Palestine has always been Palestine, and remains the property of the Palestinian people who never left it. Period.

By contrast, there never was an Israel until the UN –– feeling pity for the Jews –– gave them a “homeland” defined by the 1948 borders. And so, the Jews called it Israel. But Jews being Jews and eternally hungry to steal what belongs to others, devised a scheme to use the stupidity of the American system of governance, and have that country help them implement their plan. They saw that the best way to do so, was to come up with a new version of history and a new logic to suit the new circumstances. Their mantra today is that yes, there was milk, honey and a fertile land, and yes, there were a Palestinian people that owned the land, but there never was a Palestine any more than there was an Israel. Thus, there exists a parity between the two claims, and every piece of land is disputed territory.

And the logic that supports this conclusion, according to the Jews, is that for a long time, there was not an independent state called Palestine. This makes it so that despite the milk, the honey, the fertility and the indigenous people, the Jews can steal the land as if it were desert that belongs to no one. Wow!

Do you know what that does to international law, my friend? If the retards in the Washington Beltway accept this logic, they will open the door for Iran to team up with Venezuela, throw Puerto Ricans out of their homeland and populate the island with Iranians. Do you know why? Because, according to the new Jewish logic, there never was a State of Puerto Rico. It is now an American territory but not an independent state … therefore it is kosher to steal it.

And that's not the end of the story because there are five dozen other places that exist under the same status as Puerto Rico. America has 13 more of them, Britain has 15, France has 16, Australia has 6, New Zealand and Norway have 3 each, Denmark and Holland have 2 each.

Imagine China and Russia getting together and doing to these places what the Jews are doing to Palestine with the blessing of the retarded prostitutes who make up the American government. What do you think will happen then? Will it be World War Three?

Come to think of it, Canada too is vulnerable given that the Queen of England is still our queen despite the fact that we're not referred to as a territory.