Tuesday, June 16, 2020

They lost the Parents, now they want the Kids

The leaders of America morally gave away their motherland to the whorehouse of politics. Now President Donald J. Trump literally gave away the children of America to be experimented on with the demonic rituals of child indoctrination by the wheeler dealers of the Holocaust industry.

When you consult different dictionaries and encyclopedias to establish in what way the verb indoctrinate can be used, you'll find that it can be substituted by anyone of the closely related following acts: influence, persuade, bewitch, charm, mesmerize, hypnotize, spellbind, Svengali, induce, indoctrinate and a few more.

It is important to keep this in mind when reading the article that came under the title: “Making Holocaust Education About Jews and Anti-Semites,” and the subtitle: “We must find a balance between overly universal or hyperspecific approaches to ensure 'never again'. It was written by Bruce Abramson and Jeff Ballabon, and was published on June 11, 2020 in Tablet Magazine. So, here is the content of the article's first paragraph, reproduced in condensed form:

“President Trump signed into law the 'education Act,' providing educational materials about the Holocaust. While Holocaust curricula, museums, memorials, and documentaries have proliferated over the decades, they failed at their primary mission. Anti-Semitism is increasingly wielded throughout Western culture. For this law to make a difference, it must trigger a critical reconsideration of past efforts”.

That is, for decades now, the Jews have conducted indoctrination experiments on the American public, and by their own admission, failed in the long run. So they asked the rulers of the country to hand them the innocent children of the entire nation––who would not resist indoctrination––to try a new approach on them and see if one of the following acts can be accomplished: influence, persuade, bewitch, charm, mesmerize, hypnotize, spellbind, Svengali, induce or indoctrinate the children.

The Jews say that with this endeavor, they want to bring into effect something called “Never Again,” because anti-Semitism is resurging in the West, including America. And they lament that the remedies they tried previously did not work as expected. Thus, they must try a new remedy, which they believe will yield a better result. But will it? Actually, the real problem is that the Jews do worse than misdiagnose the ailment they say they want to cure. It is that they don't even know where the problem lies. Can you guess why they consistently fail to identify the source of the problem? It's because they are themselves the problem.

Just look at two realities which Abramson and Ballabon are familiar with. The realities point at the problem, and yet the writers failed to make the connection that would have put them on the right path. The writers have expressed one reality as follows: “While Holocaust curricula, etc... have proliferated over the decades, they have manifestly failed at their primary mission.” And the writers have expressed the other reality as follows: “Jews have recorded anti-Semitism for many centuries and in many cultures. As described in literature from the epochs of ancient Persia, Rome and Greece and until today Jew-hatred has defined a consistent niche in the annals of human hatred”.

When one and the same thing happens in so many places and happens at different times, logic dictates that there is one common element to all these incidents. If you identify that element, you identify what the problem is and where it lies. So, we ask what could the common element be in all these incidents? And there is only one answer: it is the Jews. They and only they were in all these places at different times. So, right there, we see that we have encountered a paradox. It is this: The Jews are the entity they wish to preserve, which they can do only by eradicating the problem which is themselves, the very entity they wish to preserve.

Since you cannot both preserve and eradicate something simultaneously, you have a problem that cannot be solved. At the core of this problem are the Jews who, for understandable reasons, dismiss the notion of the paradox. And so, they express the problem in a different way. Instead of seeing themselves as the problem, they say that the problem is mankind. They elaborate on this idea as follows: “Millennia of Jewish literature relate how, in the deranged minds of conspiratorial anti-Semites of all races, creeds and cultures, the real battlefront is always the war against Jews”.

And you know what my friend? This is the kind of gibberish that the Jews will take to the classrooms of the nation, now that Trump has given them the green light. They will so confuse the children, they will impose on them one or more of the following conditions: influence, persuade, bewitch, charm, mesmerize, hypnotize, spellbind, Svengali, induce or indoctrinate the children of America.

If you want to know how potent this method can be initially, recall that half a century ago, America was a free nation governed by a free people. In a matter of a few years, the gibberish-talking Jews managed to impress almost everyone with the quack notion that they were the miracle-making giants who will turn America into a republic to rival God’s heaven with its beauty, tranquility, copiousness and camaraderie.

But what the Jews have managed to produce in the long run, is an eyesore named the Washington Beltway. Imagine now that having lost the parents, the Jews are given the kids to hypnotize, thus turn the entire American landscape into a massive eyesore modeled after the Washington Beltway.

Weep for America, my friend, because that’s what is happening to its children at this moment, and no one is there to rescue the little ones.