Saturday, July 31, 2021

Be good and let history unfold naturally

 Steven Neill wrote an article that sheds much light on an aspect of human interactions that is at times difficult to decipher or comprehend.


It often happens that the best way to carry on with a discussion of that nature, is to create a metaphor that illuminates the convoluted concepts we encounter. This time, however, there will be no need to create a metaphor because a real incident that happened a while ago, will serve as an adequate metaphor to illuminate some of the difficult-to-understand concepts we’ll encounter.


Here is the incident that happened a while ago:


A prominent televangelist was traveling by air when he tried to force a seating arrangement that went against regulation. He had a spat with the flight attendant who would not allow him to do what he wanted. To intimidate the flight attendant, the televangelist blurted out words that sounded something like this: It is obvious you don’t know who I am.


The truth is that the flight attendant knew who the televangelist was. But he had the duty to enforce the regulation because that’s what guarantees the safety of the airplane and the whole lot of passengers in it. And so, in the choice between pleasing a prominent passenger, and ascertaining the safety of the passengers, the flight attendant chose to tell the evangelist to shut up and sit down, or face being arrested by the authorities upon landing at the nearest airport.


This is the real story — admittedly recreated from a fading memory years later — that will help explain much of what’s argued in the article that came under the title: “China Aims to Dominate Global Governance,” written by Steven Neill, and published on July 29, 2021 in The American Thinker.


This is a long article that brings out many points, some of which, we shall visit in a moment. But the passage that ties in with the metaphor just cited, comes at the end of the Steven Neill article. And so, to maintain continuity, this is where we begin our discussion. The passage in question is meant to be taken as Steven Neill, the conceited American, mocking the Chinese for trying to be good citizens of the world. It is that Neill does not believe the Chinese have it in them to crowd the Americans when it comes to playing the role of good citizens of the world. Here is how that passage reads:


“Imagine, if you will, the leader of a country [Xi Jinping of China] who is preaching the perks of mutual respect and finding common ground, and promising to become even more involved in global economic governance, for the benefit of all”.


Now, given that Steven Neill believes that the Chinese do not even have the right to think of themselves as eligible to enter into a competition against the Americans, what does he see them do that’s so diplomatically sacrilegious, they ought to be condemned? He sees the Chinese engaged in three forbidden fields: military, economic and diplomatic. Here is what he says with regard to the military field:


“A report by the US Department of the Navy divulged the following on China's projection of its true maritime power: China's growing military capacity and capabilities are eroding US military advantages at an alarming rate. China aims at the heart of the United States' maritime power. It seeks to corrode international maritime governance, deny access to traditional logistical hubs, inhibit freedom of the seas, control use of key choke-points, deter our engagement in regional disputes, and displace the United States as the preferred partner in countries around the world”.


Steven Neill leveled all those “speculated” accusations against China without offering one iota of proof as to their accuracy. That’s that. In any case, here is what he says with regard to the field of economics:


“China is building dams, dikes, and levees controlling the water flowing from Tibet. China and India are considering building competing dams along the Brahmaputra/Yarlung Tsangpo River. It is using its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to invest in infrastructure in dozens of countries. The BRI is a Chinese investment that expects a return. Its banking institutions loan money to the partner countries for projects and use Chinese companies to do the work, resulting in a Chinese company benefitting from the loan. In the debt-for-equity swap of Sri Lanka's Hambantota port China excused Sri Lanka's $8 billion debt in exchange for a 99-year lease of the Sri Lankan port”.


Steven Neill may want to think there is something wrong with that arrangement, but not the people of Sri Lanka that have the last word on this matter. So, here is what Neill says about the diplomatic field:


“Chinese nationals now head 4 of the 15 UN specialized agencies, including the Food and Agriculture Organization, the International Telecommunication Union, the UN Industrial Development Organization, and the International Civil Aviation Organization. Under the UN Sustainable Development Goals, China uses its control over the Department of Economic and Social Affairs to further its Belt and Road Initiative. As Beijing pushes globalism with a Chinese twist, the American ideals of freedom and human rights are losing influence. China is removing most of the poorest nations and peoples on Earth from the American sphere of power. President Xi gave a speech at the World Economic Forum in which he stated that the right choice is for countries to pursue peaceful coexistence based on mutual respect and to promote exchanges and mutual learning. This is the way to add impetus to the progress of human civilization. China will get more actively engaged in global economic governance and the push for an economic globalization that is more open, inclusive, balanced, and beneficial to all”.


With a Chinese performance of this caliber, it is time for America to accept the new seating arrangement for global governance. America should let China occupy the driver’s seat by peacefully moving to the passenger’s seat, and letting China give it a try.


It is the natural order of things.

Friday, July 30, 2021

He tries hard but fails to politicize Cuba

 Let’s do a thought experiment. Imagine Joe Biden, who is President of the United States of America, deciding to speak out for Cuban freedom. To that end, he allows Cuban refugees to benefit from his open border policy. He instructs his cyber nerds to restore internet service to Cuba. He asks Congress to pass a resolution condemning the regime of the Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel. And he demands that freedom be allowed for all Cubans.


Then what? Well, if President Biden stops here, nothing will happen. But if he decides to act as America usually does when pressed by the special interest groups that never let an opportunity go to waste without exploiting it, Biden will have several models from which to choose. He has the Bay of Pigs model. If he doesn’t like it, he has the examples of Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Does anyone of these models, sound better than the Bay of Pigs? No. Of course not. They are all as bad.


Well, we must admit that the thought experiment has led to a dead end. But do you know why, my friend? It’s because these ideas were suggested by Jed Babbin who always comes up with dead end ideas. This time, he put his ideas in the form of a written article that came under the title: “Time for Biden to liberate Cuba and denounce communism,” and the subtitle: “Cuban protestors chant ‘we are not afraid’ and carry American flags.” The article was published on July 24, 2021 in The Washington Examiner.


To elaborate on his point, Jed Babbin followed the pattern you would expect from someone like him. It is that he began with an observation, which he exaggerated. He then made another observation that was related to the first. This gave him the opportunity to state the preconceived conclusion which is the familiar talking point that’s frequently disseminated by people such as himself.


Here is the observation he exaggerated: “tens of thousands of Cubans across the nation have been protesting against the oppression of the regime that has banned such demonstrations for sixty years”.


Here is the observation that’s related to the first: “President Biden issued a statement of support for the demonstrators, asking the regime to hear and serve its people”.


And here is the preconceived conclusion that was cited by Jed Babbin: “The Biden administration actions prove that he didn’t mean what he said”.


Okay, Jed Babbin, you believe that President Biden did not mean it when he said he supports the Cuban demonstrators or when he asked the regime to hear and serve its people. So, what are you going to do about it? Actually, Babbin answered this question. He did so by lecturing the American President about the harshness of life in Cuba. He said food is scarce in that country. Electricity is often interrupted. Medical services are inadequate. And the response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been a failure.


It is too bad that Jed Babbin did not have the humanity within him to do what’s required in such a situation. Before lecturing to the American President, the first thing that Babbin should have done was alleviate the pain of the Cuban people. Because he does not have the material resources to do that, he should have done what the people who are blessed with high morals usually do. That is, he should have consoled the people of Cuba. The quickest and easiest way to do that, would have been to tell these people, they may be living a hard life but at least, they don’t have to sleep under a bridge. They don’t have to urinate in the parks. They don’t have to defecate in the streets of big cities like a growing number of people are forced to do in some places where life is even more miserable than in Cuba.


Such talk would have caused the Cubans who carry the America flag to instantly realize that because they are better off than some Americans, they are better off than many around the globe. And that would have alleviated their pain more than anything Biden or Babbin could have said to them or done for them.


Had Jed Babbin thought of this, and had he taken steps to communicate the message to the protesters in Cuba, he might have incentivized them to dig deeper into the subject matter by, for example, checking out the reasons why their country has asked the United Nations to probe into America’s treatment of its own citizens. After all, Babbin is alleging that Cuban troops shot and killed one protester. But how does that compare with African Americans routinely getting a hail of bullets in the chest or the back of the head. They get it – not for protesting or anything like that – but for pleading with the killer cop: I am sorry, I am scared”.


It becomes increasingly clear, day after day, that what the world needs now is love, sweet love – like goes the song – but that’s not all. The world needs something else too. It needs to remind Jed Babbin and those like him of the saying that goes like this: Ye hypocrites, first get rid of the log in your own eye; then you’ll see well enough to deal with the speck in your brother’s eye.


The unchallenged reality is that – nudged by the Jews who wish to fashion the world into a form that suits their caprices – people like Jed Babbin are further instructed to nag America. They ask it to deal with matters that neither they nor it, can see with clarity, having their vision blocked by a forest of lies from which they harvest more logs for their own eyes.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

High schoolers at the helm of the ship of state

 There are times when a townhall would invite the local high school to send in a delegation of students who might be interested in trying their hands at running the affairs of the town for a day. This is an idea that teaches the students a lesson in civics while instilling in them the desire to become public servants when they grow up. It is a good thing.


But what if the tallest among these students like the idea so much, they disguise themselves as older men, apply for jobs in the bureaucracy of the townhall and get hired? Imagine what they will do to the town, having no experience in any sort of job, let alone a government job, except for what they lived through during that one field trip which lasted only a few hours.


It’s crazy, isn’t it? But do you think something like this can happen at all? Well, maybe not exactly like this, but something worse can happen and did, in fact, happen. It is how Jews, with a mentality no more mature than high schoolers, and a grasp of knowledge no firmer than that of teenagers – came to occupy positions at the helm of the massive American government. Needless to say, they turned the once mighty ship of state into the outrageous ship of fools it is today. So, you want to see an example of this mentality. Well, lucky you, there happens to be one that fits the bill just right.


It’s an article that came under the title: “Iran’s crimes and acts of war will continue until Biden responds forcefully,” and the subtitle: “Unless Biden responds forcefully to the latest, expect more.” The article was written by Clifford D. May, and published on July 27, 2021 in The Washington Times.


If you are an adult that’s endowed with a normal level of maturity, and you face the reality that Iran and America have been at war since at least the fall of the Shah, you don’t point a high schooler’s finger at every deed that’s committed by one or the other of the combatants, and call it an act of war. The thing is that, war has been ongoing between the two for a long time, and like the saying goes, everything is fair in love and war. Or if you prefer, everything is kosher in love and war.


But look what Clifford May has done as part of his ongoing effort to impress the Sate Department and the White House with the need to keep emasculating the Constitutional Republic that is America, so that the little fart that’s known as Israel, may develop the virility that will make it the undisputed hegemon of the Middle East. Here is a condensed version of what came in Clifford May’s article:


“An Iranian-born journalist and activist, was to be grabbed, spirited out of Brooklyn to Venezuela, and then on to Tehran. The FBI foiled the plot. Spokesmen for the Islamic Republic dismissed the charges as ridiculous and baseless. Iran’s rulers planned to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to America. This act was foiled. Did Washington’s failure to impose serious penalties on Iran’s rulers lead them to believe they risked little with the plot? What might they try next? Jim Mattis termed the bombing plot an act of war. He added: We treated an act of war as a law enforcement violation. Iran’s rulers have committed many other crimes and provocations on US forces deployed in Iraq and Syria. Wang Xiyue is a naturalized American citizen, he was arrested, thrown into solitary confinement, forced to make a false confession, and sentenced to 10 years in prison on espionage charges. He told me I was to be used as a pawn in exchange for US-held Iranian prisoners and the release of frozen Iranian assets. There was a time when American leaders could cite the Marilyn Monroe Doctrine. In the film, The Prince and the Showgirl, the character she portrayed tells a foreign plotter who threatened her: I’m an American citizen. Nobody can do anything to me! Do Iran’s rulers, the Taliban, Vladimir Putin, or Xi Jinping think that Biden possess what it takes to make them fear him?”


The above passage clearly shows that at no time did Clifford May entertain the idea that a state of war exists between Iran and the United States of America. In addition, whereas he listed the aggressive activities of Iran and wondered why America, under Joe Biden, is not responding to them, he failed to mention the nefarious American activities – from cyberwarfare to financial sabotage – that were aimed at crippling the Iranian economy, according to the bragging that’s done by the Americans themselves.


This kind of lightheaded approach to a subject that’s as serious as war and peace, is what makes pundits such as Clifford May and the so-called think tanks they run – high school material that has no place in a public square dedicated to the discussion of mature strategies.


In fact, serious matters pertaining to war and peace used to be discussed in such public squares, but the original debaters have been chased away by the aggressive frivolity of the high school level Jewish hagglers who invaded the place and turned it into a brawl rink for immature, unthinking Jews that pretend to be the all-knowing and deeply venerated Chosen.


America is the big loser in this shenanigan, but it is not a lost cause because there is a way for America to distance itself from the morass it’s in, and start the process of healing. All that America has to do is start thinking of the Jews who come bragging about their abilities, as nothing more than big mouth buffoons. And then, respectfully turn them away with a kick in the proverbial pants.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

America must identify its Friends and Enemies

 Only in America can you have a situation where serious people carry on with a debate concerning the subject of life and death, and the debaters get stuck — not as they try to resolve how many angels can dance on the head of a pin — but whether the guns or the shooters are responsible for the murders.


The Americans get stuck all the time when they engage in this kind of mental exercise, unable to resolve serious questions, because they cannot treat ideas as complex (actually as simple) as to say that a crime happens when there is a shooter that’s willing to commit murder, and there is the instrument with which to commit it. The shooter and the gun are different objects but are complementary to each other when the purpose is the commission of murder.


Of course, the shooter can commit murder using another gun or another instrument altogether. And of course, the gun can be used by someone else to commit murder or to injure. But this does not preclude that killing can also happen accidentally, in which case it will not be considered murder.


There is here an American cultural handicap that can be exploited by the unscrupulous, and often is. A number of foreign entities and organizations have done that on occasions, but none has exploited the Americans to the extent that the Jews have while serving the interests of Israel.


The following is how the world now views the relationship that America has forged with different players, concerning the distribution of weapons of war, which America does around the globe. It is also how posterity will perceive and judge America for what it would have done and failed to do. Here is that view:


Like a number of other countries, America makes and sells weapons of war to clients that pay for what they receive, except in one case. That would be Israel which receives the weapons free of charge. This practice changes the status of America from being a manufacturer and supplier of weapons, to potential accomplice in the commission of crimes. It is that when Israel kills, it becomes the gun in the hand of the shooter that is America. And because Israel has repeatedly proven to be a gun-toting and trigger-happy regular army protecting murderous settlers, this is what America has become.


The Americans, who are so handicapped as to fail discerning the difference between a shooter and his gun, could not discern the tricks that the Jews have been pulling on their country for half a century. In fact, America was maneuvered into a situation where Israel can now go over the heads at the Pentagon, overrule the objections of the American military-industrial complex, get what it desires in arms and munitions, commit the crimes it wants with those weapons, get paid to the tune of half a million dollars for every Palestinian it murders, gets replenished with more sophisticated weapons, and blames the whole sordid mess on the Americans whom the Jews accuse of not doing enough to help Israel.


The Jews have managed to create that kind of situation by hypnotizing the Congress, turning it into a zombie-like state of total obedience to the commanding voice of the Jews. And believe it or not, this is only the first part of what the Jews had been working on in America. You can see what the second part of their game consists of when you read the article that came under the title: “Biden’s funding to the Palestinian Authority only hurts the cause of peace,” written by the editors of the New York Post, and published on July 24, 2021.


The following is a condensed version of what the editors of the Post are saying on the matter of maneuvering the Congress into shackling the American people as they try to do what’s good for America:


“President Joe Biden funds the Palestinian Authority by end-running the Taylor Force Act. The law denies funding to the PA until it stops paying hefty stipends to imprisoned or released [Palestinians] and their families whom the PA deems martyrs. The PA spends more than $350 million a year on these rewards. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is in the process of sending $360 million in aid to the Palestinians, arguing that the law doesn’t apply since the humanitarian funds flow via third parties — mainly UNRWA, the UN agency for the Palestinian areas. UNRWA routinely acts more as an arm of the Palestinian authorities than as anything independent. US officials admit they can’t even ensure the funds don’t wind up in the hands of Hamas, the group that controls the Gaza Strip. Biden is also reopening the PA/PLO office in Washington. All this is supposedly in pursuit of peace, but the Biden team is quietly undermining the Abraham Accords”.


The Taylor Force Act is one of the laws that the Jews have devised to make America work for Israel, regardless of what such doings cost America both in the short and long runs. These laws are devised when something serious happens and the emotions are still high. It is when the Jews see a golden opportunity to coerce the Congress into rubber stamping the bills they would have drafted beforehand.


Fortunately, the American people are beginning to realize how much the Jews have suckered them and exploited their country financially and morally to inflate the overseas immoral operation they call Israel. Unless the political elites of the country join the people, and work with them to end the madness, America’s relationship with Israel will become the darkest stain on the country’s record.


To prevent that situation from developing, America must begin to view Israel and treat it as the most destructive enemy it ever had.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Sliding down the throat of double-defeat

 There is the saying: “Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.” Of course, the opposite of that would be to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. But if this were to happen to someone; and he goes on to repeat the performance, he’d find himself sliding down the throat of defeat once and for all. That is, he’ll allow himself to be swallowed alive.


This is what Lauri B. Regan wants America to do to itself. Regan is the chair of the American Zionist Movement’s Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism, and Holocaust Denial Project. To explain in detail how she wants to see something like this happen, she wrote an article that came under the title: “Americans can lead the fight against antisemitism,” and had it published on July 25, 2021 in The American Thinker.


Here is what’s important to remember throughout this reading experience. For the past half century, the Jews have been leading Americans by the nose from one losing misadventure to another, all of them having to do with getting America involved in armed conflicts with foreign actors who are loath to see the Americans take orders from the Jews, and then meddle in their affairs for the purpose of serving the interests of Israel and Jews everywhere.


The result of this long-running, monumental boondoggle has been that America fell from the pinnacle of good standing it used to occupy in the eyes of humanity, to the nadir of standings. America became such a joke in the eyes of the world, its self-esteem melted like an ice cube under the midday sun. This, in turn, has caused the Americans to harbor nothing but disgust toward each other, which led the congressional politicos to freeze the business of America, and work exclusively to serve Israel and the Jews.


The American public that stood as bewildered bystanders during half a century while this kind of nonsense was unfolding all around them, finally woke up to the reality of what was happening to their country and to them. They began a quiet revolution that continues unabated, spiking at times to let the treasonous politicos know they are visible to everyone. They’re told they can be seen with their lips glued to Jewish asses, a spectacle so disgusting, it revolts the public no end.


When you juxtapose the current stance of the American people with their stance half a century ago, a time when they had genuine affection for the Jews who were badly treated by the Nazis, and for Israel that was sheltering them, you see the irony in Lauri Regan now asking the Americans to lead the fight against an antisemitism that was caused by people like herself. They made unreasonable demands that were fulfilled by treasonous louts who were so hungry for Benjamins, they gave away their alma maters to the Jewish whorehouse of endless politics. And that poor woman, Lauri Regan, cannot see that her new demands will have the effect of pouring gasoline on a fire that’s already raging out of control.


The following is a list, expressed in condensed form, of what Lauri Regan wants America to do for the Jews and for Israel despite the staggering evidence which shows that the more the Jews dig, the more they sink into the hole of their making:


“Antisemitism is on the rise in numbers that should be a wake-up call for all the people. Antisemitic campus youth groups, boycott movements, and old-fashioned Jew-hatred are once again mainstreamed. Anti-Zionism, an attempt at masking Jew-hatred, is flourishing, and it must be stopped. There are steps that federal, state, and local governments, and other institutions can take to protect Jews. Lawmakers, corporate executives, and college administrators continue to disregard their moral responsibilities. That must change immediately. Congress should pass the Antisemitism Awareness Act. Colleges, corporations, states, and municipalities should do the same. Thirty-five states have passed anti-BDS legislation. It is time for the federal government to do the same. The Biden administration should restate the declaration that the BDS movement is antisemitic and that anti-Zionism is antisemitism. It should enforce Title VI Executive Order designed to protect Jewish students on college campuses. Biden's nominee to the Education Department's Office of Civil Rights should not receive Senate confirmation unless she commits to enforcing this order. These measures are just a start”.


Already the first sentence in that passage speaks to the reality that Lauri Regan is suffering from a kind of comprehension dyslexia. That is, she sees reality in reverse. The proof is that she thinks that the rise in antisemitism ought to be a wakeup call to people other than the Jews, when logic dictates that it should be a wakeup call to the Jews and no one else. She fails to see they are the ones who should do something about it … something like stop digging their own graves.


Still, she goes on to state that antisemitism is spreading, and demands that it be stopped. She describes the steps that federal, state, and local governments, and other institutions can take to protect Jews, without mentioning a single step that the Jews can and must take to stop provoking the ire of society. From there, she develops the chutzpa to accuse Lawmakers, corporate executives, and college administrators of disregarding their moral responsibilities. That would be to protect the right of Jews to urinate all over society and getting rewarded for it.


She goes on to say, that the current situation must change immediately, and tells how this ought to be done. Here is her plan: Congress, Colleges, corporations, states, and municipalities should pass the Antisemitism Awareness Act. She also wants the federal government to pass anti-BDS legislation, and declare that BDS as well as anti-Zionism are antisemitic. She wants everybody to make it their business to protect Jewish students on college campuses, presumably including those that disrupt the class and urinate all over the professor that does not toe the Jewish line. And she issues a terse order for the Senate not to confirm the current nominee to the Education Department's Office of Civil Rights. Finally, she sends a strong warning to the effect that these measures are just the start.


So, brace yourself for more of the same or worse because Lauri Regan is oblivious to the reality that Jewish leaders such as herself, are blind about the hellish future towards which they advance.

Monday, July 26, 2021

It’s the cause, not the effect, stupid

 When someone is ill and goes to see a doctor, he wants the symptoms of his illness alleviated for sure. But if the doctor does not address the cause or causes of his symptoms, the patient looks for another doctor that may have a different approach.


This is a good enough metaphor to represent not just physical illnesses, but also the antisocial behavior whose symptoms are disagreeable to the public but remain unseen to the disorderly who fails to even recognize them. If the disorderly is young, his bad behavior is explained to him, and he is told not to repeat it. If he does not, he is sent to a correctional institution that works on him as long as it takes to change him. But if the disorderly is an adult who refuses to change, he is shunned by the public as long as he does not break the law. If he does that, he is prosecuted and dealt with accordingly.


There exists a social illness that has caused the patients to misbehave offensively in the eyes of every society through space and time. It has been rejected everywhere and in every era. That rejection was given the erroneous name of antisemitism. Even though Semitism refers to an Arab/Hebrew ethnicity, those who practice the misbehaving activities today, come from all sorts of ethnic backgrounds, having converted to Judaism, a religion that was once associated with the Hebrews, but now has little or nothing in common with them. In effect then, the Jews of today are impostors impersonating the Hebrews of yesterday.


That pretense in itself, is one of the causes as to why those who call themselves Jews are reviled today as they have been in the past, everywhere they went. Still, a bigger cause for the Jews being reviled, is what they do, having pretended to be descendants of the Hebrews. They claim to have been “Chosen” by God to reign supreme over all of humanity, and to own the planet with all that it contains. That’s what makes the Jews pariahs in the eyes of those who do not use them as useful idiots, or exploit them.


Having been at it for centuries, and having been punished severely for their conduct, the Jews have developed myriad ways to work on taking over the planet while pretending to live a normal life like everyone else. For this reason, it is difficult for the average person that’s busy earning a living, to detect what the Jews are doing. But given enough time, Jewish misbehavior gives them away as to their ultimate intent. This is what causes normal people to react normally, and this is what causes the Jews to falsely accuse people of antisemitism. They blame their woes on the normal effect that’s exhibited by normal people, instead of blaming their woes on their own misbehavior which causes those effects.


Now that the objectionable behavior of the Jews has been detected and countered by ordinary people, you see the self-appointed leaders of the Jews go against society, including their own rank-and-file. They seek to justify their stance by continuing to blame their woes on humanity, which they claim has gone rotten. They do this, instead of seeing themselves as the rotten ingredient that’s making life difficult for themselves, for the Jewish rank-and-file and for the rest of the human race.


An article published recently shows how the Jews tiptoe around this issue. The article came under the title: “Antisemitism contagion contaminates college campuses,” written by Quin Hillyer, and printed in the July 24, 2021 issue of The Washington Examiner.


Hillyer raises your eyebrows by starting the article with an attack on academe, which he characterizes as hotbeds of virulent antisemitism. He asserts that they are not moral exemplars for condemning Israel, having accused it in a way, he laments, goes beyond respectful discourse. And this is when you stop being amused reading the article. It is that Quin Hillyer is one of those who throws the accusation of antisemitism and terrorism at anything and everything that refuses to toe the Jewish line. Yet, here he is saying that academe’s discourse is beyond respectful. What gall! If we can forgive him for the hypocrisy he is exhibiting, taking such a stance, he still has to explain: What did academe say or do to deserve being so accused?


You search the article for reasons, and what you discover is the following:


“It is … acceptable if wrongheaded, to take issue with Israel’s settlements on the West Bank. It is quite another thing to accuse Israel and the Jews of conducting genocide or practicing apartheid or pushing Jewish supremacy, a neo-Nazi theory that accuses Jews of seeking world domination”.


What? Can he say that again? Did he say it was acceptable to take issue with the settlement policy in the West Bank? Is it not true that he and those like him blow their entrails out of their bellies, hollering no, no, no, whenever someone suggests that Jews have no right to settle in the West Bank? Are they not the ones who say that to deny the Jews the right of return to Zion, is to deny them the right of self-determination, which makes it so that to take issue with the settlements, is to spout an antisemitic trope that leads to the genocide of Jews? Is Quin Hillyer saying that he can accuse humanity of committing genocide against the Jews, but humanity cannot accuse the Jews of committing genocide against the people of Palestine whose country they have been occupying for generations?


There is actually an answer to this series of questions. It is that Quin Hillyer did no exactly say it was acceptable to take issue with Israel’s settlements. What he said was this: “It is one thing to take issue with Israel’s settlements, it is another to accuse Israel of genocide.” So, that’s what it is. He is saying that when he cannot deny all the accusations thrown at him or Israel, he’ll accept Israel being accused of stealing the West Bank, if this will divert attention from Israel being accused of committing genocide.


And this highlights the problem that the Jews have with the way they are trained to speak. They make truth conditional on their ability to hide it.


Had they come out and said, it was legitimate to damn Israel for stealing Palestinian property, but they have an explanation as to why Israel is doing it, then gotten into a debate, we would be having a different debate now. Unfortunately, we’re not having such a debate.


This renders the rest of Quin Hillyer’s article moot. If he wants to have a meaningful debate, he’ll have to shed his Jewish attitude, and start talking the way that human beings talk.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Democracy, a gift from Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?

 It’s been 135 years since the novel, “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” was published. If its author, Robert Louis Stevenson meant it to be a metaphor representing the human condition during his time, he should be laughing in his grave knowing that the metaphor has proven valid even now more than a century later.


It is that nowadays, there exists a creature which goes by the name United States of America (USA,) and tries to shove a medicine called “Democracy” down the throat of everyone America meets. There was a time when the people of Planet Earth thought of America as being a Dr. Jekyll going around healing the wounded and the destitute. But there came a time when most of the Planet began to see the American creature as a Mr. Hyde that tries to shove down the throats of people, not the real thing, but a poison that was concocted by a Yiddish speaking terrorist leader who called his poison: Za Damacracy of za Shamir.


If you want to know why the democracy that’s peddled by America these days, represents a system of governance that no longer exists in the American practice, you may read the article that came under the title: “Washington’s Democracy Dilemma,” and the subtitle: “Crafting a Democracy Strategy in an age of Great-Power Politics,” written by Frances Z. Brown and Thomas Carothers.” The article was published on July 23, 2021 in Foreign Affairs.


This is a well written, long article that should be read in its entirety. While referring to it once in a while, I shall take a different approach discussing the subject at hand, as I outline my point of view. What I see, are claims to three kinds of democratic systems. Here they are:


The first claim materialized when the Industrial Revolution entered its most callous phase. It was a time when the industrialists of Europe saw their peasant countrymen as disposable parts attached to their production machines. They also saw the inhabitants of the non-industrialized world, as beasts of burden, perhaps more useful than a donkey but no more useful than a horse. And they saw these people sitting on huges piles of natural resources that could not be theirs, and must therefore be relieved of them by force of arms if necessary.


When their own people revolted — the peasants as well as the skilled artisans who lost the competition to the production capacity of the machine — the rulers of the European countries started to make life more bearable for the common people by enacting socially oriented legislation. It was easy for them to do it because they did not have to rob the usual Peter to pay Paul. The Peter they robbed this time, were the foreigners that sat on natural resources they didn’t know what to do with, according to the industrialists of a bygone era.


A consequence of making life more bearable for the people, was the opening of the system of governance. Once this trend began in one jurisdiction, it was improved on and duplicated in other European jurisdictions. Step by step and over time, the system kept approaching what we know today as the Western European system of democratic governance.


The second claim to democracy materialized shortly after the European conquest of the “New Worlds” where the victors massacred the unarmed indigenous people and robbed them of their possessions. Now, having vast stretches of lands that can be turned into productive farms, and having inexhaustible amounts of natural resources that can be manufactured into products, the victors beckoned people from Europe to come and settle into a new life that was promising beyond any dream they could have.


Of the four victors that conquered the new worlds, France and Britain, pushed Spain and Portugal, out of what came to be called North America, sending them to Central and South America where they colonized the land there. When they were defeated in Europe as well, and their navies were sunk, their colonies in the Americas were left to hack it on their own. They have been doing just that ever since, at times running a democratic system of government; at other times running an autocratic system.


France and Britain continued to fight over the North American Continent. Britain won this war but then lost the USA part to rebels who called themselves “patriots.” They had British ancestry, to be sure, but felt no allegiance to a British monarch whom they felt was exploiting them without offering them a democratic form of representation.


Those patriots turned America into a Republic, drafting a Constitution that spelled out the democratic system of governance, which America is supposed to follow even today, but does not all the time, as pointed out in the Frances Brown and Thomas Carothers article. What happened, in fact, is that the American system was contaminated by the rise of the third claim to democracy. More about that in a moment.


If we can ignore the massacre, the looting and the system of slavery that was adopted by the Americans, we may say that for two centuries, America was able to follow a reasonably good system of democracy for the part of the population that was generally white. This was possible to achieve because the subsequent generations of whites, detached themselves from their ancestors. As well, the newly arrived immigrants detached themselves from the “old country” where they were born. And both detached themselves from the sins of their forefathers, concentrating instead on the future.


Now to the third claim to democracy, which materialized in Israel. It is a system of governance whose components are improvised, implemented, discarded and reimplemented to suit the political changes that occur elsewhere, mostly in America. The Israeli system started as a Marxist-Stalinist concoction, kept morphing into different things to finally become an extreme form of Likudist-Trumpist whatever. It is maintained afloat by the charity of American donations, both official and private, as well as the extorted money from foreign governments whom America blackmails into paying to Israel or be impeded.


The influence of Israel and its followers on America has, for all practical purposes, frozen out the instructions of the American Constitution, contaminating the culture and giving the people the democratic choice of praising the Jews or shutting up. When the Jews felt secure in the knowledge that they made this situation ironclad in America, they pushed the State Department and the White House into forcing onto the world, “za damacracy of za Shamir”.


This is why, every time that an American speaks of democracy to the world, people ask if that means a gift from Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

How the ultimate democracy is being waken up

 There was a time when America treated the Jews like everyone else. That is, it viewed them as just another group in a pool where all the elements were treated as equals in all societal settings, the way that all groups were treated as equals under the law.


The rabbis were not comfortable with this condition because to them, the natural state was for the Jews to occupy a supremacist position such as they had it in Europe before coming to America. That’s where societies were divided into classes, and the Jews had an easy time associating with the upper ones. But once they reach that high, the Jews did not stop there. They worked on normalizing the idea that there was something supremely different about them; something that cast them aside from even the other upper classes.


At first, the situation in America was such that the Jews lived their lives anyway they wanted. They were tolerated by others even though they chose to be visibly different from the norm. Thus, there was hardly any criticism leveled against them. To infuse into the American culture the notion that society need not be so democratic as to treat everyone equally, the rabbis began to work on normalizing the idea that some things cannot be equated even if they looked the same, let alone when they looked differently from each other. But despite their preaching this gospel, the rabbis were irritated by the fact that the Americans who tolerated them, saw fault in the way that Israel was conducting itself in the Middle East.


The reality at the time was that the mainstream media wrote about the stories coming out of Israel like they did all other stories. As well, the commentators offered uncensored opinions about Israel as freely as they did everyone else. But this is precisely what irritated the rabbis who felt that the American sense of democracy was denying them the chance to establish their superiority in America. They felt that as long as Israel was equated with others in the world, the Jews will be equated with others in America. And the rabbis decided to change all that. But how to do it?


The first thing that the rabbis did was to push back against the criticism of Israel by dismissing it as an attempt by the media to embarrass Israel. Parallel to that, they protested every insignificant criticism that was leveled against their own behavior, calling it a serious slander if not a blood libel. Seeing that this was having an effect at toning down criticism of Israel and themselves, the Jews escalated their push-back against even the minutest of criticisms with threats to sue. In time, they obtained what you might call, a complete radio silence with regard to matters that concern the bad behavior of Israel and the Jews.


Having succeeded so brilliantly, the Jews had in effect managed to impose the most authoritarian situation you can think of on a society that prides itself on being the most democratic in the history of the planet. However, the reality remains that whereas the laws of the land still say the Americans enjoy living a full democratic life, the truth is that, in some respect, speech in America is neither free nor democratic. Yes, things are beginning to change thanks to the awareness that the social media have infused into the culture, and the rebellion that is brewing among the ordinary people. It is that these people are beginning to see they have been electing treasonous charlatans who would kick them in the ass and run to kiss the Jewish ass. But that’s another discussion altogether.


What’s important at this time, is to use that backgrounder to parse the content of an article that cannot be ignored. It came under the title: “New Book Shows Top US General Comparing Trump Supporters To Nazis Seeking A ‘Coup,’” and the subtitle: “Anyone who looked at the events of 2020 and projected a coup attempt onto Donald Trump has no place in a Dairy Queen serving Blizzards, let alone senior government leadership.” The article was written by Gabe Kaminsky, and published on July 19, 2021 in The Federalist.


The following is a condensed version of the pertinent passages in Kaminsky’s article:


“Gen, Mark Milley, who is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reportedly told his aides, ‘This [January 6 insurrection] is a Reichstag moment. The gospel of the Führer.’ Yes, this is Milley juxtaposing elected oversight of the US military with the government of Adolf Hitler. What sound military leadership and strategic guidance can a general provide if he has determined that the president of the United States is comparable to a dictator? January 6 was not an insurrection, nor a coup. The Capitol breach was a riot perpetrated by a small minority of a large crowd of mostly peaceful demonstrators. Milley characterizing the event as he did, he once again compared his fellow countrymen to Nazis. He said, ‘Here’s the deal guys: These guys are Nazis.’ These are the same people we fought in World War II. We’re going to put a ring of steel around this city and the Nazis aren’t getting in.’”


Thus, what happened on January 6, 2021 in and around the Capitol, is a clear indication that belies the notion which asserts that America’s democracy is the impenetrable shield that protects the Republic from any authoritarian attempt to take it over. The truth, however, is that the Jews have cracked that shield, allowing the would-be Nazis to practice penetrating the impenetrable.


They failed this time to go all the way, but the dry run they effectuated was a convincing enough dress rehearsal to whisper in the ear of every American: Don’t be so sure.

Friday, July 23, 2021

How paranoia is used to hypnotize the foolish

 There is something paranoic about observing that China is building its defenses, and concluding that China is going to “attack us.” This is the latest cry you hear emanating from the echo chamber of America’s warmongers.


These are the characters whose job is to work on hypnotizing the duly elected fifth columnists of the Congress who would be out looking for the highest bidders to their congressional services, instead of spending their time governing the country for the benefit of those who elected them.


You can see how these traitors are Svengalied into succumbing to the hypnotic suggestion of the echo chamber’s lobbyists by reading an article that came under the title: “China is going to attack U.S. and its allies soon,” and the subtitle: “Gen. Mark Milley is naïve in this threat assumptions.” The article was written by Brandon J. Weichert, and published on July 21, 2021 in The Washington Times.


Despite the fact that Brandon Weichert admits to the following: “If a war between China and the United States ever erupted, it would be fought mainly at sea, in waters closer to China than the United States,” which means that if anyone has the intention to provoke a war, it would be the United States — he goes on to describe China as the one that’s preparing to attack America and its allies.


Given that Brandon Weichert could not avoid being contradictory while making his presentation, he compensated for the resulting loss of credibility by resorting to the hypnotic techniques that proved to work on the feeble-minded members of Congress who ultimately decide on funding the military buildup that lobbyists are advocating. Here is how Weichert started to make his pitch to that end:


“China’s navy has been engaged in a shipbuilding spree, specifically of their submarines, aircraft carriers, amphibious assault ships, so much so that one Chinese official described it as akin to ‘dropping dumplings in water’” … In the United States, however, the US Navy’s shipbuilding has remained stagnant”.


Having dismayed the audience by making a preliminary gloomy pitch, the writer went on to bludgeon the audience, then quickly made his recommendation. Here is how he did that:


“America’s aircraft carriers are expensive to build and maintain. They are also susceptible to weapons systems of the kind that China has peppered the regions nearest their shores with. China fields weapons and tracking systems that could allow them to sink American aircraft carriers before they could get near enough to China’s shores to be a real threat. The cost and time it takes to build these leviathans of war means that putting them at risk is a dangerous proposition. If lost in battle before they can attack the enemy, their loss will create a gap at a critical time for the US Navy. The submarine will be the primary weapon for the Americans in the Indo-Pacific. Yet, the United States has not invested in building more submarines. And the current fleet of subs is insufficient for China’s challenge”.


Knowing that the audience will ask how come no one has seen this reality, and done something about it before it was too late, and America lost the war to China without firing a single bullet, the author gave an explanation that should be even more terrifying to an American audience than seeing the uncertain state of the American navy. Here, in condensed form is how Brandon Weichert did that:


“Rather than address this glaring vulnerability, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley told the House Armed Services Committee that China would not have the capability to invade Taiwan before 2027. More dangerously, Gen. Milley asserted that a Chinese attack on Taiwan in the next 18 to 24 months would be technically complex. Given how far China has come in such a short time, one has to wonder what Gen. Milley and the Pentagon are thinking with this assessment?”


To make certain that these ideas will stick in the minds of the audience, Brandon Weichert thought it prudent to cite a historical example that will buttress his argument. Here is what he did:


“Few in Washington believed Japan could mount a serious challenge to the United States Armed Forces. No one believed Pearl Harbor was at risk because launching such an attack on Hawaii was too complex for the Japanese. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese Empire proved all the naysayers wrong”.


If this thing begins to sound unreal to you, it’s because it is. So, you expect Weichert to shed some light on what’s behind it all, and he does. You now see it clearly; this thing is political from head to toe, and here is its true color:


“Gen. Milley should put his Critical Race Theory [CRT] books down. Just because China was an agrarian backwater does not mean it is that today. China has rapidly evolved into a highly innovative, potent, and dynamic force that seeks to challenge America’s status as the world’s dominant power. President Xi Jinping told his people that he would bash America’s skull against the Great Wall”.


It is

“At a time when China is throwing vast sums of money at enabling their forces to challenge the US military, the American defense budget remains flat. The money that’s there is misallocated into systems, like the aircraft carrier that may not be effective. Biden and his military leaders have yet to show they fully understand China’s threat. With its growing power and wealth, China is more likely to strike against the US and its allies sooner than 2027”.


By now, the feeble-minded members of Congress who ultimately decide on funding the military buildup and other things, will be hypnotized into a deep somnambulist state. They will have no power of thinking and no free will, but they’ll act like a puppet that’s pulled by the strings of the puppeteer.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

The UN took vicious hits and survived them all

 Unlike the League of Nations that crumbled when Japan, a founding member, withdrew from it, the United Nations (UN) felt it stood on solid enough grounds to call America’s bluff that used to threaten withdrawing entirely from the world organization.


That kind of talk circulated for a while in the 1960s when the Jews who made up a good part of the American delegation at the UN, expressed dissatisfaction at the world body for taking the side of the Arab countries following the Israeli attack on them. Some delegations even made plans to move from New York to Geneva where the new UN headquarter would have relocated.


When this did not happen, the Jews started a ritual of daily attacks against the UN, seldom speaking in their name alone, but always embroiling the United States in their schemes to give force to their otherwise empty threats. The approach they adopted was to pretend that the thousands of institutions which make up the 200 or so member nations of the UN, were run with perfect efficiency and precision at home, but when the delegations came to the UN, they instantly became incompetent and corrupt, even criminal.


This Jewish approach has not changed over the decades, and you can see a recent example of it in an article that came under the title: “Problems with world peacekeeping,” and the subtitle: “UN does it incompetently, corruptly, and criminally.” It was written by Clifford D. May, and published on July 20, 2021 in The Washington Times.


Let’s begin this discussion by setting a perspective we can all agree on. It is that we cannot expect the UN to be better than the most perfect of its members when it comes to being competent, free of corruption and criminal behavior. So we ask: Who do the Jews and Americans say, is the most perfect nation in the world? They say it is America, and we say, so be it. Now we ask, what it is about America that we cannot ask the UN to outshine? Here is a short list of what’s wrong with America:


Rape in the American military and the big corporations, especially the media and entertainment industries run by the Epsteins and Weinsteins, is rampant and out of control. Believing that they can trust their government, people and their children drink water from toxic rivers that the governors know about but do nothing to fix the problem. More than 100,000 die every year from known cases of suicide, murder and drug overdose. Mass shootings are almost a daily occurrence in America. American soldiers stationed overseas, especially Japan, have the habit of raping the local girls. And the list goes on.


If you have this much misery in the best of countries, imagine how much misery there will be in the 200 or so countries that make up the United Nations. And there is this dude, Clifford May, whom you see complain, apparently with a straight face, that the UN is not fixing all of these problems, which it should be able to do, he seems to say, by simply snaping its fingers. Who is he kidding? Does he believe we are all mentally screwed up American politicos?


Disregarding the juvenile behavior that has gripped the American intelligentsia since it was infused with the Jewish culture half a century ago, there came moments in the life of the United Nations when serious people from serious countries tried and succeeded to improve on the operations of the UN. They did so well, in fact, that the Jews in the American governing apparatus became alarmed. These dudes started to sabotage what the UN had achieved in terms of house cleaning.


One such moment came about when Boutros Ghali was elected Secretary General of the United Nations. His background in the bureaucracy of the Egyptian government equipped him well to work on improving the operations of the UN bureaucracy. The best example that can be given to demonstrate the ability of Egyptians to do well when called upon to mediate, is to look at what Egypt has accomplished recently on the world stage.


Egypt brokered a ceasefire between the Gazans and the Israelis. It helped stabilize South Sudan when the latter was descending into a civil war after its independence. Egypt also brought the warring factions in Libya to stop fighting, and talk to each other, thus pave the way for a reconciliation that will see peace become permanent in that country. Lebanon has also sought Egypt’s mediation to help it solve its problems, and Egypt has promised to do all it can. Egypt joined hands with Jordan and Iraq to work on a plan that will attempt to solve the Levant problems caused by the invasion of Iraq. Other than that, Egypt has resolved the differences it has had with Turkey and Qatar.


This is the culture from which Boutros Ghali had come. He did well at fixing whatever little deficiencies were in the way of the UN becoming the best that it could. So, guess what happened? The Jews dipped their hand into the filthier than filth cesspool of murderous uselessness known as the US Congress, and fished out a senator that had tons of skeletons in his closet.


They told him to marshal all of America’s powers, and work on denying Boutros Ghali his reelection to the post of UN Secretary General, or they’ll crack open his closet and let the world see the skeletons in it. The senator did as ordered, and the UN was deprived of the man who would have turned the UN’s work from very good to excellent. This is the Jewish performance that Clifford May wants to see repeated till the UN crumbles the way that the League of Nations did before it.


But the UN is here now. It is doing a good job. It will continue to do so as long as the Jewish bark does not transform into a deadly bite.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Using a bizarre Logic to express weird Ideas

 In theory, there are many ways to run a country. In practice, the constraints on a country allows it only a handful of viable choices. When it comes to a specific action, the choice is further reduced to one of two possibilities: act and live with the consequences you have caused, or refrain from acting and live with consequences you had nothing to do with.


You can follow the thread of history from the First World War to the Iran Nuclear Deal of 2015, and see that it was a century of actions that led to consequences that led to new actions and new consequences, and so on. You might start your investigation with the treaty of Versailles that was meant to humiliate Germany and cripple its economy to make sure that it will never be in a position to challenge the two colonial powers of the day, France and Britain.


Instead of getting their wish, what France and Britain got as a consequence, was the rise of Nazism in Germany. This brought Hitler to power, a man determined to do the opposite of what the Versailles Treaty intended to accomplish. He turned Germany into a first rate economic and military power by encouraging the ingenuity, discipline and industry of the German people.


In addition, Hitler was on the verge of producing the atom bomb when the Americans got wind that this kind of work was done in Germany. It prompted America to rush and produce the bomb before Germany, but used it eventually against Japan. Shortly after the war, when Churchill convinced America to antagonize the Soviet Union, the latter had no choice but to counter America by producing its own bomb. This convinced China it must have its bomb to deter the Soviets who might have aggressive ideas concerning China. This, in turn, convinced India that it must have the bomb to deter China. And this is what prompted Pakistan to produce the bomb, supposedly to deter India.


And then, motivated by the weirdest kind of logic the human brain has ever devised, the Jews of Israel started dilly dallying with two ideas they plucked from the cesspool where rotten ideas go to die and be buried. One idea was to propagate the notion that Israel may or may not have the bomb, which it may or may not use as a first strike, or use only if bombed by someone, or maybe not use at all even if Israel were reduced to a heap of smoldering ash.


The other idea has it that Shiite Iran, may or may not want to deter Sunni Pakistan, thus may decide or may not to produce the atom bomb that Iraq was proven not to have after America bombed it to the Stone Age with exploding devices that were not atomic. And because Iran may someday have the bomb, it will want to bomb Israel, not with an atomic device, but with regular bombs like those delivered by aircraft or by rocket launchers.


If you, my friend, think this is weird, you’ll get an even weirder feeling reading what Abraham H. Miller has to say on that subject. He is what they call a distinguished fellow at the Haym Salomon Center, and he wrote an article that came under the title: “An Iran deal, again, with equally bad consequences,” published on July 19, 2021 in The Washington Examiner.


Here, in condensed form, is what Abraham Miller has said:


“When it came to the Middle East, President Obama concluded that it was a quagmire into which American blood and treasure would flow. His solution was to create a power that would provide stability to the region and remove the need for American intervention. He chose Iran. The Iran nuclear deal was about releasing sanctions funds that would rebuild Iran and facilitate its quest for a Shia crescent from the Tigris Euphrates Valley to the Mediterranean. Obama knew that the American people have little interest in events that take place across the oceans. While the international inspectors found that Iran had followed the deal, it was not in compliance with limitations on missile development. But Iran was always going to have a bomb. The issue was never if, but when. The reality is that an Iranian bomb is inevitable. It is designed for one country, Israel. As well, to many in Europe and the United States, the elimination of the Jewish state would solve a series of problems. So why does Iran want a bomb? Iran seeks to overrun Israel by conventional warfare and checkmate Israel's use of nuclear weapons”.


So, there you have it. Speaking in the name of Jewish Central, Abraham Miller is saying that the talks concerning the Iran nuclear deal did not come about because there was fear that Iran may produce the bomb, but because former President Barack Obama wanted Iran to get back its own money so that it can grow its economy and become a force for good in the Middle East, a role that America failed to play despite all the blood and money that were sacrificed toward that end.


Personally, however, Miller always believed that Iran wanted the bomb, and will have it one way or the other, come hell or high water. He says he knows why Iran wants the bomb. He explains, it is not to use against Israel, but to fulfill the wish of the Europeans and the Americans who wish to solve all of their problems by seeing to it that Israel is eliminated.


But how will this be done without exploding a bomb over Israel like the Americans did to Hiroshima? Miller responds that Iran and its proxies will overwhelm Israel using conventional weapons while deterring Israel from using its imaginary Jewish nuclear bomb by threatening it with its own Shiite nuclear bomb.


Weird, isn’t it?